STATIONS OF THE EOYAL NAVY IN Challenger, 18, screw , Commodore Rowley Lambert, C.B., 1855, Australia. COMMISSION,—1st May 1869, Chanticleer, 17. so. sloop, Com. W. W. S. Bridges, 1863, Pacific. With the Dates of Commission of the Officers in Command. Charybdis, 17, sc. corvette, Captain A. M'L. Lyons, 1862, Pacific. BOUKIR, 86, sc,, Commodore Augustus Phillimore, Cherub, 2, sc. , Lieut, and Harry F. A 1855, receiving ship, Jamaica. Yeatman, 1861, North America and West Indies. Acorn, hospital ship, Shanghae, ordered to be sold. Circe, tender to Impregnable, Devonport. Adder, paddle vessel, Sheerness. Clinker, 2; sc. gunboat, tender to Indus, Devonport. Adventure, 2, sc. troopship, Captain Henry J. Baby, Cockatrice, 2, sc. gunboat, Com. James Ferris Prowse, V.C., 1862, China. 1866, Mediterranean. Agineourt, 26, screw armour-plated ship, Captain Cockchafer, 2, sc. gunboat, Lieut. Com. Howard Kerr, Thomas Miller, 1855, flagship of vice- Richard 1857, China, Laird Warren, Sheerness. Cormorant, 4, sc. gunvessel, Com. G. D. Broad, 1861, Albacore, 2, sc. gunboat, Bermuda. China. Alberta, paddle yacht, Staff Cora. David N. Welch, 1863, Cossack, 20, sc. corvette, Capt. John E. Parish, 1863, tender to Royal Yacht, Portsmouth. East Indies and China. Algerine, 1, sc. gunvessel, Lieut. H. R. B. Grey, Cracker, 4, double screw composite gunvessel, Com. 1857, China. Hawksworth Fawkes, 1863, south-east coast of America. Alligator, at Whampoa, lent to Consular Department. Crocodile, 3, Indian troopship, Capt. George W. Watson, Antelope, 3, paddle s. vessel, Lieut. Com. J. Buchanan, 1864, Portsmouth. . 1861, Mediterranean. Cromer, 2, sc. gunboat, tender to Valiant, River Argus, 6, paddle sloop, Com. F. W. Hallowes, 1865, Shannon. Cape of Good Hope and West Coast of Africa. Cruiser, 5, sc. sloop, Com. Morgan Singer, 1862, Medi- Ariadne, 26, sc. , Captain F. A. Campbell, 1854, terranean. particular service. Asia, guardship of reserve, Capt. Edward B. Bice, 1855, D^DALUS, 16, Com. Albert H. W. Battiscombe, 1861, flagship of Rear-Admiral G. G. Wellesley, C.B., Ports- Naval Reserve drill ship, Bristol. month. Danae, 6, sc. sloop, Capt. William Graham, 1863, Asp, st. vessel, tender to Nankin, Pembroke. Cape of Good Hope and West Coast of Africa. Avon, 2, double screw composite gunvessel, Com. G. D. Dapper, 2, sc. gunboat, Dartmouth, tender to Britannia. Fitzroy, 1863, China and Japan. Daphne, 4, sc. sloop, Com. G.' L. Sullivan, 1862, East Azov, schooner, tender to Hibernia, Mediterranean. Indies. Dart, 5, sc. gunvessel, Cora. Hon. John Carnegie, 1861, « North America and West Indies. BANK, paddle vessel, tender to Royal Adelaide, Devon- Dasher, 2, st. vessel, Com. J. H. BuslineU, 1861, Channel port. Islands. Banterer, 2, sc. gunboat, Lieut. Com. J. E. Pringle, Dauntless, 31, sc. frigate, Capt. Charles C. Forsyth, 1857, 1866, China. Coastguard service, Humber. Barracouta, 6, paddle sloop, Commander G. D. Bevan, Defence, 18, sc. ship, Capt. Nowell Salmon, V.C., 1863, 1861, North America and West Indies. West Indies. Beacon, 4, double ec. composite gunboat, Com. E. T. Donegal, 81, sc. ship, Capt. E. W. Tumour, 1857, Parsons, 1866, south-east coast of America. Coastguard, Birkenhead. Bee, steam and paddle vessel, tender to Excellent, Ports- Doris, 24, sc. frigate, Capt. Henry Carr Glyn, 1861, North mouth. America and West Indies, ordered home. Bellerophon, 14, sc., Capt. R. J. J. G. Macdonald, 1854, Dove, 2, EC. gunboat, Lieut. Com. M. J. Dunlop, 1867, Channel Squadron. China. Black-Eagle, paddle yacht. Staff Com. Charles R. P. Drake, 2, sc. gunboat, China. Forbes, 1863, tender to Duke of Wellington, Portsmouth. Dryad, 4, sc. sloop, Com. P. H. Colomb, 1863, East Black Prince, 41, sc. armour plated ship, Capt. A. C. Indies. Gordon, 1858, Coastguard, Greenock. Duke of Wellington, 49, screw, receiving ship, flagship of Blanche, 6, screw sloop, Captain J. E. Montgomerie, Vice- Admiral Sir J. Hope, G.C.B., Capt. Richard W. 1862, Australia. Courtenay, 1859, Portsmouth. Boscawen, 20, training ship, Com. James Grant, 1866, Duncap, 81, sc. ship, Capt. C. Fellowes, 1867, Coastguard Portland. service, Queensferry, North Britain. Bouncer, 2, sc. gunboat, tender to Princess Charlotte, Durham, 20, drill ship, Com. William A. Gambier, 1865, Hong Kong. Sunderland. Boxer, 2, double screw composite gunvessel, Lieut. Dwarf, 4, double screw composite gunvessel, Com. C. F. Commander Frederick W. Egerton, 1859, Pacific. Walker, 1864, China. Brilliant, 16, Com. F. M. Prattent, 1862, Naval Reserve drill ship, Dundee. Bristol, 31, sc. frigate, Capt. F. W. Wilson, 1867, par- EAGLE, 16, Naval Reserve drill ship, Com. E. C. Symoni, ticular service. 1860, Liverpool. Britannia, 8, training ship, Capt. John Corbett, 1867, Earnest, 2, sc. gunboat, tender to St George, Portland. Dartmouth. Eclipse, 6, sc. sloop, Cant. Henry Harvey, 1863, North Britomart, 2, sc. gunboat, Lieut. Com. A. H. Alington, America and West Indies. 1859, North America and West Indies. Egmont, 4, receiving ship, Capt. W. A. R. Pearse, 1862, Bruiser, 2, screw gunboat, tender to Mersey, Queens- Rio de Janeiro. town. Elfin, paddle yacht, tender to Victoria and Albert, Bullfinch, 3, double screw gunvessel, Com. Edward F. Portsmouth. Lodder, 1863, East Indies. Elk, 2, double sc. composite gunvcsscl, Com. Algernon G. Bullfrog, 2, screw gunboat, tender to Castor, North Wootton, 1864, China. Shields. Enchantress, 1, paddle yacht, Staff Com. J. E. Petley, Bustard, 2, sc. gunboat, Lieut. Com. C. F. W. Johnson, 1863, tender to Asia, Portsmouth. 1867, China. Endymion, 21, sc. frigate, Capt. C. Wake, 1859, Medi- Buzzard, 6, paddle sloop, Staff Com. J. G. H. Thain, terranean, ordered home. 1863, particular service. Enterprise, 4, sc. armour - plated sloop, Com. G. 8. Bosanquet, 1863, Mediterranean. Erne, 2, sc. gunboat, tender to Duncan, Queenfferry, CADMUS, 21, screw corvette, Capt. Robert Gibson, 1863, North Britain. Medway. Euphrates, 3, Indian troopship, Capt. Charles T. Curm», Caledonia, 30, iron clad screw ship, Capt. Alan H. 1864, Bombay. Gardner, flagship of Vice-Adrairal the Rt. Hon. Lord Excellent, gunnery ship, Capt. A. W. A, Hood, 1858, Clarence E. Paget, C.B., Mediterranean. Portsmouth. Cambridge, 97, gunnery ship, Capt. Hon. F. A. C. Foley, 1860, Devonport. FANCY, 2, sc. gunboat, tender to Asia, Portsmouth. Cameleon, 17, sc. sloop, Commander W. H. Annesley, Favorite, 10, sc. armour-plated corvette, Cant. J. D. 1862, Pacific. M'Crea, 1862, North America and West Indies. Caradoc, 2, paddle steam vessel, Lieut. Com. Hon. H. H. Fearless, paddle vessel, Sheerness. A'Court, 1861, Mediterranean, ordered home. Fervent, 2, sc., tender to Dcedalus, Bristol. Castor, 22, Naval Reserve drill ship, Commander Charles Fire Queen, st. vessel, Staff Com. F. W. Pan], 1863, Gr. Nelson, 1862, North Shields. tender to Duke of Wellington, Portsmouth,