Principal Circle Bundles, Pimsner Algebras and Gysin Sequences
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati - Trieste Area of Mathematics Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics Thesis Principal circle bundles, Pimsner algebras and Gysin sequences Candidate Supervisor Francesca Arici Prof. Giovanni Landi (Università di Trieste) Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Philosophiæ Doctor academic year 2014-15 SISSA - Via Bonomea 265 - 34136 TRIESTE - ITALY Dedico questa tesi ai miei genitori e a mio fratello Giuliano: senza il loro sostegno e affetto incondizionato, niente di tutto questo sarebbe stato possibile. Preface This thesis is the result of my Ph.D. studies at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy. My Ph.D. project, conducted under the supervision of Prof. Giovanni Landi (Uni- versità di Trieste), with Prof. Ludwik Dąbrowski as internal co-advisor, focused on topological aspects of (noncommutative) principal circle bundles, and it culminated in the following papers (listed in chronological order): [1] F. Arici, S. Brain, G. Landi, The Gysin sequence for quantum lens spaces, arXiv:1401.6788, J. Noncomm. Geom. in press. [2] F. Arici, J. Kaad, G. Landi, Pimsner algebras and Gysin sequences from principal circle actions, arXiv:1409.5335, J. Noncomm. Geom. in press. [3] F. Arici, F. D’Andrea, G. Landi, Pimsner algebras and noncommutative circle bundles, arXiv:1506.03109, to appear in "Noncommutative analysis, operator the- ory and applications NAOA2014". This dissertation aims at presenting the results obtained in the above mentioned works in a clear, coherent and self-consistent way. Acknowledgements I would like to begin by thanking Gianni for his constant guidance during these three years, for his enthusiasm in this project, his helpful advice and for many conversations about mathematics, books and life in general.
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