AMERICANA JUNE 2020 a short list e-catalogue Donald A. Heald | Rare Books Donald A. Heald | Rare Books

AMERICANA JUNE 2020 a short list e-catalogue Just click the title of each item in this illustrated short list and follow the link to a full description and images on our website.

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La Decouverte des Sources du et de la Riviere Sanglante. Description Du Cours entier du Mississippi ...

New Orleans: Benj. Levy, 1824. Octavo (8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches). [8], 327, [1]pp. Errata slip. Uncut. Original blue paper- covered boards, expertly rebacked to style, paper spine label.

The rare first edition of this Italian explorer's adventures in America.

(#29350) $ 3,250. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


A Narrative of the Extraordinary Sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, His Wife and five children. During an unfortunate journey through the wilderness, from Canada to Kennebeck River, in the year 1784.

Portland Printed, Reprinted at Exeter: Henry Ranlet, 1792. Octavo (7 x 4 3/8 inches). 23, [1]pp. Expert restoration with facsimile to half title and terminal leaf. Contemporary paper wrappers, restitched. Housed in a red morocco box.

Very rare narrative of a man and his family abandoned in the wilds of Maine.

(#28761) $ 12,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


Bean's History and Directory of Nevada County, California. Containing a Com- plete History of the County, with Sketches of the Various Towns and Mining Camps, the Names and Occupation of Residents; also, full statistics of mining and all other industrial resources.

Nevada [i.e. Nevada City, California]: Daily Gazette Book and Job Office, 1867. Octavo. vi, [6], 424pp. Tipped-in ad slip between pages 184 and 185. Contemporary purple morocco. Provenance: E.G. Waite, of Gregory & Waite, Grocers, Nevada City (bookplate, name in gilt on upper cover).

The first Nevada County directory, the first history of the county as a whole, and the first book printed in Nevada County.

(#38094) $ 3,200. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


Exposición sucinta y sencilla de la provincia del Nuevo México. Hecha por su diputado en córtes Don Pedro Baptista Pinto, con arreglo a sus in- strucciones.

Cádiz: Imprenta del Estado-Mayor-General, 1812. Small quarto. 48, [3]pp. Dbd. Some soiling to titlepage, still very good. In a half morocco box.

The rare first edition of a work Howes describes as "the chief source on New Mexico's last years as a Spanish province and of her beginnings as a Mexican state."

(#28807) $ 12,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


The Navigator Containing Directions for Navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers; with an Ample Account of These Much Admired Waters, from the Head of the Former to the Mouth of the Latter; And A Concise Description of Their Towns, Villages, Harbours, Settlements, &c. With Accurate Maps of the Ohio and Mississippi. To which is added, an Appendix, containing an Account of , and of The and Columbia Rivers, as Discovered by the Voyage under Captains Lewis and Clarke.

Pittsburgh: Cramer & Spear, 1818. 12mo (7 x 4 inches). [i-]iv, [5-]304pp. 28 full-page woodcut maps. Contemporary three-quarter calf and marbled boards, spine ruled in gilt. Boards rubbed and quite worn around the edges, two minor instances of paper loss on front board.

The first navigational guide to the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, with Lewis and Clark material appended.

(#28228) $ 3,000. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


This Portrait is published to identify the person with the true character of one of the basest of men. Joseph Mountjoy Manners ...

New York: Published for the benefit of the community, 8 December 1823. Line engraved portrait above engraved text (a 3-line title, 9 lines of text, plus the imprint). Trimmed close. Sheet size: 6 3/8 x 4 3/4 inches.

Very rare, engraved portrait by Asher B. Durand of a noted New York swindler.

(#35625) $ 1,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains, in the year 1842; and to Oregon and North California, in the Years 1843-44.

Syracuse: Hall & Dickson; New York: A.S. Barnes, 1847. Octavo. 427pp. plus large folding map, two plates, and [2]pp. ads. Original brown publisher's cloth, spine gilt.

Very rare edition complete with the Rufus Sage map.

(#28219) $ 5,750. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


An Accurate Map of North Ame- rica describing ... The British, Spanish and French Dominions ... according to the Definitive Treaty concluded at Paris, 10th Feb. 1763 ...m.

London: Robert Sayer, [1763]. Engraved map on four joined sheets, hand coloured, sec- tioned and linen backed at a contem-porary date. Overall sheet size: 42 1/8 x 47 3/8 in- ches. Housed in a tan cloth box.

An early issue of Bowen and Gibson's im- pressive wall map of North America: the first issue following the end of the French and Indian War.

(#37559) $ 9,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


A New Universal Atlas Comprising Separate Maps of all the Principal Empires, Kingdoms & States Throughout the World: and forming a distinct Atlas of the ... a new edition revised and corrected to the present time.

Brattleboro, Vermont: G.R.French, 1842. Folio (14 1/2 x 12 3/8 inches). Engraved title, engraved contents leaf, and 65 hand-coloured engraved maps. 11pp. letterpress text in the rear. Contemporary half red morocco and brown cloth boards, expertly rebacked and retipped, original red morocco label on the upper cover.

Lovely copy of Greenleaf's atlas, including his map of Texas as a Republic.

(#38204) $ 8,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, extending above four thousand miles, between New France and New Mexico; with a descrip- tion of the Great Lakes...with a continuation, giving an account of the attempts of the sieur de La Salle upon the mines of St. Barbe, &c. the taking of Quebec by the English...

London: Henry Bonwick, 1699. Two volumes in one, octavo. [22], 299, [1], [32], 178, [2], 303- 355pp. plus two folding maps and seven plates (six of them folding) including the frontispiece. Contemporary panelled calf, expertly rebacked to style, spine gilt with raised bands, red mor- occo lettering piece. Provenance: Sir Charles Halkett (early signature on title); Sir John Hal- kett (early signature on endpaper and armorial bookplate).

The second edition of the English translation: with provenance to an important Director of the Hudson's Bay Company.

(#37145) $ 9,000. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


The Grand Teton.

[Denver: circa 1880s]. Image size: 8 3/4 x 6 1/4 inches. On period card mount, measuring 17 3/4 x 14 inches, with a period manu- script ink and floral border.

Early photograph of Grand Teton, Wyoming.

(#36379) $ 1,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


Report of the Secretary of State on the Subject of Esta- blishing a Uniformity in the Weights, Measures and Coins of the United States ... Published by Order of the House of Repre-sentatives.

New York: F. Childs and J. Swaine, 1790. Octavo (7 7/8 x 4 7/8 inches). 49, [3, blank]pp. Expertly bound to style in half tree sheep and marbled paper covered boards. Housed in a full blue morocco box. Provenance: J. Elmer (early signature).

First edition, fourth and final issue of the landmark report.

(#37857) $ 20,000. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


Taxation no Tyranny; An Answer to the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress.

London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1775. Octavo. [4], 91pp. Half title. Bound to style in half calf and marbled paper covered boards.

One of the most famous pamphlets of the Revolution.

(#37761) $ 3,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


Torat Ha-Elo-Him ... The Law of God ...

Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman for the Editor, 5605 [i.e. 1844-1845]. Five vol- umes, octavo (7 1/2 x 4 3/4 inches). He- brew and English text on facing pages. Contemporary black morocco, covers elaborately tooled in gilt, spine gilt with raised bands in six compartments, yellow endpapers, gilt edges, expert repairs to joints and tops of spines. Provenance: M. Nathans (name in gilt on the upper covers).

The first Jewish translation of the Pentateuch into English: in an elaborate contemporary binding.

(#38544) $ 20,000. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


The Star Spangled Banner, Sung by Messrs. Darley & Nicholls, Composed by J. Hewitt.

New York: J.A. & W. Geib [Engraved by T. Birch], [circa 1818]. Quarto. Engraved sheet music, on 3pp. of two leaves (final page blank as issued), with lyrics to the complete four stanzas. Expert paper restoration at the lower corner and edge. Housed in a chemise and morocco backed box.

Early printing of The Star Spangled Banner.

(#37935) $ 4,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


The Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie, of Kentucky, During an Expedition from St. Louis, Through the Vast Regions Between that Place and the Pacific Ocean, and Thence Back Through the City of Mexico to Vera Cruz, During Journeyings of Six Years; in Which He and His Father, Who Accompanied Him, Suffered Unheard of Hardships and Dangers, Had Various Conflicts with The Indians, and Were Made Captives, in Which Cap-tivity His Father Died; Together with a Descrip-tion of the Country, and the Various Nations Through Which They Passed. Edited by Timothy Flint.

Cincinnati: E. H. Flint, 1833. Octavo. 300pp. Five engraved plates. Later half red morocco and marbled paper covered boards, by R.W. Smith, spine gilt with raised bands in six compartments, marbled endpapers, gilt edges. Provenance: H.F. Depuy (morocco booklabel); Eugene & Sadye Power (bookplate); Paul Steinbrecher (bookplate).

The second edition of Pattie's narrative: one of the great works of Western Americana.

(#35971) $ 3,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, who was Taken by the Indians, in the Year of 1755, when only about Twelve Years of Age, and who has Continued to Reside amongst Them to the Present Time ... and other Entertain- ing Matter.

Canandaigua, NY: Printed by J.D. Bemis & Co., 1824. 12mo. 189, [1]pp. With the copyright leaf pasted on verso of the title as issued. Expertly bound to style in period sheep.

Very rare first edition of a noted Indian captivity narrative.

(#38224) $ 4,800. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


Map of the Allegany County Oil Field.

Bradford, PA: [circa 1881]. Folding pocket map, approx. 27 1/2 x 39 1/2 inches, with the oil region hand colored. Numerous manuscript annotations, noting names of landowners and the locations of producing, drilling and dry wells. Folds into publisher's cloth boards.

Scarce relic of the Allegany County, New York oil boom: a cadastral map of the region with manuscript additions showing the locations of wells.

(#38756) $ 2,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


The Complete Farrier, or Horse Doctor: also the Complete Cattle Doctor ... Fourth Edition, en- larged and improved.

Chicago: W. B. Sloan [Buffalo: Jewett, Thomas & Co.], 1851. Octavo. 160pp. Woodcut frontispiece view of Sloan's Books and Medicine depot. Cattle Doctor with separate title but continuous pagi- nation. Publisher's roan-backed lettered boards.

Scarce early edition, by the patent medical king of Chicago.

(#38753) $ 350. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


[A series of watercolour views in Brazil and Chile, accomplished by an American naval officer, in- cluding two views of Rio de Janeiro, a two-sheet view of Valparaiso and two unidentified views of the South American coast].

[South America: circa 1820-1825]. 5 views on 6 sheets, pen-and-ink and gray wash, with white gouache highlights, on wove paper watermarked Hatman W. Balston & Co. Sheets measuring approx. 12 1/2 x 18 1/8 inches. Uniformly matted. Housed in a blue morocco backed box.

An important group of South American views by an American naval officer and talented artist aboard the USS Franklin, the flag-ship of the first American Pacific squadron.

(#24014) $ 19,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia.

Virginia, Printed: London, Reprinted: for S. Birt, 1753. Octavo. viii, 331, [1, blank], v, [1, blank], 34pp. Appendix with separate title and pagination. Nineteenth century crushed morocco by Bedford, spine gilt with raised bands, marbled endpapers, gilt edges.

Rare edition of the first history of Virginia printed in America.

(#36512) $ 7,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


A Trip to the Yellowstone National Park in July, August and September 1875. From the Journal of General W. E. Strong.

Washington: Privately Printed, 1876. Quarto. 143pp. plus two folding maps (one partially handcolored to show the route), seven plates, and seven mounted photographic portraits. Expertly bound to style in half purple morocco and purple cloth covered boards, marbled endpapers and edges. Provenance: Mrs. J. Y. Scammon (presentation inscription from the author).

With mounted photographs chronicling the opening of Yellowstone National Park.

(#35068) $ 18,000. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


General Washington's Letter Declaring his Acceptance of the Command of the Armies of the United States.

[Philadelphia]: Published for General Information, [1798]. Letterpress broadside, approx. 18 x 11 inches. Expert restoration at upper corners not affecting text.

Rare broadside printing of Washington's letter to President John Adams, accepting the role of Commander-in-Chief of the military during the Quasi War with France.

(#36674) $ 12,500. DDoonnaalldd AA.. HHeeaalldd || RRaarree BBooookkss


Narrative of James Williams. An American Slave; Who was for Several Years a Driver on a Cotton Plantation in Alabama.

New York: The American Anti-Slavery Society, 1838. 12mo. 108pp. Frontispiece portrait. Publisher's pictorial boards, expertly rebacked with period cloth.

Early slave narrative.

(#37866) $ 3,250.