(See also ' List of New Mineral Names ', p. 373.)

Achondrites (), 34. BRI)CKMOSlCR (J.), obituary, 393. Adare , 352. BRUNLECHNZR (~), obituary, 893. Aegirine-trachyte from Angola, 66. BV[~TO~ (R. C.), obituary, 393. Alkali lavas, 70. BUTLgR (G. M.), Handbook of minerals ~kmana meteorite, 173. (review), 150. Analcite as rock constituent, 74. -- Geometrical crystallography (re~ Analyses of*meteorites, 1, 349. view), 402. rocks, 58, 180. Bye-laws, ii. ANDIRSON (C.), Bibliography of Aus- tralian mineralogy (review), 149. Calcite with lattice-like inclusions, Andesite, Angola, 68. from Ontario, 252. Angola, volcanic rocks, 58. Calculation of crystals, 817. Ankerite, Nova Scotia, 340. Canadian minerals, 76, 133, 252,339. Arctic basaltic rocks, 180. Celestite in Turkestan, 94. Augitite, Greenland, 186. Chalybite, Nova Scotia, 340. Austrelian minersls, 107, 149. Cbandak~pur meteorite, 352. Axes of symmetry, 324. ChAteau Renard meteorite, 352. Balance-sheet, xxvii, xxxiii, xli, Chemical analysis o'f meteorites, 1, 349. xlix. -- of rocks, 58, 180. B ~umtso~ (F.), elected member, xl. (meteorites), 27. Classification of meteorites, 26. Barium sulphate in orgsnisms, 91. -- twin-crystals, 224. BAI~KBt~ (T. V.), Four tautozonal poles, Clay (Lias), analysis, 331. xxiv. Barytes in Russia, organic origin of, Cleavage-a ngle in random sections. 248. 87. COLLrSS (H. F.), Obituary of J. H. in marine sediments, 91. Collins, 136. Basalt, Angola, 61. COLLINS (J. H.), obituary, 136. Arctic region, 180. Copper deposits, organic origin of, 97. Basanite from Angola, 73. CORSWALL (H. B.), obituary, 188. BAUZR (M. H.), obitua]T, 391. COmSTORPHI~ (G. S.), obituary, 393. BBcxea (G. F.), obituary, 391. Crab Orchard meteorite, 167. BBaWSaTH (F. M), obituary. 392. Cracks in timber ~md clay, 329. Biotite-trachyte, Angola, 65. Cronstad meteorite, 10. Bluff meteorite, 352. CaooxEs (Sir W.), obituary, 393. BaJJ~MALL (A.), elected member, xlviii. CULUIS (C. G.), Obituary of J. W. Judd, -- Chiastolite, xlviii. 140. BaAND~O (V. vZ Souz~), obituary, 398. Cynthiana meteorite, 352. British minerals, 831. 347, 354. Brito-aretic petl~graphic province~ 180, Daniel's Knil meteorite, 13. 219. Dhurmsala meteorite, 352. BRowN (A. P.), obituary, 892. Diamond, Gold Coast, xlviii. Baow/r (C. B.7, obituary, 392. Directions-image, 45, 52, ]30. Bsow~II~O (P. E.), Rarer elements (re- Dolerite, Franz Josef Land, 209. view), 402. -- Spitzbergen, 207. Bsvce (E. L.), Magnesian tourmaline Dosa Inez meteorite, 153. from Renfrew, Ontario, 133. Doue,-~s ~J.)j obituary, 394~. INDEX TO VOL. XVIII. 405

Drawing crystals. 127. HAawooD (H. F.), elected member, Dufrenoy~ite 47), 361. xxxi. Rock ~malyses, 58, 180. Eagle Station meteorite, 178. ~Estimating NiO, Cr2Os, and VsOs, EWE CA. B.), elected member, xlv. 221. -- Siliceous sinter, xlvii. Hemimorphite from British Columbia, Eli Elwah met~eorite, 852. 76. Enclosures in calcite, 252. Hendersonviile meteorite, 852. Ensisheim meteorite, 352. HEZNER (L.), obituary, 395. Estherville meteorite, 166. HIDDE.~ (W. E.), obituary, 396. EvANs (J. W.), Isolation of directions- HILTOlV (H.)9 Use of orthographic pro- im, ge of small objects, 45. jection in crystallography, 122. Determining angular directions in Changing the plane of a gnomonic directions-image, 52. or stereographie projection, 244. Use of a slit in determining refrac- Cleavage-a,lgle in a random section tive indices with the microscope, of a crystal, 249. 130. H]~TZ~ (C. A. F.),obituary, 138. Relation between different laws of HxsE (C. R. VA~), obituary, 399. twinning, 224. Hodosc~pe, 45. Possible axes of crystal-symmetry, HOFF~IANN (G. C.), obituary, 139. 324. HOLLOWAY (G. T.), obituary, 896. Modification of Kohlrausch method HoLmzS (A.), Volcanic rocks from Lu- of determining refractive indices, calla River, A.ngols, 58. xxxi. Basaltic rocks of the Arctic region, Rock-diagrams, xxxix, xl. 180. Exchanges of publications, xx. meteorite, 173. HvoMEs (T. McK.), obituary, 896. Farce Islands, basalts, 199. HvssAx (E.), Os satellites do diamante FEvoRov (E. S.), Numerical relation (review), 148. between zones and faces of a poly- hedron, 99. Iceland, bssalts, 190. -- Graphical operations with four in- Ilmenorutile, sp. gr., 120. dependent variables, xl. Interference-figures, 45, 52, 130. Felix meteorite, 352. Iron hydroxides, 340. FINLAYSON (A.. M.), obituary, 394. Iron-ores, Nova Scotia, 389. Franz Josef Land, basalt, 209. Ironstone septarium, 331. FUEss (H. L. R.), obituary, 395. IaVXNG ~J. D.), obituary, 396.

Gnadenfrei meteorite, 352. Jan Mayen, basalts, 202. Gnomonie projection, 244, 317. Jos~so~ CJ. P.), obitu,ry, 897. of sartorite, 306. Jo~zs (W. R.~, Alteration of tourma- Gcethite pseudomorphs, 845. line, zxv. Cornwall, 347. Joeb~ ~J. B.), obituary, 139. Nova Scotia, 889. J~nn (J. W.), obituary, 140. Goniometer, students', 366. GR^HAM (R. P. D.), Lattice-like inclu- sions in calcite from Ontario, 252. Kakowa meteorite, 8-52. Grahamites (meteorites), 151. Khairpur meteorite, 17. Graphite, Ontario, 256. KiTso~ (A. E.), elected member, xxxv. GRATACAP ~L. F.), obituary, 895. -- Diamonds from Gold Coast, xlviiL Greenland, basslte, 182, 188. Konoscope, 45. Gypsum, butterfly-twin, 82. Kroonstad meteorite, 10. Ku~z (G. F.), Magic of jewels and Haematite, Nova Scotia, 839. charms (review), 147. Haemocyanin, 96. Hainholz meteorite, 158. Lattice arrangements in sartorite, 305. HALLmO~ (A. F.), Vogtite fromacid Lattice-like inclusions in calcite, 252. slag, 368. Launton meteorite, 2. H~mblen County meteorite, 169. L~noux (A.), WA/,Kza (T. L.), and 406 INDEX TO VOL. XVIII.

WngATLEY (A C.), Crystallization -- Llano del Inca, 158. of parahopeite, 10l. -- Lodran, 352. I,zPsTus ~C. G. R.), obituary, 142. -- LundsgArd, 352. Limestone septarlum, 331. -- Mincy, 164. Limnite, Norway, 840, -- Morristewn, 169. Limonite, Nova Scotia, 340, 342. -- New Concord, 852. Llano del Inca meteorite-, 153. -- Powder Mill Creek, 167. Lodran meteorite, 352. -- Rockwood, 167. LOVmATO (D.), obituary, 143. -- Shelburne , 852. LvDwm CE.), obituary, 142. -- Shytal, 352. Lundsg&rd meteorite, 352 -- Sierra de Chaco, 152. -- Simondium, 161. McI~rrl'mz (W. A..t, elected member, -- Soko-Banja, 22. xlvi. " -- Soko-Banja type, 81. MoLzov (At, Useful minerals (review), Tansy County, 164. 408. Vsca Muerta, 152. Magnetite, Nova Scotia, 389. -- Warbreccau, 6. MARC (R.), obituary, 397. Microscope slit for determining ref-ac- ~MET-MORE (S.t, elected member, ilvii. tire indices, 130. Members, list of, xi. Mincy meteorite: 164. Mesitite, Nova Scotia, 3t0. Minerals, new names, 873. (meteorites), 151. Morristewn meteorite, 169. M~teor~tes, analysis of, 1, 349. MVRDOCH (J.), Microscopic determina- -- determination of nickel-iron, 349. tion of opaque miSerals (review),149. genetic relations and c|assillcation, 26, 349. Names, list of new, 378. origin, 40. Natural Ilistory Museum, xxxviii. -- , 34. Nephelinite, Angola, 68. chondrites, 27. New Concord meteorite, 352. mesoslderite gr~thamite group, 151. I~ickel-iron of meteorites, composition, -- siderolites, 34. 849. Adare, 352. NIF~U~WXEnZXl (J-t, obituary, 3.97. Amana, 173 l~ova Scotia~ iron-ores, 389. Bareti type, 30. Bluff, 352. Obituaries :- Chandakapur, 352. BAUER (M. H.t, 391. -- Chateau ltenard. 352. BECKER ~G. F.), 891. Crab Orchard, 167. BERWERTH (F. M.), 892, -- Cr-n.Qtad, 10. BRows (A. P.), 392. -- Cronstad type, 28. Bnow~ (C. B.), 392. Cynthiana, 352. BRUCKMOSEB (J.), 893. Daniel's Kuil, 13. BSUNLECaSER (A.), 893. -- Daniel's Kuil type, 27. BURTO~ (R. C.), 393. Dhurmsala, 352. COLLX~S (J. H.), 186. Doi~a} lnez, 153. ConsWALL (H. B.), 138. -- Eagle Station, 178. CORSTORPmSE (G. S.), 393. -- Eli Elwab, 852. CROOKES (Sir W.), 393. Enslsheim, 852. DOUOLAS ~J.), 894. Estherville, 166. FINLAYaOI~ (A. M~t, 394. Felix, 852. FUESS (R. L. R.), 395. -- Gnadenfrei, 352. GRAT~C~P (L. P.~, 395. -~ Hainholz, 158. HEZNER (L.), 395. Hamblen County, 169. HIDDE~ (W. E.), 896. -- Hende~sonville, 352. Ht~'rzE (C~ A. F.), 138. -- Homestead, 173. HOFFJgASN (J~. C.), 139. Hvittis type, 27. HOLLOWAY ~G. T.), 396. -- Kakowa, 352. Huon~s (T. McK.), 396. -- Khairpur, 17. IRVII~G (J. D.), 396. Launton.. 2. JOHSSON (J. P.), 397. INDEX TO VOL. XVIH. 407

JOaDA~ (J. B.), 189. Pseudomorphs, haematite after goe- JVDD (J. W.), 140. thite, 345. (C. G. 1% L 142. Pyrites, capillary crystals from Ontario, LowaLro (D.), 142. 256. Lwwm (E.), 142. Pyroxcne-andesite, Angola, 68. MAec (R.), 897. NIZD~VlZDZKI (J.), 897. RAMSAY (Sir W.), obituary, 143. P~Ix~'q ~A.), 397. RASrATT. (R. H.), 'Oolitic ironstones, Poo'~ (H. S.), 148. ~Iviii. RAMSAY (Sir W.), 148. Rathite (?), 861. RIlL (A.), 897. Refractive indices, slit for determining ROBERTS-~ (K. J.), 897. Scott (R. H.), 14a. with microscope, 180. Report of Council, xxiii, xxxvii, xlv. SouzA BRaNVlO ~V. de), 898. Reviews of books, 145, 401. THomPso~ (8. P.), 344. Rhythmic deposition, 886. T,~zo-mzN~ (C. O.), 898. RICKJ~aSON (W. A.), elected member, VA~'HIsE (C. R ), 399. ~VA~sON (J.), 400. xxiL -- Origin of septarian structure, 827. WZ[SBEROm~ (I.), 144. Rx~s (H.), Economic geology ~review), ZE~L~Y (A. E. V. , ~00. 145. Rrrz~L i A.), obituary, 897. Orthographic net" 123. Rovs~gTso~ (A. J.), obituary, 897. Orthographic projection, 122. Optics, ~5, 52." Rock analyses, 58, 180. Rocks, sedimentary, minerals of, 87. Olivine in meteorites, anal., 5, 9, 12, -- from Angola, 58. 24, 155, 160, 176. -- from Arctic region, 180. Organic origin of minerals, 87. Rockw.od meteorite, 167. RooERs (A. F.) v. TOLMAN (C. F.). Palaeophysiol~,gy, 87, 96. RUSSELL (A.), gold from Cornwall, Parah.peite fron Rhodesia, cryst., xxvi. 101. Chromite deposits of Unst, xlv. PSSLE ~R.), Mining Engineers' Hand- book (review), 401. Russian minerals, 87. P~LX~rA~ (A.), obituary, 897. Petrographical provinces, 218. SAxoll~ov (J. V.), Palaeophysiology; the Petrography of Angola, 58. organic origin of some mineral~ in -- Arctic region, 180. sedimentary rocks, 87. Phosphorite deposits of Russia, 87. SA~DJSO~ (W. G. W.), elected member, Polyhedron, zones and faces of, 99. xxxix. PooL~ (H. S.), obitua~T, 143. Sartorite, crystal-form, 259. Porphyritic basalta from Ango.~s, 61. S~rtorite-a, 312. Powder Mill Creek meteorite, 167. Scott (A.), Devitrification of glass, PmOR (G. T.), Meteoric stones of Laun- xxxv. ton, Warbreccan, Cronstsd, Daaiel's Sc~,Tr (R. H.), obituary, 143. Kuil, Khairpur, and Soko-Bauj~. 1. Sections, cleavage-angles in, 248. Genetic relationship and classifica- Sedimentary rocks, minerals of, 87. tion of mcteorite~, 26. Semseysite from Dumfriesshire, 354. -grahamite group of Septarian structure, 827. meteorites, 151." Shelburne meteorite, 652. Amens and Eagle Station meteorites, SUF.PPaRD (G.), elected member, xlvi. 173. SHSPVARD (T.), Bibliography of York- Determinatian of nickel-iron in shire geology (review), 148. meteorites, 349. Shytsl meteorite, 8~2. Analysis of lead mineral from Binn, Siderolites (meteorites), 84. 860. Sierra de Chaco meteorite, 152. -- Analysis of semseyite, 354. Simondium meteorite, 161. Projection, gnomonic, 244, 317. SizP~ON (E. S.), Tapimite from Western orthographic, 122. Australia, 107. stereographic, 244. Slag, crystals from, 368. 408 INDEX TO VOL. XVIII.

SHZTH ~Miss E.J, Etched crystals of Trachyandesite, Jan Mayen, 203. gypsum, xxxvii. Tracbydolerite, Greenland, 186. SmTX (G. F. H.), Use of gnomonic Trachyte, Angola, 65. projecti~,n in calculation of crystals, TR~CHSAN~ (C. O.J, obituary, 398. 317. Trechmannite-a, 363. -- Somseyite from DumfR'iesshire, 354. Turgite v. Turite. Students' gonioraeter, 366. Turite, Nova Scotia, 339, 342. Obituary of C. O. Tl~,:hmann, 398. Twin-crystals, 82, 224. and SOLLY (R. H.), Crystal-form of Twill-laws, 224. 9artorite, 259. Twinning, alternative methods of, 84, Soko-Banja meteorite, 22. 2:~4. So~T (R. H.), Lead-grey, fibrous mineral from Btnn, 360. Vaca Muerta meteorite, 152. -- I~ew mineral from Binn, 863. -- ~. Sxrm (G. F. H.). Vanadium in organisms, 98. SovzA B~zvZo (V. de), obituary, 898. VA~ HrsE (C. R.), obituary, 399. Spadaite in calcite, "256. Vogtite from slag, 368. SPB~CZR (L. J.), Butterfly-twin of gyp- Volcanic rocks from Angola, 58. sum, 82. Turite and other iron-oree from WALg~R (T. L.), Spencerite, a new Nova Scotia, 389. zinc phosphate from British Colum- List of new mineral names, 373. bia, 76. -- Curvature in crystals, xlvii. ~. LEvovx (A.). Speneerite (n. sp.), 76, 387. Warbreeean meteorite, 6. Spitzbergen, basalt, 205. WATSON ~J.), obituary, 400. Stercographic projection, 244. WE~BEIteER (I.), obituary, 144. Strontium sulphate in organisms, 95. WSZAT~BY (A C.) ~. L~ovx (A.). Strfiverite, up. gr., 120. WrLcocxso~ (W. H.), elected member, Swiss minerals, 259, 360, 863. xlv. Symmetry of twin-crystals, 224. V~rIL~AXS (A. S.), elected member, xlv. Symmetry-axes, 824. WI~TEa (J. G.), N. Steno's dissertation (reviewS, 147. Taney County meteorite, 164. WonTs (R. H.), elected member, xlvi. Tantalum minerals from Western Australia, 107. YOUNG (R. B.), The banker (review), Tapiolite from Western Australia, 107. 146. Tapiolite group, 108. Text-books (reviews~, 145, 401. TsoxPso~ (S. P.), obituary, 144. ZI~ALLEY (A. E. V.~, obituary, 400. TOLM,,lq (C. F.) and Rouges ~A. F.), Zinc phosphates, 81. Magmatic sulfid ores (review), 147. Zones and faces, numerical relations, Tourmaline, magnesian, from Reafrew, 99. Ontario, 133. Zonohedron, 99.