No 30 OPWOLITB Node-bdfqqq Copmlfte is mmpiled and produced by Tom Sharpe, Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff CFlO 3NP (tel 029 20573265, fax 029 20667332, email
[email protected]). It is published three times a year in March, lune and November. Any material BWQPPPNG% for inclusion should be sent to Tom Sharpe by the first of the previous month, i.e. by 1 February, 1 May or 1 FWOMTHE ,,,, . GEOgLOGICAL \ Copmlite is sponsored by Burhouse Ltd of Hudderrfield, CURATORS wholesale distributors of minerals, gemstones, gemstone GROUP prdmand jewellery components. Tom Snarp, Departnlent of Geology, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff CFlO 31uP tel029 20573265, 07976 430653 (mobile). fax 029 20667332, e-mail ~om.~harpe@"m~w.&.uk Wty:Mar@ Edwarh, C&ulogy kparhnent; Univerrity of Mznchester, mnchester M13 9% tel0161275 3825. fax 0161 275 3947, email
[email protected] TreswrertMemberrhip Secretary: A& ~iwman,Oepaltment of Archaeology, 1 Universty of hewcdstle. Newcaslle uponTyne hEl 7RU tellfa 0191 227 7426, e-mail I Notice of Annual General Meeting Please note that the 25" AGM of the Gwlogical Curators' Group will be held at 12.30 on Saturday 4 December 1999 at the Department of Geology, Museum Building, Trinity College, Dublin. Nominations for the posts of Officers, and one Committee Member must be made by two members of the Group and submitted in writing to Amanda Edwards, GCG Secretary, Department of Geology, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL by 13 November 1999. New rnernbets GCG is pleased to welcome the following new mernkrs: joy irving, Oxford University Museum of Natural History; Helen Tombs, Clitheroe Castle Museum; Trevor Batchelor, Redhill, Surrey; Gemma Daniel, Leighton Buzzard; Catherine Painter, Camberley, Surrey.