Fee 4-26-72 .7277.10- Federation of 11-12-70 70.-701 Cancellatiqn,-incr,,to $16.* :';.• Organizations. for Conserving.. Special services ••" Urban space (FOCUS)-Moratorium Eng . . Bldg or demolitn .Fees 4-30-71 71-027C Feder'man V/alter 4-27-72 .72-1535 Certificate of Occupancy Ins Agent for Harry Cargman Glaim auto dmg Issue & appeal - S50 .$204.42 , •• Fees^ ' • 6-16-71 -71-2406" "Federspiel Donald 3-29-71 71-1268 City Hall Towers ' ' ;' " Claim auto dmg r Receptiori- Facils Use $379.91 - Estab fees Fedoptics Inc 10-30-73 73-5540" "Fees - ' 3-31-72 72--532 ,,: Claim bus tax refund collection re $6,000 Strong Motion Instrumentatn Prog Calif Dvsn Mines & Geology " Fedrizz! Jeffrey 5- 4-/1 /0-5626 '" Fees 11-3-72 71-2997 City Atty"defend Ccl Calendar-Joumal- Mexican Nationals case Referrals & Agendas- increase 'Fees 7 6-12-72 71-71' Fees "'• 9-24-73 73-5063 Airline passengers or travel 329 Dog License - Taxes Prorate - amd lAMC .Fees 6-25-72 72-2550 - Felt'"'" 12-21-70 70-5716 lie - Drainage - parcel maps Animal Breeders 15 Drainage Dist Ord amend Dev prog collect Fees 4-29-71 99918 Fees / " 3-15-72 136826 invelling Unit Tax Sup ^2 Anriexation on $200 - per unit -'ord !|!i,%2!!/^^^^^ Fees 9-30-71 7'l-586i "Fees 3-23-71 7i;ll87 Annexation Emerg Ambulance Serv l^ermlnate" V/aive - 48 hrs following earth­ quake 2- 9-71 Fees 3-7-'75- 75-922 Fees 5-27-71 71-2120 Annexation - Elnerg ambulance service-Goodhew Refund $ll6.,l65 . Ambulance Serv et al- amend H&H Const,Co LAAC Sec 22.210.2 - inequity Fees 10-19-72 72-3905 Fees 3-6-73 72-4500 Application c/z EIR - reports • S Amend - incr to $3 00 7cees 3-7-72 72-907 Fees 8-13-71 71-2806 Atty - not exceed $1500 Equine - Sales & Civil action-Govt Code 1655 redemption -fees - add Sec 800 Animal Reg x^ees . 4- 6-71 71-i408 "i^ee 5-29-73 71-2806 Bad check collection Equine - $5 Amen'.i LAMC Sec 11.07 Amd LAMC Sec 53.15.1 i-ee 1-4-71 71-0004 •ee ' 6-4-71 71-2240 Bail - incr , Exempt- Carni-.'als Parking Control -waive noti-compl lance witii time req 2-22-71 71-755 Fees - 12-23-72 72-4800 Bldg permit waiver Filing - Earthquake dis,-dster Pub Office Indigent persons Fees 5_19-'/'l 71-027O Fees 2-24-72 72-745 Bldg Sc Safety S-4A Flr^gerprint soarches Special Services - non-crlnrLnal Fee 9-24-73 73-5061 ^•2^ • 3-27-71 7i-2306 Finger print Record clear-ance Business Records Search " •.f^ Driver & Amtrdlance' Attendant .1>5 - City Clks Office ""''•- 71,05 & 71.11 LAMC 458 Fees,.^ -. ;• .9- 4-70 70-3914. ^ Fee. .... 2- 7-72 7274-79 Fire* uept— . " . ' 7-- '• 'Record Clearance • '" •• Copies of deptl-photo-'&-rept& $4,'- .Ambulance-Driver attendant

• Pees. . , . 5-17-'n.' 133707' Fee ., ,. 7-18-72 136325 • 'Golf .,: 7. •' -'' Rec & Parks" Reduce -.Sr Citizens - - . • Svrelling Unit •• - Const tax - Fees 5-22-72 71-2806 ' Fees & Bus Tax 8-13-73 73-3722 Inspection "Service S .'. • Refunds - $1300 to $3000 Substandard Bldg owner- without Ccl approval- B&S Conservation Bur - Atty Opin atnd procedure Fees7 '• 12-25-71 71-4920 "Fees ; 8-13-71 71-175C Refuse Collection chg S 5 Maps • ; - Dvrellino 'Unit - S2.00; -'-Piling-process tax- areas ^. Ord - failed adoption "•Fees,. ' 3-5-72 ' 159395 •. Fees , 6-29-7 2 7 2-710 re motion .-picture Indus S ;' ' Re'inspection & Occupancies S-7 Rev .1- Tax^ Corat re-e;'.am!ne Bldas . .' , ' - • . Wachs mo Fire Dept -Fees 6-24-7r'"7i-252l^ Fees 4-14-72 133081 ' Motor Vehicles - Annual .; Reproduction of Sup #2 Automobiles $10 ; Pu'Dlic Record Motorcycles ..$5 -'' Gibson GE Comt rent Fees 7-30-70 70-3249 'Fees : • 12-15-70 7155081 Motor 'vehicle Disposal Act ^. Reproduction services SB'3665 amends SB 3522 . -" " Zerox - .50^ per page • $25-$50 Mills Fee 4-26-72 ^72-710 Fees 6- 7-/2 70-2568 Parcel Map-incr to $200 Right of-Way - Waiver Special services^ / .City Sch Dist . . . - -- Eng Fees : ... ; 7-2-71 71-2522 Fees 3-9-71 71-3146 Pafkii-ig-est'ab . . ., . • .Sanitatiori Charge .Griffith Park-' residential fee $1.55 -' $1.45 Snyder ..--.., .'i;1.2S monthlv • '. '' • Pees • 4- 7-/1 71-l4l8 Fee .8-5-71 71-3034 • Passenger provisions San Pedro Ghmbr '• Commerce . . - ' • Port LA Tariff ,$•3 for program . ' ',";' -, 43 "Last Night on Beacpri St" ' ". Fee 4-25-72 72-710 Fee 6-10-71 71-1750 Permit-ii-icr to $16 Services by t,;.) Special services C^-CCED - Russell Eng Fees 8-10-71 133081 Fees 7-14-71 71-28P5. 'Photocopies Se-rvices provided by Public Reccrds- City depts- CAO.rept '

Fees . ,8- 6-71 70-2571 Fees _ 7-11-73 73-2852' .Plan Dept - estab Services payrat bor-ids-coupons - .Sr::.fici.?i1 !^'prvxa^p. — out of state. - BofA - -araend PC 15368 contract . . •• Pee ^ 8-19-71 71-23p6 Fee 7-10-70 138960 Pol- Dept recover cost S-b Sevjer. Connection - Policy impounding abandoned cars collected at time of req

Fee^ .4- 5-/0 109572 Fee 7-12-71 71-0270 Polling Place rental - .. Shop inspections- incr to •S25 Boilers & pressure vessels ... Gity Clerk' Fee 8-50-71 71-2Bo6 , Fees . 6-15-71 71-2371 Publication of cert orus ,'1-15' Special Services by impose fee- Amd LAMC & .L.AAG ' CICED

Fees ... 10-19-72 72-3905- Fees 4-26-71 7I-O270 Pubiish , • Special Services Delete .330 "ch':; c/-7. ords , Eng Bur - revise . • ' . •. '• 459

MT. »0. |,Ctl4 • Cl«t IS IN «. a- «. Fee ^" ^ ': 1V19-71.•-71-0270'^ Fainauer R D" ' 10-15-73 73-5294 Special Services- '' 7 -' claira retroactive pay Fire Dept - amd ~ -* '• Fire Code Fee3 7'''' ' '• " 4-20-71 771-02/0 ' Feinberg R.'.I ' * 5.-24-71 . •71-204l Special Services •John S. Sesmore -' '''-3 St Mtnce Bur - revise Claim oers inj' & loss of prop $75,000 "Fees • ' 2-22-72 72-710 Feinberg Richard 6-11-71 71-2337 Special Services 1971-/2 Atty for Carol Tollefson-, Police Dent claim pers inj $250,000. "Fees ' 10-31-72 72-4032 Feinberg Richard 6-14-71 71-2357 Special Services Atty for Fausto Contreras 'Mun Arts Dept-amd cia'im pers inj $75,000 , , ^ Ord 136,626 incr fees Fees ,a 8-9-73 72-4500 'peinbe'rg,Ros3 & 7-29-71' '71=3025 ' Special^ Services pressman for Linda Solding_fr-,.. Sanitation'Bur Olai.m pers lnj & auto drng incr $25,000 r, n • "Fee - - 7- 7-71^' 139972 Feingersh Heidi 2-25-70 70-828 St 'Tree Mtnce by Manns & Man'ns ' - '; Claim pers inj " Feinner David & 7-13-73 '73-2920' Pees' ' •- 4-14-/0 1512/4 father Bert Feinner By Attys St '\^ac- & std time for term of Oll-ver Sloan Vargas Shaffer & st vac-amend LAAC Sec 4.44 Lindvig Claim pers inj $3,200,OOC Fees • ' •• 12-28-70 70-58l4 Feins't'eiri'Dayid' .1-28-72 72-384' St vacation-reco.nveya'nces. etC; CAO i->ept re adequacy of Claim auto dama.cr-e $439.13'' ^"''^ .Fee • .'.'-• i2_i_72 -j^-khk^' Feist -Robert D " 5-31-/2 72-2017 Vote i.-e-'Tount ~, '32 Claim pers lnj & auto dm.g chg each precinct TTnfit pmf-, - City Clk Fees '- 3-18-71 7''O-50O Feistman Ida 9-14-72 72-3460 telephone cc gas' & Louis - Claim pers injury undet commercial & indust use impose tax rate of ICffo Feit Stanley 11-8-71 71-4349 Pee 2-23-75 73-793 for Wendy Feit-claim pers ini Tr 25183 - $2,500 . . ^ -^ Refund - $4,7370.00 • "Felt Walter 9-8-72 72-3546 Feeder Trails 1-28-71 146290 & Paul - .... De-velopment in City County area Claim pers injury Notional Trai-lsSys Act $150,000 Public Law 90-543 Fe,gen "Paul F ' ..5-24-71 71-2043 Feit Wendy 11-8-71 71-^4349 Pdlly y Brown claim pers inj $2,500 Claim -pers inj - Uridt e^mt Fehr Maria 1- 4-73 73-27 "Felder Harry 5-9-70 70-10b6 Rehab centers - Claim auto damage & pers injury B'aild on park land

Fehririg Harold 11-29-73 73-5983 Feldman Anna 1- 9-70 70-93 Claim auto dmg - $52 Claim prop dmg

Feifer Oliver 1-4-71 71-0002 Feldman Dorothy 9-23-70 70-^4207 CcmmcTid - Claira pers inj £d.3lman

Feiglej; ;Benjam!n 9-4-75 75-4'65.6 Feldman Edward 10-14-70 70-r4613 • Claim retroactlv'e pay - 7 Atty for Edward Smoyer - Claini pers inj $10',000 4G0 Feldraan Eliot B. 2- 4-r2 -Tyi . Felix7 Gear! 7-12-73 73-2751 Com.mend . -_, 7 .. . . - Adj in m-emory • —.-•-. "^ •. Edelman Mo -Wilkinson Mo Feldra.an Phillip 10-19-73 73-5370, Felix Jqse M 9-16-70 70-4112 Atty for Richard Stem claira auto, drag claim pers inj $3,500 $65- ., B'eldraan-Golde 5-25-71 71-2019 Felix Leslie G 3-15-71 71-1066 Helen- I.^ Anthony ... Claim auto drag Clairn..per3 lnj & auto drag: $26,861 Feldraan-Golde- 8-6-71 71-3116 "Felix William 3-25-75 75-1222 Supancic - for Laureen Ara'tcawa Claim auto damage Claim pers inj $641.69 ^o non i'*eldman/Golds 5-23-72 72-1948 Fellis John. 7-6-71 71-2710 Gupancic- J&E Scott - ' - Claira v7rongful discharge fr Claim pers injury • - position .?I5O,0OO.,-.- ' $21,000 Feidm.an & Haber 2- 5-70 70-471 I "Fellov7s Lloyd W 2-6-73 73-24 Attys for Mollie Slater Adjoum- Glaim pers inj Wilkinson "Feldman Jack 4-50-70 70-1845 "Fellows & Stewart 5-7-75 75-968" Clairn bus tax refund Divsn - Harbor Boat Bldg Co -' Approp $9,000 settle actn Feldman Jill R 3-25-71 , 71-3536 I Felraan Phoebe 3-20-72 72-1074 Claim pers inj i Claira false arrest $25,000 $120,000 ;• ; •' ; ; Feldman Judy , 2-26-71 71-805 ' 'Felons" ;'"; 5-5-72 71-'!-400 " Claim false-arrest .&'" pers irij- employ.ment of - ' -:S"52 Oppose SB 518,. ': Feldman Michael 2- 5-/0 ;70-559 "Felony" / "'6-23-72 . 72-2397 ., Appl pres late claim. & claim Kill animal' on" owner prop •pers prop loss sponsor lesis declare 7 7 ^

Feldman Sheldon 2- 5-71 71-0496 •"Felosky Richard 6-16-72 72-130,0 *"-Claim pers inj ' Comraend '• ..„•""' V/ilkinson 7 . -

Feld-nan William 8-8-73 73-3481 Felsenfeld Robt '3-9-72 ' 72,-^.2935 Traffic Gomsn - mbr Claim auto dmg " • • • tei-ra end 5-30-78 $245.66 •....,

Feldmeler Ethyl 1- 7-70 70-45 Feltm.an William 8-7-73 ,, 73-3379 V.'ade' Cl'aim retjroactive pay ';. •- . Glaim auto dmg Felice Joseph 3-29-7.1 71-1281 Fe.lton Ann 6-25-75 75-2600' - Claim pers inj' Claim pers injury . $1,000,000

Feliciano Jose 8-17-70 70-2350 Felton Karen 6-25-75 75-2600 Comm.end* -- G L'indsay Claim pers .^injury j. - ,

"Felipino 5-26-72 72-I500 "Felton Mary E, 6-12-75 75-2412 •Health Fair. Week - • " Claim pers irijury designate • - • •• -. -. $50,000 ../'• Gibson Felix Benadicto 7-28-70 70-3202^ Fel.tg Wm W, . 4-16-73 73-1535 Hortense-St Ely Lankershi.ii Blvd •'Clai-ra pers* prop dmg .. ''.',. PC 24630 - c/z .mi Female Officers 11- 1-73 73-5595 Feriton Joel 5-3-72 72-1755 Speci-al unit ' - Claim towing fee Investigate rape cases .*15.00 Fence - 7-28-72 7 2-2826 Fenton Milton 5-7-73"'^ 73-94l Electric - legalize use Alfredo Navarro for' Noberto .- ' LAt-IC Sec 93.0311 - modify Claim pers injury $100,000 Richard Guthrie - - . Fence ' 5-18-71 71-1962 "Feriton Milton .2-15-74 74^685 Playa del .Rey Island - Avalonia Atty for Ronald V/ Sheetz- St-Killgore St-Trask Ave Ely claim pers inj Vista, del Mar Fence - 5-25-70 129889 Fer John 3-17-72 72-1 Requirements -LA.MC Sec 12.-20 Capt USAF & Staff Sgt D Newton- N-3 Zone Resol ded 3-24-72 - Gibson

Fence . ' 7_31_72 72-2855' Fer John 4- 6-:73 .73-1351 Chain link - Designate 4- 7-73 day Replace Gibson Mo Pol Supply Divsn "Fences.. " . 5-21-71 71-2007 • Ferguson Eng 3-6-72 120850 Swim Pool area - excess 6 Ft- Arad Ccl instructns zn chg by' A,mend LAMC - Plan Dept study Lorenzen Parcel Map re PC 17296 "Fencing & 10-5-73 70-745^, ' Ferguson Frances 11-22-72 72-5645~ Landscape requiremts • ""^ Adj in me.mory Auto Repair Business '^" Nowell Amd LAMG .Fencing i. 10-13-72 70-745 " Fe-rguson John F- 4-22-71 ;'71-l6i6 Landscaping So Calif RTD - contract But-.r^ r-on3-i r c.cjI-.sViH.ej'hmranr-,-• -. prcv serv 7th Ccl Dist $500 Jun'K Yard ,. . _ __.. Fericing-& "' - 2- 8-71 71-530 Ferguson John 9-30-71 '71-3860' Parkiiig -Plan a Zone Code Sees 12.19 & 12.20 unnecessary advertising thru _ Industrial Use Reoul - Lind.-^^^^v _, press & TV & Dept V/&P PencLng 9-14-71 71-35'36 Ferguson Pat H 8-14-70 70-2350 Vacant .'Lots Cora-mend - Nowell dumping prohibit Fender Geraldine 1-20-71 71-0277 "Ferguson Robt 6-3-73 ' 73-2554 Claim wringfui death Rohan Wanigatunga - $200,000 Claim, false arrest $15,500 Fendrich Jeanne' 9-20-72 72-3550 Ferguson Robt 6-8-75 75-2556 Barbara Ann Rosen - Piet Van Calbergh - * - Glaim release of ssser.?. Claim false arrest $15,000 $io,_5oo Ferguson Shannon 11-10-71 71-4392 '.l?ennell LeRcy 1-17-72 72-178 Claim auto dmg.& . 7 Claim auto damage.&"ners injury pers inj "* . Fenner Lorraine 10-9-70 70-4550 Ferguson Wm L 4--16-70 7O-I617"' -Ci.-:-.ira refund bev tax Claim a*ato dmg 3535.35

Fennie -Robt J 11-14-73 73-5500 Ferguson V/illiam 6-11-71 71-1300 Claim auto dmg Salute - $240.25 Braude "Feristen Julian .B 6-20-72 ' 72-2271 Feria de la Raza 8-23-71 ,; 71-2600' Dorotiiy C Taylor - com_merid - Bradley Cloi.m false arrest $25,000 " Fensten .Julian 9-5-75 73-4666 Feria 0-- La Rsza 9-^7-73 73-2750 Atty'foi"'Kai'fn Rose -A.-isociated Studerit Clairn auto cimg & per,':; inj Gal State Univ IJ^- com-mend - Snyder '1'"7'» Tem.and.ez Ben • 9 — 2''—7'' --/2 —•''-"•in" Commend Resol cdmr,-.end Jimi,my Gunri'!. Snyder Mo Eerkich Roys 8-8-73 73-3450 -Harbor.Comsn --, . 1 Ferraro John 1-15-/0 70-30 '- t'erra end 6-30-77 ' Resol commend Sid Sm.ith -, - Ferman Bldgs . 11-27-7 2 7 2-4406 Ferraro.John I-I6-70 70-30, • "'Board •& Care Home-Sr Citizens' Resol ackn 5705 Re..:;<=d3- r-ilvd7 BZ-A 2121' Masao Ohashi - Gov of V^akayama l^ermq Jim D . 11-6-70 .... 70-4980 Ferraro John "7 1-19-70 70-50 .Claim auto dmg '' . , - Resol Com.mend. "$'32/80 - . Robert Silverstein

Fernandez Earl 1-12-72 72-126 Ferraro John 1-22-70 l48075 -•""" Claim'$780 held by Pol Dept Jet Aircraft Engines • Noise - Mo '>'>

Fernandez ... , .,12-18-70-, 7O-5672 Ferraro John 1-22-70 148075' Guiil'ermo-claim pers inj.. Aircraft Pollutants - Mo Fernandez Joe 6- 7-72 72-2093 'Ferraro John , l-25-'r0 , 70-40 Claim flase arrest , 'Mo - a,dj in "memory Robert E $15,000 Lucatorta '

.Per,nandez- Lena 12-50-70 70-5345 Ferraro John 1-26-70 70-30 Claim .refund,,bev tax- Resol cDramiCnd -Admiral V/illiam M McCloy Fernarrdez Richard 9-5-73 73-4729 Ferr.arp, John , , , 1-27-70 , '70-4o '-"Claim per-3 ,-prop loss Mo -..adj .i.n--memory, Floyd Cl/mer

E.erragut Maria 5-30-73 73-2200 Ferraro John 1-29-70 .70-30 '*'claim auto dmg & pers inj Resol comniend ..; Robert K Steinberg ' ,. : Ferrara Donald E 9-10-70 70-3963 Ferraro John . 1-29-70 "70-30 Claim auto drag Resol commend Obstetrical & Gynecological ' Assembly of So Cal Ferrara T R; . 5-14-/1. /1-1924 Ferraro John. . 2- 9-7'0 70-40 'Fe'rwick St & Sable Ave Adj in memory r-irs Andja Polich - yac prcdgs.reinstated. Mo ;. ;,. • -• Ferrari Dean A 7-6-72 145389, ' Ferraro John 2-10-70. 70-40 •'"Atty approp $25,000 Adj in, memory Carolyn Knight. settlemnt claira Weedman - Mo - • "

Ferraro -John , 1- 6.-70 70-4Q, Ferraro John-.. 2-11-70 . 70-30 •M6"^adjourri memory Resol salut'e Red Patterson , Franklin L Orth - ho-nored "oy Westwood Shrine Club Mo FeEraro John •- •,l-:9-70 .70-40 Ferraro John 2-l8-r.70 70-30 • Mo- adj in memory Bartholomew Resol honor Thomas Keller Mako Ferraro John 1-14-70 „ 70-40 Ferraro John . 2-18T-70 70-50 Hamilton & Pollon resignations ''Mo - adj iri memory.V/m J .McLean Plan Comt rept failed of adoptn reconsiaer Mo Ferraro John' „• ,l-l4-70 , 7p-4o- Ferraro John 2-20,-/0 70.-40- ^lo'-~ad j in .mem,o,ry •L S.Overp'eck Adj in memory Dr R Leland Wat.'son Mc . ' .. ' . 463 Ferraro'John". 2-20-70 70-40 Ferraro John • 3-27.-70' 1^17700 Adj in raemory Robert V/ Miller - LA Coliseum Comsn - A-x'-^ ?.l Mo , SB 220-incr by 2 state .membs - Mo oppose . • •. • Ferraro John -2-25-/0 /0-40 Ferraro John 3-l<3-70 70.-40 ., Adj in memory Mrs Maude Kay • Adjourn Pascoe - Mo Hilda Volkmor Thorn 'Ferraro John 2-27-70-,-" 70-30' Ferraro John 3-20-70 70-40' Adjourn Commends Rabbi \fm Sniegelman Chas L Wellman '

Ferraro John 3-2-70 70-50 Ferraro John ' 5-35-70 7Q-4o Adjourn Commends Sgt Harry K Loven Robt Howard Cobb

Ferraro John 5-4-'70 70-40 Feri*arb John -5-23-70 70-40 Adjourn Adjourn Mrs M.arion Uelow J A "Foghorn" .Murphy

"" Ferraro John 5-6-70 70-50 ' Ferraro John 3-30-/0 -70-40 Sol Les in - co.mm.ends Frank M Jcrdan-adj in memory

Ferraro John 3-6-70 70-30 Ferraro John ' 3-30-70 ' 70.-40 John R Cohan - comimends August Joseph Bumb-adj in memor^^' Ferraro John 3-6-70 70-30 Ferraro John 4-6-/0 /Or50 Sam Teic'nman - com.mends H V.'erner B'uck

Ferraro John- 3r-6-70 70-50 Ferraro John '4- 6-70 • 70-1442 J ''. .—. "-N f"* •-'".1. ^^ -• "V*-Ci -»* ... ^ -^ -VS •*.i/'>-:'v »• /•• Taxicab dr-iver photograph & JD r-ecorded vr-' th ''^It^' Feri-aro Johri , 5-12-70 70-50 B'erraro John 4- 3-/0 70-1575 Jewish War "Vets - Alice Morse Banning-adj in resol coniinend Brotherhood Wee'rc memory 5-15-70 - Ferraro John, 4- S-^70 70-30 Ferraro John 5-10-70" 70~40 An:ibassador Hotel fi Adjourn Cocoanut Grove - resol comniend H'lirry S Ernrich "Fer:raro John 5-i6-7Q 7''0-50 ' Ferraro John 4- 3-/0 /0-730 Honor 'IA Athletic Club V.'llshire Country Club Bl'-^g & Aa^etv Issue permt clubhouaa " -,- - " Ferraro- John 5-16-70 70-50 Ferraro John 4-l6'-7Q 145231 Bar Assn Day - Filipino-A.me.rican Com.mun LA Co.'n.'','iends 'Jilshire /'.ssn. .Sori-ng St - ceremony ., designate 5-24-70 7'-4-76 ' , -'_ "Ferraro John 5-16-70 70-1151" Ferraro John 4-17-/0 7P-50 - Super Bowl Game - April 29 i-.-iemorial Branch select LA as site - Library pay resol urge Ferraro John 5-16-/0 70-40 Adjourn Ferraro John 4-17-70 7,Q-50 Edward L Emett Ann Miller for perfor-mance in ,.Hame 'Ferraro John 5"16'-70 70-40 Ferrara John 4-24-70 70-'-15/5 Adjourn Adj in memory j'f.ertha (Birdie) Roy C Seeley Stodel

Ferraro John 3-17-70 '' 70-30 Ferra-c'b John ', 5-4-70 70-18/9 Com.-,-ienas Prof Dudley C Gord'On Council. Members Excuse fr Cci sessions - June 4o4 Ferraro John " 5-22-70 70-30 Ferraro John 7-13-70 70-2720 • Extend best,-, wishes Teachers'" Jos'ephine Brar:t - adjourn Remeraberance Day ..[•. m Ferraro John 5-22-70 70-1375. "Ferraro Jol-rn 7-13-70 70-2720" Adj in m.emory L Wolfe Gilbert - adjoum Goodwin J Knight - Mo'

Ferraro John 5-22-70 70-1375 ! Ferraro John 7-3-70 70-2720 Gbodvrin J Knight-adj oum Kelly G Petillo - adjourn

Ferraro John 5-20-70 70-1375 Ferraro John 7-14-70 70-2720 'Alan-Fish-adjourn .Molly Petty - adjoum -'

"Ferraro John 5-26-70 70-30 Ferraro John 7-17-70 70-2350 Coiumbia College-film & TV, People of Disneyland - Sciiool-commend Felicitate

Ferraro John 5-27-70 70-30 'Fer-.-aro John 8-3-70 70-2720 William "Bill" C Hartshot-n- Merl Lee Barker - coramend adjoum Ferraro John 5-3-70 70-2350" Ferra-ro John 7-28-70 70-2720 Dr E-rnst Katz-Jr Philharmonic Dan A Kimball - ••- " orehestra-honor-5-3-70 adjourn

Ferraro .John 6-5-70 70-2350 Ferraro John 7-28-70 70-2720 IA High School Alumni Assoq- . Robert E Morrisoti - ' commend adjoum ' , A Ferraro John . 6-5-70 70-2350 Ferraro John. 7-27-70 70-2720 .Harold Trattner-conrmend Sister Mary W Faiker - adj ou'm • . ,;• Ferraro John " 6-8-70 70-2350 Ferraro John 8-12-70 70-3516 Lynn.D Compton-commend ' SB 1371-delete yen Rte 2-bet- W City bndry..Beverly Hill.y &' Gcwer St-oppose ... Ferraro John 6-12 -70 70-2541 Ferraro John 8-14-70 70-2350 RTD - Express Busway El Monte, to "Festival in Black", LA-endorse proposal commerid sponsors ;'

Ferraro John 6-8-70 70-1375 Ferraro John 8-6-70 70-2720 Harriett McGraw Keavy- George E O'Brien - : adj in memory .adj m memory

Ferraro John 6-16-70 70-1375 Ferraro John 8-20-70 70-3533 ' Jam.es vT Boyle - adj in memory Mo- La^Tvers,' Wives of LA- - use City Kail Tower - transportation mtg 2-18-71 "Ferraro John 6-22-70 70-2350 Ferraro John 8-21-70 70-3563 Rt Rev Monsignor Maurice Ryan- .Wilmington Yachi Marina Inc-. commend Per-mit 89 - Lear.e . - • Federal Court Ferraro John 5-25-70 70-2350 Ferraro John 8-18-70 70-2720" Optimist Internat'i - Adj in membry ' \ 52nd'. Annual. Cbnv-commend Horace W Brower .;• .

"Ferraro John 6-30-70- 70-1375 Ferraro John 8-25-70 70-2350 .Henry Dockweiler - adjoum Rampart Police Div u Basic Car Plan - commend

'Ferraro .John 7-14-70" 70-2350 Ferraro John 8-24-70 70-2720 Didier Raguenct Gonsul General- ..Franklin-S .Pa>'ne ,; -•- '3of France - honor ' Adjpurn., ' ... [) Cll. Ha. 1 .Oil 4 rKihicu rw u. s. A. CAT, H5. t-n;( i rKf. fl'-'* l:( 'J •: A - , r , Ferraro .John ,; 9-1-70 '70-2720 Ferraro John 11-16-70 " 70-4900 Charles J Dunn United Savings & Loan Assn of Adjoum . • Calif & Elvjood A TeagUe-c.ontinue Helms Athletic Fqundatn-commend Ferraro John ' 9- 3-70 70-2350 Norman E Dunnavant Ferraro Nod 11-16-70 '70-4'2C0 Gommend Gibson adj in memory Ferraro John • - 9- 3-,7'0 70-2350 Greater LA Chap-National Safety Ferraro John 11-20-70 70-5194 Ccl and Japan Traf Safety Assoc Mo- • • - • . Gommend . Hlth Pro.g-VJ&P-Emps Ferraro John 9- 4-70 70'-3861 contributn incr .-: Prop #1 - 11-3-70 Election Ferraro John 11-30-70 70-4900 $250 Million Clean Water Bond Henry G Bakes - com.mend . : • •" .F-erra.ro John • 9-10-70 70--.2350 Ferraro John 11-27-70 7.0;-4-200 LA Athletic Club & Benjamin O Davis Sr ,Adj . in memory , , - -u , Coramend • Ferraro John 9-14-70 70-2350 Ferraro John ll-30-'70 70.1-42bo Michael Ravid - Sully Mason congratulate Ad i in memory- yx Ferraro John 9-3-70' 70-2720 Ferraro John 12- 2-70 70^4200 Vincent Lombard! - Mrs Toni V/einberger - adjourn Mo- Adj in memory • -..

Ferraro John 9-16-70 70-2720 Ferraro John 12- 3-70 70-4900 ) Joe Angelo - Maurice V.'e:L-Afcerg9r- Resol .Adjourn com.mend ,. . ..,- '

' Feri-aro John ^ 9-21-70 70-2720 Fe-rraro John 12- 4-70 70-4900 Pe-r-ry T Jone,? - Wilshir-e .Branch Library-comrnen'l ' Adjoum "Ferraro John '9-25-70. 70-2350 Ferraro John 12- 7-70 70-4200 White Can Day- Helen M Thompson - Adjournment declare Oct 2-3 1970.

Ferraro John 10-7-70' 70-4487 Ferraro John 12-7-70 70-4'200 Antony Mutsaers commun re Florence Dickstein -adjournment Noise helipad 5750 V/ilshire

, "Ferraro .John 10-19-70 '70-2350 Ferraro .John 12- 7-70 70-4200 Jack V/ebb - commend Edward Fleming Call A-di in r^lf--:^,1.^r^'' ,3, Ferraro ..Jo'nn 10-23-70 70-2350 Ferraro John 12-10-70 70-4200 Pat Buttram - David VJ Simpson . e,:xt appreciation Adio'arnment - , •, ,

Ferraro John 10-20-70 70-4200 Ferraro John 12-;-i4-70 70.-4 26o ) Mina Lowy - Clarinda Mason - Ad j ournm,e-P t adjoum Ferrara John 11-2-70 70-4900 Pei^raro John 12-21-70«-70-49CC ,1obert E- Eairly - Resol congrat John B Riffel comraend

Ferraro John 11-13-70 ,7-C-.4200 f^erraro John 12-28-70 70-3825 Richard A Drew - Goodrich Ave & Robldoux St adjou-m cancel- assmt act, prcdgs -'•' • ' 1 Ferraro John 11-4-70 70-4200 Ferraro John 12-31-70 -70-5836 rldvrin -J Lceb - Mo-Temole St-'Hoover St-Beverly B'i adjour-h inc.ludb in ,Hoover StOVirgil Ave Rte etudv 4(i6 Ferraro John - 12-28-70 70-4200 Ferraro John 2- 1-71 71-0002 L Mendel Rivers- 'T a.djpum: •. . ., - .-o^'c--liTiOgehe G Hui,-ph,y-- f, ". " Co^.^ond Ferraro John ' 12-23-70 70^-420o" Ferraro John 2- 1-71 71-0001 Neil Goedhard - , •Mrs Jules Kauffman , .adj.oum Adj in memory

Ferraro John & 12-28-70 70-4200 Ferraro John 2- 5-71 71-0002 E Edelraan - Bob Hope & Jack Benny , ,,-Dr; George-Piness- - : Gommend • adjoum -' Ferraro .John ' •12-30-70 70-4200 Ferrai;o John 2-19-71-71-0002 Lee S Barnes - - - - Sol Kes't J adjoum;. • . •' .' Coinmei-i'd

'Ferraro John 12-21-70 70-4200 Ferraro John 2-17-71 71-0001 Raymond A Stock!- W Claude. Fields Jr •. • .^ yr -.-.; •' adjo'urri " '"• Adj in memory ' ,,;;

Ferraro John 12-30'-70 70-4200 Ferraro John 2-22-71 ' 71-0002 Brutus Hamilton - Jewish 'i'/ar Veterans adjo-um Coramend

Ferraro John 12-21-70 70-4200 Ferraro John 2-22-71 71-755 Lloyd Rentsch - • Bldg permit-sewer connectn adjourn'-. chg fees - waive earthquake area

Ferraro John 1-4-71 71-0001 Ferraro John 2-26-71 /l-OOOl Barbara Hendren- Rev Maurice Ryan adjoum -. Adj in triemory

Ferraro John 1-5-71 71-0001 Ferraro John 5- 1-71 71-0001 Alexander S Gowie- adjoum...... •-\. /.Judge Thurmond Clarke Adj in memoi;y .- Ferraro John -1-5-71 71-0001 Lawrence G McNeil- Ferraro John - 5- 5-71 71-0001 adjoum ; - Millard (Dixie) «Howell •' 7 Adj in memory . - ; Ferraro John 1-22-71 71-0002 Ferraro. John 5- 5-71' 71-0002 Cecilia G'Neil - commend Joe.& Hen! Herman . - Com.mend Ferraro John 1-25-71 71-0001 Ferraro John 5- 5-/1 71-0002 Robert G F Byington- Lt Peter L-Stenderup ,- '• adjourn. ... Coramend , , :

Ferraro John 1-25-71' 71-0001 Ferraro John 5- 8-71 71-0001 Senator Richard B Russell- Edward Dickson' (f4r?.) J ,-adjourn ' - Adj in memory

Ferraro John 1-25-71" 71-0001 Ferraro John 5- 8-71 '/l-OOOl Laurel Jeannette Smith- Gabriel C Duque r adjourri " . ""' Adj in raemory - ' .

Ferra-ro John 1-22-71 71-0001 Ferraro John 5-10-71 70-1459 Myrtle H Cooper Douglas Aii-craft Co - develop ^Adjourn construct Navigator Trainer Aircraft "Ferraro John 1-18-71 71-0001 Ferraro Jo.hn 5-11-/1 /l-OOOl John G Brooks - Judge Bayard Rhone ..adjourn : ' ••' . Adj' in memoi'^y

Ferraro Joh,n 1-11-71 ?1-0O01 Ferraro John 5-15-71 71-0001 Irvin Kaiser Walter W -Ralphs- •adjouL-n - • • Adj in m.emory • . . ' ' ,' •46'?'

.,'/ Ferraro John - 5-16-71 . 71-0002 LA Psychoanalytic Society & Feri'aro John 4-26-71 . 71-1350 Institute - coramend Clair Peck.Sr ., Adj in memory ,__ ... .

Ferraro John 5-16-71 71-0002 'i .s-erraro John '4-23-71 7O-I663 Optimists ... j State of Israel ' Comm.end 23rd Anniversary - Com.mend

Ferraro John 5-19-/1 71-1141 i Ferraro John " ,6-9-71 71-1300 :' National Football League ' Emst H Katz - LA site S'uper Bowl or Pro Bowl cora.mend Ferraro John 3-26-71 71-0002 " \. "Ferraro .John 6-9-71 71-1300 ' Merchants & Manufactures Rudolf Friml- Assoc - commend ., congratulate

Ferraro John 3-29-/1 /IrOOOl '' Ferraro John 6-9-71 7lrl300 Dr John B Doyle" Jack Benny ,AdJ In memory commend

"Ferraro John 3-29-71 71-0001 Ferraro John 6-9-71, 71-1300 Marguerite Fanning J Leoriard Penner- Adj In memory commend Ferraro John 3-30-71 71-0002 William H Nicholas - Ferraro John 6-9-71 71-1350 Dr Primadiva De.mandante- commend adjQum

Ferraro John 4- 7-71 70-1665 Ferraro John 6-10-71 71-1300 Jevjish Fed - Ccl Greater LA Ann Margolis Stem- Special Event Fl,ag raising ext-greetings

Fei'raro John 4- 9-71 71-1300 "Ferraro John 6-10-71 71"-1360 Harry Krasne Anna Elizabeth Hayden- Coirasend comraend

"'Ferrai'O John ' 4-15-/1 71-l48o' Ferraro John 6-10-71 71-1300 .Allay E/O Fairfax Ave bet Rose- Thom-as J Hamilton- j wooii Ave & Oakwood- Ave - acq commend _. addtl r/w Ferraro John 4-13-71 71-1350 "Fer-raro John 6-15-71 70-5779 Milsn -Roven Amd Ccl instructn re PC 23315-^16 .Adj in memory 3-8-71-Z/a & HD ord withheld until st ded & imp Ferraro John 4-14-71 71-1350 Ferraro John 7-1-71 71^2600 ;f.eO-and A Irish Scanstar - Adj in memory commend

Perrs.?o. John 4-36-71 /1-1300 Ferraro John . 7-2-71 71-2600 ; Lh- Shapfcer American Society of Rod Dedeaux & 1971 USC ChaJi-tered • Life Underwri ters basketball squad- Coni'.iend Commend Ferra'^o John 4-19-71 70-50OO Ferraro John 7-2-71 . 71-2601 Legis Prcg 1971 - SB 844 S-67 Elizabeth Br-andage- peiefce prtn .Route 2-bet Route 405 Adjourn & Rc-ute 101 Ferrar;:! John 4-20-71 71-1550 "Ferraro John 7-6-71 71-2601 Pred A':4cMa3ter LeRoy Cobb- Adj iXi memory adjoum - •

Ferraro John 4-25-71 7I-1500 Ferraro Jo'nn 7-8-71 71-2601 George -Murphy Frances V7 Workman - Com^^es** . . adjourn " - •. Ferrar-P John 4-23-71 •71-165-^ Ferraro John 7-19-71 71-2600 Auth -ase City car present Resol Ben Levy Orangem €-c* 4-25-71 Comimend Ferraro John 5-10-71 71-1550 Ferraro John 7-26-71 71-2600 Dorothy IA D Murphy Chit; r - RO'uex-'i. H uuj:n,tunnuuj:tii/u,n , . - •-/Adj" in', mem.ory', Commend .. ' ., . 7-29-71 71-2601 Ferraro John .'5-ll:-71 71-1550 Ferraro John J Myer Schine - ^, Jack E Long •Adj in'memory Adj in memory Ferraro: John 5-11-71 71-1854 Ferraro John 8-2-71 7I-5062 .. Duria L-Sylv.ester . ,-." Mo-use City Hall steps .'Claim pr>op d.mg $185""' . comme'morate Criristopher Columbus

Ferraro John 5-17-7"! 71-1550 Ferraro John 8-2-71 71--2601 , . C.harles- Lick. Dr Leo J Adelstein Ad'j in raem.or-y - ... adjourn in memory Ferraro John - 5-21-71 71-1300 Ferraro Joixn 3-2-71 71-2601 Teacher. R.emembrance Day • .. David Holtz - ' 'Re.sol commend adjb-urn in m.e,raory

Ferraro John 5-21-71 71-1500 Ferraro John 3-2-71 71-2601 G J',..Jerry Conway Leverett D House Commend ... -,7 adjourn in m.eraory Ferraro.John ' 5-24-71 71-2064 Ferraro John 3-6-71 71-2600 .Regional Plan Assoc of So Calif Festival in Black .Trans planning criteria - review commend

Ferraro John 5-24-71 71-1500 Ferraro John 8-9-71 71-3147 Sgt Sam .-Flowers Pac Maritime Assoc & Intl Longshorem.en' s U.aion-restore (jrjrnmprid r-'et!r'emt Police. Deot facilities - -LA Harbor Ferraro John 5-24-71 71-1550; Ferraro John 3-9-71 •• 71-2601 , , Jac.k J Tilley . •.- .. Tom •w'etzel • - • . -- Adj ''in niemo'ry adjourn in memory Ferraro & Potter 5-24-71 71-1550 Ferraro John 3-12-71' 70-1500 . Dr Frank Nolan Instruct-Atty terminate appeal "Adj in memory re Eng's ,& Architects wage case

Ferraro John 5-25-71 71-1550 Ferraro John 3-16-71 7i-2600 Stephen B Maher . • Jackson R McGowen Adj in memory cbmmend ,;, Fertaro John 5-28-71 71-2160 Ferraro John 8-17-71 71-2601 LA Memorial Coliseum Corasn Spyros P Skouras • Managemt Agrm.t-arad adj in memory " „ ' '' sell beer . , Ferraro John 6-2-71 71-1300 Ferraro John 8-18-71 71-2601 ...-Todd , Shipyards Corp &. Emil Kriz'an - John' T Gilbride-comrnend adj in raeraory - i: Ferrarc John "6-2-71 71-1350 Ferraro John 3-20-71 7I-2600 Audie Murphy - • larch-mont Blvd Assoc , ."- A'djpum Comjnend ' 7

Ferraro John 6-3-71' ''71-1350 Ferraro John 8-23-71 71-1451 Roy Priest -. . , Atty seek, exem.ptn fr .3-1.'; r " iourn President's "freeze" ,re - Pol & Fire salary [ Ferraro John 6-8-71 71-1300 Ferraro John 3-25-7l 71-551 Robert E Gripp. - Ccl rescind auth fill vacated .commend •. . ' • pos-Ccl Controlled depts- permit no new hiring -, •• " Ferraro John 7-20-71 .71-2601 Ferraro John 9-8-71 70-4159 Harry W Morrison LA Conv Bur . ^ . . - •,'Adj in m.emory ' -3 $10,000 Gen city Pum Fd „ , .Wes.^tern .Shrine Assn Conv

CAT. Hu. i.o;i t y.-m,. ..^;

Ferraro John 9-13-7171-2601. Ferraro John; 11- '4-/1 71-4001 George E.-Traf ton Ruth.Kinney Clark ' ' ' adj in memory •5Qth Anniversary - commend • • Ferraro John ' ' 9-15-71 7I-2601 Ferraro John 11-8-71 ,71-4001 Dorothy B Rawlins Optimist Intemat'l- adj7in memory "' ... Nat'l^ Youth Appreciation Week- - Nov 8-14 1971-comjnend - '., Ferraro John 9-17-/1 71-2600 Ferraro John & 11-9^71- 70-974 Jonah Cummins - 75th anniv of Mayor-Joint Resol-welcome B'nai B'rith-Messenger Mayor Dr Cholam Reza Nikpay.of _ comraend " ._ '"erraro JOhn 9-17-71 7I-2600 /Ferraro John 11-11-71" 71-4001 Radio Stn KLAC USC School of Journalism commend c. Commend -- ' - -"

Ferraro John 9-25-/1 71^^5751 Ferraro John 11-15-71 71-4001 Pres Nixon place high priority Dr Hovrard E Kershner- constr Vets Hosp on Go-USC cbmraend Medical Ctr Ferraro John 9-23-71 71-2600 Ferraro John 11-22-71 71-4001 Consiglio Thom.as Billy G Mills - , commend comraend ; , • . ' Ferraro John 9-24-71 7O-IO9 "Ferraro John 11-10-71 71-400a S5rd Tournamt of Roses Parade Kaoru Chuma-Mayor Osaka Japan- - alloc $10,000 Adjourn in memory

Feri-aro John 9-24-71 71-2600 "Ferraro John 11-10-71 71-4000 Patrick J Burns Dr Alva Brockway - - comraend adjourn ' . .r"- Ferraro John 9-24-71 71-2600 Ferraro John 11-12-71 -71-4000 Sertoma Internatl & Lou Bold - Westland Sertoma - coramend Adjourn

Ferraro John 9-50-71 71-26QC Fer-raro Jo'nn 12-2-71 71~4001 Paul "Tex" Talbert Manuel A R Seburon •- commend comm-end

Ferraro Johri 10- 8-/1 71-4001 Ferraro John 12-5-71 71-4001 Christopher Columbus Margaret J Carson Designate 10-11-/1 tribute commend

".Ferrara John 10-22-/1 71-2778 Ferraro John 11-29-71 71-4000 Covered par'xing Judge James M McRoberts Q Qualified condition - delete adj in menory

Ferraro John 10-15-/1 71-4000 Ferraro Jo.hn 12-3-71 71-4000 Dean Acheson Chester A Rude . Adj in memory adj in m-emory Ferraro John 10-15-71 71-4000 Ferraro -John 12"-10-^71 71-OIO5 Dr James Prothro Ccl Pres appt 5-m.br Adj in memory ad hoc comt - hold hrgs - mass rapid transit Ferraro John 10-22-71 71-4001 Ferraro jOhn 12-10-71 71-4000 Freda Mohr Bumett Coy Commend adj in memory

Ferraro John " 10-26-71 7l-4001 Ferraro John ' 12-15-71 ,71-4000 Giorgio Carega Mrs Luther H Johnson "-' ",•' Conrmend adj. in memory . •""' Ferraro John ll~..4-7l; 71-4001 Ferraro John 12-l5~71 71-liooo Herman J Megdal Joseph C Rosder • '" Com.m.end adj in memory 4'70 Ferraro John- 12-17-71 71-2160 Ferraro John 1-25-72 72-2 Fed Sign & Signal Corp Sabatino DiStefano ^.."American Airlines "Xnc"-; ,,,. ,.- Adj.,in memory ... . Scoreboard-Coliseu.T; '" . ' ' ' Ferraro John 12-16-71 71-4000 Ferraro John 1-31-72' 72-1 Israel Silberm.an- Watson Family -' adjo-am ; Appreciation & thanks

"Ferraro John 12-20-71 71-4000 Ferraro John 2-'4-72.- - 72-1 Diana Lynri Hall V/ashington University adj in .memory^ •- -Salute ,. , Ferraro-John 12-24-^71 71-4000 Ferraro John .2-4-72 -7-2-467 .^ Glenn E Wallichs • Bldg Permits ' '-• ' adj in "memo'ry Certificate, of Occupancy -. withho '" Ferraro John 12-51-71 71-4000 ""Ferraro John 2- 9-72 -72-525 Mrs Gertru-'le L .McCarthy Marian K Hammer .'i--.Adjourri in memor.v^ . . ' --LAMO Sec•21.88 smend Bus,lie rPla.ying music ir? sfre.et "'Ferraro John 1-7-72 72- 1 Ferraro John -- ' 2- 2-72 72.-2 ,, Howard Zuck - Joe Hernandez - ' COimme'ttd Adj- in memory - ,• ' Ferraro John ll-OJ -72 72-2" Ferraro John 2-14-72 127939" Laurel Gyn Fwy - Rt I70 . Ed.ymrd Davis -Adj in m-em Mo delete fr Master Plan Hwys./F^wys , "Ferraro John . _ 1-7-72 • 72-2 Ferraro John 2-15-72 71-1825 Space Shuttle base ; -> Geo Pierose - Adj in raemoi^y Locate in Calif

Ferraro John 1-13-72 72-145 Ferraro John 2-18-72; 72-684 Pacif Drive-In Theatres Prank G Hatirawa;/ '-- "-'Corp-Mtgs re makins . 60.day absence.fr city youth films Ferraro John .1-14-72 72-1 Ferraro John • 2-18-72 72-1 Captain Edwin W Jokisch Got;.grat Fr Vincent Lopez Co.mm.end ,- - - •Ferfai^'6'"Johri " "' "1-17-72 " 145305 ' Ferraro John 2-23-/2-.V/'0-4o6 Highland Ave bet Wilshire HR 4l6 _& Melrose Aves-cut trees - Soviety tyranny - Oppose environ study - Ferraro John 1-20-71 72-1 Ferraro John ' 2-25-72- ,72-1 Clancy & Nan Dayhoff Congrat l-Jestern Exter.minstor Co Co.mmend .. , . ' •"-.

"Ferraro John 1-20-72 72-1" Ferraro John 2-28-72 - 72-1 Pintarell, G Co.m.iiend Jess. Hills 40, yrs service Com.mend-

Ferraro John . 1-24-72 72-2 Ferraro John 2-15'-72 72-2 Mary K Parker Frances Hart, Cox - adj in mem adjoum*.. - . .

Ferraro John 1-27-72 • 72-1 Ferraro John 2'-16-72* 72-2 Fred Bixby Sgt Chas J Evans '- Commend • adjoum' Ferraro John 1.-27-72-* "72-1 Ferraro John 2-14-72 '"'7 72-2 Paul Lowry - Judge Francis Cochran extend "' Adjoum .' -'. greetings1 •.. ^^ -' . - - .,'. -.- . ::-'-• "- • Ferraro John 1-23-72 . .-• "7i'-i Ferraro John 3-3-72 * '71-4400 Adopt legis-Seat Belts be ^,,.Pr. Ge.nevieve A ,-McDe,rm.ptt -. . -.- . mandatory-saf.ety equip-in --.. - Commend - ... ,,- . - . school basses "...-... . '7 - • •'•• "471 ' Ferraro John 4-13-^72 ' 72-1406 Ferraro John 3-3-72 72-1 Helistop -r PC 23985 Edvrin \1 Pauleyu - J^ilshire at Westmorel'and --' Conimend -Environmental effect ' Ferraro John 3-3-72 72-1 Ferraro John 4-13-72 ; 72-150C Western States Advertising Andrew V/ Maverick Agencies As'soc-salute comm.end .' ' Ferraro Jghn 4-19-72 "72-1475 Ferraro John 3-3-72 72-1 Proposition 1 Judge & Mrs Burch Donahue- Cal Vet $250 million bond Mr & Mrs American Citizen Award- Farm & Home Lqan Prog commend "Ferraro John 3-14-72 72-1 Ferraro John 4-11-72 72-1501 Hungarian Day - resol Carl W R?nd proclaim - 3-15-72 adj in memory 'Ferraro John 4-20-72 '72-1476 Ferraro Johri . 3-17-72 72-1028 US supreme C^ourt decision Nat'l Football League owners re pcwer loc governmt im.oose - award Suiper Bowl to City LA taxes & chrgs for. airport Jan 1973 , Ferraro John 3-17-72 72-1 Ferraro John 4-19-72 • 72-1501 Clarence M Stewart - Hastings Wm.F. commend adj in m.emory'

Ferraro John 3-17-72 72-1 Ferraro .John 4-21-72 72-1493 Radio Station KFI - Resol Pol Dept sppnshor commend- J-udicl Ad^-iin Prog of USC fd 'oy CCCJ Ferraro John 4'-21-72 72-1501 Ferraro John 3-22-72 72-1 Edwin A McDonald Rabbi Menachera M Schneerson adj in ;m.eraory Commend - t Ferrarc John 4-27-72 72-i30l rerraro John 3-27-72 72-1 Wilshire YMCA Adj in meriiory Commend Forrest Twofdod Ferraro John 5-9-72 72-1764 Ferraro John 3-24-72 72-2 Lindsay to San Diego- Thom.as E 'y/orkraan adj in memory use City car 5-27-72 Peri^aro John 5-5-72 72-1301 Ferraro John 3-24-/2 72-2 John J Rhea Hazel Roselle adj in m.emiory Adj in memor.v Ferraro John 5-11-72 72-1501 Ferraro John 3-50-72 72-2 Leonard E Con'stantino Anna Or.lansky Adj in m.emory adj in m.emory

Ferraro John 5-51-72 72-1 Ferraro John 5-19-72 '72-1500 V/alter D Glover Intl Shrine Hosp Day commend Commend Ferraro John 5-51-72 72-1 Ferraro John • 5-22-72 72-1500 Pac Southwest Airlines Teacher Remsabrance Day commend Commend^ ' • Ferraro John 5-51-72 72-2 Ferraro John 5-5-72 72-1301 Kal Roach Jr Robt J Rhea adj in m.emory adj in me.mor.y

Ferraro J^hn 4-5-72 72-1500 Ferraro John 5-11-72 72-1301 J-udge A'^A Scott Adj in memory c omm.end • Leonard'E Constantino Ferr-aro John 4-12-72 72-222 Ferraro John 6-I6-72 72-1300 Gcl'offices budget-amd limit Jackson R JlcGowen- expend $140,000 1972-73 fiscal yr Commend 472 Ferraro John 6-16-72 72-2219 Ferraro John 7-26-72 72-2301 RSVP Fed Grant appl - -^-1 Neil McCarthy Adj in mernory Ferraro John ' 5-30-72 72-2443 Ferraro John 7-26-72 72-2795 City car-auth use Fire Station 52 - July 2-4 1972 - Beverly Blvd at-.Reno St • .- - Santa Barbara Trans land . - - "Ferraro John 5-30-72 . 72-2435 Ferraro John -7-27-72 .,/2r-2500 G Lindsay excused att Masonic Grand'Lodge Conv. Mrs Aileen Eaton san Diego-July 18-20 1972 . Commend .- • - Ferraro John 5-5-72 72-1301 Ferraro John 7-31-72 - -72-2301 Maudine Moss Mrs Jane McFarlane • ' adjoum . ; adj in memory

"Ferraro John 6-5-72 72-^1301 Ferraro John 3-3-72 72-2650 Bertram Perkins Coastal Zn Conservatn Initiatv -adjoum Nov 7-1972 Gen State Electn - -efiect on city - rept r "Ferraro John 6-5-72 72-1301 " Ferraro J-ohn '3-4^72 72-2300 Charles A 0"wen - Festival in Black adjourn commend • . .

"Ferraro John 6-13-72 72-1301 Ferraro John 3-11-72 72-2300 Ray Sparling Foote-Cone & Belding Hall — adjoum & Levine Adv Inc - commend " Ferraro John . 6-7-72 72-1301 Ferra:ro John 8-15-72 72-2300 Dr John D Cooke - Korea . Adjoum c ommend

Ferraro John 6-27-72 72-1301 Ferraro Jo'nn 8-23-72 72-3197 Shelby Calhoun 8-25-72 Ccl session adjo-am .. beging 9 am- - mbrs - " att funeral servs Spvsr Chace Ferraro John . 5-22-72 72-1301 Ferraro John 3-25-72 72-2501 Mary R Donnelly George T Goggin , adjo-am adj in, memory , Ferraro John 5-30-72 72-1300 " Ferraro John 9-1-72 - 72-2500 Kathleen Alexander Deborah Lebowitz commend . Commend

"Ferraro John 7-7-72 72-2301 Ferraro John 7-28-72 72-2300 Princess Conchita Pignatelli Resol commend Adj oum- Ector Garcia , - Ferraro John 7-13-72 72-2301 Ferraro John 7-28-72 72-2300 Gladys Grail Evans - Resol commend adjourn • Youth Opportunities Foundation Ferraro John 7-14-72 72-2301 "Ferraro John 7-51-72 V2-''2354; Mark Gates - Kor.T.andie Ave/Irolo St . adjoum - -•: • Sly Wilshire Blvd Trans $172,596 - ' Ferraro John '7-24-7 2 72-23C1 Ferrarc John 7-23-72 72-2501 Clara Ella Buehler Allen J Ellender - Adj-.in memory adj-in memory- Ferraro John 7-25-72 72-2777 Ferraro John 7-31-72- 72-2301 - Jo.hn B Ra-uen V/ater & Power electrical ener^^y adj in, raemory . rept - de,V- - • - ^^7 Ferraro John 7-25-7 2 7 2-2301 Ferraro John 9_6-'72 -72-2301" Erwin P Mazzei Ynez Ysidora Romer ^..Adj .in memory. . -• .j ; . Adj in .TiCmor,y . - ,.- -473 Ferraro John - 10-31-727 72-3645 Ferraro John 9-7-72 72-2301 Richard A Nash ' Bonnie DeSimone - '.,- ',' - ' Adj in mem.or.v adjoum • . "• •perraro John. 7 11-2-72.. 3,72-,3646 Ferraro John 9-15-72 72-2-300 Trans-Amer Video Inc Nick Vaccariello Conunend comraend

"Ferraro John 9-18-72 71-3062 Ferraro John -11-10-72 .•.'72-3646 Federated Italo-Amers Jay Attarian Gov Pac SV-^^Dist of Optimist Internatl .Re­ use CH steps 10-9-72 commend . - .; -Columbus Day Spec Event : ""Ferraro John 9-13-72 72-2301" ^Ferraro John Il-rl3t72 72-3645 Elbridge Hadley Stuart Rudolf Friml - . Adj in memory adjoum - „ ,, --,, -

Ferraro Johri 9-22-72 - 72-2300 " Ferraro John^ 11-15-72 '•.72^3645 Marvin H Ricks'' ' .:^ Robert Meyer - .,_, .- j Com.mend adjoum ( . upon retiremt .' "' ., . -,_. "'Ferraro John 7 11-21-72 72-3646* Ferraro John .. 9-25-72 . 72-2300 J Howard Bums - congrat - '" , Marie Rodagn'a Comm.end" . •.,- , r, Ferraro John 'v 12-6-72, /, 72-3645 Ferraro John .9-29-/2 72-2300 Leonard Ribiett Er Laurence J Peter Adj in mem9ry Commend Ferraro John ' 10- 6-72 72-364^ Ferraro John \ 12-18-72 72-5645 0].lie Matson Byron S Reyriolds "-• - Gom-.mend Adj in emmoij.y ' '- ' Sn.yder . \ . . ^ . . ' Ferii'aro John'--.') 12-26-72; .7 72.7.'S645 Ferraro John 10- 6-72 72-3646 & all me.mbs Gel -' '"" .73" Christopher Columbus Harry S Truman Pay tribute _ Adj in memory ,. Ferraro John 12-27-72 72-4798 'Ferraro John 10- 6-72 72-3646 Pres Harry S Truman Louis Solomon 12-28-72 Day of Mourninff Commiend . Limit business Ferraro John " 10-12-72 72-3646 Ferraro John 1- 4-73 73-24 To->m Insp Day Dr Kearney Sauer Gommend Adj in raeraory

Ferraro John 10-13-72 72-3645 Ferraro John ' 1- 8-73; 73-117 W J Bassett Robt M Wilkinson attend Inaugu­ adjoum ration of Pres - V/ash DC 1-17/19

Ferraro John lO-li-72 72r3645 Ferraro John 1-12-73 -73-23 Emile' Pozzo Dippell Realty Co on-50th ' ' adjoum Anniversary - Commend

Ferraro John 10-25-72 72-3645 Ferraro John 1-17-73 7-3-24 Claire Windsor - Jack k Hassard adjoum Adj in memory

"Ferraro John' 10-26-72 72-3645" Ferraro John 12- 1-72 7 2-3646 Henry G Bodkin - Yeheskel Carmel adjoum Resol - congrat -k

• \ • . •'• -" '- -- Ferraro Johri. 10-31-72 772-3645 Ferraro Jolin 11-30-72 ,'72-3646 Ralph Reynolds - Stern-Frank-Meyer &:FOX adjbum Resol commend - . -

Ferraro John 10-31-72 72-3645 Ferraro Johri^ ' 11-21-72 72-3645 adjoum - Nathan M OhrVach. ^ ••.... James Den/er Adj in 5>emnry .- ,, 7 . ' , 474 ii'erraro John" 12'- 1-72 /I-153I' r.„-..,.nv.,^ T^u., ^,-19-"3 73-23 *=:Re,V* Sharing 'Fds- ;•-. •••-S9A - ' Chas Boren $5 million per yr '" Co.m.mend dev park fac .T-erraro Joh.n. 12-3-72 72-36i!6 •A ! .'Ferraro Johri 3-23-75 73-23 •" Brig Geril Robt D Upp. - ' ' ' ' i "Belm'ont Hi School Resol consrat Commej-id

Ferraro John 12-11-72 72-3646 • Ferraro John 3-25-75 75-25 -'• " Mr/Mrs Eugen Wyman Kermit R Sadler Scopus Award-'. '• - Com.mend - Congi-af ' "Ferraro John 12-19-72 72-4714 Ferraro John ' 3-27-73. 73-1270 'Curb side benches- , Mooring slips install vie Sr Citizens small craft residential areas Co provide . Ferraro .J.ohn 12-26-72 72-36't6 Ferraro John 3-28-73 73-23 '-''Prank He'm irig way British Caledonian V/sek , - , Go.'n.'nsnd Proclffi"! 4-1-73 •

Ferraro John 1-23-73 73-23' Ferraro John. 4- 4-73 73-1380. Donald.E V/hite '. Local Assistance Trust Fd Conimend upon retirement $98,000 to Prog of Retired Citizei

Ferraro John 1-29-73 73-24. Ferraro John 4- 6-73 73-1351 Patterson Cannamela . CNA Pk Place adjourn Commend • -. Ferraro John 1-30-73 72-24 "Ferraro John 4-10-73 73-1351" Sgt Albert E Buddy Rhine James E V/aters--. adjoum Commend upon retirement,. "Ferraro John , l-30--7;3 73^24 ' Fe-rraro Joh-a 4-12-73.- 73-135"i ' i,ee'Giroux - .7. .-. Robert "ri Ta'Reuc'n! . ' adjo-am IA Nagoya Sister City Affiliatn Commend _ • - Ferrao John "2-1-73. 73-23 Ferraro John, 4-16-73 71-1105 'Ralphs Grocery Co- Echo Pk Library '.: commend li%-W'^--^U%'li^XiVU'' ' _ Ferraro John 12-29-73 72-3545 Ferraro John. . 4-16-73. 73-1351- 1 J. Lylie Winifred Pedersen- Travelers Aid Society of Li\7', adjoum Commend Ferraro John 2-13-73 73-24 Ferraro.Ichn . 4-18-73 73,-1351 jame? parker- Mayor- resol 'felicitate pecple of - adjoum Israel on 25' yrs progress. ^ Ferraro Johri 2-21-73 73-23 Ferraro Jqhn; , • 4-19-73 . 73-1351 Angelus Temple , No'rweigian-Americaii'Cornni'unity Congratulate • Coramend ' . < Ferraro John ' " 3"-7--73 73-926 Ferraro John . 4-19-73 73-1350 Noise levels". Patrick McNulty - . ' '' Echo Pk Rec Ctr - adjoum ' - Fwy ramp hazard removed: •• • ' " Ferraro John 3-6-.7:^ 73-24" Ferraro John ,. ,4-16-73 73-1350 •'Adj in memory ""•' Barney Sorkin Lucy- Hov/ell -; ;- Adjourn Larry Townsend Ferraro John 5-14-73 73-1067" Ferraro^ John . 4-16-73 73-1350., ''-Ccnti=a--flow bu;ses y ' • Walter S Rouritree - • insp in Chica'go etc ' ; adjoum Mar 28-29-30 '" " Ferraro Jo.hn . 3-14-75 75-1071 Ferraro John . 4-12-73 . 73-1350 Guard 't^arihel —-^ • -- - • - - - •..«,.« ,.r, ", -. Solano Ave Elem. School • ; '; Rose 'Katz' - ' under Pasadena Fv/y"^ ' adjou-m ,:' 4-/5 Fei-raro John 5-2-73- .73-1350 Ferraro John 6r5-737' 73.-,1350' .Mai-ty Brill ' -; Chas T yon.Df:r'Ahe " -.v;..7.-.'- adj.oum Adj in memory

r. ..^ • f. Ferraro John" 5-4-73 73-1351 Ferraro John 6-14-73 .73/1351 Dr Robert F Craig - Theodore E Hoffman ^ --.-.-', comi-nend Co-mmend

Ferraro John 5-4-7-3 73-1350 "Ferraro John 6-18-73:; 73-i350 ^y Christine Humphrey - •' Dave Chasen ' * • ;-. , •-•- adjourn , Adj in memory

Ferraro John , 5-7-73 73-1351 ""•Ferraro John 6-21-73-' '75-1551 Ttchi Wilkerson Miles- Japan-USA Baseball Goodwill commend Days - June 19 thru July 5 -

'errarp John 5,-18-,73 73-1351 "Ferraro John 7 6-22'-73 ./:.., 7,5/150 Clarence E Gustlin Frank Ijeahy"^''-' ' - ;7/. ';.'7/;7 congratulate Adj in .memory / '"• . .,

Ferraro .John- .,, 5-16-73 '73-1600 "Ferraro John " 6-27-75,'"/.73-1351 - Geri City Purposes Fd Col Harry McRoper "Jr •'"-•''• "'" Frog 'Retired Citizens- Co.'nmend , ... _ , ^ ,$'^3,000, .. "Ferraro John 5-25-73 71-.1669 "Ferraro John "6-27-73••"7•73-1351 Republic of A'rgantina Mrs Harol C Morton " ' '''''^'"- National Day -5-25-73 Gommend

Ferraro Jo'nn 5-24"7'3 .73-2160 Ferraro John 7- 5-73 73/2750 Elections-Primary Norainat:Lng & : Genl Munic-reduce t'im,e sban Thomas M Murp'ny- Ch^srter "Amendmt , Commend .,;/. ,,,,.,,.,,.,- Ferraro J^ohn 5-25-73 73-1351 Ferraro John " 77l2;-73:-^.T^-rliOO Donald B Gomes - : .-' Sales tax rate ' -3 "; , conimend return to level prior to 7-1-73,.-.

'Ferraro John 5-24-73. 73-1351 Ferraro John 7-13-73 73-2'750 Coach - .John H McKay C-il of Oriental Organizations Commend Rec/P'iC bept - Conimend .',.,.

Ferraro .Johii 5-22-73, 73-1350 Ferraro John 7-13-73- 73~27'50 Senator Robert V/ Crow-n- J,3e DeSi-lva ' -, • ••7-'- X adjourn Commend , .,, Ferraro John 6- 1-73 75-1551 Ferraro John 7-16-73 73^:-2751 Adam J Hall - congrat Matthevr G Bender ' " Adj in memory Ferraro .John 6r 1-75. 73-1351 Arthur Ihnen Ferraro John 7-23-73 73-:2'751 C:pnrmei.-.d Jarnes T .Agajaaian Adj in memo;ry ; -,--•••.';•..- -rerraro -j^y.^^ - g.' ^^j6 73.1351 ; ••--n:'eacher Remembrance .-Day Ferraro John 7-^24-73 73-2751 Resol recognize Oscar V/arschav7 Adj in memory • -, : "Ferraro John 6- 4-73 73-2279 Clean-Up Prog Ferraro John 7-25-73 "7.2-2539;; /•.merican Bicentennial" Comt Fv.'v-On Off Ra.mps i-i Appt mbrs , •• -• . - Calif State H\,-ys Div '"Ferraro John 5-29-75. 75.-1S50 Fred ]-j;.izar-as Jr Fe-rraro Jo'rin' ' 7-"25-73 73--2'750i •Adj, i,n .i.em.ory 3e.-zn.dry 500 Rscoguizc 7-23-73 , y_ - • ;- i^erraro .John " 5-30-73 73-1550 J'acques Li'tpchitz- " -' " " Ferr,iro John 7-25-73 7y.275B.', Adj in me.mor.y Lcre-tto Tect Club-Koly Rosary Gil-arch-Jr Hi Ci^ab~Mothe!f' s Club Beaudry-Echo Pk Citizens- ' 4 /1> Ferraro.'.lGhn 7-27-73 73-2750. , -.E,e"rr.aro Jo.hn 10-5-73 73-.5200 -""-'Jchri'J'O-Vbb'nriell '-/ ,'' ^T;-' "'-• ","S"enator''Mervyn Dymally '; -:'- '^'' Commend' - « ^ • ;- ; - '. Comnierid - '" "';-.. • ' ' y'f'^- Ferraro; John- 7-30-73. 73-2 7-50 F.er"raro John .10-12-73 73-5.200 -'J^acksbn •R: McGbwen -" - -' ..''ja.mes E Attarian -'-' - ••-.r--,;' ,Commend ' Commend , > : >-,-;- '• - - - . . .^ Ferraro John 7-30-73 72-2751, Ferraro John 10-9-73 73-5201 " •.,;;''Benjamin7'S Crocker j '•* ,-.-' .."'7James S Copley - '" -,.;.'» - Adj in memory v;'. , - adjourn - ' ..' - '••• • .. - ' ' Ferraro Johjn, -8-2-73 "'73-2751" Ferraro John 10-17-73 73-5200 ..-George V/;Davis - \A. . , • V/.oraen's Div LA..G of C- 7; adj.ouria-,; .- - - ',•-- -•' - ;, cTjmrnerid -' - ' • •- 'S

Ferrato John 8-3-73 73-3305 ! Ferraro Jo.hri ^ 10-19.-73 73-5200 ;,.^;,S,p.ecial-,Citizens Electn Corat • vie Zampare/M - - -"""• -. •'Election" ;prdcedures - , -x commend ' 1- 'AAA • make study . .. j . Ferraro John 8"i0-73 73-2750 ^Ferraro John 10-^25-73 71-105 .. -Fred,.Wada: ..""Jack Gils*trap;-commun're .,3--.:: 3 cbng'ratulate . ,- survey-fare .reduc,t"n, & sery,'chgs

•; K, (i._ - *' Atlanta Ga- regiori :,-.7," ' -Ferraro John 8-10-73 73-2750 "Ferraro Jo'nn IC-29-73'•73-5524 . Carl Gre.enberg - ,. . • Ace future Allays in <" ' •- ' ' •Comraend . ' : •,-_ • >, :'• Lots 3 & 4...Tr. i3936; '/, • . Ferraro John 8-21-73 73-2750 .il^azuko: Matsuki,- Ferraro John .10-26-73 7.3-5200 -cofiknend Woiheri's A'u>cili,a;r3' of Calif Hbspital,-..T , Connriend7 x Ferrara John 8-31-73 71-3062 Ferraro John ^.7"'l0-23'-73 73^-5201 ;F.?^,^,'.'it a 1.0 - America n.9 use .- , , iiorm'an Chandler " - ' --C-ity .Hall-Steps 10-12-73 '--^ •'- . Columbus Day ceremonies '•" Adj in-m.emory - '-. ' - 'v Ferraro Johri ' 9-"5T73 73-4710 Ferraro John 11- 'IrJ.B 7-3-5200: ;,..RTD.study fea.sibiiity , , . Radio lO^LI""- "•'Minibus "f,te'Fairfax Ave- '. - Commend P,a:rkla.bre'a- ."'- .; ' ' . ,• Ferraro Johri '9-6-73 ' 71-2589 Ferraro John 11-5-73 73-5201 Graffiti • Thom.as j'Cox-'"' vV • Pvib "places - - ' - "^ adioum-'-, - ,.,- ,j- ,- - .c^ funding • '.- Ferraro John 9-4-73 73-2751 Ferraro John 11-7-73 73-5201 W13,, Mosely. Jones Jr , ' 'Leo. N Papiano:'- - ""' ,;, ,adj:dum'' / ' "'' adjoum '''•"-' • •• Ferraro John 9-4-73 73-2751 Ferraro John , 11-9-73 73-5.201 John,Ford - Jack Dempsey'*- 77 ' / . d'adjoum -- ' * adjoum

Ferraro John 9-12-73 72-4100 Ferraro John 11- 9-73 73-5:200 ;.SB 357-raake"available S183 ;• Anthony J,Fornelli ,' ,.: •'•'/ ..Directory of Room Air Resol --.conimend' ' " l;-"' Cond it loner.

Ferra ro John 10-5-73^'' 73-5200 Ferraro John - ll-16"-73 70-4102 United-Lodges .Sons of Italy- Pbnet 'Hotel ^ -/;.. 3 - -.Goriimend •-'. ; "--. • Rescind 4 yr moratorium ;Ferraro John 10-^'5-73' '' '73-5200 Ferraro John 11-30-73 • •;3-3200 ! Fi-lj.pin,o: Alumni Assoc- . . , J.os.eph H Seym.qur - ;- , - • A it c^'mmjend ,•'• x"' ' A ' ' . ' commerid --'.-~ J--- ' " . '/',- ' «•>-)•*; 4// •X> • ;/fr7-. J--'. ^ . - Ferraro John' 12- 3-73 7;3:-:.:5201 F?.ste, Robt J ' '12-3-71 ; 7,1-47427 Ben Guriori Claim false arr.est'7 ,''- ' .- 4dj' in memory , in excess df $100,000; . ••'•* Fe-rrairo John '12- 3.-73; •.7-3-5201 Festival'of -, " 11-14-73-' -73-5740 Linda A Von Der Ahc Dance - 1974 . '• -''''' '•-''-••.-- . A.d i in memor-v =. Carol Zeitz - Discussion on proj Ferraro John" 12-4-73 '73-5200 " "Fesivai of Lights. 12-4-72 72-4.497;. Temple Hospital - . - --. Mun Arts Dept ''-" ' - •' ,'•;.'''"^'' •' commend perform 1st" St'steps --*'' "--^

-< •- Dec 9 to 23 1972 "- ''"-.--'. Ferraro John 12-5-73 73-76O39 T'^estival Playe.r3 8-16-72' 71-48G'5 of Calif Inc Eiiergy conserving Insalatiori 1972-73 Msi-o-r--;.-.l.Q _ :i«iT,J con'=jt...... $Boo • . 7 .. •-*•-.. Festival Artists . 9- 4-70 70rl09 Ferraro Joljn •:L2-14-73> 73-5200 Captai-a George''R Milembre Tournament of Roses Parade comr.-ier-id ,' $5,000 addtl for design chg

Ferraro .John 12-14-73 • 73-5,200 'Festival ^ 8-14-70 •70-2350 Resthaven Psychiatric Hospital in Black" - comm.end sponsors- - comriier.d Ferraro "Ferrarc John 12-19-73 73-6210 Festi-val in Black 8-6-71.' 71-2600 SG'-iC - c om-mend 1973 High-way Act , ._ JoliP- Ferraro

'Ferrarco Jo'nn 12-21-7.3 73-5200 " Festival in 3-4-72 .'72-2300 . Ca-uliflov;er Alley Club"' • . Blac's - ccmrnen-Q copgratulcite ,' Ferraro mo ' . .. . • — ' ... V . ' . . Festi'val Friendship 3-6-/0" 70-971 Ferraro John 12-27-73 73-5201 Lincoln Pk 5-3-70 - Sa-.iLuel S Maraey Spec Event - $500 Adj in raemory. Lindsay Mo . • Ferraro John 12-31-73 -73-5201 Festival' ' ' 4- S-70 70-14/0 Flayers of Calif- ccncei'ts--" " Albert G Ralpl^s Sr Inner-City Cultural Cntr-SpOO Adj in membry Ferraro John 12-31-73 73-5201. Festival Players 12-9-/1; 71-4805 Philip F k-cils'a of Calif Inc Adj in memory consider appl for funds ; "Ferrj-s Aitr.el 8-26-70 70-3725 Feuerhelm E O 7-28-72 l-^ieSB et al-claim refund bav tax PC 22294-95 C,/z . ./. "' $4,287.17 Chat.^v^^orth 5t Wly Andp.sol' /'"^ . - '"Ferris John etux 1- 4-71 71-0027 Fiacre .Jacob 7-17-72; 72-.2|-3'2 Morton Salsberg - Claim Glaim auto dmg ;• - • :'7 Wrongful death $197.33 " Fidelity" & Deposit br3-73 1139.50 ' Ferris Lois J 1-3-71 71-0049' Co of Maryland - inj Pub Off Bond $33,000 Leland S Koon Ferrera Robert A 7-24-70 70-3139 Fidelity Fsd 8-11-70 70-:3453 Claira pers inj SayLng.'^ & Loan Assn-clain.-; refund bus tax $4,099..3.6

Ferrara T R 7-19-72 72-2667 Fidelity Fed 12-7-71 •7I-4792'- Claim prop dm? Savings & Loan Acna "- 7 $60 annsxatn to City Tract 2'3329.'..-;. Fessl.-:;r Douglas 1-21-71 "71-0252 Fidelity Federal 7-7-72 72-2487 Cl.-:ir Sav & Loii.n Assn-claim refuad •S3 80 bus tax $3,930 Fidelity rFed; * ,l-.a-73 73-62. : Field Richard S 6-30-70 70/'2771 • Savings.:t .i.oari AVsCt.-- ,. ,.„ ,- . -.-JE !,, .-.cx.c.-i.ui. i:ii-iK,e arresc Tra'ct 'Ma'p' ''appeal -2842 5 .- ..Wallabi Ave ElyCandelwop'd.pr--'- • Fidelity Federai" 12-10-73 145152 Field 2-10-7G ' 1453037 :« v-savings ^- :delete cert cqnd , .- • ; Training Officer - Pol Dept .^^. ' -.''Bonus Pav 7 (Sui->#4) - re PC 72^267J-64- i.,7 ' . - t , .,-:.- • ...... fidelity-Mut Life 12-11-72 71-4489 Fielder H B;. 9*-i'5-76 70-4091 ^-Ins, Co -JV,SALE- .•,.••..•.... 7 Atty for'Rtith Jefferson--^' -^••'^Fire^Sta'eion 88^; ,3' :• •>" ••-.-• claim:false arrest $5,000 , , $210,000 •> .,- • -• . .-. .'.. "Field-Chester A:'^;^8-2^73 73-3297 ' Fielder Hugh 9-15-70, "V6-4P94 •plaim-retroactive.-.pay . .:-:,.; for Valiie Jefferson-claim: .. false arrest $.5,pop 7 -.

' Field Crevrs ' 5-lS-75 75-liil Fields Cath'ee S 9- 8-70 7G-3926 -.^i .',-:Eng-7s-.;;Safe.ty Equipmt 7.>«. Norman Edell.Atty ,,..-. " trans, ;M5-,"487 purch - Claim'aiito drag. & oers;'irij '

Field Deputy 3-27-71 70-2359- Fields Henry H 1-10-73 73-138 app-t- J- J -Srhith . A.- -.. Claiirirprop: drag, • '. • •...'-' eff 8-13-71 -12thvCcl Dist $131 ...-. . -;-'• : * •

"'Field Deputy '4-29-70 139141 Fields James C 1-26-71 .71-37J8 , .^ .Volunteer - to Cclmen without; 7 Regent St Ely/o ,- • ' "riay - Atty on.i.nion - Sny;?er ' Kelton Ave & Nly vac ptn Field Deputy 6-24-70 70-2704 "Fields Jerry '3-8-73 73-3574" -•Maurice Weiner appt 10th Dist PU&Trans Comsn - m'or .: "eff,7-1-70 - Mills * ' term end 6-30-76- . • Mayor Field Deputy 2- 1-/2" 70-2704 Fields Jerry;K 8-8-73 '73-'3474", ...; Robert Kholos- .City Emps JSetiremt Sysr.Bd Atndin '10th Dist -eff ,,2-1-72 3. .,. . Mbr - term end 7-1-76 Mayor Field Eng Aide 11-1-71 71-2811 Fields Lula :5_'24T71 71-1300 ,i Re<; & Pks ir exempt 2 oos Coramend ,.- Pers Dept . ,. Bradley -' ',:

Field-" 3-15-72 71-1192 " Fields 0 M . .1-12-70 "•70-132 /.-Erigineering A.ide. Claim auto drag - class Sbecification-revised' Pars Dept Field Erig Aide 7-i^An2 72-2796 Fields W Claude. 2-17-71 71-0001 g^ .an.d..,Regis. Civ Eng.Assoc: Adj In memory-- !•, 'End emril 3"nion.

Field office "10-10-73 73-5269, Fiesta Floats 12- 3-73 70-109 Latin American ;Affs- •Rose Parade float Prd'g-'& policies estab, . : Agrmt' - .' ^•-- ••• • -y by. Ccl Field".Rdlease "'^3- 2-70"" 146377 Fiesta Room Inc 1- 5-/0 70-21 ,Mi.sdeme3npr violations ... •., . .Claim-refund bev tax:.$6.92.40 ; 479 Fiesta Room Inc 6-23-70 70-2692 Filing Fee's ^ -' 12-27-72 •-.•72-480C claim refund bev tax Pub Office - $2,767.46 .- by indigent persons " _.. ,- Fiesta Room Inc .11-24-70 70-5253 • Filing Fee 9-24-73 i 73-5061 Claim refund bev tax Permit for New Driver & $654.22 Ara-bulance Attendant - incr LAMC Sec 71.0,6 & 71.11 * Fife David 1-12-71 71-0002 "Filipino 10-5-73 73-'5200 Commend - Alumni Assoc ~ . Edelman commend - Ferraro Fife David 6-20-/3 73-1351 "piiipino- 4-16-70' 145281 ' Comraend American Community LA Edelman 'Spring St- ceremony •' :- • 7-4-70 .-' . - -rv, -; " .. Fiffer Lester S 3-17-71 71-3288 Filipino 5-27-71 ' 145281 Glaim auto dmg American Commun of LA Inc $123.07 •' X. CK Spring St Facade.7-4-71 . Ceremony ""Fifty Inches ,12-13-73 73-6147 Filipino- 5-24-73 72-2231 off the Ground in Los Angeles" American Community of LA Grant appl to Calif Arts Comsn City Hall steps- .: _ Mun Arts 4th of July 51st Agricultural 3-16-/1 70-5000 "Filipino-Amer '6-19-72'' 72-2231 ' Dist - SB 147 S-41 Com-TTunlty of LA Inc - . ' Use CH steps 7-4-72 , - Re-establlah Friendship Day "5901 Melrose Corp 9-24-70 70-4259 Filimere D A Jr 7-24-/2 72-2/59 Claim refund bev tax : Claira false arrest $710.47 . $100,000 ~Figg G L Jr 1-29-70 70-404 "Film 1-20-70 131754 Claim pers Injuries Distribute ' Los Angeles where it's At Figusroa 8-4-70 70-3355 "Film ' • 3-6-70 70-973 Ju-ricti-on-Imperial Terminal Drug abuse dangers - Tcwsr Trans Line-Gmat of Right Endorse reproduce for school .&• BPW - W&P Resol 82 group presentation - Bernardi Figueroa Marco 12-8-71 71-4796 Film'Ex'po 5-16-73 73-1600 Glaim auto drag- L A Internatl - $330 delete fds - failed #26 "Fig-aeroa Pa-ul 8-13-70 70-3538 F11.T. Festival ' 5-17-73 73-'l6oo ciaim auto dmg $31.90 L A Internatl Restore Fds Failed #36 Fls-eroa Patricia L 7-22-/1 71-2921 " Film. . 7-31-72 71-71 Mich'ael Kannori Aitty Industry - Unemployment S-32 Claim pars inj - undt arat KR 16056 US Bicentenial , __.. j^ . . Wachs Figueroa -Jctn 4-24-72 71-i333 Film 11-12-71 139395 Imoerial T-arminal Trans Line Permit Agency .--estab V.'&P REsol 759 Mayor auth grant of rt Figueroa -Jctn 6-25-73 73.-'2627 Filming 11-15-73 139395 Easmt to Co LA V/&F Resol- 1050 Permits Rules & regulations City prop " Filc.<5 8-24-73 73-4363 Film ProcessLrig 3-9-/0 7<3-10l8 Outstanding Council - Cor - Refund "PUS tax $60G.00 Filfon Inc #1 8-24-70 ,70-3693 FiL-n 8-10-72 139395 Gl-ii-: refund bev tax Productn - centralize $3,526.24 Film Permits procedures 480 F.ilm .. 12-29-71 71-:2/54 . r.^—-• v.-;..-.-!-,. _ T.aw Finforcemer.t •?.-in.ancial Need 9-3-71 70-5375 , -:^i&aiijris- BrOvdcasting.^orp ^ ^ ..-j's. • : Youth - 'Uriable retur-n to school ''^ s't-a'te of-';em"erf^ ' ". • '7 A Filter Robert- • -*9-20.-7-3:-'73:r4965 Financial 2-19'-70:. ,'''143778 -. Claim auto dmg '.S'tatement - So Calif Coastal ..r$128/17 .-•:.... .:• ^- . y. . 'Water Res-earch- Proj. Auth' Period end-b-5Q..;b.7Q - .. - . _ • F!m'p-Ie.3?YWm 3 777 5-2.-72--, ,.. 727I65I' Financial State-mtsl2-31-71 7I-5067 Lease'- S't Mtnc'e- Yard 7 •-; - W&P Systems - . ,1280 Cochran-Ave - :. .--,-., .: 6-30-71 ' / ; .-. 3 yrs •' ^ ; • . - ;':; ; Flna Jack -.^•"-^-5-15-/0 .•.>70-1375 Financial Statemt 2-13-73'73-550 ..Adj in memory - Be'rnardi Mo . Election Code provisions -

Fin Comt ' '•:9-i7_7i. 71-.3644 Finders Ins 12-31-73 ' 73-:;6342 Pol Dept reductn - reconsider . Agcy & Assoc for Lee R Haryey . •Adrnin Travel'Expense Acct.'i,-.- -' - Claim'auto"drrig $103.05- '. - -

. -" ''-^ , •. ,• '.- Finance Com.t ' ' 5-12.-'70' -70,-1991 "Findings 2-17-:/O 70-691 6th Dist Ccl Field Office Accounts receivable. - $230,50 ... ,-f-*;46'57--^o Crenshaw Blvd -AT-ter' E'-Stewart Dev Co • -- : , $5,165 • '--;-•- .--• Finance Comt l©-13'-.-7l' 71-5904 "Findlay Fred ' 3-8-73 73-9S5 Cailigrapher overtime fds' . Claim prop damage • '-B&S'Dept'travel expense'realloca­ *.1,320" ' '"'"•* tion ' Fin Comt 4-5-72 ' 143509 "Findley Shirley 11-13-70 70-5075 feasibility rept re- Claim pers inj .- ''4i;ii?MBCp^-'8ic''^- ' '.., • Fin Gomt 4-20-72' /l-1.53iJ Flndling Martin 5-11-/1 71-1843 constructn -secure fin : M;G Rodrigu.ez for .Rolando Rod./i- -plaza- Tech CtT'-. " - ,gue-;2: Jr -" Accidental.-death 1972-75 fiscal yr .' ' * / $250,000 ' ' ' . ' ' • Fin Com.t ' 3"-i4'-72 ' ''72-5061 Pindling Martin 1-21-72 72-531 . .pension fds - Roger A Miller.- Clearing House service .'Claim autb' dama.cre &.,. .y '• ;"-' pers. trvjur.y $3,500- 'y 7 7 .. '' , -• Firiancial 11-13-73 73-5703 Fine Anne' 77.8-71 ;• 71-2699 Assistance ' .,• ' Claim prop drag "Christmas Decoratns & area ,clea-n- $25 •' .'•• . . , .' ._ up - So Side Chamber Conme.rr.e Financial 1-15-70 ' l46056 Fine Dorothy 4-26-71 71-1666 disclosure - Elected G!tyl528l5 Claim auto dmg. •& r^ers.inj . . ' of-ficlals ". ... - . $1,'895 ... .'- /;/ - -^'A-x •' Financial 1-27-70" 7 147700 Fine Reuben J 7-20-71 71-2830 Pisclosure -..Mbrs' boards-corhrni;s. • Claim auto dmg - • . . ' - .-' Stat'e-Govt Code Sec 1120 $l.po.6.^ • ,. ;.•

Financial 11-16-72 146035 Fine Richard" 12-17-73 73-6189 claim auto dm,«? Disclosure- 132815 $132.24 ,. ' - , •• •Gity~Pv8lates business- Conflict of Interest- Fine Stephen 6-29-70 70-2752 Financial Federatn 9-12-72 71-365 claim pers inj Cancel offer ded - $65.95 Tr-.23059 Financial Indera -6- 1-72 72-2078 Fine 5-18-71 71-0273 . ....M.artl Kowal • - • •, Violation City O.'-d •>.Ciai?m auto *dmg' -. $829.00 Estab•minimum amt Financial "lndemriit-v'3-1-73' 73-3250 Fineman Bemie 12-31-73 73-"5356 Claim auto dmig $447.15 c ., Atty.,for Joseph-W Ryan ,:, .;. j.f*-'..ifr:-, «. .,-..3' •--....-.-- •• Claim pers in j'-;-,. Uridt-'amt,/' '''A- ,Pir_kelsteln Fran3:es;9-5:.73^7-3;r4671 Fineman .M-artha 1-10-^73 73-157 Kells Dr iir Penfield Ave Atty' Robert A' .Mcndel.s.op -i-PC-'-y .."I'mp . • ' • ' 'Claim pe'rs inj ," ... ,. Fines 7.-18r72 72--2005 Finlaiid ^ '\ 11^>70 'ii4;14:()6 Brush clearance - Independence Day 12-6-70' use EEA labor Flag raising-spec."event "Fines 8-8-73 72-4100 .Firilayson Joiinf8-li-72 '372-3014; Narcotic offences S-130 "•-Claim orop-dnrg, AB 2002 ,$15,000 / ... • ;.

..Fines 7-26-/1 71-2949 i Ftnley-"-Maple-.L ; 2-18-71 ;7i/671 Parking - estab system, collect .Claim pers.-lnj , • Police Dept & CAO . - ..--'"• 4'* t 7 " Fines 3-17-72 '/2/i052 I "Plnley iyla^tilda T 5-21^71 - 71r.26i01 Fa ,vkiiig '- - Adj iri~ me.-rioVy ' " '"•"' Geographical area - Snyder .Mo .;..:- -. Snyder . '; 'p.!ngerpr!nts 2-24-72 72-/45 j Flnley \U et al'3-20-73- 73--il'9'5' iNori~crimlnal searchcs I . Claim auto-drag -, $'S3..560„fr Gen Salaries $9.57'.80 •VljOuO Unapprop 3-al Fingerp-rint • .2- 7-/2 72-4/9 ' ' Finley William 8-'l6-73 73-3936: Processing fee claim, retroactive pay $4 - Ambulance-driver attendant.s Fingerprint ' 6-23-72. 72-745 Finlinson Mabel :9.^4-73 .. 73-4569 Search - $4.00 fee ,„ c, Claim^ rettoacti'i/e pay -' LAMC Sec 103.02 amd Fingerp-rint ' 7-16-70 70*^^3048" Finn George 3-16-73" 73-39.-^f4" Siirvice - Congress p-rovide fds Clal-u: r-,itreactive pay .& pers restore: - Bradley

Finger Print 9-24-73 73-50,61 Finn.Howard 5-2-71 •133.527, Fee - incr $4 to-$5-7 - ' ' ', Jaygeel St.. & Driver & .Ambulance Attendant Se-irhman Grdve See-71-.06 & 71.11 LAMC, : ?-^A'11^91659 . ,; • Fin.gerpririt.s.- 12- 4-73 72-745 Finn Howard A 8-31-70 '/G-^,3:783 Non-Criminal, Claim prop dmg - $90,000 LAJ-IC Sec 103.02 Premit fee incr to $5 "Pin! Jeivfrey S 6-21-72 7.2-2307 Finn 'Howard A. 1-12•i/l' 7i-^01'49 Ciaim prop damage :jayseel S"trForsythe"V//o - "'* $101.53 Sherman Grove Ave-.-ded. •Fink Albert 4-12-71 71.-14/3 Finn Johri E . 2-;-10-72. ""- 7£.-531- Clain: auto dmg' Carroll & Rostagrib fo?' ••$249.96' ' •' ' • , Adalberto' Herrara - Claim pers. , inj .- '$-l:GOO,0.00 7^ -- -.•'7', "Fink Gerald 3-3-7p 70-334'2 ""'Finn .Raymond. S 5-11-73 7.'3~;i9:60' Attv fr.r H-nrry Bsrmari-claira Atr.y -for Adoifo 'Rcd-ifiguez'-'-, a-Jto dmg $178.30 ' ' - ' claim pers.ini & Atty fees '' $2., 005 '•". - ... - Finic- Harry 9- 3-7P 70-3355 Finn Virginia 8-10-75 -'?5-57'52 of Calif & Mister H F'inc Claim retroactive pay- Como Tax Claim $l,38-5'.'.'06 . < Finkel Philip 72- 9-/2:. 72-2 Finn -v/arren 10>'i9^73 7.3.-5396 Adj In memory . - Atty for .Frank Houston . -: Edelman Mo c'lair,! .f-^^lse arrest & -'. '".- pe-.:s irij $200,000 Finkelman H R lO-.- 5-72 '72-3757 Firm'V/arren '9-30-703 "'70^4339 Ola'l.m auto .drag Attv f'jr- Loui.<3 Gor.don- $20.00 " • Clair.! pe.rs lnj- • ^" 482' C'.T. KC'. \.Zl\ \ Finston & Kurtz 7-5-73 73-2746 Finn V.'arren 7-19-71 . 71-2358 A.-yyty' loyLuc^r.' ijorenz,ij.siu . .'3-., Attyp. fn-i? .Terom'e Rabov; . '.Cl-airj^ wrorigful xifeath ^ '• .A- --^ -. . '••Cla-im prop dmg $1 .-,000';GOO '"' -• "-" '• ..-.^->=' ...^;y- Finston•& Kurtz "7-5-75 75-2749-" Finn Warren-; .. 7-.6-71 71-2669 Attys'i.for David 'Krieg ' ?-At'ty- for Consandera Savage:"" Clairn pers/irij-Unde.t arat y-" i Claira prop dmg • , ^•x • ' • _ Finston & Kurtz 7-5-75 75-2/47 Finn Warren '''^ 'S-fS-?! /1-5255 Attys .for Robert Corlett Jr for;,Throne Schroeder . - .' ; • Claira prop drag - 'Claim' pe'rs"'-'inj i- $25,000 y . • -*- ••ti. Finn Warren ll-3~72 72-4132 Finston & Kurtz 7-5-75 '75-2755 ~ Atty for Michael D .Smith- Attys for George Zafiropoulos. 3;claira pers inj $3,000 '.-,/'' -Claim prop dm,g Finn V/arren 2-23-73 73-'773 FinstGri & Kurtz 7-5-73 75-2749 " .Raul-Pallais -.,. . .^. Attys' for Mr & I^rs Melvin Avedor -'/Claim.pers tlnj & lo'Sees - -- A -'-Ciaira prop'd.mg , $5,000 Finnegan Robt A 4- 9-73 73-1351 Finzelberg" Lucille 8/7-75 75-551.5 Commend , . Claim retroactive pay 'Snyder' Mo , 'Finney Carl 9-13-72 . 72-2501 Fire 10-7-70. 70-4474 Adj in me.'nory "No Smoking-, si,gns" reword; • :„ ^Lindsay / - prohibit -within' ve'nicles mouritain areas-Pottpr Finney J B Inc 1-16-^70 ' 70-190 •Fires .- 8-13-71 70-4288' : ,s,s:PG'--22540 - c/s &sb/i Helicopters-surplus """'•f'Devbnshire'&''Wobdle'y--Ave --"^ . , City purchase ;

. Finney ..Robt T-. ' 2-23-72 /.2-714 Fire Alarm, . 4-24-70 70-1756 ...... Clairn auto dmg ' . . T ^' --: Soyes --.Fire-peirb rept. re 7,-;-,$200' ., . ., , . ^3':, ,.• - F-p^'^'-der '^y^.--.-., - • , • • 'Finney Virgiline 6125-^-73-75~26oi Fire alarm" ""6-25-71 71-2534' 3rClaim pers inj7ury - , - - ... - boxes-req :remove '" - :, -George Cater-er.. :- ,. .-.---'•' , , *---• ,- - - . ' A -^ Fire al'afm 2-28-723 11^6916 " Finney k'm 5-15-^-75 ' 75-2.4 ' System'"Spate Colleg,q-,retum „Adj in memory ^-' -''• ownership to State-^', - "^wilkirisori^ - - „ PU&Trans Dept, -,; • .'.. .;;.., Finnigan John . 12-19-73 -70-1880 Fire area -- 10-^1-70 ,• ,70-4312 - et'al- cornmunre Raconstru'ction - use tenip - Poj;nbgraphic material on residential trailers-V/iikinson " Newc" ractcs -Ventiira B1 yd ,' „--. ' Finston-Kurtz' & 8-24-71 7I-536I . FLreai^ms Training 6-5-72 72-2095 ; .-Brody.,. for-Billie 'Bu.moers •'" 3' ^Simulator • - '"7 , ... . .i'Glaira for drag 7- ;-,.,-': Uridet amt • *. A' •'Rese,.,Claim 'prop-drag;. •-,•,-. ' ,-;; -Place 4th Step Sal Sch 11 Anniv:-1-1-* amend Pers Ord , •=; Firiston-& Kurtz 7-5-73 '73-2755 Fireboat #5 6-14-/2 72-1700 • Attys, for Florence Ain '--'•'. Continue oner - 5S14 .v.Clai'rm, prop drag; . , >.. -failed y • V." • ; . / "

Finston & Kurtz 7."5-75 75-2754 ' Fire Boat No 5 . , - 5-11--70 . 101746 . Attys for Mary Flavan F-Qi-^t MacArthur ,. ' . . '. y Claim prop dmg 5 yr." ext- - US Arm.y Dept maintain Finston & Kurtz" 7^5-75 73-2/56 ' Fireboat Mates .ll-i&-71 .71-3586 Attys for Mar'ty^'/'ohnson-*' '--' -, • Amd Fers^,Ord ; , , ,,.C„laim-p'roiD-,dmg •"' - - -• . ,. 6 pos; / ' "483 Fireboat Mates 2-167-72 71-3686- Fire Deputy ' 12-28-70 138236 No 1 & 5 - ' 'S3 Chief- Ord amend salary sched Salarv Adi : ,.; . - Mdlls Mo: w/'133001 ,Sup'^-lO&lI" CAO rept • . , Fire Boat Mate. 11-6-72 .72-4121 Fire Disaster l'-28-71 70-4312 Special pay - Chas.tworth area 1970 - United Firefighters Rent re removal debris "Fireboat 1-7-71 133901 Fire disaster 10-5-70 70-4370 Sup-#14 ^.. Pilots - Pay Sched Erosion control- ' P J Yoncich - approp $79,000 Fireboat Pilot 9-30-71 71-3686 Fire disaster 10-6-70 70-4370 LAAC Sec 4.158 (c)-chg Office Emerg Preparedness Salary sched fr 7 to 8 perform work homes destroyed Fire Bd of Inquiry 10-6-70 70-4436 "Fire Dist"#l" .-' 1-20-72'- 70-4445 Judge Paonessa Chrmn- Revise bdrys - Dr Norman Topping-Richard Mosk & Beacon St Redev Proj -. Kayward Andrews-City reps CRA , Fire Candidate 7- 5-73 72-2479 Fire - 10-16-70 70-4652 Emergency-re use City's Training Prog Civil De.fense Info mobile Fire Dept • eq'aipment & pers - Lorenzen "Fire Capt II 12- 3-70 138236 Fire Engines 1-19-73 73-267 New class - estab 133901 Auction Available to Nicaraguan Govt

Fire Central 1-11-71 145835 Fire Engines 1-29-73 73-267 Com.mand & Control System- Sold to Fed Govt- of Nicaragua Contractual Services- at min sale price $1 each • <;31 35Q "Fire Code 7-22-70 70-3086 Fire 4-7-/2 '72-1333 Am-d re fee- fixcinguishers - re install Fire Safety Officer- ]AMC A„t 1 Ghao 9 $51.60 4-hr p-nriod Bec 91.1107 - 91.1704 l-ire Coda 1-19-71 71-0270" "ire 9-29-70 70-4288 Div 5 & 6 ~ amd re Fighting - use surplus Spec Services Fee- US Air Force Planes - Fire Dept Bradley Fire Codes 8-26-71 138401 Fire 10-9-70 70-4533 Pub Hlth & Welf Comt rept Fighting methods- .suggestions-D Langston et al

'Fire Code 9-29-70 70-4285 Fire 10-22-70 70-4533 Safety standard.3 70-4707 Fighting-s'aggest 3-story or higher /0-^;102 Green Belt Fire Dist residential bid.gs built prior 1943 Proposal "Fire Code 6-15-75 75-24o6" ;fire 5- 6-/0 /O-1925 Day Nursery Hazards Define - - - Open spaces - cite offenders Amend-Wilkinson Mo Fire Code 12-7-73 , 73-6070'' 'ire hazard 10-7-70 70-4485 Provisions - enforce re Dead trees & branches- gasoline storage Amd LAMG d-'.v'elling units- Lorenzen Fire Ccm,mand 6-25-75 75-2629 Fire hazard 1-12-71 71-0151 Contr Systm - CH East - Hig'h ri.sc.. bldgs- P Bldgs recom dry not wet Systra- New constr methods- Nowell B&S & Fire Dept rept Fire 10-8-70 70-4312 Fire Hazard 7-13-73 73-2954 Debris-remove fr private Progress rept - prop-approp §50,000 for Fire Dept contractors Fire disaster 10-7-70 70-4473 ••^ire House #51 4-16-70 147000 Areu-instali signs entrace 3ts .'•-i-ari Arts Dept 9-1-70 Sup /Ml N/o Chatsiv'orth St & E/o Mason -luri ":v;ii Comt 484 Fire Hydrants 3-16-71 71-994 Fire & Police 7-18-72 71-1451 T.r« 4-,... 1-I Mo 1 r^ «a .^ Annual .Rept as of 6--30-69 - - \ ' ' ~ Fire Inspector II 1-4-71 138236 Fire & Police 1-21-70 I26696 , & Fire Captain Il-classes not Pension System established - Pers Dept Accountant & financial statemts as of 6-50-09 ^Fires 10-28-70 70-4835 " Fire & Pol 3-10-70 7O-1O0C Major Unusal Event Pension - Cost of Living Adj Declaration (Police overtime) Charter Amdmt 11-70 Election

Fire Marshal 5-19-70 147700 ~?J.re & Pol 4-22-70 125450 State-trans functions .,: 3 30 Pension Syste.m- sub statement cleaning estab to State Bd Dry New Pension System Cleaners - SB 1134 Fire Marshal 5-16-73 72-4100 Fire & Pol Pension 7-15-70 70-2999 Reimbursem.ent - S71 Charter Amendment - AB 970 No 1970 ballot I'Fire ' 12-10-70 70-5523 Fire & Police 8-19-70 123450 Pension Sys-New Pension Systera- Newhall-Chatsworth brush amd Stmt'amt tax revenu'es^fiscal $70,500 pnnron to Fire D^pt yr 1970-71 - $59,573,500 • Fire Permit Pee 1-19-70 124157 " Fire & Pol ' 9-2-70 ,70-3849 Waive - Teen Post Centers Inc Pension Sys - ,, Adjournment Wording

Fire Perrait 1-26-72 70-3086 Fire & Police 12-15-70 70-557.6 trans fla.mmable gas - Pension Sys - &. amend Sec 57.05.31 MC New Pension Svstem. Charter Amd modify 5-71 Electioi "Fire ' ^ " 10-19-71 71-4087 Fire & Police^ ' S-'^S-'/l I48030 Personnel Pension System & New. Pension Inadequate training & service Systems as of 6-50-70- -- Actuarial rept ''^^ j_ Plre/Police 10- 2-72 72-3652 -Pire & Police 3-19-71 71-1115 Benchmark positions Pension System Librarian - exclude Salary inequity ..for Gen Mgr Fire & Police 3-29-71 71-1263 Fire & Police 8-9-/1 71-3143 Pension System- . Depts- authority Accountant's Rept & Financial Workmens Comp cases Statemnts 6-30-70- Audit Fire & Police 8-31-71 I33901 Fire & Police 4-19-71 7irl564 Pension System - Statement Tax Depts- merit pay provsns forS-l? -Revenues 1971-72 pay grades Sched ll & above Uniformed personnel Fire & Police 7-6-71 71-1564 Fire & Police 6-30-72 72-1375 Pension System- Salary increase- sub report II8.541,502- appro • $3,395 trans 485 ... ".-r'^ ., -„-,. -.1'< r.«j • Fire & Police; 7-1-71-^71-^690 Fire & Police 1-13-71 133901 Pension Systfem & New Periston: Salary increase-approp . Actuarial Investigation- ' , 5 yr period ending -12-31-70'. - "^ ..;.$1:^452,063 ^ ^ , vj Fire & Pol " 12-28-/1' , l4i3030^ Fire & Police 2-2-71 '"7717425 Pension Sys & New Pension Sys*^* Medical & Hosp :Servi'ces--. Actuar.ial rept as of 6-30-/1 $200,000 t.rans ./ ., Coates-Herfurth & EnRland Fire & Pol 2-'8-72 72-504 Fire & Police '4-13-71 /70-5000 Pension System SB 333 S-55 Annual -Rept - J.une 30, 1971 , Km.ployee-Ffnploj'^er relations. Fire & Pol 3-31-72* '72-1263 Fire & Police 6-14-71 71-14'51 Pension System"- Formula for Salary Stateraent tax revs fis yr LAAC Sec 4.160 amd ^^. ._ 1972-7^ .' - • . '-' y .- Fire-& Police 6-30-72 . 72-1263 Pension; System- Fire & Police 6-28-71 * 71-1451 Statement tax^rey Salaries-iricr by 7.87. Fiscal yr 1972-73 ., Atty pres ord-Nowell , , , ,^.. Fir'e/Pol Pension 3-9-73 " 73-997 Fire & Police 1-17-/2 "71-3201; Systm - Tax Rev salaries- 5.5?^ retroactive renulred 1Q7^_74 incr thru Phase. I of Freeze $81,660.^'^'=;- : A.. Snyder Mo ", ;7 :,.'''/ Fire & Police 4-27-73 73-1762 Fire & Police 4-10-^3 73-1501 Pension System 1973-74 Prop Salary Schedules Annual Rept Bd of Pension Comsnrs 3 $-30-72 - - Fire & Police 5-3-73 148030 ' Fire Protectn Plan 1-3-72 140191 Pension System- Policy Statemt'- Actuarial Valuation Rept element Genl Plan June 3- 19727. ' Plan Dept ' •• "•3'^'7 Fire & Police 5-21-73 7^-2080 Fire Protection 1-4-72 ' .72-16 Pension Fd - -"•• " y & Prevention - Fees Accts & Fin. Statemts-6-30-72 Fire Safety Officers Peat-Mar-w-iCK-Mitcriell $12.90 per hr Fire & Police-" 12- 3-73 73-6009 Fire Protectn 6-25-^3. 73-2629 :--Pension System Systm - CH East - Actuarial valuations as of P Bldgs recom dry not wet S.ystm -- 6-30-73 '• Nowell Fire & Pol "- 4-11-72 71-1750' Fire Research & 7-15-71 71-0071 personnel paymt for S-1.7 Safety Act 1968- S 9 - • 262 working days 1971-72 fiscal yr HR 7188 (92nd Congress) ,_ support "Fire & Pol. 9-12-/2 72-3428 Fire Reserve 9-29-70 - 70-4287 Protective League Units-emergency stand-by- , chg namie to PF&CD Comt rept re training ,-United Firefighters Edelman Fire &-Police , 12-10-70 70-5520 Fire resistant 10-27-71'' 71-4l6l Retired - Walls-doors-various enclosures Co.ct of Livinq Benefits Bldg Code amend

Fire & Police 4-10-70 70-1501 "Fire Roads 6-27-72 72-2375" Salary Rec - 1970-71 Strict guidelines - Fire Dept estab- Sierra Club Fire & Police 4-27-70 129201 Pire Safety 10-22-/1 , 70-4i02 c- Workmens Comp 131060 Multi-story residental bldg - LAMC. Sec 91.0103 - amend

Fire & Police 6-11-70 70-2503 Fire Safety 7-22-70 70-3086 Workmen's Comp-administration • Officer - Fee chg S51.50 4-hr period- Amd Fire Code ; ,- Fire & Police '8-27-70 133901 Fire Safety 8-12-71 70-308.6 :. Salary increase- Officer - -lelete trans. $4,629,893 LAMC Sec 57.06.18 ' •48G Pire Safety OfTicers 1-4-72 72-16 Fctib ipl2.9'0 per. "riour - • .2616 So- Hobart-Blvd • ••• CAO-.- Fire Dept Not .feaslbile for..hi3torlcal rnonurnen't- - ; ,, Fire & safety 7-18-72 72-2616 Fire Sta #23 ; 10-15-70"-70-4130 Reauiremnts - , Pub Bldgs Bur adv not 'Bldg Code- permitted to lease . J Degenkolb commun -> • ; Fire Safety 4-24-73 73-1704 Fire Sta #25., 6-10-71'71-2297 " Standards - all RTD Buses Lorena St & Atlantic St- Snyder • * - Trans $6,000 for acq prop' Fire Safety ' l-li-73 71-0151 "Fire Sta 25 ' '5-1S-73 * '73-1660"" High Rise Bldgs 72-4542 , Design new bldg B&S "rent failed jipq

Pire Station 4-22-70 I25855 Fire.Station #26 3-18-71 71-646 • Standards - costs of. constructn • 2475 W V/ashlngton Blr/d assign to Bur St Ltg - storage facli

Fire Station 11-2-71 125855 Fire Sta #28 11-2-70 70-3068 'Bldg StandardsT 644 S Figueroa St- -• ,- Revised suggest sale ; Fire Station 9-17-70 70-4130 Pire Station 10-5-71- 71-3903 abandoned-225 E 5th St- No 28 lea'se to Karl Goldenberg Federal grant appl . "• Fire Station 7-21-70 70-3068" Fire Sta 28 10-28-/1 71-3903~ ,, 644 S Figueroa St- #28 $235,800 & $59,000 lease to C L Peck Pub 'rfks Impact Proj

"Pire Stations 5-25-/1 71-2093 Fire Sta #28 2- 4-/2 71-1292 Ccl Dists 6 & 11 - Distributn .Robt D Jackson ,. r., ; • ''litter bags Boy Scouts 6-12-71 Appraisal service,- $3,000 , SOAR Proj 'Fire Staibibns ' 10- 3-72 72-3692 Fire Station '32 7-26'-72 " 72-2795 3 • Reopen 4 stations c- Beverly Blvd at Reno St » 'uriited Firefighters. :."Tran3fer land for park & rec ctr "Fire"Stations 6-14-72 72-1700 Fire Stateion 2-7-73 73-355 .5. - avoid close - #12 #32 - storage area at Incr fds 2920 W Beverly Blvd in failed lieu Fire Sta #70 , . "Fire Station 3-14-73 70-2813 "Fire Sta 47 10-29-71" 71-4235" Garage - & 70- condemnatn prop Sari' Pedro Mun Bldg Monterey Rd & temp assign Huntington Dr - Fire Sta #3 6-25-71 71-2530 Fire Sta 47 4-30-73 73-1600 Trans $20,428- -Add $33,965 to 1973-74 Budget- Fire Dept relocate - Mayor

Fire Sta #6 6-25-71 71-2530 Fire Sta #51 7-30-70 147000" App alterations 2nd fir . 817 N Sevrard St- , Fire Dept sale to State - $35,400 . Fire Sta #7 9-17-70 70-2813 "Fire Station 10.^ 5-71 71-3903" , Assigned temp basis to • No 51 • 3 ; • ; •" , - B&S Dept-in-service training , Federal Grarit appl ( "Fife Sta #7 12- 2-70 70-5396 Pire Station 55 6-15-72 72-1700 St Mtnce!,Bur - assign Provide fds #43 Interim Asst Prog for manninor - - - Adptd Fire Sta #8 9-22-70 70-4181 Fire Sta 57 1-19-71 71-0232 r -Trans $55,665 • .. ' : ' , •/Alterations-$5,260- • - 1970-71 Const Proj Prog . ^. m Fire Station"65 3-20-70 ' 70-1227 Firearms 2-15-72 -71-4263 Locker room alteratns - Individual Rts . : Approp $12,625 - ...-y. . .,-v-5 Ammunition.: .22 Gun CtrolAct 7 . Mayor-CAO -./ , • ..- -' 7Firearms Internatl 5-10,-72 72-1791 Fire Station #70 1-26-73 ,73-355 Corp' - et al - • 351G No Braodway Comp settlmt $5,000 Store Angel/s Flight cable cars Fire Sta #70 ""'3-1-73 "73'--S26 Firearms 9-16-70 70-4101 Lease - E/NE Mod Cities Police - surrender 3516 No-Brdwy Court appearance "Fire Sta #72 11-2-70 70-4890 Firearm 11-23-70 70-4017 Pub Bldgs design PU&T Insp & Animal Reg Insp .""

"Fire Sta #79 .,. 8-9-.73 73-3662 Firearms -9-30-71 7,71-3854 Drainage facil - add to Registration ' .- Const Projs, Prog 1973-74 source of revenue "Fire Sta 88 11-17-71 71:-4489 "-- 4645 Sepulveda ,Blvd- Firearms 1-12-70 70-l'30 sale city prop • Security Guards carry firearms

"Fire Station SS""i2-ll-72 71-4489 "Firearms '5-15-70 70-2088 Sale to Fidelity Mut Life Ins Co Simulation Training Prog - . 4645 Sepulveda Blvd LEAJSw - $250,000 Fed Grant $210,000 Fire Sta 88 4-30-73 73-1600 Firear'ms "" 3-13-73 73-1037 Add $4,160 to 1973-74 Budget Training Equipmt Bldg- Valley Fire Prevent office- _ Approp $60,000 c'onst Miayor ; • Fire Sta 88 10-18-73 73-5374 Firearms 10-26-70 70-2088 • 5101 N Seoulveda Blvd - ' ' Training facilities - EIR - Fir"e Corasn APP! for grant $250,000 Calif Ccl Criminal Justice Fire Sta #109 9-22-70 70-4181 Firearms 4-20-73 70-2088 Trans $47,882 " Training S^',mi'ldtor - Contract Systems Innovation & Dev Corp Police Dept , , , Fire Station 109 10- 1-71 70-4181 Firearms 6- 7-/2 70-2088 $10,944 - Permanent Imp Fd Training System - ! Billy L Stine - Pers Services , contract Fire Student 7-19-73 72-2479 Firearms 6-29-72 70-2088 Worker Prog Training Sys OCCJ #D-34-71 ; Fire Dept Grant Aopl 71-DF-572 Fire 10=10-73 72-2479 Firefighters 10-1-73 "73-5164 Student Wor'icer'"^^"'^" """"'"' '-- -Cardiovascular-Stress "Test ' . 30 POS - exempt High-stress work cond : Fire Dept Snyder » 3Fire Training 6-19-70 70-2528 Firefigriters ' 1-6.-71 ' 71-0058' Facil-Chatsworth Lake-$30,000 Heart Diagnosis Research Prog Const-Agrmt US Forestry Service HRS ^

Fire Training 10-12-72- 72-3315 Firefighting 8-27-73 73-4439 Facil adj Fire Stat 89 System-aerial estab Corjst catch basin-drain pipe Air Natl Guard - 7O05 Laurel Cvn Blvd military aircraft Firearms 2- 2-/0 70-43^ : Fireman ' 3-12-70 * 70-1092' Animal Reg Dept , 4- Exch-Duty Hrs -'-Platoon Duty .. Sec 53.02 - 856.5 & 12031 amend LAAC Sec 4.168 amend Prof Firefighters Inc Plrearme 4-12-71 •70-."3017 • Firem.en &' 12-21-70 70-552C Fjcplosive Officer in Chg Pol-retired -cost,of Living adj Estab pay assignrat Charter Amendm.nt May 1971 Firemen & ' 8-3-73 73-3300 Fireman's Fd Ins 5-5-70 70-2400 -Pclicemen - ,. -for Dr Wm..C Pomeroy Jr-claira - -Jacobs Plan • - •'^'.^ ; "auto damage^$504,12 Lawsuit - Mayor '- * ••- " Firemen" 7- 7-70 ; 70-2881' Fireraans Fund 7-5-70 '70-2844 Emerg Hosp care for John Lifur - claim A irigle'wood' Eye. Medical Group Inc -auto.dmg $1,010.38

Fireman Faam '"' 5-25-71 71-911 Fireman's Fund 5-11-71 71-1851 y/eeke.nds "begin 6-26-/1 -..-Natl Pa;!nt & Varnish Co Claim auto dmg $201.38 "Firemen '3-3-/2 -"72-2971 Fireman'sFd Ins 12-5-72 " 72-4521'" Fair Labor Standards Act Paymt lost coupon '-Amdmts 1972 $5,237.50 - - Overtime Paymts Treas _. Firemen 2-21-73 138236 "Firemans Fund 5-6-75 73-890 Hired during 1970 . Amer Ins Co - -correct salary inequity Mary Naoolino - Claim pron dawo- United Firefighters of LA . $615.25 •"; • •". ; -. Fireman II 6-14-/2 71-5636 "F!rem.an/s Fund 6-12--75 75-2419 Fire Inspector I in lieu Amer ins Co - - --p^ v»A Dept Gordon MacAlist'er - ' • Claim auto damage $257.84 Fireman II 10-18-72 72-5150 Firemen 11-7-73 73-5530 >'-.-In lieu;Fire Insp I 71-5636 Policemen Fire Dept ; '^ Sick leave benefits Amend LAAC Sec 4,176(bVn^ - 'Fire.-neri' 9-21-72' 72-3510 Fireraans Funa 12- 5-/3 7 3-60o/ , killed in line of duty A.mer Ins Co for Gail M Armstrcrig •'aw'ard service badges Claim auto dma $168.27 to survivors- Russell Firemen 5-9-73 72-4100 Firemen 1-51-72 133901 Protection S65 , Task Force Commander's 3-;^-A 'Erfiergency 'Aids Assignnit AB 1033 Extra comp ; '; "Firemen • 6-4-73 73-2273 Retiring - Unused Sick Time Firescape Prog '12-3-73 71-2294 -„Coop Agi-int with US Dept of / '$31,150 Agriculture - $9,372 • ' Firemen " " " 6-20-73 72-1495 Constant Manning - • Firescope 2-27-73 71-2294 '. Overtime - Part I-Multi-Agey Command & Trans $150,000 Control Sys-Field'Operations Proj-Grant Cont $85,000 Firemen 8-15-73 72-4100 Compensation - S-135 Firestein Alfred 5-23-75 75-24 • 'Court cases Adj in memory SB-990 •-:, Stevenson- Pirisman's Fund 5-27-70 70-2262 Firestone Howard 8-7-"/O 70-3412 ,^, American ,1ns Co for, J Ballou - Atty for Paul Flannery- •-'•'•" Claim damages Claliti'per.3 inj $25,000

Fireman's "Fd ' 2-10-/2 72-544 Firestone Howard" L "2-24-71 7I-765 - /.m.erican Ins Cos Solomon ,Hearn , •"'Ciaim prop dmg - $276.'50 Claim pers, inj

Fireman's Fund Ins 2- 3-70 70-485 Firestone Howard 11-15-73 73-5782 for.Rev Michael Lenihan Mary Alice Bro^m Claim" auto dmg Claim pers inj & auto driif $50,000 . - - " . Firemen's Ins Co--,5-^26-70 70-2224 Firestone Junction 2-8-71 71-523 Claim auto dmg- Trans Line - access road . 'W&P Resol 576

Firemen's Ins Co 5-26-70 ;'70-2232 Flreston'b'"Tire' 4-25-70^ 70-1743 &-. David Lewis &..R-ub'Der^Co-claim business =" C-laim a'uto-dmg "•" "'•-'tax ref-urid ' -• ' - ' Firestone 3-27-72 72-1192 1st Presbyterian 5-18-73 73-1351 Tire & Rubber Co- Church of Hollywood Lifeline Van Nuys Blvd & Parthenia St Prog - commend - PC 24085 - Stevenson lst Priority " 8-.8-7i3 ..^125671 Firestone Tire 11-12-73 73-5670 basis - parking ''" ^ 7/3,3 Rubber Co . ^ "^ ' ' -• LA Mall'- Cclmanic Aide -"* * / Claim ref bus tax $2,000 I & II Firestone-Watts 7-19-72 /72-2673 1st St & •-- •lp-1-73 '71-1961 ' Courthouse-desig part of ' Boyle Ave LD-combine projs,.: .-. American Revolution / 1st St & Boyle Ave Unit I &:,- Bicentennial Observance II - Snyder "Fireworks ' 3-21-72 72-lio()" " First St 11-1-72^ ,72-4068 Orcutt park et al $1600 Medical Clinic- ' - ^'* ' Banning Park et al $1600 July 4 1972 ?S'^t^?4V^^'y'^'^''-" 1st African ' 4- 2-73 73-1348 "First Western-; 2- 2-/2;- -I3185I' Meth Episcopal Church install Bank & Trust Co -Alex Ilnickl sidewalk plaque 891 Towne Ave SC 903695 - waive'workmen'3 ,_ Historical Monument 71 comp payments First Baptist 6-18-71 71-2430 Fiscal Year ; ' .4-11-72"'""/-.71-1.750' Church of Van Nuys fife & Pol personnel'..,.. ,.;g-i'f. i PC-23609/10 - z/c & BL paymt for 262 working days Sherman Way & Kester Ave First Baptist' 9-18-72 72-3468 "First Church of 2-17-71 71-16;44 ' Church of Van Nuys - Religious Science of Van Nuys Quitclaim - Cedros & Sylvan SW cor - ded Kester Ave Ely Sherman Way 1st Baptist Church 3-6-73 73-848 "Plschbach J 3^ -:' 5-12-'71- 71-1864 Reseda - off ded prop Claim auto dmg ' 7 ; , Gault St/Ai-nigo Ave Undt amt ZA case 20964 "'.First Baptist li-27-72 72-4408 . Church of Van Nuys Fischer Albin H 4-28-/0 /O-liBO/ Qui.mby Bill pymt $40,000 Auto Club-claim, auto dmg ; • - Ext time to 2-1-7 2 Gibson First 4-15-70 70-1538 "Fischer Engrng Co 3-18-/0 •' 70--li83 ' Congregation Church of LA- Vacation - " . . ' '"x-'^' ' Laurelgrove Ave Claim refund business tax Tr 28781 1st Federal 8-13-70 70-3490 Fischer Eng Co 3-23-71 II8OI5 " Sav & Loan Assn of Kollj^v'ood- • ' PC 16313 amend PC 22859-60 - c/z & b/l Permit Ingress ft egress Sepulveda & SuDerloT» .«;t First Florida - 2- 9-/1 71-568 Fischer Eng Co 3-20-72 72-1079 Bui-ld Corp Alley s/o Plummer St Cla!:;: refund Eldg permit Winnetka Ave to terra wly redesign First Four 7-31-73 73-3195 Fischer Eng Co 4-26-72 113512 Sqirare Church Va-n- Nuys . . ' PC 14633-modify condition permit Sherman v/ay nr Lennox Ava 5 ords. & 5 tr maps re c/z Al lev ded First Lk 4-17-72 '- 72-1353 Fischer Robert ' 2-10-/0 .'70-^605' Aqueduct prop in Newhall Atty for Jerry Nakagav;ara ' •: - re'aligr, Sierra Hv^ Glairs pers inj & auto dmg grant easmt -W&P Resol 756 1st Presbyterian 7-21-70 70-2350 Fischer Robert 6-10-70 70-2482 Church of Encino - congratulate- Atty for J Parker & C Glaze- * Lorenzen claim pers inj 1st Presbyterian 3-30-72 72-1232 Fischer Robt 4-24-72 72-1531 Church Nursery School 'Atty for Rezilla Louie •-' Claim pers inj • ' • •. van Nuys Civ Ctr Mall undet amt Display-5-21-72 Fi.scher Robert 7-29-70 -70-3217 st Presby Church 3-14-73 73-1082 Atty for Deresa Johnson- No Hollj'wood - ded Claim pers inj Lot 1 Tr 1384Q " • F!,scher Robt N 12- 1-70 70-5371. Fish ^. - 11-3-71 71-4271 Gertrude Johnson .. .' " „ ' Hatchery -, Lease B1.-219' eiai.'n per.s inj &'vd»man<:». ;^ Black Rock Springs W&P Resol #273 ' ' Fisch-er Robert . 2-4-71 71T'445 , Fish Joseph H 4- 6.-/1 71-1586 Atty for',Marion Calhoun- Claim auto drag ' ' . claira pers inj - ,.

•-Fischer Rober.t N 3-11-/1 . 71-1018 Fish Ruth 6-29-70 70-2756 David, Rodriguez,,-; <-.,,,; claim false arrest & pers inj Claira pers -lnj ,, . $100,000 Fischer .Rob N 3-11-71 .71-1017., Fishbon. Edward 12-7-71 71-4734 Ma;ria; Solis •- ,..-." Claim auto dmg Claira pers. inj $50 . Fischer Robert 10-24-73 .73-5441 Fishboat - 4- I-70 70-1590 • Atty for Christopher Parlato' • c. Dockage-Port LA Tariff /73 Claim pers inj Fischer-Wm P 1-31-73 73-406 • Fishburn Gary & 5-1-73 73-1793 Claim.auto dmg Susan - claim .auto dmg & $74 .po , .. ;' . pers inj "Pischetti.Tracy J 5-29-75 73-1295 Fishburn Luke" 5-25-70 70-50 *-- Claim pel's injury Resol comrae'nd undet amount Bradley Mo r Pischinger Richard 12-7-72 72-4561' • Fishburn Sus'an 7-25-75 75-5112 & Alice Claim false §rrest Atty Joseph Armijo Jr Claim pers in.i ?£ nron dm- Fish,Alan .••. • * 5-21-70 70-1375 Fisher.Barry S "1- 3-73 73-26 ' "• y F'erraro Mo adjourn , . ' Van Owen St 6 DeCelis PI ./ Offer to ded " Fish-Cyril'L . 8-11-70 .70-3452 Fisher Eugene 10-13-72 k72-383 2 claim refund bev tax Hfeifen Sain $3,257.85. .- . Claim pers inj over $10,000 Fish^Cannery 10-2-70 140443 Fisher EUgene 10-13-72 72-3355 Waste Discharge-Resol 70-55 Linda Zachzel Amend requiremts Clai.m pers inj over $10,000

Fish Canneries 10-9-73 140443 Fisher .Eugene 2-2-73 73-449. Atty for Morris" Davidoff-. ...Calif Reg wtr Cont Bd ^"^^ claim, pers inj $25,000 ' _ - , •feview cease & desist order 72-4 & 72-26-Gibson ' Fisher^Eugene 5-5-75 75-850 - Fisher .Donald , 11-21-72 72-4364 Dorothy Rabb - ' Cl'aim pers'inj 1 i. ' Claim pers injury $150,0003* ^ P!sh.& Game'Comsn 3-51-70 7O-I576' "Fisher Eugene ' 10-3-73 73-5179 Anchovy;fishins- limit • Atty for Jimmy E Ha*nz- ,, Gibson Mo claira pers inj $25,000 Fish Harbor 6-5-70 70-2430 Fisher Eugene 12- 5-73 73-6028 'Po'rt of LA-appl Loan Prog small Marilyn Edwards craft harbor facil $2,458,300- Cia'im r,er.<5 inj - undt amt • Harbor ..- i ' Plsh-^ Harbor ., - 5-25-7''i 71-2072 Fisher Francine 2-6-73 73-481 Terminal. Island .-..Order 4l27 Claim, auto dmg Standard Oil Co - f.i-x compen.^atn $619.20 paid - ^ Fish Harbor 8-14-73 70-2430 Fisher Frank 4-22-70 70-1755 Yacht Anchorage - Alley Wly-Broadway (nr 65th St). Harbor Comsn reot A'11-91547 progress 491 Fishman & George 8-26-70 ,. 70-3719 Fisher Kenneth 12-20-71 71-4884 Attys for Willis Johnson-claim proclaim day of mourning - • pers inj $25,000 12-28-71 ''"SlauGhter-of .Innocents" - yyy Fisher-M R Iric 3-15-7 2 12308C Fishman & George 8-26-70 70-3722 Contractor -CH East & Mall - Attys for Gladys Johnson- *• Claim loss for delay $2,179,180 claim, pers inj $25,000

Fisher M R Inc 8-31--73 123080 Fishman & George 8-10-71 71-3158 Claim $4,571,627.38 re const for Ton! M Honore City Hall East Underground Claim pers inj Parking $75,000 , • ' - •' -- Fisher Reginald 12-2 7-73 73-6302 Fishman-George^ 10-6-/1 71-3935 Claim pers inj Styness Reed Claim pers lnj - $25,000'

• - . '• • - ,' •••.-'.' " Fisher Robert V 11-6-72 72-4115 Fishman-George 10-''8-71.' "71-3992 et al-pet imp Earldine Williaras 'stith • . ' Alley V'/o'Grand View Blvd Claira pers inj - $500,000 nr Chambck Rd A'11-61320 'Fisher Roy M 9-22-72 72-2300 Fishman & George 5-8-/2 I7-I757 Congratulate Attys for Harriet Robinson-' Wilkinson Claim oers injury damaffe .„ $25,000 : • . .7 .; -•, -. Fisher Shelly 10-15-70 70-4639 Fishman & George 5=22-72 72-1914 - Goodenow & McClung's Shirley Hawkins - Curry Tr Lot 3-45th & Claim pers injury damages $50,000 Avalon-convey "Fishman & George 6-I9-72 72-2235 Fisher & Trefts 12-8-72 72-4591 Richard P Waller - PC 24443 - Claim oers injury damages estab 1' BL Ocean Front Wavlk $75,000 .^^ 27th to 2qth Sts Fisher Woodruff 11-4-71 71-4307 Fishman & George 6-21-72 72-2303 Rosalyn Carter - Claim auto dmg Glaim pers inj & #37,80 prop damg $25,000 Fishermen's ' 9-4-70 70-3863 Fishman Lester 3-19-70 70-3580 Fiesta of San Pedro Claim false arrest Alloc - Fiesta 10-16/18-70 $35, 68

"Fishermens Fiesta 9-13-72 72-2300"" Plshraan R A 4-28-/1 71-613 Fort of LA - Governmental Eng Assoc Commend Levy payroll tax city employees Gibson '"Fishing Ind "b-19-72 72-2232' Fishman Richard 5-28-71 71-2169 SB. 2S71 - Marine Mammels Claim auto dmg $1,000 protectn - & US operatns -

Pishing /esseis 2-26-71 71-797 Fisina Mary 7-10-73 145871 Safety Cclm-anic Aide I - exempt Coastal water So America 4th Step - 13th Dist

Fishkin Frank 1-15-73 73-23 Fisk James 6-19-70 70-2350 Ccirme.nd com.mend - Edelman Nowell Mo "Fisher M K Inc 9-15-72 123000 Hire Consultant Fisk James G 5-19-70 70-30 Review claim. - Deputy Pol Chief addtl floors CH East - Edelman resol commend Fishman & George 6-1-70' 70-2328 Fisk James G 5-19-71 134492 Attys for Otis C Norwood-claim Tr 2156 - Nly Valley Oak Dr pers injury & prop dmg $75,000 Aca se'v/er easmt

Fishman & George 6-3-70 . 70-2358 Lsk Jaraes G 8-8-73 73-3622 for Prime Nevills-clairo pers Police Comsn injury $75,000 term end 6-30-74 492 Fiske Geraldine ,6- 7~72 13752/ Fix Ressie 7-27-73 73-2750 •"$25", 000 settiemerif" claira '•».-:.•.'•-;:-• siCommend '. . •. -Stevenson Mo Fiske Leslie 9-28-72 72-3'586 ' Fixed Elimination 9-28-70. 70,-2813 '^ : La:t-e claim - , , .- ^ • • Team - Bur' Eng-assign, space; $5,000,000 ' ;,.. "• .WLA Admin Bldg pers injur.v ; • . _3'' Pisler Lor! 4-10-/0 7.0-30' Fixed Object - , 3-5-70 70-959 ; Eliminatiori^ -r- ;• , "-... ; ' Linda- :V/ilk!nson resol. Fed Grant appl -. Hwy Safety Proj Traf Dept . , , 7 -", Fitzer Wayne 4-17-/0 7O-I653 Fi-xed Object ' 10-20-70 70-939 .'7 et ux -claim prop dm.g , , „ Elim Prog-add! .approp & pos < $23,773 ,. . , Fitzgerald & 12-29-71 71-5026 •"TFlxed I-flrig ' "b-2b-75 75-2656""' ,- & Da-'Vis Atty for , . .-Aircraft - , ..; • 'Tarabbura Nettingham ;- 'study use as aerial,.Patrol .,- Claira pers inj-"- undet amt Pol Dept , • -;.-77 . ' Fitzgerald & Davis 4-21-/1 71-l6of "Pizulich Nate ' 12-50-^70 "70-5328 '.-.'^ Stella & Virginia Vasquez . State Farm-Ins-claim auto dmg Claim pers inj -;Undt amt Fitzgerald Hal F 7-7-72 72-2300 Fizulich Mate 1-5-71 71-0056 :-Commend *- Claim, pers- inj & Russell auto dmg

.F.ltzgerald-Horn 6- 7-72 .72-2095 Flaa Gordon.F- 7-6-/1 71-2650 • °"Morgens tern for R Hogue' Roger Cambell Atty Claim pers prop loss - $706.50 Claim false arrest ^100,000 'Fitzgerald-Korn 4- 2-73 73-1347 Flag 1-23-73 70-850 '•" \'' "Morgenstem for 'M- C Turner -'•*-' Cross of St -Patrick flag be Claim auto dmg;'-'&* pers inj ."• flown instead of flag of Republic - of Ireland _. "Fitzgerald Wayne 10-24-73 73-5421 Flag Day 5;29-70 70-30 ' Claira retroactive pay tribute to Old Glory -S Snyder resol .; Fitzhugh Reginald 3-6-72 72-886 "Flagpole 11-2-72 72-4085 City acq Mboi-Yagua for Illumination lights- IA Zoo Civic Ctr $5,910 - ^ City Hall S & Parker Ctr -. Fitzmorris Neil 3-30-73 73-1315 Flagpoles 11-13-73 73-5704 - Claim auto dmg • - Parker Gtr & Gity Hall East- Undt amt Delete 2 - 1973-74 Const Proj Prog Fitzsiraon Thomas 7-9-/3 /5-2819" Flagpole 11-15-73 73-3997 , .Claim salary pension Per-ieflts i-lluminated LA Police Protective League Veterai-is Memorial -•'-' - ' Casea #C6702 & 0/665 York Blvd N FiPiiPT-na -S^ _. 5 Minute 11-13-72 72-4212 Flag Raising 1- 5-71 71-003S Gar-was.h - req install Resol - Single jnt, , -. Trans Bur - Bradley

505 Corp i-28-70 70-577 " Flag-Raising 3-4-70 - 123033' Claira refund bev tax $1,17,4.00 Amer-Hungarian Fed - ; -- Spec Event 3-15-70' Snyder Five-Year Budget 11-14-73 73-5700 Flag Raising 3-3-72'' 71-787 -- „American Hungarian Federation- See" ; .; • . . 3-15-72 - spec event v^ 5 Year 5-9-73 75-993 Flag Raising 5-12-75 7''l-737 .Cap Jmp Prog - .-;. J\mer Hungarian Fed - 3 1973-7/4 thru -1977-73, 5-17-75 :', • ; 1st St Steps 493 nas Raisins" . .4,-21-7P ..JO-I663 Flag, Raising... ,i 1-30-70 70r4o6 American Zioni'st'Ccl - ' Estonian Community Sb Calif;' 5-11-70 2-24-70 Independence Day Flag Raising^ ., 4-2'7-71,'71-1669 Flag raising 7. 2-2-71 70-406 'Argentina Estonian Independence- Special Event May 25, 1971 53rd Anniv - 2-24-71

flag;raising 5-18.773 71-1669 Flag raising 11-13-70 141406 Argentina Republic- Finland - Independence Day ,• 5-25-73 - spec event 12-6-70

*Flag raising 7-3-70 145739 Fl^g raising 7-1-71. 145739' ; Ceremony - Bastille Day 7-14-70- France - National day 7. - Nowell '' 7-14-71 Flag Raising 2-2-73 . 73-443 Flag "Raising' ,,2-25-71 JlzTSS Bulgarian American Cul'tural" Greek Independence Da:y '•''• Education- Society of LA • Mar-27 1971 - $279 . 1st St steps 3-3-73 Special Event ------• • V "•• "'Flag': • '2- 3-70 70-501 Flag 2-23-71 71-746' Raising ceremony Raising Ceremony . • - i Bulgarian Lib Day 2-28-/0 Hungarian Independence Day 3-15-71 Special Event ,- ; "Flag Raising 1-20-71 70-501 Flag Raising 2-25-/1 : 71-78/ ; Bulgarian-American Cultural Hungarian Freedom Day - - Educational Society-3-6-71 Mar 13 1971 - $279 Special Event _,,- ,,-,.,,,_ Flag raising 9-23-71 71-3646 Flag Raising 1- 5-71 71-OO36 . China Republic-10-10-71 India-America Society -- ^ Special Event i-26-71 - Mayor message "Flag Raising * 3-24-/1 71-1219 Flag raising '7-16-70 140487 Croation Independence Day- Korean S-15-70 - •" ». .Apr 17 19/1 Spec event - Nowell Flag raising •3-28-72 71-1219 "Flag Raising 7-20-/1 l4o487 Croatian Independence Day Republic of Korea National City Hall 4-8-72 independence Day - 8-15-71 • Gibson City" Hall Plaza 'Flag Raising- 3-28-73 71-1219' Flag Raising 11-13-73 73-5738 Croation Independence Day Latvia Republic 4-23-73 - CH - 11-18-73

"Flag raising 10-5-70 136634 Flag Raising 1-26-/0 70-308 Czechoslovakian - v Lithuanian American Ccl v 10-24-70 2-15-70 - City Hall "Flag raising 10-12-/1 71-40l8 Flag Raising 1-18-71 70-308 " Czechoslovak Natl Ccl of America Litn-aanian American Council -Oct 30 ,1971 2-13-71 - City Hall Flag Raising ' " 10- 5-72 71-4oi8 Flag raising 2-7-73 70-308 " -Czechbslovac Natl Ccl of Lithuanian Nat'l flag America - 54th An.niversary 2-16-73-55th anniv IO-2S-72 Flag raising 10-9-73 71-4018 Flag Raising 1-31-73 71-1085 Czechoslovac Natl Ccl ,, Norwegian - 5-17-73 City Rall-lO-28-73 1st St steps " Flag 7-28-7 2 146376 Flag Raising 4- 7-70 139395 '' Raising ceremonies Norway's 156th Constitution Day' Ecuador Independence day B-10-72 5_l6-70 Spec Event" Flag raising 7-18-73 146376 Flag RalslPig 5-16-71 . 71-1085 Consulate Gen of Ecuador 157th Anniv Norways Constitutn CH -• 8-10-73 Days May 17 1971 - CK Steps 494 Flag raising . 2-25-/2 7l-1085; .-Plamm Sarah 8-1-/3 ,73.-3248 , ''Norwegian Constitution Day ' '•'• 1 - 3 Claim prop'd.mg $150 •• •'. -- ' 158 th: Ariniv May 17 19/2 --;; 'Flag raising - 5-6-70 3 70-9/4 • ' . -Flammable gas 1-26-71 70-3036 - Patough-Iranian Club-- -. I .- Fire permit trans - ' ' CK - 5-20-70 - •' , • / amend Sec 57.O5.31 _ '

Flag raising . 7-23-70 70-3113 'Flanagan Richard 8-17-71 '-.71-3273 •^-^Peruvian 7-18-70 - ' • & Allan S Garber for - Special Event George L Ryan '' .. Claim auto dme- ^430."37 Flag raising. 6-7-71 71-2250 Flanderka Leland 7-28-71 . 71-2999 Philippine Independence Day-" - - -.. PC 23659 ' .' 1st St steps - 6-12-71. Haddon Ave Jerome St - c/z : Flag Raising 1- 5-71 7I-QO58 . Flanderka Le.land 2-29r72 71-2999 " pqlic-y ^- prpposed joint resol • Aind condition re c/z *.'ayor & Cclmen -avoid d'-plip'-stri PC 23659-file parcel map "piag raising 4-14-7Q 70-1544 ! Flannery Eugene 10-25-73 73-5489 •Polish Community LA --^ Claim auto dmg ,- •' 5-2-70 $435.42 . .. V "Flag Raising" 3-12-73 76-850 ' Flannery Frances 10-25-73 73-5472 - St-Pats Day I Claim pers inj & auto drag 3-16-73 • y " Spec Event "Flannery Paul 8-7-70 70-3412 Flag Raising 3-24-/1 71-1218 Claim pers inj - Sieri?a Leone 10th Indep Anniv Apr 27 1971 - special event Flag Raising 10-30-72- 72-4016/ Flasher .- 11-13^73 -73-5608 Sweden Natl Day "- •. i Signal lights .--? - . i . , 11-11-72 .... _• ' SCRTD buses - assist-bus drivers Flag. . ' 1-12-70 70-134 "Flat,Rate * . 2-3-71 70-30543 Raising Ceremonies 1-24-/0 Formula --,,,. Ukrariian Culture Center LA Bldg & Const 7 Trade Council Flag Raising 12-21-/0 70-13^ Flaum. Joseph D 6-19-70 70-2640 "' Ukrainian Culture Cntr Atty for Marjorie Benjamin- 1st St Steps 1-23-71 claim pers injury $50,000. Flag raising 6-14-71 71-2351 "" Flavan Mary 7-5-73 .73-2/54 Western Samoa- Attys Pinstori & Kurtz 6-25-71-Spec Event Claim prop, dmg

F,lag Raising 11- 5-73 73-5615 Flavin John P. 4- 3-73 73-1362 Yugoslavia ., Claim unlawful search ,7 11-29-73 - display flag • $100,000

Flaherty George 5-10-73 73-1956 Flavin John P 4-12-73 ,73-1524 Community Redev Agcy-rabr Claim false arrest & .imprisoiun't Terra end 11-4-76 $100, . - Flaig James L 5-29-70 70-2315 Flavin John P 5-30-73 73-2214 Atty for James Pratt-claim auto Claim pers inj , .. drag $1,000 ' Flaig Jos L 9-21-70 70-4173 - Flecher Ebon! -10-13-/2 72-3847 for Fania Pearson-claim prop Claim pers inj ... dmg $175,000 Undt amt , ; : " „ Flam Fred 1-10-73 73-147 Flowers Ray R 12-27-73 7.3-6306 •Claim false arrest • Claim pers inj •$^50/00a ; V-""". - 495 .•-.*.V: Flowers Sam Sgt 5-24-«71 71^-1300 Fleming John J 9-3-70 70-3853 Commend retirement Police Dept Van Nuys Blvd NE/O Borden Ave Ferraro ', , --^^^ PC 23157 - Z/C

Fleet noise levels 2-27-73 73-759 •Fleming M . ;'10-14-70 70-4595 (FNL) - aircraft Federal regulations Claim pers inj support-Russell ^. " Fleet Sales - 5-27-7Q (70-2270 Flemings " 8-23^72. 72-3211 Discount Clarence et al Purch. vehs by municipalities -Alley Main St nr 74th St grant petition imp., ,j/.,; 7 "Fleet . 8- 3-72 71-44'6o "pieschler Z 1-31-72 72-,394 Vehicles - AB 1813 S-43 SB-657-Smog-control-. S-102 „ 13973 Daventry St Offer to ded „ _ ,7 -, ,...t ~ Fleischer Clara ' 7-6-73 73-2779 Fletcher Arthur 5-19-/2 72-1300 Attys Blietz Huntoon & Silva Commend Claim pers lnj ... • Mills ' "•• Fleischraan Gary 1-23-73 73-318 ' "Fletcher The'resa l-l4'-72" /2-155 For Constance,Henry Claim pers inj undet amt Claim; auto .drag $500 , . _ Pfif-c; Tn-i - S2Q.000 Fleischraan Gary 1-30-73 73-336 "Fletcher Tone 8-21-73 73-403'3 ' Atty for Frank Patchett Claim auto dmg & pers inj Claim'auto dmg s pera lnj " Fleischraan G B 8-21-73 73-4034 " Fletcher Tony 7-12-73 .73-2876 Atty- for Nadine A Baladi By Farmers Ins. • ;; • Claim auto dmg & pers inj :;^Claim auto dmg .-<...- v,. .T!--- $10,500 "' ; " - • y Fleishman Leon 8-2':-72 72-3194 "Tletcher Wm " 1-14-/2 "^' "72-153" Atty for Vernon Phillips' - Claim pers inj ClaL-n auto da.mage undet amt $75,606 Fleishman Leori K/-26-73 73-5492 "F'letcher WmJr" 1-14-72 72-154' Atty for Henry T Gutierrez- Claim auto dam.ag & claim pers iaj $175,000 pers inj undet amt

Fleishman Stanley 1-29-70 70-399 Flier-Ross & 4-30-73 73-1764 Atty for Gloria G Alegret , Attys for Vera Herold-claim Claim psrs lnj pers inj undet arat . ,

Fleishman Stanley 2-13-70 70-671 Fllgg Wm L 2- 6-71 71-GQO2 Atty for Rairaondo Del Mo- Gora.merid Glaim false arrest Wilkinson Mo

Fleishman Stanley 2-I3-7O 70-6/0 Flight Control & 5-16-73 73-2028 Atty for Larr.-'-' Mc Far land Regs - Claim.-false arrest Burbank Airport - , • - US Supreme Ct dec-^Bemardi ..7.; aeishman Stephen M 1- 3-/0 70-65 "Flinders Ins Agcy 12-13-72 72-4645' Atty for E W Santelman Robt Tracy - C-laim. auto dmg Claim auto damage . ' •3 •lei3lunan Stephen 5-28-71 71-2167 $363.53 ', ---.:.. .^tty for Peter Young-claim Flinders Ins 12-31-73 73-6342 auto dmg & pers 'inj Agcy & Assoc for Lee R Harvey Claira auto dmg - $103.05 . •- Fleming Carolyn 11-15-72 72-4236 Flintkote Co 1-19-73 73-269 ' Claim pers inj $7,500 Claim refund bus tax $10,000 • ' ^

-Flem'ing. Daniel 8-20-73 73-4l3l' Flint & McKay 6-11-70 70-2479 Claim retroactive pay Sewer Facil Charge^ protest 49G Flint Mitchell 5- 5-70 70-1911 Flores Alberto 2-8-71 71-535 Atty for Jonn uriven t^xaxiu icl-ai-iCi ucv tax Claim per's inj 7 , ; 4. , , ;„-•

Flint Mitchell 1-4-71 • 71-0006 " Flores Angelina 12-22-/0 70-5/83 Atty for Adela Ortiz-claitn -.Enrique-Leopoldo et al auto dmg &• pers inj • 7 Claim damages

Flint Mitchell 6-6-71 71-2257 Flores Elva 12-15-72 72-4637 for Herman J Von Eckh- Claim pers injury claim-p'ers. inj-, - $38,557.70

Flintkote Go ' 2-1-73 73-420 Flores 12-18-70 70-5675 Claim refund bus tax Gulllermo-Claim pers inj $10,000 -, ,'

Flippen Jay C 2- 8-71 71-0001 Flores Francisca 8-8-73 7-2^^^ Ad'j in memiOry I Human Relations Oomsn- Stevenson Resol term end 6-30-76 ; - - Flippin Carl 7-19-73, 73-304l "Flores GiJiardo 2-24-71 71-7/1 Claim prop dmg $4/.57 Claira auto drag

Floods 5-11-72 7l'"-44oo' Flores Jerry -.^ 8-I8-7I 71-3265 AB 367 - S-65 Claim pers inj; "Acts' of GodI t $90,000 , . . include ^ > Flood Control 8-19-71 71-3250 ""Flores Joan 12-13-72 "" 71-1355 study conference Cly Affs Comt- S'ept- '7-8-1971 red use CH Tower Internatl Hotel . - -, 3-20-73 - Jr C of C Flood Ccntrol 8-23^73 72-4100 Flores Lorenzo C 5-5-/1 71-1"776 Projs - S-154 Claim, pers inj & auto dmg -State 757.-costs $18,000 , SB„39_9, _ y Flood insurance ' 5-19-/0 143759 Flores 12-18-70 70-5674 . program - Mario-claim pers lnj • readopt mo as amended re - Bradley ' ,.' ....:.;. Flood & 7-27-72 142587 "Flores Miguel 4-24-72 72-I522" Landslide Disasters Claim pers inj & late claim Procedure modif undet amt * - " , ; CAO reot to B&S Corat Flood Sam 10-30-72 72-3646 Flores Rafael 1-7-71 71-0087 Commend Claim harrassment - Gibson Mo $1.00 Flood Sara 5-2-73 73-1350 Flores Rafael 1-7-71 71-0088 Adioum Claim harrassmenc- •'7GiDs6n * $25 Flooded 3-7-73 73-925 Flores Rafael 1-7-71. 71-0089 Intersectns - - Claim pers inj •Sump deficiencies - $100,000 - Erig invest - Lindsa.y >• Floodlighting 12-6-73 73-5769 Flores Rafael 1-7-71 71-0090 Outdoor Business- Claim harrassment prohibit - Energy $25- ' .:. curtailment ,. 7;- Plorek Jo.s^eph ,. - 2-1,8-70 70-727 Flores Salvador 3-25-71 71-3385 Claim auto dmg Claira pers inj .$20,000 - ' ." V- '••• Florence William '3-9-70 70-1012' ""Floras Veronica 3-18-71 71-3265 Claira loss- of property Claim pess inj $90,000 J , . .. .:-•;/ •'7vif ,-?5-' -.' - - "^ -'-"• '*•' '"> '* .- ' ir . 49"/ 1-' .Flory'Ella B 8-22-73 73-275i Flynn Joanne 3-^.i2-73'"73^1027' . Adjoum - ,, , f.^~ Claim auto'damage' v-*/-- - ' .;.;>•.,< Lorenzen $31.75. '"' •• r.tr. Flournoy Rita L 9-18-72 72-3474 Flyrxri Joe "[' '. 8-8-73 \, 73-3609' Claim pers injury .7 Mun Arts Comsn -' .7 7 , ,' / damastes $35,000 term end 6-30-75 ' '

"Flowers 3-6-72 70-4924 Flynn Kay F', ' . , llTi4-73 73^5753 etc-prohibit sale on Claim pers inj & auto dmg pub land-San Fndo Florists Undt amt et. al ^ Flowers , - ~6- 8-72 70-4924 Flynn Kay F ' 11-19-73 -73-5819 Sale plants Claim auto dmg , ' .. " , ;^ Stree-t-sidewalk-pkg-wlthin park Undt amt ' ' - ".-. 7 '". ^-7 _ ' Rrohoit - ,, " Plo'-Zers Hugh A 3-51-70 70-1365 'Foam Bldg sys 9-5-73 - 72r^4100 ^' Auto Club of So Calif-cl,aam - Fire safety T 3 ..- x. .. s-177 auto drr^s .' -- Mobile- homes Flowers Ken 3-20-72 66451 FOCUS 11-12-70 „ 7Prpi Realty Inc-amd Ccl actn of Moratorium Bldg or demolitn/'- l-4.r.S.5-rernove ingre«?s & eff^ess Baird Ave-:Raven .to-Nordhoff- _ Floyd TR ', 3-25-70 70-3713 FOCUS 11-12-70 70-701 ct et ux - claim prop dmg ' ' ••• Federatn of Organizatns for - . $195.00 ' Conserving Urban Space- * Moratorium on bldg or demo work - "Floyd L R 1-27-71 71-374 FOCUS 7-28-72 72-2823 et al-claim prop dmg Shelters for Mankind ' • •'• Conf -Cal State" Univ 9-22/24-7-2 30 scholarships © $50 Flu Shots rt" ^"9-8-72 .72-3342" FQE Program, - : .: 3-5-70 7-0-939' CH Rotunda - 3" File appl for Fed Grant - •" -xZ' 9/13 & 10/25 1972 K-wy Safety Prcj ACEA Traf Dept "Foerster Gilbert 12-2-70 70-5391 Flu Shots 8-30-73 - 72-3342 Wells & Chesney Inc for , Rotunda Claim false arrest 9-26-73 Fluor Corp 6- 9-/2 72-2139 FOJAC 5-4-73 70-4437" Claim refund business tax Bd of Dir thanked $5,900 fund raisins success "Fluoride 6-24-71 71-2512 Fog Cutter Cafe Co 9-1-70 70-3833 LA water supply' - Claim refund $23,771.50 0.9 parts per million Alcoholic bev tax

Fluoridatn 11-26-73 71-2512 Fogel Benjamin 7-8-71 71-2702" Uniform level water supply Atty for Walter R Canada- ..' prov claim pers inj Fluhrer-James .P 11-27-73 73-5910~ Fogel Benjamin'- 7-8-71 71-2702 £, & Phyllis-M . , Atty for T-,loyd Thompson—' . , Claim auto dma & pers inj Claim, auto dmg $700- pers inj "Flush toilet 3-29-72 "72-122o" Fogel Benjamin 9-18-73 73-4901 City parks & Parkways .- ; Atty for Victoria Hightower' " M Simpson Claim.auto dmg $1,500

Fly-iri Motel 10-28-59 147666 Tolh Stanley " 7-23-70 7.0"-3b93 Van Nuys Airport ' " ' . Hudson Ave Sly Sunset Blvd- '''' Bids c/z Flynn J Leo 8-12-70 .-70-2720 Foley Kath'leen 8-9-72 72-.2997 Adj in memory - Claim auto; dmg ,, Nowell . „ " $2Q5.07 * 498 Folger Coffee Co vll-15-?2, J2-4259 . Food Coops 10-30-72 71-902'', Claim refund bus tax .. :> Retailer - -- - $2,500 ; -: Exempt fr bus tax Folkins Richard , 7-28-7 2 7 2-2300 Food 10- 7-71 13381,8 liawn Bowl's Team 1972 . ; , ".. • Distribution ; Resol commend Irfholesale - rent Snvder : US Dent Acrlculture ' ' , _ Follendore L L 2-8-71 71-539 Food 1-12-72 71-71 Additive -,.DES - . ' '-321 (Mrs) ,- claim auto dmg ' prohibit served pn!m?(ls " / raised for-eatin,=': ' Folmer Frederick 8-24-71 71-3349. Foods 12-14-70 70i"5570 PC-23722-23 ' . " :/ • Dating - Uniform open Roscoe Blvd bet Aqueduct Ave C^nnef' ^ P=>cV='-'e & San Diego Fwy- c/z & BL - -' State Leais - Bradlev '•'- '• • - _ Food & Dmg Admin 6-21-71 71-2473 Foltmari'Joseph ;. ;-8-27..71 71-3420 Food Mfg list Claim auto dmg & pers inj ; , Fat content source - .- $2,250 r . • - : .:,-' Edelman Fond Richard A 7-24-70 70-310.4 ""Food Freshness 6-22-72 71-4400 claim pers prop dmg Disclosure Act - A-"A $25 ' • Support AB 645 • - -7 "Fonda Jane 5-3-73 73-1859 Food & Fun Inc 9-14-70 70-4049 Censure-re remarks re returned Am'erican POV/'s Claim refund bev tax . y State Legis adopt iresol-Snyder $10,402.42 - . ./ Fends B D;jMrs) 6-22-72 LF .72-5' 'Food Garden 11-18-71 71-4516"' Market Inc - c/z Minibus' Stop.... Lancaster Ave Nwly ' Prohibit use. by.Vehicles ^ Murchison St-PC 23847 Fonfara David : 2-24-71 71-755 >ood Mfgr ,- 6-21-71 71-2473 Claim pers- inj>''. -•- • Fat content'source- i, . , - , Food & Drug Adrnin reg '7,- .• Edelrnan Pong Monica- & 7-19-73 73-3030 Food Products 6-14-72 70-557C Jamie-.: Attys. Watai & Watal - Open Dating .7. : * Claim pers lnj $4,000,000.ea Findings - Consumer Research Inst & U S Dept Agriculture • _ Fonseca' Benjamin 8-I7-71 71-3289 "pood Stands 6- 8-/2 71-4234 Claim auto dmg c-rf. Enclose corapletly $91.55 . - Fonstein Harold 8-11-72 72-3030 ""Foofball 5-25-72 72-1952". Atty for Trent Hilton Superbowl Game - Claim pers inj , - ; Reconsider Black-out $50,000 .. NFL - Hawthorn F.onsteln Harold 8-11-72 72-3029 • "Footbridge 3-19-70 70-II90 " Atty'for Robt Woolsey . • ;Surinyslope/Rye St - Claim pers inj Approp. $16,000 $1,000,000 • ' •' "Fontaine Saleata 6-17-71 71-2420; "Footbridge . 7-22-70. 126170~ &"'bina - claim pers inj &' 6th St over-Hollenbeck Park auto drag' ': ( Lake - trans $64,000"

I?ontenot V/illie ,:9-5--73 75-4'667 Footbridge 8-12-70 139263" Attys;;Freemari Freeman & Freeman Haddon Ave over Pacoima Wash Claim' auto .drag "& pers _inj... w/o Del Sur-St '^

Fontenot Willie 9-14-7.3-73-4856 Poote-Cone & 8-II-72 72-2300 Claim, auto;,dmg-pers inj: "Beling Hall & Levine. Adv" Inc -. commend * ., Pqqd ...... - 3-10-71 ,,71-9,18.,-. Foote Cone ' 12- 3-73 .71-642 $'967-"certairi !t"e,ms"; pure has e.d,: 'V Belding- ' "' , . ." .7 7 during. earthquake disaster,;.: , Advertizing Agencies - reduce/ , business tax rate /qnCl y •Mx Poo'thiil. Crest 9-13-7-2 - 72^3^72 Ford Glenda 5-23-73 73-2123 Claim refund ' • daim pers inj $100,000 ;, $1,644 _v .- ,.—^ "B&S Dept . ', Foothill Ccl -6-10-71 71-1004 Ford Irene 8-22-73 73-^4030 Tujunga Wash-reconsider plan Claim pers inj - prevent channelization

Foothill Ccl 1-18-72 71-1004 Ford Jacqueline 3-31-72 72-1259 Tujunga Washi Claim pers lnj preserve undet amt^ . ...v-- < .•.

Foothill Ccl 2- 7-72 71-1004 Ford Jacquiline 4-10-72 "' 72-1371~ •is.- Tunjunga Wash Claim pers inj Impact study,- . . ,- • • ^^25,000 '.y -A-- • •••' :

Foothill 4-16-70 70-624'' Ford John 9-4-73 73-2751 Dealers Assoc - Sale Vehicles Adjoum - Vacant Lot & Service Stations . Ferraro

Foothill Ewy . 9-11-73 73-4779 Ford John 11-28-73 73-5950 ' Lowell Ave to Sunland Blvd Claim pers lnj - $11,000 Alleviate dust conditions- ,; Nowell-, . . . , ...<.. •'"Footwear'Henri 4-23-72 72-l606 ~Ford Juanita 10-11-73 73-5256 ' 7 Glaim auto damage Claim prop dmg / $870.00 . $60

Forbes Allison 2-6-73 73-24 " Ford "Judith" " 6-20-73 73-2513 ~ Adjoum - Claim false arrest $100,000 Wachs ,- ' # 'Forbes Arthur G '1-17-72 " 72-186 Ford Leasing Dev 7-23-70 70-,3094~ Co - Magnolia- Blvd Wly Van" Nuys Ciaim prop damage $38.06 c/z - PC 23047 •

Forcier Arthur 5-4-73 . 145871 Ford Motor Co - 7-29-71 139/27 Cclmanic Aide.11 - exempt pos Henry Ford Ave Nly Cerritos " 13th Dist Channel - acq vol ded

Forcier Arthur 7-30-73 145871 Ford Motor Go 4- 2-73 73-1351 Cclmanic Fid Deputy - exempt Corrjnend .3t:h step .- sf* 7_'5r>_-7'j btcvcnsT^-n-o ' Mr ~Ford Curtis 3-24-70 70-1273 Ford Venezuela 3-1-73 73-6l6 c,. Claim - Claim false arrest • pers Injury .'!;15,000 pers injury $500,000 Ford Dennis 2-25-70 70-819 "Ford Willie ,' 12-15-72 72-4681' c.- , Claim auto drag & pers inj , Claim auto damage^ $39.50 • :

Ford Elizabeth 8-3-73 73-3677 Fordis Samuel 6-1-70 70-2350 Claim retroactive pay Cantor - coramend - J Potter

Ford Fannie - 5-31-73 73-2230 Foreclosed prop 11-28-73 72-4100 Redeem - 1911 Act S 198 Cldm auto dam.age,

'Ford Friendly .4- 6-/1 '71-1387 Foreclosure , 8-7-72 ' 71-2279 Claim auto drag procedures $379.72 . Class "B" permit performance bonds *• , : Ford Galpin 5-3-73 73-1853 Foreign Dignitary 8-16-73 7,3-300 Orion Ave Nly Security - Secret, Serv S-13 Roscoe Blvd - PC 24598-C/2 F-1 - sponsor 500 7oreign_Langua2e 4-14-70 158530 Format 11- 7-73 73-2086 n'i.-±j-K^j.Kj—enc00.1'aj^e reeru.1 Lirifnb clue BOO'K . . , >,••!•-n•-,-,,.,•!. .-ii-j^-),-!.- , ,;..- . •< ,. -..••? .,/,—. J,-.-..,-,-i-.i 0.v.-i.-i-kJ Trans Equipmt -Cost & Mtnce ; .-,. ••, ' . -'. .-• . ; ••. ' "i Foreman Laura ' 6-"3T72 72-2129 Forman Ave Proj 3-5-/0 70-932 Claira pers inj S-2 No 5219 - Unit 2 - ..Undt,amt , ; . • ''•'Plans & specs - Flood Coritr Dist - > -., Foreman Mary 6- 8-/2' 72-2129 Forman Eddie " 4-16-70 "70'-l6l3 . Claim pers inj Claira prop dmg . Undt amt : ,

"Foreman Shawanna 6- 8-72 72-2129 "porman Florence 3- 9-71 "71-940 Claim pers inj S Claim pers inj Undt amt ; . • • . . . • '-

Foreman Theo J 11-5-70 70,-4939 Forman Helen 2-26-^73 ' 73-726 Claim auto dmg & pers inj Claim pers inj $25^000 ;

Foremost Dairies 2-4-72 .•..?2-468 "Forraat '" " ' "1-19-72' •' '72-222 ~ Ace settlem.ent of $65,000 new - . sc.#sw c 11068 Submit 1972-73^ budget-;;-; Edelman . . - .1 Foremost Foods Co 6-25-75 75-2591 Former -Employee 3-15-71'-'71-106o c. Claim prop damage < Corumn-Mercriants of Fine' Wines ; $195 . ; . ... $341.93 req payment ' Forest Ira 11-13-70 70-4900 Former Employee 3-19-71 71-1133 . Commend "Acct due Wing K Fat Nowell Forest Lands 1-19-72 71-71 Formula 5-11-71 70'-'3054 Restoratn/Protectn Act .-,-^^ Bldg Craft Salary ,. . ",.•197-1:- Support S-1734 •. •: .' ^^• • LAAC Sec- 4.63D- Federal— Snyde,r.T *•' -•' A ; :* Forest Lawn 10-12-71 70-4681 Formula ^ 6-14-71 71-1451 " Memorial Pk Salary - .. , CH-Rotunda. - display, photos Fire & Police 7 7 10-27-71 to 11-7-71 • . • :_ LAAC Sec''4.160'amd • Forest Lawn.: 10-19-70 70-4681 Forms 4-i4_7i '71-0071 Memorial Pks & Mortuaries- Income 'Tax 3-3 Display City Hall Rotunda Oct 25-Nov 6 1970 / Simplify '- -' . 7 . ,'i -. -;,.:- Forest Lawn 2-26-/1 71-798 Formscan Inc ' 12-28-73 ' 71-'289 , Memorial Parks & Mortuaries Subcontract Claim auto dmg .. :- - •$86,000 ••'-.:.•' "Fornelli A J 11- 9-73 73-5200 " Forest Lawn ' -10-10-72 70-4631 Hemorial Pks Resol - commend Dis'play photos by Calif" Press Ferraro ; -; , . ;- : Photo Assn - Nov 7-14 CH Rotunda Forest Lawm 10-17-73 70-4681 •"" Forney James A 12-31-71 71-4000 Memorial pks - use Adjourn in memory -Rotunda exhibit Bernardo - ,. Photographs Nov 26-30., 1973 ,-•, Forest Service 6-14-71 71-2364 'Forrester Paggy 3-7-73 73-938" Dept Agriculture-grant easemt Claim auto damage $3o6.77 Mono County-W&P Resol 924 •pers injury:undet amt

Forklift 7-13-71 71-2775 . Porro 5-25-70 70-2223 Equipment-requ ire Precision Inc ... Operator's License Claim refund bus tax Form 12-7-72 72-45.77" Porsch Charles 2-24-70 70-4o Bid Bond - Adj in memory - Nowell Mo ,. - ^ MacAr.thur Pk . Bo'athouse Proj 7 501 Forsgren John; -: 3-4-70 . 70-920 Poss Richard L 3- 9-71' 71-932/. Claim iiato damage $237.50 Claim auto dmg .,,,.-. i.

Forst Jacob 8-13-70 70-352'2 ' Foster' Alberta '• L' 7-25-72 7 •72-2782' Comp offer $1,092.56 Claim auto drag • ' ' quiet -;title action $96.64 , ,_ _• .,. .. ; . ,

Forst Jacob 11-19-71 71-4533 " Poster Dan . '8-21-/3'373-4263 ~ Vanalden Ave Sely Claim retroactive pay -^ Casa Dr — Sale City-prop .-. _ $150 -• - Forst Systems Plus 1-8-73 72-3085 Foster Donald 12-22-71 71-^939 Vending Machine - install Atty for Douglas H Arigersoh .7. City Hall, East etc ..f . ' . - Claim prop drng & pers inj' $50,000 - - - • A „.jv.,,,--,- X,:. Forster Friedrich 6-25-70 70r2710 Poster, Donna .9'-4-73 73-'4'585'' 1st St E/o Gaffey - c/z Atty' P R'odraan Woelfie ; ;./' PC 23006 .;3 - - , Claim pers In j ' ' "' ' yy Portier Andrea 7-26-73 . 73-3134 Foster Frank" J 4-17-737 73^1575 Atty Charles Rubin Claim false arrest ; . Claim pers inj • -' • . •.< $2,500,00 , : " Fort MacArthur S-l4-72_, 72-30"6o' Foster Herman J 9-10-70 70-398r ; Naval Hsing Claim auto dmg & pers inj . ' . San.Pedro prop ; * loc pub hrgs' "Foi-t MacArthur 8-17-71. 71-3208 Foster John S 6-30-70 70-2772 ; RA' & Ld-^extend Lease claim prop dmg' , ' ,> 7 ,, Civ Def facil , i ._-' emerg bpe'rafirig c-tr . -; ; ;" .,,^410,';-..^. ^ " / "'t:.;;;, [ "Fortune Telling '6--25-73 73-2625 Foster Lonnie 10-29-71^ 71-4230 , Richard De A'Morelli Claim pers inj , Amend MC . .• $110,000 i "l4th Amendment .2-26-73 ' 73-742 Foster Louis M 1-22-/0 70-259 ' Minority Community Claira auto dmg " ; Equal City.services-Snyder ; 40th Acct 10-1-70 136330 Foster Marlon. 6-14.-72 . 72-"2202 Current &• pet for allowance Glaim. auto drag ' - • Trustee's & Atty's fees re Estate Griffith J Griffith $306.40 . , :• 4lst Acct •"?; 9-27-71-• 136350 Foster Minnie G 11-8-71 71-4341 j Current & Pet for-allowance • Claim auto dmg Trustees & Atty fees - $131 3 ^ . , , ., . ; _ /Griffith J Griffith,estate -. 1 45th Church of' 11-20-70 70-5184 "Foster Pearl T 10-13-70-70-4581 Christ Scientist-offer ded & H - claim refund bev tax 180'-Lindiey Ave-ZA case 20215 $2,156.42

: "4657 Lan'rcershirn ^2-4-71 / ,71-472 ' Foster 4-23-/0 70-1739 Corp-claim refund bev tax Terrence V/averly-claim prop loss ; $4,928.23 Forward Irma 12-8-70 70-55C1 Poster Vaselisa.,.3-25-70,: 70-1310 Claim auto damage & pers inj -Claim auto daaa.se & pers injury $3,300 Forward Irma.-- 12-50-70 70-5825 Foster's Westwood 5-25-/1 • 71-2020 Auto Club-claim auto dmg Foster &. Foster Claim-p rop-dm.g $912,075.29 ,...• - Foshay James A 5-3-73. 73-1351 Four. Square 7-20-71'"^/I-28'73 Jr High School - Church in .Lincoln Rights "Career Week Program" Rental^fee $250 walye commend - Mills 12-15-66 to 3-1-67

o- £i.T HO. < -nt I A P«!t.Trfl in B « » Fox :Earl V/ 1-12-72 72-120 4/10 Plan 12-7-72 71-l4q0 ,1 —.(..«... City, Empls - .- . . Att.v draft ord ' '• ' ''^' genl dam.ages' S50,000 Bernardi ' - ••- ' *-'v Pour-T\-;enty Ltd .it-2-70 7Q-l40Q Fox Frances 8-17-73 73-4009 ,- PC 22876-zn. chg-^La Fayette Pk Claim retroactive pay PI NEly 6th St -. •• - "Four Winds Transp 6-11-73 75-2575 FOE Howard M 4-2'7-72 72-1301 Appl,estab service Adj in memory Coasta Mesa-Ornage-Placentia & Edelman Hughes Aircraft 4th Quarter 3-9-73 l44000 Fox Janet (Mrs) 12- -3-70 70-4200 1972 ,- s-11, . • Adj in menrary Legis Advocate Potter- Mo Report ./ city Clk ' , ' ."' , -'- 7-18-72 72-2635 Fox Robert M '3-'2-71 71-830,^ Fountain "A' Joe Alexander LA Mall - designate - . Claim pers lnj •'-- 3.:- •- * - Eleanor Chambers.Memorial'- ,- Fountain - Maybr . / _ Fox Robert M 3- 2-/1 71-831 Fouquet Raymond 10-5-70" 70-4:408 Vivian Alexander et al-claim refund bev tax Claim pers irij 7 -. , $2,202.78 "Pox Robt M 3-15-72 72-1009" Fouquet Raymond 10-13-70 70-4579' Stephen -Rosenfield & Joseph Broulard-claim • Claim auto dmg & pers inj - refund ,bev tax $1,353.25 , •,,. $150,000 -• ., : Four Comers 5-27-71 71-2119 POX Jeanne 5-12-/0. 70-1994 Proj &• Mohave Proj . ., Claim auto drag - * . Spare Parts Agrmt-^ _.W&P Resol 850 • ' - Four Corners .5-23-72 71-3192 Fox George ^.. 8-21-70 70-2720 . Black Mesa/Hopie. Tribe 147173.^, (Mrs) - adj in cierapry - '•' etc -W/P Navaho Proj ; .. "-' E "Edelman ', '.,. 3; 3 ; '; ' "FOX Leslie F ' 11-2-72 ' 72-4087 Four day Week 4-14-71 71-1490 Trail bet Lot 3 & 6 Tr 10445 & or 32 hrs-per week, Lot 88-89 Tr 4034-vacate Pay based actual hrs worked 2304 Vanowen St -• . -, "Pour-day 5-27-71 71-1490 Fox Lewis 1-18-/2 '72-2I1 Work Week Claim auto dmg Nicholas Titov suggestion $176.36 ,. 7 .. ' . Fowler Bruce 9-22-71 7i-3736 Fox Realty.Corp 11-16-70 70-4731 Claim auto dmg & DeLuxe General Iric-Appeal $162.22 c/z Femwood Ave-Westem to - ' Serrano-,- Appeal PC 23215 *' Fowler Eric M 2-1-71 71-369 Fox Robert M 8-20-70 • •: 70-3653 -Claim auto dmg ; . Atty for Henri Lajer-claim aiito dmg & pers inj r-; '

.Fowler Laurence 6- 9-72 72-2152 Fox Robert - 9-27-73 73-5097 . Claim auto dmg . , Atty for Arthur Helwig $322.21, '''.-... . -- claim pers inj $200,-000 "Fowler Lena R 5-11-72 72-1/95 " Fox Robt M 9-11-70 70-400C Cantara St & Allott St - for Judy Lourisbury req c/z - PC 24158 / ' Clairh ners irij';

Fowler Wm • .6-28-72-"'- 72-2385 Pox Roy D 5- 6-71 71-l8o8 i Claim pers injury M & R Granite Co undet amt' -, - -r -.,---'-• •'-,,- Claim auto drag'$170.25: - ,

Fowles Linda - 9-17-73 73-4826 Fox Ruby 11-13-72 71-4883 Claim, auto dmg OEDP Comt- - mbr '$350' . , ',-.....: 'Harbor area 503

v'*'-! .. •'- .* -: ;•. -" ' , -,—,o'l »r Poy Mary E 3-19-/1 71-1134 Fralic Paul A ' ^3-30-72 •72-2' Central Library chg name adj in membry '-•»' -•-'•" •-.<. BErnardi,"' '-' - Fracasse Geo Atty 2- 2-/0 .70,-450 Frame Cynthia 12-7-71 ' 71-4764 for Eugene Johnson & Narcissus Claim pers inj & gen dmgs Coiriris'- Claim pers inj -.$75,000 .-, , - Fracasse Geo 7-30-71 71-3017, Frame Royal . 12^7-71 ,'7-1-4764- Atty for Henry C Cole Claim pers inj & gen dmgs- Claira pers inj- $5,450.00 ;: .$75,000 - " Fracasse George 3-3-70 . 70.rB97 •~ Frarice" Eddie " 7ib-i7'-72 72^^3392- .f,|5r-Inez Threats - Cla.im Claim pers. injury .' - ,.. " Vuto damage $547.30 ' - -n.v4^>500.00 ,."

Fracasse George 3-3-70 ; 70-89fi France Ernest 9-24-70 A^ 70-^42.49 for Narcissus Collins;- & France -claim refund ,, Claim'.pers injury „ bev tax $13,848.36 -. .. . *.

Fracasse George 6-23-/1 71-2500 "France 7-1-71 145739 ' Atty for Delois Savage National Day- Claim pers lnj - undet amt Flag raising 7-14-71 Fraca'sse George 7-12-/1 ' 71T2"735' "Franchise 11-4-70 76-4914 Atty for Cash Vaughn Appl for CATV" in Cclmanic Dists Claim, pers lnj -, $3350 8-9-10-15 & V/atts-Compton- - Willowbrook areas-E Charles fracasse George 11-10-71 '71-4390 Franchise Appl 4-26-73 73-1730 ' Atty for Elraa Jones-claim Pipeline - Wilmington area pers inj; $5,100, . , . Dow Chemical Co .. -i.': Frac'as'se .Gep; ; 2-.-1--72 • 3-72-424 Prancise Award- 4-16-/1 70-5738 Laura: Wrieeit Pipeline - Union Oil Co Claira pers inj - $3,000 $100 Fracasse Geo ;' 2-18-72,' 72-696 " Franchise Bond' 12-15-70 118040 Robbin' Dariiels' ABC Trans Co - termination glabra auto drag & pers lnj Natl Auto & Cas Bond #209058,

"Fracasse George 2-5-73 .73-469 Franchise Bond 12-13-70 110069 Atty for Carlos Quevado- SW Trans Co Inc- claira pers inj $5,000 Cancel - ord 130,767

Fracasse George 2-5-73 73-467 Franchise 3-12-71 IO3963 Atty for-Gerardo Melendez- . ciEim. pers inj & auto dmg CATV _. $73,.000 : - • Palog Verdes Peninsula Cable . Comraunlcatns Co - ' , Fracas^se George, • 2-8-73 '. 73-:526 Franchise 9,-25-73 73T5066 Atty-'for Warren Rafiel. CATV - appl , claim .pers inj & prop'dmg $4,000- .. "^ ^ ' _ Venice Commun Cable TV Corp- Pracasse- George 9-19-73 73-4932 ' Venice area , Atty-for Linda Barri - Franchise . 10-4-73 73-5215 CATV - appl claim pers.inj $2,000 7 Villa Pac Partnership , - Glenoaks Blvd & Shady Gove Prago Walter C 4- 6-/0 70-1375 Franchise ,9-21-71.1207.09 Stevenson adj In memory CATV - Lake' Hollywood area Theta Cable of Calif Praider Jack 4-16-/0 " 7O-I602 Franchise 9-21-71 : 71-3703 Auto Club-claim auto drag CATV - Appl in abeyance w»tt.,

Praker/Brjrant 8-21-73 .73-426,6 Franchise , 7-21-70 70-3066 Claim retroactive 'pay ''• Mobile telephone -,Appl- Mob-ilfone Inc 504 Franchise . 4- 8-71 130'642 Phillips Petroleum Co Franchise ,11-26-73 73-5890 Faithful .perfo.nmance bond . ^. --3Taxicab ' - • * • .','.-.. V Gold Cab Co- ;. * ;' 7 Franchise 4-12-71 142596 LA Munic bndries - service Pipeline - Union Pacific RR Co Franchise , 6-22-72 71-4733 Assign to Charaplin,Petro Co "Taxicab ;- '; ' Los Angeles. Central portion Ccmpetetive •'.<•..- Franchise 8-6-71" 71-3102 pipeline- Franchise 1-15-70 70-171 efiners.Marketing Co'-., l , ' . Taxicab , " feaside Avevat Terminal Island Montrose Gab Co Franchise ' 8-6-/1 71-3105 Sunland Tuj-onea Area -; appl' - pipeline - . Franchise , 9-27-72 1,47557, Edglngton Oil Co ' ' ' Taxicab ;*". ~ ' Loraita Blvd & 6 others , So Central Area - Elmer N Nave . Franchise ' 12-22-70' 70-573^ Pipe Line Franchise 9-7-71 147557.._, .~ ! "-'Tinibri Oil Co ' " ""' ' " ' ' •'"' Tajiicab ' ..." ,^. .. '" 124th-H;*jOver-155th & Figueroa Sunland T-ajuriga-East' LA '& ' F'ranchiee ., "9-20-72 ' 72-5505 So Central LA - Offer for sale _ : Pipeline - Franchise 10-15-73 73-5315 Lomlts Blvd & 'others Taxicab - •-' •- Union Oil Co • -... Westchester area only ,. Franchise Realty 2-l6-72 72-625 _ S P ;Cast Corp - . • •- Interstate Corp Franchise 12- 3-70 70-5410 Parthenia "St Tampa Ave - c/z' . . Taxicab ' ; ,, "PC 23985 •'*' Yellow Cab,Co ' Franchise •' ] : l2- 7-71 71-4330 _ Faithful performance bond ' ._ , RR - renewal ^ Franchise 3-10-70 70-1070 :AT&SF ;Co - 1 Taxicab ' e-~ Yellow Cab^ Co '7 / -^1 Franchise 3-20-72 71-4004 5 yr ext - appl ''-'•-"' _ 7 RR Appl- Franchise 8-27-70 70-3754 - '3 Schley Ave & Grant St- ' *.:': Taxicab -"sirigle - Entire City LA & Salt Lake RR Co .. ;, Nowell-Mo; . "/': • ^Franchise Realty.6-22-70 70-2661 Interstate Corp-c/z Franchise ,3-26-70, , 147^30 J White Oak Ave & Ventura Blvd' '- ,: , Taxicab -Mo-tions.favor 70-1443 ; PC 23019 - 3, , , . . comn*>t-i •^-^ uo - i-itsa ^•p'''-' , Franchise '" 8-26-71 71-3398 cab stands:-^Bernafdi:ii3radley _ •{ T M Communications Co Franchise . 11-22-71 71,-4585 ,i CATV - - ADPl Taxicab - • ; ;;' / ..' ^ '; Owner o^eirated'' '7, ;7;' ' i Franchise 12-15-71 71-4881 _ Bemardi -' ; - -':-i\ ^ - , Times-Mirror Communs Co Franchise ; -,..4-6-/0 ,70,-l,443 ' 1 appl for CATV franchise ' - ,/ 'Taxl'cab, .- Notice of Sale .K i Area .r. -V/est,San Ferp.ando.. Valieyj Franc hi si""" "''• 5-27-/1* 81859 Area 2. East San FerriaVido'^Valley; Union Oil Co - trans ownership. ,. ..Area 3. . Su-.iland-Tuj-anga. -., . . • ,-abandoned pipeline to Ci'ty .;' Area 4. ', .We'st.-.Los Angele'.'s'7 .. i Area. 5.' -West Hollyvroqd- /; : TPranchise ' "'' 5-19-71 71-198? Union Pacific RR Go - continue -Ar-^.a o. Eiit Los '.'.r. 'Aids x mtnce RR track Harriett-Minerva - .Area /. ,.-3outh Central,- Los.. -.Angclet & other streets ' r :•• FRANCHISE - TA.XICAB'.' 5-13-71 ' - '; Yellow Cab Co of Calif •^7350 Franchise, 7 -7:19-71 .103963 West Vallev Palos Verdes P.eninsula Cable So. .Calif Transit Co 147557 Conimunicatibns. Co to, ll-26-7l. East" Valley West Coast Transportatn 145900 Franchise 3-10-70 118040 Co - V/est IA Taxicab Red & White Gab Co , 146149 vAHC Cab Co West" Hollywood " ,- - .: , ,.. United Peoples' Tran'spbrtafcn Franchise- 12-3-70'' 70-1070 Co - East LA 70-1443 Taxi cab United Peoples Transportatn ... ;•-•. .'-Central City -' ptn Go - So; Central LA , ,,. 70Vl443 Bernard!'Mo ,, 505 , - •* - . - - • '. • •

Franchises, ' .7-23-70 70-3099 Prank Richard N 9-12-72., ^7273413 add'l ship Cataiina - Claim auto damage State. PU Comsn investigate .'t;^37.Q4 .

Franchises 9-30-71 ' 71-3853"; Frank Jlobert .9-5-73'' 73-4674 appls affecting state hwys Roscoe Blvd w/o , - '*' . • or fwys-^ Calif Dvsn Hwys- Winnetka Ave-, ' - . "'• - ' > PC 24769-70-c/z & b/l .; • ;;. .. ' Francis Esther .7-26-73 , 73-3145 Frankel Louise 8-8-73 73-3576 i Atty Thomas Crqnin '" : " Zoning Appeals Bd- : Claim pers inj & prop dmg,, *iterm end 6-30-77 v' „ r ..•.^,

"Francis J Patriclc 6-7-73. ;73-2319 Frankel PhilipVA 2-25-72 72-776 ' Tamara Benitez - Claim . ' , -"; ' pig^prop dmg. false arrest & pers inj

Francis- John E 7-24r72 72-2/44 Franklin Benjamin 5-30-72' 72-1700 < Glaim loss of proo Library - , $125.00 " . $104,000 approp -Emera Preo Off 72/73 Cap Imp Prog - Rovbal'" \ Francis Kiirk 11-6-72 72-4130 Franklin Ben ' 10-10-72 71^:ll05 et al - clairai false arrest & Library ' '' " pers inj $5,000 per person I.ease Internatl Institute' of LA , 435 S Boyle Ave- temp hdqtrs7 ; * Franciscan 5-18-73' 73-1351' Franklin Ben 4- 2-73 73-il350 Sisters of Poverello of Br Library - $3,000 Assisi School -.commend Lorenzen ., .* ' • :"' Inner-rCity Murual Prog to Natl-.-' Endovmient for the Airt.

'Franco Ruben - 5-24-71' 71-2024" Franklin E J 1-14-70 70-40 Claim false arrest & pers'inj' Bradley Mo adj in memory ,$50,000

Frands.en Tom 7-19-72 72-2300 Franklin J David 3-20-72 72-1064 Commend - David Valencia-claim pers ini' Lorenzen $100,000 , .

Frank Carolyn 12-28-73 73-6329 Franklin Marjorie 11-27-7-3 73-,5?07 Atty for Irvin Brown • Claim auto dmg claim pers inj undet amt S882.24 - , - , - -. '- • * '..-, .? - • • • <- •• Frank D Edward 9-24-70 70-4216 Franklin Robt 4-11-73 73-1487 Enterprises - Claim auto dmg Vineland Ave S/o Strathern $408.99 c/z - PC 23202 506 Fran'

Frankoyich Z- 11-17-71 71-4511 Freda Mario 6-11-71 71-2321 Claim pers inj Claim pers inj , $3",500 $7,5nn Franks John.Jr 5-4-72 72^1703 Frederick Roy 10-28-70 .70.-^4830~ Claim, refund sewer connection - - "^'Claim auto-damage fee $630 '

• Pranks Nursery- ,7-2.4-72 72-2735. Prederickson John 5-9-72 72-1767" & Flowers Claim ;pers injury damages • .. : • PC• 242'?^5 - Reseda Blvd Vincerines $1500 ' Franscell George 8-13-73 ' 73-2750 " Fredette" Cecile 1-5-72 '" 72-33~ Commend -, Snyder Claim auto damag $1,154.65 A

"Prasier Berton 11-12-68 l4l602 "Free ' 11-24-71 71-4637 Janet Chance - Bus transp slack hours " Claim wrongful death husband Senior Citizens- Lindsay $1,000,000 ' , ... Pratlanne R for 4-30-70 70-I831 "Free 3-21-72 71-105 •..Jonathan Langan Bus transportation Claim false arrest & pers inj RTD fumi'sh 1 yr Bemardi '" Fratianne Hobt 3-26-70 70-1551 ~ Free Shakespeare 9-27-73 73-5079 lease-City Clk's office • Festival -, '••14401 Erwin St req" fds . . . E Segal Frausto Bertha 8-19-70 70-3588 Free 4-3-72 71-2380 " Claim pers inj Speech & Assembly "$50,000 -, . '.,.." " .-- • Parks & Beaches -Regulation

Frausto Paul 8-19-70 70-3587 Freeborn W Phelps 1- 8-73 73-93 & Gina - claim pers ini Claim bicycle dmg & prop dmg 7-$50,000 •' -^ * $128.00 Frasier Berton 5-22-73 73-2097 Freed Arthur 4-16-73 73-1350 -AttAtty foir Margarita Lucas Adjoum 7 -^r'-claiclaimm Ppe'rsf . inj Bemardi $10,000 507 Freed Donald- 3r25-70 70-1320 Freeman Catherine •3-4-70. 70-936 Claim ' . Claim pers injury $3,000 false arrest &.pers injury j, •«• ll $150,000 Freed Edward B ., 5-20-/1 71-2010 Freeman D "4- 5-71- 71-1350 Claim refund business tax Adj in memory $80 I Bradley. . -

Freed"Evan''" 8T23-73 '73-4200''"". "Freeman Doris* 7-13-71 1435,39 Claim pers inj $250 A Griffith - Premature protest 157th St & Allev E/o Vermont

Freed Steven 12-22-71 71-4931 "Freeman E M 1-6-71 71-0059 Claira pers inj Hillside Ave & Hillside. Way • $300 ' . •- • Imp A'11-41222 Freeman Flossmer 9-11-70 70-3997 " Preedman Gary 6-12-/2 72-21/6 Milton Brown •• by Gary Freeman 'Claim pers inj

Preedman Geo L 4-23-71 71-162/ Freeman & Freeman 1-30-70 70-423- E/s Spaulding Ave beg S' N/o Attys for Eleanor Kolling -•• Fountain Ave - PC 23490 - c/z Claim, auto dmg & pers lnj .

Freedman & Low 6-12-73 73-2407 ?reeman & Freeman 8-5-70 70-3378 Zandra Riggs - Attys fcr Nancy Edwards- Claim auto dmg Claim pers inj _ . & pers injur.v Freedman Leo 3 8-16-73 73-3941 Freeman Freeman 9-5-73 73-466/ ^ Claim retroactive pay & Freeman Attys . , Willie Fontenot ,, ' Claim auto dmg & pers inJ "Freed.man 'i-^r'shall, "3-IS-70 70-ll66~ Freeman James D 12- 5-73 73.-6Q35 for Cleveland Burns - • for Stephen V Allen j Claim pers injury Ciaim oroD dma $280

Freedman Marshall 11-1-71 71-4250. Freeman Lawrence 9-14-73 73-4856 Atty for Vvillie Hickman et al Atty for Willie Fontenot- claim for collision claim auto dmg-Pers inj "Freedman Marshall S 2-11-72 72-561 "Freeman Lawrence 9-28-73 73-5127 Claim auto da.mage & for Allan Adron-claim pers pers injur.v u.ndet amt inj & auto dmg $10,000

Freedman Nathan 6-17-71 71-2402 "Freeman Leo A 3-11-70 7O-IO69 W&P Comsn - mbr Delores Thomas - term, end 6-30-76' Claira-pers injury Freedman & Osborne 3-4-70 70-904 Freeman Leo - I-I8-72 72-214 Herbert Brown - Atty for Roy L Jones Claim pers injury Glaim pers -inj mdet amt Freedman 6-1-70 70-2336" Freeman Lillian '4-6-70 70-1434 & Osborne for Barbara Channell- Jerrold S Mitchell-claim pers claim pers injury inj 1 FreedT.an & Stem 3-20-72 72-1073 Freeman Morton 7-17-73 73-2972 Richard M Leon-claim Claim prop drag $185 false arrest $7,500

Freedonq Foundatn 3-l6-'73 73-23; Freeman Otis 2-25-/2 72-/86 Valley, Forge - Com.mend Claim pers inj .Sa.lute to New ArTier1,osns $10,000 "Stevenson Preeraan Bobby 4-12-/1 71-1448 Freeman Roland 3-3-70 : 7O-88O Claim pers inj & 11 others - Clei.m false $50,000 arrest $10,000,000 each 508 Freeman Ronald 9-22-71 71-3709 Free-*7ay & 7-9-71 142551 Expressway System & • $30,"6ob ' '" '• :State Hwy Sys- changes- Hrgs Freeman Ronald G 10-15-/1 71-4058 - 7-73 LF 7 3-5 , Claim false arrest & gen dmgs Fences - Paint yellow/white •'$30,000 Ronald Hinchley • Freeman Wendy L 11-29-7 2 7 2-4458 Free'way " 4-28-72 137757 Silver &. Gray Atty - Guide Sign Prcg - 0.4 "Claim dma horse -.325,000. Nor.mandie Nly V/ilshire Blvd- TOPICS S-15 Freeman Wm 6-30-70 70-2769 Pwys-Hwys 5-18-/1 71-1106 Atty for Carlton Pachot- Constr - Emerg egress & entrees claim pers inj

Freeman Wm R 4-21-71 71-l6o4 Freeway Lane 2- 8-71 71-529 ;.-Yvonne .Meloncon Special - estab Claim pers inj Civic Ctr Govt emo Car Pool _ driver _ Undt amt _ - ,. Freeways 12-18-70 70-5687 "Freezer " ' " " 3-9-73 73-1005 Objects thrown fr Overpasses Mun - Warehouse Study means Eli.minate Tariff #1 - order 4287 Mills-Mo amend order 3457 - Harbor Freeway 11- 5-70 70-4924 ; 'Freeway Agrmt 5-20-71 118979 Off ramp - cor streets 52505 - Widen Harbor Fwy - selling merchandise - C'Onst Artesia Pvjy Freeway Agrmt 5- 7-/1 123386 "Freeway 6- 4-73 73-2279~ San Diego, Fwy & Century Pwy bet • On & Off Ramps LA' City limits at ll6th St & Clean-UD Proaram Imperial Hwy - Revised Calif State Hw^'s Div Ferraro.. Freeway Agreement 7-22-/1 71-2909 Freeways , 5-27-75 72-41C0 San Diego Prwv Plan & const - S 25 Santa Monica Slvd bet Ohio Ave & moratorium - oppose Olympic Blvd - Alleviate congestn SB 276 Pwy Agreement ' 3-10-72 123055 • r-reeways 1-12-72 72-132 Foothill Fwy-Wentworth St to RTD & Div Hwys consider Glendale City limits nr Lowell spec lane for e.xpress • Ave - modification busses „ Freeway - 10-1-73 73-5158 Freeway 10-4-72 72-3714 Bypass Plan - study Route 2 All areas LA Basin 671 N Mariposa Ave acq proo Study Ardmore Hght Tract - Lot 32 Freeways 11-13-73 73-5709 "Freeway 12- 3-70 142444 Closure Route 90 - Marina Frvry Bicyclists Mindanao 'w'ay-Short Ave'BPW Resol

Freeway 8-23-71 71-3339 "Pwy Lane 8-21-72 ^ 72-3110 construction- compel bet Rte 605 & Pioneer Bl State Dvsn Hwys m.aintain Negative Declaratn resident! prop constr _ Freeway 8-23-71 71-3340 Fwy Route 4-17-72 " 71-4400 Construction- AB 8S0 - spec electn ;S-^5 Governor & Hwy Dvsn delay determine p-ub opinion re acq of r/w when postponed adopted fwy route Freeways 5-27-71 71-2113 -22-71 135738 Deletions ,Saticoy St . oppose - Traffic Hollywood Frwy Agrmt - prov _ erade separation „ -1-71 70-1700 Freeway 2-10-71 70-50QO Design prog 1970-71 Screen overpass Agirmt With State Div Hwys "Freeways 6-22-71 71-2474 'Freeways ' 12-6-72 72-4556 Expressways-LA Metro area Spec lane for -Mbratoriu.-ii- . car pools - Trans study complete obtain Fed Fds 509 Freeway 12-22-70 70-450C Freeway 5-13-71 126320 State Hvr,' -1- Sepulveda Blvd tb Foothill Frwy & Woodley Ave I'lr.-mia. St- adopt frvry routing.- Delete certain area fr Fwy Agnnt with State for const Freeway, 11-13-70 70-5098 Freeway 10- 5-71 71-3906. State Rte 91 (Artesia)- Foothill - Route 210 Rte 1-107 (Hawthorne)-^ Hansen dam Rec area - exch prop developmt Free-w7ays 11-19-73 73-5709 Freeway 11-5-71 70-173 Ban use Foothill-estab names pub sts . Sundays Foothill Blvd & Roxford St Freeway 2-8-71 70-5000 Freeway 3-10-72 I23053 System-delete Rte 170 , S18 Poothill-Wentworth St to (Laurel Cyn Fwy) fr Rte 2 Glendale nr Lowell Ave Pwy Agrmt (Beverly Hills Fwy) to Rte 101 — Modification Free-.'^ay-Transp 7-22-71 •' 71-2913 Freeway '12-19-72 126320 "" Planning Foothill - , . . Citizens make diclslons '' Griswold to Pierces St- modify bet Hubbard & Van Nuys Blvd Freeway 5-20-/1 118979 Freeway 12-19-72 I2632O Hubbard to !7an NuysBlvd- .•'i»,i Artesia const ^'\ Gardena City, limits at Verm.ont Ave ••' modify agrmt 8-1-68 „ & Carson City Limits at Figueroa- ._ WO 9199S Freeways 4-22-/0 l40252 " Freeway ' 3-19-70 145636 Route llS fr Route 23 to Glendale - DeSoto Ave - SB 625 - State delete Delaware Ave Nl,y Scenic Hv.'y S.ystem Rock Glen_Ave - - . Freevray Design 4-22-/0 7O-I700 Freeway" "" ' ' 5-' 4-71 "71-1767 " Agrrr.t vvith Calif State Hwy Div '^ Route 2 (Glendale) 1969-70 Const fr Route 134 to City of . -. Glendale ' Freeway ' 3-14-72 145686 Freeway S-lC-70 107691 3=>verlv Hills - delete Glendale-Ave 36 & Rock Glen Ave SB 1371 El Roble Dr & Colorado Blvd Superseded Frwy Agrmt "Freeway 8-12-70 70-3516 "Freeway ' 5-23-72 72-1938 Beverly Hills- SB 1371-Oppose " Glendale - Ave 36 to Ventura I\*y - VJ City imts B H & Cower St LA C/Z prcdgs excess parcels "Freeway 4-19-71 70-5000 Freeway 9r25-70 70-4220 Beverly Hills bet San Diego Fwy Golden State-NEly ^ Hr.ll-^.'.'JOod l-'wv - •fit^lP'tf^ nortn Osbome St to Kagle Cyn St ded sewer easemnt "Freeway 3-30-72 71-4400 Freer-ray 12-25-70 70-5687 Beverly Hills-San Diego & 327 State- reconsider Holiy\.'Oo'd-dalete ptn fr , ,„c roc'-'s in landscape-Bradley Mo Calif Fwy & Expressvray Sys-bB 4Z5 Freeway 6-23-72 72-2595 Freevrays 4-15-70 7Q-I567 Beverly Kills - Golden State bet Tonopah & "TransD Corridor Studies" Osborne Sts- Rel -7:^741 San Die.^o to Ho].l\".\'ood F^-rvs Rd 07-LA-^ Freeway 5- 4-70 70-1881 " Freeway ' 4-14-/1 71-1489 Century - .Alameda to Normandie ., Golden State Fwy - Pasadena Pwy Gibson & Ventura Pwy - widen Century F^y " "1-25-72 7O-I88I "Freevray 1-6-72 " " 72-49 SP RR tracks reloc - Rt 5-Golden State Fvjy State provide addtl fds- Delete Dorris PI ped Glbson mo overcrossing - P'.-V 2- 1-72 70-1485 Freeway 2-14-/2 7l-l4So El Segundo-Norwalk x^y • Golden State - Agrmt ' . Constructn stalem.ate const extra lane L03 Feliz to Ventura Fw.y _ Freeway 4- 1-7"G 125055 " Free-way 2-18-72 104l31 Foothill-delet.3 La T-una Cyn Golden State Agrm.t - amend Sl-v 'v/ent-v.'orth .St .Remove sidewalk & ped undercrossng r;-! Frecvrny 5-23-72 72-1939 / • 11;- 2-7 3 7 3-5654 Gr,ldcn .Otn'te , - ' J]o 1 lyvood-Ho 11 ^-^^ood f 13/Vcntura Oii-]!ni,'ip Soto St- /rVv- I{.-iinp ^'ctf.>ril1^- Hwy Div const Agrmt-Calif State Tran.-^p Dept Freeway . 'sx 10-1^/2 13-^ r-,f Freeway •I-' 2-70 70-1401 Golden State^nr .Sri ibo.i Dlyci-^ :• Hbllyv.'oo.d }'''r',/y r/w fr *. Kc'const scv.'crv, under $15''l,000 ^^/Burlington Ave -XTN-LA cultclaini Frce;My : - 3-5-70 //:50-512 'Freeway 9-24-70 146456 Hnrl.'or -Annheir.ii St ,&/Ghanncl St llollj-!..''ood-Holl wood Blvd to ^ Westrnont Dr i'p.te/-ch'cn'\ge Ijarbor IVy-Sup'Agrmt alteracn; ,•/ City sts y Freeway' A . ' , 7-3,6- 70 70-512 " ,/i 'Prccway 4-23-73 7'3-lG63 Harb^&r Agrd^^montv - am.d const Hollywood.^bet Hollywood Blvd interch Wesftmont Dr extension; & linrbor Fwv - -imp fl''cw traffic .. Calif State'&. Citv X Acrmt—-, Freewa 31-70.' 148527 Frcev;ay 9-3g--^'70 130862'- Harbor at Flpwer St-c'lose /,/ ' Hollyv/ood - Suns^et Blvd Co northpound on-ramp-anid Agrr.i e Barham Blvd- Agreement •• "Freeway \=^ " ' 7-31,-7o\/ 70-3284' Freeway ^ 4- 9-73 130862 Harbor r-amps at Rosecrans Ave- Uollyx-jood be! Sunset Blvd & Traffic ^ntrol7,21100/$7'i^700 Barham Bly'd - Prop widening / '^ Harbor 3-l9,r71 70^,3284 ITreeway/ -.y 5-13-/1 71-1903 Fvry Holly,v,'ood - Sunset & L<'u-!kershim Rosecrans Av.b— Traffic signals Blvd* - prop imps, Calif State // / \\ Div/Hwys Freeway ;l2-i7-70 146703 Fre/way 6-25-71 71r?532 Karbor-'7>6th S^f & El Segundo \ ,.lJoll\^^;ood ext-Rte 170 bet Fv^A' Aarmt - State - modif \ /'Rte 101 & ,Rtc 5-mtncG ••AgLT,-.;: A 18 locations * -' . *• y \ Freeway. . 5-26-70 1'2633C Harbor-Y\- y ^^12-13-71" 7lr4058 .\ ic We Industrial - Calijsterf Stat:"eDv.-.rn Ave (Eti H'.-yc 213s ad) v "i Sta Monica to Glendale F\.;.ya - T?.tc, re study-for location Eng study rt .- Gibson -pree-.-ray 1-15-72 /S-l^fi' Freeway 4- 3-/0 126330 Harbor - • Pacific Ave- / Industrial - .Nly extension at riddtl I'amo - Sta .'.'onica ?r::y - . Hv.'y Div consider Freeway 2-15-72 p-605 •"Frce-i^-ay" 1-21-/0 I279S9 Harbor - Flov.-er St - Grand Ave Laurel Cyn - Wit'nhold Calif State Fr\ry agrmt/ ,, study rt - owners to Traffic contz'ol slgnal/systc-m \ review problem 'Freeway 6-29-7''2 72-2413 "i Freeway '2-20-73 73-651 ' Harbor & Vinccnf, Tnjsrrurs Bridge- • Laurel Cvn bet Golden State &. Mtncc Ajfrmt-over.- amd under y\ Slau<;on I'-'.^ry-Gc-n l-lan Arml crossings " _'|^ Hv;ys & Fwys Element-PC 24192 Frec-.wtiy 7/5-72 70-4834" Fi:;ccway 5-11-70 127989 Harbcr-Sta HoniG"^ Fwy-Alamcda & Slauson Ave-ii-.ciudc in , ^Laurel Gyn-Slnucon to Ventura Greater 'v-'atts/odcl Ngbrhd _ JjVy withhold fdc Roiite Study 2&3 p^hasos State KI 1/0 ~Frce-way . / 7-5-72 72-2463 Hsrbor-San Pedro PrcGway ' 5-12-/1 7O-5COC JAa^-ircl Cyn ."wy LA Intl S-Q2 / Proposed route? Al'vot to Ko Co- lino .Jlaldwin Hills _ oppose - R&4'k3 ,, uclotc portn - SD '/26 Freeway /" 7-7-72 70-512. Freo'vAp' • 10-23-70 133952 Harbor A^/rmt - nrnd J.ong| Beach - oppo.ic rc-nlignmt Provide mterchangc- effect pks or roc centers V/cstir.onC Dr Freeway 11-3-72 72~-'i099 Frccxr.-iy 11-6-72 133952 "- I'nrbor V/ly bet Lofi'; Bcach- City Car.'io;i-orn>or;G V;illoy Blvd Co Alh.':inibra N _ ann'oxairion-GibGO-.i - • Ci ty liiiiii-s ^ " , - Froowny 6-1-73 73-2,?C? l'*i-ccv.'ay ' ^ 1^-23-72' 72-1937 ,H Horbor-S.inDit,.go/.';(/; .Monica F'.vy:.*. . Lon.'j Bc'.'ich - Ramp Motc-rin/' .- i''.:>3.000 ' A'al'lcy Blvd tn So Va:ia- '-" ^ .. Coop Agrrnt w/Stnlc C/7, prc<);',.'; o.ccv.r, p.-ircclo ' A> w Freew.iy * 1-2-73-; 133952 , Freeway . 7-22-71 71-2909 loi-ir Bench •• con-plcto bto't 'Jan Diogo •-. A-;;.rm'.: .revlsiori volley Blvd & Footh-ill Fwy, - •• ...No h7i.-1 Of r-r;-

J J1 /.J — Frwy ^ 2-28-/2 71-700 ' Free-way 5-ll-'73 126330 ; Santa Monica & National S-G Terminal Island- •. -Bl-vd - Ord Int - -. . Agrmt provide repair- Convey" to State Freeway-"- 7-13-71 70-558: •Freeway 4- 8-70 142798' :,-. Santa Monica V/ly Overland Ave"- Route 134 (Ventura Frwy) '^ Tract. 24695 Eagle Rock Ridge-refore3tation ".Freeway;, 5-21-73 73-2077 "Freeway 10-19-72 72-3912 Santa 'Monica Nly & NEly Ventura 300' Nly Hill Dr Stoner Ave-acc offer ded • Hilltop Rd turnaround at - easemt - Eng terminus- - Freeway 10- 5-72 72-5743 ' Pree-rfay 7-26-72 72-2/90 •-' .Santa Monica Ely V/estern Ave Ventura-Glendale • Citv Bdry & Dent V/&P ^...-^^ ; Tract' Map' 25354 Reservoir - c/z - PC 25896 /Freeway 12-6-72 72-4556 Freeway , 5-"i4-72 72-995 •H. ,. Sta Monica - Pilot proj Ventura bet Haskell Ave Ac vrnlte Oak Ave - Imp traffic flow ' *'>•'. Spec lane for car oools , "^ ^ iO'*''" obtain Fed Fds " - ,.. 'Freeway 10-12-71 71-4015. Freeway 3-3-70 l4l4ie" •' Simi - Nbrthridge-Rlnald! 15§^ Wilmington - yiyi • 'Trans Line - grant easmt deed Const viaduct t.ype Calif State thru City wilmington-Gibson-^Mp Freeway - 5-12-72 --72-1812 Freeze 8-23-71 71-1451 'Sim! - Canoga Ave Atty seek exemptn re .3-.1A • undercross - agnmt Pol & Fire salary increase provide mtnce - Hwy Div _, , Ferraro Freeway " 11-9-71 71-4375 Freeze 8-I6-7I 71-3201 Simi Valley - save trees for • Fed'l Wage & Price Policies Landscaping or donatiori., to effect on City City , Freeway . 5-13-71 126320 Freeze 1-26-71 71-351 Sim! Valley bet Foothill Fv/\'' & Vacant positions ^.o^. Woodley Ave - delete fr Frwy Economy measures- --"' ' '••; -Agreeraent Edelman _^,,^ 7 /Freeway ', . 3-15-72 126320 Freeze ^^ • 12-21-70 ' •70-572"i .i,. ,' Simi Valley-Kerrick nr Foothill V/age - 32-hr'.work week for aii..,(.. Superseded- Frwy Agrmt 'City Depts- David Sandstrora pet.;

"Freeway " "3-15-^73 ~12632Q'' Freeze 8-17-71 71-3201 . Simi Valley - elim wages - Eng & Architects Assoc ., Nevrcastle/Rinald! intsect- inform emos on effects -A modify agrmt elim 7 Freeway 5-30-72 126320 " f Freeze 8-20-71 71-l44cwi Simi Valley bet San Fdo Rd & j Wage & Price Herrick Ave ^ - ; nullify electric rate increase Agrmt amdmt - elim alley f/widgriix, possible la.yoff lOOO W&P omn

; Preitag Alfred 7-19-71 71-2600 " Freudenberg E,A 8-8-/3 . 73.73679* : ,\-v Commend • Claira retroactive .pay A : Russell A- , • • ; . / Freitas Deborah 9-24-73 73-5044 Freudiger Lisl 6-19-/2 •72-2237 / Claim pers inj -. Claim pers. injury ; ' I $100,000 undet amt :--. •' - '

'! Fremont Indemnity 11-3-^72 72-4152 • Frew Yvonne . 12-5-71 .•'71-47,55- ' ' Ciaim refund buls tax C.laim pers ..inj & proo? dmg 7 '-; 7 $2,413.34 • ' • 7 $54.50' '_.; 'Fremont Iridcinnity 11-29-72 72-4446 Frey Albert 12-28-73 73-6328 , Cleira7re'fund -pus'tax , -^- Claim pers inj $11,000 -''" ' : S $4,726.99 '. 4-70 70-3917 7Fremont John C 4-16-/0 70-30 Frias G Reyes 9- High ''School - Mils commend ' Claim prop dmg

: French Ferdinand 8-7-73 73-3360. Frick Jerome H 12-15-70 70-5601 / Claim retroactive pay Claim re.fund bev tax *' ".'77

French Robt 6-7-75 75-2562 Friden Div 12-15-70; 70-5;:99; Claim pers injury $100,000-. ^- . Sii-iger Co Claim 'refund j ./:' Bus tax

French Virginia 11-2-70 70-.4900' Fried, John S ,. 2-6-73 '73-475' Commend - Claim Drop dmg '. Rus;-,ell $1,089/00

Frescott Norman 11-13-73'' 73-5201 Fried Seymour 7 iO-6-70 7 70-.4384 Adjoum - for Miyoung Lee.' et al- Wachs Ciaira p.ers inj

Freshman-Marantz 6-30-72 72-2431 Friedbsrg Herman .7-8-70: 70-2889- et al .-for Thomas Rindels- '. ' -. • 27th7.St SW/s,-Nevin Ave to 600* : : claim pers inj undet amt SEly 15 lots-'c/z'-' '• . .'7 '- ,.FG 23046 . t- . -, - ' :,' *'.'•>'< ' m. .'Freshman Niri^; 3-i2-'7'3 .73-102' •Friede Elias Al • 3-ll-7b'7;7-7Q^-ri067 Claim per.s7-i-Rjury - ; .. loss ;of wases $6,000 Claim "auto' damage. & -pers. inj'ury

CAT, •?. \ .0.».I4 rHiWtti- :.t 0. 9. *.