' I •



$365,000just a start for scho.ols mnke 1t torught. there :a.re he countdown continues on the several more chances 8 ·~quatic facility, 2 new stadiuins in Costa Mesa of how to pay for $127 million ID T Cannery~ cloi.mg. Speak Up Newport will necessary repcurs to classrooms Torughl, the Dady P.ilot hold its next meeting Sept - would be part of $6 million in school improvements. and office buildings, the money holds 1tc; second •Toast to 1 at the Cannery. Histonan How import.ant Is for the architect's drawings bas Art Gronsky will discuss its plans for a 50-meter aquatic improving the athletk I already been appropriated. The Tu~dayJ" to commemorate facility and 400-seat mini-stadi­ fac1hties at Estancia • the Newport insUtuUon's colorful past at the 5·30 ~Pb · board set aside the money for wn at Costa Mesa High School, and Costa Mesa high the overhaul when the district final days. One more of the meeting. And the Newport and a 2,500-seat athletic stadi­ schools? Call our NEWPORT-MESA - After Readers Hotline at (949) sold off a farm site at Costa Pilot's Tuesday parties, on Harbor Area Chamber of years of planning and dreaming, um at Estancia as well as a com­ 642.:6086 or send e-mail to Mesa High School two year::. Sept. 7, is open to the pub­ Commerce will have a plete overhaul of fields and a gIOUJ> of Costa Mesa commu­ dallypilot0elrthl1nk.1Jet. ago. )jc. Ap~tizer file pb'r ~.._­ farewell of its own courts at both schools. Please spell you_r name and nity members tonight will ask The plans would also pay for ed, and there :b a no-ho t SP.pt 2 at 5 p.rn The projects are expected to Include your hometOIMI and school district officials to spend an environmental report on the So pick lime to cost about $6 million, and com­ phone number (for verifi<.ation bar. a say $365,000 to prepare working purposes only). proposed changes, to make sure munity members would hdve to stadium lights wouldn't So if you have a Cannery goodbye to the Cannery drawings to overhaul athletic and owner Bill Hamilton facilities at Costa Mesa and raise the money to pay for them. adversely affect residents and memory, or want to make before the doors close for Estancia high schools. To orgaruze all this, community Though the school district is deep holes wouldn' t disturb one before it's too late, If approved, the money will members have set up a founda­ cash-strapped at the moment, come on out. If you can't good Sept. 12. pay an architect to develop tion to raise money. dnd grappling with the problem SEE SCHOOLS PAGE 6

Arts and library officials to discuss funding new center 8 Will possible public money kill private fund­ ·11ve seen things oie because they raising efforts for arts and got off to the wrong ~tOJt . This is on education cen~ er? the path to death. The mimrte the city

STA(.')' BR0\\1' becomes involved, the [private] endorsements wSI definitely not ~"" NEWPORT BEACH - A come in: h~tily called meeung will con­ Don Gregory bnue the dialogue in planrung dn Arts Commissldner arts and education center today when an ad-hoc committee con· tinues to explore the pro1ect 'Tru tee Pc1trick Ba.rtolic contia· The do ed-door 4 pm. meet­ dieted th t, saymg there was.a · mg, scheduled for the Fnendc; of • 4-0°'° chance· public fund-. the Library Conference Room at would be used The contradiction the Central Library, will be didn't sit well \\1th Arts CommtS· attended by two hbrary bOard ~wncr Don Gregory. trustees and two member.; of the ·There 1 comprorruse m 'th"' oty's Arts Comm1ss1on. The mam au, and I don't like it,· Gregorv topic for discussion: how to fund SC:lld the $12 million center. The commts')loner added that Initially, library board Chair­ the µos..,1bihty that pubhc funds man Jim Wood said the center would be presented solely els a 1 pnvately funded project. Then SEE CENTER PAGE 6 JOSEF AGUltAll I DAJlY PILOl Robert J. Gelinas of Costa Mesa says he shot a ptt bull after it jumped his fence and chased his 5-year-old lnto the house. He was arrested on a warrant last week for animal cruelty, t 5 months later.

·.· ... Robert Gelinas claims Murder-for-hire middle Man-shoots-dog he was protecting his son; DA's offic~ says he man misses sente~cing w .. . acted cruelly toward_,. 8 He's m Mexico rirnrd r-for-hir cheme that ~U apart. Maci 1czak faced a maxi­ tale ~is conffiiuea-pit bull. recuperating from heart mum of four years m c-.tate pru;on, attack, attorney says; judge but he didn't c;how up for his fmal court date m Santa Ana Aug. 18. £u<;£ Ga judge will decide Sept. 17 whether to hold groceries a~ay m the kitchen when he puts out arrest warrant. Deten e attorney Thomas Gelinas responSJble for the misdemeanor saw his son flash by the window, run into Tears told Supenor Court Judge ~Pb the house, slam the sliding glass door, and charge, which is purushable by any com­ lkif Pb Stephen Perk that Maoe1aak EAST SlDE - The way Robert Gelinas bination of community service. up to one run Ullo the bedroom. wa recovenng m a 1i1uana h0$· sees it, there's nothing cruel about shoot­ year in Jail, and as much as $20,000 in When Gelinas looked into hls son's A 60-year-old.man who coor· p1tal. Perk wac;n't satisfied with ing a pit bull in the face with a pellet gun. fines. room, be saw Michael standing on his bed dinated a plot to hurt the fom1er the excuse and i.ssued-a $100,000 Not if it's after your 5-year-old son. •To me, this whole thing 1s nuts," Geli· screaming something about dogs. son-in-law of a Lido lc;le. woman arr ·t warrant. The way the district attorney's office nas said of the incident that occurred more At the sliding glass door, Gel10as saw missed his court scntencmg last Deputy D1stnct Attorney John sees It, when you then chase the dog than 15 months ago. "It borders on out· two pit bulls clawing and barlong The ·week because he was ho p1tal- Anderson said he tS susp1oous down and beat 1t to death with a shovel, it rage." door bad boun<;ed partially open. ized in Mexic;o, recownng from a about the defendant's sudd n makes a strong case for animal cruelty. It happened in May 1998 as Gelinas' Gelinas said he was also afraid of the heart attack. m d1cal misfortune a nd his Maybe Gelinas was only protecting his son Michael played in the backyard of Raymond Maoe1czak pk•ad~ home and child, maybe he went too far. A theu East Side home. Gelinas was putting SEE PIT BULL PAGE 6 guilty in .May. for bts role in a SEE SENTENCE PAGE 6 '

Newport Beach gives $150,000 I MILLENNIUM MOMENT

QASSlflD5 -· ' more for El Toro airport fight Don Mcinnis - a man of action a.um.... 2 POUClfUS .. 2 • The city has contributed more MKEICIS __.;a than $600,000 in support of the SIOm -·-· 1 El Toro airport. StAC.Y BROWN ' 2 Tuesday, August 24', 1999 community forum Doily PilOt

GAINS & LOSSES HOW TO CONTACT YOUI -GAINS RE PR ESE llTATIV ES· NOW FAMOUS, THANKS TO NIXON Just a few hort months ago. Irwin P. ' GOVERNOR Gellman was e virtual unknown - until Gray Davis, (D), State he wrote a book about Richard Nixon. Capitol, Sacramento 95814, "The Contender: Richard Nixon, The (916) 445-2641; fax: (916) Congress Years, 1946·1952," is tho re~ult 445-4633 of four years of research. And since it was published by the Free Press earlier U.S. SENATORS th.is month, the Corona del Mar resi­ • Barbara Boxer, (D), 112 dent's engagement planner has been Hart Senate Building, Suite fi}led with interviews for newspapers, 112, Washington, D.C., and racho and television talk shows. 20510, (202) 224-3553; or 2250 E. Imperial Highway, CENTER FQR ARTS, EDUCATION Suite 545, El Segundo Though still in the early planning 90245, (310)414·5700 stages, a proposal to build an arts and · E-mail: education center behind the Newport [email protected] Beach Central Library has won support • Dianne Feinstein, (D), 331 from city officials and residents alike. "l Hart Building, Washington, would add some of my savings if they would guarantee this would be built D.C., 20510, (202) 224- · here,• said Corona del Mar resident 38411 or 11111 Santa Moni­ Vicky Street U approved by oty offi· ca Blvd , Suite 915, Los cials, th& project - made public last Angeles 90025, (310) 914· week at the library board of trustees 7300 meeting - would be funded at least in E-mail: part by pnvate donabons. senator

IT'S BACK TO SCHOOL FOR SOME HOUSE OF OCC and Wilson Elementary School REPR'ESENTATIVES students headed back to class last week, • Chris Cox, (R), 47th Dis· getting an early stdrt on the fall and tricl, .1 Newport Place, reminding the rest of us thal summer's Suite 420, Newport Beach almost over. 92660, (949) 756-2244; or 2402 Rayburn Building, RON soUMAN I DAILY PILOT Washington, D.C., 20515, (202) 225·561 l; fax (949) ls LOSSES Corona del Mar's Irwin Gellman the author of the bestselling book on Nixon entitled "The Contender." 251-9309 (Represeitts most of Newport Beach) A WALL DIVIDING A NEIGHBORHOOD pany created quite a sbr when it E-mail: chrlstopher.cox@ For the children. parents and teachers announced its plans to do business on mail.hou e.gov at Southcoast Early Childhood Leaming Balboa. Many locals said they hated the Some • Dana Robrabacher, (R), Center, the wall surrounding the Santa name and vowed never to buy a cup of neighbors 45th District, 101 Main St, Ana Avenue campus is a necessity to Java there. ·we did a very small amount keep their students safe and feeling say the Suite JC, Huntington of business while we were there," said wall, as ft Beach 92648, (714) 960- secure. But some residents say it's a Kori Brown, the company's chrector or 6483; or 2338 Rayburn safety hazard, and they want 1t tom operations. was being down. And the debate is tearing the built here Building, Washington, neighborhood apart. "It saddens me to BEWARE OF MOTORIZED SKATEBOARDS to protect D.C., (202) 225-2415; fax: think there are any people 10 this com· There's apparently a new' public ene­ South (714) 960·7806 (Represents Costa Mesa and West munity who would not support a memo­ my on Balboa Island - motonzed skate­ Coast Early Newport) rial wall for two children who died tragi­ boards. Last week, police were ordered Learning E-mail: cally,• said Sheryl Hawkinson, the 'cen­ to enforce strictly laws governing lhe Childhood ter's director. Sierra Soto and Brandon [email protected] use of motorized skateboards after Center Wiener were killed in Mdy when a San­ after the ta Ana man drove h.ls car onto the authorities received a slew of complaints STATE SENATE preschool's playground. - and after a 3-ycar-old was nearly run deaths of Ross Johnson (R), 35th Dis· off the boardwalk by one of the skate­ two chil· trict, 18552 MacArthur A BAO NAME, OR A BAD LOCATION? boards. "It's illegal to operate these dren, is a Blvd., Suite 395, Irvine Just six months after it opened on things on sidewalks and roadways with­ hazard to 92715, (949) 833-0180; fax: Balboa Island, the Bad Ass Coffee Co. of out a license," said police Sgt. Mike driven. . (949) 833-0696 • Kona, Hawau, closed up shop The com- McDermott. DON LEACH/ DAILY Pl.OT

EL TORO DEBATE El Toro· is best solution to county airp€>rt needs

he antiairport people from all over Orange County. · in lhe near future. There will There could oo only one single one of them lived any· ty's voters, Eight South Coun­ need to show to the peo· The solution is not driVU19 the be restricted flight hours like at plausible reaction to such a where near il ty cities are detennined tO T ple of Orange County, freeway to LAX or Ontario. The John Wayne Airport. pronouncement: a unanimous DAN EMORY block El Toro for as long u it who have voted in favor of El freeways are clogged for mart We need to rally together sigh of relief from the sur­ Huntington Beach takes. Rep. Christopher CoS Toro Airport on two separate the day, and that will only get and share the load. This 1S not rounding communities. and Ron Packard back the occasions, an alternative to El worse in the years to come. just a Newport Beach problem. But that scenano mirrors ON THE OTHER HAND Safe and Healthy Communl· 1 Toro that will be better for the South County residents We all share in this growth by exactly what the county has range County can be ties Initiative, which will pus. long-term solution to Orange must consider the very long· having children, grandchil· proposed for El Toro. Why then served with no John Polls show that an overwhelm­ County's transportation. term needs·of all of Orange dren, great-grandchildren, the mass hysteria? Why lhc ini­ 0 Wayne expansion and ing ma1ority of county voters John Wayne Aiq>ort has the County's residents dlld either businesses, culture and recre­ tiative that would stop progress no El Toro airport. For exam­ • want to revisit the m Toro shortest commercial runway in provide a better alternative ation m Orange County. The throughout the courity? Why ple, March Inland Port in Issue, and when they do, that the country. Total land size of than El Toro. or get involved m concerns belong to all of us. the Millenruum Plan, which Riverside is well situated to airp()rt will not fly. John Wayne Airport is just .C70 the planning process in a posi· If there is another city m would convert a virtually handle Southern Air It makes sense for Newport extinct asset m this country­ acres with developed property tive way to make El Toro air­ Orange County that has room cargo. leaders are Beach citizens and their lead­ port the best possible solution. 8Tl an available airport facility sw· on all sides. and wants airport. then looking for a new commercial ers to support a cause in El Toro encompasses more DAVE BENT build it there. We need another rounded by a huge residence· airport location, beginning in which everyone wim. Support thaDt 18,000 acr8i Wlth the &r· ·-~ t ··----­ Newport Beach • airport. free.n'Cnse. buffer zone - mto a th81r north....Ontario which has port and open areas urround­ white elephant, which m the recently tripled in capacity, is deve1opment of sysw for­ ing it. You could put 39 John Joh.r:i Wayne Airport in unlikely event it were ever suc­ ready to serve North Orange getting Orange Countf pM· Wayne Airports inside those Newport Beach bas been han­ cessful would generate more County. sengen and freight to OUdytng boundaries. dling the airway needs of Suppose the Mannns had traffic congestion and au pqUu­ Those who live near John airpOrts that want the bull· It only mak~ sense to uti· Orange County and surround· announced they were staying tion than a commeroal auport? Wayne should not bet all their oess. lize this gift to Ofclnge Courity ing areas for more than 20 at El Toro pennanenUy. but Ther~ is only one plausible energy and money, and that of PrOtect yourielf ~alDlt the to serve our future. years. It is time for the cititens that au noisy fighter 1et opera­ explanation for this reaction. the city of Newport Beach, on ~ion Of John Wayne.., The air transportation &0lu· and businesses of Orange tiom would cease immediately. Let's say it all together: Those a doomed attempt to move jets working for cON1enaus on-. tion is not e:xpan.sion of John County to gather together and For the next 10 to 15 years, folks down there in south from their backyard to those of sible regional alrport ~ • Wayne Airport because there lB share all the concerns about they would be replaced by rel· County see the doswe of El unwilling Orange County that put airports out Whel9 not enough land. lt is not a riulki.ng El Toro an airport. atively small numbers of much Toro as their entitlement, and neighbors a few miles away. they belong - and W-. · high-speed rail to a distant air­ With two~ we can qweteJ' commerdai.type trans· to hell with the rest of the Don't put all your eggs in the port. A high-speed rail does support future growth for our ~ jets while the facility was county. They won't setUe for one El Toro basket. El Toro they will be~.. - ' not exist, is not econorilically beautiful, unique and desirable bebig ~for increased anything less than a reversJon probably Will not be bWlt. feasible, and would not be to the bean field El 1'oro was Newport Beach accounb ~'ltft county. Our citizens and bus1· operations bY a new breed of Airport practical for residents conung nesses will need both auports even quieter jets. SO-plus years ago, when not a for only 3% of Orange COun· baa,:;

READERS HQTUN~ rwws stooes, iUustrations, ed1to- WEATHER S .UR F POLICE FILES (949) 642-6086 rial matter or adwrtilements herein can be~ with- Rtc:ord ~r com1Mnts about out written permission of copy· TIM'ERAl\MES TIDIS The surf IS shaping COSTA MESA the Dai Pilot or news tiP5- right owner. Balboa TODAY up .s we see a new • lristol Street: A a.r stereo worth $300 was stolen from a VOL 93, NO. 197 ADDRESS First low parking lot in the 3300 bk>dl during the eYening of Aug. 21. Our ~ess Is 330 W. Bay St, HOW JO REAOf us W64 southwest swell 2;52 a.m . •••.• .. 0.0 • Sunfh caw Aw: 1Wo 12·padts of beer worth S21 wef9 Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Orculatlon bump waves up to Corona del Mar First high stolen from• store In the 1100 block at 11 :45 p.m. Aug. 21 . ntoMAS H. JOHNSON, .c.o.tUWJlQMS The Tlmes Ora~ County chest· to-shoulder- Publisher (800) 252-9141 79166 9·16 • .m.••••..• 4.1 • '-t 11th ltrMI: Several Items of clothing worth $180 It Is the Piiot's poliNnce. AdltertWng Costa Mesa second low u,. Editor "ease call (949) 574-4268. Oauified (949) 642-5678 2.17 p.m •••••••• 2.1 best~ could go of Aug. 12. 84164 SftVIW.MI, Display (949) 642..tJ21 SetG-4121 Ant high ...... ,,.., lwt\ n COIM Mlli, ..._,_., '11·71JI Wiii .... ~ Wldntl- two iOfd rtnga and • dlemond bfacta.t wor1h S11,IOO _,. .:• SpOrtlldltor l'.421.m••. ••••• 4! --CAii-- u.alptiofs 10 ... ~Plat •. The ... lhould ..., from a home In the eoo bto« MttU9an S*- anc1 '1:9::: MMC•mN, Secondlow p.m. q. JO. : : ...... ~ fll lldwdlllr bedalrft~ .... lcltor s10 per elm.. 2:52 pm ...... 1.9 "'°"""' ..M ,.. aartOll ..... ,_.Cll:isa:*""r..._ ~And••dalr ...... _.... ,...... =paldllC...... CA ...... lndudl ...,.. :&11111 Sleond~ 1to0 ... .. a.tfled~IO Ml apart.. J.S+IW ...... fNm•Mllliln .. ,.,.,1 ... .:- ..... end lacll .-J POl'IMM- ·--~ c.u..,.,. ~p.m...... 59 ...... p.m.~· •• I.AMICI&•• ...1..... ~ ... -- • ._ A ...... Tlll:Sanl9 ...... _"o•dlof• n.1• '"".. =• ...... M+IW ...... -··~- .,..12 .... DllJ .... P.O...... Oflk9r = ~CA C:.,.-,. Mi - OM,_.,... ma = ... • ..,. ... "· it. ' 1 QQ!ly Pilot • T~. Augu$1 24, I 999 3 ,:ouncil approves Beware, they're not dogs, they're chows

he scene - Peking, look sa.td, You touch m~ one very 10Uy group. Monks sit PUrification system more tune, and I'll tear your around and thmk and pray and China. • THE VERDICT throat out." _ ring yonu and p-eat the temple .. Environmentalists Skinner, asked council to vote T The time - 1935. The soldier shouldered his I agamst the water improvements J was walking along on a dog as qual . Thus today, c).sk. for 'no' vote, say it's typical narrow Peking sidewalk rifle, got off the sidewalk dnd bfter centunes as t miple dog , because they would only be a walked around the dog. ci>nly prelude to more prelude to more development. 'when I came upon a large dog, chows are proud, sensitive and I a chow, or to be more accurate, That was my mtroduction to con 1der themselves as equab "When do we say enough chows, qtevelopment. development, that's what this is a chow chow. He was stretched with hwnan being~ You The ir1cident came to my a)l about," Skinner said. "No one across the sidewalk. I nouced wouldn't want a stranger to StA<:'I DROWN recollection bec:ause of a story · can give us 100% assurance that lhdt dll the Chinese people got co1no C1long and ruffle your in the Los Angeles Tunes ~Pb this method is sate. Maybe we olf the sidewdl.k and carefully hmr Ne1thPr does a chow. Ruf­ recently about dog bites. It hst ~ should say there are limits on walked around the do.g. ne d chow's hair, and he can't NEWPORT BEACH - The ed German shepherOs, Rot­ • ~1ty Council voted Monday to development arid that water 1s a Finally, a Chinese i.oldier swPar at you. Instead he bites tweilers, pit bulls and chows d'i you. l!>ack a proposed ground water lunited resource." came al He wasn't much of the dogs most likely to bite a Under the plan, treated waste My sister once had a cho\v eeplenishment system that will a sold1c at tune in the hwnan·bemg. Then I remem· water from the Sanitation Dis­ puppy He was a strange little ~nsure safe water for city resi­ history of China, ·chiang Kai­ bered a dog bite case I tned m ~ents for the next two decades. trict, which is discharged into the shek and his army of National­ . which the canine p::.ycholog1 t fellow. He never played Throw ocean, would undergo treatment In their 4-2 vote with council ists had conquered all of South hose and did not belong to the - yes, there is such a profes­ a hall, and he would 1ust look that includes m1crofiltration. ember~ Tom Thomson cmd Chma but had stopped at the "Christian General." :mus, by sion - testified that chows are al YOU cl.) lf tO Sdy, •You threw reverse osmosis and disinfection. horma Glover voting no (Coun­ Yangtze River The so-called a process of elimination, he the most aggre s1ve and thus 1t, you go get 1t. • He was the c!ilman Tod Ridgeway was According to district officials, "Incident at the Marco Polo was a soldier of the Tiger of the most dangerous dogi. in the · only dignU1ed puppy I have the purified water would be of ~bsent}, council members as,rreed Bndge" a few miles north of Manchuna. As r say, he wasn't world today ever een. exceptional quality and would . with two Orange County agen- Peking that would trigger much of a soldier. He was I must take issue with the Chows don't belong m U1e . ches and several officials who said exceed all state and federal Japan's efforts to conquer all of slovenly, sloppy, sullen, and, to cdllllle psychologist and with dqgre~..,1ve Cdtegory. They're drinking water-standards c'he system was necessary to Chma, had notyet-occwTed:-­ nrry the process of alliteration ttre-Tnnes-story-thdt put-eoows proud.. sensitive,~· ~.u=u...::;~~-+-­ The system will also be avail­ 4nsure clean water. North Chin1Ve, unless you able for multiple purposes l According to city offiaals. the the warlords Two of them - pid. He was carrying a rifle, man shepherds, Rottwe1ler~ try to treat them as dogs. Then ~eplen i shment system will be mctuding household, landscap­ the Tiger of Manchuria and the with which he was pushing watch out ing, industrial and prevention of and pit bulls Those dogs an"' available for the next 20 years, so-culled "Christian General,~ Chinese pedestrians out of the aggressive. They have been I suppo!>e the way to get on sea water intrusion. (egardless of rainfall levels or who had baptized all of his way as he bullied his way trained for generations to be the good side of a chow is to Mayor Dennis O'Neil said ~ast cirought conditions. tro'ops by use of d fl.re hose - down the sidewalk. aggressive. Not so with chows. nng a temple bell. He'll think : -The Orange County Water week that the council's approval were fighting for the right to I le came upon the dog. He chows are not aggressive. Tht•y would "replenish ground water )' oti tSre a Chme.~e monk and ~istrict and the Orange County ransack Peking. This soldier prodded the dog with his nfle. are proud. he you1 fnend for We. Sanitation District plan to build a to protect the system where we own ·three or four wells in Foun­ belonged to one of those two The dog didn't move. He prod­ For centuries chows were p1pelint- and treatment facilities if warlords. He was so ctirty, I . ded the dog agaln. Tlus time temple dogs in Cbma. As such, the concept is c,upported by the tain Valley where water is • JUDGE GARDNER is a Corona del pumped into Newport Beach.• assumed he hdd not been the dog raised his head. He their only comparuons wt>re Mar resident and former 1udge. His public and receives approval exposed to water via the fire looked at the so1'f.1er, and that Chinese monks who are not a column runs Tuesdays trom federal, state and local O'Neil said there is a need to ~uthorities . protect the ground water from • County officials said the pro- · salt water and 'other contami­ posed system would create a nants. new, safe and reliable water sup- "Seventy-five percent of our . ply to meet increased demands water comes through this system (or high quabty water so if there is concern, we want lo WHEN DINING GETS SORING, IT'S TIME FOR • But environmental activists take steps to continue to make it Bob Caustin and his wife, Susan safe." the mayor said. Ml CASA MEXICAN RESTAURANT OUR M EALS AREA TRIP TO MEXICO I Classified ads work HERE. WE MAKE DINING Cockta 1ls for you! MORE THAN A MEAL. Phone Ahead fo r iGET THE WE WELCOME LARGE FOOD ORDERS TO-GO. Food To Go Sabatino Tommy Peter Phil Vince [POINT? Flavorful & Delicious Lunche & Dinner l nlq~ 11lne room & dlnini room• •••llablt forq:rvup bu mt 'll!ff1Jn2' and prhatt funClooo~ THE Daily Pilot 723-0621 Plt11St' C•ll l"ur R nations and Directions Class1f1ed Community Marketplace 251 Shipyard Way • 1'ewport Beach . - I wouldn't·trust my draperies to anyone but COIT.

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• Newport-Mesa residents have a voice in the community. pledge to increase Emph sizing who the Jewish .,,. ;w people .. appnllly people are and how they live is organization's reach after an important aspect of the Jewish to ndte a clfhOU i1 b Ms community, Mauldin agreed. In this month's shooting. of the JIWS here and elsewtwe, li9ht of the retent shootings, all four aid people have become VERONJCA 0VRAN by making a contribution to rhot more mindful of security issues. ~Pb compoign." Rose said it has moved people COSTA tv!ESA - The new to take a more active role in Jew­ Bunnie Mauldin ish lives. • officers of the Jewish Federation Jewish Federation of of Orange County received their Orange County All four - Karp was elected as wake-up call Aug. 10. the group's presidef\t - said that When they heard Buford 0. despite Furrow, it is not difficult FWT.ow Jr. had opened ftre at the nity to make a difference in the to be Jewish in Orange County Jewish Community Center in lives of the Jews here· and else­ because re~df!nts here are Granada Hills, Doona Wemstem, where, by making a conbibution accepting. Bunn.le Mauldin, Charles Karp to that campaign,• Mauldin said. •we can celebrate what is and Esther Rose - a.11 Newport­ They will also assist with lead­ go<>ond· money to modernize schools. Becau.e " KJNG OF THE SAHDCASnEs· s~~:!le ! • We use only professional products: GoldweU • Red.ken Newport-Mesa sold the Bei.r • Paul Micchell • Nexxus • Sebastian • Framcsi Street School in 1995 and put tiie ~ S\&Nkf, •pt. u. 1919 • 10:00 ·-to 5g) .. I proceeds into the general fund, I the district bad been barred trom ENTRY FOR!VI I HAIRSPRAY (714) 540-1877 ~ ,,,,.., be,.,...,,...... , I, ,. I partidpating, but board me.ni­ Dtly-ol ...... Mly} I bers believe the distrtct should ftlE SALON I9pen 7 days I now be eligible. Team Name:_...... _ ...... _----"--- I I • 2981 Bristol St. #B3 Costa Mesa (Baker/Bristol I Address. ______Ctty,______._S l __ 2";----. llSlllSS Ttltj>hont :. ______..._ ___ --'- I 111 f Categoty (cfwdc one)· laaat a Mlltlrl

• j • • • . . .

-... ~ .,...... - ...... _ ~ly Pilot around town Tuesday, Auguit 24, 1999 5

MOUND TOWN Items to the Cancer Center Auditorium. One mation, call (949) 497-7647. Healin~ Centet from 7·30 to 9 SEPT. 9-11 The Newport Beach Central 0 ,Pilot ;330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa Hoag J)rive, Newport Beach. p.m. with Sandra Sau r. The fee Ubr ry is at 1000 Avocado Ave., 9 27; fax them to (949) 646-4 170, 0t Admisc;1on is free. To reg~ter or A home remodeling and decorat­ is $5. The Lat~ t 'Thing ss at 270 Newport B ch To register, or for ('M9) 642·5680, Ext. 228 A complete A craft and M!wlng festival wtll ~ for more infonnabon, c4ll (714) ing .,how will be held fr om noon E. 17th St., Costa M . For more be held from 10 am. to 5 pm m more informaUon, call (949) 111· l~sting of AROUND TOWN may be Ww,1 at da1lyp1/ot.com. 840·8038, lo 8 p m m Buildings 10 and 12 at information, call (949) 645·621 l. Building 10 of the Orang Coun· 3807. .... thP 0 1ange County Fairgrounds . ty Fatrgrounds, Admission is $1 JQDAY Albert Taylor, author of .. Sotll AdmUi ion 1S $5.75 for adults a.nd SUNDAY for adults, childien 12 and under SEPT. 12 . Traveler: A <;ilJ\de to Out-of-Bopy $3 for eniors, children under 12 are free. For mor~ information, Tai chi chlb cl will ~ at ~Wyn Havens will teach the Expenenc~ ~ and Wonders are free. The Fairgrounds lS at 88 A home remodellng and deco­ call (801) 463-1200. "tlaSs •Meet Your Spint Guide • Beyond,• wU1 speak on the sub- Fa.tr Dnve, Costa Mesa. For more rating show will be held from 10 the Oa::.is Semor Center from .. a&. The Latest Thing Teaching 1ect at the Inside Edge bre" BRAND NEW · COSMETICAUYI MPERFECT \\'in' be presented from 6:30 to Get the Best tor Less! ·mo p.m. at the Patio Cafe and liinary Approach• at the IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE AVAILABILITY OF 1F.1bromyalgia Support Group at D , .~30 p.m. in the Hoag Hospitdl GOLDMAN SACHS FUNDS D MANAGED BY THE PROFESSIONALS IN THE ASSET MANAGEMENT DMSION '.,:.'LOW COST OF GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO., Term Life In urance ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST PROMINENT FINANCIAL. FIRMS 1 •$AVE ~: 60 % Please call !'., LANTZ BELL the 1 t Year Branch Manager CAB for a FREE quote at (949) 720-8901 ~· 949) 721-6736 for lnformaclon

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(714) 542"6222 Orqnge County ••• (949) 645-7490 .) COMCAllT• -~.._ ...... ". ....- 6 Tue~y. August 24, l999 Daily Pilot ': Special school may open but with only 25 students Man shoots dog Was this a c.- of ri MAI auelty'? Clll our I • South Coast Priority School director will appeal sharper remarks for Foley after etl is denied. much as $20,000 a year, Sewell RNdtn Hotline at (949) he suggested the planrung com­ South Coast Prionty School i aid. Local public school dbtricts 642-6086 or tend •mall decision limiting enrollment after emotional meeting. mis"iion tipu1ate that Gartner a state-certified nonpublic school Pflr the tuition out of thcl1 peaal 10 c»llyplloteNrth- • hdvc Jmk.ner. Please spell your name J~ GARJdSC.~ not be cost-effective unl~s it can open the church 's playground to which erve:; cruldren who educcltlon buagets. learning disorders, emotional and include your hometown .nd neighborhood children. Foley, along with Commis­ ~ number (for verffk:af !kt/ P'b enroll 50 students. problems, or are developmental­ Sewell, who endured relent­ "It's already open to neighbor­ s1ont;rs Chns Fewel and Kiltie ~only) . hood ch ildren,~ he said. •sut her ly disabled. Many of its students COSTA MESA - Led by com­ less questiorung by Foley about Wilson, were concerned thal the remarks go dose to breachirlg are foster children who bvc 10 nussioner Katrina Foley, the Plan­ the kinds of students who would site is not large enough to handle ning Commis ion voted Monday the separation between cburcb group homes, and Sewell's orga­ 50 emotionally disturbed, dE.'vcl­ be attending the school, sa1d and state For the oty to tell me nization, which is nonprofit, ul <> to allow a s<'hool for emotionally after the heated meeting that he opmentally disabled students, disturbed children to open· al what to do .. 1 I personally think runs four group homes in Costa thought Foley should hove and that opeomg tlie school PIT BULL Harbor Christian Fellowship she owes me and my church an Mesa. woul(i be •a burden# on neigh­ Church, but to limit enrollment to exc~ed herself from the issue apology- The school also h~ a campus CONTINUED FROM 1 because her husband taught al a Both men said they disagreed in Newport Beach, and serves bors a maximtim or 25 students. They were also concerned that similar school operated by the .with the Planning Commission's children from the Newport-Mesa dog~ and grabbed a pellet. gyn ln response, Richard Sewell, the students could poi;e a threat the director of South Coast Pnor- Orange County Dept of Educd- deos1on, but Gartner vowed to Unified School Qtstrict. who do from a kitchen drawer and· snot to neighbors or to propeftY. 1ty School. vowed to appeal the tion. · lower the school's rent so the •not perform well in public school. one or the dogs three times ua ij'le com.nu.ssion's decLSion to the City Harbor Christian Fellowship school can make ends meet if "fuition at the school varies from Sewell has seven days to file an appeal with the City Council. face. Council. He said the school cdn· Pastor Bill Gartner had even Sewell's appeal to the City Coun- student to student, but can he as "When something happens to threaten your child, it's an auto­ .p matic reaction to become adren.a­ BRIEFLY tinishe!> the draWUtgs - about foundation. lized and react,• Gelinas said. 'SCHOOLS six months from now. Then it Ferryman noted that Corona What happened next is m Supervisors and the Tustin City will take up to another year to del Mar High School has "an question and may be the k~y;;o Saltarelli steps up to Council. CONTINUED FROM 1· raise the money and start work. all-weather track and the nicest Gelinas' fate. "'' ·Fair Board president Saltarelli, who served as vice -·-- __._ The-city of Costa Me-::a.-and swunmmg pool ih llie-unifeo "The dog was trying to 9'0t archeolog1cal sites near possibly OCC, will contribute States. - The money to build Real estate president the past year, suc­ away from him. and then he ceeds Huntington Beach's ETru­ Fairview Park. some money for both b,tilding those came from developer f~es chased the dog down and bea it executive Don lo their current formative and maintenance because th<" Saltarelli stepped ly Sanford. 'cmd from parents who raised it to death with a shovel," said trori Jim Barich was also elected phase, the plans already have corrununity will benefit from through a booster club into the role of coaches, parents and students the pool as well. Richards, spokeswoman ror.:4e Orange County to serve as the board's vice pres­ Unfortunately, <>aid Ferry­ district attorney's office. "Helia d idep t for the commg year. yearning for bnght green fields Most Qf the money for the Pair Bo&rd presi­ mun, Costa Mesa parents aren't already shot the dog, why did he Banch was appomted last year and sparkling pool waters, but project, however, is expected to able to donate huge sums of dent last week come from grnnts dnd dona­ hdve to walk up and beat ~.to and is senior vice president of quaking about how they are money to their schools, and so after being elect­ gomg to pay for them. tions from local businesses. death with a shovel?" . ~~ • ed to a one-yedr public affairs for Hollywood rrusing money takes a while. Park Race Track in Inglewood. H Any improvements we can •It's something that needs to Gelinas denies ever hitting,&De term. M It take a long time to get Barich also worked for the get are great," said Gal~ Fajar­ be done," said Jim Scott Jr., a dog with a shovel, although.ate Saltarelli, an things done.• Galel said. "We Irvine Co. and for the late U.S do, a senior at Costa Mesp High graduate of Estanaa High admitted he used one to chase Orange resident, Don Saltarelli Rep. Glenn Anderson. School. School who now works in Cos­ have Unuted funds, but we are the animals from his yard. ,.,!{ was appointed to at a distinct di~dvantage to Board members serve four­ But Galel himself probably ta Mesa and is active in school Richards said there is no the board m 1997. Newport Beach because they fli­ year terms Without pay. They are won't be around to see the groups. dence that the dogs were cb~g · The Penn State grad 1s president can raise the money on their of Tustin·bdsed Century 21 responsible for setting pobcy for improvements. Foundation •It's our tum,• s&d bQard Gehnas' son. _ the Fair and Exposition Center. members won't even start rais· member Jun Perryman, who own, and we have to struggle Saltarelli Realtv He hds served Because the warrant was,~pt - Elise Gee has also been active on the to get it.• on the Orange· Cotmty Board of ing money until the architect to a nonexistent address Jlnd stamped undeliverable, GeJ4n.as never got it. To his surprise Gosta becomes involved, the !private] The concept, tor U1e mo t part. Mesa police officers arrestect.:nm CENTER endorsements will dehrutely ·not has been embraced by communi­ at his business on the warrarlt.i'list come in.• ty so far. However some question week. He was released after ~­ ,,10u hare bnn lnrolred In an ailto .:t:ltleilt, '°' • CONTINUED FROM 1 Bartohc said Monday thdt he the wisdom of building d lavish mg the $1,000 bail. 'Crash Course' on Soft Tissue Injuries." Even 1enderbenders' con hoped the group could resolve all arts center. Gelinas said he has no int - cause hidden tnJuf!es tmt c n dtvetop mto pam, headaches, even arthflt1s Even worse. •If the City Counal should may be sought could represent a of this soon. uon of pleading his case or~t - most people who ha~ been mvolved man auto accident may not even know /flat lhey"vtJ. honor the comm1tment!> of its pre­ grave threat to the proposed •Any way you cut it, this will mg a hne cmd hopes the e been hurt Most doctors g1VP. PJtn killers to hkie these mjur1es. ff you nave ~> decessors and k~ep its trust w1th 22,000-square~foot project. be partially publicly funded, "Bar- will dismiss the case, wru e been mvolved man auto acc10en1 don't sell/e u1•ve seen things die because tolic said, noting that the city the people of Newport Beach, it un/1/ you your copy of our Frei R1part. called a waste of taxpayer's l1IO - 1ec1uve ~ they got off to the wrong start," would have to contnbute the ldnd would retain the site c1nd make it Just call Tall Frei f.188-616-9679 any/lme. Gregory said "This is on the path on which the centc1 would be into d Newport Cenlrrtl Pdrk, • ey. 24 hours for a free rl!COrdcd mP'"'!> 1ge to death. The min.ule the •city bttilt. "Public fundmg may be the said resident Jan Vi:lndcrc;loot. He also sdid 'someone needs o The call is tree so 1s the report · path that leads to dedth, a path Resident Ade1e Mttnn echoed lclke a stand against pit • 1mE5!5ii55!!!5!!!!!!!!:~~5ie:::=:=::=:= we would like to avoid al all costs. those thoughts. '>aymg "The which he described as having no "But we have to remember land behind the library should "redeeming qualibes" and rlo that we ar<> only m the ad-hoc remain open space 1t i partic­ place in •suburban society.• -1 stages, and I will say that ow ini· ularly distUibing that taxpayer · Despite what happeiied, G:fh. tial proposdl to the City Council money might be used to build nas said he still considers h.imSeU be to this center when the city has a would that they allow us an arumal lover. ·bN atteinpt to raise the money pn­ responsibility to repair agmg mfrdstructure. ·• "Regardless of the fact thatim vately. - defendirlg my home, I wouldn't I t I .' . go out and shoot someone's~." Gelinas said. •1 love animalS!"'J PASS~: :. The cities· combmed resources - C! PRESENTED BY G~NT from monetary an(l pub~c rcld· · · · .. . ~llT lions .capabilities -t wdl,t)e,lp get v ~ .... CONTINUED FROM 1 out the proper information about • ·~ 4dlll ,.,,.~ plans for the El Toro airport. ...~ 'salon rac,. The money would be well "1l1ey also have public ofh- SENTENCE ,.,,. ~Pilot o.,, •t Ute rasr.e spent, she added, because those cials and business leaders that CONTINUED FROM 1 :•lw cities have pledged their are ready dnd willing to become ~ ..... resources to fight for dn airport at more involved in the El Toro the former Marine Air Base. issue, both as advocates w1t1un whereabouts. , $1s1n Within the next year, the coun- their own @mmunities and as "I expressed a lot of sk~- TasteScrfp ty is expected to complete the El leaders with other local, state and cism, given the man's b,o('ic· Toro reuse plannmg proces" and federal leaders and ofhcials," ground,• Anderson said. #Well, if IT'S Al t GOOD . submit an enVl!onmental impact Bludau srud. he does come back. there'a.-_.n report and the airport master plan To date, Newport Beach has arrest warrant for him.• , t i to the federal government for contributed more than $600,000 Tears couldn't be reached ~r Save $20.00 on Admission review and final conveyance. to pro-El Toro groups mcludirlg further comment on his hospital- - . Bludau said that as the airport the Orange County Airport ized client Monday. •• •o • authority's membership has Alliance, the Airport Working Maciejczak was considered and__ Taste Scrip with a Passport! grown,. •its ability to influence Group and Citizen's for Jobs and the middle man in a plot tn';bbrt the El Toro process has grown. - ,the Economy. · or possibly kill David Le.la.rtdtbf -:iiii~=~~~~~~=:~~~·~ ~· :=· i:=~:::;;;J~;;i;;iiii!&;;::;:;~s_...,....:Capito la, Calif Lelaod was the The Passport entitles you toTriday, Satiiiday &t Sun~ay former son-in-law of 68-yea.n.td Lido Isle resident Mae MDtr. admission to the Taste libl.s. $15.00 in Taste Scrip... a $45.00 value! --Back to School Needs -- Leland was embroiled in a ,cais­ tody battle with Miner's daugbler over the couple's two cbildrelllt' All for only $25.00! Order Yours Today! · Miner knew Maciejczak through his ostrich meat 2-1- Continuous Live Entertainment Featuring ... ness, in which she invested $70,000 to $80,000. She reported­ MISSING PERSONS • MEN AT WORK ---- lance ly asked Ma ple1~· The' Pllssporl entitles you to Friday, Saturday & Sunday 1chniMion plus SlS.00 and WU leD'8ftced to 10 I ttat.prllon. ~ I in Taste Scrip for only $25.00-. $45.00 value! ...... , ...... , ...... diputure.MIM~:; lt ti und•• I • ol Puspotts ordered _ . $25.00 each METHOD Of PAYMllNT: be wlD reco'• and nliunl I ,._ o a.a a M/C o v..a OAmn tlae United Statas. bapm eo .. a.. I •.La-...... mult to OWD up to llll llae ,~ · ------~--....._ ...... 9Clfmwi, ftll9..., I Oty: _ ___...... ---...___ St: __- I z.tp·--- fhanl: -~------l'J----~·=-~ 1 iFr::r:: :·J;m I I .. I : : QUOTE Of THE DAY _ 129 days. •After 1as1 year, I took a look at my5lif and saw lid I was lm'I 9IO ,... oo some of my player5 mt certain silua1ions. thaf'.s gOing la ...'5 J1S - • Maurido Oaure. OCC men's soccer co-coach

~' August 24, 1999 • Sporb Editor Roger Corison • 949-5744223 DolJy P'.lot 7



Soccer co-coach demands bard and fun, in the program.


':'players in all sports tum to coaches for guidance ~< and those ••magic ....words" that will help them ~_.....,....,· eve whateveut.is they "W8Dt to achieve. •· For Orange Coast College imen's soccer co-coach Mauricio r1 C1Aure, he has those two magic words that J\le!P separate the good athletes from the truly • A shooting star, he was the king of the jwnper in the . t J.~cial ones. '70s, and one of the best-ever for Coach Tandy Gillis. r , Hard Work. "You have to have a strong work ethic in RtOWlll Dv•1N "I can't say enougb about l· anything that you do, H Claure said. "lf it's ~Plot Casey Jones,• Wharton said. "He's one of the finest basketball • playing so,c~er,7be . the best s~cer player you ~ be. If it s digging ~ ditch, well, then dig John Vallely was 11118 , players ever to come out of 1the best dam ditch you possibly can." Corona del_Mar Hlgh's illllll Southern California, bcir none. .. Jiard work is what Claure instills in bis .E purest outside shooter He shut down Mark Wulfemeyer players because that same advice was m the 1960s, and Jeff Fryer was (former 'lroy High standout who mstilled into him while g'rowing up in Cocha the school's leading marksman in held Orange County sconng t Ml.>a Mba, Boliva. ~e 80s, the~·J efl ~arton was records) twice. Casey held him to "I actually grew up as a swimmer," Claure king of the Jumper m the 70s. under 10 points in the two games , said. : My family really pushed me in that •(Shooting) was my forte,· we played (the Warriors), and Cllrection and I competed in some national said Wharton, also an excellent (Wulfemeyer) averaged almost 0 Meets. I really didn't get into soccer until I ballhandler who could drive to 40 pomts a game." ' 11'WM around 10 or 11 years old." the basket and score Wharton. a star from the Class .. ,_ •Claure's father was the president of the At .a school deep m basketball of '73, was heavily recruited lllW>livia.n National Soccer Team and Mauricio tradition, Whart~n went from a corrung out of Corona del Mar t

Claure said. "I was sucll the league's coaches Conference against1 a little runt growing up, and the Daily Pilot. among other future the national players I Wharton, who NBAers, Bill would talk to really played what today Cartwright {USF) stressed. fundamentals. would be considered a Reggie Theus (uNtV) •I really focused on three, averaged about and Kurt Rambis handling the ball, 18.5 points per game (Santa Clara). dribbling, that sort of on a celebrated CdM Jeff Wharton Eventually, Wharton thing," Claure team that mcluded for- transferred to the ...... urtd Cl cotitinued.. "l played on ward Matt Keough and point University of Washington 0 ,,· · 'PlllG aure my brother's team and 1 guard Casey Jones. · redshirted a year and th~ was • was scared to death I Wharton had a three-'pOmt 101ured, which prevented him was going to screw up, so I really made sure touch long before the game from playing a fourth and final !'.1'.rly fundamentals were strong.• changed to reward outside collegiate campaign. t ~ Claure played for various youth teams sh~ters with an extra point, "l got hurt real bad in the leg, ead junior Olympic teams in Bolivia before . ~at w~ a ".'ery, very • and deaded that was it as a coming to the in the early s1gnif1cant time in my We, career for me, .. Wharton said. ·1 1970s. Wharton ~d of his seruor year finished my education there and · "I bad a choice of going to England with at CdM. Some speoal things went to work and I'm still my brother, or commg to California," Claure were happerung. • la · · ' said. ·1 chose California because of what I Wharton came off the bench P . ymg m basketball leagues to saw in movies growing up with all the pretty m 1971-72 when Gillis' Sea th.is day (at the West Community girls out here. 1 decided at that point that's Kings finished 23·3, tied for the Center m Newport Beach). I've where I wanted to live.• Irvine League championship and been domg that for 17 or 18 Claure played for OCC in 1978-79, and SEAN HILLER I OAllY Pit.OT lost in the second round of the ye~. ~ was team captain and MVP for the Pira~s . CrF Southern Section 4-A · Im 44 now. but at the ripe Prom there, Claure played professional to have a good time while you're doing it,• playoffs to Pasadena 62-6l in old age, 1 can still kind of get it 'sG<:cer for the Los Angeles Aztecs before Claure said. "Our goal is to surround overtime ' ' done (on the court). It's still fun · returning to OCC as an assistant coach. ourselves with players like that.• Whart~n . who later played and it '~ a competitive league. I '' · ·'Before I got here, OCC had a C1aure is excited about the players he and three years at Loyola haven t gotten m1ured and the •tremendous tradition in soccer and hopefully co-coach Laird Hayes will put out on the field ~ Aug. 30 · Cerritos (home), 3 p.m. Marymowlt, became the Sea camarad~e with my fnends on I've helped make it even better,• Claure said. this year. · .- ... ,.1 'think we've set up a pretty good example "It's going to be a fun game to watch if -o- Aug. 31 - Rio Hondo (home), 3 p.m. Kings' main offensive threat a the team is great." . for all community colleges throughout the you come out to see us,• Claure said. "Tilis Sept. 1 - long Beach CC (home), 3 p.m . year later as Corona del Mar When Wharton isn't sinking captured the Irvine League title JWDpers, he works as director of . area to follow.• group works very bard and they are sold on o Sept. 7 • at Mt. San Antonio, 2 p.m. :. Claure's coaching style i$ very simple. He our team concept. They play physical, but outrtght and advanced to the CrF sales for Banana Boat Suncare Sept. 9 - San Diego Mesa (home), 3 p.m. , demands 100% effort not only in practice, fair and I know they will put everything 4 -A semifinals, losing to eventual Products. t~u1 academically and personally. they've got into each game.• ~ Sept. 11-12 - Hancock Tournament CJF champion Verbum De1, Wharton, a member of the One thing that Claurt: .is trying to 69-63. Daily Ptlot Sports Hall of Fame, -&i.iU-: This phil050phy ls something-1.bal"°,.,...... a... ur~f'! -.:t-u' mil:. i.ateis the stereotype of OCC playing in '· ~ ~· 1~·at LA. Hatbof, 3 ~-m~·-=-· -----" .. ·tr~ally came-intomyl>WII ~lebrabng the-mill~uin. lives_. 1 l>elieves has been lacking m the ~ · a "junior" college level of play. ~ Sept. 17 • PalotNr (home). 4 p.m . my senior year,• said Wh.a.rton, m nabuco Canyon with bis wife, • pa:>gram the past few years after a rather "That couldn't be further from the truth,• <- Sept. 22 • at El Camino, 4 p.m. who earned first-team all-league, Loil.rd.es, and five children: impressive run of conference championships Claure said. "There is no better caliber of All-Orange Coast Area (by the Aryella, 15, Lizzette, 14, Alyssa, •• and state titles in the late 1980s and early soccer played at this level anywhere in the Daily Pilot), All-Orange County 8, Amber, 6, and Adrian, 4. 0Mf1• .... ICI 909. country. With all the players from Uus area tau and second-team All·CIF 4-A •Adrian's built more like a •• • • •After last year, I took a look at myself that move on to four-year schools and ~ Sept. 24 - s.nta Anl (home), 3 p.m. honors. football player than a basketball · ~ saw that 1 was being too lenient on some eventually, professional soccer, there's too to Sept. 21- • RMnidl, 3 p.m. Whart~n , who usually player,• Wharton said of his cmly l of:my players in certain situations,• Claure many to list.• guarded the opposing team's boy. "We call him the savior. ·llMd. •That's going to change this year.• Besides soccer, Claure enjoys fishing and ~ Oct. 1 • fullenon (home). J p.m. best forward on defense, said Once he was born, that's it ... , ir11\ Another coaching style that seems to suit claims he's smarter than most fish, and • Ott. 5 • IMne Vlllley (home), 3 p.m. 1 a.ure and his players is his participation enjoys., "playing bad golf to feel good.• Jones was CdM s defensive we're heading down to get • Ott. •.• ~ 3 p.m. :!$Iring practices and drllls. giving the However, bis biggest hobby, and the most catalyst that year. thing taken care of." >1 Ml1Jetes a hands-on form of teaching. important, are his three daughters, Chelsea, + Ott. 12 · Golden \\ilt~. 4 p.m. oo .,.It seems to work for me the best," 14, Caroline, 11 and Kendall, 10. + Ott. 19 • n Slrltl Ar-. J p.m. CJ.eure said. •However, I am starting to "They are, without a doubt, the best thing • oa. 22 ...... J p.m. MONDM~COUN'f'S Dl lP SIA I've ever accomplished," Claure said. Newpoft Landing • 8 boats, •dlotlce that the older I get the better I used to "They're always keeping me on the move. • OCL 21 • • NllrtDn; J ""'- 110 anglers. 101al*ore.8 yellowtalL . I can stU1 out-dribble and Dall han.u, 196 s.nd bats. 1 h.tibut, 5 ~ 11 1 ls • OCL a· INnlV-. J p.m. '1tiiost anyone I come up against." Caroline convinced she's going to be the sculpin. 2 whitefMI. " 1 1tt'1 not all wind sprints and intensity for culinary expert of the world and Xendall is •Nal&2·~---Jp.m. ~ Lodi• · 7 boats. 160 ~!en 194 alt>.core. 1 blu.fin ~ 6 ~ ~ . •You have to be able to have big into niartial arts, so I'm going in all sorts ..... 5 ·It Galdlrt Wiit. i""" 55 a.lico bm, 44 s.nd bass, 39 23 KUlpin, 150 ~when you're out there, but you have of directions. But I love il • '*'aruc:i.. tnkil....a. VN~ ~ =·5fesa ·welcomes talented transfer Mustangs get a surprise addition from Arizona as Howell said seven-on-seven pass­ ing drills provide the opportunity for n football practice begins with conditioning drills. his recetven, quarterbadlt and \II OG at leut 008 skte of the ball.• defensive becks to bone the timlilg Zuniga, Who regiMnld at Mesa they sharpened in spring and sum· Priday, Wiii jo1lwd by 12 new tNJD· mer practice. The linemen, howev­ mates u tbe ~y conditioning er, won't benefit much from practice .. ~ Jdcked off for Newport· until full gear II donned ThW'lday. Milla~ bigb ICbooll. •It'• tough for the linemen, •J tblDk lt WU lft aceptionaDy becaUM all they can do ii Walk Int.,,. M6d HoWell. .... tbtougb tblngl,•liow98 sakl. lllla 11• rm at tbe ICbool...... -,- ..,--·rt· ....., U.ID .. ...__• ...... :...~;..~-== ..,. 10-...-_...... ,. .... -...... , .. 1ta-.O..Q111ga.,_ ~== ...... Al 'II••• • ._...... - 8 l ucsday, AugllU 24, i 999 - GIRLS VOLLEYllll Carletta new Estancia volleyball coach • Fonner assistant, 21, takes over boy letic Ducctor Nancy Perdn. •u I had 1l my wo.y. I'd be Dale's assistant agai TARS REPEAT nd guls progTilJlls from Hall, who bas th.is ason. But she hctd to move on, - said Carlc)bi, resigned after seven combined seasons. who propped at 6antiago High end played on Ran­ • Newport Harbor ffirls Washington anu Texas A&M, dis· cho Santia~o College's club team. "I've been )"Ork· t iAl'l.Kl\t mg with the gttls ovar tho swnmer and l''le worked playoo new verslllility for Hawaii 8M1J Jen· hoys and girls cuach for the Eagles. fighter for. the Orange County Fire Authority ana is Thn Newport Hdfbor High niter Carey has assumed the Carletta, 21, began wo1king with tho girli; team pursuing hJs paramedic's license . guts vollt~ ybull tNun de h.•dted for· stMting . etter role, srrinm1dge. Mcmday and is intent on building the girls and boys "I'm anxious to rise to the occ(lS.ion and I think mer St-a View League rival s.rnta The Sailors dlSO took a tour of th t> progtams, hoth of which have struggled in recent I'm up to it. H said G'arletta, who credits Hall for pro­ Marqat"lta, 10-7, 14 -8, in the UH fdciliti~s . champ1C>nsh1p mtltc: h S.:iturdt1 y to yearl> . viding him with his coaching foundation . The Sailors, who adjusted their Jl all, n former Corona del Mar High standout "With Dale's background as a player, she was defend 1t., crow n a t the 17th dead period to mdurle tht: tour­ YOUTH aru\ucJ! Joi.m t lnv1t.i t10ndl. who played for the women's national team, com· able to teach me a lot,• said Carletta, who attends nament m their' summe1 schnd· piled an 8·28 fecord tn three .seasons with the guls Orange Coast College. "I can guarantee with a lit· The Sailors, with All -C' IF ult!, are <> cheduled to return to senior outs1cl1• h11tt>r A pnl Ro .. s (5-25 Lil the Pacific Coast League). In her rour sea· tle TLC, our girls program will eventually be com· NJB 'frYouts . Ornnge County today cllld will :i;on coachmg boys, Estancia went 12·39, 8-33 shannq !iPtlmg d utws with .,11pho· petitive." NEWPORT BEACH The tdke rt week off, before \Ngummq against """ mPre Ka tie King, rollt•d through league competition. She stepJ>ed down ror The Eagles are seek.illg a girls Juruor varsity National Junior Basketball (NJID pracbc-e lor the upcoming season pen.onal reasons, according to Estancia Girls Ath· coach. Ferda is the contact at (949) 515-6508. All-Net Basketball League will be tht•1r pool dnd knol'. ked Santi1 f\tonda y. ~1a rgantd into tht• lowr's bracket - by Barry Faulkner with.an 11-6, 15- 11 tnumphm lhta · wmner's lm1cl\t•l h nc1I Carter takes over Estancia gii-Is tennis ~;!·~f:~r?E:::~~:~. TOURNAMENT AESULJ'S . . . . 10-11:30 am. at the Eastbluff B _ Coc1ch Dim Glt•rtn''> dclt•ndm9 P00t. PLAY • H~ has _guided LQS Alamito.s boys to Carter mhents an Estanca program which has aod..Girl" Club. Ctr Southern Sed 10n P1v1s1on ). Newport RarbOi oef. King not made lhe playolrs in two seasons. lnH~' s - Qualifylng guls Cromthe N AA a nd Std le D1v1-.111n I chum p1on Kekauhke (Hawaii), 15 5, 15 10 five consecullve Sunset League crowns. four sedsons, the Eagles were 40-38, but 12-28 m the port· MeSd area will be assigne • hecdffit' "houl Newport Harbor def . Marykno ll lht> fm.t 111 tournd· (Haw a11), 15-8, 14·8 . COSTA MESA- Geoff Carter, who has Jed the Los PaciJ1c COdst League. the All·Net League to begin the w111 hc1< rnent h1 ... tul) lo k-to·bcd ht'> Pntue New port Harbor def . Buena Southe rn Section Division I semifinaJs, will replace na Beach and University. recommended. rosh •r 111 th1' t'tqht rn c1tc lws, in (California), 1S·S , 1S·7 Dave Hebert at Estttncia High girls tennis coach. ~ I ' m looking a t Jt as a challenge and we'll see For LDiormabon, call Cod which q dlllt'" w1•1t' h11ull•d to 20 WINNER's BRACKET Carter, 30, will begin working with the Eagles what happens. No matter how good a team looks on Garth Flint at (949) 640- 1998 QUARTERFINALS -,. minute" ln ddcltt 1on to Ro.,s, who today and he is hopeful of l anding a full -time teach­ paper, the only thing that counts is going out and I' New port Harbor def. PeDrl City hit wht> n '> Ill' W d '> Ill th1• front IOW , d oing it. An opponent is· still an oppone nt and the (Hawa11), 15-1. 15-.4, tng posttio n a t Esta noa..· He has not resigned as boys Mesa needs coaches :,.: (ilt>nn p rctl'>t•cl ltll• pin}' o l K1n~J . SEMIFINALS coach at Los Al, where he h elped the girls program ball is the ball. J don't have time to be daunted ." COSTA MESA - Costa Mesa : Km.to D ill, I f Putlwr <'ulJt•n, C:.n n Newport Harbor def. Hilo (Hawaii), cts an ass~ tant in 1996. Carter attended Cypress High and played colle­ High's girls athletics is in need of 11,iJJer, Andr<'t1 Schutz cmd Taylor 15· 1 1, 1 s 5. Carter's Los Al boys have won 34 straight leag;ue giate baseball at San Diego State, before graduating coaches on the 1uruor varsity and l;llVddT'- matches and have lost only once in 50 league con· from Long Beach State. The Cypress reSJdent plans FINAL frosh/soph levels for volleyball, and · Tht•f(• w<1s 1111 <1ll·tourn,11n ent le ts during h.iS tenure. He IS 89-11 overall at Los Al, to substitute teach , until a full-time opening junior varsity tenrus. , lt•.im dJtcl no l11urni1111Pnt l\1VP Newport Harbor def Santa including 22-2 spring, Margarita, 11 6, 15· 11 a mark last when the Gnffins becomes available. Q uahfJcd a pplica nts for thel• Wd" c:ho<.Pn But 11-loot- 1 th~ I Ross OiAMPIONSHIP FINAL upset perennial power Peninsula in the regular sea­ Estancia is still seeking a junior varsity gu ls ten­ walk-on posit.Jam should contart : y, Jto ha" n

IPUBLIC NOTICES ( PUBLIC NOTICES ( ~ueuc No:rices f PUBLIC NOTICES IPUBLIC NOTICES I IPUaUc NOTICES IPUBLIC NOTICES IPUBLIC NOTICES I (PUeuc Nonci! NOTICE OF TRUSTEFS Cn fomt:t 92656 anO place an rnterestflans may appear alld the Superior Court o1 Cali· Have you started dOltlg 1M Virani Patrick, 3615·H supP<>rtrno documents are lying east of and ad1acent 3'14801 Loan No. 01ota11e Lane Al1$o V1t1~ be heard by tne City COlm· tomia Coupt y of bvsmess yet? No The CUit Ult 1s subftet ID Aspen V ~ ta ge Way. Santa available l or publlC re111ew to the wos1 ~ ne oc Lots 15, 0003t14801 Title Order No. c lomia 92656 Ci! on JM above 1111m ORAN GE Van L O Cessna catomia Untlorm Commemll Ana Caltlomta 9270 thbl with the Counly Cle11< of (Ult salt IS subtecl to Sec SE Bnslol Stroet #29, Newpo rt Beach, 3300 Bloclc 7. OF TRU.T DATED Wtl!l CHALLENGED IN ROBERT s ERICKSON Orange County on 7·29·99 61062. ltlt IOl!o'Mno lnlotmaOOll Santa Ana. Calttorn1a Newpott Boulevard, New· NOTICE IS FURTHER 03l05/1998. UNLESS you Have vou 'Started OOinQ COURT, the challenge bo nppomtod as personal 19998800684 ITIJst be pn>lo'ldtd ) 92707 pon Beach, Caltforrua GIVEN HEREBY that. I/la TAKE ACTION ro PAO- tius•ness ven N., !T'ay be nm1t&d to only 1epre51m1auve to adn111111· Dally Pilot Aug 3 10, 17, Tilt name and addrtss of This bus1ne$s 1s con- 92659·1768 Olly Clerk ol the City of the TECT YOUR PROPERTY, Jenn1lur S Dav1i. II rise issues ra1se11 al the tel the eSlate of the du«>· 24, 1999 T632 Ille person with wnom d• rns ducted by a general (949) 644·3200 City of Newpen Beach f'lali IT MAY BE SOLD AT A Thi!. stat11menr was 11100 putil•c heanng ctescnbed 1n denl Fictitious Business ~ be Med 11 FREEDOM ES· pannetShlp Notice IS hereby further HI Monday the 1311.'1 ~ PUBLIC SALL IP' YOU w1111 thfl Coonty Clerk tJI this n<>11ce or 1n w11l1en cot· THE PETITION requnsts Name Statement CROW. 2 Cl lo'IC Center AIU, Sit Have you starteo 00tn9 given lhal said public hear ol September, f999, al ~e NEED Aloi EXPLANATION 01 •n11e County on 7 26·9!1 rei.pondence delivered to lhu deceuenrs Will and 200 Newpott ...... ~ ,... ~ bustness yot? No ing will be held on the hoor ot 7 00 P M as lhl. OF THE NATURE OF THE 1i996800356 the Clly Ct>unctl at or pnor COOlQili. 11 any bO adm•nec.I The following persons ' """_.,, "" we"""' Vtnc.ent Pa111ck, CEOI 23nd d1y of September tune and Iha Coo'rfClf 85 1 PROCEEDING AGAINST Oa11v P.101 Aug 24 11 1 1ne puti11e heanng to protiatu The Will ana are doing business 0ov ~~#letl!'J_ IOdl'f !~ ~"0 ~ms President 1GG9, at lhe hour of • Chamber$ as ttie pla~"til YOU, YOU SHOULD CON- c:;i;pt 7, 14 1999 Tw8 MARY T ELLIOTT, any codtetlr. are available Travel Partners 901 er •::. r 1 Aaron NeW5Qme. V•r:e ::!, 1 1 ~'!" .,. ~":.m- 7:00 p .m. in the Couneil the hearing of all pertel'I;. TACT A LAWYER. A 5Jblk &ctow Mo .Df Deputy Crl y Clerk lur exam natton 1n the Ille Dn\'8, Suite lOO. Newport ""' Wm.11 IS u.. uult· Pres /COO 110470 92660 a.y ...... · 1111 Chambers ot the Newpon interested inlor obJ&cllflO 11> auction ule to the ti hHt ..,,....,.E TO CRE."'"' s Put> shed Newport Beach• lted by any parson 1nte1estey a corporation • 2~3!. 1999 T645 may eppear and be heard the PfOPOHd vac4Ulfl'I 8 . P ~ 073 ·• I ANNUAL RETURN W1Hanow e pen;ooel rep· Tile reg strant c:om· CNii 7uoio Ficiitlou• Bu•ln ..• thereon II you challenge here!OI01e descnbed ..vlng1 •nd loan Hsoc:la- 2'" .. " ' · u1senra1ovo 10 tall• many usl N St t t 11\11 projeet In coun, you ISi Lavonne M. Ha~ tlon, « uvlng1 aa.1ocla- NOTICE IS HEAEBY GMN Pursuant to Se-1.v. actions wlltlOUI Olltantng mencedJ. Ot~sact, lbt • NOTICE Of SErZUAE T •m,• a emen may be ~ m1ted co ra Sing C:lty Cleric - tlon. « aavl,.,.1 1>a n 11 1Ntalll!1t s at otassetsalld~ 6104(al 01 the tmert\81 1 B 1 nes' u ....er 1.. .. 1C •100S ••RSuaU"l'TOH"aL-.. he o lOWng persons onty th0$e ISSl.MIS you or C:Uy Of Newpor1 9e«h• In Section... 1102 transfer OI ~OllObc t>htraot A ever uo vuw:,"~-- OOllco s cour.. t approva I • ore bu"-·•-- at ,ft_,·~.. e or na""""...... -vAND,_.,,IAFETY, CODE._'" are .."""'- .ft~ b.,.,.•...... ,,.ss as ta ... lly qn.en 1na1 Ille an· •··ni -'-'-- s ... _ • ,... ,.. .., .,.,...., ...~ 11 .. 7t/11 NOTICE OF public hlanng c:Jetcnbed 1n Costa Mesa Dally .... ~ "' • "' ..._"""' '""..... ""'· "" A 11c:J ante, Inc. Gena -"''"""' "" ACCESSORIES 2370ticensettSI ~" ,)4,~ !ton IS avaolabte 8t Iha nl -... h• fv-' wl1l'I 1118 County Clef1( ol ANO IAF'ETV CODE 92830·0405 TO ADOPT eDDno isl· Flctlt1ou1 0$$ " • A "' R\i~ Fot Butlne~ r...... title, and lnt.,ut NGhAM 33-~9) •253 I ()U,"" ou8110n s prR~~1-~1 ott IC.i uIV'< ! co ,...,...,y ...6 nve t...,. w 10a tn•"'' Or""""--er ~723 ·99 SECTION 11 ...._..·-... Ja""'•...... "-a ""•- 237'.,...u ·5 El ...... 1a b ··-' 01 ...... "" • 1 1n Toro Rd Ste. 501, NEGATIVE I01ma11on call (949) Name Statement to c:onveyec:t to and now h~ Mat"DllQat 'Nl'f A ~"*Pllf1 uUtlflg~ regu r ustness prop<»tXJ BCl!Oll I Ttio lfl· Dal p La~• 644-0200 The IOl!Owing pe*'"I by the trust• In tne here- eu c.n CA 92660 001.trs lrom fl 00 AM to dependent administralloo 1y *>'Aug 3. 10 • 17 On JULY t4, t H•. .t F or e s I. C·a 11 1 o r n I a DECLARATION Rlchatd P:ul'-', are do!rlg buainess as""- tn.wtter de.scribed property OOtno busrness IS TAPAS .s 00 P M by Any cit11vn authority wrl I.le gianled 2t 1999 T631 ~~TliCAaT., NEWroRT 9~~0405 NOTICE IS HEREBY Se~retary •• Pt1nnln11 Wendy's Bookwork.$, 2429 tlndef and pursuant to • BAR g GR LL wtio requestr. 11 wittm 180 unless an lnteroste made, but wttllout cov• .oorns ol tnf Thtl lovndllrrori's pnnci caus wny tne courtallOuld aredolngbUstnessas· ~18,830 u. I . CURREN· buJsai~eestsO~~roNo public hearing on the ap this notteo 11 p11d lrom e Stlellon, Santa Ana, Cit; nanc Of warranty, ex- tiuverts ~ l>Pl•tant(sl •st.are pat 011.Bce Is 1ocperty WM ..... 24. 3 • 1999 T647 Betch, C1llfoml1. ------This ~tateme nt was filed• H t llnd late ctlargH 1 81 253 N ewport B uch, CA IF YOU O ECT O DeP I El -- ·- to ..-..~ ... The apptlcatlon ts a ,. NOTICE OF with Ille County Cleiii ol thereon, 11 provided In the and is ~ • 92658-7669 granting of the pehll: ~ va~~~ . A!~ es:i,ta ~~itl;f s.c'iiOnw OF TS TRUSTEE'S Quest tor a PC Amendment PUBLIC HEARING Orange Coonty on 8-6·99 , nott(1). 1dvance1L u~., MaRnoae W~ A ~ewoo rt Pvbhshed Newpon Beach .should appear al the hear· Marna11ta, Caltloma 92688 t 1~1 o• the Heelttl end I ~12 LMf N~o • to Increase the parm11t8d NotMie la hereby grven 1999680l651· th• terms of the oeea of ~,;A 92~ Coi.la Mes.d Dally Pilot ing and stata your obfec· ThiS business Is con· Mf.tv Code. You - her'9- ~rt square footage ent•tlement U\8I the c.ry Council Ol tne Dally Pilot Aug 10. 17 • Trust. lnterut thereon, type liCense IO bt A vgt.~t 24 1 'J99 lions or hle w-rinen olliec duc:ted by. a general lly notlfted thet the Dletrtvt UL ~ 15 47 3 8564 1n lhe Corporate Plaza City ol Newport Beacf1 ¥till 24, 31. 1999 T838 '"'· chalge1 and H · f/1nSlentd · t !Oo· T660 uons w1lh ttte ooun before portnar5tvp Attomey of Onlno• Cowrt't TRU: T PU!nnea Community .by CCJn$ider the vac:a100 ol a penau ol the Trust• for Sale General E•no Aace ) Fictitiou• Bu1lness 1tr1 hearing Your ap· Have you started doing ""~ Pf'OCHdlno• to 1 ~ .!:: 1raosterring 415 000 square rt 0 f au- "'ht _, AcUtloua Bu•lneea the total amount (•t the noN lllt N ame Statement pen may buaineu Vas 8-2·99 forielt Ole eDow-ilHcflbed teer of entitlement use - • r.,, ..,.. Name rssuewr>g persons " ' y 1 .,.,... and Sef.ty Code s.odon ell ~y I S ~ rt.a90n&bty utlmated to Ille llcoheltc beWfaoe i>ctnuoness as IF OU ARE A CREDI• Thi<> llatement was !fled 1 t488.•. BUC SAL I va t10o~ areas of Newport to the C.htomie Slreet and are dOing bulltleu a$; be Ht forth below • The ~ 1'*nCllO IO be COMUm- COflC8ptual Design and TOR 01 contlngont Ctl!l•IOI Wllh trie County Clertc ol V8'1 - IMtnlotect thllt" AN T Center The square loot· Higflways Code Sec:tron Topspin Promollon$ 2a08 amount may bl gr: • on mated It "" Ollree ol C&PflO Ptannil\Q Company t9762 ol the dO<:f'aSed, you must Orange County on 8-2·99 you d9•n to cont.. 1 the R TH age to be reallocated has 8300 • Publ'ic Streets, lalayene Ave • Nev.'OOl'I ' 1t19 day ol aale. TftUS- ESCAOYfCOAFoRATIOH 600 N -t'4at:Artt11JT..... 8 1Yd , ~u Ille Y8llJ Glem <¥Ath #•·1-----1~1039 1arttlftUf9 of ttn llf'lll*IV, . A 1ilfready beef\ entitled but H nh .ft... .,_ 8eadl Ca 92663 .__...... , un...... else·-cr_re '" Naw· •r·*•YS _ .... -rv~ .,_.. ;;; T°":SANDRA.I. DAIUJNO, Tun n A~ . 1 1 1 0 SlruAna CA 120. Irvine. Carlornia coun andmallacopyto tho Daily PtJot Aug. 10. 17 punuant to Health and H • .,.... wn., NI Easement VacatlOn Law nuvwrt ~""""'r U• ~ ".,.,"', -.N UHMAIUtlU> WOMAN 92 7~ and ltle lflO CI ~ Sate 92612 pe1som1t ,.p1esenta lr11 e 2• . 3f, 1999 T634 pol1 Cen11i. The 1pp0ai. That poruon ot alley ~ . N~ '"" tlOn also includes a request _ _...... 92663 Duly AppolneH TNl1ff: di!!isSel)llmtier20 1w; . James E1Jgcoo Bal- 1 modolocatlon Of wa1lfer ol doscnl>ed belOw c:JUClecl by an Uld...... "!"1..1_ , 5 u,_J. olf-5lree1 A po#'lf()(I ol IJley. 25 OO started ,_. .. _ "''" ...,.,.,.,.... 93-122 letters as provided In Pro- - ~ -·w ,._...... ,, You mu.. fie tHe delm In potnl80 ru undet ll'id park~anu1re- .. - · I I lo Ille c::ity ol u--.--... ..,.,•- - CO · A CALil'ORNIA COR· StcOon 6t06 Tl'lls flu bate Coda aecllon are doing tius.ness as the of ol w"'- Code 2. 5 1 9 100 ~ Court the llUtSUant ments for the rpofall Nawpofl Beach, County ol bullne$$ vet? Yes, 6 T= rv J n".~~ Tiie ll!rtNSe pnce or •Juci8fl by ~'::'~ rv~ ...:"· The 11me lor liltnu clarrns Seti ol tl'le Ea1'1h, 15042 County of Oreno• wttNn i:Ofded ~ Plaza Planned Community. St118 ol ca1tom Robert Shively ==No. .._ ,. ..., In..__.. . C«dtdllDOn 1n coMteton With Have you $larte<1 dong w 11 not o11p.ra berOfe lour Genoa Circle. Hunhngton o.ty (30t of the ment No , in NOTICE IS HEREBY ..,.ange, ' ia, Thia statement wa 1 131 1 d•r: nm ~ ._..,of,.... • -~~in the UJ• 01 Ille ~Slntss 11111 busmess yef' Yes monu1 trom the hoanng Bead\ CA 92647 publolltton o thl9 NotJoe, ~ · o In FURTI-IER GIVEN 111al a portions ol whlctl are de· W11tl the County Clltr-...lk: 1 1 .., a s~ud / ••rtlga ted scribed lo deed 10 the C11y ~ r,:ieomc:;'~ ttt;i.-:;;;der 111nSle1ol lfle hcense. is !tie sum O!l.'04/92 dale noticeo above Katherine K. Tracy, ~.. you ~ actuel Irie blllce l " 11 1 "" ot Newporl Beach re· 0 range on ° rlf ORANGE C:CH.lnty ,. ... , I· of S102.70000 t(ldudino llMft· Jim BaldOVrn YOU MAY EXAMINE the 15042 Genoa C11cle. Hunt· notlott.. ,,,,.... uu ~ ~ nty Negettve ratton has COl'ded December 1o , 1943 1 ...... ,.. ""'·te • - ... IOry, wt.ch conatsts ol the follow- Thos statement was tiled Irle kept by Itta coun If you tngton Beach. CA 92647 HH95t506L ) You rnuet ka ·~ I 11.S been pre~ r ed by Ille City in Book 1225. Page 110 ol Daily Ptlot Auo 10: rvnno..., ..,. "' ino 11 11 .. h Cou Cl I are a peraon Interest-' in Ttws busmess IS con _.,.. en endof'ttd copy ol IE~ ot Newport Beach 1n con· OHlc;lll Reoords rn the ol· 24, 31 , 1999 S.t. : Olf1~1 ltt et 2;00 PM " ··n • r .IXXl • t11 1 o nry erk o ""' .. c:J " lft" ' ·ldual the lelm the Dletrlot •ta- . of ...... AT THE ~De • 1 00 0111nge C-Ounty on 8·19·99 ttie estate, vou may l~e .,ueis ..,y an ,..,,. c on ~ E nectton with !he apphcallon lice ot lhe County Reoorder • 1· noted ab0\19, The lnU1a1 ot said County Seid Por· Flctltlou• Bual.,.. NORTH ~NT l!N· manc1 Note to be rt~aced 19996802830 with tho court a Req1.1a111IQr b1.1=J®Jje1i~:.d doing fA':n~;~~8?,•N1°o"Zr. I r••Ul"f! TO THI COUNTY wtlll c.aslt pnorlDdoseot esctOw Daily Pllol Aug 2• '.11 Special Notice (lorm DE· ~Olt1rtotAnonw let ~ Study/M11tgated Negative tiona ol alley betnQ vaca11C1 Name State~ 7 99 l"" JUly 2, 1 9 Y T I C....__OURTHOUH , 700 C:IVIC: •"'70000-. Sepl • 14, 1 ...,5 1~4)oltholilln"o" f an l n · Kalnenne K Tracy C.ntef Driw H 'S Dectara11on states that, ltio ere oascr1tied as lollows. The followlOQ pe ...# CENTER ORIVI! Wl!ST, Nott in l1110r of Seher in tilt Fictitious Business ventory and appraisal of Tl\1s Slatomeot was tiled Wett. &ante Ana, Ca klCASH EO V NT subjec1 development as The we11er1y 3 .00 IMt 01 are Clo.no businesa aro1•>1ll, SANTA AHA, CAUF~IA amount of SO!l,IXXl 00 Name Statement os11111 a$Se" °' Q.( any C Cieri< ol 12701 within tl1ltty 1301 ottilr- tOrm p=~i:,·.~r;;t lh: •th Im· that certain llrlp of land, ENTERPRISE DESI~= :· P 7 SO leel wkle. H de· GROUP. 42 Ocean . 1' • Amount of un-ld,.... balanc~ Ille Sllt• nutr(s)lfcenset(a betn IOf'ed) bet.veenand lht Th• lollow1ng per~ 11et111onprwided 'Inor Proccou11tobate Code u ~1!1n!!1.'..- Cou ~I"' V on 8·6·99 ~ oflnttle.....,.... f!'"O au....-- of ~ °'E~ Mo~~o}Iiz4_n10 recommended m1t1ga11on sc:nbed In 111C1 died, said N•wpolt Bead\, Ca 9 L •nd otNf chlfG••· bi st are dOtllg buslnr.·ss as soctlQn 1250 A Af)QIUISI 1GSl96801555 Courtlavtl DlvtNln. a II " moasures. wlll !IOI result In stnp ot I nd lytng wes1 ol S)'!Via Ooieen Mdller. sa11µa.11 au.et Acklreu intenOld yer(s>rn ettt(s). SEA·TRAOE NET. 8ass 104' Special Notrcw ronn 1~ Oairv Pllol Aug 10, 17. TM 1.-.. to ttmetv flle • s1gn1tioan1 etlect on the and ad acent to 1ne east 42 Ocean visca., Newpon °' ottlef common dello- as l'IQUI~ ~Sec 4073 ol lht Atlanta Ave ., PM8 227, avaDolJle lrom the ooon 24, 3f; 1999 T643 .,., '"'"• w.tftM ctalm I 1 net1on '1f real Pf'~fO Business and Prolessions Code. Huntir.nton Beach, Ollt1tor• 14~... n_.__ ._.__ In ttte =~~·~~';;'~ ~ l ~hecft~e~ line or Lots 3 • . 5. IS, 7. IS. Oea<:h, CA 92860 .i-. u• '°" accept the lniua1 t 0 9. Io. 11, I 2. 13 an lie """"*"' '° die ~ - nlY .0 ~al or cl8111al by the Clfy eowity ROCOfd f oc uld Tf"9-1ta111T1enl w11'-llliilo ~!..!'.. ":"' ~~ , ... "•nstttsl HiHAM. CalJomla S1170G 701 E. Chipman Ave., Or- INOI of Health and l•fety CMe IClibed as ll'lOl9 ol the 1Ub1ect applloat!Ofl County with Iha COun1y Cltlk m ...• L AA G'.'""'LLC. Frank M orrell, 2 1111 029" Tr. t\llTll{I) and bulinas leea- 11 ... wtlMut The IMlal Study/Mitigated TOGETHER WITH the Orange Counly on 7 n;99 :!..~w""no''-.any~~ >. ,..,"°"".,,. en~. C:A =~fie~0 00 Negative Declerallori Nlt•1'V 300 '"' ltl8\ t1H••r1 ....-- ' oe ~ ~~ LMTED LIABILITY~ ::;, . ~~~ i:i:.~ ~~o~p:. cn· ~)~='~. ~.0.,~14:'J:n~· :J::2l.· w: 20-day public r9111ew i>e · cenam 1111p of ltll"ld 7 50 Ody PllOt Aug 3, '~ 7, .!Mldon Is enown, dlfec:· e,· Sllart Ra ~ Marae Marren. 21181 .-_,,,,...,, 17, 23, 2<4 , 1~ 1111 aMAK ~ . 113 FlcttUoue Buelnffl =CQtlW'nOll llld 11°'* rlod IS Augu1t23, , ... to teat wide. •• df9crlbecl 1n 24. 1009 :Tm ~.to the toaltion "'tM Mlmbtt ~~·1 Shaw Lano. HuntlngtOrJ - • ' TM649 w ISll s... 8log c. Newpolt Name St8t9ment Of lie ,... • ' September12, 19tt.Ttle ~~~~~~~~--~~----~~ pr098'ty nwy M oGtaAned . ._pOlt INcM:Om Mist BOadl. Ca lfornla 9264 8tacll CA 92863 The wv...... ,...... IO L City encoura~ men'lberl by MiQ24 Th(s ouatnou con FlcUuoua ButlneH ere I I ..-d~ wrtrtan ,.. ~ '10470-0l Ootna """'** 11 ~ Clol~~,.8~ ...... ot , .... ~·l putJllO IO ,. ::, roelna ~ llOO :=:'lli%ia neral ,J!•n;~~em,:~ £H1tllfMO CALIFORNIA MORl · ttiew alld OOl1'Wnel'lt on Ihle 1 documtlnmlOn Copltn ol '1f ntae pt~ Of thla NOTICE OF H v you ~tanud doing ll OOlng buatnes1 as M ae. Urral ~ GAGE GROUP. 40 lti mu~~.,~ Iha Initial Sl\ldy/Mltlglt.o HoCx. '1f ..... Diile. PUBLIC HE .. AINO '-·• •rless ..... 7 No ADVISORS R~SOURCE llld eddllla(_, ullCI ~ SttMt, Newpc)rt O.ectt "Allordable u • 1•-. ·-• ~AAA...... NOTICE IS ""ttEREBY . ,.....Rotlala Y'"S r:n1~r GROVP 4695 Mac Arthvr ~Mllelt•I • WllllllllllCI ~Ille tlll - Mllr(I11111~ CA~ 128«1 E ~l!J ~•.&TIOHT ~. COAll().A 01VEN lhll\ . f)Ub!IC l'\Qlll• rnia 1lntement was lllod court.. Sta 1000, Newpoit '"" ... .0 I ~ Alternative" C~"~ 1r1Q 1#111 ba held by V'• Wiii'! tne County Cltrll at Oeaci1 camomJa 92860 1'19 ~ ClltfOnla ol 1 *1 Street. ~ =·~ TlON ~ 101 WI..,... Costa Me City Coul1dl Otangt Coun~ on I I I 519 Wtlllam Mill 4895 Mtc N dill ....;.nofllCI OI .. ~· ~ Is COO• ___. Discount Cask~ louMYltd .,.1 a.ft • on TueSday pt•tnb9f 7. 11tlllOI022 ~hlir Coun. St• 1000 _,W: ...• llllM ~by , an lndlvidu•I • Of 90ftk> T e 7al1 1_. 1Ht e\ 0 30 ptt- , O! •• l)jey PllOl ~ 2\ 31, Nftlport 8N<.h, Clllomil "9 ....L;..._ Have you •tllld dOloQ ....W ..::...: 1110) Mia •oon thefmtnr ., POHi S.P' 7, 14, t l!e4 9~:/.lie a.tiler. !4111 Mee: • l .... ~ v.t? No Cremation A _,~ UM..: ~~~. :,:i~7~~n~~ Attriur CcMt Sit tOOO • 12«1 ~I . Kl~ --= ...... ,_ ,. Ir ..,.,, BIC-- PITITION •- ,.... --...... ~ CA ,_!!"' 1 I men! ... tied Ml ;nlrw 8IC ra Ortv1 M.IN, on NOTICE_.. ~ ,.._., _..,.,.. _.. .. ~ Cleft! Of Burial Service i:..,.... -..: lhf IOI~ itetrt: TO ADl••TIR 92MO Tiit -- ldll ,....._~an ...... =~ ·-· MJ11er Plttl ~11 ESTATE OF: Yan 0eteNi 4816 Mlt ="' =-:...... • -': ~-.... . t .....174 ""•"' PA• ll9• I lor 0 J .a _.._NI Arthur Couf1 8't 1000 - tlf.rom & -.., 15 ,.. :"~ ::"'Imel\. ~ 9- I ~ Deily '!!J!. A'O ,0~11, Fk:ddou• Buttnu• ~ 1 R 'T.. c t ---~ ..... • ...... d M 24. If. 1... Mic ._ _ ..._ • • 0 NMM -.t1men1 M~.: 'S: .m:,"eonc:: CAii NO. A11Mtl o.n. Tyrt91 <4tN "••••Iii I Tnt IOIJCMWIO pelfO(I otAppn:rvalHO loCMutet 'To .n heh•, ti.Mil· ~ COUit ... 1000 ...... alPIW .!!,llM••u lftt .,. CIOing bu$lnen" PYt1 ~ =• cradllefJ c:Onl ~ Bwrl Cellomle • C. ..._.. ... :=i::e:,• :.?.:..:::."" Uf VtdlO di~ '°" ~· ~: Mlfk ~ ._ - b) M

,,... fwNOTm I IPUIUC NOTICES IPUBUC NOTICES IPUBLIC NOTICES I IPOBUC NOTICES IPUB UC NOTICES IPU BLIC NOTICES (Delaw.r11. 325 Manne buSlneaa~7 YH, Flctftlou1 8 ualne11 ThiS bUSine$S Is con· Ae\ltiou• B u tlneH 800I may otnetW!Se vtnonty ..111 bO g11ntec1 82662A"• • .. ,...... Beactl• CA Nam• Statement docted ~ • lllni1eCI Name Statement beln r ted1nt ar 111\less rested ~, The ~ Ptrsont * """"' Tracy pertnerstllp .... "*""'*"' ~~ K The IOllow1nQ persons Tne lollowing pttrsoflS estat . Of bOlh ol soot anObj IO .. dOina bo&lfldl ••• nu bu&INM 11 con· This sta ement was llled H ve you stal1ed doing JAMES VAN petd:IOl'I and IOOW$ 0000 dueled by; Lit t.O ore dOlna t>ustn A u ere CloiOg buS\neu HYA'fT HOTEL l With IN Counry Cle1'1 cf OELAOO. 101 Scholz bu~ss yef? Yes, 1966 SCHOIACK au :JAMES C3U$8 wtly Ch OOUl1 ShoUld CASINO GROUP, 325 LlabGity Co Kennedy Re Progo , ~ Coun~r.Jo6·99 Pio.za. Un.I 225, N BWJJO(I Clillorel C . Houstlf VAN SCHOtACK not grant 'he Ulh0f11V Menne AYI., Newport t1-V9 you llal1ed dolnQ 1 t513 This latement was IVed 2515 Vouar Piace Costa eeacti, ca tornia 92663 A PETITION FOR PRO· ,. HEARING on 1no Poll· t)e8Ch, CA 92662 bumela yet? Yti 1-10·&9 Daly PllOC Aug 10, 17, with the County Cle~ OI Mcia. CA 9262e Susan Awai 101 SchOlz Carrot Aon KoMOdy, BA TE nu liled lly lion wtt1 be held on Starsat Asia Ltd LLC, Staraat ~. Lid , LLC, 24, 3{. 1999 T642 Pt&za Ul'lll 225 N1wpon Orange County on 8-6·9~ SEPT Et.10ER 16 1 9 et (o.tawa11). 325 Marine Kart Kosmos, Managing 1tt9680t HO 2515 Vassar Pl8 • Costa DIANA PERKINS In tne Beach. ca1t1omll 92G63 Mo Su;>efllX Cour1 ot tor· I 45 pm 'In Dept L73 Ave • NewQOft Beedl, CA Member F1ctttlou. Btt1lnett Oah Pilol ~ 10 17. CA 92e2o car • Nam. Statement Thb bV$1n4tat ill c:oo- Tlltl bUSlness 1s con­ .o1a County ot ORANGE Cl!ed Bl '341 ThO City Or 92682 Thia statement w11 filed OUCt.0 by en lndtvidual 24 3f 1999 • T643 Sol;tti Orange, CA 92868 With ltMI County Cler1t of The following persona ouc;ted tiv "lndMOOaJ THE PETITION FOR Tllia butinNt la con H111• you su.ned doing dUd.0 bY; Umlt.0 Orange Cou11ty on 8·13-99 are dOing bUtiiineA u . Fletltlou1 BuelnH• tuYe you Slar10d dOing PROBATE requestli lhal IF YOV OBJECT t.o m bu&1ne11 yet? YH, 1>us1non yet? Yet, Llat>llity Co t""802S43 LOANl:EADERS OF Name Statement 1997 DIANA PE~tNS be ap grancing ol ttMI pellUQn you 0711511999 The IOllOwing persons CarrOI A Kennady po1nt1M1 11 personal r•pre· lhould 8'>PHI 61 ltle ooar• Have you scan.a dolno Dally Pilot Aug 17, 24, AMERICA, 2101 Bus1nes1 Susan Awai 31, S!pt 7. 1999 T6S5 Center Or. 1120. Irvine, al4M'loin0 bus.1 ass as Tttis 6taltlrt\clnl WU l!Jed MtnllllY• 10 ldminlst.er 1111 Ing Otld Sl4te .,UI! Ob/CC' ~~? !f .. 7·10-99 Thia statement war; lileif' with thO County Cier1i ot $1111'181 ASla. td, LLC Californl8 92612 VERO£AUX, 1048 ltv111e estate ol the oocedetll lions or Ilie "''1t100 ob!CC Fictitious BuelneH with tile County Clerll of AY(l • PMB #411, Newpcn Or11n91t C >unty on 8·6·99 THE PETITION reque6tS llOfls with the court bofore Kart Kosmu,;; Managing Loanleaderr. of Amenca, 8·10 99 Name Statement Orange County on Bea~h . Calllornl1 18996801572 authority to adm1n1star tM lhe heannu Yo1J1 ep· Membe1 Inc . (CA), 2101 Bue;1ne11 1tH&801t73 rt11s 5181am11nt was filed The loOowlflg pertQns Center Or. #120, Irvine, 92GG0·4602 Oa•tr P.lo "4/g 10, 17, eslat• under the lndepenct· pearance may b In person are dOlng b\Jllnets ts Dally Pttot Aug 17 2'1. Kalahari Technology, 57 24. 31. 1999 T641 ent Adm1mstr<1tion ol Es· or liy your attomey w1111 the County cro111 ol California 92612 31 . Sept 7.1...1999 T657 Orange County on 8·13·99 al GIOO YAP GIRLS This business IS coo· Wilburn Ave., Atherton. tatei Aci (Thia AuthOnty IP YOU ARE A CREOI· 19996902342 B SCUIT COMPANY. BJ ducted by a oorpC>falion Flctltlou1 Bu1ln•11 Cahlorrua 94027 BSC 8663 will allow the personal rep· TOR or co11ttngeo1 ttedrtOr Daily Pilot AUii 1'1, 24 GIDOYAP GIRLS, Cl GID­ Haye ~ staned doing Name Statement This business Is con­ NOTICE OF PETITION rHentahw to take many ol tne Cleceased VOll mus1 actions wrthout o0ta1n1ng 31. Se~ 7, 11199 T65-4 DY AP, 0) GIODYAP buS1ness yet? No • Th4 following pe~s ductlKI by· a oorporaoon TO AOMINJSTER flit your cta1m with II\ GAlETIE, 817 W 17th 08/1211999 are dOlng busloei;s as Haw you fitarted do Rancho Del Rey Moolfe JAMES·E. 92627 Inc • Martin Forgelman, ~ Estates, b) Houser Kalahart Technology VAN SCHOIACK aka tant actlON. howeYer. the appointed by the cuun Sell your extra The followlllQ peBCOS personal representatove Glddyap GUIS Biscuit Pres\dtJlll Bros Co. 15222 Monterey RObert E Prideaux, VP JAMES VAN within lour monltl$ lrQ!tl u1e hoUaehold are doing t>ui;1ness es Company, Inc, (CA). 817 ThtS lilatement was l~ed win be required to giye no· date ol the hr.I -sua oe 01 This $latement was filed Lane. Hunt1t191on Beacn. SCHOIACK , WORLD CHANNEL TEL· W 17th Street, • Costa with the County Cltrk ol CA 925411 with ll'l8 County Clerk ol 11ce 10 inrereslild persons letters as provided tn. Pio. items In EVISION GROUP, 325 Mesa, CA 92627 Orange County on 8 ·13-99 ci.rtord C Houser1G1n· Oiange County on 7-19·99 CASE NO. A 198424 unlHS they haYI walVfld bate Code sec11on 9100 CLA8SIF1ED Marine /we • Newport This butineH IS con­ 19996802318 eral Partnet, 9301 Centnit 19996799527 To dll heirs. benefl· notice or consented to the The ume IOI' I hog dams Beech, CA 92662 cluc!.0 by. an lndlYldual Daly Pilot Auo 17, 24, AYenue Ga1den Grove. Oa ly Pilot Aug 17, 24, c1ar•t1 • creditors, cont· proposed ICllOfl) The lrl­ wlll noc expue before 1ou1 Call 642-5678 Starsat Mia Ltd , lLC, Have you a\11\ed doiog 31, Sept 7, 1999 T656 CA 9284<1 31 , Se t 7. 1999 T658 logent c•ed•\OfS, and per· depenclent administration montl'll> trorn the hea11nq

Polley Rutt•, anJ 1l1·11d111w .. 1m· -11li11·1"1 h• • h.rng1· v.ttli11u1 110111·r, 11w p11bli,} 11 ·r rt-1·n1·, th• r11d11 In 1 •'tNll tt•t In ,..if,, 11•1 ..... 11r r1·jrn ~. .... nuy do,,i(j,.J .11lnrt1•1•1111111. l'I• ,,., 11·vn11 um ·1·r1111 that Ill ·•~ h1· m your d11--1fi1·tl ml 11111111 il1.1t• · I~ I Ill' 1l11h J:S1!01 jun pt• 1111 ' ... liabilil\ fut un\ 1•1r•11 111 111 .111\ 1•r1i-1·m1·111 r.., v. hid1 11 11111\ lK' 4 M tt"·pon~ 1hl r t'\;1·pt fur 1lw , mt 11( il11 -11o11'i· 111·1u.1ll) 11< 1 upi1·J L ~ ByfU By Phone By MaWln Penon: 1lw 1·rr11r ( r1 ·d1t 1'.3111111h h1· .11111\\t'll f•ir lh• f1r•t 111

- 105 APTS 155 HOUSESICONOOS 182 HOUSES/CONDOS coo ANNOUNCEMENTS BALBOA FORRENT 1 FOR RENT I I NEWPORT BEACH ·G) PENINSUL'A BAL.BOAPEMN COUfITRV CONNECTIONS NeWi111ttt1 HelgjnQ Mal sin 3 Ylll'I ..... slnQll detaldled 1BPORTUNt rY 8WfOX 1700St On P9Clllc l..111. new carpet. no pelS/smkg Ctnnery Rent1f1, Tnc. J\pels/Smkg $17roino (yrfy 1.eoo.247-8209. details CCN P 0 Box '°6. Alhtll tsblt lfttrll1l~ t 11 IMt $252 ,000 Maggie Bkr, $8SOlmo yrty 949-67}1943 15e) _. S1700 sec dep • crt<)l Supe11or Nebraska 68978 ....._,,_,l, "'ltd t• ••• re• 949-552-4975 OCEAN FRONT OHS AND check 949-646-5756 email COllOl/YCOMICttonsOks Mal f1lr "'"hit Act ti 1MI n E Stl>i RENT TO OWNI $1195 yearly, 1br fully furn, 159 HOUSESICONOOS EXEC HOMEFOR LEASE.. a, 1>1ess com (CAL'SCAN) 111e•1• intu 1111tn ft llltfll OP£N SAT-SUH 1-4 TV, patio, BBQ, laund, near FORREHT Pnstlne condition la!ge yard & pltldng, 94M42-2221 great schools $3300/mo If l fHfllse "HJ ,ltltftlCt , 2901 SANTA ANA AVE t B pier. CORONA DEL MAR Gornew 2000 sf 3bl 2 Sbe Coa~t Newport Properties 402LOST & FOUND ..111 ltattt1 tr flml1nl11tlt1 I I iota of upgrades. 2 car rent Coby Ward 949-759'3724 · llllltf n IKI, Ctls, rtlftiel , oar. SptclOUI llghl 6 b<9'1 2bl S1950mo w/100'.'I. fow11css 2bl home ffplc gar + carport . 'WEST CUFF' Elite, qulel LOST Black l white long ...... • fhrlllll lllllt ., purchese, tor 18 mo no bu1111tut 2bt' 2.Sba wro new hind UI female, Vicini )' llllHll "1111, ., 11 lttclllH w 10. dls/lwawtr. sec system Kumon helps studenh build o $lrong foondohon for the future quallfywlg .. lo dwn, ~ OM* ILADEL~I $1 ?00'mo 949-640-8922 carpet. 2 Cll gat,dubhouN, Shore Chit COM . Plane call " "'"' ., nu "'.. '"'' . WOHT CASTII 71W3MOl1 pool. s1650 pp llOC).34i-IOQ9 REWARD MHI0-0718 by improving lhetr molh ond reading i kills, strengthening their Mlllllfl -~.· 28' 281 11 Mos. Lott dog, 8'2216"1 wtwe & tan ni. ..., ,,,., w111 111 ~= study habits ond increasing their self confidence • THE• ~ FWgebacl!. ~ .., SHORES APTS 381 381 Bay front 1 1ag1 say Jocle viC"°'° CM .... NPB An17t4815-4151 ..... SarU .... "' ,..,, '*" ftldl " la I 6 28A TOWNHOMES SOOOOt'Mo New Newport-Mesa Kumon ~ttt ...... ow,.... Starting 11 S1095Jmo Olhtr Lido Ille Homes AVlll Morell to Mollfl lelse We 9 111 Grundy Rnnort 1617 Westcliff Onve, Suite 212, Newport Beach, CA 92660 !ht alt 94M75-6t61 4o.t P.ERSONALS ..fnlll '*"q \" •Mflle'""""t • 11 !alt 119 I pet CGf1'WIVfty 6 I I ...... l\fllle_.tMll bloclls from buch • Udo Bay Front Duplex • GRAND OPENING I OPEN HOUSE RSVP ....,.,,.....,_. re- 949-844-261' Upstllfl 2l>t Iba. l.alge f'llng Melaine Grunder _.., ..,I I 1tfll. c.. HW ... space & dtck. s20001mo Whir• 111 you? CIM Al September 10, 2:00 to 6·00 pm. (949) 722-n15 T... 111111 1-....u.1511 fer Ctlannll'lg 21>1 1bl . gar p!lv lllSI 949-675·1611 714-432-0937 arent Onentat1on at 6:00 p.m (800) ABC-MATH ...... a11 it11. oc ... ,..... patlO, 08# CifJMll. WI[). po55 Hllt>or View 38' 2bl ClllHUOll~ ' lttg .. front toe S15ro'mo .,OAR- bHliJner'• 2bf 21>1 ~ · spe gieat location September 11, 10;00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. braggyOearthhnk.net IVlil mnedate"1 $2900'mo 440 dep 601 112 PcheW condo, poo~ apa. wall! to II~ Parent Onentat1on at 11 :OO a m. Awl 9-1 ' 949-484-1019 lndoof gar. S1175hno IN . MM«-1961 1 ~1 14t-7I0-3117 (FI SH TAN K) .. gallon, cornea wlllaht. stand, hlaJ• 160 HOUSESICOf«>OS & 3 flit.. . f 11191 O•car tlth, FOR RENT 3 large cleaning llatl. $225 ltKUMON C08TAMESA 714-540-5995 MATH & READING CENTERS GATEWAY COMPUTERS learning How To ·fOIEClOSED HOMES EASTSIDE C.M. 291\ 2BA .... NEW, fa ctorv·dlrect. Learn low or SO Down! F..ad yam. 000 OK LOIS ol $0 money-down Some ctecllt www.kumon.com Windows, huge rooms. Ylf'/ prOlllems W¥, Ponbum Ill Gov't & Bonk Repos cllln Wlltl ,,.. pairll lloonng... 500-low mont111y peymenl• Being Sold! vet1ldes and lpplaral. inClds Ask about wav ing lust O/W Watlli\ftlh paid COin payme n t · finondng Avoiloble! Cal o~r \.ill00-4n-90t6 BICYCLES 10 (CAL'SCAN) , SOO.SOl-1777 X60S7 ESIDECoat1 Mela =~'n:=~~~Cell 714-54$-0442 &nef'al HOuN hold a~ . Ma.S BIKE, IU, MO NTAIN 1· ~=1 OPEN SAT.SUH 11..J All O'riL. PAtObsfSIDE EleCll'OlllC$ $porling gOOdl BIKE. Large Aturmum frame, Phlebotomy Course ATT: VETERANS 1 .. 3br. wuhef, lrplc, and toots Call for info full aupentlon, nevet raced, BoslOn Reed Co CaDI Reg ti.lcony, gardefl Set· C.M. 28R 18A DUPLEX. 21 bl, tiftxtn • of racino VA Loan1 5.9% Fenced yard DOG OK 121 949-646-31196 Gar1191 Sale • •3901291 1«>0-201·1141 \Ing, pool. $12$.$1250 Motel Ail9U't 21 I 12 2260 T111lln wi-ta. S1CIOO. 714-42M75S up to $250,000 Mgr on premla11 autgned parking coin-op ·coSTA MESA' llilrOy. lots ol ~ . Ave. Hewpol1 INeh Cit ~ Cfown, ~ C*lllld 2:0U2 Santa Ana Ave BEHR9P. LllHllW with • lrestl piir1, MOTOR INN Th• Renter Center TIRES-1 NEW, $40. llHR PIOCESS CORPOIATION ~. ¥tndll llld - 1STWk, S~ ial J HALF USEO, $15 NCh 1454 FU~) t- tc'!~~~ r 1..... 1 ~3 As, a leader in mfg. prMntum qua ty paints. 1C81 •1 I I et'Jill!y On Ml Ams $134.00 cdili Avf/11 "1~ ft14. ~H7W!t1 . OINING ROOM FURNITURE "WM v~ fM Oiiif S C\i!r~ly Ms the followlng politlon Of*"09'' SI 10Qmlo C• 714-545-0442 ltont deek 0 pholm. T -~ libll and o. dim !rel He0i1:SPl«litc + 448 e S..'50 er- c0111 SHUTTLE DRIVER OREYSTONE 38i 2 5812-SiY S35094M~45 TWM. 11 clll t11 electric gar. Ille CNnrl ~ R spons1bJe fOf transpc:>rting raw maten. bdlS 18'1 A f'Jll'mber ol Cash pllCI 800-64~ Fremare bMu WWd Ff9nth The Ideal candidate should ha~ a da.s.s A lie.. CIW~el with a HAZM AT end orsement. clean OMV f1JltlOC.. 12n Hatbof lllvd KlnO i ~ bedrm tulle, 471 M'LOnmtf I WANTED cotl $9,000, u klng S3IOO. printout & 1 min, 2 )f'I driving e~p is req'd Good 949-645-4840 LIM Ht• NH4Wt1t 1• OPPTY8. comm1Jno<1tion ~lOl 1 mutt. Shift hours 11 pm- TUR £ R , grHl vllw, Haute Full Of Fumlt1111 7 30 am. Sun ·Thurs silgll lllV•I. 2bf dtlill 2bl, Cherry wood teetelaft desk BEHR offers 1n 1tlnt t>.nefit plig 1n • quil1ty 2 eat attached 911, lrple. W/D, PIANOS~~ Coh deslt work enYiro thlt indudes life n\ed, cHrlt. Vision, 1119. S2200lmo 949-854-8339 ,.. :-al '4560 obo Wrougil ll'Olt PQltlf LO, 401(k) pt'Ofit sharing & qu.n.rl)'. bonus eft9t 6 •s,.._ · ~-·- • - • Ollc-o ,_. bid v. lPJsed bOlt ~t · mos. of sYc. Send/FAX , .. & w l hi st to BEHR AOOMMAfi HU&D Pron ..__ CASH .. _ PAID••...... lrm $350 94M00-3S54 or stiffing , PO Box 1287. Santi AN, CA 92702. FAX llOf\-tmOklf 6teldl1g llll'M 10 714«)9-4342 (7 14) 241·9135. We suppon a dtug-fr" work shale 3br 2111. ocean hon! naUYl8TATl8 envlro & perform ~employment subat1nce • .,,_... frietodly-. ~ tMt1ng. EOE • belchs,, 00 • hOuH1f2 tJ1i 949-63Mast• 1-3428""" NftPOi'I c; ... 3bi ~ OO(lCIO .. 10 shlll Pron noMtrlkt pre I W"O. pool etc... S8©'mo + 112 \Ss M~7M ....~ INdl HO*wi .-end did OpltiWs 5'ldlo. ~ fum. W-1> 1M driYeMy. S 1200/mo lncldt ulls IM9-n3-5221

Part .. Driver Wanted ...... St.22 .per hour. plut

2:Niided.. toMon 5:~ ""' Mdl-"'" - . . - ., ~- ' r,•x _, I ' ' " A lloNI I ' . "°" "'" ...... I -- '•-. .'l ...... p ... ••:. , • i I .I. ,- .,,.., ':+1 ...... ,,. tNdt I ' - "It °' y"'· ' . ' Miiiy ...... ~ ...... , ' ...... ,...., ...... ' ' . . ' I TODAY'S .Bridle 1~1 (•°=m) By CHARLES GOREN 1-• Fon lfonco 11 ·-. .. wt1111 c1r, Jegu.r llJI SEO.,. tO '11 MITIUllSHt fcliOM Gal CRoSSWORD PUZZLE au1o. ac. 53k ri. 1 O'*'ltt, ps, Ul.lM 17 ... 554 lpydtr 'M LO MINI (410483) with OMAR SHARIF .,.. tit • AMlfM Slerao. IAUflll JAOUAI' !(~ ~ Book Sty1 S20 100 and TANN.AH HIHSOf $45CWotlo 94"42.0I• 714 MJ.4800 SSa1e Price $18.588 FOAO exPlOAtA xLf'i1 SEOlN :_.~ -=~:!,. 1 HE ELUSIVJo: lNTU Uhr Aooll ("91446) J3:i3i 5 Ketv 8lut Book S1YS S23 220 BAUER JAGUAR 71'°"'"1700 ina bid facing a minimum opening $Siie Prb $19.113 11~ iiifsOBlsti GAUNT£& 'it ll01h \ulncrnblc, South ~I . COSTA MESA MrT1U.Stl J.tQUif ltJi SEDAN 46 97 One local OM*1 10612S7l ·~ no eight-card Jl\IJOf fit, Nonh's www.~lla.com '31.lff 17... 570 ~Blue Book Slf' $1Ut5 NORl II nusc to the no-trump aa.inc warauto- 71 ...545·1700 • A K Q 6 matic. • CADilUc £LbOAA60 'eo ~\'::S~~R M=r:= ~T~~ i;i 9 S .\ West led a lo..-. club, givina declar- Lo tri. b1k. lthf, 11ipa1 c:oodl 3111111 IJI Ldifl 40r ii www.~lte.com W.111 IMlll 71~5-1700 llm!Dllnil .,____ .... J..8 .~------...kl,r .,.n~othm.. ou1h won the fin.t trick l&oM381_ 988 • J\ 7 with the e1gh1 and repeated the Ram 8AUE1t JAOUAlt 'fllfTSue'ISii'bfilWf tf'W-- J clU6 71'-953-4800 locel Tradel (098234) 1£AST finesse . When this won, declarer had (71')540-9100 FORD MUSTANG '9' WEST Jaguw xJi S;den •Of 'ii Kely Slut Book Says SI0 , 185 • 97 • J 1U 4 3 eight U"ick.s - lhree in each black cAOiCUc srvm scs •111 Sherp, Loedte* Says S13 ,035 134."5 IMSU SSale Price $9.337 <::> Q 101 <::> ll 7 6 4 suit, and two hearts. 'The novice prob- all cond (1132162) $31 ,988 $Sale Pflee SI t,935 BAUER JAGUAR MITSUBISHI MOTORS A95 0 Q 10 6 J ably will first test spades to see 1f lhe NABERS COSTA MESA MITSUBISHI .._ _..IOO www.coetemeamlts.com o .....--...... 71 ~ 953 114-545·1700 • 4 (114 540.9100 www.costame1am11t.eom 1 •K6 532 suit breaks evenly When it docs not, Jaguar XJI RDAH iD '87 MITSUBISHf MQl'llero SR i7 SOUTH tleclarer might c:ash the ace of clubs, CADILLAC SEVIL STS '97 7'4-545-1700 su.~:AUlllt JAGUA'r:... 544 18K mllesl (00281•) 2 tlien try the heart finesse, which LO 2Sk ml, 300 HP. Northtstat • "s • loses West cashes the then (819821) • $33.988 HONDA ACCORD UC ·97 114-953-4800 J(llly:;. ~W:.:d .240 (') AK J club , NABERS O K 7 2 exits with a heart - down one. Lo ml ale. Iii, '18'eo. &1 tova JAGllAR xJi •ae MITSUBISHI MOTORS • (71 4)140.9100 (VA02484) $1 3.095 THI blue, tan IHthtr. w.w.coltan\tllmlta.com Organizing the play to try boU1 red 1 rnlnnowt 51 Emanatlon9 • Q 10'9 8 CADILLAC SEVllLE STS 11 COSTA MESA HONDA chrome whNI•, HK ml, 714-545-1m 31 Hone 52 P.nitlonl suit finesses will prove more costly. 8.200 ITW, loaded v.tmM, cd 714-"36-5060 ..m~ rte01da, greet colldl· ii1fsuB1SH1 sOOOGf 'is 33 1V and radio 53 Goltet'• fX'( 1 The h1Jdmg: After cashing the spades, suppose (900865) $43,988 HONDA ACCORD lX 81 Ilion, mus1 - . $6100 •• PP. one tidy owner (026'408) 54 Atop SOUTH WESI NORTH EAST declarer tric.s the heart fine c;e, wans NABERS 55 Actr... C'*Yf 4 dr. auto, lie CIUi'8. l a MM83-7517 Kely Blue Book 5ayl $16.310 ~~oa!: I• Pass I• Pass the club retum and then leads a dia­ (714)S40.t100 (WA03C569 1) S16.995 Jaguw XJ1 'i4 <19i milel. SSe1e Prica $14990 37 Cresttallen 58 Dlatnbul• CADILLAC SEVIUE '91 57 '°Champll9ne lrn' )'ass JNJ' Pass mond 10 the king. Now the defcndcn. COSTA MESA HONDA 10oya, rmrf, "'hlllloattntll MITSUBISHI MOTORS 38~f0f ... p I' Lo mies, 11111 llf big ASS 71 4-43$-5060 lnttr!OI IK down ISS\lme www.hbmllsv.com mu&" men can cash out for down three! (802860) $8.1188 $18.500 pp 949-673-04 11 11""37w.&93 41 Blodt 58 AdOf~ HONDA Acc01d Setn UC 't7 A.... nmg le J. Three of • The ellpcrt starts with the club NABERS 4 dt. ale. 111. a$ef80, lloyl Je(P CHEROKEE 'I\ "2 French 59 Slol1dM bird ...,.,.. finesse, then takes three rounds of (71 4)54o.9100 80 Greal- (VA007693) $15.995 414, ~. 1201c ml,. NISSAN MAXIMA 'IO ...Ofl empel'Of • 1 d, u , 63 1s \IC of COSTA MESA HONDA S2 s oo . "u n II o 0 power, IUlo. sun roal, 47 WntMonglMS "Annabel Let· Here a cla example of a hand spades. On learning the he the Chevrolet Aatrovan LS '96 MM42-2614 t Red and 49 TWnid poet cards, declan:r cashes I.he ace or 714-43$-5060 Be~ «ty that both th-: rclauve novice and the clubs, returns hand with the kin&o f M.~WW\1oclls, llll. CIUISa .. Grind Chero... .., ~obO 9-723-1504 10 (116! $15.595 HONDA ACCORD SON 'ti expcn find eas). The difference ..,is...--~hearts~ and_exns w11h the queen of NEl.L-QIM­ 4 di. auto. pa, Wt. Im/Im cass 4x4 Stnool,, ~ CA) ~ OldllnoC>Ue Elgtrty Elilht 'M lhartlte novia goentown-wtritn clubs. West can take two club tricks (71•)541-1200 !WAO'l4U76J m .ws pwr, 5ik m1, QiilOiCf. n• 391rnm 1lhr: llo¥S;~ techn ician romps hOh\e the con- as South discards a diamond from COSTA MESA HONDA room cond blWce OI war· (8271 99) Sl.918 with Chevrolet Astrovan LS '97 714-'438-5050 rv«y $13.00o 949-720-1565 Hebets Oldemoblle Cadll8c tract. hand, but then must lead a red suit. Ak, pwr v.1"/locks, tiff, clUlse LEXUS ES300 'ii 7!4-54MlOO The auction wns quite slnllghtfor- Wh' h Wi h · (111509) $17,595 HONDA ciVIC DX CPE '95 ward. Witb the equivalent of an """n· ic ever est c ooses gives CONNELL CHEVY 2 df, IUIO, IC. pslw'dl, am'lm (081113e) ' 117.995 Plymouth VoyaQtt ~ ~r- declimr a ninth trick. (714)546-1200 (SHS44098) $9995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER O!'lty Uk miles, VS. IOod COSTA MESA HONDA ~4)1t2-490I ahll)e, all pow.,, nooo ChtvrOlit Bleier lT •t4 'H 714-<136-5050 1M 94M4s-m1 Air, pwr WIMocks, ti", Cr\1158 m-us esaoo 476 EMPLOYMENT 4ao BUSINESS POWER (151688) $1 6,795 HONDA ciVIC EX COUPE 'R (173140) $22,995 PORSCHE 114 71 OPPTYS OPPORTUNITIES 1890 BOATil I CONNELL CHEVY Whtelgrey, 5 SO Consohd8'e HONDA CIVIC Hltchbck 1118 18-23 shall), enthusias1ic tndiV debts! Same day approval Ctff 94M45-7e73 $1 2,600 trade ok. Pr1Ya18 P8l1Y LEXUS OF WESTMlNSTER VI, All Powe<, CC, tilt, ttM9o air~ . Immaculate! who ere lree 10 uavet lht ent rt Cul payments UP to 50%11 949-873-041 t. (714)et2-6tol c"aatte, co. eunr1, moonr1, (WHI08633) $9995 197 muat US Weotfer2 wt. llll1xpense No eppltcatton l eesll CHEVROLET CAVALIER '98 LEXUS ES300 LOADEDll Mint CC(ICI, 692 SUPM>OCKS COSTA MESA HONDA (033130) $28,995 Se t II $ti , 0 01> Io b o . •paid training v. lrans and IOdg· 1 80().863-9006 ext 949 Auto. 111 pwr wn1ocks, lilt 714-436-5050 Ing lumt$hld r1turn guar n www helo·pay·boU$ com /MOORINGS LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER 841-645..WS (250651) $9,795 HONOA you art 18 .. a PN ·93 COSTA MESA HONDA WINDOW CLEANER FIT same locahon acd "'movie LEXUS OF WESTMIMSTER LEXUS OF WESTMINSTIR entrance. ut• 94!H73-76n Auto. pwr wWloc;ks, " 71 4-436·5050 No Exp Nee Will Trari ' sludios tor ca1.tnng 581\itees (257263) $12.895 (714)112-6906 (7 J4 )1921906 MUSI Hiiie GoeeutllUI l LEXUS OF 1rea compenlta. Chtcll (Vl.005243) $1 995 CONNELL CHEVY funf WESTMINSTER c:hltges 'CU1 payments up 10 s Spot! Ublity, 4dr. IUIO. 2WO $8250. 7~ (714)$92-6906 with the toe.I Better COST A MESA HONDA (714)546-1200 SO'llt conSOidatlOl'I (V4409608) $t8.995 1 8utlne11 Bur1111 btfore Debi Fast iiEltC£Dl!S BENZ boo 95 TOYOTA CAMRY SE CPE '94 Appl'Ov*1 No Cledll clllClc 71 4-43&·5050 CHEVROLET $10 Pldiup '91 COSTA MESA HONDA you &end en~ money or ACURA LEGEND CPE AA COncl am/Im cass & morel 714 43&-5050 Diiie~ 43Km~ very clt8". ve •1tlf1fff. lthr. llJlo. nvvt 476 EMP.LOYMENT· 476 EMPLOVMENT 476 EMPLOYMENT (8001270-9894 it grtlt gas mlt.gt. 1unroof, at/I, alMn (0tn68) StUt5 fHt for Ml'llcet Read (CAL'SCAN) 5 1petd 1 OWNERI (142580) $1 0.995 OPPTYS OPPTYS OPPTYS end undt11t1nd any CONNELL CHEVY SH.GOO, 94M42-251;4 L'EXUS OF WESTMINSTER :· White, new llrH, S2H5, 14 contrtci• btfore you LESS THAN PE!llf'ECT . 94~553·1172 (714)545-1200 JAGUAR XJS V12 Co*11ble Mit'Cidta Benz 300SL 'ii C7 )112.flOI Ory CIH114H'I • R.c.ptlonltl/Seciy to work Retellsllee 1tgn. Credit? Need deb! consoCida· •94 Metal!IC Aid 40!< ml. 2dools 2tops. v.tllla/palomeno • Volk1wagen VIN90fl 1N * tor Ntwpot1 Bcti Construe· flOn? Cal Chase Manhattan lo BMW i35csl 'H wtl118/lan CHEVROLET 510 Ext Ctb LS FrOOI coun1er ojghlS & High volume tlowerllplanls. tealhel Int 1 Wheeta. I0\11 ml. ·99, ale. pwr win/locks, 3rd dr MUST SELL! $15,00Q(obo inlefior, 80k me. Ofbnal ownet x1n1 condllion, carmeVllf'I 111 w841kend:> a Sharon tfon Co. PT. Mon, Wed, Fri Seekrig Managers & FT/PT gel Ille financial reltel you need r 531.500 IMIJ.&40-1656 new lrllW, custom ~. roosl ca• ,. CM Eattb BARBER SHOP wivnac. $1 k doWn wume (130896) $17,995 i4MSO-n3S 849-851 -2032 8-6:00. Selafy depending on Sates 714~566 through tnnovewe restdenllal 1 Lceilu E'9 s 53995 ot>o 949-645-2317 txperi.nc.. \49-752..0fK for 11i., 40 yr bu11ntee. mortgag&'refinanoe progr8111$ $ t0,950 pp IM9•673-0411 . CONNELL CHEVY Jaguw XJS 2 • 2 Con'lt 96 326 preYIOUI owner wU f htlp. BUICk LE SAbRE LTD '92 (714)545-1200 $39,995 96-4574 2411 miles champ/Ian leather Volktw'91" VW Van 'if Mtdletl lront ofllct. PT nex Receptionist M for FltntH Sm.. Coml'Mf'cl•I Real Estate Cell nowt 1-t00-554-3273. chlome whls. new ~rea alarm. Vaoegon • BAA Ind P,..echool !Mchere In Ge1 30 peten•ed cuttang-edgt CADILLAC CONCOORS '97 71 4-632-0338 714-9Q-4800 1 714-545· 1700 714-Sn-t601 ...~ ~a.t needed • MEMBERSHIP SALES NB F'T great worll1ng macnn. FrH canov. S9.995 OOOOCRE~T~AOCREOIT Lo 21 1-. mt 1>111. 11111 , cd & more• f onl Aaplre '15 Jeguer XJi L SEDAN 40 17 Atso ectpllonlll w • OFACE envilormtfll, medical. dtnlal & l nvHlmenc Cafl now HEEOtfELP ? (202240) S29,988 Auto, AJC, 4Smpg. 5511 mlltl $311,99$ 97-4543 SEU YOUR USED VJmJt'U; milX•lll!I slul lo! u~e =~ al 1099 Bayside Or • education benafits call 1-888-EAT-CANOY TS.H. HELPS NABERS $0 doWl't USUmt S3t50 BAUER JAGUAR Pletst ICIJptlng C«f1le! 949· s1 S,.43@ Newpon S.ldl Mon-Fn 9..tpm 949-955-2672 (CAL'SCAN) CALL 1.f81.76M605. (714)540-9100 prlva1e petty t4Mn-o411. 714-153-4800 THROUGH ct.4.881F.IER


1 1~~1 t·,,~ LANDICAPllG I IMO PAINlltG 11 .. NllBl,MQ I 1-~ 1 CHUNG'S OAR DAWSOH "Pl.UU81HO SMAL1 JOB EXPERTl OUAUTY CRAFTSMAN * ~RDENINO • 14 y..,.. Exp • Gr.. Pree! Repe11 Aamodt! Re1>1P1 20 )'UIS ~ Refetences Relable & Ouallly w~ 11 ~.. W~ · Frw Est er... 24hr aeMOe Evpert f M YOUA HANDYMAN! RIUOflllM Ra!tlS Call Ed L'375602 714-538-1534 g11syslemreppea .USS.722 ~=~ MARK 949-65().9525 Ba1T1t1at94M4WS71. IKE·§ cusfOii PliHfiNO 94H4M120 semi.....,... Contnetor Ym di.,,.ap, 4MWninO. PttirWiONll. ctean. qua&tY EXPERT DRlJN ctOMAO Ll27~~7042 ~°"*""111 Smelt removal, Trett . ~ WOik ~X1 & dOcks PUnlling repen LICENSED coNfAACtoA Jobs, a ·ualt lyllnltgrily. ~~~~.~YARD l.1703488 949-63Hl810 20yTIQP , ahork~ No lob 100 smal AA aeMcel 1Cat9.Ken94w..2-1no PAO TtW PAiHT1HG STEVE 11l-54S-e298 Res*. ramodd. tans new ProfHllontl Strvlc:e PfiECiSE PLUiiliiHO f• IYCC. 6pti 94"'45-3656 Sat11ftction Gunnteld R"*'1 & Remodlll SHANE'S 714-$4•227' Uct651122 FAEE ESTIMATES Gcaenl COllilnct111& CanJtrun~ AAJN80WCIACLE illAiHt L'687398 714·969-1090 • Cllslom Homu HAUL...a1 Plinl~lnlfext HouMr'apt AddltlOllll JUNK TO THE OUMP111 Latcn can/SprinJ./m qua I Frwllt's . _,,...,_. LtS6 7 636-811811 wwu1 """' Boaded It lJIS\lftd 714-9"-1182 Trtt we'lru1al/01ilHIRtn1ou ff_. It Rdlbte AVAILABLE TOOAYI JQJ;i; ln.11 Proli P.llittno •Pl I ..~ Major Rcoo¥1ttom 94M73-6566 1n1erlo1/txte=llOfsmell !Obi~ •1111fllilm111111 Deco Pll#'I Washrlg . --• ..__ TarDowm L#494350 9-646-3006 ._ •-• - 2odSroncs p~ H9-511().982fl • ...... " C..IA1t7J11JO 28 YR UALITY PAINTING Ml . 141 . 1111 '49/5 ... TOUCHUPS TOO 24 Hou" • Rlchanl Slrlof Lt210144 14M5M"2 Nelghborltood Plumber I ~ TWIEDY PWMllNG I: 949 -235 Computer-= Str11lcu lot1 Th• Celil l>ubhc· WOIJlel\. Tuionng encl web dtstgn LO«ll rtlertnces Utilities Commission MM~12 REQUIRES lhel all used household goods • 11E ITOCCO bOCT6" 1 movers I rflnt lhtfr Room 1dd11lon1. stucco P U C Ca T number; P*f*lg rHlUccO L•388781 mot and cheuftlfl 11~WIU When yoo need o little pw11 th11r T.C P. number in •• adVer1iS· work done around the mtntt II Y04J hive a question ebout Ult house, look in the Pilot ltgaljty gC •~r. clossifieds to find o limo or c:Nulf•. call. "'-...... PU8UC UTILITIES good cwpenter, ·COMMISION ...... " LDCot...... 7. 14-658 4161 ...... , ...... electrician, plumber "''°C.,'t ...... '""''° .,..... or hondy mon. ~ ... · ~·If;"·· ~ ...... , ii...... J ,,. ue .. •111m it . ....,..A111111'1 ...... 111