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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-4-1911 Santa Fe New Mexican, 08-04-1911 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 08-04-1911." (1911).

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. Is Bs Work on the Territorial Charles Congress Finds Time Hang' L. Gutierrez de Lara, a Los P. Lippincott, Financially Same Old Story That Re. Bernalillo Portion Can Begins Today Engineer in in Some For It Scenic North of D. Miller With ing Heavily on Its Hands Angeles Socialist, to Tour Prominent peated Weekly Built $10,000 Highway Impressed at Present Territory Is Dead Part of Territory Is Thought Albuquerque San Juan County


LaFolette Moves to Have Se Recruits Reported to Be Crossing Deceased Was 65 Years of Age Double Killing Reported From Governor Mills Says Territory Is This Summer May Also See Plenty of Water, Fertile Lands, nator Lorimer Investigated Into Mexico Near and of Highly Nervous San Pedro in Socorro Run As Economically Thoroughfare to Taos Placed Ideal Climate, Enterprising Condition. Again. El Paso. Temperament County as Possible. in People-

Albu-- i D. El Paso, April 6 The peace par- Philadelphia, April C Craige Lip Carlsbad. X. M., Apnl . As the Governor Mills has returned from! Today work began on the Territorial Engineer Charles .Mini-- - the Maderos have is. - a Fe road at the Miller returned last from a Washington, April 6 bena- leurs in which pingott, head of J. Lippincott result of a drunken urawi, .Martin a trjp over a );lrt 0f the scenic high- querque-Sant- evening 1 the Owen and Brown today been engaged the last ten days, to Company and one of the most promi-- Mendoza, a resident of the suburb of way and he found the road as fur as querque end. Iast evening, at trur of isan Juan county, during tors n: - A a oi j which he hundred X introduced bills looking to the all appearances came to a halt early nent men in financial and social cir- chihuahua was killed. man named ;t ;s traversible in good shape. Hejecuiive mansion, mooting covered several to au- - mud! Roads Commission was hr hi ".r.iles. In over the approval of the constitutions this morning after 24 hours of almost cles of the city died mysteriously S. Rodriguez is Deing hunted sav there was a eood deal of Good going possibilities Charles I). Mil- - ,r to Farm-le- r X of New Mexico and Arizona ceaseless telegraphing between this early today at his homo, 218 West swer for the shooting. The killing; snowing that the highway has been Territorial Engineer ;i highway from Gallup and admission and Chihuahua and . the aristocratic was the result of booze Mendoza visited more rains than this s ra- had just returned from a trip toij,.,.,,,,, nt, visited the Navajo Indian the immediate city Rittenhouse Square, by - - and third mem- j wes- - X of the territories to state- I' is expected that Francisco Madero, residential section of Philadelphia. was found dead with a bullet hole tion. The governor declared that San Juan county, the School and Agency Shiprock, are to continue ber. Land Commissioner R. IJ. fcrvien. tern San which is in hood. Sr., Alfonso Madero, Roques Estra- According to the police, death was in his chest and posses scouring work will begin shortly Juan county, scenic was present. Governor Mills had of W. T. ot da and Rafael Hernandez, the former due to a pistol wound. Whether he the country the surrounding country the road which is one of the charge Shelton, formerly ' of made an of the Scenic 1'. S. School in Statehood Resolutions Consolidated. an attorney for the junta and the lat received the injury by accident or for Rodriguej. attractions the southwest. inspection the Indian Industrial will to Bullets. Highway yesterday afternoon and de- this city, lie there with Special to the New Mexican. ter an intermediary, return is not publicly known. The j Riddled By Four Bernalillo County. inspected lesign ioni-times clared that when it is completed to April 6. Chairman San Antonio tonight or tomorrow. L. coroner is a thorough inves- - Santa Kosa, m.. nu Discussing the proposed road from much interest the reclamation work Washington, making i. the Pecos, it will make the finest on ter- a cio was snot tour said that j that is done by the United Flood of the House committee Gutierrez de Lara of , H.ratinn Mr ' Linnincott's son. Jay Velesquez Albuquerque, the governor - Li i. . L n 'Q scenic drive from Albuquerque in the - and Brown of Nebraska, in Socialist and a in the insur- - made a sworn state-- me i.J,ruuu, rarfilvor Assistant Territorial Xeal glaU,3 inujal, service under the dir- ritories, captain B. Lippincott unrougu Engineer IV-- 1 u country. The completion to the E. the Senate, introduced joint resolu- recto army, starts on a few days tour ment to the deputy coroner that it and Juan Arenineque 'a.6eu left for Albuquerque last night and ection of General H. Robinson, cos, will make a for j word for word like the Andrews of the mm The shooting occurred will over the to loop, providing Ue 1IlgimH!r in cUarKO of In(iaI1 Ir. tions in New Mexico in the interest ,oa hu nnlninn that his father died snooting go road, expecting , . -., ... about 13 tlUlfiS llllKh a uo u.e d resolution and attached thereto and one 1,11V. v..,- hecrin rtfht nw:iv nnrl th eum,u work in ,llig jllrisdiction. joint insurrection to raise money n. nt an rtcnt Air ' rieta and Canoncito and also rigatioI1 Delegate Cameron's joint resolution, men. He says that the plan now is ,U west oi rama iwoa. ic work to an early completion. "If the s.v,ngjSjx m.,eB of dich an lumeg haw was received here when - approving the constitutions of New Mexicans as possi- al- - of the tragedy road is surveyed we can build that .Z L. completed thus far and diver- to as many nervous temperament, c . ib!" keep of i highly nn in tlV " iwuuu ;s .,.' a iuuvii-- Mexico and Arizona. Each was refer- in Bernalillo for $10,-000,- lilt; uij eiiuuu,..'.; sion of waters of the San Juan ble at work in the so ways had a fear of finding burglars - It" portion county red to the committees on territories. to the cause and said the governor. Then the through them will be made this they can contribute 111 PIS nouse uuu Jlis iiivnua ucuctv were not nec- Dal ton divide and work pushed Delegate Andrews will be on the com- the found that his wounds road will be built through Sandoval Lands under this the army provisioned and in been alarmed by ;.'spring. irrigated of keep that he might has that with proper atten- through to the Pecos. mittees territories, agriculture, pub- Mexi essarily fatal, county. j canal will 4,"mmi field Ho savs almost every and killed ; eventually aggregate lic lands and Indian the last the noise accidentally tion he would probably recover. The Albuquerque Road. affairs, border states is contribut of nervous Tax Levy. acres which will be allotted to the to can in the himself while in a state of the affair, as learned At the same time, it was resolved! being additional the committtees particulars the tax of ten mill? Indians in ten-acr- e tracts. half of his wages to the insurrec Discussing levy - Navajo he was on last year. ing excitement. from Velasquez, were meager. He to hire men today for the Albuquer- cause. Circulars are being distrio- as announced yesterday by Territori- This plan of Sujerint.endent Shelton to Do. to It Was Suicide. said he was talking lo the wife of nno ml nf thp rnnrl ami tn octnhliuh Nothing here al Auditor Sargent, the governor said to provide a industry for D. uted boldly on the streets urg April 6. Oscar Stew when the latter suddenly a camp about three miles north of profitable Washington, C, April 6. Both Philadelphia, Archibeque, that its reduction is a source of his wards and to settlfl a on recruits to join the Maderista Ar .Mr. He and family the House and Senate held a brief ing art, the valet tound uppincou opened fire on him. ran, as the that city. The work of building tha are sent 1 great gratification present ,on acr('s is a I"'ac,'cal session no action of my and large numbers being dead when he went to shave him at while running said that shots were fifteen miles of road to the Sandoval jach wry today, importance nere. levy includes the road tax. "It is as commendable one and develop- - across the border nightly near 8 He was half dressed of them line will be nii'hort with ii!ani being taken. Adjournment was taken o'clock. lying fired at him, four taking economical as we think the county territory 1 ment in the direction. It will until Monday. Rebels Set Up Civil Government. on the floor. There was a bullet hole effect. Later Archibeque eanie in and possible speed. Good Roads Enein-t- right can be run." he continued. "We wish far San Andreas near near him Casaus. His eer C. II. Xeel will be in por-I- bettering existing LaFollette Wants Lorimer Investi- Madero's Camp, n his right temple and lay surrendered to Sheriff to as low charge 'ard - keep down expenses just on reservation. Chihuahua, Mexico, Thursday, April i revolver. Corroner McKee- of the affair was. that while There are $in,nno in bank at'ui'ions ,he gated. Deputy version as possible to conduct the affairs of been sent the his he saw to j 6. Orders have through ver when leaving the house stated he was returning from work Albuquerque pay for the work, and In talking of the possibilities and Washington, April Senator La- the safely and wisely." ' ranks to be prepared for it was a case of suicide. Mrs. leave territory as soon as Sandoval does its resources of San Juan Mr. Follette today introduced a resolu- insurrecto belief that Velasquoz and Archibeque county county, I. Madsro Appointments. h instant action. Francisco his house , He followed share, the road will be completed Miller waxes enthusiastic. "My tion providing for another investiga- Mental Aberration. together. The announced the follow- - has changed headquarters from Bus C thorn enmp distance UD a canyon to governor that county to the La Rajada it to that he said "was tion of the Lorimer case. The reso- Philadelphia, April This after of members of arm section," Hacienda to this which is th.-- down and jiejing appointments It is will' lution names as committee of investi- tillos point, noon a statement was i3sueu ay an where counle sat hoped that this ably more complete than any other e boards: Xorman L. thirty-fiv- miles of Chihuahua He ory King, captain be summer. j gation, Senators Works of within officer of the Lippincott Company said, became very affectionate. by early inspection made by this department. California, of the movement be-- of Company F, New Mexico National Townsend of The nature proposed Mr. had shot then fiimroached the pair and he Taos Road. One thing made a Michigan, McLean of town stating, that Lippincott Guard, and Colonel Jose D. Sena asi great impression Kern is not divulged. At Madera, a in a oi gan Buuumm. .cuo.,...... It is also understood that the road on me, and that was the Connecticut, of Indiana, and and killed himself period members of the Santa Fe Armory j 'get togeth 600 the insurrectos have him as as un-!e- r' Pomerene of Ohio. No was of people, aberration. The business 'Archibeque fired at long from Santa Cruz to Taos will be spirit that is being manifested action a and temporary , Roard, vice Carlos Vierra, resigned.; taken as Senator organized police municipal will not be the ammunition lastea ,...,u,.. dertaken this summer, providing individuals of different towns LaFollette intends in of the publishing house W. C. Porterfield, member of Silver! among to system under Albano Freis, father i. i unii ...... Taos county makes the speak upon the resolution on an- affected. says uaviu City Board; Charles L. Bal- - customary and sections of the county. The other law of General Orosco. Two saw Tennrio know all about it. and he Armory It will connect with day. lard. Roswell Armory Board: James troversy among irrigation promoters mills and two box factories are being both as witnesses for his a - ANNIHILATION wants them at San- to be in fair way ot working Bryan's Bossism Irksome. at Madera their owners ABSOLUTE examina- P. Esearte, Las Cruces Armory Board, "V Lru,Yacl apfars operated by OF SOCIAL EVIL. defence at the preliminary "'u "u i" out and it will be one aim Washington, April 6. Whether 41 of and M. L. Stern of the Albuquerque i""'" itself my under permission the insurrectos tion. from this ci,ty''' Into the Taos'lto work on senators constituting the Democrat- lum- Armory Board. (highway get construction started All Americans in the .mines and Double in Socorro County. m, u ue lm- - ic to City Killing '' P.ic, win oi immense ths lareer aiioronriations. Work party in the senate shall In are Recommendation 6. For the support ber camps that' neighborhood N. M., April Meagre Treasury. -- a Council Houses of III Fame Socorro; ' portance commercially as well t)e started next week op conservative or That a double kill- Territorial Treasurer M. A. Otero,-ha- asjwiu progressive policy receiving supplies through insurrecto reached here of from the j Be Exterminated. details tourist standpoint. the Turley Southside project or Ham during the present session of con- courtesy. The Mexican Northwestern at San Pedro, across the river received the following sums for ing The Good Roads Commission offers j mond will cover formed - Can-did- Extension and this gress, the subect of an earn- railway is running ISO miles to Ma from San Antonio, south of here. the territorial treasury: Camillo San- and Chicago, April 6. The Chicago vice the use of its grader to Santa acres on the San Juan river est animated conference partici- dera under complete control of the Romero a young unmarried man chez, treasurer of Guadalupe county, FejlS.OoO in commission, the first salaried munici- county to keep the road to La Bajada'Tlie waters of Las Animas will also pated yesterday by about 15 Demo- Insurrectos who have two trains and of that place, shot and killed Deputy $221.41; Reymundo Romero, treasur- commission of its kind, made hill and to Giorieta in good condition, j be utilized initial construction cratic senators. The meeting was American crews. Whenever the offi pal Sheriff Padilla over family er of Torrance county, $955.5". by radical recommendations in its Santiago It was pleased to learn that Santa Feiwork this This held in the committee rooms of Sen- cials of the railroad wish to send many and turned the gun Land Entries. month. office intends t.nitmt In the ontYimlTl fMinfil Tl ft difficulties then is the first to a steam ator Stone of li mca f in The en- county purchase to continue pushing this feature. De Missouri. supply train out of Chihuahua city ' ' v.lmnlf mums uiii"". following were the land gave an exnaustive review of the iiiiuocji, lo.iei aim grauer ior its road caused The gathering grew out of the vis- they must obtain the permission from stantly. Padilla leaves a lamuy. tries at the Santa Fe land office yes- wrKjil)y8 by unnecessary litiga present status of the social evil in and believes that its example will be tion will not it of William J. Bryan and was due Mexican officials, and a permit from Pleads Guilty to Shooting terday: Jose E. Archuleta. Wagon be countenanced. Chicago, its past, its causes, and followed by other counties. to the prospect that Senator Martin Madero to enter insurrecto territory. La3 Cruces, N. M., April 6. The Mound: Manuel Sanchez, Estaneia; The people of the county were means of it. The recom- Las Cruces Road. of Virginia would be In this way a sort of suppressing returned an in Sarah L. Morris, Cuervo; Patricio Tm-jillo- . very cordial and my was very elected chair- agree mendations were the territorial grand jury the Rio stay man of ment has been entered into between directly against Alfred Frederick La Jara; John L. Robinson, Ce- - Says Grande Republican: indeed. Our the Democratic senatorial of dictment against Actual pleasant department European principle segregation. - work on El Camino Real caucus. Governor Ahumada and the insurrec Murcel on a charge of shboting Alfred ;dar Hill; Aureliano La Dassar, Stan- has always lauded the possibilities of were. is rapid About seve- The Nebraska is tos. The train and railroad however, They PnrVer the nffrav takinff nlace at ley making progress. San Juan The abundance of leader understood and nty-five teams county. to remain in control of Constant persistent repression to a and one hundred men have conseled his intimate sena- the Insurrectos immediate Rincon, both parties belonging Notary Public. water, the remarkable qualities of its Madero of the social evil as an are working and nearly four miles of torial friends to some says he proposes to extend carnival company which was exhibit- Governor Mills has l soil and climate select other method, with absolute annihilation as appointed road bed are to receive together with the the insurrecto civil until at that town. Murcel was A. ready gravel. senator more inclined toward the government the ultimate ideal. ing arraign Lobato of Petaca, Rio Arriba Several miles of high class of its citizenship, make it includes Mexico ed in court and brush will leave the! Bryan policies. City. of of twelve to yesterday pleaded county, a notary public. old route in nrrf JllaI1 county a region or great Instruction children .:Bani Mr. Parker has not yet New Classification. iu ouuucil,w. IIIC Bryan offered no" personal ob- sixteen years old in sex hygiene; by guilty. Judge length and follow Santa Conditions warrant the to Mr. THIRTEEN WOMEN IN passed sentence upon him. All of the The classification of the counties Feirom,se of jection Martin, but pleaded personal attention of parents; physi- track. F. O'Brien is in of the construction the proposed railroad that MUNICIPAL OFFICES witnesses who have been held here for salaries of district for charge from to the party should take advantage cal examination of applicants for attorneys work for the territory and that Farmington Santa Fe, and it of for the past week, wer discharged. the year 1911, based on laws of 1907, says its present opportunity. He marriage licenses; better protection thirty teams are at Dona Ana looks as if such a railroad built by One Result of Election (also Sec. 6, fol- grading thought this could be done only Tuesday's for abolition of the fining sys- Chap. 22. 1909) is as and twelve more will be private enterprise would pay from Gives Ladies a Hold on girls; BIG STEAMER RUNS lows: added to the through an agressive policy, to tem against known members of vice present force Monday. About two the start by reason of the great ton- - in Mr. Treasurerships. and AGROUND NEAR HARBOR. Bernalillo, class Chaves of coal ancl and timDer t which, Bryan's opinion, Mr. districts; an intelligent ample A; class A; miles are ready for gravel at the Dona i naKe frult Martin's, membership would not be adult probation system; home for old Colfax class B; Curry class D; Dona Ana end. At Berino teams W0U,J command in addition to the , Colo., 6. Thirteen Xew York, April 6. The Xorth thirty are conducive. ' April offenders; an appeal to the chivalry big Ana class C; Eddy class B; Grant grading and two miles natural passenger business. Here women German Lloyd liner Princess Irene ready for As many of the Democratic sena- will hold important municipal of man; regulation of lake boats; in- class B; Guadalupe class E; Lincoln gravel. A force of men ' at Santa Fe, connection with three ran ashore in the thick fog to- large are tors had their votes to their offices in Colorado as the result of and of em- early class D; Lune class D; McKinley the brush from railroads would throw open the mar-a- t pledged vestigation supervision on the reef off Lone Hill clearing the state line day sandy class n the agencies; laws calling cen- E: Mora class E; Otero class D; Anthony to Berino. of the world to San Juan coun-tee- Virginia colleague, suggestion Tuesday's elections. Pueblo, the sec ployment station, ten miles east of Fire Island. Twelve or Quay class C; Rio Arriba men j was embarrassing, and conservative ters of the evil public nuisances, class E; are at tv- - It is not like building through ond largest city of the state, elected The sea is calm and the steamer may Roosevelt grubbing mesquite senators expressed resentment at the against allowing messenger boys to class E; Sandoval class E: Vado. Private citizens are to be an undeveloped, unpopulated region, a woman auditor. Leadville, Tellur-itle- be pulled off at high tide. On board San Juan class interposition. The conference occu- go into vice districts, the state to E; San Miguel class complimented for their work on the but it would be a road serving from Idaho are 235 cabin passengers and 1,485 A; Santa Fe four hours. Springs, Greely and Mont take the place of a parent to illegiti- class C; Sierra class E: enterprise. Oscar Snow - a between pied The only definite in the steerage from Naples, Genoa, has prom- the start great population conclusion reached was to ask that rose elected women treasurers, mate children; comfort stations in bocorro class C; Taos class E: Tor ised a large force of men and teams two cities and over a route fre- Palermo and Gibraltar. rance class important the dance halls; E; Union class D; Valen to fix a bad I the Democratic senatorial caucus, did the smaller towns of Fairplay and city; muncipal stretch of road bed near that would furni3h an abundant quent rotation of police; no liquor at cia class E. Mesilla Park. scheduled for today, be postponed Ridgway. Colorado and Las Many that do not have tonnage." City public dance halls, municipal lodging Other Classification. the time to work are until Friday. There will be no ses- Animas giving money. elected women city clerks and bouse for women; segregation of The classification sion of the senate Friday,, thus, af- ESTATE BRINGS following of JAPANESE BUGABOO DECLARED Diirango a woman alderman. The lit- girls from delin- counties for salaries of com- NO ELECTION TO further for ex- county SENATE A FANTASTIC FAIRY TALE. fording opportunity and an care and BY views. tle town of Alma will have two wo- quents intelligent missioners, probate judges and pro- COLORADO LEGISLATURE. changing for women officers bate discus- men a education them; clerks for the year 1911, as based seiner, ioio., April 6. There wasi Old The scope of yesterday's officials, city clerk and treas- train- no Ambassador of Mexico Ridicules for the police force; vocational on laws of 151-- 2 election in - sion from caucus leader- urer. 1905; figured on a today's senatorial bal- of Maneuvers Just expanded for older girls in public schools; !il,000 mill levy: lot. Explanation All ing ship to legislative program. the hotels and homes for working wom- Republished. senators them- Bernalillo class A: Cnaves class A: present expressed en and girls; vigilance in public of Leslie M. Shaw and Colfax class A; Curry class B; Dona 6. Baron Uchida selves as favorable to the course where girls and women visit; Syndicate Washington, April WORRIED parks Ana class A; Eddy class A: Grant de- action formulated by the house of and less for children, except Buy Lower California LONG DISTANCE the Japanese ambassador, today liberty class A; Guadalupe class C; Lincoln clined to comment or even Democratic caucus last Saturday. 1 under the eye of their parents and dignify Tract class A: Luna class This program embraces the appro closer attention of parents A; McKinley by a denial the declaration made yes- generally class D; Mora class D; Otero class in El Paso a Mexican said val of the constitutions adopted by AND to the habits, acquaintances and do- terday by A; Quay class ! New Mexico and and A; Rio Arriba class AEROPLANE FLIGHT! to be close to the Mexican foreign Arizona, including ings of their children girls boys. D; Roosevelt recall of LARGER JERSEY class C: Sandoval class office but whose name was withheld. the provision the latter; the San Juan of II TH1JFJ E; class D; San Mietiel that the United States troops were acceptance the Canadian reciproc- CLUB WILL HIKE Left class A; Santa Fe class t0 agreement and the election of Pathetic Message by THROUGH NEW MEXICO. A; Sierra Planned - t0 cauti" ity A- - as Fea lh.borde Well as class C; Socorro class Tano an Opening ifnt it was rumor- - senators by direct vote, and the re- California Banker Who Japan as Foreign Capi .i. Japan, country, E; Torrance class D: Union a- - ! of the of Will Be From to Coveted Land on clasS ture at Isreat Meet at ed was attempting to secure a coal apportionment house rep- Tour Michigan talists Valencia class C. Shot Himself - ing station on the Pacific coast ot resentatives. California Via Okla- Magdalena Bay. Belmont Park Mann to Select. homa. Santa Fe county has advanced from Mexico. The ambassador declared class D in which he would not an old which April 6 The House it was last year. deny story Washington, 6 The declar- - FOUND DEAD IN CEMETERY Tacoma, April practical Insane long since has been officially took adjournment in order to give Jackson, Mich., April 6. At the an- Asylum. TO NEW YORK of the for Extensive will ed untrue. There was no comment Republican Leader Mann time to pre- nual meeting of the Overland Walking completion arrangements repairs be made during the forthcoming from the Mexican am- pare the minority selections for the Club, it was decided that the 1912 the sale of the Flores Hale estate com- spring upon the buildings His of the New Mexico bassador, where the story was laugh- committees of the House. Body Had Fallen Across the "Hike" be through Kansas, Colorado, 12,700 miles on Mag- Hospital for the Course standing prising square Insane to Skirt Atlantic Coast ed at as a which con- Graves of His Two Dead Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, at Las Vegas. Tuesday the "bugaboo." dalena bay. Lower Cafllfornia. for board of Over Branch tinues to haunt the United States and BASEBALL TEAM OF MINIS- New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma. trustees of the institution Long and Wives. more than $15,000,000 was announced a creature of JUNCTION. This year the will be to at its regular meeting al- Park. "fairy nursery tales TERS AT GRAND trip upper monthly Asbury which are used to Michigan. The members of the club, last night by . Ezra P. , Savage, for- lowed contracts for the work, ft is frighten children." Redding, Calif., 6. E. L middle-age-d the of Grand Junction, Colo.; April 6. A April most of them men, have mer governor of Nebraska, one of the policy the board to keep the New York, April 6. An Bailey, vice of aeroplane HERE IS A CASE baseball team composed entirely of president of the Bank made many tours of great length since owners. The land is ownedfby a syn- buildings in the best of repair, as flight from to New York Northern California Washington FOR H. B. FERGUSSON. clergymen is Grand Junction's latest of this city, the organization a number of years dicate headed J. E. Blackman of this policy is believed to be the tru- by way of Atlantic will be an was found in a by City acquisition. The nine' is made up of cemetery last night. ago. New York includes former sec- est economy. The board also decid- feature of the summer avia- across and opening Guthrie, Okla., April 6. Announce- the pastors of various churches here lying the graves of his two of the Leslie M. ed to ask for supplies for the institu- tion meet in the east to a dead with retary treasury, according ment was made by the school land and includes some former college wives, a bullet hole in his SEVEN INCHES OF SNOW Shaw. The land is said1 to have been tion during the next six months. plan for the Belmont head and a arranged park department that 1,535,862 acres of The ministers revolver by his side. A FELL IN TODAY. to Mex- Thousands of dollars worth of gro- meet on 19 stars. practice daily, sought by Japan just prior the May to 21. The distance school land would be sold in this is six a week and have is note found by the body and Iowa, April 6. Six to a ceries, and other oe that days Waterloo, ican revolution for coaling station. clothing articles aooui zov mnes. xne aviators state June 23. to read: "I am weary and worn inches of snow fell here are used beginning Purchasers sued a challenge any team of the and seven this Two foreign and one American syndi- annually and bidding for will come up on the Atlantic coast, as as of one and unable storm was may buy many sections they state made up members of physically mentally to morning. The a freak, cate are now figuring on the pur the contracts always is spirited, pass Long Branch, Asbury Park, At can Wnore the load!" pay for. Heretofore not profession, but will not play Sunday bear Bailey had been ill the snow being accompanied by vivid chase. The land is rich in minerals many samples being submitted to the lantic Highlands and other summer than a for weeks. quarter section has been sold games. lightning. as well as agricultural resources. board for its approval. re80rts- - to one man.


IS YOUR SKIN ON FIRE? Prominent among the matters com- Does it seem to that can't up for also the ap- you you ing hearing wa3 Established THE LITTLE STORE stand another minute of that awful praisement of the estate of the late 1856. Incorporated 1903 burning itch? J. Felipe Hubbell, which was ap- That it MUST be cooled? proved. The appraisement showed That you Mt'ST have relief? the estate to be valued at ?3G,C90.8G Get a mixture of Oil of Winter-- of which 25,5C3 is real property, Bros. Co. grefn, Thymol, and other soothing in $4,546.50 personal property and Selipan We Have gredients as compounded only in D. amount due the deceased at I). D. Prescriptions. the time of his death. The very first drops STOP that aw- Detectives chould Not Drink Sunny Laundry ful Monday Sweet Peas Seeds burning instantly! When arraigned at Las Vegas on a is and contains no The and heal! Soap white White Goods For 2SQJ3S9SIZ first soothe drops charge of being drunk, James Seek rosin. Instead of made Spring D.D. D. gives you comfort the "commissioned detective," told being cleanses the skin of all and from refuse Bulk and Packages impurities the judge he was in Las Vegas on the cheap tallow, washes away pimples and blotches of an absconding bank cashier. and as most over greases rosin, night! "I would have got him, too, if Our beautiful lines for Spring repre- Take our word on as local judge, laundry soaps are, Sunny 25 Varieties. it your I hadn't been arrested," he said. sent most high-grad- e the complete assortment druggist. "You better let me out so I can round Monday contains Get a or a 25 cent bottle of $1.00 today. him up. If I spend a week in he materials, such as choice fats choicest White Frabrics both The jail Capital Pharmacy. will get away and I have tracked him and vegetable oils. Its white- fancy and plain. We show the best AURCH 17th THE DAY TO PLANT THEM for many weeks." Judge Murray ness is of its of told Seek a detective should never proof purity. everything for Waists, Gowns, is THE DAILY ROUND OP. drink, smoke, chew or swear and Sunny Monday easy on Undermuslins Childrens wear etc. J should always keep on the job if he the hands, easy on the clothes; wanted to accomplish anything. The can beusedinanykindof water. India Linons Persian Lawns TO IN MY judge deemed the cashier had suc- M inter Co. THE CYCLAMEN ' Grocery WINDOW. ceeded in getting away and Seek Dotted Swisses Cloth THE N. K FAIRBANK COMPANY Long Southern Corner Plaza. Santa Fe. Telephone No. 40. learned midst Al- as well ten in Pert flower, that might spend days jail. CHICAGO Nainsook Flaxon pine snows, Las Vegaa Optic. WE GIVE CASH REGISTER TICKETS To toss thy saucy petals back Poplin Voile WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES From icy breath of mountain wind, BALLINGER'S TRIBUTE TO FORESTRY SERVICE TO Dimity Batiste And chi. ing glaciers' rugged track; WESTERN MEN. DEVELOP LATENT SPRINGS. Far from thy peaks, thy torrents Spokane, Wash., C Richard wild, April 6 To con- A. who Pocatello, Idaho, April And from the Alpine rose, Rallinger, recently resignej serve the snows of the Blue Mount- parted as Secretary of the Interior after a A Great sister sweet, thou com'st to me ains in the Weuaha Forest reserve, the Array of Dainty Materials Temptingly Priced Thy stormy administration, was the guest Thy dainty beauty to disclose; Government Bureau is plan- of honor at a banquet che Forestry Fair visions of thy home to bring, given by to "treat" thousands of acres Louis Spokane Bar Association ning recently. Napoleon Of beetling cliffs, of flow'ry lea. with and trees this summer The was the most - j shrubbery meeting represen- Ac- Of golden hours 'neath azure skies. and develop dormant springs. FOR HALF A CENTURY THE I tative of the legal profession ever LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE T'l CITY Groceries and Delacatessen Of distant herd-bell- as they ring cording to an announcement that liaj held in this city. In responding to With cadence soft; of search for just been made public, camps are al- P.O. Box 219 FRESH PIES FRESH CAKES CREAM PUFFS, BREAD, ETC the ovation tendered him, Mr. Ballin-- ! Phone 39 ready being established where forces thee, ger paid a tribute to the Western men My Alpine, beauteous prize, of government rangers and assistants j as a whole, and to Western :n EVERY DAY Annie Grace Wirt. lawysrs will be this summer to do He said in "The quartered particular. part: the work. More water has been SMOKED BLOATERS FOR LENTEN OBSERVERS men of our profession are too Death of Young Man Nelson, son of steadily demanded by of to lack on the material side, and vet irrigation IMPORTED OLIVE Mr. and Mrs. George S.mms, died at lands in the which j)IL begin of thjs valleys through the Walla Walla Mill Tou-- - Albuquerque yesterday 'lawyers its policies, and in' river, creek, l- Death of Girl Herhna, the shaped chet river and other streams flow and ES INHERE GO Lttle the annals of constructive statesmp.r.. fifteen months old daughter of Mr. and petitions sent to the government have ship the great lawyers sacrificed tim,?,: The Simplest and Most Compact Gasoline Engine Ever t tj ot A,,mnnprn been promptly noticed and complied means and for the permann-- I died yesterday. energy with. This will double the water Constructed. Its small but extremely powerful, makes cy, and advancement of the give y protection - Tried to Stop Runaway Abraham supply during the summer, it is be- out windmill republic. Many of the great lawyers a plant of pump. at Albu j power pumping any Singer was painfully injured of in the of lieved, when the treatment of the today are pay the great ffl-s- : to a j querque. stop - mountain forests and watersheds is yesterday trying commercial organizations of the co t'l- a A, Ajf 1A A A ...... n linHoMl OH ttl ANY BOY lllliawa.Y...... i. 11C 0 tuiunuhr,ll'n Ul! completed. The snows of the winter, ArrjNA the horse and trampled. instead of with a in j CAN RUN communities and nation to proceed melting rush Reckless Chauffeur Fourteen year be j THIS early spring, will protected during old Jessie Tenable was run down by that and the water saved until There can be no stability of govern- period ENGINE. a reckless chauffeur at Albuquerque is ment unless its immutable and fund- when it really needed. yesterday and escaped serious injury co- amental are Residents in the mountains will 3SeL as if by a miracle. principles supported by with the in this We guarantee the Farm Pump Engine with reasonable care the people." operate government The League work. to run without trouble or bother as long as kept properly Purity League Purity of Albuquerque met Tuesday evening lubricated and supplied with clean gasoline. AN and was addressed by Arch Deacon ENVIABLE BIRTHRIGHT TO BE BORN ON FARM. Price $70.00 fob Madison, Wis. Warren and Professor A. B. Stroup. HOW'S THIS? The Arch-Deaco- n advises girls to We can furnish horse power engine required for your We offer One Hundred Dollara Re- any avoid "Gum, Giggle and Gabble." One of the greatest boons that work. For sale ward for any case of Catarrh that can- by Judge's Daughter Takes Leading ever can come to a human being is not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. N. M. Role Miss Constance Abbott, daugh- to be born on a farm and reared in FRANK F. Santa Fe, F J. & QORMLEY, Mar-de- n CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. ter of Judge Ira A. Abbott, will take the country, says Orison Swett e We, the have known the leading role at Albuquerque in in "Success Magazine." undersigned, F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and the presentation of the Masqueraders, and grit are oftenest country-- believe him honorable in all which will also be given at Santa Fe bred. The country boy is con- perfectly FOR YOUR GARDEN DON'T YOU NEED A WHOLE business transactions and LOT OF by local talent. stantly thrown upon himself, and financially NEW TOOLS? able to out made New for this calls out his ingenuity and in carry any obligations WE HAVE THEM, DON'T BORROW YOUR NEIGHBOR'S. Surveyor Torrance County his firm. Wholesale Fred P.- - Hill of Mountainair has ventiveness. He develops better all- - by WE DO NOT GO TO SEED" IN OUR BUSINESS, BUT KEEP UP FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN been appointed surveyor of Torrance around judgment an da more level WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, TO DATE WITH ALL THE RELIABLE BRANDS OF HARDWARE Wholesale Toledo, O. IN ' ; county, by the county commissioners head than a city lad. His muscles Druggists, ABUNDANCE. . ., & to fill the vacancy made by the resig are harder, his flesh firmer, and his Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- POTATOES and blood nation of the former County Surveyor brain-fibe- r partakes of the same su nally, acting directly upon the S. B. Janes. and mucous surfaces of the system. Wood-Davi- s Co. SALT. Hill was deputy county perior quality. Hardware surveyor under Janes and continued The very granite hills, the moun- Testimonials sent free. Price 7oc. Retail to act after his resignation. tains, the valleys, the brooks, the per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. If Its Hardware We Have Democrats are Take Hall's Family Pills for it. Sole Agents For Win at Artesia In the miracle of the growing crops school election held Tues- moment their INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. at Artesia every registering Phone 14. Phone 14. day the straight Democratic ticket mighty potencies in his constitution, ALFALFA SEED and All Kinds of Flowers won easily. J. J. Sullivan was el- putting iron into his blood and staiw-in- You Need Field in Bulk Don't Garden and Seeds and Package. ected for the three-yea- r term over F. into his character, all of which A THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE GRAIN HOUSE IN SANTA FE' J. Lukens, and G. R. will help to make him a giant when Reminder Brainard for the two-yea- r term over he comes to compete with the city-bre- d f PHONE AC en UFDCOU PHONE AC J. E. Swepston, The youth. WHOLESALE BLACK IIUnOUIE BLACK T AISD RETAIL til ktU total vote polled was nearly 500. Wood Wheat is MIGHT HAVE EARNED A Crop Up The wheat crops HE RATON on the road to Manzano look promis- VOTE. ing. There are hundreds of acres of YANKEE ' Screened CERRILLOS land covered, with a green blanket of Little Johnnie stood gazing sol- Lump wheat shooting up from the soil. emnly on the decrepit form of an old Thousands ;.t acres are being culti- countryman. Noticing the boy's at- Anthracite Coal all Sizes, Smithing Coal. Steam Coal. vated, and it does a person good to tention the old man asked: "Well, Sawed Wood and Eugenio Romero travel Kindling. along between two fields of what is it, son?" turned soil ' lf2SAir5?Buof." CAPITAL COAL YARD. newly and inhale the "Say,-- the inquisitive youngster & fresh odor that rises from Estan-ci- a 85 LUMBER COAL YARD it asked, "did the politicians kiss you Telephone Telephone 85 Daily Herald. Lumber when you was a baby?" From Suc- and all kinds Lump, nut and Divorce Chief Justice Wil- cess Magazine. of building material mine run coal liam M. PC--- at Roswell, gave judg- that our Tailoring is perfect because ment in Ella Lea Bedell Ed- that fact is well known all over town. against TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ON gar L. Bedell, granting petitioner an But we may remind you that we have REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE YARD EICKOX STREET, NEAR Take LAXATIV E BROMO Table absolute divorce with full right and Quinine ' just received a fine line of Spring NEW MEXICO CENTRAL DEPOT. Druggists i efund money if it alls to cure E. exclusive title to all New and and that A property in W. UROVE'S signature Is on each box 2 Suitings Overcoatings CAD C I C Improved and unimproved City Property, Orchards Mexico heretofore in either 1 her name, now is your chance to have either or U1V JALL and RancLes; Also a number of the finest Fruit and Phone Red 100 Phone Red 100 Mr. Bedell's name or in both their both made up to your order. We Alfalfa Ranches in names; also her the care and We Have Built the Espanola Valley with the Very Best of water rights granting Up give you a fit and finish, and TH0VUS P. DELGAD0, custody of minor children. perfect andlne of the finest orchards on the Tesuque at a Bargain" Mgr. you will be satisfied with the charge, Took "Few" Drinks and Was Tak too. en for Kidnapper Because he drove Modern Residences for Rent. into Las Vegas after several months' 101 Washington Ave isolation on the range, and proceeded to take a few drinks and flash a roll 103 IN of bills, declaring at the same time Julius Muralter R M. JONES. Palace Ave. RIDE THE MOON that he had a thousand dollars more in each of his boots, Arthur Fisher, a cowDoy, employed on J. D. Hand's TAILOR. ranch at Los Alamos, was arrested Cor. Palace and Washington Avenue. as a possible suspect in the kidnaping case. With little ceremony Fisher was compelled to remove his boots OOD'YS HACK LINE and show 1 LIVERY STABLE whether he had two thou- sand dollars hidden in them. The Prom boots proved to contain no money, WE HANDLE LUMBER BARRANCA TO TAOS however, and Fisher was released af- Fine Rigs, Reliable Horses In large quantities and have erery Single ter admitting that he was "four flush- Meets Both North South modern facility tor the Buggies, Saddle Horses. ing," about having a wad of furnishing Surries, money. or dressed Bounds Trains. Will of very beat General Carr Probated In Leaves on ot the Lumber Barranca the arrival 30 H. P. probate court at Albuquerque in the $1,500 of every description. We are thus north bound train and arrives at ia the the court house the will of the late Taos at 7 m. 9 UVHtY IKE. enabled to make the very best p. C&L 'Phone We repair and care for all makes Brigadier General Eugene A. Carr prices Ten shorter than Drivers for Lumber of such high grade. miles any other Pargeted. GASOLINE AND was admitted for probate and Clark Good SUPPLIES We will be pleased to figure on your way. covered hack and food M. Carr of Albuquerque, son of the teams. deceased contracts. S NTA FE GARAGE Palace Ave. soldier, together with Mrs. 4caato XCatc Fas CHAS. CLOSSON Don Ave. Mary P. M. Carr were appointed ex Etij ngax Comfoitabl, 6tpar ecutors o the estate without bond. Charles W. Dudrow FARE Trip S5.00

MARCH WINDS CHAPS Chapped, red, rough, cracked and inflamed skin is usualiythe result Zook's of exposure to the March winds. Such unpleasant conditions may Zook Pharmacy not be but can be made less Pharmacy they annoying. '-- entirely preventable, w HAZEL Phone 213 Perhaps we can help you, we have ZOOK'S BENZOIN WITCH Phone 213 and ALMOND CREAM for the use of all wintry skins, and to keep your complexion perfect in all kinds of weather. PAGE THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911. THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. THREE

has he ACT QUICKLY. LAWSHE AND MOQUI Taft's tepee but nowhere CHIEF IN ALBUQUERQUE. felt so welcome or at home as at the curio where Manager Herman Do the right thl-- g at the right time. rooms, Schweizer took him in tow and con- Act quickly in times of danger. Former Third Assistant Postmaster with tender for his Bachache is kidney General is Well Known in ducted him respect danger. the fa- Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly. Santa Fe. age and station among many F miliar evidences of the Indian's kind SALE TOW LOTS Cure all dangerous distressing, did ills. (Albuquerque Evening Herald.) of civilization. Especially the re a ot wor- Plenty of evidence to prove this. A. I.. Lawshe, Indian agent production of Hopi place Locario Fria St., Santa Keams Ariz., a number ship touch his sense of piety, and the Lopez, Agua Canyon. The place u. make money in real Fe, N. M., says: miles from the Santa Fe railroad at chief was lost in meditation upon the TWO RAILROADS no severe return attack in Albnquer-o- t gods of his race, us be gazed estate The K. ly Addition to tbe town $15 to S35 Per Lo "I have had Flagstaff, Ariz., arrived slighted The coming railroad center of cen- trouble since using Doan- - from upon the d sands that dec- kidney que ,agt nignt Washington, site of tral New Mexico present junction of several years ago. Now Yukeoma. chief of the orate the altar. Pills companie(1 by the A., T. & S. F. icut-off- ) and New suffered from back-- Hota-ach- and then I have ' Indian3 at the village of Yukeoma's grievance is that the Mexico Central Doan's Ropl s Railroads, the latter but at such times Kidney an(i formerly chief of the white man will not let his tribe alone. WILLARD yile connecting directly with the Rock down-Bala- have given prompt and positive 0f oraiba. Mr. Lawshe, with The intruder wishes to educate his Only Si nce SI Per Week-N- o lage The growing of one of the Island, Denver & Rio Grand", and El relief. For a long time I was made and Mack Setima, an children and make them worship a metropolis - niet yukeoma Paso & Northwestern Systems. attacks of com- to cus- richest sections in Interest No Taves miserable by kidney interpreter, were in Washington strange Uod and follow faddish agricultural and my back was often so lame and Cora-an- d toms of dress This addition to the business cen- plaint lnterview President Taft agriculture, and table of that I could do R. G. ter of Willard consists of lots. Abstract title furnished with painful scarcely missioner ot Indian Affairs manners. He sighed as hu said to his Abundance of pure, soft water for irri- :'" I did not sleep well and ntfj the matter of send-matte- r that the White Father had 20x142 feet each, level, with K, foot (very deed. 10 per cent disco:, t.t for e regarding interpreter gation and domestic purposes. whether I were lying down or, . chidTen t0 the government only acceded half way. He agreed alleys and 70 foot streets. the was in evi- - standing up, trouble gcnools Cnief Yukeoma not to molest the old Indians, but in- The kidney secretions an-- j Hopis edu- - J having the young sisted that their children should be noyed me both day and night by their of the white man. turned from the old order. was way away irregularity in passage and there when chief o the Yukeoma would not to , rs agQ prefer consider THE AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTED a sediment in them. After sev-- strenu-ra- l heavy a ' objected so the possibility of land shark to me, I o yukeoma depreda- remedies bad failed help necessary for the or of the inroads of Pills and lt tions, competi- MAP procured Doan's Kidney tbey "'J a detachment of tive methods, but would lived to all the claim, made for agricultural or up into lne Indian contry and like to have his people in an them. I never hesitate to a good cavalry wrapped say blanket of tradition and wora ior uoans wueu . impervious WILLARD" money ruis d t0 HotaviHe for stolidity. opportunity occurs." Oraibas to 3 KELLY 50 'his refusal to send the He his views when two ADDITION For sale all dealers. Price proved til S - IH fl t i t ... M t. by now ne nas v ...... school. And - ' I Foster-MIlbur- n Co., Buffalo, aaia ago ne placed nimseit at tne WILLIAMS - i cents. HotaviHe years mm i ij and refuses to permit the head of the "hostile" of his j& 4 4 New sole for the United portion - Tr York, agents educated the gov- dirit i ij children to be by of a ADoiTioNgg K-- States. tribe, and with a following select ' 'l- hzki i a-- "J -- 3imj I ljJ - holding out at the present - - tnti TENTH - V. - Sfr,-- , ' : Remember the name Doan's and ernment, and actual 400 made war upon the bd r juin Tf,T- and who :. U- - p- - """"" take no other. time some sixty boys girls friendly" villages, and set his fol BP! ET, i"' l1" ' be in school. Indian Agent should lowing to live apart upon the "sec- -- u "?...:-..,- who was formerly third as- l , Lawshe. ond" near Keams Ariz. WJ-- ! mesa, Canyon, . L.I maae : s connections wim amuaiuuno general, and who ISaHJUfcNINTH l j. ;1IH if - : Roswell, daily. sistant postmaster But there has been a falling from jljlJ. line at Vaughn for well known in Santa Fe, picked AntnmnhllA leaves for Ros-- is the ways of the stoic and he has in his Vaughn old chief, and baggage, 1 up the bag been driven to an P...' well at 8:30 a. m. and arrives at Ros-- extremity attempt !l iL Ail 4 .4rs i i t si in to treat with the nation's head. Brok well at 3:30 P. m. Aummouu. of confer-Roswel- l tbey had a number en in but not in oi for Vaughn at 6 p. Jn. 'whereThe Mr. resolution, pride President Taft and hauteur of the old man is re jah fare between Santa ana xorrance . chief bearing, Valentine. T,wSh and the to his home beside the is $5.80 and between Torrance and on limited at turning grim and interpreter left the canyon of the Colorado to live out the Roswell $10. Reserve seats on auto- neon today for Keams Canyon. remainder of his in the foot- mobile wire. J. W. Stockard. the days by "President Taft gave Yukeoma steps of his fathers. j same time he glad hand, but at the Not so his to him that he must interpreter. Young put it straight up Mack Setima is the white man cease with the education- glad LAUNDRY interfering has come. He is glad to feel the work of the government. I took mm al pulse of the white man's nation. A the chief around the country quite a keen, erect young man in d bit and he is half con- For Best Work practically v student and athlete from - Laundry that there is some good in glasses, 17 ; vinced his Oklahoma he is U K Tf be when he school, thorough Q pa fn He qt education. may" good leaves ly alive to the situation of his race. basket Monday Tuesday back on the reservation, and then gpls The young Hopis, he said, are not be m Returns Thursday and Friday. he still refuse to accede to 1 again, may lievers in the of their fathers. p-- our demand that he use his influence gods m ? AGENCY atO. K. Barber Shop They take in the old ceremonies u v, part ti in the Hopi children go to djq having purely as a matter of recreation. He q Mrs. PO. BROWN Agent school rather than retard our efforts to claim from kind- - proud descent the nru$ii in that direction. We will try Phone No 23 Red I 'oldest ncc witti liim nnH thon if hp sfill inhabitants" the cliff dwellers and to recognize in his 'own unintie balks we may be compelled to send evolution of the of and out something doctrine Open Day Night the cavalry again." the brotherhood of man. of statehood, Mr. Lawshe v Speaking When asked if he would return and m eo f La Salle Restaurant the in ffl w said that sentiment Washing- J :h i - ' to . iFjHiig.riF.'.7's:. .. ' ' &jtj5T try better his he said. "No, ,;..;t.... .,...iM pjx ton seemed to be that New Mexico tribe, keit it is too dry there. It is too difficult CHAS. GANN, Prop. will be a state before long; but that to I am into Okla- is doubtful whether Arizona will be irrigate. going Two boors below F. Andrews Store it out a as it is the Presi homa, pick good, big farm, unri admitted, possible then look around for a and REGULAR MEALS 25c dent may find flaws in its consti pretty girl For Plats and prices inquire of Santa Fe Abstract, Realty & Ins. settle down to fanning." Agency. tution. Bank New SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS And thus are the fears of Yukeoma Capital City BI'dg. Santa Fe, Mexico. Yukeoma Visits the Harvey Curio realized. Rooms. BOARD BY THE WEEK $5 00 When In wmmmmmmmm. Chief Yukeoma was an interested . Yukeoma tailhll'dilll'liilll i noticed that the were in French Noodle order 20c. dish. visitor among the relics and curios in crops all Fred collection The bloom, and feeling that time had been New York Chop Suey 50c. Harvey yesterday. on ROOSEVELT FOUND THESE really phenomenal record of a really chief has been on an extensive itin slipping unawares he hastened homeward. His route PICTURES VERY EXCITING. phenomenal feat, and I congratulate erary of the white folks' nation, and lay through where he found snow blank- Mr. Kearton with all ;ny heart on what W-- H. KERR, though known as a conservative of Chicago, PIAN05 PIANOS the earth to a of from one And So They Must Be. Will be Seen he has done, and I Buf- the pattest standing, has thoroughly eting depth congratulate Chickerin& Bros. ten months. They have hundreds of HDBBS LAUNDRY to two so he shoul- at the Elks' Theatre falo Jones and the ' Agents enjoyed the sightseeing element of feet, shrugged his Only Tonight. cowpunchers. Bush and Lane. satisfied customers in New Mexico Phone us, wewillbegladtocallforyour ders and decided to take his time. You Should See Them, The pictures are all that Buffalo and Arizona. on and his adventure. This, and much more, Learnard-Lindeman- n Co. aundry Mondays Tuesdays from The chief wears a scout's suit of Jones says they are: "A really phe- A letter, a or a and deliver on and was gathered the venerable Schiller. telegram telephone Thursdays Fridays blue worsted and a narrow-rimme- d Lassoing wild animals in Africa is nomenal record of really phenomenal to them is chieftain through the medium of his regarding pianos, prices and All work guaranteed; your felt hat. His feet were clothed in doubtless even more exciting and re- feats." Victor terms will socks are mended and buttons trim young protege, Mack Setima, the prove to prospective piano comfortable than them. Jesse-Frenc- Learnard-Lin-dema- sewed on without who has the buckskin moccasins, quires greater art shooting As a feature there can be no doubt buyers that the firm of n you shirts, interpreter acompanied which the At all the extra charge. old man in his wanderings. proved superiority of his events, public may judge of their success. The photographic Milton and the World Famous Cecilian Co. will meet every customer judgment over his white neighbors. tonight at the Elks' Theatre when fine and is or Interior and more half in KONB RED 122. FHONB RED 121. The chief has been to Washington, quality is there lots Player Pianos, many than way making the Setima was dressed in of film will be shown de- and to American cities from Chicago comfortable 2,000 feet thrilling action. Then there is the other makes. purchase of a piano a simple and sat- clothes of to New Orleans, and has talked to traveling approved design. picting the feat of Buffalo Jones and fact that the undertaking of Buffalo This firm has purchased over six isfactory business transaction, not one many white men more than he had two of his cowpunchers taken from Jones and his cowboys is the most re-jc- loads of pianos during the past of doubt and uncertainty. Whenever you want an easy shave OPEN AIR SCHOOLS As as ever cave. of existence or of such New Mexico. markable in the of the hunt, J good barbers suspected history LEARNARD-LINDEMAN- N Just call on me at my salon strenuous existence as he found in INCREASE RAPIDLY. You will see the CO. At morn or eve or busy noon among other things The Music Dealers N. M. I'll curl and dress tbe hair with grace capture of a zebra, a serval cat, a chee-- j MONUMENT TO JOHN Square :: Albuquerque, :: Established 1900 suit tbe contour of (ace. Over I'll your Sixty Establised Since January, I. SANTA My razor sharp and scissors keen. r tan, or sort ot leopard, ana nnaiiy a JACOB ASTOR FE OFFICE WITH SANTA FE TRAIL CLRI0 CO. 18 1907 First of Them at Provi- My shop neat and towelsare clean full grown lioness. The latter ex- - And everything I think you'll find Woman Rhode Island. To Every dence, was 'l Will Be Unveiled at By suit the taste and please the mind. flik la luieresiea ana tnonia Know ploit attended with great danger Spokane about the wonderful and much of the preliminary action His Grandson on Site of Old BATH ROOM MARVEL Since 1, 1907, sixty-fiv- e FIRST CLASS Whirling Spray January was to the camera for reason House. Open Air Schools for children lost the jjesi i obi conven afflict man hnH njcv3Ss. ient, it clui6es thrtf tho nanism rnnplnrlp.1 (i ed with or predisposed to tuberculosis C T. W. ROBERT'S that distance, under the circurastau- - Spokane, Wash., April John have been established in twenty-eigh- t re: wnnld lend tn th uoo icrcii mrutu If be cannot Bupply toe cities, according to an announcemfint enphanttnont O. K. BARBER SHOP even- - unvel1 a monument to be erected atUt nthpi. Vmt. flpntl lumn for I "'M made in a bulletin issued view. But Madame Lioness is IRA llliiHtratpd book sealed. Tt elves today by the of the MORGA site Spokane house, 247 StSanta Fe.N M fnlt nartlcnlan and directions in- - National Association for tually shown swinging from a tree,!tn! buiitj., v&lnahta to larilM. M Alf VEL CO. the study i KJsW where she is properly muzzled, h3 44 .t8d Street. VK. and Prevention of Tuberculosis. ""i".,was her claws manicured, and is placed juiin jacuu Asior i ine neaa in ' The first Open Air School in the the fail of 1811. Successor to B. P. Williams United States was established on Jan on a drag and hauled to camp. Professor W. H. Gilstrap of Tacomn,, uary 1, 1907 by the Board of Educa Tied to a post where she cannot Secretary of the Washington Stale tion of Providence, Rhode Island, at escape she remains until put in a case Historical Society, was in a the instance of Dr. Ellen A. Stone. The and taken to Nairobi. Arriving !;t Spokane i few days ago arranging the details ft next school was established in May of the village the natives indulged in a RISING the monument. P. M. Hoskins of Wal- LIVELY MULLIGAN & the same at one celebration over the capture ot the year Pitsburg, a third la of of beasts. Walla, present owner the pro- at in July, 190S, and the fourth queen i me - perty, has consented to dedicate a j(, iidc pmuiabeu enure siock or norses c; equipment if at Bellevue in New York in these the com- tormerly Hospital Regarding pictures suitable of to the state owned B. P. 1908. piece ground $ by Williams and will continue to operate it as a FIRST Funeral Directors & December, During the year 1909 ment upon them by Colonel TheoJorp as a site. ten schools in different cities were Roosevelt, who knows something CLASS LIVERY where we will be at all times Sr Spokane house was built in the fall! ready of day or night j! opened; in 1910, sixteen schools in about the the hunt- danger attending of 1811 and for nearly 20 years it re- to furnish with of twelve cities were and of in will be of you any kind a rig you may want. I will J Licensed Embalmers opened; eight ing wild animals Africa mained one of the most schools in five cities have been interest. were first shown at important endeavor to and efficient service opened They posts oi me company, wnen later give prompt and trust to merit PALAO & to April, 1911, while definite provis a public meeting held at the New York iyv DAY ANIGHT lOQ PDI) 125 wa3 taken over by the Hudson Bay your patronage. : : .:. PHONE AVE ion has been made for twenty-seve- n Press Club. This is what Colonel jx 4 company. ine nouse was destroyed TASTEFULLY AND SATISFACTORILY DONE. more schools in six cities.. Many Roosevelt said: PICTURE FRAiwJnG by fire several years and all that cities are the and ago AT 310 SAN FRANCISCO considering question uenuemen, mis uas ueen sucu a Tmains is a small cabin and ST. will act the today log during coming year. really noteworthy ambition that I tne rjfl pjtB. now has in I operation think it is due to Mr. Kearton that Tne erection of this house on the Phone 139 Red Santa Fe, N. M twelve open air schools and classes, should say a few words not only as a uttle Spokane river represents the and definite provision has been made - NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE, guarantee of good faith, but for pub- nrst settlement of the white man in for fourteen similar classes to be open- I I sav lication. think that can that this portion of what was then the Ore--I Roswell, New Mexico. ed by next fall. Boston has five open am with all the notable n acquainted gon territory. The Northwest com-lio- NOTICE. to be indebted to said estate will West Point of Southwest" air classes in its schools, and Chicago from the of Tiglath- - To all whom it concern: "The the hunts days ,)any 0f established a post at may please make settlement with the un- also has several. to and I notice under- Rahked by United States War Depart' Pileser the present time, about tn 8ame tlme in 1SUj but it3 Please take that the dersigned. Institution.1 According to reports received by with absolute when I signed have been adminis- -. ment as "Distinguished speak accuracy ,)0st soon gave way before the Astor appointed VMS- v the National Association, the result NELLIE BLAXCHARD sav in all there has n tratrix and MILLER, Army officers detailed by War Depart that that pertol company. Many travelers and explor-bee- administrator, respective- o:' the open air class work has been - of ment on such feat as the por- prg of note of th art w.of .. ly of the estate Charles W. Dud Administratrix. to restore most of the children to to- - and all trayal of which we have witnessed tertajned at what was then known as row, deceased, that persons April 6th, 1911. Thorough Academic course, preparing normal health and efficiency. One of claims said estate are night, and above all, no such fea: as Spokane house. having against young nen for college or business life. these open air schools or classes to them in the form the portrayal itselt. lo tackle tnose November 10. 1818 the first white requested present NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Great aaouit of open air work. Health- should be established for each 25,000 and manner statute and beasts with the rifle is one thing, but hil(1 1n thia ..nn wn Wn t tho required by (07042 Not Coal.) iest location of any Military School in population, especially in cities. within the time law, to tackle them with the rope the way nos, The nKt. wnfi v.n. .. flm, prescribed by Department of the Interior, the Union. Located in the beautiful - and that Buffalo Jones and those two cow- all persons knowing themselves U. S. Land Office at Santa N. M. r -- tt u a - .1 4 f. a known as the Spokane house iu 1850. Fe, JOHN DREW BETTER. - to be to . revos raney, ine garuen spui ui tm MRS. those two Xew Mexico cow- indebted said estate will March 10, 1911. West-i- punchers Govrnor Stephens mentioning it in ) 2 t an elevatioa of 3700 feet above mar- - please make settlement with the un Notice is punchers did it, is a perfectly into the wild hereby given that Ramon McLeansboro, 111. "About five recounting the exl)edition dersigned. Martinez velous feat. West. y Lujan of Lamy, N. M., who, rait or snow session. years ago," sayB Mrs. John L. Drew, JOSEPHINE W. DUDROW, on November durinjr I was in Africa when word was The monument has not ben select. 14, 1905, made home- of this "I was afflicted with Administratrix. 8626-0704- 1-- Fourteen Officers and all place, to us Buffalo Jones and stead entry No. for SB 4 Instructors, I brought that ed Dut it W,H of and pains and irregularity every month. granj(e prob. GEORGE M. KIXSELL, Section 10, 14 11 from standard eastere colleges the two cowpunchers were coming Township N., Range graduates suffered continually, was weak and ably ,n some form symDolical ot the Administrator. N. M. Tei buildings, furnished out to wild animals. Everybody P. Meridian, has filed notice tkoroughly and unable to do my rope (ur trad5 which ,ed tQ th rection o April 3d, 1911. of despondent, didn't intention to make final five year neaieo, lighted and modem in all res housework. I took Cardul, and In laughed at the thought. They the p0Bt and the tardy opening of this was prof to establish claim to the land pects. believe that there any seriousness the United to settle-i- n one month I felt like a new woman action of States NOTICE. above described, before and REGENTS-- E A. CAH0ON the proposal. I said: 'You don't Register President and worked hard all summer. I am ment. To all whom It may concern: Receiver, TJ. S. Land Office at Santa W, HAMILTON, and recommend know those cowpunchers, and there Is a now in perfect health, Please take notice that the under- Pe, N. M., on the 5th day of May. Ev- that won't try to rope.' I con-di- d j. r. win i c, ireasurer; Cardul to all suffering women." nothing they Foley ; Kidney Pills contain in signed has been appointed adminis- 1911. not believe they could accomplish - W. M. ATKINSON, Secretary, ery day, during the past 50 years, centratedN form ingredients of estab- tratrix of the estate of Morton C. Claimant names as witnesses: the feat. I didn't believe it possible value for relief and W. A. HNLAY. Cardul has been steadily forging Hghed therapeutic the Miller, deceased, and that all persons Augustin Gonzales, of Santa Fe, N. of to rope a Hon or a rhinoceros as they atu; CUre of all and ahead as a result its proven value kidney bladder having claims against said estate are M.; Mar-tine- s, . For particulars and illustrated cafa Enrique Martinez, Pedro in female troubles. It relieves head- did, and to have caught their pictures ailments. Foley Kidney Pills are an- to them in the form Antonio logue address. CoL JAS. W. WILSON. requested present Jose Garcia, all of ache, backache, womanly misery and with a cinematograph is a thing that tiseptic, tonic and restorative. Re- - and manner required by statute and Lamy, N. M. Superintendent bodies. has never before to be ap-- fuse all Aie puts fresh strength into weary begun substitute. For sale by within time prescribed by law, MANUEL R. OTERO, You have witcesssed a Try it proached. druggists and all ersons knowing themselves Register. SA5TA iL THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911; PAGE FOUR THE SANTA, f E NEW MEXICAN, FE, 8.

" PROGRESSING. SANTA E NEW .MEXICAN R. Presided, The New Mexican is pleased to THEODORE N. ESPE. J. PALEN, j. b. READ, Cashier, HARRY D. MOILTON. , learn that the Board of Education is I A. F. McKANE, Assistaot CasWer. THE NEW MEXICAN PRINTI NG COMPANY PUBLISHERS. huohes, PAUL A. F. WALTER FRANK P. STURGES, not losing sight of desirability of man-ua- ! Editor and President. and Superintendent. training and domestic science for COMPANY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK JOHN K. STAUFFER, Secretary-Treasure- the public schools. Inquiry is being THE MOULTONESPE made into the of the old Entered as Second Class Matter at the Santa Fe Postoffice. availability New Mexico headquarters building near the High Santa Fe, OF SANTA FE. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, six months, by mail $3.50 School for such purpose. The New General Agents week, by carrier 25 Mexican believes it can be adapted to THE OLDEST BANKING INSTITUTION IN Daily, per Weekly, six months 1.00 .75 the purpose, still better, a Co. of New York Daily, per month, by carrier... 2.00 althought The Manhattan Life Insurance NEW MEXICO. ESTABLISHED IN 1870. Daily, per month, by mail 65 Weekly, per year new building constructed according 50 Co. of Daily, per year, by mail 7.00 Weekly, per quarter to modern lines for just this object The Fidelity and Deposit Maryland would be more desirable. But that Capital Stock - - $150,000 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SANTA FE COUNTY. is secondary at present, the primary STRENGTH SECURITY SOLIDITY and Undivided Profit - 80.000 need is the thing itself, manual train Surplus i3 in New Mexico. It Is sent to The New Mexican the oldest newspaper ing and domestic science. Says the ;' Transacts a general business In all its branches. every postoffice in the Territory, and has a large and growing circulation May number of the Delineator, just banking : Loans on the most faroraMe terms on all kinds of among the and progressive people of the Southwest. out money Intelligent BibtUTg" the b&ie ruTlS'Sri Ivho "Education for multitudes of girls SPORT ASSOCIATION IS PLAN "overrun personal and collateral security. Buys and sells, bonds and the bag. Clark Griffith of the Reds en- (and boys, too, we omit them all for domes- though tertains the same notion and wants stocks in markets its customers.- Buys and sells from present consideration), Prominent Horsemen After Dinner at entirely Murphy to make a fight to have hia tic and foreign exchange and makes telegraphic transfer of has been much like a spring-boar- d ex- New York Want an Recently suggestion Incorporated in the rules. to alt of the civilized world on as liberal terms as tending from a wharf over deep water. Internationa! Body. money parts of Corpor-Ne- NATION'S TIMBER RESOURCES. of the agents of the Bureau Each year of school life has taken WHOf are given by any money transmuting agency public ot private. Mexico is fortunate in that it ations: them nearer the end of the board, but The horsemen's dinner held in New Interest allowed on time deposits at the rate of four per cent million acres in forest reserv- - "One informant stated that in 1S95 York at which August Bel- She travels round inviting raube has ten no nearer the water. On graduation recently, In cities not too on six months' or time. Liberal advances the a tract of timber land in was mont announced hlB intention of giv- fussy; per annum, years' es on which reforestation will be irginia day we have just pushed them off And even the Chicago Cubs for and he refused ing' several valuable stallions to the Decide Is made on f livestock and Tho bank rule and which will guarantee the offered him $3,500, and said: 'You've had quite a bit of her style mussy. consignments products. for to it. (date not given) United States government, probably " of its in the and aims commonwealth a timber supply buy Later, formal gymnastics: now swim.' Her age and are charmless both, executes all orders patrons banking line, for $48,000, a thir-ha- s will lead to the of an associa- youth to come . In addition it the tract was sold - starting both she unduly; Is many years "Oh, but this is putting it too bitter- tion of Though boasts to extend to them as liberal treatment in all respects, as tracts of timber in private teenfold increase, horsemen, binding together Alike are art and nature loath large ly. The schools, in their present char- more closely such organizations as To own she shows 'em consistent with and the principles of sound banking. one of the most magnifi- - "In Louisiana in 1SS2, a firm bought truly. safety ownership, acter, bring down many generations of the club, the Polo association, of a tract of about 90,000 acres of yellow Jockety From to Safety deposit boxes for rent. The patronage the public is cent piece's of timber being tributary We can not think the various clubs and the scripture Boccaccio In 1909 the same great educators. hunt steeple- The viewer's memory prances, to the proposed railroad from Santa pine for $19,nno. chase respectfully solicited. for a minute that we are doing more committees. As suggested by "While to we owe . the Scientific tract was sold for $1,125,000. anatomy Fe to Farmington. Says than build on what they have Harry W. Smith of Worcester, who The verge of all her dances. - a lumberman was ot- already ' ' to the Nation's tira- "In Michigan - j '1 American relative wrought. But let us build! arranged for the dinner, the organiza- tered, but failed to purchase, a section her supply: tion will be broad, open to all sports Her John's fair fame grows in 18S3 for $3,200. In "It is our task in this generation to larger. timber is necessarily the of white pine of turf and field. Unlike the knights of old. he found "Standing for make the school not only a formal source of our future lumber supply. 1S95 he bought the same piece "We plan," he says, "to make it His head upon a charger. "teinaCTW-.u.uMJ.a'a- mental but also, to a It is but natural that thinking persons $125,000. gymnasium, open to sportsmen in the broadest greater extent than ever before, a This girl Is one who has no home. view with alarm its concentration, "in Wisconsin a company owning sense of the word, including members No garb but draperies foamy; specific (and a dis- both "Salome," not in hands, but in a few hemlock, tamarack, and hardwood training quarters here and abroad. From every Perhaps you may prefer THE PALACE HOTEL only private for all But others say "Salomey. hands. A by land stated that this land tributing station) the workers foreign countrv. almost weekly, come private report prepared timber o.: - all the world. who are fond of the Bureau of Corporations of the De- could have been bought in 189 i for 50 gentlemen country life and have made a life 4t and Labor and In 1906 the "In such a view of the case the study USEFUL. v partment of Commerce cents an acre. company , to horses, hounds and qther animals. WILLIAM VAUGHN pROP, issued in February of this year deals was gffered $16 an acre for it, and in school's first task would be unroll - "The provision of entry should be at. with the tremendous in- 19fts valued the land at at least $30 before its young recruits a sort of map length jt only that the prospective member be One : in value of the o the world's work. And we find that of the Best Hotels the West crease in the standing an acre.. a sportsman and a gentleman in hia as it to do it. . ROOMS IN SUITE WITH PRIVATE timber in all parts of the country ..In 0regon a tract of about 5,500 begins home town. There is no reason for BATH to in a Chi- well as with the extent which, acres was assemoiea snoruy ueiurv "In the public school system of restricting the membership to certain Cuisine and has Chi- Large Sample few years, its ownership gradual- 1892 for about $24,000. In 1909 it iva.3 cago, for instance, the course on cities, for why should one wait till he Table Service Room for Com- ly narrowed. AVhile forty years ago valued above $1,000,000. cago itself as an object of study, takes up a residence in some center Unex celled mercial Travelers three-fourth- s of the timber at least "In Oregon a tract of about 3,500 which is given in the eighth year of of population before he is allowed now standing was publicly owned, it acres was assembled from the claim the grade schools, includes a view of to mingle with the sportsmen of SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO WASHINGTON AVENUE four-fifth- s of is fac- America? The main is to re- is said that now it holders in 189C at about $800 or $900 the occupations of the city, its thing val- strict it to sportsmen, for we are privately owned. per e claim. The present tories, its stores, its offices; its way really an exclusive class and the true To the "Examples of is the rate of $41,760 P3f of making its living. quote report: uation at has a of his own interval are:. the "No or who sportsman language the increase during this claim, a fiftyfold increase upon boy girl takes this and a to his words which to meaning From $5 to $30 an acre, $7 $40, $20 price which the original claim holders course can be quite so aimless as others can never understand." to to $1 to $50. 124126 Two Blocks From Depot to $150, $1 $13, $4 $140, received fifteen years ago. Montezuma Ave been sold first for a tract w is Hotel One Block West of Capitol Specific tracts have "in Oregon, again, 'But it's a very new course. It's LIGHT SULKY FOR TROTTING Capital and in 190S TELEPHONE BLACK $24,000, and later for $153,000; $10,000 bought in 1900 for $30,000, just a sprout of growth toward the fJ 88 and later it. was sold at d and later $124,000; $240,000 $425,000. day when the schools will Vehicle Invented for and concentration of Racing Purposes HANDSOME ROOMS $2,500,000; $23,000 later $500,000; "Apart from the not only give complete information That Takes- All of Driver's outlined above, $19,000 and later $1,125,000. These timber ownership with regard to occupational opportuni- Off Shafts. of Weight AMERICAN OR ATTRACTIVE DINING examples illustrate the remarkable there is another problem possibly ties in general, but will actively induct hold- - which been ROOM-Go- profit made by certain individual greater importance, has their boys and girls into those partic- In order to make a sulky that will "What book have you found moat EUROPEAN PLAN od Service. con- - ers. referred to as a "sinister land ular occupations toward which, by be very light, and one in which the useful?" all timber has "A ot We "What did the government get for centration." After temperament or by necessity, they are weight of the driver will be entirely book Browning's poems. COURTEOUS TREATMENT the timber? Of the Southern pine, been cut off the land may be adapted particularly attracted." removed from the shafts, an inventor have a table with one short leg anil o a fits under it." sold for Si. 23 an acre, much is now for a new growth, this leading has adopted a bicycle design. The the Browning book just Proprietor, Mrs. L. C. KENNEDY. Santa Fe, N. M two worth SfiO an acre. Large amounts perpetuity of the standing, timber SANTA FE TO SANTA CRUZ. wheels of the sulky are mounted while a of the In tandem, and are supported in a of Donelas fir in western Washington monopoly, large portion County Commissioner J. A. Lucero Almost Human. would be suitable and exceeding-e-nv- and Oregon, which the government land of Santa Cruz, has performed a great Our furnace seems as knowing av. or sold at $2.50 an acre, ly valuable for agricultural purposes. service not only for his county, but As any weather clerk; run let the morn be now to $200 acre. The The acres of land thus involved for the entire Just frosty. brings $100 per 1 commonwealth, by And It declines to work. redwood belt in California was into many millions, ana uie powi pressing to a successful conclusion great ir-o- on similar terms, and some volved in such land concentration his project for a good road from San- it ia now worth hundreds of dollars respective of the timber values is difti ta Fe to Santa Cruz. Of course, Com Exchange of Compliments. MONTEZUMA HOTELS is Smith and opposite an acre. Practically none of the cult to estimate. Especially this missioners Sparks and Pino stood by Brown, running owners ways round a corner, struck eacn at fnroats in the miblic lands States so with a few of the largest him and enabled him to get through RECENTLY IS SANTA FE'S IDEAL as to other. i OPENED, was sold by the government for more occupying dominating positions the proposition, but as he represents Bicycle Trotting Sulky. - over "Oh," says Smith, "how you made COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS' HOTEL. v, om on unv Th ereat. in- railroad transportation large the northern part of the county and - frame of the bicycle type, which is my head ring!" crease "of value gives grave import-- sections of the country." was the first to urge, and continually seven rooms, and . not only very light, but is also very "That's a sign it's hollow," said Thirty newly neatly furnished, anoe to the concentration of owner-- pressed, the undertaking for years, The shafts of are Brown. well and A BUREAUCRATIC ABSURDITY. strong. the sulky lighted ventilated, ship. special credit is due him. The high- connected to the. of the Didn't said Smith. The New Mexican has just received steering post yours ring?" Rooms en suite with private bath an i phone. leads us to think that way will serve more people than any front wheel of the so that the No," said Brown. "The report of report bicycle, FINE SAMPLE ROOM. the report the climatological other road that could have been pro wheel will follow horse around a cracked." Ideas. of the country's private- the That's sign it's CHEERFUL DINING of the Weather Bureau for the Texas in this of trac- THOS. DORAN RATES $2.50 TO ly owned standing timber is in the posed part the territory. curves and sharp turns. The and Rio Grande Valley for December It will be of to tive effort with a vehicle of ROOM. FINE CUISINE ' A DAY Pacific-Northwe- (California, Oregon, especial benefit the required Proprietor. $3.00 1910. Chief Willis L. Moore, evident- be Bad one--' Capital City, to Santa Cruz, Chima- this sort will practically negligible. Penmanship. Washington, Idaho and ), - ly, never was the editor of a daily pa- - Seymour As a bad penman Salt- half of which is now controlled by yo, Espanola, San Ildefon3o, Pojoa- or he would not commit the ab- burg is certainly the limit. n per que, Nambe, Tesuque, Rio Medio. It thirty-seve- holders, many of whom to in I with you; the surdity of mailing newspapers will do more: It furnishes the long Ashley fully agree are closely connected and the three when I a note from April in climatological summary for est and most difficult link in the fact is, get that largest of whom alon own nearly fellow I find it easier to read between December. The document may be in road to the Cliff will be OF j it GOSSIP one-fourt- Dwellings; School of the lines than the lines themselves. C0RDNADO HOTEL time for the archives of the the most important link in the "As to holder the Gov-- , high the largest Archaeology, or for use in reference to Amar-illa- , SPORTDOM ways Farmington, to Tierra ONE OF THE ernment report says: the office, althougn SEST SI3RT ORDER RESTAURANTS IN THE CITY ju hydrographic to Taos, to Colorado. It is truly Had Other Thoughts. "The Southern Pacific is the serves CUISINE AND TABLE SERVICE GOOD holding there the annual report the a highway, for it unto Dad another 106 king's gathers Her My dear child, in the United States in a - pose better, but daily newspaper itself a dozen other important high Manager Duffy of the White Sox dress? Don't- you ever think of any- LOCATED IN THE CENTRAL PART OF CITY billion feet. This is about 6 per ceri: ;s offjC jt a back number, ways and at the same time serves a says he believes the "can't come back" thing else? HOT AND OOI.D BATHS. ELEOTRIO LIGHTS of the private timber in the invest)-- 1 is all nonsense. should different when the reports prosperous and growing section of theory The Child Yes, of course. I Every Room RATES 50o and 10 cent of Doc G. LUPE HERRERA, t ' gation area, per that'Wr locally by each Weather the new r'at of New Mexico. All The season of consistency! like some new furs. ... a Good One. Prop. $1,00 per day Pacific-Northwes- printed in the t. It is diffi -- the toe hold should be Bureau Station. Then they appeared prat'- ' the: fore to the public says barred, WANTED. cult to an of spirit but on give adequate idea its the month following the given period o.' C'cuiity Commissioner Lucero. keeps right using it Addie Joss' arm is in a cast immensity. It stretches practically for which the statistics were given. plaster We ought to have 6S0 miles the railroad between again. baseball stock for Damp weather soon. along iA: Santa Fe, for instance, it covered WANTED EDUCATIONAL pretty fast- 1911 has slumped 30 per cent We ought to have! Portland and Sacramento. The of New Mexico, GENIUS. Some boon! Telephone Red 35 uaA hava the entire Territory Thirty-thre- e "John Smiths" were ar rain would be a est train over this distance takes 31 time- We to have orders delivered. ; land gave a basis for making What the educational world needs rested at a cock in ought DRINKS yottr v fight Pittsburg. SOFT hours. During all that time the trav-il- - Some muddy crossings, too. ridll(.tions or interesting compari- just now is a Comenius, a Pesta will after An Inch or two eier thereon is Maybe.they ,"get together" passing tnrougn lands, within a region of local interest. lozzi or a Froebel, who will hew new this. Of mud to splatter through, which a large portion of for thirty jAt however, the report does paths as did these leaders of another Kid O'Brien Some sloppy ways TIk foUmriag are suggested to tbe as cari'ani presentj McCoy punched Jack in We'd ot us be thirsty sofiieitia; inja' miles on each side belongs to the rail--! or who startled the world all glad! not cover any political geographical age with the the nose and also' in the eye in a pri Now, honest, ain't ' ' road, and in almost the entire strip tit b t an entire river valley like boldness of their revolutionary ideas, vate workout, and now there is a big This sunny weather bad! GINGER ALE, WILD CHERRY, LEMON SODA, IRON BRiW this corporation is the dominating the Schools and schoolmen ado about it in What Joy is there tne Rio Grande presumably upon had become Philadelphia. ROOT BEER, KLONDIKE COCO owner of both timber and land. set in "Knockout" Brown of New Tors: has In these days, do you B'pose FIZZ, COLA, :: x x basic thought that climatic conditions their ideas and it took more For those girls A fact in connection had 8Q battles in and lost very significant of a river vaney are related to each than ordinary . persuasion to have the ring only Santa brought silk. hoRe7 , ., Genuine Aztec Mineral Water. 34 Spring with this enormous holding is that the j to a than the them the new A sim one. He has scored knockouts. other greater degree accept thought. BENRY' Southern Pacific is not sel- - J is good for short bouts. AU drinks made from SANU FE BOTTLING WORlS KBCI, Company cijmate for an entire state. This ilar condition exists today with this Pretty WHEN THE SEINE FLOODS PARIS. he has lost all filtered water , - ling its timber, hut is holding this val not the case as far as the exception, there are of Jack Curley says hope , Proprietor. certainly that, plenty of "Hack" Gotch. Both uable supply, evidently in the confid- Grande is concerned. The climate new new new matching and Rio ideas, fads, depart are to be in ent hope of the further great advance New as a whole has a cer- and all seem to lack grapplers training shape of Mexico, ures, yet, they if Just the same. of price. of but there the essentials of anything "drops," tain degree ur.'formity, comprehensiveness, Tommy too, wants to take a "Concerning the second and third the Ryan, is absolutely no relation between simplicity and universality. The ed at that old fallacy so often the re- punch largest holdings, government climate of the high Sierras in which, ucator who can solve the problem of heard that a fellow can't come back, Santa Fe House has this to Plumbing port say: the Rio Grande rises in Colorado and giving each child the education pe- Maybe Tommy never "went back" at "The holdings of the Weyerhaeuser the lowlands on the Gulf of Mexico, culiarly adapted to his temperament, that di- Timber Company (including its through which it discharges it waters his surroundings, his needs and turn Harry Lord of the White Sox has Corner Water & Galisteo Sts. Plumbing, Heating rectly owned subsidiary concerns) is nor the climatic him out of schools fin- a to Hal Chase as :- -: into the ocean, have the public a paid glowing tribute Phone Black 109. and Repairing the second largest in the Uni ed conditions at the head of the tributar- ished product to at his life a prospective manager. It Is now up ' ready go States, amounting to 97.7 billion feet. ies any more effect upon Brownsville, work without losing time or making to Hal to tell what a good third sackar This is only about 10 billion feet les3 near its mouth, than they have upon blunders, and at the same time make Harry is. Those western than that of the Southern Pacific. the Adirondacks or Mount Washing- him a good, moral citizen with high college golf players, who formed a western Most of this timber nearly 77 billion ton. The New Mexican hopes to see ideals, will be the greatest man since kindly organiza a match between feet is in Washington, abjut 1S.7 a reversion to the former methods of a humble Nazarene revolutionized tion, might stage Chick Evans and Paul Hunter, and save billion feet in Oregon, and an insigni- bulletins covering the climatic the world with his teachings. & Co. issuing a lot ef on preliminaries. Wells ficant fraction in California. It is for New Mexico as an expAise Fargo Expresi summaries Mathewson and Chief Myers are bat chiefly Douglas fir. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly publish- ting about .128 on the road, but their "It should be that this es a of the old at . repeated picture church average is expected to pick up about "Hey, Janitor, my cellar is full ot General Express Forwarders enormous as movement holding, it is, includes The playground is grow- Richmond, Virginia, and labels it "The April 12, when they start doing a little water!" wine TO only the timber directly owned by ing stronger each day and is moving Oldest Church in America," a title "playing" for the entertainment of the "You certainly don't expect at the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company westward at rapid rate. Santa Fe, too, which San Miguel's church at Santa New York baseball fans. the rent you pay, do you?" ten-acr- All and its subsidiary corporations. It should reserve a e tract for Fe and several other structures on Hal Chase will give Birdie Cree Caution. Parts of The World does not include timber of On Continent are to chance on his infield the sea- interests play ground and park purposes. the ready dispute coming "Shall I have this prescription filled WeHs members of the in it. son. Cree was a wonder in the out MflflPV and ,nconvnIence by Purchasing' AVeyerhaeuser family such a tract it could experiment with without further consultation?" asked 9 VP iUUllWT and their close associates. This forestry, it could set out evergreen field last season, and Chase wants to the patient JaVV Fargo Domestic Money Orders, Travelers' great holding, also, is nearly all be- and other trees with a view of extend- An administration that reduces keep him In the game for his hitting "Certainly," replied the physician. Checks and Orders base this Foreign Money ing held off the market for the future ing the forest over the Santa Fe taxes is certain to be popular. It and running again year. 'Why not?" Jones is tne come- In rise in timber values. . . The timber grant; it could at small cost put up strikes the people in a tender spot, Davy greatest "I thought maybe I'd better call back in the American league. The a Payable ) holdings of the Northern Pacific Rail- benches, tables, swings. There the pocket book, and there is no ap- handwriting expert." U. Mexico Chicago Nationals passed him up sev Throughout S., Canada, way company, which ranks third in might be heaps of clean sand for the peal quite so eloquent in this mater- "S1" - eral years ago and sent him to the amount to 32.2 billion very small children, and' amusements ial world as the appeal to that partic- Importance, minors. then took him-- lp Where Law Ends. BY will is for children, A boulevard j of the human REMITTANCES SENT TELEGRAPH feet. This, it seem, much less the larger ular part anatomy. and Davy was a member of three "It was William Pitt, was It not. with the of than either the Southern Pacific or the to connect the park center championship teams and is still a who said, 'Where law ends tryanny London jt J Weyerhaeuser holding. the city would be the next step, and in Professor Arthur Keith of star base runner.;. begins?'". ? rt ; "The extraordinary increase in the a few years the community would maintains that the smallest men have President Murphy does not stand "Perhaps it was; but In this coun D. value of timber land ia shown in the have a playground that would be the the biggest brains and he might have alone in his belief that the coacher at try, law never ends. There are too J. BARNES, Ant. following especially striking instances pride of its people and the envy of added that some fellows with the big- third base should be compelled to re- - many higher courts to which a case Yir,T nT taken directly from Uhe field reports neighboring cities. gest brains are mighty small men. fc, ffrn refrain toma u-- he carried un.r ,.;..-..- APRIL THURSDAY, 6, 1911. ' THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M, PAGE FIVE

CHICHESTER S PILLS v HIK IMAMuMi I1KWII. - MISS A. AUJGLER ! .UNITED STATES BANK & TRUST CO. F. H., a tea salesman, is at UIAUflM I'.f.WH Hi.lXVA NEW IN i i the Palace. DESIGNS STAMPED LINENS Ladies and Misses CAPITAL 850,000.00 i H. W. Koeneke, representing the SOLD BY m nOISTS FVEPWNFRF Such as j Cudahy Meat Company, is here from CENTER PIECES, Etc. Goes a General Banking Business Wicnita, HAYS PLEADS GUILTY An Excellent Assortment and all E. G. Everson, an electrical goods! TO BURGLARY IN COURT. the Materials for Working. j salesman traveling out of Chicago, is; " calling on the trade. Given an Indeterminate Sentence of HEADQUARTERS FOR j Pumps Your Patronage Solicited Register M. R. Otero of the Santa Twelve to Eigteen Months by Fe land office has gone to Albuquer-- j Judge McFie. Millinery That's New!

que for a day or two. j i Oxfords General Charles F. Kasley who had The following suits have filed . B. tAUGHLIN, President H. F. STEPHENS. Cashier, been in Estancia on business has in offhv th re' recently the of .listrict 100 PER CENT POLL TAX W. E. GRIFFIN. Asst. Cashier turned to Santa Fe. COL clerk: Taos county, case No. 918, LECTIONS. Charles S. Ravles returned last the Bernard Crockery Company vs. evening from Taos where he spent Squire Hart and son. a Shoes The following is the firsi re- - High several weeks with friends. on account; San Juan county: report 4 4 ceived by the Grant county school Miss H. T. Wheeler, a tourist from No. SIS, Erastus O. I'.ooram, vs. Wil-- , of the poll tax for the j KIPPENDORF-DITTMA- N, FAMOUS MAKE Beloit, Wis., on her way to Colorado liam H. Booram, Loreu O. Buoram, superintendent i year 1911, from which it may be! THINKING" is at the Montezuma hotel. petition to quiet title to real estate; judged that this will he a banner A. D. Kidder, superintendent of 'No. 815, J.. I). Tayler vs. James Mur--; Is NOT ACT AT ONCE and take year in poll tax collections for! Ladies Low Shoes $2.50 to $4.00 Doing. surveys, is here from Terre Haute, ray (Also known as .lames F. Fay) Life" Grant county: j Insurance in the BEST Fire, or Accident Insurance Companies Ind., on government business. and Mamie Fay, .suit on account; Low Redrock, N. M., Mar 31. 1911. Misses Shoes $1.75 to $3.50 or have Bond furnished the Company; it costs L. A. Bland, salesman for a plumb- No. SIS, the Denver and Kio Grande your by BEST Bonding Mr. Colin Nebbett. j ing supply company and out Railroad Company vs. Wiliam Pie-ler- , no and are traveling Silver N. M. more to in the Companies you ; Coun- City, get protection BEST of Kansas City, is at the Palace. suit on account Torrance ' Dear Sir Enclosed will find list Patent value received. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Carver are ty: No. 221, Willard Mercantile Com- you SURE you get of the snbect to sightseers here from Boston and are pany vs. Mateo Luna, suit on ac- K'Oplo poll tax in Dist. 1, Precinct 14, for the registered at the Montezuma hotel. count; Rio Arriba county; No. l:S:lu, year! 1911. Rafael de Herrera y vs. Leather 0. C. WATSON & CO. Miss True is here from her Paja-- ' Ortega in the vallevJ ward F- Martin, I collected out of the :;7 poo-- rito ranch Esnanola Hobart, - She is at the Candido Sandoval, Ramon Montoya, pie. Iee Wilmuth, who has- moved 15 Fire Insurance District Mutual Life stopping Palace hotel. Agents, Leading Companies; Managers, to Steins, N. M., and Ed Domeron. Gun Metal Miss Edith V. Beless and Miss Ruth Kncarnacion Martinez. Juan Albino Insurance Co., New York; General Agents, United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. address unknown, I failed to collect Beless of Salt Lake are - Lo)Z and .Cuinjibcll, suit to City sight- from. seers at the Palace hotel. They are illiot title, o Yours, Suede on their way to the coast. Hayes Pleads Guilty. R. H. WOODS. Rev. T. M. Harwood, in of: In district court sterd:iy after-th- e Offices 119 San Francisco St Santa Fe. New Mexico charge Industrial School at Albuquer-noo- James G. Hayes, better known & ' ALL the Desirable que and national chaplain of theG. as "Jimmy Hayes," was senlenced to Federal Court at Las Cruces Fed- Styles Qualities A. R. is at the Palace 12 eral court at Las Cruces, hotel. the penitentiary for to IS months Judge THESE SHOES ARE NOTED FOR THEIR WEARING AND Frank W. or- QUALITIES "Attorney A. T. Rogers, Jr., and wife' for burglary. .Hayes insisted upon Parker, presiding, has have rented the Carpenter residence pleading guilty and District Attorney ganized Pedro Gonzales was chosen LASTING BEAUTY on Fifth street and will remove into E. C. Abbott filed information, the crier, Cesario Pedragon interpreter, i William it tomorrow." Las Vegas Optic. trial proceeding without indictment. Serapio Telles, Biscarra and h Thomas Ar--! , ... "Father Julius Hartman passed It was only last Saturday that he Jones, bailiffs. Catarino cJiMAu&l MHm. is of here this morning on his bed the Bank Saloon by crawling mijo interpreter the grand jury and Mrs. C. M. way to Willard. He will return to-- , through a window and helping Addis, reporter. The: for his lecture. Estancia self to several bottles of whiskey first case is , that of the Vnited States Daily Herald. anQ- sn in eash. It was the whiskey vs. Martin, embezzlement. L. B. Shepherd, traveling passen- that led to his detection, for it was .I ger agent of the Chicago and Alton,! a new brand which had not been yet EVERY MONTH NEAR DEATH j are traveling out of Denver is here on the market and handled by an- - Foster, Ark., Mrs. Fannie Ellis, of on busines for his road. He is at Foster, says: "I was sick for seven I other place. ths Montezuma hotel. years, and half the time could not Charles A. re- - stand on feet. I I "Attorney my month, Spiess IMBODEN WILL BE Every THE THINGS THAT WILL BE iWOST WORN THIS YEAR turned this evening from Raton RELEASED ON PAROLE. was very near death. I tried Cardui, where he has been for a week on and in two months, I was cured, and am now business before the district court of Bank Wreckers Claim They Were stout and healthy. My Colfax PONGEES AND FOULARDS county." Las Vegas Optic. Victims of Conspiracy and May friends all asw me now what cured A. L. Lawshe, who was for a number Sue for Damages. me. My looks as a testimonial o of years third assistant U. S. post- - 6. Leonard Cardui." No matter how serious or Denver, Colo., April In we have the Silk, Cotton and Mercerized. Also for master general, but who is now the Imboden, who with .Iftmes A. Hill was the trouble, Cardui will Pongees your Indian agency superintendent at Moq-- sentenced in March, 190G, to nine help you. It is a mild, vegetable, Waists and (iowns, we have ui, Arizona, arrived in this city on years in the penitentiary for attempt-- j tonic remedy, especially adapted to LINENS, MADRAS, LAWNS, BATISTE, REPS, SILKS & business last evening. Albuquerque iig to wreck the Denver Savings bank relieve and cure the common woman- EVERYTHING ob-- Journal. j will he paroled tomorrow. He has ; ly ailments. It relieves womanly You Could Desire. See Our Stock. "Adjutant General A. S. Brookes tained permission to go to Kansas pains and restores womanly strength. Possible and Captain W. S. Barlow, of the City and New York on business. Event- - Try Cardui. United States army, arrived in the ually he will go to Arizona. It is Adolph Seligman Dry Goods Co. city this afternoon. Tonight Captain said that both Imboden and Hill may start civil suits on" the BEDS A new line of Brass & Iron Beds to suit all tastes Barlow will inspect Company H of ground they the New Mexico National Guard." were victims of a conspiracy. Hill and purses. Our beds noonly comfortable to sleep in but was released in January. Las Vegas Optic. "QUALITY & PURITY" an ornament to any home. "A S.taab left the city for his home Postoffice Discontinued. in Santa Fe this morning, after a BOTE auiwaiwim'iii Washington, 6. The postof- Fl AST JAimtl - iJKAraSnT! AKERS-WAGN- ER FURNITURE short visit with his son Julius AprtJv COMPANY. fice at Brown, ,has been and daughter, Mrs. Louis Quay, 'county discontinued. Mail will go to EXPERT EMBALMERS & Mr. Staab is planning to depart upon a tour of continental Europe in D I May." Albuquerque Herald. FUNERAL RECTO EDITORIAL FLASHES. Re We hSve launched our k HELD UP, CHOKED business the aimmr, j It's Tough on the Girls. upon strong AND THEN ROBBED. of & it It is said dancing makes girls feet wings "Quality insurance. SURETY BONDS. REAL ESTATE large. It is also said ice cream And by :: :: Prowler Is Said to that Purity" Daring Night makes freckles. Doctors are of the Have Found a Victim on Boule--'- - opinion that on the front ALWAYS RELIABLE DRUGS vard Avenue Last Night. hanging WANTED gate produces rheumatism. A few P. P. LACASSAGNE. more like .. and the and never fideli- A was in cirulation this opinions these eriding In New report won't have to & every city and village in Mexico agents to represent that an' unidentified man girls any fun left them. ty "Quality Purity" 309 5an Francisco St. morning Quay County Times. we to build to the NATIONAL CASUALTY COMPANY. If care to was held up. chocked and robbed last expect you repre the and popu- by a lone highway, man right top gain sent one of the best lines of HEALTH and ACCIDENT night as of in front of the telephone office on larity the integrity issued call on or address, River Boulevard. Mrs. Gibson, the our purpose justifies :: Have You Seen BIG BEN? night, operator, is said to have heard Food That JOSEPH B. HAYWARD, Manager, the struggle outside and to have seen Come down and look at him in our window. He is known and sold the robber. The man who world over for : A new line medium Fe & the fleeing $2.50. price Santa Abstract, Realty Insurance Agency. dazed the was" robbed appeared by j Agrees ROCK CRYSTAL CUT to GLASS ft Room No. 8, Capital City Bank Building, Santa Fe, N. M. ordeal and seemed unable pursue Gives health and his assailant. strength. Champagne, Wine 4 Water Glasses Water Pitchers etc Phone Black No. 52 Mrs. Gibson was not at home this : BUTT BROS. J--J afternoon to give further details of Grape-Nu- ts CO.ij Reliable Jeweler SftS?" I occurrence, but it will likely be C. YONTZ, the DRUGGISTS "A reported to the police. is such a food. PUMPS, OXFORDS A request will probably be made of ths itir authorities to place more "There is a Reason" Phone Red 161 :: West Side Plaza ' lights on the boulevard to make it and:;';;:)' safer at night. i, These occurrences are compara- WE ARE NOW READY TO HIGH SHOES tively rare in Santa Fe, fortunately for the citizens, who have to travel feeH disances at , night and do hot can it rame Your Pictures in the expense of a j . the like incurring For the of Lent 1 Remaining Days every time. INTRODUCTORY PRICES-AS- K FOR THEM Was it a Scuffle? ' .. NEWEST no V, The police have received report j ..." EASTER CARDS AND NOVELTIES : nf a robbery1 last night, according to Mackeral-1- 2c 15c 20c & 30c and most attractive for r Marshal SenaT' "I understand there j styles PURE COD SHREDDED COD FISH IN was some kind of a quarrel between FISH, TINS, Fe Trail Curio j Santa MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN two men on River Boulevard last SMOKED;; HALIBUT, SMOKED WHITE FISH. Company said the "but no T night," marshal, SARDINES-DOMES- . '.I . - j TIC AND IMPORTED. Our assortment equal to any city line. fact? have been presented lis to jus- Our Grade. tify the report that a man was roo- - ShoesThe, Highest bed". rve .have been Investigating the CHEESE Shoe ialist was to us.' JOHN PFLEUGER Spec case ever'ateJt reported IMPORTED SWISS, BRICK, ROQUEFORT, r CUT FLOWERS SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. NEW YORK CREAM. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound ROSES. CARNATIONS, NARCISSUS, DAFFODILS Is a safe and effective medicine for ; City Eggs 30c a Doz. I FIRST CLASS HACK SERVICE f children as it does not contain opiates SWEET PEAS, VIOLETS, HYACINTHS :: :: The The Best Food Stuffs for the Best Eaters. 'A - orharmful drugs. genuine Foley's WEDDING TABLE & For Hire at. Buggies and Honey and Tar Compound Is in a ye BOUQUETS, DECORATIONS, FUNERAL DESIGNS. ffl K Popular Prices Saddle Horses low package; Sold by all druggu . CORRICK'S HACK LINE THEODORE CORRICK, Prop, R. V. BOYLE, I t If want H. S. KAUNE & CO. THE CLARENDON GARDEN Mgr. yoa anything on earth. try Phone Black 12. a New Mexican Want Ad.


SOLE AGENTS SOLE AGENTS WIRE UP THOSE DARK PLACES FOR FOR Electric Stoves Electric Irons That Stay Ho j Electric Curling Irons Electric Toasters Santa Fe Water and Light Company Electric Chafing Dishes Water Heaters and Percolaters i ana Electric Tea Pots ?! t PAGE SIX THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911.

Ko married womr.a'S happiness IS THREE DIVORCE CASES IN complete witioi.i children; she ALBUQUERQUE COURT St. Louis Rockv yearns with the deeper longings of 1.4 IMMSE her nature for the joys of mother- One Woman at Once Applies for Mar- Woman's women suffer Ills woman- hood. But women who bear children Com- Many needlessly from girlhood to riage License Traction hood and from motherhood should prepare for the coming of to old age with backache, pany Fight. broken-dow- for dizziness or headache. She becomes sleep- Pacific Rai lw.iv Comoanv. hahy by properly caring their In of the desire express- irritable Mother's Friend pursuance less, nervous, and feels tired from morning to WkWOTHEW physical systems. ed by Mrs. Edith I. Insley to Judge night. When pains and aches rack the at is the mother's greatest help. It is a which prepares the womanly system expectant remedy Ira A. Abbott some few back, frequent intervals, ask your neighbor about v muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, renders the supple and days ligaments the a elastic, aids in expanding the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all th3 judge yesterday issued dismissal NEW MEXICO. of Dr. Pierce's Favorite GENERAL OFFICES RATON membranes and tissues. It is especially valuable where the breasts are trouble-- I the divorce proceedjng of Mrs. Prescription r some from swelling and congestion, and its regular use will lessen the pain Edith I. Insley against her husband . J .1 1. .... It.. l.'MU A. This Prescription has, for over uo been I Thomas Insley. The dismissal is years, In etT.ict 1st 1910 (Head Up pain-wracke- d (Read Down) Sept. comes. Women who use Aiother s I.V. granted under an of the carlni delicate, weak, women, agreement by the hundreds ot thousands and this too In I Miles STATION'S Friend are assured cf passing the attorneys in the case, in which a is for sale at v the privacy ot their homes without their hav crisis with safety. It written agreement is filed Ini to submit to . agreeing indelicate questionings 1 30 Lv. 1'es Moines. N. M...Ar; 4 00 drug stores. Write for free book (KM V and to pay all costs of the ottensiveiy .1 40 Itumaldo 3 50 for expectant mothers. proceeding repu&nant examinations. . 05 Dedman 3 30 had heretofore in the case 3 15 ESOTTLATOK together Sick women are invited to consult in i'npulin BBADFIZLD CO., with the fees. The confidence by letter free. Address I 35 vigil 3 05 attorneys' order World's Dispensary Medical R.V. M. m Y 1 45 Atlanta, Ga. Ass'n, Pierce, D., Pres't, ri,,(r.,.. "50 Thompson also recites that the plaintiff appear- Dr. Pierce's Book. The 9 10 2 25 ME Great Family Doctor Pennl'. r',, dlL Cunningham 1 ed in court in own 9 35 ...Clifton House N.M 05 her proper person Medical Adviser, newly revised edition 1000 pages, answers in 10 lit Ar ... Knton. N. M. I.v 1 30 and Plain hosts of delicate which on a of the upper Rio requested that the suit brought English questions every woman, single or married, 2 3u 0 .Lv Ar 10 15 .. ... tributary - know about. Sent llaton.N.M by her against her husband be dis- ought to free to any address on receipt of 31 one-ce- 2 47 7 .. .Clifton House N" M 9 49 Grande will affect the supply of wa- to cover cost of missed. who is charged with stamps wrapping and mailing only, in French cloth binding. T3 o; 4 SfPreston 9 32; EDITORIAL FLUSHES ter in the lower valley. The com- Insley, 345 55 Koehler Junction 8 55 the killing of Thomas Higgins is still T7TTTT . missioners, in ruling in favor of the 335! .. 2 K oe h in r 9 C5 ... in the county jail and as yet no ap 68 8 20 Rio Puerco project, express the con 4 15 Colfax plication for a habeas corpus pro- MADE WONDERFUL VIOLIN 4 43 76 (Vrrososo 8 02 Sour Grapes. viction that not only will it not in- 20 YEARS AGO TODAY 5 00 82 Ar Cimarron Lvi 7 45 ceeding has been brought. WITH THREE but, actu- FINGERS. 5 10 Lv Cimarron Ar! a m 6 35 Santa Fe has organized a new jure the lower project may In to S"i 6 27 Hurry of 5 18 Nash j. Chamber of Commerce. If will ally help it. Reclamation at (From the New Mexican this date 2S - 6 17 they any Mrs. Lizzie M. 5 S Harlan Brown, Albuquerque. 1S91.) Walla Walla Wash., April 6 E. M. 5 45 94 Ar Cte Park, N. M... Lvi. 6 00 make a new place of the burg, they point means more vegetation, the before Ira p m save of in yesterday appeared Judge Arvin of Walla Walla, Washington, a may perhaps it from being at conservation water the soil, the A. Abbott and obtained a divorce from the foot when the next census is tak- elimination and utilization of silt, re- Harry Wigham, Charlie Fox, Judge telephone lineman, who was struck by Colfax with K. I. A S. W. Ry, train both Xnrth'and Soutb.3 Edward Brown on the grounds of jnonnects ai en. Las Cruces Citizen. an diminished Walker and Dr. Schuler are mentioned 25,000 volts of electricity several for Van Houten N, M, meets trains at Preston N.iM.t turning only highly abandonment and upon SStage mmm in connection with the mayor's office years his com- ITto .V, M X M . 9:00 .i. m. amount of moisture into the ago, losing fingers, has Stae leaves Parte, for Mliznbettitwn. at dally except stream, a certificate of default issued out of in Raton. oo a div- pleted a violin. He the work iindsys, Fare Si one way $3.50 round trio: llfty pound bngwije carried free. Just Snap. much clearer than when it was the district clerk's office following a began A S. leaves Das Moines. N, M-- . south 11:11 p. m. arrive! from Grant Rivenburg began this morning op the violin last December and (i. train for the at the The editor of a newspaper is often erted. Most important of all, the notice by publication. Immediately has oi'th at 4:38 a. m. the setting out of 1,000 trees on Dr. in what he considers two accused of leaving out certain items commissioners estimate that the after having received the decree from put solid of news because dislike for Harrouns seven acre tract near the months of whittling and scraping, M. purely of watershed of northern New Mexico the judge the lady in company with C. G. DEDMAN, J. VAN HOUTEN. F. WILLIAMS, Santa Fe depot. 'polishing and the person to be mentioned, or from will supply about four or five times Joseph D. Miller went across the hall staining. Arvin has V. P. & G. M., G. P. Agent, w. brother-in-la- Superintendent. prejudice. This is all bosh. The the amount of water needed in the from the district clerk's office to the H. Phillips, of Dr. only three fingers on each hand ana Andrews who rnmc fmm ' editor has something like a million reservoir. clerk's office and there a mar has Kihlv the work was done with no other tool3 Engle probate to different things to think of in connec- license was issued to them. Ohio, settle near Espanola, brought than his own knife and a flat The commissioners voice the feel- riage with him a pocket tion with the issue of one paper, and Absolute Divorce Granted. sorghum molasses mill, the piece of steel used for This ing of the people of northern New first in Santa Fe scraping. it is not surprising that he misses an Marguetite Chavez de Braunstadt county. Sorghum is the second violin he has made and Mexico that there is water in abun- has been in item occasionally, or sometimes for was yesterday granted an absolute di- raising thoroughly tested he has never taken a lesson ASK FOR TICKETS dance, enough for all the private ir the Rio Grande and Bond although gets one which has been called to his vorce by Judge Ira A. Abbott of the upper valley on the instrument he handles bow rigation projects which may seek to Brothers and others the YOUR FREIGHT attention. Nine out of ten people you second district court, from her hus- about Espanola The SHIP - avail themselves of the waters of the dexterously. violin is made with risk- T'rtr npws itpTns will tpll vnn tbpv band D. and at the are seeding a large acreage to sugar Rio Henry Braunstadt, a top of Washington spruce, a back To El can't of But in most cases tributaries of the upper Grande, cus- cane this Paso Bisbee, Douglas think any. same time was also granted the spring. of and sides and finin j Tne Butte not birdseye maple neck From Pp a in New Mex- they expect the editor to think Elephant project may of the minor child. The S. and points tody Elsie,, W. Tucker, the city editor of the of straight-graine- all of them and him if he b finished for eight years; in that maple, parts Mexico to Pacific NEW all, criticise decree was obtained on the grounds Denver News, was in Santa Fe Deen ico, Arizona, and the Coast, via of acres now bar-i- s yester naving prepared by Arvin. The fails in a single item. "The best way verioi thousands of abandonment and on - day and carried away a lot of litera- tailboard rests in a of rosewood MEXICO CENTRAL to Torrance, Thence to the editor credit for what ren, awaiting the magic touch of the a of issued out of piece give certificate default ture respecting the resources of the from a which he does find and mentions and fori water, may be made to yield a rich the office of the district clerk after "billy" Patrolman Buck Santa Fe valley. He says the late broke in an encounter with a some things he finds and does not j profit and bring thousands of much notice to appear and answer to the al- captive frosts have done much to the j The mention. Globe. needed home builders into the north- - had damage tail piece and finger board are of Daily legations in the plaintiff's petition and in lower Rio net-Ru- n peach apple crop the ebony. Arvin took the EAST era half of New Mexico. The been made by publication. instrument Grande valley. to the for Down Kidnapers. work of branches of the upper Rio Traction Muddle. police station its dedication U of the donation of The bold and j Grande covers a vast region whose In the continuation of the hearing recognition the dastardly outrage TWELVE INNING GAME broken stick of rosewood. OR nernetrated unon Mr and Mrs A. T. water resources will in the course of the Traction company case before A. Abbott of second dis- ON COLLEGE GROUNDS. Rogers, Jr., of this city, in the kid- - of less than eight years transform Judge Ira the final hear- SALVATION ARMY TO BE of d son sandy arroyos into green and pop- trict court yesterday, the naping their St. Michael's Defeated Waldo at the of a re ulous farming valleys. The absurdi-- ing to show cause why the temporary College High BARRED FROM SALOONS. Rogers, point School in Twelve - order issued Innings by WEST volver, by a masked man, and subse- U.v of a policy which will needlessly Tuesday evening against the Albuquerque company should not a Score of 7 to 6. quently the forcing of a payment of delay the agricultural development Spokane, Wash., April 0 Salvation be made was set for Sat- One of wit- a ransom to $12,000, to of thousands of square miles is too permanent, fastest games ever Army lassies must cease amounting 7th at 10 o'clock. At peddling the secure return calls evident to need comment. It is hard urday, April nessed on the campus of St. M- War or the boy's alive, the same time notice was the Cry soliciting alms in the need of a to see how the interior department given ichael's Colege was played yesterday saloons in attention to the crying Traction in the Spokane if Commissioner of address can such a policy a moweht Albuquerque Company between the High School and the For rates and full information more rigid and sterner enforcement pursue terms of to show cause Public Utilities, D. C. Coates wins the order, was twelve-innin- g of the laws for the and longer than it takes to find out the college boys. It a in the stand he took ad- prevention why a mandatory order should not be support at the Q- - f- - & p- - Asent. of in New Mexico. true extent of the water resources game and had it not been for a small EUGENE FOX, punishment crime issued out of the court compelling ministrative meeting of the commis- El Paso Texas. of the Rio Grande watershed. Mil- error on the part of one of the High The daring nature of the abduction the defendant company to conform to sioners a few days ago. "I believe of of School boys it is doubtful how it affords a striking instance of the lions and millions gallons prec- of made with long the ordinance prohibiting women in the terms the contract would have continued. It was audacity of the criminals operating ious water flowing to waste for eight the saloons should be enforced the Citizens' Traction Company with first the town have against in this territory. The case in point, years when every drop is needed it to the lines on First and Gold game boys play women of the Salvation Army and all respect ed this season and it was however, is the boldest in the crim is a spectacle which all the govern- streets. These actions were exciting religious organizations as well as yesterday from the first Juanito Mares inal annals of the Southwest. Public ment red tape and explanation in the the latest in the traction inning. against others," said Commissioner chapters for the while sentiment in Las Vegas and through- world cannot make appear reasona- muddle. The Citizens' Power and pitched High School, Coates. "It is not true that these of new the in some of their first out the territory demands that the ble or sane to the people the Traction Company claim that when College put women are not insulted while in team men. score was 7 to 6 be run down and punished state which, with resources freed the Albuquerque Traction Company The in saloons. The Salvation Army has kidnapers of the is to the limit of the law. If they are from a wasteful "conservation" now took over the Highland lines of the favor College. Following enough men to take around the War the line-u- p that WHEN GOING allowed to escape and thus go un- invite the eastern capital which Citizens concern they entered into played for the High Cry." The commissioners referred Mexir School. Juanito Mares and a premium will be placed needs no urging to make New certain verbal agreements in connec- Ralph the matter to Commissioner of Public punished, Thomas on kidnaping. Las Vegas Optic. co blossom as the rose. Albuquer tion with the portion of the tracks of Smythe, pitchers; Closson, Safety Z. E. Hayden to look up the ... que Journal. the Citizens' Company which were catcher; Elmer Friday, 1st base; ordinance and make recommendations. then on First street Harvey, 2nd base; EAST OR WEST That Owns an Auto. being operated Eugene Ralph Paper and Gold avenue, which have since Smythe, 3rd base; Albert The Rio Grande Republican auto- No Poll Tax No Vote. Reingardt, Sale of timber District No. 8, Albuquer- Mon- been abandoned by the Albuquerque shortstop; Donald , Smythe, right-field- ; que, N. M., March 7. 1911, Sealed bids mobile arrived in Las Cruces Several who applied at the polls to marked "Bid, Timber Sale concern. On Monday at the "Edward center-field- ; outside, Ap- day. March 27, after an overland trip vote at the school election night Cartwright, plication December 6. 1910. Pecos," and Monday, of the council William addressed to the District Albu- use the of S50 miles over New Mexico roads. meeting city permission Goebel, left field. Forester, found that the payment of the one was Trac- querque, New Mexico, will be received up granted the Albuquerque to 1911 The car was driven by Harold H. dollar Poll Tax was a formality and Including the 7th day of April tion Co. to tear up the unused tracks A Reliable Medicine NOT A NAR- - for all merchantable dead timber standing Hague, who was1 accompanied by his which they had overlooked, and pro- or down, and the live timber marked for Will referred to, which action was imme- COTIC. cutting by the Forest otticer, on an area brother. Hague, and "Printer,' ceeded to "dig up" before exercising to be who diately resented by the Citizens con- Mrs. F. Marti, St Joe, Mich., ays-"Ou- definitely designated hy the Forest RIOQAND& the little brown water spaniel tlieir franchise. One remarked that officer before cutting begins, approxima- cern and a resort to the courts little contracted a sever 16 N K. 34 will be the Republican mascot. taken. boy tely in Sec 3, T, 10K., Sees, and 35. Line to instead of receiving pay for his vote, Suit on bronchial trouble and as the doctor': T.17N., R. io K , N.M. P, M. surveyed land 'Shortest Denver, The car which is a horse- Account. witbin Pecos thirty he was compelled to pay to get to not the National Forest, New came in ex- The First National bank of Iowa medicine did cure him, I gave hirr Mexico, estimated to be 150,000 ft, B. M. power Regal, through vote, which was a rather strange 01 and of western yellow pine. Douglas fir, white and a few City, Iowa, yesterday filed suit in the Foley's Honey Tar Compound in fir. Colo and Pueblo cellent condition, after a and limber pine, sawtlniber, more or Springs currence in free country. Estan- second district court at Albuquerque, which I have great faith. It cured less. No bid of less than $ per M. ft. B. minor repairs will be as good as M. will be AT cia Morning Herald. F. C. Swartz of Mc- - the cough as well as the and considered and a deposit of TICKETS AND RESERVATIONS ever. The road from Albuquerque to against Gallup, choking $100 must be sent to the First. National CITY OFFICE IN is almost Kinley county, for $5S7 alleged to be gagging spells, and he got well in a Bank of Albuquerqre, N. M. for each bid Las Cruces impassable for Tim-pe- long since with interest 'at short time. Foley's and Tar submitted to the District Forester. r any vehicle and in some places the Statehood Stock Rising. past due, Honey upon valid claims is exempted from he rate of 6 cent at Compound has many times saved us sale The to or all b ds Is boys in the car had to make their Statehood perhaps you have per per annum, right reject any fees and the costs of much trouble and we are never reserved. For further information govern- DLDC own road. The need of a territorial heard the word before. It is looking torneys' the with ing sales, address Forest Supervisor. Pecos ,NEW MEXICAN suit. The states out it in the house." Sold all National Forest, Pecos. New Mexico. highway which will connect Las Cru- up again. plaintiff's petition by EARLK that came into of H, OLAPP Acting Distilct ces with Raton is is to they possession the diuggHts. OR fully emphasized It good news learn that the claim a such as the car in the ordinary course of busi- by trip Republican Democrats who will dominate the ness transactions from the made. "Printer," the mascot of the of of Equitable UNION DEPOT. proceedings the House Repre- and al- party, is probably the only one whe Manufacturing Company, that sentatives of Congress have given though demand has been the He is Arl-jon- a repeatedly thoroughly enjoyed trip. statehood for New Mexico and no " made, has been evidenced making his home at the attempt Republican a prominent place on the official on the of the defendants to CALIFORNIA SIMMER 1 office, and will be in all office part pay during program of matters which are to be the claim. :PTN where he will be to hours, glad get taken up immediately by the Con- acquainted with the children of Las gress. This announcement is One Conductor Back to Work. Cruces. Rio Grande Republican. Helped before the Territorial Supreme Court. ... enough to cause the resurgence of Mr. Wilford Adams is his name, CARDS PROFESSIONAL Office: Laughlin BIk, Santa Fe, N. M. hope that New Mexico may get posi- he writes. "I was confined to my bed Excursions: Water Enough for All. tive action at the extra session. with chronic rheumatism and used SAN Decisions of the utmost DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO, PROEERT & COMPANY importance If the statehood matter comes up, two bottles of Foley's Kidney Reme ATTORNEYS AT LAW to the situation in New- - LOS ANGELES, Investments irrigation as promised, we believe that it will dy with good effect. The third bottle OAKLAND, Mexico have been handed down in the 18, Lat ds, Mines, Bonds & Stocks. go through without further serious put me on my feet and I resumed Aprii, 19, 20, April, 18, 19, 20, Chas. F. Easley, Chas. R. Easley j past week by the territorial board of Money Loaned for Investors complication. In making this state work as conductor on the Lexington, May, 12, 13, 14, 12, 13, 14, Santa Fe, Estancia, j water commissioners in Santa Fe on May, j We have for sale general stocks of ment, there is of course, the usual Ky., Street Railway. It will do all EASLEY & EASLEY, appeal from decisions of the territor- you claim in cases of .rheumatism." j Merchandise, Retail Lumber Yard mental reservation that bars acts of It $49.15 Attorneys-at-La- ial T,he most $50.90 and other Business engineer. important Providence, senatorial brainstorms, clears the blood of uric acid. For Opportunities out and one ef- 5AN Taos point brought that or a knife carried to sale by all druggists. FRANCISCO, CALIF., WILLIAM McKEAN throughout county. fects the interests of all northern long sharp Bank References Furnished Washington by a coterie of select pa- One way via Portland or 18, 19, 20, Attorney-at-La- New Mexico is the stand taken by Seatle, April, Taos, New Mexico. triots at home. But taking it by and Mining and Land Law. the commissioners the policy May, 12, 13, 14, 29, 30, 31; against the prospect is encouraging. Hotel Arrivals. Taos, New Mexico. of the United State reclamation ser- large, DR. C. M. RILEY, Thtere is little doubt of the attitude vice in the water tying up develop- of the new toward Arizona Palace. $68.35 C. W. G. WARD Veterinary Physician and Surgeon. ment in Rio Grande congress the northern and no A. D. Kidder, Terre Haute, Ind.; District Attorn Graduate of McKillep's, Veterinary there can be opposition at Territorial .y valley and the valleys of its tributar- L. A. Bland, Kansas C. G. Ever-son- , Return Limit, June 30th and July 31st, 1911 College of Chicago. this stage of the game to the admis City; For San Miguel and Mora Counties ies for the sake of the Elephant Chicago; Miss True, Las Work of All Kinds Solicited. sion of both states. Senator Owen's Pajarito Vegas, New Mexico. Butte dam of the government. Edith V. Be-les- a position is that if Arizona is allowed Ranch; Beless, Ruth $25.00 Dentistry Specialty In the case of Jastro versus the Salt Lake D. T. Office: Chas. Closson's Barn. to enter he will forget that New City; White, HOLT & SUTHERLAND Rio Puerco Irrigation company, af- El F. H. ONE WAY Phone 9. Mexico's constitution is the work of Paso; McGee, Chicago; W. Attorneys-at-La- Day Black a on Sale fecting proposed big enterprise in F. Webster, ; H. W. Kroe-nek- Colonist Tickets Until April 10, 1911 Practice in Distri.t Court as Mght Phone, Main 134. a lot of and criminals tje Bernalillo and Sandoval counties, Wichita; Charles A. Carruth, well as before the Court of commissioners went and withdraw his opposition. If the Santa Fe All The Supreme the thoroughly S. Har-woo- If want on Oklahoman in his obnoxious Denver; Alonzo Bright, T. M. Way the territory. you anything try into the question of the extent to persists New Mexican Want Ad. activities with to New Mexi Albuquerque. For Particulars Call on, or Las Cruces, New Mexico. which the use of water for irrigation regard Address, co it ought not to be hard to expose Montezuma. Mr. and Mrs. P. Carver, E. C. ABBOTT his pusillanimous and contemptible Eugene Thomas A. H. S. Agent. personal motive 1 throw dust over Boston; Stiles, El Paso; LUTZ, Attorney-at-La- R G. Buehr, E. J. N. M. Practice in the District and Su- his transactions with the Indians in Chicago; Evans, Santa Fe, Kansas City; Miss H. T. Courts. and careful ROUND-TR- the acquisition of Oklahoma lands. Wheeler, preme Prompt IP Beloit, James to PDLES Albuquerque Journal. Wis.; Wertheim, St. all business. attention given Louis; A. B. New Mexico Schley, Albuquerque; J. Santa Fe, "I hare suffered with piles for t.ilrty-sl- i years. C. One year aifo Jaat April I bet; an taking Cabarets Wood, Denver; H. W. Willis, City; CONVENTION FARES I to the Front. for constipation. Jn the conrse of a wfiok noticert Forging Carl F. the piles be tan to dUiippear ami at the eixl of six New Mexico is to the front Schmidt, Cleveland; H. S. ROSWELL AUTO CO. R0SWELL NEW MEX HARRY D. MOULTON weeks they did not trouble me at all. Ciinpareta forging R. VIA have done wonders for me. I am entirely cured and of most Foreman, City; Schanwecker, feel like a new man." iX in a manner suggestive the the TJ. S. George Kryder, Napoleon, Omaha; A. H. Schmidt, Denver; E: Carrying mail and pas- at the rate of $5.00 per hundred lbi. NEW MEXICO CENTRAL RAILROAD rapid development. The develop between Stein, Edward Mitchell, St. Louis; sengers Vaughn, N. M., and Special automobiles furnished to ac- Best For ment of the resources of New Mexico N. M Attorney-at-La- To A. J. Mona-gle- , Roswell, connecting with the commodate any number of i The Bowels in the immediate future will render Beierdorf, Chicago; J. F. passeng. Los Cal. $49.15 C. El Paso & Southwestern and Rock Is- to make connections Angeles, one of ten most Boston; Mr.' and Mrs. E. special with ani her prosperous land Railroads To-pek-a Oakland, Cal. $50.90 Willey, A. F. Witzel, Denver; Albert and the Atchison, train at Vaughn, also to connect with states in the Union. And there are & N. M. San Cal. $50.90 J. New Santa Fe Railroad. New Mexico Central Railroad Tor- Santa Fe, Francisco, many Texans who are contributing Soell, Albuquerque; Reilly, at CAN 0V CATHARTIC York Paul Wagon Leaves Vaughn at 8:30 a. m., ar rance for Santa Fe, N. M., by com- ON SALE much to the great forward move city; Padilla, rive in Roswell at 3:30 p. mv with of Ros- Formerly Special Agent, G. L. O. ment. El Paso Times. Mound; L. B. Shepherd, Denver. municating Manager the 18, 19 1911 Leaves Roswell 12:30 a. ar-- well Auto Co., Land Claims and Contests a Specialty APRIL, and 20, lOe Coronado. at m., ' at Roswell, N. M., at Return June 1911 25c 50c rive In Vaughn at 6 p. m. least 24 hours in advance. Limit, 30, Good results always follow the use Frank Abeyta, Grand Junction, Rate fc Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, R. C. Baeeaee &llowanc t Kit lh. to special, $40 to accomodate four G. W. PRICHARD For full particulars call at Kever or Urine. The of Pills. Colo.; Archie White, Moriarty; or Sicken. Weaken genuine tablet Foley Kidney They give each baggagejj fewer and Counsellor at Law stamped COG. Guaranteed to cure or your money in cases of Clark, Arizona; B. Brown, regular ticket, excess passengers to either point Attorney UNION DEPOT or Gen') Office back. Never sold la bulk. 693 prompt relief all kidney Jerome, Practice in all the District Court Sterling Remedy Co Wheeling, W.Va. and bladder disorders. Try them. Sold Lewis, Kas.; P. A. Jack, T Manassas, attention to cases k ANNUAL 12 MILLION BOXES C. M. Colo. and gives special A A A. A a SALE, by all druggists. Colo,; Haynie, J W. STOCKARD, MANAGER V THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911. THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. L PAGE SEVEN

SHAKING DICE FOR PARCEL'S POST WOULD tnat the Persians Tnioc;u'turn 'o The MAROON IN SHARP CRITICISM BE EVERYBODY'S GAIN. DRINKS IS GAMBLING. United States? DEAL IN DIPLOIC! The Teheran asked the government With means Government Denies of Terri- state at to Chicago University it Charged An extended parcel post Right department Washington With of tory to Arrest Forest submit the names of several Ameri Proselyting for Students easier and cheaier transmission Rangers Records as Athletes. for cans of and quail-fle- commodities. The more easily and Acts While on Duty. ability experience, American Per- l, Advertising x That ror is Appointment of as for the of treasurer-genera- commodities can be playing the drinks position Severe criticism of the athletic de- KOU SALE Fine Piano and JIous cheaply gambling in the fullest sense of the and prepared to undertake the the better it is for us, says sian Treasurer Results. partment of the University of Chicago hold goods. Agna Kria. changed, word is the of Meehem complete readjustment of the govern- Dinni-m- r Uru.-i- in ' Success "6 opinion Judge are made by the Dally Maroon, the un- . i 3 AS f.Y!irciccH in nic- ..., strnili'mia ment and commercial finances of the azine." all other things consiaereu. dergraduate newspaper of the institu- FOR RENT House furnished or the tne ("strict court at Socorro to tne shah. exreuueu i r,ot- Vicars- - Serves to Bind United States and Ger- tlon, in a recent Issue. uiilurnished. I). I.. Lowltzki. An ln the case of Soiomon Baca, a From the list submitted the name of - r- - jjurj. In addition to charging the univer same reiaiionsmp iu was many Some Inside Facts of W. Morgan Shuster of Washington v cmnil Magdalena saloonkeeper. Baca with for students with :; limited rmiis Recent in the was selected. Mr. Shuster is a sity proselyting Talks KOR RENT f::riii?hed rooms on parcel post found guilty of allowing this kind of Negotiations city records in the Maroon at- to bad roads. East. young man who went out to Manila athletics, Paia. ave. S. Ww Mexican. bear gambling in his place and fined $100 Far In gen- can send your a who of tacks intercollegiate athletics If you, the farmer, and costs, a six months' Jail sentence as clerk and rose, by virtue eral. ' his to of TYPEWRITERS. in small quantities, beha- The of own ability, tin; position dairy products, being suspended during good Washington. appointment Some of the charges are: FOR COUNTRY MERCHANT more cheaply - commissioner. As the THE and to the city by mail vior. W. Morgan Shuster as treasurer gen- Philippine Candidates for football team are Cleaned, adjusted repaired. New as now head of the educational in the than and just as quickly you Found of era! of Persia, on the recommendation department at work so that cannot pliiteris furnished. RibLons and sup- Guilty Stealing Eggs. the Mr. Sinister kept long they Consistent and Persistent Advertise- them by express, you are better Pedro with of Knox, is the newest link Philippines organized make even a of plies. Typewriters Bold, send Maldonado, charged Secretary of pretense studying. Re- ln the chain is bind- the school system the Islands in ments, Truthfully Told, Bring and rented. Standard makes handled. oJt- - breaking into a Santa Fe car diplomatic that Students enter the largely freight such a manner as to win the university sults, Declares Expert. All work If the merchant in a small and therefrom a case of eggs, ing the United States and the German highest because of the of exercis- repair and typewriters guar- you, taking from European traveler opportunity order supplies in small which to So- empire so far as Asiatic af- praise every their athletic anteed. Santa Fe Typewriter Ex town, can he peddled indiscretly together, who has visited the in the ing prowess. "How the Merchant Can them cheaply as corro was fairs are concerned. The fact that the Philippines That 99 of the students Country change. I'hone 231. quantities and get merchants, found guilty by last five per cent, Advertise" was the title of an excep- off. of the finances of Per- years. take no in to are better the at Socorro. reorganization s athletics except well as quickly, you Jury Unfortunately, perhaps, Mr. Shus-ter'- part tionally paper read by of the trade sia has come under American control shriek from the bleachers. interesting FOR SALE. You can keep abreast Creevey Purloined a Sheep. with the Filipinos Alex. R. (ireen of Spokane, Wash., is not the of any senti- sympathies That those 99 cent, have an in- better than you ever could. Lester Creevey, in whose case the outgrowth were so that ho was led per before the Inland Retail Deal- A Valuable House and Lots in Las mental attachment for Americans pronounced sane desire to win and do not honor Empire who live and work in places jury disagreed at the first trial, plead- into the error of sides with the ers' association in that city the other Vegas, N. M. If you, which may or may not exist in Te- taking any team which fails to come home markets ed guilty at Socorro after the case even as the will of day. Mr. Green is as one Desiring to change my residence so remote from satisfactory heran, but is the result of the Interna- natives, against with the recognized re- had been reset. He is charged with at Ills spoIU. of the "live w ire" ad men ln the from Las Vegas by reason of my poor that you can not fully develop the tiona! in China and the government Washington. That one city. the seal on a Santa Fe stock political situation the remaining per cent, He from I offer to sell my house and of locality, can be as- breaking position then became untenable and treated the advertising Idea health, sources your a Japan. which takes part In athletics Is physi- lots on parcel-pos- t car, allowing large assemblage of he resigned. a simple and unpretentious standpoint. situated the south side of the sured of a cheap, uniform The much advertised "dollar diplo- cally injured by the exercise Involved. to send sheep to escape, and with carrying Now he goes to Teheran as the Following is the addresH in part: park in said town. rate that will enable you off macy" advocated by Secretary Knox These things explain, the article one sheep on his horse. treasurer-general- , and he will have "I want to read something to begin The is 2 to any part of has not been as successful in the far maintains, why "college alumni are building story, built of products profitably Raises Important Question. three American assistants. He will with which I from an adver- be better off. as its ha i The not the In the af- clipped stone, adapted for business, compris- the country, you will The cour. at Socorro east projector hoped. in taking active part will has n work, of course, Bolely the interests journal the other day that rooms citizen, granted plan for the neutralization of the fairs of the they Bhould" and tising ing and backyards, with fixtures Finally, if you, the average the writ of habeas corpus of the Persians. But th-- re is no doubt country illustrate the I am that askt,: by was not well re- account for commercial and po- exactly points for electric lights and water pipes. desire a service in railways be- "the who postal the government the case of Jones - that both Washington nnd Berlin about to make. can se- ceived In any capital of the .orld ex- litical dishonesty that furnishes work The rooms now occupied bring me a means your full convenience, and Hodges, charged with the lieve that his work ln Persia will have " Everybody knows that we're ln you killing cept Berlin. The Crane incident em-- I for grand Juries and the senate com- monthly rent of $75.00. cure an extended parcel post, of John. the influence upon the situa- business. We have been here for I Latham, defendants be blrrassed the American government great larger mittees and the will sell the premises for $6,500. be better off. ing United States forest tion In China. It will be necessary for jailers. years and know where we are will rangers K no little even at home, but it was "Not even the most enthusiastic sup- they Terms: $::,."0O paid in hand, and is understood the IJreat Britain and Russia. If they are and what we sell.' territory will j nlficant that the Berlin newspaper porter of intercollegiate athletics can M.'i'i'i in one year, secured by mort-gii- NOW peal the case, and to maintain their commercial ad- " and don't a d n.' GEORGE PRICE IS Judge Mechem in press openly sympathized with Mr. assert that it is a genuinely student 'Yes, they give of the premises. BASTILE. Unrated that he vantages In Persia, to respect the "This retort was made other IN THE COUNTY would be pleased to Knox. After Mr. Crane's commission activity," the editorial says. "It con- apt the Address al to see the matter wishes of the United States. This will by an correspondence finally settled in the 8 minister to China had been revoked sists In ensnaring into college by spec- day experienced advertising TRINIDAD court. give Mr. Knox power to bring pres- man and it man ROMERO,, Sr., Silver City, Is in upper The question raised is and before Mr. Calhoun, the tacular methods students who have al- rather staggered the George Price at present British and Russian ar- Las Vegas, N. M. worse rather an in- sure upon the who used the 'everybody knows' to make matters important one, the govern- minister, had started to Pekin, the ready established athletic records in 22r,d, 1311. the toils and ment governments with respect to affairs in Yet all of it is true. February he is in jail enjoying the denying the territory's authori- terests in China inimical to the United preparatory schools. Little attempt Is gument. literally for George, ty to arrest China that he has not hitherto People know that you are in business, of Sheriff McGrath. George its officers when in the Spates took advantage of the weak made to conceal tb" fact that these hospitality - ar-m- c and do not a d n. It Is up individual discharge of their duty.- In view ot srM in the American diplomatic Btudents enter the university largely they give is said to be a peripatetic to you to make them sit and take FRATERNAL SOCIETIES and chronic appe- the large number of forest in to one over." FREIGHT. because of the opportunity of exercis- up with a broad grin New rangers "put notice. The that will of Mexico the final of The dollar had ing their athletic prowess. only thing they tite. He struck the mining camp settlement diplomacy apparently Is to the a be Interested in what you have Burro moun- point will be awaited with interest been successful in obtaining for Amer-Ica- In 1860 the deficit was "One per cent, of the t ,'dent body MASONIC. Bob Thompson In the postal sell and what, the of it is. They In financiers the loan with which in 1910 it was $5,848,566. The specializes in athletics, while the other price tains and remained there all night. don't know and will be In- Montezuma Lodge a Was to be built the was four times ln 99 per cent, sits on the bleachers and that, they the morning he left after eating important postal rate greater terested if will tell them of the No. 1, A. K. & A. M. MARKET This was a rail- 1860 now. gives vent to primitive shrieks. you breakfast. How far he went REPORT railway. than Items in Regular communi- hearty way to be built with- 12 to "Athletics is today too much of a your constantly changing no one knows, but some time Mon- proposed wholly Coming down years 1S72, the stock. cation first Monday s business. Is and MONEY AND in the territornal limits of China total weight of second-clas- matter Its only object victory. he returned to Thompson's METAL8. "The that con- of each month at day not at 65,000,-00- 0 "Can anybody maintain that athletes advertising problem he is New York, April 6. Call 'monev proper, any point touching any was that year less than Masonic - finding no one at home reported can even make a of fronts the country and small town Hall at 2 2 8 territory in which any other nar pretense studying to have forced his way into a tent .perecent: prime mercan. pounds. merchant is ln the 7.30. tile ticn has even the color of to in- Now it is 817,428,141 pounds, moe when they are kept out on the athletic many respects carried off a fine shotgun, paper 14 per cent: Mexican right same merchants lo- H. H. DORMAN, and 44 terfere with the Chinese 12 times field from three o'clock to seven and that confronts of Thomp- dollars, 45: Amaleamatert R9- - ,. socereignty. than greater. a grip and all Mr. w JU, UUUl o'clock at Can a student cated ln larger centers. The merchant, Master. That American capital was to be used Then the postage rate was four eight night? CHAS. E. including a 119; Atchison, 109 Great little or big, who to make a I.INNEY, Secretary. son's shaving appliances in the construction of this railway was times what it is now. arising from a hastily eaten meal at expects of soft soap, the kind Northern pfd, 127 New York 8:30 in to success must use the means at hand small mug due not to the "dollar When the revenue was $21,915,-426- ; the evening be expected put kind 106 12 only diplomacy," gross Santa Fe used to and the Central, Northern Pacif- e to let the know what he hat No. mother make, bid; but also to the now it is $224,128,657, more than forth any serious intellectual effort people Chapter in Burro ic, 125 extremely friendly for sale. 1. R A. M. most generally used the Reading, 155 South of the Deutsche Asiatische bank. ten times as much. when he has been battered around on Regular for ern 115 TTninr. "The are: What means? convocation mountain mining camps shaving. Pacific, Paifi The BriMsh financial which Then there was no rural free deliv- the football field for four or five questions second to interests, How shall of of was phoned 177; 77 .' . hours?" the story be told? How Monday each month News the robbery steel, preferred, 118 hithrto have dominated ery; now that costs $36,923,-737- Sheriff Tom entirely system much cau be in tell- at Masonic Hall Silver City and Deputy New York, April 6 Lead dull. 4.45 Chinese finances, resented the Ger- spent profitably a was on the case. Thomp- 4.50. ing it? 7:30 p. m. Moore put man activity in the matter. Russia Then there were no registered ; CUE TITLE GOES TO C0NKLIN believed Price "To start must tell the JOHN H. son sent word that he btandard copper dull spot and and Japan felt aggrieved that the now there are 42,053,574 a year. with, you WALKER, . in the direction of White- truth about your goods, for the mer- H. P. had gone May $11.7011.85. United States had proposed that all of Then there were Issued $48,515,532 Representative of Illinois Athletic an - chant who takes his customer for a ARTHUR SELIGMAN, water, and Deputy Moore secured Silver 53. the flowers should take over the rall- In domestic money orders; now there Club Carries Off First Honors Secretary. sucker has the on the auto and hastened to that place. He GRAIN, LARD roads in Manchuria owned by Russia are sissue $547,993,641. In Billiard label wrong PORK, AND RIBS. Tournament. suck- found Price all He hadn't had - man. He wants to hunt for the Santa Fe Commandery right. Chicago Wheat May 85 2 and Japan, without consulting either Then postmasters were paid $5,121,- ln-- er with a looking glass. No. 1, K. T. time to use Thompson's shaving outfit July 85 St. Petersburg or Tokyo. French j 63; now they are paid $27,514,362, Charles F. Conklln, member of the Regular "The country merchant can usually conclave Mon- and of the stol terests were into with j fourtu and spruce up dispose Corn 47 4 brought enmity and their clerks are paid $38,035,456.62. I. A. C. in Chicago, winner of the May July 49 use several mediums to advantage. in each en articles. He was brought to town the American propositions, largely by Then city delivery cost but little; world's 18.2 balkllne championship day month at there Is his local paper. Masonic Hall and arraigned before Justice of the reason of the German war scares and now It costs $31,805,485.28. for amateurs in the concluding match First, at 7:30 Oats May 30 July 30 8 "I consider the Peace Newcomb, who remanded him the force of the British entente cor-- In 1872 there were Issued of stamps, at the Liederkranz club the other following absolutely p. m. worthless for the country or city mer- CHAS. A. to jail without bail, as he acknowl diale. stamped envelopes and wrappers less and national amateur champion WHEELON, E. C Pork May 15.02 147.7-8-. night chant and have for years refused to W. E. he had taken the gun and other July There was no American minister than $18,000,000 were no ln 1905; has returned to He GRIFFIN, uecorder. edged Lard May 7.92 (there postal Chicago. use them or advise others to use articles. July ln China at the time; the American cards) ; now are issued, including 8.02 them. menus, hotel regis- ambassador to Japan was at home on postal cards, $202,064,887.96, more than Programs, Santa Fe Lodge of Ribs May 8.45; 8.05. leave of ters and cards, bulletins in hotels, Perfection No. TRI-CLU- July a absence, and the time was ten times as much, l, 14th OF HIGH SCHOOL church and social affair programs, WOOL MARKET. propitious for a campaign The weight of second class matter f degree. Ancient and Ac- HAS FINE PROGRAM. general in the thousand and one St. Louis, April 6. Wool un the Americans. j is and, fact, Scottish Tri-Clu- against 752,428,141 pounds greater than in cepted Rite of The b of the High School, a schemes and swindles presented by changed. Territorial and western Great Britain, Russia, Japan and 1872, costing therefore (according to Free Masonrv society which was inaugurat- who blow across the literary mediums 1922; fine mediums 16 France each sent notes, identical in some official mathematicians), more traveling fakirs, the third Monday of each month ed Miss at the of clean up a stake and blow by Dysart beginning IS; fine 1213. spirit, but varying in letter, to the than nine cents a pound for transporta- - country, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening In the term of school, has made out. present LIVESTOCK. Chinese government, practically for- - tlon, on a total of $67,718,532.68. The Masonic Hall, south side of PJaza for next "If use the have a an elaborate program Friday Kansas City, Mo., April 6. Cattle bidding the construction of the Chin-- , deficit for 1910 Is almost identical witb you newspaper, Visiting Scotish Rite Masons are cor will be In chow-Aigua- n new ad Issue. won't which given the Assembly Receipts 4,000 including 300 south railway. that of 1872. every People dially invited to attend. hall. The class pre- read stale ads quicker than Sophomore has erns. Market steady to strong Na The fact that some of the prominent j As late as 1885 the government any they S. SPITZ, 32 e will stale news. Make your pared it and respectfully invites the tive steers of the American financial come from the issue of stamps, stamp-syndicat- headings Venerable $5.506.60; southern tell in a few words. Talk Master to is the which was to ed and post-capita- l the story public attend. Following steers $5.506.10: southern cows furnish the envelopes wrappers and HENRY F. STEPHENS, 32 for this were who al cards was about your merchandise, talk to the program: heifers $3.505.00; native cows heil railway Jews $35,924,137.70. had been active in the movement to In 1910 it was point, talk as though it was worth the Secretary. Duet Opal Sanford, Ruth McBride ers $3.006.00; stockers, feeders $202,064,887.96, Law force the American government to de- more than five times as much. price you ask for it, and don't ask any Paper Jean bulls B. P. O. $4.755.75; $4.445.50; calves - - more than it is worth. E. Recitation Gertrude Gormley mand that Russia respect the pass- The number of registered letters is- $4.007.00; western steers $5.00 "Don't to Santa Fe Lodge No. Violin Solo Miss Bean ports of American Jewish citizens had sued ln 1885 was 11,043,256; in 1910 It try get funny. Separat- 6.25; western cows $3.255.25. from their money is a seri- 460, B. P. O. E. holds Mrs. McCord an important influence on the Russian was 40,151,797. ing people Recitation 1,000. Its regular session on Hogs Receipts Market minister in Pekin. The Russian note j .The amount of money orders issued ous business. Play Selection from "David Copper-field.- to five the second and fourth strong higher. Bulk $6.30 was couched in terms that may have rose from $117,858,921 ln 1885 to $498,-bee- n "It has long been a maxim that . of 6.60; heavy $6.p56.40; packers construed to be positively insult-- , 699,637 in 1910. goods well bought are half sold, but Wednesday each Claribel Fischer Miss Trotwood month. broth- $6.356.60; light $6.626.70. ing to the United States. It was slg- - The total postal rose from goods well bought and well adver- Visiting receipts s are Dorothy Hay ward. ..David Copperfield Chicago, April 6 Cattle nificant that the American state de-- $43,560,844 in 1885 to $224,128,657 in - tised are completely sold is the new el invited and Mr. Murdstone Receipts welcome. Donald Smythe 5,550. Market steady. Beeves $5.25 partment was unable to obtain a copy 1910, an increase of $181,567,813. version of it. What I have said about Murdstone A. J. FISCHER. Anna Dorman Miss .90; Texas steers $4.505.75; of the Russian note for several The postage rate on second class copy applies equally well to copy for Dick - ' let- J. D. SENA, Exalted Ruler. Frank Cunningham r..Mr. western steers $4.905.90; stockers months, and then not until an Ameri- matter in 1886 was double what it Is newspapers, circulars, dodgers, Pearl Jeanette can obtained it now. will engage in exhibition matches ters, etc. Always have a story to tell Secretary. Willey feeders $4.005.75; cows, heifers newspaper reporter by there. Critic Miss Dysart accident and carried it to the legation During the intervening period the about your goods. Tell it and then $2.706.00; calves 5.007.00. Not only did the Chicago stereo-type- r at Pekin. weight of second-clas- s matter had in- stop. Sheep Receipts 15,000. Market capture the title in a decisive MINER LOST HIS At the same ad- creased about 600,000,000 pounds. "I believe In quoting prices all the steady. Native western time, again taking manner, former National GAS. $3.005.00; of absence Ori- In 1906 there was a in defeating time. I don't believe in LIFE INHALING vantage the from the gain weight 400 prioe wars; yearlings second-clas- s Champion Ferdinand Poggenburg, At mine near Lords- $3.505.00; $4.505.60; ent of any high of the United of matter of 47.674,086 suicidal for both parties. The the Eighty Five native western agent to 294, but he achieved the best they're lambs, $5.006.50; and pounds; ln that year the deficit was grand merchant who is most nearly bomb- burg, Grant county, Refugio Reyes, a States government, Japan Russia 46-6- $5.00 6.50. average mark of the tourney, 12 war miner, lost his life from car entered Into an agreement, which $10,516,999. proof in the price is the one inhaling 21,000. Market which is a distinction tournament bon Hogs Receipts later was embodied in a pledg- In 1907 there was a gain ln of who has built a reputation for square Independent Order of Beavers. monoxide gas generated from the treaty, weight winners to have. "Pog-gle- " to $6.4506.90; 52,613,336 always like That kind of a Santa Dam No. I. O. B. holds exhaust of a engine. Justice steady strong. Light ing themselves Jointly and severally pounds 11,000,000 pounds and honest dealings. Fe 80, gasoline 6.50 takes second prize and two ad- 8 - mixed $6.256.80; heavy to maintain status rail- more than in 1906; the deficit was re- store and consistently its session at p. m. of the Peace M. W. McGrath of Lords- the quo of the minor awards for best individual persistently regular Meetings 6 60; rough $6.056.30; good to situation in Manchuria and north- duced to $6,653,283. vertised year in and year out will first and third Visiting Broth- burg impanelled a coroner's jury and way a trifle over 16, and Friday. choice $6.30 China. In 1908 there was a loss Instead of average, high build up a clientele that Is ers are welcome. held an inquest, the finding being ln heavy $6.306.60; pigs ern 105 practically always ln of second-clas- s run, points. so as accordance with the above statement. 6.80; bulk $6.356.50. China, without an army and a navy, gain weight matter competition proof, long that EDWARD C. BURKE, was absolutely powerless to resist the of 18,079,292 pounds; the deficit went standard is maintained. President To prevent a recurrence of similar to an "Cow-Be- ll Chorus" Barred. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. coercion of the four great powers. The up 116,873,223, increase over the "I believe the average country mer- C. J. NEIS, accidents the company will at once ' New York clubs have de- Small Claim No. 1418. was 1 before of more tnan ttO.000,000. boxing chant should devote from 2 to 2 put in pipes to convey the exhaust Holding result that the Chinese govern-- Secretary. For- ?rIn 1909 there was onlJr a BliSht cided to suppress a recent Innovation cent, of his sales for adver- fumes to the surface. (Serial 012528 Not Coal, Pecos ment was forced to abandon Its plan gain per gross ln f 28,367,298- - at bouts ln this city namely the est). to build a Chinese railway ln Chinese we'gQt pounds; the tising. F. W. FARMER deflclt "cow-be- ll chorus," by which the ad- Department of the Interior, territory for the development of went up $17,441,719. "Again, nothing destroys confidence NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. In 1910 was L mirers of various local boxers have Homestead No. United States Land Ofilce. Chinese commerce and resources. w j there 8a,n In weight ln advertising quicker than to have a Department of the Interior. of been accustomed to show their ap- 2879. . cidentally, the American capital that 94.g65,884 pounds, the largest ever clerk confess Ignorance of a adver- U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. (Republication) and deficit of the efforts of their Brotherhood of Santa Fe, N. M., March 15, 1911. was to finance that railway lost its op-- known, the dropped to preciation tised article when a customer asks March 17, 1911, 848,566.88. favorites. to to find American Yeomen Notice Notice is hereby given that the fol for a profitable investment, for it, or be unable it. is hereby given that Lucian- From 1906 t0 1910 was 198-- Recently, club officials state, this or- Meets Second lowing-name- d The action there a " It the ua Kioera of claimant has filed no wholly unexpected of the "Summing all up, store, little Pecos. N. M.. who. on - 863,387 pounds Increase in the ganized "cheering" with horns, bells and Fourth Thurs- March tice of his intention to make final four powers so staggered the state de- weight or big, in the city or country, that 11, 1904, made homestead en o' second-clas- s matter; the deficit was and other instruments of noise pro- days. proof in support of his claim under tiartment at Washington that for a carries dependable merchandise, keeps Delgado's try amended Dec. 2. 191ft. Nn 7843- $4,668,432.12 less in 1910 than in 1906. duction has become so Hall. sections 16 and 17 of act of March time nothing whatever was done. "Dol- obstreperous telling the fact to the H. Foreman, 03717, for N 2 SW Sec. 27. SR the as to constitute a nuisance. constantly lar had met with a rebuff and these up a C. G. Richie, Cor. 4 NE 4 3, 1891, (26 854), as amended diplomacy" Full Many. people backs by store and NB 4 SE section Stats., About 90 per cent, of those present, the act of 21, 1893 (27 that for a time completely paralyzed Pull many a man, service which makes every customer a Sec. Mrs. Daisy 28, township 17 N., 12 M. by February ' the club officials declare, do not ap- range E. N and that said will 1L But It was not killed. By cares opprest, friend has the least to fear from the Farmer. P. Meridian, has filed Stats., 470), proof Would the efforts of the nolsema-ker- s, notice of inten- The scene shifts from China, on the gladly join preciate store or the mail order con- tion to make fina! be made before Register and Receiv The Sons of Rest. and will be to see big city five year proof to Pacific shores of Asia, to Persia ln the glad It done cern." establish claim above'de-scribed- er at U. S. land office, Santa Fe, N. to the land , heart of the continent. away with. TIMETABLE ALL before M., on May 5, 1911, viz: Nicario Quin-tan- great Register and Receiver, Russian and British Interests In Per- More Than He Meant. TJ. S. of Rowe, N. M., for the claim Would Make Advertisers Honest. land office at Santa Fe, N. m! were more or less war. Th was mat World's 8katlng Record Broken. LOCAL TRAINS 2 1-- sia at parishioner explaining on the 6th of 1418, being the W SW Sec. 28, Th, The Town Criers' club of St. Paul, day May 1911. Persian revolution brought matters V ters to the pastor. At the international skating races, The following are the time tables Claimant names SE 1--4 NE and the NE 4 SE Minn., has framed a bill to be pre- as witnesses: a climax. Neither Russia nor Eng- I don't go out much," he said held at Chrlstlanla the other day, the of the local railroads: Sec. 29, T. 16 N., R. 13 E., N. M. P. M, sented to the legislature for Trinidad Apodaca. Crestino Ribera, land was willing to abandon the Per- "either to church or anywhere else. 1 Russian, Strunnlkow, won the 5,000 passage Lesve He names the witnesses I merchants to offer for sale Pablo Gonzales.. Toriblo Gonzales, En- following sian field. am a sufferer from insomnia," meter (about 2.1 miles) ln 8:371-5- . requiring 8.10 a. m. connect with No S west- ail to prove his actual continuous adverse the exact quality of goods advertised. rique Ribera, of Pecos, N. M. On account of European Amplica- "I am going to preach a sermon on This is a new world's record for the bound, No. 10 pastbound. possession of said tract for twenty They must be able to prove, subject MANUEL R. OTERO. tions, it was Impossible for efermany that subject next Sunday morning," distance, the previous record of Returning arrive tt Santa Fe 12:10 of 5 to certain that the ad- years next preceding the survey to said K. Mowatt 8:37 having been made by J. J. penalties, goods Register. make any direct protean gainst the Rev. Lalghtly. were in p. m. the Russo-Brltis- vertised acquired the manner township, viz: the h agreement. - tha "Come and hear I am sure It will Eden at iiamer, Norway, in 1S94. Vicente it; represent 4 p. mp connect with No. 1, west- The Sound of Good Health. Quintana, Antonio RoybaL were unwill- you some relief." they Sleep both of same time the Germans bring bound. Can not be over estimated and Pecos, N. M., Cleofes Garcia, to submit to the con- any Cayetano N. M. ing permanent Bad Enough, Anyhow. Returning arrive at Santa Fe, 6:30 ailment that it Is a menace Garcia, both of Rowe, trol of Persian finances tne bank- prevents Any by Robert, aged ten, was playing with Familiar. P. m. to health. J. L. person who desires to protest ers of and London. Looked Suspicious. Southers, Eau St Petersburg the other boys on the corner of Nine "I presume you were much Im- 7:20 p. m. conect with No. 7 and against the allowance of said proof, indi- "What leads you to believe that she Claire, Wis., "I have, been un- In some manner, probably by teenth and when his 9 says: or who knows of rea- is always to find an excuse to Tioga streets, pressed by the Orient, Mr. Hotfoot?" westbound; No. 4 and 8 eastbound. able to sleep because any substantial rect with Persia, the Ger- trying who had been to the soundly nights, son under the laws of negotiations break off mother, listening "Well, not as much, as I expected. Returning arriv at Sama Fe 11:10 of across and regulations mans that the Persians your engagement?" him. pains my back and sore- the Interior suggested out conversation, called I had already seen most of it ln P. m. Department why such to finances on "She is eternally trying to find ness of my kidneys. My ought reorganize their "Robert," she began, in a grieved musical comedies." appetite proof should not be allowed will be ulti- what my salary is." D. & R. G. Ry. con- a basis which would give them, tone, "I never I'd hear you was very poor and my an above-mentione- thought general given opportunity at the d of own Leaves 10:15 a. m. for north. dition was much run down. mately, complete control their wearing." I have time and to cross-examin- e Arrive 3: 35 p. m. from north. place affairs. Obviously they could not do "Why, I wasn't swearing, mother," Bossy. been taking Foley Kidney Pills but the witnesses of said claim- Asking the Impossible, New Mexico Central tils without outside aid. No European Editor how's I told the boy defended himself. "I only said "How bossy that man is." Ry, a short time and now sleep as sound ant, and to offer evidence in Here, this? a. connects No. rebuttal to with- n he used to be Leave 7:30 m., with nation could be invited assist, you to make a single-colum- cut of e devil That Isn't swearing, "Yes, a conductor on as a rock, my general condition Is of that submitted by claimant 34 33 and west. out the danger of unpleasant I "Well," the mother quickly, a car and he got east and outh greatly Improved, and I know that MANUEL R. running this society woman. replied OTERO, complications with Russia and Eng- Staff "maybe It isn't swearing, but that way from ordering people to Arrive 8 p. m., with connections Foley Kidney Pills have cured me." Artist Yes, sir, but she's got exactly Register. land. three-colum- n move ud forward.". from No. 33 34 south and west .What morenaturaL. then, bn on ji hat, , it is making light of sacred things.'' east;


party of Colonel E. W. Dobson, Jacob land well known in Colora-ha- s office, thirf'cltj, Company sold Its lines to the or installments, is being organized to J. F. Herman Blue-he- r direcfor On Korber, Sulznr, been eelcted a the do for take over and the Philadel- MINOR CUT TOPICS and William which Telephone Company $23,000 operate J. Hunter, board of education at Las Cruces. and tne Roswell & Albu- Telephone Mfg. phia group and mines of the Philadel- i made the trip from Denver to The Ladies Will Need to Get no. 4 Andrews Cash Busy Company sold Its lines for ?160 000, phia Copper Mines Company in no.4 querque, 600 miles, passed through for their Easter all that is gowns; or a total of $183,000 for all the lines Grant county, under the terms of Santa Fe yesterday and made the new and desirable in fashions Santa Fe, X. M., 6. V spring in this county. The bills of sale for the which the April to in about three dis-- : option by property trip Albuquerque in etc., is now on y The weather for New Mexico suits, skirts, the lines in Roosevelt and Curry coun-pla- was sold last for as hours. Colonel Dobson had left the at the Store. Mr. Salmon year $1C4,314.40, is fair tonight in south Big ties are nied in their respective to portion Xj party at Las Vegas. in his new a follows: $103,706.31 payable the j ad, today, ties. The 'entire sale of all and N in colder. the lines 0 rain north portion and November Grocery Bakery From 36 to 57 was and fashion stockholders 1, 1914; That the range complete authoritative js said to have $300,000. Friday fair and colder. V approximated payable to the bondholders GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS, in temperature yesterday, and the department for the ladies which will The new owners are having franchis-giv- e ' September 1, 1911; $10,608.09 paya- average relative humidity was SO to Santa Feans the fashions worn es, agreements, etc., placed on record, ONION SETS i the ble for total interest on the bonds to and Harness stock per cent. The lowest temperature by best dressed women in the also, Wagon Buggy in 1, 1911, and unpaid bills last was 44 degrees and that cities. Read the ad. September it GOEBEI.S. night Bo Scou's G lnt Camp-- The Al- of outstand- Dz. was - C o'clock They Arrived This and are1, the company including Nice Fresh 25c All orders for ice on Sundays must the temperature- at Morning Scou s will go into Eggs was ready for the big show at Juqueniue Boy ing notes. ' be in before S o'clock. C. J. Bacon. this morning. Yesterday partly tonight next Mon-Xe- was the Elks'. Buffalo Jones and his two'1,1"6 daf" CaP bnnmg Married at Albuquerque Joseph Most delicious is the choco- cloudy, but the temperature on Albuquerque Gun Club Fish Received & eating Mexico cowboys. See them las- - D. Miller and Miss Lizzie M. Brown Tuesdays Thursdays Com- nearly normal. This morning a stiff on Colonel late Nougat Bar at Fischer Drug so the wild animals preserves the Rio Grande. of Cutter, Sierra county, were mar- breeze blew and there was much ana :u. pany. No Advance in at the' .jonn Horrooane Adjutant j. ried at Albuquerque yesterday. We killed to The Guild of the dust at noon. price tonight McGuinness will be in are receiving order dry Guild Meeting tllKS . charge. ;Son for. Grover Har- Have tried the Chocolate Nou- Suing Estate Church of the Holy Faith will meet you Mr. Jail Breakers TracKed rison arrived at from twice a week, a hen, mouth. Fisch- Hersch an Autoist Leo Hersch.i Report Albuquerque picked poultry try with Mrs. Jacob aft-no- gat Bar? Melts in your Weltmer, Friday the well known enter-!come- s from San Juan county that Cambridge, THEY ARE FINE. er Co. merchant, has Massachusetts, yesterday, or a Drug track-iast- s spring, broiler, turkey at 2:0. ed the list of benzine buggy enthus-- Mounted Policeman Murray has to push the suit against his stepfath- for to Lecture-Her- Good Poll Tax Collection Deputy Candidate Presicency and will have a brand new E. ed the Albuquerque jail breakers to er, Dr. George W. Harrison, for an - to- W. Chafin, LI. B., an M. San Juan county.- of . Poll Tax Collector Seferino Baca Eugene F. car here in a few days. There JLarS canon, accounting the estate left by his at law and at Phone No. 4. Phone No.4. day over $100 in poll taxes col- attorney at Chicago, are five or six other Santa Feans who! Arrested for Stolen Cattle mother. F. Andrews paid of the Having - one time candidate , lected by him, which breaks all rec- presidential will drive the E. M. F. car and un-- j Sheriff Charles A. Stevens and Hurt in Runaway Frank Metzin-ger- who has been hold- ords so early in the season. He ex- - prohibition party, there will be plenty of extra jty Hal Herrin of Lincoln county, have riding a motorcycle at Almiqtier-que- , at Estancia and in east- pects to make it $S0O before he cleans ing meetings fixtures kept on hand to supply the returned to Carrizozo from Albuquer-differen- t was badly hurt yesterday by col- ern New Mexico, will give a free lec- Mo- - with a team. up the job for this year. cars in case of need. . que, after arresting Nepomucemo liding runaway ture at the court house on ' Padil-vel- Has Collected $400 Deputy Sher- Monday You Have Read what Xfo. Boose- - reno and Demetrio Sanchez of t at 8 to which every 'til iff Seferino Baca has been right on evening o'clock, said about Buffalo Jones and. las, on the charge of having stolen "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's one is invited. He is a of higj the job collecting poll tax for school speaker cowboys, now see the pfctnrss at the cattle In their possession. The men Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B. and convincing eloquence. purposes and has gathered the sum great E'ks' tonight. j were held for the Lincoln county Kendrick, Resaca, Ga. "It is the best The of Easter Gifts James Rose In Trouble James Giving of $400. Mr. Baca means to do the Admitted to Citizenship At Las'! grand jury. ccugh remedy on the market for Rose was taken before Justice Alarid job thoroughly and not overlook any- - Cruces, Judge Frank W. Parker j Big Mining Deal The United coughs, colds and croup. For sale by A HAPPY CUSTOM MORE UNIVER- yesterday afternoon on the of one. charge granted citizenship papers to Cecilio States Copper Company, capitalized all dealers.' failing to pay his board bill to Mrs. j SALLY OBSERVED EACH YEAR j Recruits Pass Lamy A company of Barela, Perfecto Estrada, Martin at $500,000, shares $1 full paid Goodwin, the sum alleged to have each, raw recruits for the United States Howard Peterson, Johrf t Svlexahcfllr and which stock will If you want anything on earth try been owed was $70. . The case proved rfMfc army passed through Lamy yesterday Sim3 and Jane Auld Simpson Sim-- be sold at par, or $1 per share, cash a New Mexican Want Ad. P jSS, SEU SSSBipsa "CSS. an interesting oae and District At- .on Santa Fe train No. 1. The sol-- ; mers j torney E. C. Abbott gave Rose "A bad iWfiJ SsP diers are on their way to an army A Fatal Kick L. N. Muncy, an old r lisi quarter of an hour" by post in Arizona. introducing timer at Artesia. Eddy county, was :: PARTICULARLY SUITED FOR THE OCCASION :: testimony him. Justice Ala-ri- d Gets One Year McFie has against kicked in the face by his horse Judge fined Rose $100 and sentenced sentenced James A. Hayes, found which had become frightened by a We have EXQUISITE DESIGNS in Filigree CrossesGold and him to jail for 90 day3. Silver Plain and with for guilty of larceny ot a shop, to one passing engine. Muncy will proba- set turquoise chains, brooches, anrt n van rc in minitontitirif Death of Child Amalia Consuelo Roof lialf ttli die. Your bly etc. A NEW LINE OF THE LATEST IN JABOT PINS. of Mr. and Pe- He broke into the Bank Saloon and Ortiz, daughter Mrs. Varsity Team Coming It was off- Our Store is Filled with dro G. Ortiz of Suggestions. stole three quarts of whiskey and East Palace avenue, icially announced today in baseball died at 6 o'clock last WORTHY YOUR BEST FRIENDS $Sf in cash. evening after circles that the baseball team of the Should a brief illness with The be the Best Meeting at Las Cru-- : pneumonia. University of New Mexico will be it Presbytery child was two and ces The Twenty-secon- d annual years three here Saturday to play St. Michael's Manufacturing old and was a S. Jeweler. meeting of the Presbytery of the Rio montks bright little college at 3 p. m. The game will be much beloved a SPITZ j Grande will be held in the First Pres-- j girl, by large circle on the college grounds and will un Weather Proof Compo-Rubbe- r of of i hyterian church of Las Cruces, April acquaintances the family. The doubtedly attract a large audience. if-- funeral will take tomorrow af in to 13. There will be about f ! place No Development Kidnapping is the Best Made. ill ternoon from Cathedral. Inter- Roofing teen ministers and five or six wom-- ! the Case Word from Vegas has it ment will be made in Rosario Ceme- Is en delegates present. that there are no new developments We Guarantee It. GENTLEME- N- tery. The of friends goes in the case and Woman's Aid of the sympathy Rogers kidnapping The Society out to bereaved of a cfmreh has made the family. that the officers despair finding wade or First Presbyterian at solution to See the Big Lassoing game the the mystery. jv At small cost can cover Doff Winter hats and On !all arrangements for its Easter sals GRMIE MATERIA you your your put Something Elks' tonight. Election Contest The ballots in EST iwnicn wiu take place at tne puonc roof with WATERPROOF and have an new and Attractive. Don t Let the Ladies out-- ; Off For San Juan Among those the election at Las Padillas, Bernalillo library on next Tuegday afternooll and roof, that will not Do articles of all kinds who left yesterday on the auto trip county, for justice of the peace were absolutely tight you. evening. Many old will be on sale. A caffeteria supper to San Juan county were Chairman recounted before Judge Ira A. Abbott leak. You can lay it over an shingle cor-- of the Board of County Commission- and it was found that 48 j will be served and everybody is ' yesterday or metal roof if you desire. It costs Have New ers I. Land R. votes had been Ramon We Just Opened Up Many Crates of Hats dially invited. Sparks, Commissioner each returned for half as much as and is P. Ervien. his son Howell Ervien and Padilla and Chavez about shingles A Rexall special tooth Papacinio English Mr. Doran, all in Mr. Doran's Carter-car- : of the peace, and 43 for ,Mar- - better. It is a of heat brush and can of Rexall tooth powder Superintendent of (Public In- celino Sanchez and 42 for Miguel or cold. one can no mecha- FOR THE for 35 cents, at Fischer Drug Co. Any lay it, MEN, struction J. E. Clark, H. F. Stephens, Chavez for constable. Fraud, how- A nic required. Comes put up in roll Scottish Rite Bodies to Meet cashier of the XT. S. Bank and Trust ever, is charged by boUl sides. i Roofing Straw Hats, Panama Hats Felt Hat. In all the Newest of cement of regular meeting the Company, and Jay Turley the well Extraordinary value An imported with nails and inside the bodies of the Scottish Rite will be and Fancies. Come in. known irrigation engineer. These are tooth brush and can ofiRexall tooth package. It will last from 15 to 20 Shapes held at Masonic hall tomorrow even members of the delegation sent by the powder for 35 cents at Fischer Drug Come in us ar- years. and let show you. ing for the purpose of completing Chamber of Commerce to visit Farm-ingto- Co. for the coming reunion. and blaze an auto if rangements trail pos- Chaves County Telephone Lines wliiph will 1m held nn Anril 17 IS sible. The will Cash PM party likely be back Sold for $183,000 Bills of sals have The Santa Fe Hardware Store . the and 19. AH Scottish Rite Masons in five days. been filed for record in the office of IX are requested to be present. Sims Elected to School Board Re- the at Roswell show county recorder & Co. JULIUS H. GERDE5 Auto Party in Santa Fe The auto ceiver R. H. Sims of. the Las Cruces ing that the Chaves County Telephone Supply

Choose Your Easter Outfit In Our New Fashion Department.

The Ladies Will Need to Get Busy for Their A Complete and Authoritative Fashion Dep't. Ladies Suits and Skirts. Easter Gowns. X If Here our patrons will find positively Always on the alert for new the very latest and most advanced styles in every thing that is newest and best in ways of benefiting our cus ladies dress. Here are shown the identi-c- al tomers, this store, with its fashions all the well dressed women centers are now wear- accustomed will in the large style enterprise, ing. Here you will find hints & sugges- from now on the tions for your new Spring Suit. Regard- inaugurate can rest most less of what you select you advantageous and assured that it is positively the best value innovation ever for the money you could possibly get. convenient come .brB gjjgjug. Whether you buy or not, at least jjjjj; 5 attempted. see this magnificent display of the NEW- EST SPRING FASHIONS.