


Planning 03/09/2015 Committee:

Target Date: 08/09/2015

Application No: FUL/2015/2076

Description: Erection of 3 No. 6 bedroom houses with associated parking and entrance piers.

Site Address: Land to the rear of 22 Fairlands Park

Applicant: Mr D O'Flanagan

Ward: Wainbody

RECOMMENDATION Planning Committee are recommended to grant planning permission subject to conditions

INTRODUCTION This application is to be considered at Planning Committee in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation as representations have been received from occupiers of more than five properties.

APPLICATION PROPOSAL Outline planning permission was granted last year for three dwellings with access and layout details approved and all other matters reserved. This is a full planning application for three dwelling which follows the same principles as the previously approved outline, but has a slightly revised siting. A single point of access is proposed along the frontage to Fairlands Park. The three dwellings will be of similar design and will be two storeys with rooms in the roof to provide a cinema room and sixth bedroom for each property and have integral double garages. The dwellings would reach a maximum height of 9.4 metres to the ridgeline and the properties would have single storey wings to the rear with flat roofs and roof lanterns. Each property will have a chimney feature to the side elevation, stone lintel features to the upper windows and brick corbel and stringer detail to the front gables.

The following documents have been submitted in support of the application:- A Design and Access Statement which concludes that the development will provide high quality homes and contribute towards meeting the housing targets in the area. The development would utilise an area of unused land within an established residential area. The development would be in keeping with the surrounding area and reflect the existing grain and character of Fairlands Park. Whilst two trees are to be removed, there would be no significant ecological effects. The visual impact of the removal would be very limited and would not result in substantial harm as previously approved. The statement further concludes that the development is consistent with the NPPF. The benefit of the scheme is the creation of a high quality residential environment which respects the character of this part of the city.

Ecological Impact Assessment. The nature conservation evaluation found the mature trees and hedgerows within the site are important to nature conservation in the context of the site. This habitat type is common and widespread within the UK and none of the species identified are rare or protected and support common and widespread fauna. The remaining habitats within the site consist of amenity grassland and bare ground which are of negligible value for nature conservation. The assessment recommends planting of native broadleaved trees to offset the loss of those removed, nest boxes to offset the loss of breeding bird habitat and the avoidance of works during the nesting season. If no works are undertaken on the site within 12 months a further survey is recommended due to potential colonisation by plant and animal species.

Arboricultural Impact Assessment. An assessment of all trees on site captured 17 individual trees and four groups. Five trees were identified for removal as part of the proposals, four of which are category B and one is category C. The survey also identified two trees as category A which are high quality with an estimated life expectancy of at least 40 years.

Drainage Strategy. This summarises that the site is a small greenfield development set within a predominantly clay subsoil which limits the use of many SUDs techniques. The site has therefore been designed on the basis of limiting runoff to an acceptable practical minimum flow rate with attenuation sized accordingly.

SITE DESCRIPTION The site is within the Road Conservation Area. The area of the site is approximately 0.28 hectares and it has a frontage of approximately 75 metres to Fairlands Park. The northern section is approximately 22 metres deep, adjoining the rear boundary with No.14 Fairlands Park. The southern boundary is approximately 60 metres deep, located along the length of the rear boundaries of Nos. 22, 24 and part of 26 Fairlands Park.

The site was part of the rear garden of Oaklands House at No. 56 Kenilworth Road. The rear boundary of Oaklands House forms the eastern boundary of the site. Oaklands House is a large detached building that has been operating as a nursing home since 1987.

The site is in an elevated position in Fairlands Park and located between two cul-de- sacs, each containing detached two storey dwellings. There is a row of Lawsons Cypress trees along the length of the site to the west fronting the highway. These are the subject of group Tree Preservation Orders. On the opposite side of the highway there are bungalows set at a lower level than the application site.

PLANNING HISTORY There have been a number of historic planning applications on this site; the following are the most recent/relevant.

Application Description of Development Decision and Number Date OUT/2014/2934 Outline planning application for three dwellings Approved by with access and layout details provided and all Planning other matters reserved. Committee on 13th November 2014


National Policy Guidance  National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The NPPF published in March 2012 replaced all previous national planning policy and sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It sets out the Government’s requirements for the planning system only to the extent that is relevant, proportionate and necessary to do so. The NPPF promotes sustainable development and good design is recognised as a key aspect of this.  The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) 2014, this adds further context to the NPPF and it is intended that the two documents are read together

Local Policy Guidance  Development Plan 2001 (CDP):  Policy OS4 – Creating a more sustainable city  Coventry Development Plan 2001 (CDP)  OS4 – Creating a more sustainable city  OS6 – Change of land use  EM5 – Pollution protection strategy  BE2 – The principles of Urban Design  BE9 – Development in conservation areas  H12 – Design and density of housing development  AM22 – Road safety in new developments

Supplementary Planning Guidance/ Documents (SPG/ SPD):  SPG Design Guidelines for New Residential Development  SPD Delivering a more sustainable city  SPG Kenilworth Road Control Plan

CONSULTATION No Objections received from:  Environmental Protection Officers (CCC)  Conservation (CCC)  Tree Preservation Officer (CCC)

No objections subject to conditions have been received from:  Flood Risk Management and Drainage

Comments are awaited from:  Fire Service  Ecology  Severn Trent  Highways (CCC)

Immediate neighbours and local councillors have been notified; a site notice was posted on 23rd July 2015. A press notice was displayed in the on 23rd July 2015. A letter with multiple signatures has been received, containing 12 signatures requesting the Council "save the trees and hedges on Fairlands Park and reduce house density". Five letters of objection have been received raising the following:  Three six-bed houses will attract large families which will lead to increased vehicle use. The road is not wide enough to take a lot of traffic and there is no room for on-street parking.  Three houses on site is overdevelopment and the houses are too large for the plots.  One or two small bungalows would be more in keeping with the majority of properties already on this road.  Overlooking of front bedroom windows in 21 Fairlands Park.  Overlooking of 14 Fairlands Park from the first floor bedroom windows and those in the roof.  Objections to the removal of trees and hedges.  Overlooking of bungalows which are on lower ground.

APPRAISAL The main issues in determining this application are the principle of development, design and impact on the Conservation Area, residential amenity, impact on trees and highway safety.

Principle of development The site is within an established residential location where there is no direct conflict with the NPPF’s presumption in favour of sustainable development. Outline planning permission has already been granted for three dwellings with similar siting. The principle of development is therefore considered acceptable subject to consideration of other planning matters.

Design and impact on the Conservation Area The site is located within the Kenilworth Road Conservation Area. Policy BE9 states that development within or affecting the setting of a Conservation Area will only be permitted if it would preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. Policy BE9 further states that the City Council has a statutory duty to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of a Conservation Area. There is a strong presumption against proposals which conflict with this objective.

The Kenilworth Road Control Plan forms Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Coventry Development Plan. This describes the Kenilworth Road as one of the most attractive entrances to any city in the country. It has a heavily landscaped and well- wooded character. Development behind the landscaped screen is of a wide variety of types of housing on predominantly large plots. SPG sets out guidelines for those very exceptional cases where development or redevelopment is considered to be acceptable which seeks to retain the trees and protect the spinney. Development should be set at such a distance from the spinneys as to ensure that it is screened from Kenilworth Road. The height of buildings should not exceed two storeys and no new access shall be provided onto Kenilworth Road. SPG sets out other criteria including boundary treatment and materials.

Policy BE2 of the CDP requires development to be of good design. CDP Policy H12 states that a high standard of design will be required for new housing development in the City. The density of development should represent the most efficient use of sites consistent with the principles of good design and the creation of a sufficient range of high quality residential environments. The NPPF further emphasises the importance of good design with paragraph 56 highlighting that good design is a key aspect of sustainable development and is indivisible from good planning.

The site is at the rear of No.56 Kenilworth Road and was formerly part of the rear garden to that property. The side boundary of the site is set approximately 90 metres from the spinney and approximately 130 metres from the highway on Kenilworth Road. It is therefore considered that it will be set back sufficiently from the spinney and will be well screened from the Kenilworth Road by the existing spinney. Access to the site will be from Fairlands Park, so will not require an additional access or an intensification of an existing access from Kenilworth Road. Whilst the previous outline permission did not consider the design of the properties, it was demonstrated that the site can accommodate three detached dwellings served from a shared access from Fairlands Park. This full application has the same access arrangements and the siting is approximately the same as the outline approval, but with a slightly different footprint.

Each dwelling will be approximately 12.5 metres wide and 10 metres deep giving a footprint of approximately 125 square metres for the main two storey dwellings. There will be single storey wings to the rear with flat roofs and roof lanterns. These will each be approximately 5 metres wide and 3 metres deep giving an overall footprint of approximately 140 square metres. The dwelling indicated in the outline permission each had a footprint of 110 square metres, so these proposals are slightly larger.

The Conservation Area has large detached dwellings, set in large grounds behind the spinneys on the Kenilworth Road frontage. Behind these are large dwellings set on smaller plots, with access from adjacent streets. The density of the housing on Fairlands Park varies. Properties in the cul-de-sac to the south of the site are approximately 28 metres deep and 20-25 metres wide. These contain two storey dwellings with footprints varying between approximately 90 and 150 square metres. On the opposite side of the street are detached bungalows with footprints of approximately 160 square metres. The properties in the cul-de-sac to the north of the site and to the north-west of the street vary in size with the smallest footprint being around 75 square metres.

The proposals, with a footprint of approximately 140 square metres, are therefore in keeping with the other properties accessed from Fairlands Park. Properties in the locality have had their “permitted development” rights removed and, given the open plan, landscaped Conservation Area setting; it is also considered appropriate to remove these for the new properties so that extensions, outbuildings and new hardstanding and enclosures to frontages require planning permission

There is a row of Lawsons Cypress trees along the frontage of the site and these are the subject of a Tree Preservation Order. There is further planting to the southern boundary of the site and these trees are protected as Conservation Area Trees. The Kenilworth Road Control Plan seeks to protect the spinneys and the Conservation Area trees. The trees to be removed are in keeping with the previous permission and following the advice of the Tree Preservation Officer.

There is a range of property designs within the street scene. The properties to the north and south are mostly "regency" style with symmetrical frontages and central porch features. The bungalows opposite have a mix of features; some with bay windows, some with central porches. To the north of the bungalows there are two storey detached dwellings of various designs, some with side gables and some with front gables. The new dwellings are of a different design to the surrounding properties, but as there is no typical design to be followed within the street scene the proposals are not considered to be harmful to the character of the area.

The Lawsons Cypress trees are a prominent feature along this frontage. There is a gap in the line of trees where the existing gates are to the south-west corner of the site and there is a gap to the north-west corner where trees were removed in the past. The outline permission required additional planting to these areas as part of any landscaping reserved matters submission. This application proposes replacement close board fencing to these points. Close board fencing is not usually an acceptable boundary treatment where it fronts the highway. However, any boundary wall could impact on the TPO trees. The existing boundary is a close board fence but this is obscured by the row of trees. A condition is therefore recommended for additional tree planting to the two points where the new fence will be exposed.

The proposals are therefore considered to have a satisfactory layout which preserves the character of the Kenilworth Road Conservation Area.

Impact on neighbouring amenity Supplementary Planning Guidance for New Residential Development sets out minimum distances between properties and minimum areas for private rear amenity space. A minimum distance of 20 metres is required between habitable room windows. This is achieved in respect of all three plots. The dwelling closest to the new development will be No.22 Fairlands Park. The dwelling to the north of No.22 will be set approximately 14 metres from the rear boundary at its nearest point and approximately 25 metres from the rear elevation of No.22 Fairlands Park. Additionally the new dwelling will be set at a slight angle, so will not directly face the rear of No.22, and there is heavy planting at the rear boundary.

Supplementary Planning Guidance requires a minimum of 12 metres from windows to flank elevations. The new dwellings will be in an elevated position to the bungalows opposite, but have their side elevations facing the front of the bungalows. There will be a minimum separation distance of 19 metres from the new dwellings and the bungalows. There are no habitable room windows in the first floor side elevations so no issue of overlooking and loss of privacy for the bungalows and the distance of approximately 19 metres is in excess of the 12 metres required by SPG. Furthermore, there is the row of protected Lawsons Cypress along the frontage. Any additional windows at first floor would require planning permission if they are not obscure glaze. Furthermore, due to the presence of the TPO trees, the distance to the bungalows and the angled relationship it is not considered necessary for a condition preventing windows in the first floor elevations of the dwellings.

The proposals are considered to have a satisfactory relationship with existing dwellings and are not considered to have a detrimental impact on residential amenity.

Impact on trees The two trees to be removed at the site entrance are Lawsons Cypresses (T7 and T8) which form part of a group Tree Preservation Order. The category of the trees within the row is C1 and B2 and therefore low/medium quality. The trees to be removed are showing signs of basal decay and the Tree Preservation Officer does not object to their removal. There is scope for replacement planting along this boundary and three additional trees are to be planted. A condition is recommended accordingly.

The survey also identified two trees as category A which are high quality with an estimated life expectancy of at least 40 years. T34 is a Black Pine in the corner of the site at the rear boundary with No.22 and has significant visual amenity value. T25 is a Douglas Fir that is also located along the southern boundary. These trees are of TPO quality.

The dwellings are sited outside of the Root Protection Areas of these trees and, other than the removal of the two trees for the access, officers are satisfied that the dwellings can be erected without harm to the trees. The two dwellings to the southern end of the site will have most of their rear garden areas shaded by the trees to the south and all plots will be shaded to the west. Officers were concerned that three dwellings on site may result in pressure to remove the trees in the long term. However, the scheme itself only results in the loss of two trees of poor quality and demonstrates a layout that retains the other trees which are protected either by the Tree Preservation Order or their Conservation Area status. There is also a condition recommended for additional planting to infill the gaps along the frontage. A condition is recommended to require tree protection measures during construction.

Highway considerations The dwellings will be served from a single access from Fairlands Park. Whilst comments are awaited from Highways, the access is the same as previously approved and incorporates a driveway width of 4.5 metres and visibility splays of 2.4 metres by 25 metres each side of the shared drive. The dropped kerb for the shared drive should be suitable for disabled users (<6mm upstand), and a dropped kerb to this specification should also be provided to allow access to the footway opposite. There is also a requirement for a bin storage/collection area to be provided adjacent the shared drive in the vicinity of the highway. This should be of sufficient size to accommodate at least 6 standard sized domestic wheeled bins, and should be suitably surfaced. Whilst these matters could be dealt with by planning condition, officers have requested the details at this stage to ensure there is no impact on the trees and any revisions to incorporate these details will be reported as a late item.

Additional Issues raised by consultations The Ecological Impact Assessment did not identify any protected species but made recommendations for future surveys if the development is not commenced within a year. A condition is recommended to require the measures of the assessment. Environmental Protection have no objections to the proposals.

CONCLUSION / REASON FOR APPROVAL Having regard to the pattern of existing development in the area, representations received and relevant provisions of the development plan, as summarised below, it is considered that subject to compliance with the conditions attached to this permission, the proposed development would be in accordance with the development plan. By virtue of. Policies BE2, BE9, H12, AM22, EM5, OS4 and OS6 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001, SPG, together with the aims of the NPPF.


1. The development hereby permitted shall begin no later than three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved documents Proposed site plan Dwg 03 Rev E; Proposed floor plans - Plot one - Dwg 04 Rev A; Proposed floor plans & elevations - Plot One - Dwg 05 Rev A; Plot 2 Proposed floor plans Dwg 06 Rev A; Plot 2 Proposed floor plans & elevations Dwg 07 Rev A; Plot 3 Proposed floor plans & elevations Dwg 08 Rev A; Plot 3 Proposed plans & elevations Dwg 09 Rev A; Topographical Survey Dwg PL01; Tree Protection Plan Dwg 1398-T-01; Design & Access Statement; Ecological Statement; Aboricultural Statement.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

3. The development shall be carried out only in full accordance with sample details of all external facing, roofing and paving materials which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure that the proposed development has a satisfactory external appearance in the interests of the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policy BE2 and BE9 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

4. Any landscaping (other than the planting of trees and shrubs) including boundary treatment, paving and footpaths shall be completed in all respects, with the exception of tree(s) and shrub(s) planting, within the first planting season following the first occupation of any dwelling and the tree(s) and shrub(s) shall be planted within six months of that first use. Any tree(s) or shrub(s) removed, dying, or becoming in the opinion of the local planning authority seriously damaged, defective or diseased within five years from the substantial completion of the scheme shall be replaced within the next planting season by tree(s) or shrub(s) of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted. All hedging, tree(s) and shrub(s) shall be planted in accordance with British Standard BS4043 - Transplanting Root- balled Trees and BS4428 - Code of Practice for General Landscape Operations.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policies GE9, BE2 & BE20 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

5. No development or other operations (including demolition, site clearance or other preparatory works) shall be commenced until adequate steps, which shall have been previously approved in writing by the local planning authority, have been taken to safeguard against damage or injury during construction works (in accordance with Clause 7 of British Standard BS5837 - 2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations) to all tree(s) on the site, or those tree(s) whose root structure may extend within the site and which are the subject of the City of Coventry (TPO/79 - Cannon Park Road No. 1) Tree Preservation Order 1969. In particular no excavations, site works, trenches or channels shall be cut or pipes or services laid, no fires shall be lit within 10 metres of the nearest point of the canopy of any protected tree(s); no equipment, machinery or structure shall be attached to or supported by a protected tree(s); no mixing of cement or use of other contaminating materials or substances shall take place within, or close enough to, a root protection area that seepage or displacement could cause them to enter a root protection area,or any other works be carried out in such a way as to cause damage or injury to the tree(s) by interference with their root structure and no soil or waste shall be deposited on the land in such a position as to be likely to cause damage or injury to the tree(s).

Reason: To protect those trees which are of significant amenity value to the area and which would provide an enhanced standard of appearance to the development in accordance with Policy GE14 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

6. None of the dwellings hereby permitted shall be occupied unless and until the car parking provision for that dwelling has been constructed or laid out, and made available for use by the occupants and / or visitors to the dwelling and thereafter those spaces shall be retained for parking purposes unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure the satisfactory provision of off-street vehicle parking facilities in accordance with the Council's standards and in the interests of highway safety and the satisfactory development of the site in accordance with Policies AM19 & H12 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

7. The development hereby permitted shall only be undertaken in strict accordance with drainage details, incorporating a Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS) and responding to the hydrological conditions (soil permeability, watercourses etc) within the application site, including a long term management and maintenance plan, which have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved systems shall thereafter be retained and shall be managed and maintained in strict accordance with the approved details unless alternative drainage methods have been approved in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure that a satisfactory means of drainage is provided such as to minimise flooding and which promotes and maintains the good stewardship of the natural and built environment in accordance with Policies EM4 and OS4 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

8. The development (including any works of demolition) shall proceed only in strict accordance with a construction method statement which has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved statement shall be strictly adhered to throughout the construction period and shall provide for: the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors; the loading and unloading of plant and materials; the storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development; the erection and maintenance of a security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing where appropriate; wheel washing facilities and other measures to ensure that any vehicle, plant or equipment leaving the application site does not carry mud or deposit other materials onto the public highway; measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction; and a scheme for recycling / disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties, the free flow of traffic and the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with Policies AM1, EM5 and BE2 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

9. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure shall be erected, constructed or improved or altered such as to place the structure in front of the forewardmost part of any dwellinghouse(s) fronting a highway or footpath without the prior written approval of the local planning authority.

Reason: That having regard to the design, layout and general nature of the proposed development it is important to ensure that no further development is carried out which would detract from the appearance of the area and affect the amenity of adjacent properties. Therefore, no additional development is to be carried out without the permission of the local planning authority in accordance with Policies H12 & BE2 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

10. In the event that contamination or unusual ground conditions are encountered during the development it must be reported in writing immediately to the local planning authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken and where remediation is necessary, a remediation scheme must be prepared which is subject to the approval in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled water, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors in accordance with Policy EM6 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

11. The dwellings should meet the internal noise criteria for night time resting in dwellings as outlined in BS 8233. This may require the installation of noise mitigation measures such as the installation of double glazing.

Reason: To safeguard health, safety and the environment in accordance with Policy EM6 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

12. The development shall only proceed in accordance with the recommendations of the Ecological Impact Assessment dated July 2014 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To safeguard the presence and population of a protected species in line with UK and European Law, The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 and Policy GE15 of the Coventry Development Plan 2001.

PROPER OFFICER: HEAD OF PLANNING AUTHOR: Anne Lynch LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS ALL BACKGROUND PAPERS OPEN TO PUBLIC INSPECTION at City Services & Development Directorate, Civic Centre 4, Much Park Street and www.coventry.gov.uk

Planning Application File FUL/2015/2076 Coventry Development Plan 2001

Land at 56 Kenilworth Road: City Development Directorate Tel: 024 7683 2795 Conservation and Archaeology Fax: 024 7683 2630 2014 Ordnance Survey Map Historic Environment Record Officer [email protected] Floor 3, Civic Centre 4 Much Park Street Compiled by A Wilson on 13 January 2014 COVENTRY CV1 2PY Scale 1:2500

Reproduced from an Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO ® Crown Copyright. Licence number 100026294 Additional information: ® Coventry City Council l,l \\


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ELoe-< Drawing based on survey by others. Existing hedge Drawing for planning purposes only and not retained and cut to be used for any other purpose. back as necessary. Drawing Copyright of Michael Ramus Architects and must not be passed to any other party without written prior consent.

New 1.8m close board fence.

2No new Lawsons Cypress trees

Existing trees retained.

Existing TPO trees retained. Existing trees retained.

Existing post & wire fence removed and replaced with 665x new 1.8m close board fence. 665 Existing 1.6m close board fence retained. 1350

Existing tree removed. Site entrance detail Entrance pillars. Brickwork to Existing TPO trees 1: 100 @ A1 match proposed houses. retained.

Accommodation Schedule Plot One (areas exclude garage) FFL=94.400 Existing post & wire Plot 1 = circa 3080sqft fence retained. Plot 2 = circa 3080sqft g Plot 3 = circa 3080sqft 4m max entrance available to suit Existing hedge removed RPA's. and replace (on centre 2.4m x 25m VS line) with new 1.8m block paved driveways to plots. Existing trees T007 close board fence. 1800mm high close and T008 removed board fence to site entrance. 4000.0 g Gate

Entrance pillars. 600 x 600mm slabs to house fronts (to give min 1200mm wide level access platform)

2.4m x 25m VS Existing TPO trees 450 x 450mm slabs to rear and retained. side garden access. Landscape shown as indicative, refer to separate plan by others. Existing post & wire fence retained. Tree root protection areas.

New Lawsons Cypress tree Existing trees

g g Existing post & wire fence Plot Two Box hedging (and gate) removed and FFL=94.950 (refer to separate replaced with new 1.8m Plot Three landscape plan) close board fence. FFL=94.900

Existing hedge removed Existing TPO trees and replace (on centre and hedge retained. line) with new 1.8m close board fence.

Existing hedge and tree retained. Hedge cut back as necessary.

Existing 2.4m high wall to boundary Existing hedge and retained. trees retained. Hedge cut back as necessary Michael Ramus Architects to allow for fence to 76 Priory Road, Kenilworth, boundary. , CV8 1LQ tel : 01926 512 400 [email protected]

5m easement lines Client... (2.5m either side of drain). Project...

Drawing... Existing 2.4m high wall to boundary retained. Scale 1:200 @ A1 Date

Job No... Dwg No... Rev... E Drawing Status... Drawing based on survey by others. Drawing for planning purposes only and not to be used for any other purpose. Drawing Copyright of Michael Ramus Architects and must not be passed to any other party without written prior consent.

Brick stringer detail to gable.

Brick corbel detail to gable.

Sky lantern. Sky lantern. Sky lantern.

Stringer feature Stringer feature Stringer feature course. 3 courses to course. 3 courses to course. 3 courses to project approx 15mm. project approx 15mm. project approx 15mm.

Side elevation Front elevation Rear elevation Side elevation 1: 100 @ A1 1: 100 @ A1 1: 100 @ A1 1: 100 @ A1

Materials Red facing brick - tbc Gemini Forticrete roof tile. Windows white upvc Stone head and cils - colour buff SVP & rwp good - black upvc Fascis and soffit - colour black.

Velux Velux Velux Velux Velux

Cinema down Bedroom Flat roof Room 6

Michael Ramus Architects 76 Priory Road, Kenilworth, En-suite Warwickshire, CV8 1LQ tel : 01926 512 400 [email protected] St Client...



Second Floor Plan Roof Plan 1: 50 @ A1 1: 50 @ A1 Scale 1:50 @ A1 Date

Job No... Dwg No... Rev... A Drawing Status... Drawing based on survey by others. Drawing for planning purposes only and not to be used for any other purpose. Drawing Copyright of Michael Ramus Architects and must not be passed to any other party without written prior consent.


Utility Bedroom 5 / study

Bedroom 2

Kitchen Bedroom 3

Sitting St St Room Wc




Bathroom W Dressing W En-suite

Dining Garage Room up up Bedroom 4

W Master Bedroom

Ground Floor Plan First Floor Plan 1: 50 @ A1 1: 50 @ A1 Michael Ramus Architects 76 Priory Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1LQ tel : 01926 512 400 [email protected]




Scale 1:50 @ A1 Date

Job No... Dwg No... Rev... A Drawing Status... Drawing based on survey by others. Drawing for planning purposes only and not to be used for any other purpose. Drawing Copyright of Michael Ramus Architects and must not be passed to any other party without written prior consent.

Feature key stone.

Brick stringer detail to gable.

Brick corbel detail to gable.

Sky lantern. Sky lantern. Sky lantern.

Stringer feature Stringer feature Stringer feature course. 3 courses to course. 3 courses to course. 3 courses to project approx 15mm. project approx 15mm. project approx 15mm.

Side elevation Front elevation Rear elevation Side elevation 1: 100 @ A1 1: 100 @ A1 1: 100 @ A1 1: 100 @ A1

Materials Red facing brick - tbc Gemini Forticrete roof tile. Windows white upvc Stone head and cils - colour buff SVP & rwp good - black upvc Fascis and soffit - colour black.

Velux Velux Velux Velux Velux

Bedroom down Cinema Flat roof 6 Room

Michael Ramus Architects 76 Priory Road, Kenilworth, En-suite Warwickshire, CV8 1LQ tel : 01926 512 400 [email protected] St




Second Floor Plan Roof Plan 1: 50 @ A1 1: 50 @ A1

Scale 1:50 @ A1 Date

Job No... Dwg No... Rev... A Drawing Status... Drawing based on survey by others. Drawing for planning purposes only and not to be used for any other purpose. Drawing Copyright of Michael Ramus Architects and must not be passed to any other party without written prior consent.


Utility Bedroom 5 / study

Bedroom 2

Kitchen Bedroom 3

Sitting St Room Wc




W Dressing Bathroom En-suite W

Dining Garage Room up up Bedroom 4

W Master Bedroom

Ground Floor Plan First Floor Plan 1: 50 @ A1 1: 50 @ A1

Michael Ramus Architects 76 Priory Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1LQ tel : 01926 512 400 [email protected]




Scale 1:50 @ A1 Date

Job No... Dwg No... Rev... A Drawing Status... Drawing based on survey by others. Drawing for planning purposes only and not to be used for any other purpose. Drawing Copyright of Michael Ramus Architects and must not be passed to any other party without written prior consent.

Feature key stone.

Brick stringer detail to gable.

Brick corbel detail to gable.

Sky lantern. Sky lantern. Sky lantern.

Stringer feature Stringer feature Stringer feature course. 3 courses to course. 3 courses to course. 3 courses to project approx 15mm. project approx 15mm. project approx 15mm.

Side elevation Front elevation Rear elevation Side elevation 1: 100 @ A1 1: 100 @ A1 1: 100 @ A1 1: 100 @ A1

Materials Red facing brick - tbc Gemini Forticrete roof tile. Windows white upvc Stone head and cils - colour buff SVP & rwp good - black upvc Fascis and soffit - colour black.

Velux Velux Velux Velux Velux

Bedroom down Cinema Flat roof 6 Room

En-suite Michael Ramus Architects 76 Priory Road, Kenilworth, St Warwickshire, CV8 1LQ tel : 01926 512 400 [email protected]



Second Floor Plan Roof Plan Drawing... 1: 50 @ A1 1: 50 @ A1

Scale 1:50 @ A1 Date

Job No... Dwg No... Rev... A Drawing Status... Drawing based on survey by others. Drawing for planning purposes only and not to be used for any other purpose. Drawing Copyright of Michael Ramus Architects and must not be passed to any other party without written prior consent.


Utility Bedroom 5 / study

Bedroom 2

Kitchen Bedroom 3

Sitting St Room Wc




W Dressing Bathroom En-suite W

Dining Garage Room up up Bedroom 4

W Master Bedroom

Ground Floor Plan First Floor Plan 1: 50 @ A1 1: 50 @ A1

Michael Ramus Architects 76 Priory Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1LQ tel : 01926 512 400 [email protected]




Scale 1:50 @ A1 Date

Job No... Dwg No... Rev... A Drawing Status... Drawing based on survey by others. Drawing for planning purposes only and not to be used for any other purpose. Drawing Copyright of Michael Ramus Architects and must not be passed to any other party without written prior consent.


Michael Ramus Architects 76 Priory Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1LQ tel : 01926 512 400 [email protected]




Scale 1:200 @ A1 Date

Job No... Dwg No... Rev... --- Drawing Status...