Notice of the Annual Stockholders' Meeting
OF THE OF on April 27, 2012 NOTICE MEETING OF BAYER AG MEETING OF BAYER ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS’ STOCKHOLDERS’ ANNUAL Please fill out in block letters Please Surname affix stamp First Name Street and house number Postal code Bayer AG c /o Finger Marketing Services Country Postfach 100538 41405 Neuss E-mail Germany Phone 2 CONTENTS NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING 2012 NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING 2012 KEY DATA 23 Contents Key data 2010 2011 Change AGENDA € million € million % Sales 35,088 36,528 + 4.1 1. Presentation of the adopted annual fi nancial 3 EBIT 1 2,730 4,149 + 52.0 statements and the approved consolidated fi nancial EBIT before special items 2 4,452 5,025 + 12.9 statements, the combined management report, the re- EBITDA 3 6,286 6,918 + 10.1 port of the Supervisory Board, the explanatory report by EBITDA before special items 2 7,101 7,613 + 7.2 the Board of Management on takeover-related disclosu- EBITDA margin before special items 4 20.2% 20.8% res, and the proposal by the Board of Management on the Income before income taxes 1,721 3,363 + 95.4 one-time delivery delivery regular one-time delivery delivery regular appropriation of distributable profi t for the fi scal year as an app and on the internet Net income 1,301 2,470 + 89.9 2011, as well as the resolution on the appropriation of Earnings per share (€) 5 1.57 2.99 + 90.4 distributable profi t. Core earnings per share (€) 6 4.19 4.83 + 15.3 2.
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