
The Born Rule and Time-Reversal Symmetry of Equations of

Aleksey V. Ilyin∗ Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Dated: September 13, 2018) It was repeatedly underlined in literature that quantum cannot be considered a closed theory if the Born Rule is postulated rather than derived from the first principles. In this work the Born Rule is derived from the time-reversal symmetry of quantum equations of motion. The derivation is based on a simple functional equation that takes into account properties of , as well as the linearity and time-reversal symmetry of quantum equations of motion. The derivation presented in this work also allows to determine certain limits to applicability of the Born Rule.

PACS numbers: 03.65.Ta; 11.30.Er Keywords: The Born Rule, time-reversal symmetry, foundations of


The Born Rule, being one of the basic principles of Probability density P (ψ) is assumed to be a universal quantum physics, establishes a link between a solution of function that is applicable to any state of quantum particle wave equation and the results of observations. The Born described by the WF. Therefore, it will be sufficient to find Rule was proposed in 1926 on the grounds that it complies P (ψ) in some simple special case, for example, in the case with the conservation of the number of particles in scat- of a plane wave, while the solution found in this special tering process [1]. Later, the Born Rule was supplemented case, due to its universality, is sure to be valid for an by the von Neumann projection postulate [2] to describe arbitrary WF. By probability density of finding a particle the results of repeated measurements. in a plane wave we mean the probability that the particle is in a unit volume. From the beginning, the Born Rule was perceived as an axiom independent of quantum equations of motion. There were numerous attempts to derive the Born Rule from the basic quantum principles. For example, a deriva- A. Amplitudes tion of the Born Rule was discussed in [3] and later in [4–6] within the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. However, this approach was criticized in [7]. Consider a plane wave with complex amplitude S prop- The Born Rule was obtained in [8] within the concept of agating along x-axis: hidden measurements, which, however, is not a widely ac- cepted interpretation of quantum mechanics. Recently, ψ(x, t) = S exp i(kx − wt), (1) the Born Rule was derived in [9] from the of where k and w are proportional, respectively, to particle quantum evolution and an additional assumption about momentum and energy k = p , w = E . probability conservation. ~ ~ Let a plane wave (1) be incident on a potential bar- In this paper, the Born Rule is derived from the basic rier characterized by complex reflectance r and transmit- quantum principles, namely, time-reversal symmetry and tance t (labeling transmittance and time by the same sym- linearity of quantum equations of motion. The derivation bol is traditional and may cause no confusion.) Then the presented here is based on the following premisses: reflected wave and transmitted wave (Fig. 1A) will have arXiv:1505.03670v5 [quant-ph] 7 Aug 2016 (α) The state of a particle is completely determined by complex amplitudes, respectively, its (WF), which is a solution of quantum equation of motion, for example, the Schroedinger equa- a = Sr and b = St. (2) tion; It is well known [10] that the Schroedinger equation is (β) It follows from the above principle that all proper- symmetric with respect to time reversal if, along with the ties of the particle, including the probability density P , substitution t → −t, the WF is changed to its complex shall be determined solely by the wave function ψ of the conjugate (see Appendix for a simple explanation). particle, i. e. P = P (ψ). Let the simultaneous action of time reversal and com- Our purpose is to find function P (ψ). plex conjugation be denoted as ∼, i. e. ψe(x, t) = ψ∗(x, −t). This operation yields a time-reversed state of quantum particle. In the general case, time-reversibility of the WF should be regarded as a formal mathematical property of quantum equations of motion. That property does not imply that any state of quantum particle can actually be ∗ [email protected] reversed in an experiment. 2

Thus, reversing (1) yields to Provision (β), should be obtained from complex WF. Real x can be obtained from complex ψ using infinite ψe(x, t) = S∗ exp i(−kx − wt). (3) number of ways. For example, one may take a real part of x = Re(ψ), or complex num- Therefore, the reversed plane wave has a complex- ber argument√ x = Arg(ψ), or complex number modulus conjugate amplitude S∗. x = |ψ| = ψψ∗. Also, various combinations of above Now let us reverse the process of interaction of a parti- expressions will produce real numbers. cle with the barrier. Two waves with amplitudes a and b In order to select a feasible expression for real num- that were departing from the barrier now will go back ber P (ψ) from among the multitude of expressions, the to the barrier and their complex amplitudes will turn into following physical principle should be applied: probabil- conjugate amplitudes a∗ and b∗ respectively (Fig. 1B). As- ity P (ψ) should be independent of arbitrarily chosen time suming the transmittance and reflectance of the potential origin because the properties of infinite plane wave do not barrier being the same in either direction (that is certainly depend on time. true for a symmetrical barrier), one obtains the amplitude Only expression ψψ∗ will have this property while other ∗ of the wave reflected to the left as ra and transmitted to expressions mentioned above will explicitly depend on ∗ the left as tb . When time is reversed, a wave of am- time through the WF argument kx − ωt. Therefore, with ∗ plitude S should appear running away from the barrier no loss of generality one may assume that P (ψ) is some (Fig. 1B.) function of argument x = ψψ∗. In other words,

P (ψ) = F (ψψ∗). (7)

Such a designation is justified because it imposes no addi- tional restrictions on the unknown function F (x). There- fore, equation (6) can be written as

Figure 1. Direct (A) and time-reversed (B) processes of particle ∗ ∗ ∗ interaction with the barrier. Complex amplitudes a of reflected F (aa ) + F (bb ) = F (SS ). (8) wave and b of transmitted wave become complex-conjugates a∗ and b∗ under time reversal (see explanation in the text.) According to Provision (β), the probability can be a func- tion only of the WF amplitude, which is provided by equa- It follows from the linearity of quantum equations of tion (8). motion that the superposition principle holds for the WF. This conclusion applies to both direct and time-reversed processes. Therefore, the reversed state S∗ is the result C. The Born Rule of superposition of two waves running to the left from the ∗ barrier, namely, the reflected wave ra and transmitted Due to (5) equation (8) can be written as wave tb∗: F (aa∗) + F (bb∗) = F (aa∗ + bb∗). (9) ra∗ + tb∗ = S∗. (4) That is a functional equation with respect to the unknown Exponential factors exp i(−kx − wt) of all waves cancel in function F (x). Equation (9) can be presented in the usual this equation. form: Multiplying (4) by S and taking into account (2) one obtains F (x) + F (y) = F (x + y), (10)

∗ ∗ ∗ aa + bb = SS , (5) where x = aa∗, y = bb∗. It is important to note that here x and y are indepen- which is an inevitable consequence of time-reversibility of dent variables because the height of the barrier (and its quantum equations and the superposition principle. transparency) can be altered independently of amplitude S of the incident wave. Therefore, the only solution to functional equation (10) is a linear function B. F (x) = kx = kaa∗, (11) A particle falling on the barrier is indivisible, so that it can be found with probability P (a) in the reflected which in view of (7) yields beam or with probability P (b) in the transmitted beam (Fig. 1A). As these events are mutually exclusive (i. e. a P (a) = kaa∗. (12) particle cannot be found both in the reflected and trans- mitted beams) the probabilities should obey Constant k is actually a normalization factor that defines the WF unit of measurement. In each quantum problem P (a) + P (b) = P (S). (6) this normalization factor is chosen based on convenience. For example, in the problem considered here, it is con- Probability P (ψ) must be a real number that, according venient to admit that the unit amplitude a = 1 should 3 correspond to probability P (a) = 1, from which one ob- but it should be inapplicable to the general solution of this tains k = 1. Therefore, (12) yields the Born Rule equation.

P (a) = aa∗, (13) IV. CONCLUSIONS i. e. the sought-for relationship between the probability density and the WF amplitude. The Born Rule is derived from fundamental quantum The particle state |ψi after interaction with the barrier, principles, namely, from the time-reversal symmetry and according to the wave equation solution, is given by linearity of quantum equations of motion. To obtain the Born Rule it is also necessary to admit the existence of |ψi = a|−i + b|+i, (14) probability and discrete quantum particles, which is not where |−i and |+i are the states with negative and pos- a consequence of quantum equations of motion. itive momenta, i. e. plane waves running to the left and It should be noted that if the Klein-Gordon equation is to the right from the barrier, respectively. State vectors taken as the equation of motion in the above derivation |−i and |+i are, actually, orthonormal eigen states of the then time-reversal t → −t will not change the equation momentum . Therefore, multiplying (14) by h−| and, therefore, it will not require complex conjugation of yields the WF. For this reason, the Born Rule should be inap- plicable to some solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation. h−|ψi = a. (15)

Now from (13) and (15) one obtains for the probability of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS realization of particle state |−i The author is thankful to G.B. Lesovik of the Lan- ∗ 2 P (a) = aa = |h−|ψi| , (16) dau Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, and Yu.M. Belousov of the Moscow Institute of Physics and which is another way to put down the Born Rule. For- Technology for helpful discussions. mula (16) implies that if a particle is in state |ψi then the probability that the particle is found in state |−i is the squared modulus of complex number h−|ψi, which is a APPENDIX projection of the original state |ψi on the final state |−i. This important quantum postulate is derived here from Let us consider the Schroedinger equation for an arbi- the time-reversal symmetry of quantum equation of mo- trary state vector |ψi: tion. Thus, the Born Rule (13) or (16) has been obtained as Eˆ|ψi = Hˆ |ψi, (17) a simple consequence of time-reversal symmetry of quan- tum equation of motion. In addition to this symmetry, where Eˆ = i ∂ - is the energy operator, Hˆ - is time- an important role in the present derivation is played by ~ ∂t independent Hamiltonian. the superposition principle [Eq. (4)], which follows from Upon substituting t → −t in (17) one obtains the equation of motion, and by the assumption about the existence of indivisible particles [Eq. (6)], which does not − Eˆ|ψ−i = Hˆ |ψ−i, (18) follow from the equation of motion. The Born Rule thus obtained for a particular case of where |ψ−i = |ψ(r, −t)i. Equation (18) does not coin- plane wave interaction with a potential barrier shall be cide with the Schroedinger equation (17) due to the "mi- valid also in the general case because the derivation pre- nus" sign on its left side. In order to return to the correct sented here is based on quantum principles (α) and (β) equation of motion while retaining time-reversal, it is nec- implying that the probability density P (ψ) is a universal essary to apply the operation of Hermitian conjugation to function applicable to any state of a particle that can be eq. (18): described by a WF. hψ−|Eˆ = hψ−|H,ˆ (19)

III. LIMITS OF APPLICABILITY OF THE where it is taken into account that the Hamiltonian is a BORN RULE Hermitian operator Hˆ + = Hˆ while the energy operator is ˆ+ ˆ ∂ anti-Hermitian E = −E because i~ ∂t changes its sign In contrast to the Schroedinger equation, the relativis- under complex conjugation. tic Klein-Gordon equation contains the energy operator Thus, if we demand that the reversed solution should squared. Therefore, time reversal does not change the satisfy the Schroedinger equation then time reversal of a Klein-Gordon equation. For this reason, under time rever- quantum state should result in simultaneous replacement sal, the Klein-Gordon equation does not require transition of each ket |ψi with corresponding bra hψ−|. This oper- to conjugate states (according to the logic set out in the ation applied to plane wave (1) results in complex conju- Appendix). The Born Rule, therefore, may be applicable gation of amplitude S → S∗, which is taken into account to some particular solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation in eq. (3). 4

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