Gopika geetham english pdf

Continue GOPIKA GEETHAM Thanmanaska: tadaalaapa: tadvichestaas tadaatmikaa: Thatgunaaneva gayanthya nathmagaraani sasmaru: ! Pune: pulinam aagathya kaalindhya: Bhavana: Samaveda yagu: Krishna tadaagamana kaankshita:!! The Gopi - whose mind was set only on Lord Krishna, who spoke only of Him, who acted among themselves as if they were their Lord himself and thus became the Lord himself - sang the praise of his Lord and forgot the whole world around them (as their entire universe became only Lord Krishna himself) returned to Yamuna Teerm again fully swept in Bhavan by their Lord and united, to co-tell gopi, who were born to serve the Lord, have nothing new in their formation than manaska: or tadalapaa: - in fact, they show us a way to go on the invincible path of Devotion to His Feet of Lotus by their words and deeds. In Bhakti Sutra, Sage Narada himself says: Yataa Vraja Gopika: So to speak, no one can match or equal the level of devotion, which is humanely impossible, like that of Gopis. Thus, Gopis teaches us Prema Bhakti - how to step and be successful in our daily lives. Jayathi Tedhikam , Janman vraja: Srayata Indira, Savadatrahi, Dhaiita, Drusyat Dykshu Tawaka: Thwai drutasawa: thwaam vichinwathe. 1 Gopis said: This is Vruj Bhoom our land, Oh Krishna! Always been rich, as you know, for Lakshmi here, because of your birth, (after your birth here this land has become Vasasthala goddess Mahalakshmi or say, became the residence - 2- Devi yourself, who just followed in your footsteps and settled here with us) When all the people are happy, We Gopis, who love you, look for you in all places, so happy to come to us! Dear Krishna! Ps: Where the Lord lives there you can see the presence of the goddess Mahalakshmi - although the true devotees of the Lord were poor outwardly they were rich in their mental poise and aroma. The whole Gopika Gitam is in Indira Wruthtam / meter and therefore Indira the Goddess of Wealth after the feet of the steps of the Lord descended to Vraja Bhoom and thus he became radiant with a rich brilliance on every corner of the holy land. It was only through the presence of Lord Krishna that this holy land gained name and glory. VRAJA means that whoever lives in the holy thought of the Lord they JANAMANA VRAJA it has become more sacred to your birth ADHIKAM JAYATHI has become more famous by your birth and deeds to follow thereafter. SHASWATH ATHRA HEE INDIRA SHRAYATA Goddess Mahalakshmi after your steps decided to reside here constantly knowing the greatness of devotion that Vraja Niwasees have upon you. We Gopis have always been on the look of you at all THAVAKA: The meaning we have below is that you are just from here searching for a loved one who has consciously disappeared to see their plight and the depth of their devotion. THWAAM VICHINVATHE We always think of you only for the people you cast us and disappeared, you probably became cruel without soaking up the holy and gentle nature of your mother's yashd. Saradudashaye garden jata sat lashi jodhara srimush druchsa, Surata Nadha, they are a joke daasika: Varada! nignadho aneha kim wadha: 2 o krishna! With your charming eyes that can win, as if a glitter inside a lotus flower, in a clear pond, in the spring season, you (our favorite lover) kill us-gopies - who are your basest maids, (unpaid servants) about the king of love, please remember this O benefactor of all! You don't think it's murder. PS: Lord Chisin's Lotus-like eyes (as if they were a full-blown lotus in the spring season in a pond bestowed with the edge of the water) are a favorite for our hearts and thus kill us - your favorite, which is a cool bloody murder! Full of blossomed Lotus as the eyes of the Lord should please gopis instead it is piercing them and -3-hurts them because of your disappearance among them. Oh Giver Boons it's not fair. This stanza refers to the Gopi of tamasic nature, who curses the Lord for his act and openly criticizes him for doing the same. You are the benefactor of all - who are able to give something to their devotees on the moustache - if that is true, why don't you give us your darshan and kill us as a result of your disappearance. Visha jilapayaat Vyavla Raakshasat, Varsha Maruthad Vaidhuta Anlat, Vusha pendulummajat Visata Bhait Ruushabh, they waiam rakshita fly: 3O Krishna! We have been saved by you many times; from the poisonous fumes of King Kaling's snake, from the storm, the thunder and the rain, from Asura, who came as a bull, from Vyoma (son of Maya)PS: How can we forget that you were the protector really from many great fears and dangers (the real fear and danger of your separation, which please provide us who you know very much)... In many cases you have been kind enough to protect us from various evils and incidents - once from the poisoned water of Kaling Madu, removing Kalinga and the family from there; in other cases from a snake that appeared with his mouth open -- thinking it was a cave of the whole Gopas and the herd came in and fainted, and only by your mercy did they come back to life; another case of the wrath of Indra, who ordered a heavy downpour - the unprecedented and unknown Vraja Bhoomi, and you saved the whole Ofkulam by raising Govardhan Giri himself for seven days with you little finger; again from a forest fire in one case and in many cases from the wrath of the asuras who constantly attack you - O Bull King of this land, as can forget you who were inclined to provide protection in all these difficult times of ours. (This is the most difficult time in our lives that your disappearance cannot be tolerated, please come back to us soon). Na khalu gopikaa nandano bhavaan, Akhila dehinam antharathma drugh, Vikhana saarthitho viswa gupthaye, Sakha udeyivaan saawatthham kule 4 -4- You are not a child of Gopis, you are the soul of all beings, at the request of Lord Brahma, you appeared in our clan; to save the world, Lord, who is our friend. (you are our friend); PS: The world thinks you are the son of Nandan and Yashodha, but you all permeate - the soul of all living beings - at the request of Lord Brahmma you appeared among us, taking birth in our Kula and thus gave us a glory and a name that we can never dream of and made Sathvatha Kula blessed one by birth and was the best friend of our lives. Being Antaryamin throughout the universe you better know how we feel your absence, please soon and give us the benefit of your grance and greatness about your presence. Virachitha bhayam vrushni dhurya, they, Charana meeyushaam samsrther bhayaath, Cara sarorum, canta, kaamadham, Shirasi dehi na: Sree cara graham. 5 For those who are afraid of this life, O Krishna! for those who are looking for protection of your lotus feet, you provide them with protection, and you give them everything they ask (desire) to ask you to put your hand - which is like a lotus on our head - Oh, darling!PS: All those who are really afraid of this earthly life in this world of those who take refuge in them lotus feet you giver all the benefits that are sought from you; it is a universal truth; If so, why don't you give us one good - by placing the lotus like a hand on our head (which boils with pairs of love your separation). Do you know how we feel your absence when you go out to graze and the herd you lead on? Until you get back in the evening while our eyes are fed with your grace we were only a machine like doing work without any involvement and we get our lives back just by seeing you. Please feel our pain and help us by giving your hasta deeksha very soon (give us gadaalingana very soon and remove the pain soon). Vruja janaarthihan, veera yoshithaam, Nijaanasmaya dwamsasmitha, bhaja sahae bhavat kimkareesma no Jalaruhananam chaaru darshaya. 6 -5-O Krishna, You destroy the sorrows of those who live in Vrud, you are a great hero, with your captivating smile, destroys the pride of your own people; Please oblige us, your slaves, Oh friend! and show us your lotus as a face. PS: Oh my God! This bhumi was blessed with your birth, which completely destroyed the sorrows of the people here with your captivating smile and your incomparable work; Oh friend! We, your servants, are your slaves who are constantly begging to give us your Darshan; a glimpse of your Lotus as a face again, please! The whole world praises you as someone who seeks to eliminate the pain and hardships of this land, if so, that we are your kinkarees (servants and vraja vassees) have every right to claim for the benefit of your presence. Why don't you consider our sincere prayers and give us our cherished good for your presence in the near future? Pranata dehinam, Papa Karshanam, Trun Charanugam, Nickeltanam, Fani fanarpitam, they padaambujam, Krunu kushashi on: crundi grunt.7O Krishna! You who destroy the sins of those who bow before you, Please hold these feet of your lotus, which accompanies the cows, which is a warehouse of beauty, and which danced on the head of the snake, Lord! on our beautiful breasts, and satisfy our passion for you; PS: Those who pay your worship to your lotus feet you make this vow to cleanse them of their sins. Lord, the warehouse of grace and grandeur accompanying the cow herds and the dancer on the bonnet of the Snake, such a graceful lotus as the feet fit to be on the chest of our beautiful breasts as they will receive the grace of your feet that have wandered all day together, for which we now put on unspeakable suffering and warmed us. Cows that follow in your footsteps in Vrinda Van for grazing often get the chance to lick the lotus like your feet, and also get a sparsha bitch dashing you often from the back, and you also stand so as if leaning on them removes itch (cows often get their itch removed constantly dashing their bodies on stones designed for this purpose (chori kambam kept in villages) and these cows have been blessed with their most blessed and you were also very happy to oblige the hem. If cows can get their purpose served just by following in your footsteps, why don't your servants get a chance to keep their feet on their chests and hug them to give you some relief, and get some relief that our souls have been drowning. -6-Madhuraya gyra, valgu wahaya, Budha manognaya, pushare kshan, Vidi carierima, vira, fly-mochi, radar-seeded pajaswa on. 8Oh Friend with a lotus eye, words that fall out of your mouth, which made wise turn into ecstasy, attracted us a lot, one with Lotus as eyes, Oh friend, you are our hero, feed us nectar from your lips, and give us our life again, please. PS: - The sweet words of the Lord upon hearing that even the wisest man in the world would go to estacy was a source of attraction to us. Oh, the bravest, please shower us grant adharamrutham very soon and bless us. Your sweet way of speaking was the appeal of the world by ear, which even the wise was very happy if it is so we Gopis who have no knowledge and who are most illiterate can also cherish how wise Lord, please give us a sweet To us. DHARATHI ITI DHARA - what carries us, known as Bhumi or Dhara - NO DHARATHI IT ADHARA - what does not carry us, known as Adhara, ie the grace of Lord Gopis, is not intended for the birth of above, so Adhara. Dharayaa: amirutham is a nectar given to the holy land - DHARAMRUTHAM is widely known as the kiss that the Lord gives to the chosen - but it is actually his act of giving them the benefit of not being born in this world and reach GOLOKHA for nitya kainkarya. It's actually ADHARAMURTHAM. Tawa kadamrutham, taft jeevanam, Kavebhheereeditham kalmashapaham, Sravanamangalam sree madhathatha, bhouwi grunwanthi, they booritha jan. 9 The nectar of your story, O Krishna, is the antidote to all the suffering in the world, He is singed by very wise people who solve all their problems, and he blesses all that is good, And those greats who can tell their story in detail, are truly blessed of them, PS: - The world is full of sadness and salvation of all such sorrows to hear the holy story of the Lord; it's done wisest (the chosen one was actually blessed - either spend his time reading sacred texts or talking about His deeds, if there are no one to hear His stories they continue to read sacred texts or read your stories if there are others to hear the same Oh!, what past time they have). In this -7-way Gopits teach us how to step on the holy path of devotion to Lord Krishna and how to make better us available time in Sathsang only. Prahasitam Priya, Prema veekshanam, Viharanam cha i dhyana mangalam, Rahashi samvidho, i hrudhi sparsa, Kuhaka, no mana kshobhayanthi he. 10Your view of love, O Krishna, gives us pleasure, O Sweet Heart, Your playfulness towards us, your secret gestures, Turn our thoughts into ecstasy, and turns our mind wildly, O Deceiver! PS: - Oh My God, your view is the nectar of our lives, and all your deeds, full of preludes and games, and your gestures of secret nature give us the ecstasy of our lives and help us to focus internally. Apanga Vekshanam lord is a gifter of the benefits of loved ones for which they are indebted for the rest of their lives. Chalasi yadi vrujaath charayan pasoon, Nalina sundaram, nata i padam, shila thrunangurai: seedhatheethi, na: Kalilatam Mana: kantha gachathi. 11 When you accompany the cattle of Vrudia, O Krishna, your lotus legs, which are beautiful and delicate, treads on stones and spikes, and gives you great pain, and it makes our mind restless and troubled. PS: - The moment you leave for the day to graze cowherd is the moment our heart stops its function and restores its life back only after seeing you back in the evening after your debt. All day across you wandered here and there often on spikes and stones and your thin -- mrudu like legs -- put on untold difficulties -- very thought of which puts us in pain. Dinaparekshaye Nila Kuntalai: Vanaruhananam bhibrad aavruthham, Ganarajaswalam Darsayan fly: Manashi na smaram vir yahasi. 12 -8-To check poor people like us, Oh Krishna, you come with a cloud like hair, While out of the woods, and the face is covered in dust, seeing you as that our minds become darkly passionate, but you do not bother about us. PS: Everything that has to do with the Lord is beauty; even the dust of cows that sits on the Lord's face adds to his beauty, especially when he returns in the evening among the cow herd. This drushya adds fuel to the fire and increases the pain of your separation. Pranadha kaamadham padmajarchidham, Dharani mandanam dhyeyamapadhi, Charana pankajam santhamam cha i, ramana nasthaneshu arpayadhihan. 13Plaise to keep your lotus as feet, Oh dear, which provides all the desires of devotees who worships Lord Brahma, ,What is a decoration for the world, which must worship in times of danger, and which provides pleasure, even when it is served, on our breasts dearly and tenderly. PS:- Falla sparsha of the Lord is a panacea for all the suffering of Gopi and give them all their desires; very holy feet worship Brahma and the same Jewel of the Universe and worshipped if necessary devotees and provides pleasure from his connection with our bosses; i.e. the right place to keep them in custody is ours. If the feet of the gentleman are allowed to roam on his own he will go even in Satyaloka or other similar places and should be protected as this benefactor of all the good things sought, keeping them safely tight to our chest. Surata Wardhanam, Soka Nashan, Swarita Venuna, Sushtu Chumbitham, Itra Ragaga vmaaranam nrunam, Vitara Vira na: they are adharamruthham. 14On heroic, Please give us, O Krishna, the nectar of your lips, which increases the passion that destroys sadness.. Who uses it on your flute. And that puts an end, from other toks in men. -9-Atathi yath bhavan annh kananam Thrutiryu gayathe thwamapasyatham, Kutila kunthalam, Sri mukham cha they, Jada udeekshatham, pakshma krudrusham. 15Your go into the woods, in the daytime, makes us feel that every second, like the never ending eyelid, and seeing you back, through your flowing frontal curls, makes us feel that Lord Brahma is a very slow witty one. PS: - In the daytime you wander in the woods with a herd and friends follow you, we are your followers, feel that every second that we spend here in your absence, like the endless south and only seeing you back with a chimney in your mouth and sweet streaming music from lotus as your lips fills our heart nectar - the nectar that gives life back to our bodies with our souls as soon as you Back. In this stanza, Gopi teaches us that sadhaka or a true bakta should have longing, as if his breath stops if Pratyakshanubwa does not happen in the next second. Swami Ramakishna explained this to the devotee when he asked Maharaj how he wanted the goddess Kaali Ma and how he felt about it. The Maharaj guru took him to the Holy Ganges and asked him to swim and keep him in the water for a few minutes, and the disciple began to suffocate. Finally, when he got out of the water, he asked the pupil how he felt - he had no words to explain, other than to say that he had been suffocating for a very long time. Such must be the true intention and longing expected of Sadak or the true devotee. as explained in this verse. Pati sutanwaya braru bandhawan athi vilangiatenhaachyutaga, Gathi vidasthaveth geetha mohitha:Kitava, yoshitha ka sthyajen nishi 16 We left our husbands and son, O Achyutha, As well as our families and brothers, And approached you, you who know even the path of the dead, neglected us at night, Who came attracted by your song, Ochik the deception. PS: - Here gops make sure that the Lord that they have come to beckon the Lord leaving aside his family members for the sake of His O Achuta (the one who is known for not leaving those who believe in him) keep this in mind that we came into this dark part of the night only by your call and how we can neglect after being called your gestures and secret call. Such a cruel joke should never play on us. -10-Rahashi samvidam hruchayodhayam, Prahashi Tananam prema veekshanam, Bruha dura sreeyo, veekshya dhama they, Muhurathi spruha, muhyathey mana:17Your secret views, O Krishna, your face that increases passion, With always quite a smile, your look with love, your broad chest, where Lakshmi lives, makes us long reach you, and our mind also gets fascinated, PS:- Oh, my God, you very secret looks and gestures make us in high spirits and your smile reinforces our uncontrollable passion for you so that your broad chest - the residence of the goddess Mahalakshmi - is embraced by us. Vasastaanam Lakshmi - the home of the Goddess - belongs to His devotees, to whom they have been for so long. Wrujava noukasam vyakthi ranga they, Vrajina hanthryalam viswa mangalam, Thyaja manak cha na:thwath spruhartam, Swajana hrudrujam, yanishudhanam. 18Yy, who are a friend of the people of Vrudia, O Krishna, are able to destroy all their sins, And also you do good throughout the universe, So give us this medicine to cure our sick heart, us who are in love with you. PS:- Oh Krishna! You are a friend of the Vrudyavas and are capable of destroying those who are devoted to you, and you have been the benefactor of the entire universe; If so, how can you neglect us; give us good treatment of pain in our hearts - those who seek you forever. If the Lord can cure the pain of the entire universe, why don't we be a true lover of your lotus feet by giving us a lot of cherished desire to have an alliance with you.-11-Yathe sujatha charanamburuham sthaneshu, Bheetha sanai: priya dadimahi karkaseshu, Thenataveem atasi thadwyada thena kimswith. Koorpathibhi:bramathi dhee: bhavadhayusham na:19 We keep your lotus as gentle feet, Oh, dear, very gently on our very tight breasts, with great care so they do not hurt, But you travel with these gentle feet, in the woods above the sharp spikes and stones, and think of the pain these feet will suffer, the brain of ours that gave our lives to you, and worried.PS A: Lord, we intend to keep your lotus feet on our hard chests, so that they take care and get rid of the pain, and give us the benefit to get relief from the pain of your separation as they all roamed together in the sun in spikes and stones, and really thought about their pain boils our brain and make us worry. The best resting place for the Lord's ever-wandering feet is to keep them tact - in a castle on Gopis's chest - in a castle closer to your heart. Sri Shuka Uvaca: Ichi gopia pragayanthya:Pralapenha chitradha, Rurudhu: Susvaram Rajan, Krishna Darshan Lalas: 20Sage Shuka said: O king, thus, sing, gopi with great desire and crying voice, in quite a tone and in a few respects, and then they cried in the aloud. PS: - The more devotion or what is an alliance with the Lord, the more will pain their hearts then time for it. It is a state of mind that Sadaka or a true devotee should aspire to him. Ashra, Kampa, Pramodham, etc. are the signs that occur on the body of the sadak or true devotee, which is explained here as Gopis -12-Thasaamavira bhochowri:Smayamana mukhambuja:Peethambaradhara sragweeSaakhanmanmadha:21Then appeared before them Lord Krishna, wearing yellow silk, wearing several garlands, and with a smile on his face, who is able to make a god. PS: - The intention of the Gopis for the union with the Lord, the currents of the Gopis were so cruel that there was a situation that they could not bear separation anymore and the Lord, who was completely content with his true devotion appeared out of nowhere wearing ever shiny golden slick, wearing some wonderful fragrant gaRlands, with a face full of smiles as it would never have been, as if to prove that he was Cupid's father himself. At the beginning of the gopika Gitatm himself Sri Sukdhevji noted that PRASHAMAAYA PRASHAANTHAYA THATRAIVA ANTARADEEYATA, i.e. in order to correct his true devotees - GOPIS - the Lord disappeared there himself so that he could see how they behave in despair and how intense their love for Him. Nwo heard their hue and cry he could not remain in silence, hence appeared as a full lotus bloom with a bright golden silk cloth as his outfit added with him some fragrant floral garlands and all bright shiny faces full of joy and grandeur in order to please Gopis longing for his Darshan. THEN STARTED RASA MAHOTSAV, a pleasant sight for the entire universe, all Sidda, Charan, Gandarwa, Moonee Ganas have done the assemblage in the sky to witness the Race of the Gods with GOPIS. -13-Tham vilokhyaagatham presttam preethyutpulla drushobhala:Uttasthu: yugapath sarvaa: tanva: tanva: praanamiva agatha:Krishnasya mukha lavanya sudhaam nayana bhaajanai:Aapeeya aapeeya naatrupyan santha: thaccharana as their beloved eyes of The Gopis lit up with glee, stood up as if their bodies had been refreshed by the prana, and they seemed to have swallowed their beloved with their glimpses and embraced him with all his heart and fell to his feet. All the while the gopis wept in the longevity of their separation from their Lord and saw that they had risen as if their lives had re-entered their bodies and bright with the presence of their loved one they began to feel it and fell to their feet. THEN STARTED RASOTSAVA, which has never been heard before and witnessed all the gods, who were lucky enough to have an idea of the same and showered the Lord with heavenly flowers and danced from there with all the types of instruments that they could probably get a hand in FLOWERS, FRAGRANCE, GRACE, GRANDIEUR COMPASSION, LOVE AND EVERLASTING PREMA took the form of RASA and at UTSAVA who followed all the Gopies could see one Krishna next to them and did whatever they wanted with him. Lord Shiva and Parvatia, Brammaji from Saraswathi and many other gods with Rischis enjoyed DANCE souths and stood by the Lord, who rested The Cupid with his dance with Radha and Gopis, who showed a strong love for Him. It's not that one night alone The Race celebrated, but all the nights that followed. This is NITHYA RASA UTSAVA and every true devotee should pray to the Goddess Radha Devi, saying: SAMYOJAYA MAAM RADHE THAVA RASA LEELAYAM O Devi, please allow us to participate in your Lila Race and let us be the recipient of your Grace to serve the Lord in any way possible so that he can wish us to be worthy of it. The message of Gopika Geetham, HOW TO UNDER:-BE SIMPLE AND HUMBLE IN YOUR DAILY LIFE / ALWAYS REMEMBER THE GRACE THAT HE SHOWERED ON THE US AT ALWAYS A MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE/ALWAYS REMEMBER HIS NAME CONSTANTLY AND SPEND YOUR VALUABLE TIME WITH ONLY TRUE KRISHNA BAKTAS (ALWAYS THOSE WHO CAN SHARE THE THOUGHTS OF THE FAMOUS SOULS OF KRISHNA CONSCINOUSNESS) AND AVOID INTRUDERS ON YOUR HOLY PATH (THEY ARE ACTUAL THIEVES - THIEVES WHO STEAL YOUR TIME TO STAY) IN YOUR LIPS AND FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR HEART / LET THE FLOWERS OF BAKTI - THE SCENT OF DEVOTION - BLOOM AND REACH THE ETERNAL LOTUS FEET OF THE LORD / NEVER GIVE UP YOUR SADHANA AT ANY GIVEN TIME IN YOUR LIFE, EVEN AFTER ACHIEVING THIS GOAL, IE A GLIMMER OF GOD (E.E. PUNDARIKA, WHO CONTINUED TO SERVE HIS PARENTS WHILE GUARAKADIPATI AND HIS CONCERT WERE WAITING TO GIVE DARSHAN HIM ON HIS STEP DOOR) SIMILARLY EVEN AFTER ACHIVING SADHIA SADHAN SHOULD NOT BE SURRENDERED AT ALL COSTS; LIKE SADAK, AS HE RISES IN HIS SPIRITUAL LADDER GETS A NAME, FAME, MONEY, AND WHAT NOT (AS PUNDARIKA DAYANADHI, WHO WAS RICH, BUT HIS MIND WAS UNWAVERING WITH THE TRUE DEVOTION OF LOTUS FEET OF LORD KRISHNA, WHO FORCED KRISHNANYA MAHA PRABHU ONE DAY AND INVITED HIM TO HIS DARSHAN) SHOULD NOT BE FORGOTTEN, HIS GURU, WHO IS THE VERY MATTER OF ALL THESEACHIEVEMENTS, AND NEVER FORGET THE WAYS OF WORSHIP TAUGHT HIM EVEN AFTER ACHINVING THE CHERISHED GOAL OF SADAHAN TO THE LAST BREATH

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