ABSTRACT of Barakbaev Tynysbek thesis on subject «Efficacy of sturgeon and carp th breeding in polyculture in conditions of pound farms of the 6 fishery zone of », presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the specialty 6D080200 – Technology of animal products production

Relevance of research. Around the world there is apparent two issues exist – deficiency of food on one side and destruction of flora and fauna of the world in natural habitats, declining of biodiversity. However, both problems must be overcome immediately. But fish production can be increased without damages of its natural stocks. Declining of sturgeon population in natural reservoirs, which are well known for their “black caviar” and meat nowadays, is a serious problem. Currently sturgeon catch does not reach even ten tons, in ХХ century, commercial catches were reaching 10 – 16 thousand tons. In order to conserve the population of sturgeon, in 2012, 5 year moratorium on commercial catches of sturgeon were declared. But to increase the population much time is required. Therefore, works on artificial breeding are needed, so to rehabilitate the population in nature. Accordingly to the FAO [1], production of fishing in 2012 year were 91,3 millions tons, aquaculture – 66,6 millions tons (without aquatic plants), in general 158 million tons, which is 19,2 kg per capita. Meanwhile, fishing in inner waters gives merely 11,6 millions tons, the rest of the catches are from Oceans. Kazakhstan does

not have entrance to the World oceans, so it is critical to build effective aquaculture. Sturgeons (genus - Acipenser) have high commercial value, traditionally called red fish – for their importance. The meat of these fish are praised, yet more valued is a black caviar; additionally swim bladder gives glue, spine bones are meal “vyazigi”. th In 2000 (before moratorium of 2011) commercial catches of sturgeon were carried out only in the Caspian rivers – Volga and , as well as in Iran. Annually international organization CITES determines limits of catches among Caspian countries. The size of quotas directly deepens up on a quantity of fingerlings, stocking from specialized fishery farms. Due to shrinkage of quotas and frequent prohibition of trading, the value of sturgeon farming is raising around the world. There is possibility that it will become

the only source of black caviar. The president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on the third summit of Caspian countries, which took place 13-15 December 2011 in Baku, suggested 5 year nd moratorium on commercial catch of sturgeon. In the frames of the decision of 32 commission of the water bioresources of the Caspian Sea, countries accepted prohibition of sturgeon fishing which began in 2012. To stabilize costs on the market and development of commodity aquaculture the government stimulate sturgeon aquaculture. To support commodity aquaculture the government provides special tax mode, budgetary loans, leasing of the equipment and subsidies of feed and fry expenses. Such arrangement allows to prevent the extinction of sturgeons in Kazakhstan. Farms that cultivate sturgeon are LLP «Chilik pond farm», LLP «Pavlodar sturgeon plant», LLP «OsetrKZ», LLP «Irada Balyk», LLP «Nurhan». th Spring catches in the beginning of 70 ХVIII in the rivers of Caspian Sea, gave up to 800 thousand individuals of sevruga Acipenser stellatus and more more than 150 thousand poods (1 pood – 16 kg) of the black caviar. Just only Acipenser stellatus harvest gave no less than 24 thousand silver rubles. The second catch os sturgeons and belugas took place by nets in the autumn, the third – in the winter. In the mid of th 90 of the previous century belugas of the river Ural older than 30 years constituted a significant part of the population. But it is past. The population of sturgeons over the last 30 years have shrunk to critical level. For instance, the population of sevruga th Acipenser stellatus in the river Ural in 1997 were 1,5 millions individuals. In the 70 poachers caught up to 150-170 thousand individuals of sevrugas, yet only famales (caviar source), males had been thrown into the river. In 2007 there are 23,1 thousand sevrugas. Accordingly to official statistic of the Russian scientists of the Caspian science – research institute of fisheries, the numbers of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea in 2004 were: Belugas Huso huso – 5 millions., sevruga Acipenser stellatus – 7 milllions., osetr Acipenser gueldenstaedtii – 36 millions. Yet it is official statistic, which is considered to be not relevant by СITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), they think than the data are overestimated. Today beluga older than 25 years – are in rare. The oldest individuals are caught entirely (usually better brood stocks).

The natural habitats are interconnected, and shoaling of the river Ural also affects the population, because certain spawning nests are not covered by water. There is an idea of “waterness” of the environment, which decreased to 6 cubic kilometers. Meanwhile acceptable conditions for spawning considered to be 12 cubic kilometers. Currently the issue of shoaling Ural which is transboundary river are tackling on the level of Kazakh-Russian governments. Kazakhstan has a rich fishing resources and conditions for the development of both fishing and aquaculture. Kazakhstani Fishing resources are significant part of the Caspian and Aral Seas, the Balkhash, the Alakol system of lakes, , Kapshagai, Shardara reservoirs, and others water bodies. The total area of water bodies is 5 million ha (without Caspian Sea). The population of Kazakhstan at the end of January 2013 were 16,896 million people, so to satisfy recommended 14 kg of fish in a year Kazakhstan should produce no less than 236,5 thousand tons, with expected increase of the population to 17 million people – 238 thousand tons annually. By catching fish from natural reservoirs

it is impossible. The only solution is – the development of aquaculture. Kazakhstan has accepted government program of sturgeon farming. On this stage still relevant working off and introduction of the technologies of commodity farming of sturgeons in different types of farms, as well as creation of brood stock herds in order to save sturgeon gene fund and to rehabilitate of theirs commercial value. Commodity sturgeon farming in the last years is oriented, on optimization fishery processes and the selection of species and hybrids, which have higher productivity and commercial value. Therefore it is necessary to study and develop regulatory and technological documentation on various technologies of sturgeon farming in order to speed up the gaining of commodity product and increase profitability of the production.

The aim of the research and scientific results. The development of the technologies of sturgeon breeding in specialized carp pounds, and gaining economy effective production, during the development of the technologies of sturgeon farming in polyculture with herbivores fish species.

The object of the research The object of the study were sturgeons reared in carp ponds in LLP "Chilik pond farm", located in of . During the research have been used two, three and four years old sturgeons, reared together with herbivorous silver carp and grass carp. The subject of the study is the aim of the research work is to analyze the breeding features of sturgeons.

Scientific novelty First time were conducted scientific studies of breeding sturgeons and herbivorous fish species together in a carp adapted ponds and implementation of the th technology in the 6 aquaculture area of Kazakhstan. Has been carried out evaluation of the breeding features, an ability of producing high level of fish weight with a minimum costs, were calculated economical advantageous of the activity.

Research objects: - To determine the stocking density of sturgeon and herbivorous fishes in ponds; - To use symbiotic quality during growing in polyculture; - To evaluate a breeding features of sturgeon; - To define a hydrochemical state of the water in ponds; - To study natural food resources in experimental ponds and their impact on sturgeon growth; - To define sturgeon and herbivorous fishes rearing expenses; - To define an economic efficiency of the studies.

Basic provisions for the defense: - To determine the stocking density of breeding sturgeon and herbivorous fish in ponds together; - Evaluation of biological indicators of reared sturgeon; - The effects of natural forage on sturgeon growth in the experimental ponds; - Calculate the costs of breeding sturgeon with herbivorous fish; - Economic profit of the research work.

The practical significance of the results Currently grown marketable fish products are formed at a high level and is an integral part of the global aquaculture. The urgency of cultivation of some fish species as a commodity due to the sharp decline in fish stocks. These problems still remain acute in the evaluation of raw material resources. In this connection, it is necessary to direct the scientific and practical work on the development of commercial fish breeding - for preserving the gene pool of valuable fish species. Biotechnological specifications of commodity fish species products and economic features are made in Russia, and they are successfully operating in the ponds and in industrial

technologies. In recent years, a number of individual entrepreneurs in the agricultural industry are showing interest in the production of fish products. In our country, however, the number of farmers who want to export to the foreign and domestic market fish grown in ponds is growing. Therefore there is a need for breeding more valuable fish species, that can be farmed in pond farms of Kazakhstan. These objects include sturgeons, namely Russian and Siberian sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon, and various hybrids (bester, oster, osship) and paddlefish. The results of ongoing research work in improving the breeding technology of th sturgeons in aquaculture in the 6 breeding area with herbivorous fishes in polyculture has great theoretical and practical value. The technology of sturgeon growing with herbivorous fishin polyculture will be methodical instruction for large and small business entrepreneurs.

Personal contribution of author. Dissertation work represents finished scientifically - the research work performed by the author independently and meets requirements of Committee imposed to theses on a competition of degree of the doctor of РhD. By results of research works as the author of dissertation of a recommendations of technology for cultivation of sturgeon fishes in polyculture with herbivorous fishes, and also conclusions and offers are created.

Appliance of the results of the dissertation. The main thesis of obtained results had been heard and are well appreciated in the annual PhD doctoral reporting meeting of the Kazakh National Agrarian University in the faculty of "Technology and biological resources". The results of the research work are reported in: - «Ізденістер Нәтижелер» scientific analytical journal (Almaty, 2013, №4, pp.11-15), «ҚР ҰҒА хабарлары» (2016, №2, б. 50-55.), «Вестник АГТУ» Journal № 2 2015.- pp. 15-23. - Materials of the intern. scient. conf. «Priorities and prospects for fisheries development».– Almaty, 2014.-pp.159-164 - Materials of the intern. scient. conf. «Strategy areas of science and education in the development of agro-industrial complex» – Almaty, 2015. pp. 190-194. - Materials of the intern. scient. conf. «Strategy areas of science and education in the development of agro-industrial complex» – Almaty, 2015. pp. 194-198. - Materials of the intern. scient. conf. «Sturgeon Aquaculture: Current Trends and Prospects».– Ukraine, 2016. – pp.4-9. Materials of the intern. scient. conf. «Sturgeon Aquaculture: Current Trends and Prospects».– Ukraine, 2016. – pp 117-122. - XL. Fisheries Scientific Conference, NARIC Research Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Szarvas, Hungary, 2016. page 51-56. - International journal with impact-factor listed in the Scopus database (Asia) – Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 14 (5): р. 315-324, 2015 ISSN: 1680- 5593 (published). - XL. Fisheries Scientific Conference, NARIC Research Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Szarvas, Hungary, 2016. page 51-56.

Publications. The main results of the research work have been published in 10 publications. Of these, 3 articles were published in journals recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 1 - was published in the international journal from the Scopus database; 6 – published in national and international scientific and industrial conferences.

Volume and structure of the thesis. The thesis is composed of flowing sections: introduction, literature review, materials and methods, the results of the research, results discussion, conclusion, practical suggestions, list of references and application. The work consists of 124 computer typed pages, 40 tables, 21 figures, a list of references includes 158 sources.