Dennis M. Harness | 209 pages | 01 Apr 2000 | LOTUS PRESS | 9780914955832 | English | Wisconsin, United States Nakshatras - the lunar mansions | Astrology Coaching - Vedic Astrology for Modern Minds

This was the original form of Indian astrology, which pre-dates the twelve-sign astrology system, that can be traced back to 5, years BC. Each of the following Lunar Mansions is steeped in a great deal of Indian Mythology, which gives them their character and individuality. Vedic astrology is based on the Sidereal Fixed star system of drawing up a chart, where the Moon is the most important planet in the chart. Knowing which Lunar Mansion your Moon is in at birth can give you vital information as to your personality, inner driving forces and purpose. If you know the position of your Moon in your Western chart, all you need to do to The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology it to a Sidereal Vedic position is to subtracting 23 from it. This may well mean that your Moon goes back to the previous sign, however, this is the actual position of your Moon at birth. The following readings are for the Sidereal Moon in each of the Lunar Mansions at birth. Born here you will have a strong lust for life with a restless streak with a low tolerance for boredom that spurs you on to new experiences and adventures and gives you a sense of pioneering. You will be quick in thought and action and need to take care that too much haste does not lead to rashness and impulsivity and reduced efficiency. Aswini people are often gifted healers with a natural gift for medicine and herbs. The River of Souls. This is a turbulent sign, which represents a sensuous and artistic temperament, that can be quite passionate and possibly extremist in your social ideals at times. You can be very focused, determined and goal-orientated and have the ability to master turbulent situations and also maintain a sense of compassion. This is a sign where personal transformation can take place through a struggle in which self control, and will-power enable you to triumph over the odds. The Star of Fire. This is a fiery, intense and emotional sign. You can be quite radical with truth and honesty and need to be careful how you use this, as you are capable of being cutting or critical with your words. You also can be proud, ambitious and self motivated, which can make you a leader as long as you can learn to control your innate impulsivity. Although penetrating and sharp in nature, you also have a witty side and a lively imagination. You are a compassionate nurturer by nature and can be strongly dedicated to a cause or ideal. Generally, you will have a strong appetite and enjoy cooking. Rohini is the favorite wife of Siva, the erotic goddess. Being born here will make you attractive, sensuous, charming and artistic. You will be romantic and enjoy beauty, culture and art of all kinds. Truthfulness and the ability to speak well The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology have firm views are also attributes of this sign, however it is likely that you will also have a more philosophical side to you that can balance your love of luxury and comfort, with wisdom and a practical earthiness. You will need to be careful that you do not become overly enmeshed in the material side of life, as this can result in ultimate dissatisfaction and a tendency to be critical. Born under this star will give you a powerful, passionate and restless nature that will set you on a quest of some sort. Your hunger for knowledge will make you very good at research. You will also be good communicator in both speaking and writing. However, your quick and changeable nature can mean that you have few firm views in life, which may lead to mental vacillation for you and being a little The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology and suspicious at times. Although gentle, peaceful and sensuous in nature you might find it hard to resist temptation and may become overindulgent at times. Generally you will prefer to move on rather than be involved in confrontation, hence you will often be found travelling. This is The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology sign associated with the wild storm god called Rudra. This can create tempestuous emotions both within and around you. You will have a deeply feeling nature with a strong emphasis on the mind and thinking capacity. Born here you will have the capacity to reap great rewards in life, but only through persistent effort and the development of patience. You have the tendency to be impulsive, bold and brash at times, which can be quite destructive and a curiosity and thirst for knowledge that can make you a good writer and speaker. This is a calmer sign after the storms of the previous Lunar Mansion. Born here you will be amicable and adaptive with a philosophical and spiritual outlook on life. You will be sensitive with an appreciation or ability in poetry arts and crafts and have the ability to launch successful projects. Even though you enjoy your home, family and friends and are fun loving, you will very much The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology the freedom of travel. Your wish to please everyone can prove troublesome to you at times and cause you to worry or vacillate over small things. You can be content with very little materially. This is a sign of nourishment, support, growth and abundance. Having these qualities will make you a supportive friend or family member who is wise and mature and ethical. Generally you will be in full control of your emotions and also be a good speaker, however, you will need to be aware of not becoming excessively orthodox, tradition or rigid in your views. The wisdom and generosity in this sign is best directed towards humanitarian goals as you can reap good karma through hard work that can lead to peace of mind. You also have the potential to be creative. gives you the ability to be shrewd and to look deeply with serpentine wisdom. This is the wisdom that comes from gazing or going deeply into the dark places in the soul. You will have a deeply philosophical, The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology and penetrating mind and be independent and a bit of a reclusive. You will be a sensuous person with strong intuition, which can make you powerful, so you will need to be careful of how you use this power, as it could backfire on you if not used correctly for the greater good. This sign represents the kundalini and the potential to activate mystical power. The Forefathers. Maha means great, so being born here will make you kingly, proud and conservative in general. This is considered to be the gateway to the ancestors. There is a feeling of wanting to follow the path or lineage of the ancestors in some way. You will be a larger than life character who is big hearted, passionate and sensuous, with an undercurrent of restlessness and turbulence. You will have to be careful not to be too involved in power, The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology or too much class or culture consciousness, as you could become a bit of a snob. Purva Phalguni. The World Tree Goddess. This is the star of the erotic goddess of Lunar Mansion 4 where Rohini evolves into the goddess of love and marriage. So romance, love, marriage and partnerships are of great importance to you. You will be passionate, affectionate and display an exuberance and love of life that can be contagious. These qualities often attract good luck to you and fulfillment in life, as you are sociable as well as diplomatic. Take care not to over indulge in the good things in life as this may make you narcissistic or overly impulsive. The more mature of you will have the capacity to see the mystical in ordinary things The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology situations. Uttara Phalguni. Love, marriage and relationships are a source of joy for you, so much so that you may become interested in sexual mysticism or tantra. You have a magnetic personality that is also generous and compassionate that will make you very popular as you will be interested in upholding law and justice and relieving the suffering of others. You need to take care that your wish never to be alone does not result may result in you staying in relationships that may restrict your growth. You will have an interest in the spiritual or metaphysical world and The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology be successful in your endeavors. Skilled Activities. Born here will give you a complex character. You will be creative, capable of hard work and industrious with the ability to grasp many things. You will have a sharp and creative intellect, however, due to constantly changing your mind, you may find it hard to make firm decisions. Hasta people often make good counsellors and palmists and are spiritual in nature. The Jewel. The sign of the jewel, you will want to shine in terms of your mind, elegance, or charisma. You will need to seek ways in which you can be original in some way. In addition will be a balanced thinker or analyzer with strong curiosity that will make you a serious student and the ability to design or create in some way. You will need to take care that you do not become over indulgent or arrogant. This is a very independent and restless sign The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology exudes lightness, flexibility and adaptability. You will have a natural love of learning and appreciation of artistic endeavors in general such as art, literature and music. In addition The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology are likely to have some business skills. You do have the ability to glitter like Chitra, but with a more generous and charitable nature, that gives strong integrity beneath the charm. There is also a restlessness about you that may make you a bit scattered and The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, so that you may find it hard to stay on track and prefer to travel or wander instead. Having a delicate constitution you will need regular periods of peace and solitude. The Moon of Power. Born here you will be ambitious, competitive and courageous with the tenacity and determination to achieve your goals. However you may need to be aware of those around, as they may find you too obsessed at times. You will have the ability to research and acquire knowledge at a deep level. Vishakha people do have the capacity to develop patience and fortitude in carrying out a co-operative struggle for the greater good. You will be a friendly and cooperative person who has a talent for dealing with people and the ability to maintain a wide variety of friendships. people also have the capacity to be great lovers in that you can be gentle and passionate and yet strong and brave as well. A highly sensitive person, you have a low tolerance for frustration and may find it difficult to control your emotions at The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology. Generally you will love numbers and statistics and may take an interest in numerology. is the ascetic yogi among the goddesses of the Lunar Mansions. Born here you will be crafty, subtle, analytical and skillful. The Lunar Mansions, or Nakshatras of Vedic Astrology | Starwheel Astrology Western and Vedic

It is said that this material world is an imperfect reflection of spiritual world. Nakshatras, 27 Vedic stars beyond the zodiac, with their gods and shaktis, are revealing us our Divine potential, as well as give us hints about how can we get the best of it to live more aligned life. After years of practising Vedic Astrology I cannot even imagine doing a reading without implementing an in-depth knowledge about the nakshatras. Are you ready to start studying nakshatras for real? If you wish to learn just about one nakshatra, which is special to you, that is ok, as well. You can purchase single nakshatra webinar recordings from our online shop. Each nashatra The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology is at least 3 hour long and will be given to you along with comprehensive, at least 20 pages long, pre-read materialvisual charts for easier studying and plenty of study cases for self-study. This is the nakshatra of Divine twins, Ashwins, who, born from the union of Sun-god Light and through the nostrils of Samjna Consciousness represent prana, cosmic life force, and its creative and healing potential. Airy, swift and dynamic in nature, its energy resembles a running horse. It makes everything more dynamic, speedy and energised. It helps us to find solutions fast. With its power of recovery it has the power to bring instant, miraculous The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology to the body and mind. nakshatra belongs to Yamaraj, god of our conscience, which helps us to navigate through the journey of life on earth. Yama is also a god of death, endings and mortality, who teaches us how to surrender to the flow of life and let go — how to unblock the healthy flow of life by embracing the change and relaxing a little bit into the present moment, instead of fearing the uknown. But he also inspires us to conserve our life force wisely through healthy self-restraint. This star belongs to , the Divine fire that connects the world of humans with the world of gods. This Divine mediator is the bringer of inspiration, clarity, self-knowledge, light and truth. Dwelling partially in the sign of head of Kalapurusha, Spirit of Timeand partially face of KalapurushaKrittika nakshatra inspires us to bring The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology light of truth and integrity into our lives — and to make the light of our inspiration shine through us and manifest into the world. Rohini is the star of growth and expansion, as its presiding deity is Prajapati or Divine Creator himself. He is responsible for our urge to create, procreate, grow and expand, so we can progress in material and spiritual life. Rohini inspires us to grow, arise, expand, create, progress and materialise all our ideas. It nourishes all that it touches. This is why we need to be very careful, which The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology are we allowing into our inner space on the day when Moon is in Rohini nakshatra. Mrigashira is a star governed by blissful Soma, who presides over our mind itself. Its shakti or power is prinana shaktiwhich is the power to give us bliss and fulfillment — a powerful indication that true fulfillment and bliss are hidden in… our own state of mind itself. When mind is peaceful or saumyabliss awakens naturally. Mrigashira nakshatra is the star of searching — but very often what it is really searching for, the deeper sense of fulfillment, is hidden deep inside. Similarly like reviving rain, which usually comes along with storm, softens the soil, so our heart gets transformed and softened through intense life experiences. This is the star of Rudra, who is the god of all the inner and outer storms, turbulence, transformations and powerful, unrestrained forces of nature. He challenges us to make our effort when meeting turbulent situations in life and see how we can progress through them. This lunar mansion belongs to Aditi, the Mother of gods, who birthed the entire creation into being. She represents our ability to manifest our ideas and give birth to them in material world. Being a presiding deity of akash of all-embracing ether element, she connects us with the boundless source of inspiration, which we can access only when we maintain open and non-judgemental state of mind. nakshatra helps us to nourish all that is good, within us and to grow above our limitations, like lotus flower, which grows in the mud, pierces through the surface to become the most beautiful of all flowers. It inspires us to seek beauty and opportunity to grow in every life experience. It also teaches us not to be afraid to open our hearts — because our soul, more vast than the sky, is so much bigger than any of our little problems. Such are the spiritual lessons from Pushya nakshatra. Ashlesha nakshatra, star ruled by Nagas, Divine serpents, is one of the most challenging and most misunderstood lunar mansions. It is also the most vulnerable and the most sensitive of all the stars, which can often The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology its energy overly introverted and overly protective. Before we experience final freedom, release and detachment of Magha nakshatra, it is here, in Ashlesha, that all our inner attachments, poisons and layers of our ego, are getting intensely purified and finally need to be left behind. Magha nakshatra, bringing release after intense energies in Ashlesha, inspires us to seek spiritual freedom from material bondages — but at the same to honour our roots and stay responsible towards the world that we come from. Because detachment, without respect to our eternal connection to continuum of life, can be destructive, too. Hence its power is prajanana shake or the power to create. Its presiding deity is Aryaman, the Divine Mediator. Bhaga, a presiding deity of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, is a god of Divine bliss, who leads us towards earthly and heavenly prosperity. Igniting within us the light of Divine intelligence, he helps us to discern and choose wisely, which paths will lead us to joy and both material and spiritual abundance. Savitar, Vedic Sun-god, represents the light of our intelligence that dispels the darkness of ignorance. It is because of the light of the Sun that we can recognise the true form and shape of all things. Similarly Savitar, the presiding deity of Hasta nakshatra, blesses us with the power of recognition and understanding of things. Tvashtar, the Divine Architect and creator of all forms, inspires us to take shape our own destiny with our hands and efforts. Being a presiding deity of Citra nakshatra, the most tamasic of all lunar mansions, he teaches us how to taken even darkest or most difficult experience and turn it into something beautiful — in the same way how oyster turns an irritating grain of sand into a precious pearl. Swati nakshatra and Vayu himself represent unrestrained, impulsive creativity and spark of inspiration. It inspires our mind to move forward and discover new horizons. Dwelling at the heart of airy , original seventh house, Swati nakshatra also supports us in all types of energy exchange, like trade, negotiations and mediations. Vishakha nakshatra is governed by Vedic god known as Indragni, the unified power of our prana, the life force Indra and focused will power Agniwhich ignites within us a spark of inspiration, motivation and ambition. The very same divinity is sometimes also addressed and known as Indrani or Shakti, consort of Indra. Mitra Aditya is the god of sacred relationships and reminds us that every relation in our life is sacred and can be healed only with the power of unconditional love. He inspires us to introspect and notice all the things that prevent the true love and, very often, love for ourselves from being manifested in our life, like jealousy, resentment, grief, pain or any trauma from the past. Indra inspires us to fight for what we truly want in life and to never give up when obstacles come our way. He sharpens our inner vision, so we can see all the difficulties and our inner enemies more clearly. But this type of clarity may often come with a price of becoming overly critical towards ourselves or others and becoming too suspicious, as well as very restless in our relations. nakshatra is, perhaps, the most mysterious lunar mansion. Mula nakshatra unroots all that is unreal and superficial to give space to the truth. Even if truth initially feels unpleasant, eventually it liberates us from our own illusions. Apas, Goddess of The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology Waters, invokes from within us the mighty stream of Divine wisdom and inspiration and makes us think about profound topics of life. She encourages us think about things in a larger scale, as well as makes us more aware about ourselves as the parts of the society or collective consciousness. Vishwadevas, universal gods, who are presiding deities of Uttarashadha nakshatra, represent collective powers of heavens, all the gods united together working for a common goal. In the microcosm of our energy body they represent all our inner forces and energies getting mobilised and united together for a common goal. Vishnu, the all-pervasive force sustaining the existence of The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology universe, is the presiding deity of The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology nakshatra. You cannot see the thread, but you are well aware that without it the pearl necklace would be destroyed. Lord Vishnu represents that underlying force, which connects everything into a collective consciousness. Dhanishta nakshatra is presided by , the 8 elemental forces sometimes also imagined as 8 primordial serpentswhich create, sustain and transform this material universe — as well as our inner universe. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Sun, Moon and the Star which are the 8 Vasus do not only exist in the external universe, but also represent different levels of our consciousness, starting from muladhara chakra root and ending with sahasrara crown. is the guardian of truth and righteousness. He is the Cosmic Judge and the lord of karma, who always tries to bring us back to the right path. The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, in order for our earthly learning process to be successful, he also needs to give us back some of our less pleasant karma and make it manifest itself in our lives as disease, poverty or loss. Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology the sidereal sign of collective consciousness with the sign of super consciousness — The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology elevates us from worldly consciousness to Divine consciousness. He is none different than Sankarshana, vyuha of Lord Vishnu presiding over deep sleep sushupti state of consciousness and guna of tamas inertia. He carries all the worlds on his countless hoods. Sideral zodiac ends and completes with nakshatra, the star of Pushan, the Cosmic Shepherd and one of the Adityas, too — which is the star of journey of the soul to its final destination, in this life and after death. Pushan himself is the Aditya responsible for taking the soul to other realms after its departure from this earthly plane, and delivering it to its final goal. And no wonder — this is the last star of the zodiac. Since I started practising Vedic Astrology, back init greatly enriched my spiritual path and experience of life itself. It allowed me to notice the Divine presence, manifested in our lives in so many vibrant forms, in much more tangible way — and at the same time taught me how to learn from the wisdom of the present moment. To that Divine knowledge I bow down. And I hope it will inspire you in the same way. Find out how the chakras in your energy body resonate with different planets, zodiac signs and nakshatras. Each page of this book is rich with deeper knowledge about the lunar phases. Additionally, you will also find here the stencils of 15 lunar yantras. I am still in the process of writing it, but you can already pre-order it and get an early access to already finished chapters to see what is going to be about. Email Address. We will never spam you. We hate that more than you do. Journey with the Nakshatras. Upcoming webinars. Full Schedule. And this is what I wish to share with you. Start studying Nakshatras for real. Watch Free Webinar. The 27 Lunar Mansions, Nakshatra – psychologically astrology

However, all of the systems which adopted the classical zodiac have other zodiacs embedded in then that have been preserved in one way or another in older interpretation methods and techniques. In western astrology one finds the Decans, which originate in the zodiac of ancient Egypt, and the fixed stars of Arab astrology. The 27 signs comprising this zodiac are called Nakshatras in Hindi and in the west are usually known as the Lunar Mansions. In contrast to the homogeny of the sun signs in modern western astrology, in vedic astrology each sign is divided into quite different flavors which correspond to the underlying lunar mansion. It can even be said that in vedic astrology the sun sign serves as the stage while The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology lunar mansion is the actual script. In Rohini the career can include dealing with beauty or the human body, like in the case of jewelry, cosmetics, modeling or martial arts. And if that ruler falls in Mrigashirsha, the career can involve mail delivery, waitressing or trade. Each of these legs represents a different solar sign from Aries to Pisces, hence every three mansions represent an entire zodiac. The resulting D9 chart looks the same as the birth chart but uses the legs in which the planets are placed as the sign in which they fall. It is this chart instead of the birth chart that dictates the strength of the planets exaltation, debilitation etc. Another vital element of vedic astrology not found in other systems is the use of planetary periods. Both the period and the other types of planetary periods used in vedic astrology are all calculated using the lunar mansion in which the moon is located at the time of birth, showcasing once again their immense importance. Unlike the classical solar zodiac which originated in the middle east, there is little doubt that the origins of the lunar mansions lie in India itself and they are even mentioned in the Rigveda — one of the oldest religious texts in the world. And despite them being used today as mostly secondary aids in natal chart analyses, the lunar mansions play a vital role in electoral astrology which is used for finding the best time The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology different activities both private, such as weddings, and public such as holidays and festivals. In addition, the lunar mansions were traditionally used in India for choosing the name of a newborn. There are of course a myriad of other astrological and cultural uses for the lunar mansions, and in recent times quite a few researchers started studying them and discovering new methods and interpretations involving these powerful astrological elements. Skip to content Menu. Rohini, Mrigashirsha and . , Pushya and Ashlesha. Magha, Purva and Uttara Phalguni. Hasta, Chitra and Swati. Vishakha, Anuradha and Jyeshta. Mula, Purva and Uttara Ashadha. , Dhanishta and . Purva and Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati. Prev Mula, Purva and Uttara Ashadha. Next The properties of Lunar Mansions. The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology Font Resize. Readable Font. Choose color black white green blue red orange yellow navi. Clear cookies. Images Greyscale. Invert Colors. Lights Off. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.