California Thursday January 5, 2017 7502Bo Florence Ave, Downey, CAww 90240 • Website: • Email:
[email protected] news • Office: (562) 807-3600 Fax: (562) 807-2288 Fantastic Turnout for Action Lanes 8 Gamer Bobby Campagnale Wins $1000 ANDY TORO’S 809 is Season High at Canyon Lanes by Frank Weiler CABAZON — The larly scoring 500 for three house went wild! Paul and games. Averages in gen- Earline chicken danced, Jan eral are down. When no did a pirouette and Ming one has rolled a 700 series passed out candy canes. in months, an 800 is huge. The house went wild last After Andy finished Tuesday when Andy Toro bowling I asked him to 102 ENTRIES!! HERE ARE THE TOP 4 CASHERS. (L—R) Matt Schermerhorn 4th $500, Michael Duran 3rd rolled the highest score explain his unusually high $600, Steve Smith 2nd $750, Bobby Campagnale Champion $1000 & Raul “Spanky” Rosales tournament organizer. of the season at Canyon score but he couldn’t. He Special Thanks California Bowling News for the publicity. Look out for future events. Thanks to all competitors in this Lanes. shrugged his shoulders and years 8 gamer. Hope to see you in 2017. General Manager NOR- was as amazed as all of his EL MONTE — Who love to compete, but host- and generally keeping the RIS RUNNELS was so ex- fellow league bowlers. At Congratulations to would have dreamed that ing this event was exciting wheels turning”. cited as Andy kept striking a time when a 600 series Andy Toro, my nominee One Hundred and Two of also.