E1666 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 13, 2018 IN RECOGNITION OF MICHELLE death device. And at the same time, she has ance. I also want to congratulate Coach Tim ASH’S 25 YEARS OF HOUSE been a mentor to many young staffers, shar- Racki and the Principal of Nazareth Academy, SERVICE ing with them the benefits of her experience Jim Meredith, for mentoring these young men and expertise. and leading them to victory. HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Having spent 25 years working on Capitol During the championship game, senior re- OF Hill, there have been many late nights and ceivers Michael Love and Diamond Evans fin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES weekends spent negotiating legislative lan- ished the game with 166 and 125 all-purpose guage and preparing for committee hearings, yards respectively. They were supported by Thursday, December 13, 2018 and I want to acknowledge the support sophomore quarterback J.J. McCarthy who Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- Michelle has received from her husband, Doug completed 15 of 24 passes, for 201 yards. nize the longtime service of Michelle Ash to Klein, and children, Erin and Sasha. This victory completed a near perfect 13–1 the House of the Representatives. Michelle is Mr. Speaker, American consumers are safer season for the Roadrunners, allowing Naza- leaving Congress after 25 years of distin- today thanks to Michelle Ash’s 25 years in reth to claim their third championship in five guished service. Congress. I wish her nothing but the best in years, adding this 7A title to their ones in the For 25 years this institution has greatly ben- her future endeavors. 6A and 5A divisions. efited from Michelle’s passion for protecting f Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me consumers. Over the last decade, as the En- in recognizing the Nazareth Academy Road- ergy and Commerce Committee’s Chief Coun- RECOGNIZING CHARLES KINS FOR runners football team and to congratulate sel for Consumer Protection, Michelle has THE 2018 MONTANA CONGRES- them on their IHSA Class 7A State Champion- been at the helm for many policy issues that SIONAL VETERAN COMMENDA- ship. And I wish each player continued suc- directly impact consumers. Whether it be de- TION cess as he moves forward. veloping the guidelines for ensuring that au- f tonomous vehicles are safe, keeping unsafe HON. GREG GIANFORTE toys off the shelves, ensuring safe packing of HONORING THE WATKINS HOR- OF MONTANA NETS AND RIDGE ROAD TITANS toxic substances, fighting to protect Ameri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cans’ personal data from abuse and misuse, FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONS or protecting consumers from scams, Michelle Thursday, December 13, 2018 always puts consumers first. Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today HON. A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to recognize Charles Kins of Eureka, a recipi- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Michelle decided soon after graduating from ent of the 2018 Montana Congressional Vet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES law school that a career in a law firm was not eran Commendation for his service to his Thursday, December 13, 2018 where she saw herself making a difference. country and leadership in his community. Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Instead, she wanted to be involved in crafting Mr. Kins answered his country’s call to serv- ask the House of Representatives to join me policy, and there was no better place to do ice by enlisting in the United States Marine in recognizing two District of Columbia-based that than here in Washington. Corps in 1967, during the Vietnam War. He organizations, the Watkins Hornets Youth As- Michelle began her career in the House in served four years on active duty, stationed sociation and the Ridge Road Titans Youth the office of then-Congressman Ben Cardin of mainly in Japan, and two years as a Marine Coalition, on winning the American Youth Maryland. There she focused on foreign af- Corps Reservist. Football National Championships. fairs, the judiciary, Social Security, and con- Mr. Kins is a proud supporter and member On December 7, 2018, the Watkins Hornets gressional ethics. In 1997, she served for a of his local American Legion Post 74 in Eure- and the Ridge Road Titans traveled to Florida short time as counsel for the House Ethics ka, and a dedicated volunteer and advocate to compete in the American Youth Football Reform Task Force. for seniors in his community. He is actively in- National Championships for their respective In 1998, she joined the staff of the Over- volved with the Tobacco Valley Senior Citi- age groups, ranging from nine to 13 years old. sight and Government Reform Committee as zens Center providing hot meals for seniors Each of these student athletes, as well as Chief Legislative Counsel for then Ranking and maintenance of the community center. In their parents and coaches, persevered through Member . At OGR Michelle fo- 2016, his dedication earned him the Senior a long season, balancing school, football and cused on legislative initiatives that brought Center’s ‘‘Senior of the Year’’ award. Even other extracurricular activities to become na- more transparency to government, including though he’s nearing his 70th year, Mr. Kins tional champions. initiatives to protect whistleblowers. continues to dedicate himself to serving others Watkins Recreation Center and Ridge Road Ten years later, in 2009, when Congress- in his community. Recreation Center, which house their respec- man Waxman became Chairman of the En- I ask my colleagues to join me today in tive football teams, are among the elite when ergy and Commerce Committee, Michelle commending Charles Kins for his dedication it comes to football. They place a strong em- moved over with him to serve as the Commit- and service. phasis on players as students first and ath- tee’s Chief Counsel on Consumer Protection. f letes second. Located in the heart of the Dis- Over the last ten years, Michelle has been trict’s Wards 6 and 7, these organizations a determined consumer advocate, pressing RECOGNIZING THE NAZARETH have been vital to their surrounding commu- federal agencies to put safety first by using all ACADEMY FOOTBALL TEAM FOR nities, providing programs to at-risk youth and the tools and authorities at their disposal to THEIR 2018 STATE CHAMPION- families. protect consumers and holding companies ac- SHIP WIN Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- countable when their actions harm consumers. atives to join me in congratulating these stu- She has pushed the Consumer Product Safety HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI dent athletes, parents and coaches on a job Commission to take swift action to protect OF ILLINOIS well done, as well as in acknowledging the Americans, and particularly children, from fur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work of both of these organizations in being niture tip-overs, dangerously strong magnets community strongholds. that were being swallowed by kids, liquid nico- Thursday, December 13, 2018 tine improperly packed and being ingested by Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f kids, and much more. congratulate the Nazareth Academy Road- PERSONAL EXPLANATION She has continuously fought to give the runners football team on winning their third Federal Trade Commission more authority to state championship in 5 years. The players’ HON. fulfill its mission to prevent harm to con- commitment in reaching this goal is truly com- OF WISCONSIN sumers, not just taking enforcement action mendable. On November 24th, Nazareth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES after harm has already been done. She has Academy won the Class 7A Illinois state foot- also worked to advance the cause of auto ball championship with a 31–10 victory over Thursday, December 13, 2018 safety—urging more effective and expedient Saint Charles North High School at Memorial Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, on December action on deadly unintended acceleration and Stadium in Champaign. I would like to recog- 12, 2018, I missed Roll Call Vote 434. As I ar- brake failures, faulty ignition switches that pre- nize all of the time the players, staff, and fami- gued on the floor during debate on the rule for vented airbags from deploying, and exploding lies have put in to this endeavor, and com- the bill, had I been present, I would have airbags that turned a safety device into a mend them on their dedication and persever- voted YES on the farm bill conference report.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:25 Dec 14, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.006 E13DEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS December 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1667 SHARON HAISLIP RETIREMENT Mrs. Kloiber is using the knowledge and ex- those unable to drive in Maine and across our FROM JPL GOLDSTONE DEEP perience she gained in helping her daughter to nation. SPACE COMMUNICATION COM- help others. She started Jacey’s Journey, a f PLEX non-profit organization that provides education and assistance to families with children suf- HONORING DOGGER DICKEY HON. PAUL COOK fering from neuromuscular disorders. To assist OF CALIFORNIA Jacey, the Kloiber’s developed a unique mobil- HON. LUKE MESSER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ity device known as an Angel Arm, and OF INDIANA Thursday, December 13, 2018 through Jacey’s Journey, more than 200 of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES devices have been provided for children Thursday, December 13, 2018 Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- around the world. ognize the contributions that Sharon Haislip I ask my colleagues to join me today in Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on has made throughout her forty years of serv- commending Melissa Kloiber for her dedica- behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District ice towards the JPL Goldstone Deep Space tion and service. of Indiana, to recognize Dogger Dickey for his Communication Complex (GDSCC). f contribution to our state and our District. Sharon began her career in Logistics at the Dogger works for Hillenbrand Capital Part- GDSCC, and was promoted several times until RECOGNIZING THE INDEPENDENT ners and has been making the trains run on becoming Production Control Specialist, and TRANSPORTATION NETWORK OF time for years. He has always been involved eventually served on the CSOC contract work- AMERICA FOR PROVIDING ONE in Indiana politics and has continuously volun- ing as Property Coordinator. Her hard work MILLION RIDES teered his time and resources toward improv- and commitment led to expanded responsibil- ing the quality of life for his fellow Hoosiers. It ities as she developed a detailed knowledge HON. has been an honor to work with him. of government property management. In the OF MAINE On a personal note, Dogger was among my Property Office, Sharon was responsible for a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES earliest and most vocal supporters. He is a wide range of logistics including government loyal confidant and wise adviser. I want to Thursday, December 13, 2018 reporting and inventory of NASA property. Her thank him for his friendship and support of my work provided valuable records for gathering Ms. PINGREE. Mr. Speaker, I stand today work in Congress. I wish Dogger continued and tracking information on the history of an to recognize the Independent Transportation success in all that God has planned for him asset, including its status and performance ca- Network of America (ITN) for the selfless feat and his family. pabilities. This information was critical to in- of providing one million rides to elderly and f sure continued operation of telecommuni- visually challenged people across the United cations equipment across multiple sites as it States. This House Resolution commends HONORING BARBARA BAILEY was moved from location to location around ITN, a nonprofit, for serving the common good the Goldstone complex. and making it possible for people to continue HON. Sharon Haislip retires on December 20, to be active participants in their communities OF WASHINGTON 2018. Her diligence towards her work has con- after they can no longer drive safely. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tributed significantly to the success of JPL ITN America founder Katherine Freund and NASA’s Deep Space Network as each her son were in a near fatal car accident. Thursday, December 13, 2018 manned spaceflight mission, landing and plan- Rather than blame the other driver, an elderly Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I etary encounter has contributed towards man, Katherine realized that there were too rise to honor the life and legacy of Barbara humankind’s understanding of the solar sys- few public transportation options available for Bailey, an extraordinary leader who will be re- tem and beyond. On behalf of the United elderly or visually impaired individuals to navi- membered for her tireless advocacy for States House of Representatives, I thank gate their communities. In 1995 the Inde- LGBTQ communities and communities of Sharon for all her contributions towards our pendent Transportation Network of America color. local community and the future planetary ad- was born to respond to this critical community Barbara was a prominent Seattle presence, vances that will result from her work. need. Because of Ms. Freund and her col- having run the independent bookstore Bailey/ f leagues’ passionate study of resources, logis- Coy Books for many years. Over that time, her Capitol Hill bookstore served as a key safe RECOGNIZING MELISSA KLOIBER tics and technology, ITN to grow into a na- haven, and an inclusive space for LGBTQ in- FOR THE 2018 MONTANA CON- tional consortium of thirteen affiliates in twelve dividuals—particularly, during an era when GRESSIONAL VETERAN COM- states. prejudice, stigma, and discrimination against MENDATION In my district, ITN America is much more than a taxi service. Drivers go above and be- the LGBTQ community remained rife. yond to ensure clients have a positive door-to- During the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis, HON. GREG GIANFORTE door experience while accommodating for lug- Barbara was part of a courageous group of OF MONTANA gage and other needs. ITN is constantly activists who founded the Pride Foundation, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lauded for their outstanding customer service with the vision of creating a community of Thursday, December 13, 2018 and prompt availability around the clock. In a shared humanity and expanding opportunities Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today letter to the editor of the Portland Press Her- for LGBTQ peoples. With her passion, vol- to recognize Melissa Kloiber of Great Falls, a ald, an ITN client effused her relief that she no unteerism, and conviction, Barbara helped recipient of the 2018 Montana Congressional longer has to worry about how she would lead the Pride Foundation at a critical moment Veteran Commendation for her service to her make it to appointments or simply drive to the in history, and helped to cultivate it into one of country and leadership in her community. ocean on the weekend. ITN has restored the the leading LGBTQ organizations in the Pa- With a family tradition of service in our dignity of countless persons who have retired cific Northwest. To date, the Pride Foundation country’s armed forces stretching back gen- from driving or never had the privilege to has remained on the forefront of pursuing eq- erations, Mrs. Kloiber joined the United States drive—granting them agency over the life they uity and positive systemic change in our soci- Air Force immediately after high school. She deserve. ety. served our country’s men and women wound- I was pleased to introduce H. Res. 851 ear- Barbara remained resolute in her tireless ed in action as an Aeromedical Evacuation lier this year, which further recognizes the advocacy for equality throughout her life. Technician from 1992 to 1996 on both active substantial achievements of ITN America and Whether fundraising for organizations, sup- duty and in the Air Force Reserves. its valuable contributions to countless commu- porting local candidates who shared her val- In 2011, Melissa’s 6-month-old daughter nities. Again, I congratulate the Independent ues, advocating on the Lambda Legal Board Jacey was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular At- Transportation Network of America and their of Directors, or serving as a member of the rophy. Doctors said it was unlikely Jacey incredible team for their exemplary leadership Greater Seattle Business Association (GSBA), would make it to her second birthday. But with in achieving the milestone of one million rides. Barbara Bailey’s activism and principles paved undaunted spirits, Melisa and her husband Remarkably, this marker hardly quantifies the the way for LGBTQ people in the region. Her Allan, also an Air Force veteran, helped Jacey transformative impact they have had on so legacy lives on through the Barbara Bailey beat the odds, and, thankfully, Jacey started many lives and I look forward to supporting Scholarship Fund, which will empower a new 2nd grade this year. ITN’ s continued advocacy for the elderly and generation of leaders.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:25 Dec 14, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.011 E13DEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS