THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY of PENNSYLVANIA President, Boies Penrose Honorary Price-President', Roy F
THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA President, Boies Penrose Honorary Price-President', Roy F. Nichols Vice-Presidents Richmond P. Miller Harold D. Saylor Ernest C. Savage Thomas E. Wynne Secretary\ Howard H. Lewis Treasurer^ George E. Nehrbas Councilors Benjamin Chew Robert L. McNeil, Jr. Mrs. L. M. C. Smith Thomas C. Cochran Henry J. Magaziner Martin P. Snyder H. Richard Dietrich, Jr. Bertram L. O'Neill Frederick B. Tolles Mrs. Anthony N. B. Garvan Henry R. Pemberton David Van Pelt Joseph W. Lippincott, Jr. E. P. Richardson H. Justice Williams Caroline Robbins Counsel, R. Sturgis Ingersoll I Director^ Nicholas B. Wainwright e$> cp <£ cjj Founded in 1824, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has long been a center of research in Pennsylvania and American history. It has accumulated an important historical collection, chiefly through contributions of family, political, and business manuscripts, as well as letters, diaries, newspapers, magazines, maps, prints, paintings, photographs, and rare books. Additional contributions of such a nature are urgently solicited for preservation in the Society's fireproof building where they may be consulted by scholars. Membership, There are various classes of membership: general, $ 15.00; associate, $25.00; patron, $100.00; life, $300.00; benefactor, $1,000. Members receive certain privileges in the use of books, are invited to the Society's historical addresses and receptions, and receive The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Those interested in joining the Society are invited to submit their names. Hours: The Society is open to the public Monday, 1 P.M. to 9 P.M.; Tuesday through Friday, 9 A.M.
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