Vol. 115, No. 52 $1 THETHE NORTONNORTON TTELEGRAMELEGRAM WEBSITE: nwkansas.com 14 PAGES Wednesday December 23, 2020 Briefly Norton Telegram closed for Christmas The Norton Telegram wants to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Our office will close at noon on Thursday, Dec. 24 and will be closed all day Christmas day, Friday, Dec. 25 so that our staff may enjoy some time with their families. Telegram offering Thanks to the Norton Lions Club, numerous volunteers, and a car- jumped drastically to over 170 baskets that were delivered in Norton subscription special ing community a lot of people will be able to have a much happier County. The amazing group of volunteers who packed up and deliv- Christmas this year. In 2019, the Lions Club delivered a little over ered the baskets are seen here posing behind several of the boxes- From now until January 31, subscribers 100 baskets of food and gifts to needy homes. This year, the number filled with food for the holidays. – Telegram photo by Dana Paxton to the Norton Telegram may receive $10 off the price of their existing or new one-year subscription if they renew during the months of December or January. Campaign raises nearly $167,000 Norton Hospital By LISA HERMAN able to support charitable efforts, eco- in Norton County! All dollars raised the challenge and exceeds our expec-
[email protected] nomic impact projects, and community will be invested into the Foundation’s tations,” Tara Vance, Norton County holiday hours The Norton County Community improvements. To incentivize giving, grant endowment fund which is used Community Foundation Executive Di- Foundation’s MyFoundation Cam- the Dane G.