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Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française

Bibliographie d’histoire de l’Amérique française (publications récentes) Centre de bibliographie historique de l'Amérique française

Volume 45, Number 3, hiver 1992


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Publisher(s) Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française

ISSN 0035-2357 (print) 1492-1383 (digital)

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Cite this document Centre de bibliographie historique de l'Amérique française (1992). Bibliographie d’histoire de l’Amérique française (publications récentes). Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, 45(3), 473–500.

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This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. BIBLIOGRAPHIE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE


préparée depuis 1967 par le Centre de bibliographie historique de l'Amérique française

sous la direction de Paul AUBIN (Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture)

Cette bibliographie est réalisée à partir du dépouillement systé­ matique de plus de 400 périodiques. Tous ces titres, de même que ceux-là que, faute d'espace, nous ne mentionnons pas dans la chronique de la Revue, sont ensuite versés dans la banque informatisée HISCABEQ; le recours à cette banque offre au chercheur la possibilité d'une mise à jour cumulative des données bibliographiques dans les champs de recherche qui l'intéressent.


1 - ABLER, Thomas S., «Micmacs and Gypsies: Occupation of the Peripatetic Niche», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 1-11. 2 - AXTELL, James, After Columbus: Essays in the Ethnohistory of Colonial North America. New York, Oxford University Press, 1988. xii-300 p. 3 - BARBEAU, Marius, Totem Poles. Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1950, 1990. xii-880p. 4 - BATTISTE, Marie, «Different Worlds of Work: the Mi'kmaq Experience», Dorothy E. MOORE et James H. MORRISON, Work, Ethnicity and Oral History. Halifax, Saint Mary's University, 1988, 63-70. 5 - BEAULIEU, Alain, Convertir les fils de Caïn: jésuites et Amérindiens nomades en Nouvelle-France, 1632-1642. Québec, Nuit blanche, 1990. 177 p. 6 - BENTLEY, D. M. R., «Savage, Degenerate, and Dispossessed», William H. NEW, Native Writers and Canadian Writing: Canadian Literature Special Issue. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1990, 76-90. 7 - BRINGHURST, Robert, «That also Is You: some Classics of Native Canadian Literature», William H. NEW, Native Writers and Canadian Writing: Canadian Literature Special Issue. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1990, 32-47.

[473] RHAF, vol. 45, n° 3, hiver 1992 474 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

8 - BROUSSEAU, Raymond, Louis GAGNON et Terry RYAN, Pitseolak Ashoona, 1904- 1983. Québec, Aux Multiples collections, 1989. n.p. 9 - BROUSEAU, Raymond, Ingo HESSELL et Terry RYAN, Jamasie Teevee, 1910-1985. Québec, Aux Multiples collections, 1989. n.p. 10 - BROWN, Alanna Kathleen, «Mourning Dove's Canadian Recovery Years, 1917-1919», William H. NEW, Native Writers and Canadian Writing: Canadian Literature Special Issue. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1990, 113-122. 11 - COFFEY, John et al, Shuswap History: the First 100 Years of Contact. Kamloops, Secwepemc Cultural Education Society, 1990. 59 p. 12 - COZZETTO, Don, «Governance and Aboriginal Claims in Northern », American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 14,2 (1990): 39-53. 13 - CRUIKSHANK, Julie et al, Life Lived like a Story: Life Stories of Three Yukon Elders. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1990. xvi-404 p. 14 - CUMMINS, Bryan, «Attawapiskat Crée Land Use and State Intervention», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 100-113. 15 - DECKER, Jody F., We Should Never Be Again the Same People: the Diffusion and Cumulative Impact of Acute Infectious Diseases Affecting the Natives on the Northern Plains of the Western Interior of Canada, 1774-1839. Thèse de Ph.D., York University, 1989. 281 p. 16 - DELÂGE, Denys, Le pays renversé: Amérindiens et Européens en Amérique du Nord-Est, 1600-1664. [Montréal], Boréal, 1991. 416 p. 17 - DEMPSEY, Hugh A., Crowfoot: Chief of the Blackfeet. Halifax, Goodread Biblio­ graphies, 1988. 226 p. 18 - DOWD, Gregory Evans, «The French King Wakes Up in Detroit: "Pontiac's War" in Rumour and History», Ethnohistory, 37,3 (été 1990): 254-278. 19 - DUCHEMIN, Parker, «A Parcel of Whelps: Alexander Mackenzie Among the Indians», William H. NEW, Native Writers and Canadian Writing: Canadian Literature Special Issue. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1990, 49-74. 20 - ERICKSON, Vincent O., «J. L. Tiarks: the Transculturalization of an Innocent Abroad», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 114-125. 21 - GORDON, Joleen, «Micmac Indian Basketry», Frank W. PORTER, The Art of Native American Basketry: a Living Legacy. New York, Greenwood Press, 1990, 17-43. 22 - GRANT, Agnes, Our Bit of Truth: an Anthology of Canadian Native Literature. Winnipeg, Pemmican Publications, 1990. xvii-347 p. 23 - HAIL, Barbara A. et Kate C. DUNCAN, Out of the North: the Subarctic Collection of the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology. Bristol (R.I.), The Museum, 1989. 301 p. 24 - HEIDENREICH, Conrad E., «The National Environment of Huronia and Huron Seasonal Activities», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. , Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 42-55. 25 - KARDULIAS, P. Nick, «Fur Production as a Specialized Activity in a World System: Indians in the North American Fur Trade», American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 14,1 (1990): 25-60. 26 - LAFORET, Andrea, «Regional and Personal Style in Northwest Coast Basketry», Frank W. PORTER, The Art of Native American Basketry: a Living Legacy. New York, Greenwood Press, 1990, 281-297. 27 - LAL, Ravi, «Watershed Year 1878: New Policy in Indian Affairs», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 172-180. 28 - LAMIRANDE, Émilien, «Le Père Honoré-Timothée Lempfrit et son ministère auprès des autochtones de l'île de Vancouver (1849-1852)», Raymond HUEL, Actes du premier colloque sur V histoire des Oblats dans V Ouest et le Nord canadien. Proceedings of the First Symposium... mai 1989. Edmonton, Western Canadian Publishers, 1990, 53- 70. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 475

29 - LASCELLES, Thomas A., «Father Leon Fouquet, Missionary Among the Kootenays», Raymond HUEL, Actes du premier colloque sur l'histoire des Oblats dans l'Ouest et le Nord canadien. Proceedings of the First Symposium... mai 1989. Edmonton, Western Canadian Publishers, 1990, 71-87. 30 - LASCELLES, Thomas A., Roman Catholic Indian Residential Schools in British Columbia. Vancouver, Order of OMI in B. C, 1990. 104 p. 31 - LE VAQUE, Yvon, «The Oblats and Indian Residential Schools», Raymond HUEL, Actes du premier colloque sur l'histoire des Oblats dans l'Ouest et le Nord canadien. Proceedings of the First Symposium... mai 1989. Edmonton, Western Canadian Publishers, 1990, 181-191. 32 - MacDONALD, Mary Lu, «Red and White Men: Black, White and Grey Hats», William H. NEW, Native Writers and Canadian Writing: Canadian Literature Special Issue. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1990, 92-111. 33 - MARSHALL, Ingeborg, «Evidence for Two Beothuk Subsistence Economies», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 216-226. 34 - MARTIJN, Charles A., «Innu (Montagnais) in Newfoundland», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 227-246. 35 - McGRATH, Robin, «Reassessing Traditional Inuit Poetry», William H. NEW, Native Writers and Canadian Writing: Canadian Literature Special Issue. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1990, 19-28. 36 - MILLER, J. R., «Owen Glendower, Hotspur, and Canadian Indian Policy», Ethnohistory, 31A (automne 1990): 386-415. 37 - MOODIE, Donald Wayne, «Indian Map-Making: Two Examples from the Fur Trade West», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 56-67. 38 - MORAN, Bridget, Stoney Creek Woman: the Story of Mary John. Vancouver, Tillacum Library, 1990. 142 p. 39 - MORRISON, Alvin H., «Dawnland Dog-Feast: Wabanaki Warfare, c. 1600-1760», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 258-278. 40 - MORRISON, Kenneth M., «Baptism and Alliance: the Symbolic Mediations of Religious Syncretism», Ethnothistory, 31A (automne 1990): 416-437. 41 - OBERHOLTZER, Cath, «Pipe Dreams: Pipe Cleaners and Dream Motifs», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 279-294. 42 - PASTORE, Ralph T., «The Collapse of the Beothuk World», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 11-30. 43 - PENNEY, Gerald, «Frank Speck and the Newfoundland Micmac: a Summary», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 295-302. 44 - PEYSER, Joseph L., «The Fate of the Fox Survivor: a Dark Chapter in the History of the French in the Upper Country, 1726-1737», Wisconsin Magazine of History, 73,2 (hiver 1989-90): 83-110. 45 - PRESTON, Richard J., «The View from the Other Side of the Frontier: East Crée Historical Notions», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 313-328. 46 - ROMANOFF, Steven, «The Cultural Ecology of Hunting and Podatches Among the Lillooet Indians», Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, 22,2 (automne 1988): 145-174. 47 - ROSS, Eric, «East Winnipeg, Muskrat and English River Countries, and the Barren Grounds», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 290-300. 476 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

48 - SCHILZ, Thomas F., «Robes, Rum, and Rifles: Indian Middlemen in the Northern Plains Fur Trade», Montana, 40,1 (hiver 1990): 2-13. 49 - SCHMALZ, Peter S., The Ojibwa of Southern . Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991. xv-334p. 50 - TEPPER, Leslie H., The Bella Coola Valley: Harlan I. Smith's Fieldwork Photographs, 1920-1924. Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1991. vii-246p. 51 - TRUDEL, François, «Les relations entre Indiens et Inuits dans l'Est de la Baie d'Hudson (1800-1840)», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 356-369. 52 - TYMAN, James, Inside Out: an Autobiography by a Native Canadian. Saskatoon, Fifth House, 1990.226 p. 53 - UPTON, Leslie F. S., «Indian Policy in Colonial Nova Scotia 1783-1871», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 79-107. 54 - WEBER, Ronald L., «Tlingit Basketry, 1750-1950», Frank W. PORTER, The Art of Native American Basketry: a Living Legacy. New York, Greenwood Press, 1990, 299-317. 55 - WOLFART, H. C, «1001 Nights: the Orient and the Far Northwest», William COWAN, Papers of the Twenty-First Algonquian Conference. Ottawa, Carleton University, 1990, 370-395. 56 - YORK, Geoffrey, The Dispossessed: Life and Death in Native Canada. London, Vintage U.K., 1990. xiv-291 p.


57 - CODIGNOLA, Luca, Guide to Documents Relating to French and British North America in the Archives of the Sacred Congregation «de Propaganda Fide» in Rome, 1622- 1799. Ottawa, National Archives of Canada, 1991. xiii-250 p. 58 - ECCLES, W. J., France in America. Markham, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1990. vi-312p. 59 - FRASER, Marian Botsford, Walking the Line. Vancouver, Douglas and Mclntyre, 1989. 218 p. 60 - HARRIS, Richard Cole, «The Pattern of Early Canada», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 358-374. 61 - MORTON, Desmond, A Military History of Canada. Edmonton, Hurtig, 1990. xiii-311 p. 62 - NORRIE, Kenneth et Douglas OWRAM, A History of the Canadian Economy. Toronto, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991. xii-634p.


63 - ARSENAULT, Bona, Histoire et généalogie des Acadiens. Carleton, CHAU-TV, 1988. 6 volumes. 64 - BALDWIN, Douglas, Land of the Red Soil: a Popular History of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, Ragweed, 1990. 191 p. 65 - BROOKS, Randall C, «Time, Longitude Determination and Public Reliance upon Early Observatories», Paul A. BOGAARD, Profiles of Science and Society in the Maritimes Prior to 1914. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 163-192. 66 - CORMIER, Yves, Les aboUeaux en Acadie: hier et aujourd'hui. Moncton, Chaire d'études acadiennes, 1990. 109 p. 67 - STORY, George M., «Newfoundland: Fishermen, Hunters, Planters, and Merchants», Herbert HALPERT et George M. STORY, Christmas Mumming in Newfoundland: Essays in Anthropology, Folklore, and History. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990, 7-33. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 477

VOIR AUSSI: 33; 34; 42.


68 - AUDET, Bernard et Raymond LÉTOURNEAU, Avoir feu et lieu dans l'île d'Orléans au XVII* siècle: étude de culture matérielle. Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 1990. xiv-271 p. 69 - BOURDAGES, Gaétan, La Nativité de La Prairie, 1667-1991. [La Prairie], Ville de La Prairie, 1990. 140 p. 70 - BOURGET, Monique, Gaspé, ville historique: sites et monuments historiques de la ville de Gaspéi'Historical Gaspé: Historical Sites and Monuments of the Town of Gaspé. Gaspé, Ville de Gaspé [1988?]. 8 p. 71 - BRODEUR, Raymond, Les catéchismes au Québec, 1702-1963. Sainte-Foy, Presses de l'Université Laval, 1990. viii-456 p. 72 - CELLARD, André, Histoire de la folie au Québec de 1600 à 1850: le désordre. [Montréal], Boréal, 1991. 280 p. 73 - COURVILLE, Serge, «Space, Territory, and Culture in New France: a Geographical Perspective», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 165-176. 74 - DUGUAY, Geneviève, «Ustensils for the Growing of Plants», Pierre BEAUDET, Under the Boardwalk in Quebec City: Archaeology in the Courtyard and Gardens of the Château Saint-Louis. Montréal, Guernica, 1990, 109-121. 75 - GAUTHIER-LAROUCHE, Georges, Québec est bel et bien un nom français. Québec, [s.n.], 1990. 49 p. 76 - GAUVREAU, Danielle, Québec, une ville et sa population au temps de la Nouvelle- France. Sillery, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1991. xxiv-232p. 77 - HAMELIN, Louis-Edmond, «Essai d'évaluation du nombre de rangs au Québec», Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 34,91 (avril 1990): 5-20. 78 - HARRIS, Richard Cole, «The Extension of France into Rural Canada», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 94-109. 79 - LAFONTAINE, André, Le Bailliage de Notre-Dame-des-Anges. Sherbrooke, A. Lafon- taine, 1988. xv-608 p. 80 - LAFONTAINE, André, Les Bailliages de Beaupré et de l'île d'Orléans. Sherbrooke, A. Lafontaine, 1987. xvii-566 p. 81 - LANDRY, Frédéric, Pêcheurs de métier. Havre Aubert, Éditions La Boussole, 1990. 248 p. 82 - LEBEL, Gérard, Nos ancêtres: biographies d'ancêtres, vol. 2. Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, G. Lebel, 1989. 184 p. 83 - LÉTOURNEAU, Lorraine, Jeanne LeBer. Montréal, Lidec [1990?]. 62 p. 84 - LÉTOURNEAU, Lorraine, Marguerite d'Youville. Montréal, Lidec, 1991. 60 p. 85 - MARSAN, Jean-Claude, Montreal in Evolution: Historical Analysis of the Development of Montreal's Architecture and Urban Environment. Montréal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990. xxviii-456 p. 86 - MONET-CHARTRAND, Simone, Pionnières québécoises et regroupements de femmes d'hier à aujourd'hui. Montréal, Éditons du Remue-Ménage, 1990. 470 p. 87 - O'BRIEN, Laird, «A Horse Uniquely Ours from the King of France», Canadian Geographic, 111,1 (février-mars 1991): 76-81. 88 - PERRON, Guy, Une existence dans l'ombre du père: Daniel Perron dit Suire, 1638-1678. Laval, G. Perron, 1990. 210 p. 89 - RENAUD, Roxane, «From the Mouths of my Cannon and Muskets», Pierre BEAUDET, Under the Boardwalk in Quebec City: Archaeology in the Courtyard and Gardens of the Château Saint-Louis. Montréal, Guernica, 1990, 21-29. 90 - VERNEY, Jack, The Good Regiment: the Carignan-Salières Regiment in Canada, 1665- 1668. Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1991. 222 p. 478 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

91 - VILLENEUVE, René, Le tabernacle de Paul Jourdain. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 1990. 94 p. VOIR AUSSI: 2; 5; 16; 24; 34; 39; 40; 41; 44; 45.


92 - BAIN, Colin M., Multiculturalism: Canada's People. Teacher's Guide. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1989. xii-169p. 93 - CARELESS, J. M. S., Careless at Work: Selected Canadian Historical Studies. Toronto, Dundurn Press, 1990. 359 p. 94 - Chia-na-ta yu uen wen hsueh lun wen chi/Symposium of Canadian Language and Literature. Ch'ung-ch'ing, Szuchuan wai yu hsueh yuan, Chia-na-ta yen shiu so pien, 1990. 182 p. 95 - CONWAY, John, «An Adapted Organic Tradition», Stephen R. GRAUBARD, In Search of Canada. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 1989, 381-396. 96 - GAFFIELD, Chad, «The New Regional History: Rethinking the History of the Outaouais», Revue d'études canadiennes/Journal of Canadian Studies, 26,1 (printemps 1991): 64-81. 97 - HUNDEY, Ian, Canada, Builders of the Nation. Agincourt (Ont.), Gage Educational Pub. Co., 1991. xiii-326 p. 98 - KILBOURN, William, «The Peaceable Kingdom Still», Stephen R. GRAUBARD, In Search of Canada. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 1989, 1-29. 99 - KOPPEL, Tom, «Treasure - Trove of History, Three Centuries of Canada's Past Come to Life at the Hudson's Bay Co. Archives», Canadian Geographic, 111,5 (octobre- novembre 1991): 70-76. 100 - L'alimentation traditionnelle au Canada: une bibliographie. [Montréal], Ville de Montréal, Service des loisirs et du développement communautaire, 1988. 8 p. 101 - MacDONALD, Cheryl, «Gilbert McMicken. Spymaster Canada's Secret Police», The Beaver, 71,3 (juin-juillet 1991): 44-49. 102 - MacKAY, Donald, Flight from Famine: the Corning of the Irish to Canada. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1990. 368 p. 103 - MAYES, Hubert G., «"A Very Affectin' Thing": the Scottish Origin of the Canadian Boat Song», The Beaver, 71,2 (avril-mai 1991): 22-27. 104 - McDOUGALL, Robert L., Totems: Essays in the Cultural History of Canada. Ottawa, Tecumseh Press, 1990. xv-280 p. 105 - MITCHELL, Doug et Judy SLINN, L'histoire de McMaster Meighen. Montréal, McMaster Meighen, 1990. xi-162p. 106 - SIMON, Roger D., «Canada: an Introduction», Robert J. THORNTON et al, Canada at the Crossroads: Essays on Canadian Political Economy. Greenwich, JAI Press, 1988, 1-14. 107 - WEDDLE, H. M., «Canada's Forgotten Hero of the Light Brigade, 1854», The Beaver, 71,2 (avril-mai 1991): 6-15. 108 - WEIZMAN, Sandra Morton, Artifacts from «A Coat of Many Colours: Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada»IObjets de l'exposition «La tunique aux couleurs multiples: deux siècles de présence juive au Canada». Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilization/ Musée canadien des civilisations, 1990. 133 p. 109 - WINKS, Robin William, The Relevance of Canadian History: U.S. and Imperial Perspectives. Lanham (Maryland), University Press of America, 1988. xv-99p. VOIR AUSSI: 6; 18; 23; 32; 36; 57; 59; 60; 61; 62. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 479


110 - ACHESON, Thomas William, «The Great Merchant and Economie Development in StJohn 1820-1850», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 173-197. 111 - ALEXANDER, David et G. E. PANTING, «The Mercantile Fleet and its Owners: Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, 1840-1889», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 320-345. 112 - ARMOUR, Leslie, «McCulloch, Lyall, Schurman and Keirstead: Four Philosophic Responses to Science, Religion and the Unity of Knowledge», Paul A. BOGAARD, Profiles of Science and Society in the Maritimes Prior to 1914. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 101-116. 113 - BAKER, Victoria, Le salon peint des Croscup. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 1990. 95 p. 114 - BECK, J. Murray, «A Fool for a Client: the Trial of Joseph Howe», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 243-260. 115 - BISHOP, Roy L., «J. F. W. Desbarres: an Eighteenth-Century Nova Scotia Observatory», Paul A. BOGAARD, Profiles of Science and Society in the Maritimes Prior to 1914. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 65-81. 116 - BITTERMAN, Rusty, «The Hierarchy of the Soil: Land and Labour in a 19th Century Cape Breton Community», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 220-242. 117 - BUMSTED, J. M., «The Origins of the Land Question on Prince Edward Island», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 65-78. 118 - CAMPBELL, Gail Grace, «Disfranchised but not Quiescent: Women Petitioners in New Brunswick in the Mid-19th Century», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 261-293. 119 - COMITER, Alvin et Elizabeth PACEY, Historic Halifax. Willowdale, Hounslow Press, 1988. 159 p. 120 - DAVIES, Gwendolyn, «Consolation to Distress: Loyalist Literary Activity in the Maritimes», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 120-137. 121 - ENNALS, Peter M. et Deryck HOLDSWORTH, «Vernacular Architecture and the Cultural Landscape of the Maritime Provinces: a Reconnaissance», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 177-195. 122 - FINGARD, Judith, «The Relief of the Unemployed Poor in Saint John, Halifax, and StJohn's, 1815-1860», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada Before Confederation: the Acadiensis Reader, Volume One. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 198-219. 123 - GRANT, B. J., People, Places, Things in New Brunswick: an Index to the Royal Gazette, vol. 1: 1784-1804. Fredericton, B. J. Grant, 1990. 179 p. 124 - GRANT, Hugh M., «Public Policy and Private Capital Formation in Petroleum Exploration», Paul A. BOGAARD, Profiles of Science and Society in the Maritimes Prior to 1914. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1990, 137-160. 125 - GRIFFITHS, Naomi, «Acadians in Exile: the Experiences of the Acadians in the British Seaports», Phillip Alfred BUCKNER et David Alexander FRANK, Atlantic Canada 480 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

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VOIR AUSSI: 7; 11; 15; 17; 19; 26; 28; 29; 31; 37; 47; 48; 54.


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271 - KAZDIN, Andrew, Glenn Gould: ein portrat. Zurich, Schweizer Verlaghaus, 1990. 210 p. 272 - KENNEY-WALLACE, Géraldine et J. Fraser MUSTARD, «From Paradox to Paradigm: the Evolution of Science and Technology in Canada», Stephen R. GRAUBARD, In Search of Canada. New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 1989, 191-214. 273 - KLENMAN, Allan, Axe Makers of North America. Victoria, Currie's Forestgraphics, 1990. 112 p. 274 - LEES, Gene, Oscar Peterson: the Will to Swing. Rocklin, Prima Publishing, 1990. vi- 293 p. 275 - LEJEUNE, Jean, 25 ans d'innovation en formation linguistique/25 Years of Innovation in Language Training. [Ottawa], Commission de la fonction publique du Canada, 1990. 73-71 p. 276 - LÉTOURNEAU, Paul, «Entre les superpuissances: introduction à la problématique géostratégique du Canada», Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 34,93 (décembre 1990): 285-298. 277 - LONG, J. Anthony, «Political Revitalization in Canadian Native Indian Societies», Revue canadienne de science politique, 23,1 (décembre 1990): 751-773. 278 - MacKENDRICK, Louis King, Al Purdy and his Works. Toronto, ECW Press [1991]. 56 p. 279 - MANLEY, Elizabeth, Thumbs Up!: the Elizabeth Manley Story. Toronto, Macmillan of Canada, 1990. 224 p. 280 - MAYNES, Elizabeth M., An Analysis of Restricted Shares in Canada, 1970-1984. Thèse de Ph.D. (économique), Queen's University, 1989. 242 p. 281 - McCANN, L. D„ «Metropolitanism and Branch Business in the Maritimes, 1881-1931», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 233-246. 282 - McWILLIAMS, James L. et R. James STEEL, The Suicide Battalion. StCatharines, Vanwell Pub. [1990]. 221 p. 283 - MILLAR, Ian et Larry SCANLEN, Riding High: Ian Millar's World of Show Jumping. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1990. viii-214 p. 284 - MILLER, Mark, Cool Blues: Charlie Parker in Canada, 1953. London, Nightwood Editions, 1989, 1990. 115 p. 285 - MONKMAN, Leslie G., «Horses and Canoes, Kangaroos and Beavers». Comparing Australian and Canadian Literatures in English. [Sydney (Australie)], Macquarie University [1990]. 19 p. 286 - MONNON, Ernest Fernand, Right on, You Got our Elbow out: Wartime Memories of the R.CA.F. Toronto, Natural Heritage/Natural History, 1990. 96 p. 287 - MORLEY, Patricia, Margaret Laurence: the Long Journey Home. Montreal, McGill- Queen's University Press, 1991. 195 p. 288 - MURRAY, Jean-Paul, Information Canada, 1970-1976. Thèse de M.A., Carleton University, 1989. 126 p. 289 - MURRAY, Joan, The Isabel McLaughlin Gift, Part 1. Oshawa, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 1987. vi-57 p. 290 - MUSK, George, Canadian Pacific: the Story of the Famous Shipping Line. Newton Abbot [England], David & Charles, 1989. 304 p. 291 - MYCHAJLUNOW, Lorraine et Keith STOTYN, A Guide to the Archives of the United Church of Canada, Alberta and Northwest Conference. Edmonton, United Church of Canada, Alberta and Northwest Conference, 1991. 167 p. 292 - NEGRU, John, Le siècle de l'électricité: histoire illustrée de l'électricité au Canada: Association canadienne de l'électricité, 1891-1991. Montréal, L'Association [1990?]. ii-118p. 293 - NICHOLSON, Colin, Critical Approaches to the Fiction of Margaret Laurence. Vancouver, University of British Colombia Press, 1990. xviii-250 p. 294 - NIOSI, Jorge, La montée de l'ingénierie canadienne. Montréal, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1990. 235 p. 295 - O'CONNELL, Victor E., Alfred G. Bailey and Canadian Anthropology. Fredericton, Kanata Institute, 1990. 27 p. 488 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

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321 - WEBSTER, Jack, Webster! An Autobiography. Vancouver, Douglas & Mclntyre, 1990. 247 p. 322 - WOOLLEY, Herbert Edward, No Time off for Good Behaviour. Burnstown (Ont.), General Store Publishing House, 1990. 188 p. (Guerre 1939-1945) VOIR AUSSI: 6; 22; 23; 27; 32; 36; 43; 56; 59; 61; 62; 92; 93; 94; 95; 96; 97; 98; 99; 100; 104; 105; 106; 108; 109.


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477 - McGOWN, Keith, The Church at the Junction: the Dealings of God with the People of Allandale. [Barrie (Ont.), Essa Road Presbyterian Church, 1990]. vii-96 p. 478 - McKEGNEY, Pat, The Kaiser's Bust: a Study of War-Time Propaganda in Berlin, Ontario, 1914-1918. Wellesley, Bamberg Press, 1991. 279 p. 479 - McLEAN, Lorna R., «Single Again: Widow's Work in the Urban Family Economy, Ottawa, 1891», Ontario History, 83,2 (juin 1991): 127-150. 480 - MEW, Diane, Life Before Stratford: the Memoirs of Amelia Hall. Toronto, Dundurn Press, 1989. 264 p. 481 - MILNER, John, The Torch Still Burns: a History of St.PauVs United Church: Sarnia, Ontario, 1890-1990. [Sarnia, Centennial Book Committee, 1990]. 206-xip. 482 - MORRIS, Joan et Virginia HARTLEY, «The Asylum at Orillia, the Dark Side of Mariposa», The Beaver, 71,5 (octobre-novembre 1991): 44-49. 483 - Niagara Guild of Crafts, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 1965-1990: our Story. Niagara Falls, The Guild, 1990. 18 p. 484 - PAGE, Ron et William CUMMING, Fleet: the Flying Years. Erin, Boston Mills Press, 1990. 152 p. 485 - PETROFF, Lillian, «Hard Work and a Strong Spirit: Macedonian Work and Enterprise in Toronto to 1940», Dorothy E. MOORE et James H. MORRISON, Work, Ethnicity and Oral History. Halifax, Saint Mary's University, 1988, 211-221. 486 - POCOCK, Nancy, By the Grace of God 1 Have Become Myself. Argenta (C.-B.), Argenta Friends Press, 1990. 19 p. (Quakers) 487 - SIEBERT, John W. H., George Grant's Troubled Appropriation of Martin Heidegger on the Question Concerning Technology. Thèse de M.A., St.Michael's College, 1988. 113 p. 488 - STURINO, Franc, Forging the Chain: a Case Study of Italian Migration to North America, 1880-1930. Toronto, Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1990. 277 p. 489 - The Art Gallery of Hamilton: Seventy-Five Years (1914-1989). Hamilton, The Gallery, 1989. ix-122p. 490 - The Lunch Bucket Chronicles: a History of Rural Public Schools in East Parry Sound. Carp (Ont.), Gai-Garet Design & Publication, 1990. 239 p. 491 - WARD, Dick, Wallaceburg Hydro-Electric System, 75th Anniversary 1915-1990. Wallaceburg, Wallaceburg Hydro-Electric System, 1990. 41 p. 492 - WEIDER, George, Blue Mountain. Erin, Boston Mills Press, 1990. 160 p. 493 - YORK, Lorraine M., Introducing Timothy Findley's The Wars: a Reader's Guide. Toronto, ECW Press, 1990. 90 p. 494 - YOUNG, Alan R., Thomas Raddall and his Works. Toronto, ECW Press, [1991]. 43 p. 495 - YOUNG, Rick, From Fifth to 59: the 80-Year History of the Oxford Golf & Country Club. [Woodstock, s.n.], 1989. i-112-xxip. 496 - ZUCCHI, John E., Italians in Toronto: Development of a National Identity, 1875-1935. Kingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990. xiv-255 p. VOIR AUSSI: 14; 185; 186; 188; 192; 194; 197; 198; 201; 202; 205; 206; 301.


497 - ANDERSON, Frank W., The Border Bank Bandits. Surrey, Hancock House, 1990. 88 p. 498 - BEARCROFT, Norma, Our First 25 Years: a History of the Canadian Wild Horse Society (1965-1990). Salmon Arm (C.-B.), The Society [1990]. iv-158p. 499 - BOCIURKIW, Bohdam R., «Soviet Suppression of the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine and its Impact on Ukrainian Catholics in Canada», David J. GOA, The Ukrainian Religious Experience: Tradition and the Canadian Cultural Context. Edmonton, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1989, 143-155. 500 - BRUNEAU, William A., A Matter of Identities: the UBC Faculty Association, 1920-1990. Vancouver, Faculty Association of the University of British Columbia, 1990. 66 p. 501 - BUTTERS, Robert, A History, the Department of Metals and Materials Engineering, the BIBLIOGRAPHIE 497

University of British Columbia, 1915-1987. [Vancouver, The Department], 1987. [80] p. 502 - CHARTRAND, Paul L. A. H., Manitoba's Métis Settlement Scheme of 1870. Saskatoon, Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan, 1991. xxviii-233p. 503 - COLLET, Paulette, «Échecs et pièges du langage dans Nipsya», André FAUCHON, Langue et communication, Saint-Boniface, CEFCO, 1990, 65-72. (Georges Bugnet) 504 - CORBET, Élise A., Frontiers of Medicine: a History of Medical Education and Research at the University of Alberta. Edmonton, University of Alberta Press, 1990. xx-250 p. 505 - DAVIES, Megan Jean, The Patients World: British Columbia's Mental Health Facilities, 1910-1935. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), University of Waterloo, 1989. 141 p. 506 - DIRK, Marcel Michael Christopher, A Healthy Outlook: the Centennial History of the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital. Medicine Hat, Medicine Hat Regional Hospital, 1989. iv-134p. 507 - EMBRY, Jessie L., «The Mormon Experience in Alberta: Oral History of the Polygamy Question», Dorothy E. MOORE et James H. MORRISON, Work, Ethnicity and Oral History. Halifax, Saint Mary's University, 1988, 159-165. 508 - ENNS, Richard A., A Bibliography of Northern Manitoba. Winnipeg, University of Manitoba Press, 1991. 128 p. 509 - FISHER, Robin, «T. D. Pattullo and the North: the Significance of the Periphery in British Columbia Politics», Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 81,3 Guillet 1990): 101-111. 510 - FRIESEN, John W. et Michael M. VERIGIN, The Community Doukhobors: a People in Transition. Ottawa, Borealis Press, 1989. 240 p. 511 - HAIG, Bruce, Southern Alberta Business: Some Histories. Lethbridge, Historical Research Centre, 1989. 87 p. 512 - HUEL, Raymond, «La mission Notre-Dame-des-Victoires du Lac La Biche et l'approvisionnement des missions du nord: le conflit entre Mgr V. Grandin et Mgr H. Faraud», Raymond HUEL, Actes du premier colloque sur l'histoire des Oblats dans l'Ouest et le Nord canadien. Proceedings of the First Symposium... mai 1989. Edmonton, Western Canadian Publishers, 1990, 17-36. 513 - KLASSEN, Henry C, «Canadian Bank of Commerce and Charles Rowley», Alberta History, 39,3 (été 1991): 9-20. 514 - KLOOSS, Wolfgang, Geschichte und Mythos in der Literatur Kanadas: die englischprachige Métis-und Riel-Rezeption. Wolfgang Klooss, Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1989. 384 p. 515 - KOSAKIEWICZ, Frank, «Polish Oblate Ministry and Immigration in Alberta», Raymond HUEL, Actes du premier colloque sur l'histoire des Oblats dans l'Ouest et le Nord canadien. Proceedings of the First Symposium... mai 1989. Edmonton, Western Canadian Publishers, 1990, 171-179. 516 - KRAWCHUK, Andrii, «Social Tradition and Social Change: the Ukrainian Catholic Church and Emigration to Canada Prior to World War II», David J. GOA, The Ukrainian Religious Experience: Tradition and the Canadian Cultural Context. Edmonton, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1989, 81-93. 517 - LAUGHLAN, Colin R., Celebrating 75 Years of Tennis: Lakeshore Tennis Club. Regina, The Club, 1990. 28 p. 518 - LEHR, John C, «Kinship and Society in the Ukrainian Pioneer Settlement of the Canadian West», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 139-160. 519 - MacKIE, Richard, «The Short, Happy Life and Sad Death of Fred Tibs», The Beaver, 71,1 (février-mars 1991): 43-50. 520 - McCRIRICK, Donna et Graeme WYNN, «Building Self-Respect and Hopefulness: the Development of Blue-Collar Suburbs in Early Vancouver», Graeme WYNN, People, Places, Patterns, Processes: Geographical Perspectives of the Canadian Past. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1990, 267-284. 521 - McFADDEN, Eileen, «Coeducation in the Rural West: Brandon College: 1880-1920», Agnes GRANT, Beth WESTFALL et Bonnie PROVEN, Learning Women: a 498 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

Collection of Essays. Brandon, Brandon University Status of Women Organization, 1990, 11-23. 522 - McLENNAN, William M., Entertainment in Early Calgary. Calgary, Fort Brisebois Pub., 1989. 59 p. 523 - McNEIL, Donald L., Medicine of my Time. Calgary, Maunders McNeil Foundation, 1989. 147 p. 524 - McNEILL-HORDEN, Alison, «Brandon College Advocates of Women's », Agnes GRANT, Beth WESTFALL et Bonnie PROVEN, Learning Women: a Collection of Essays. Brandon, Brandon University Status of Women Organization, 1990, 24-31. 525 - MARTEL, Gilles, «Le nationalisme métis-canadien-français de Louis Riel contre le nationalisme canadien-français des ultramontains», Riel et les Métis canadiens. Saint- Boniface, Société historique de Saint-Boniface, 1990, 35-44. 526 - MITCHELL, Tom, «"We must Stand Fast for the Sake of our Profession». Teachers, Collective Bargaining and the Brandon Schools Crisis of 1922», Revue d'études canadiennes/Journal of Canadian Studies, 26,1 (printemps 1991): 82-99. 527 - MONAHAN, Paul L., Roses in December: an Oblate's Melody of Memories. Vancouver, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1990. 228 p. 528 - MORCOS, Gamila, «La défaite de Bugnet: illustration des liens entre langue, pensée et communication», André FAUCHON, Langue et communication, Saint-Boniface, CEFCO, 1990, 181-195. 529 - MORITA, Katsuyoshi, Powell Street Monogatari. Burnaby, Live Canada Pub., 1989. v- 149 p. 530 - 1914-1989, 75 th Anniversary of the Saskatchewan Funeral Service Association. [Regina], The Association, 1989. 249 p. 531 - OLENDER, Vivian, «Symbolic Manipulation in the Proselytising of Ukrainians: an Attempt to Create a Protestant Uniate Church», David J. GOA, The Ukrainian Religious Experience: Tradition and the Canadian Cultural Context. Edmonton, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1989, 191-207. 532 - OUELLET, Joséphine, «Mgr Albert Pascal, O.M.I. (1848-1920): cheville ouvrière du diocèse de Prince-Albert», Raymond HUEL, Actes du premier colloque sur l'histoire des Oblats dans l'Ouest et le Nord canadien. Proceedings of the First Symposium... mai 1989. Edmonton, Western Canadian Publishers, 1990, 89-103. 533 - OWEN, Wendy, «The «Wheat King» and New Farmers, the Last Best West», The Beaver, 71,3 (juin-juillet 1991): 31-38. 534 - PAYMENT, Diane, «Batoche depuis 1885: cent ans d'histoire en image», Riel et les Métis canadiens. Saint-Boniface, Société historique de Saint-Boniface, 1990, 3-13. 535 - PEACH, Jack, The First Hundred Years: the History of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. Calgary, Calgary Chamber of Commerce, 1990. xi-173p. 536 - POLACHIC, Darlène, «Armand Trochu's Home on the Range», The Beaver, 71,4 (août- septembre 1991): 26-35. 537 - RHÉAUME, Gilles, «Louis Riel et la solidarité française en Amérique», Riel et les Métis canadiens. Saint-Boniface, Société historique de Saint-Boniface, 1990, 57-58. 538 - RIDDELL, William A., The Mackenzie Art Gallery: Norman Mackenzie's Legacy. Regina, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1990. 191 p. 539 - ROY-SOLE, Monique, «Grass Roots Heritage. Prairie Populism Has Produced a Unique Brand of Museums by the People for the People», Canadian Geographic, 111,3 (juin- juillet 1991): 22-30. 540 - SCHMALZ, Wayne, On Air: Radio in Saskatchewan. Regina, Coteau Books, 1990. 167 p. 541 - SENYK, Sophia, «Ukrainian Religious Congregations in Canada: Tradition and Change», David J. GOA, The Ukrainian Religious Experience: Tradition and the Canadian Cultural Context. Edmonton, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1989, 95-107. 542 - SERVICE, Robert W., Collected Poems of Robert Service. New York, Putnam [1989]. xiv-735 p. 543 - SHADBOLT, Doris, Emily Can. Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 1990. 240 p. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 499

544 - STANLEY, Georges F. G., «Un dernier mot sur Louis Riel: l'homme à plusieurs visages», Riel et les Métis canadiens. Saint-Boniface, Société historique de Saint-Boniface, 1990, 79-89. 545 - STARDON, Eleanor, «The Honourable Company, 1870-1884, Twilight of the Fur Trade», The Beaver, 71,4 (août-septembre 1991): 7-18. 546 - STEVENSON, Alan, First Service: One Hundred Years of Tennis in British Colombia. Vancouver, Tennis B. C, 1987. 78 p. 547 - STUBBS, Thomas E., Japanese Tour Distribution in British Columbia in the Early Nineteen Eighties. Vancouver, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, 1988. 28 p. 548 - TANAKA, Tosh, Hands Accross the Pacific: Japan in British Columbia, 1889-1989. Vancouver, Consulate General of Japan, 1990. 95 p. 549 - TAYLOR-PENNINGTON, Maura et Susan BELLAY, For God, King, Pen and Country: the Papers of Charles William Gordon, 1860-1937 (Ralph Connor): a Resource Tool. [Winnipeg], Dept. of Archives and Special Collections, University of Manitoba Libraries, 1990. 250 p. 550 - TOOGOOD, J. A., The Story of Soil and Water Conservation in Alberta. [Edmonton?], Alberta Research and Technology Transfer, 1989. 36 p. 551 - TOUCHE, Rodney, Brown Cow, Sacred Cow: a True Story of Lake Louise. Hanna, Gorman and Gorman Publishers, 1990. 205 p. 552 - TROTTIER, Alice, «Les Oblats et la colonisation en Alberta», Raymond HUEL, Actes du premier colloque sur l'histoire des Oblats dans l'Ouest et le Nord canadien. Pro­ ceedings of the First Symposium... mai 1989. Edmonton, Western Canadian Publishers, 1990, 107-116. 553 - WATSON, Scott, Jack Shadbolt. Vancouver, Douglas & Mclntyre, 1990. 243 p. 554 - WIESINGER, Judith Patricia, The Evolving Urban System in the Canadian Prairies: Manitoba, 1870 to 1901. Thèse de Ph.D. (géographie), Queen's University, 1989. 326 p. 555 - WILDER, Janet, The Legacy of Fairmont Hot Springs. Fairmont Hot Springs, J. Wilder, 1989. vii-126p. 556 - YERENINK, Roman, «Church Jurisdictions and Jurisdictional Changes Among Ukrainians in Canada, 1891-1925», David J. GOA, The Ukrainian Religious Experience: Tradition and the Canadian Cultural Context. Edmonton, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1989, 109-127. VOIR AUSSI: 3; 7; 10; 11; 17; 19; 26; 27; 29; 30; 31; 38; 46; 48; 50; 52; 54; 55; 209; 210; 211; 214; 216; 219; 221; 222; 223; 224; 225; 226; 250; 315; 377.


557 - BARR, William, «Klutschak, an Artist in Search of Franklin», The Beaver, 71,3 (juin- juillet 1991): 12-25. 558 - BRENNAN, Ann, The Real Klondike Kate. Fredericton, Goose Lane, 1990. 207 p. (Kate Ryan) 559 - CLIBBON, Peter B., «Skagway, Whitehorse and the White Pass and Yukon Route Railway», Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 34,91 (avril 1990): 45-79. 560 - COLE, Dermot, Frank Barr: Bush Pilot in Alaska and the Yukon. Edmonds (Wash.), Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1986. xi-115p. 561 - GUNN, Anne, Chris SHANK et Bruce McLEAN, «The History, Status and Management of Muskoxen on Banks Island», Arctic, 44,3 (septembre 1991): 188-195. 562 - JEWELL, Park J., «Letters from the Yukon, 1894-1897», Patricia GASTER, Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 81,1 (janvier 1990): 11-21. 563 - JOHNSON, James Albert, Carmack of the Klondike. Ganges, Horsdal & Schubart, 1990. 166 p. 564 - LANDON, T. C, «Life at Gjoa Haven: the Old Ways and the New», The Beaver, 71,4 (août-septembre 1991): 41-48. 500 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

565 - MacKINNON, C. S., «Canada's Eastern Arctic Patrol, 1922-68», Polar Record, 27,161 (avril 1991): 93-101. 566 - STRUZIK, Edward, «Quest for the Northwest Passage», Canadian Geographic, 111,4 (août-septembre 1991): 38-46. VOIR AUSSI: 8; 9; 12; 13; 35; 267; 310; 545.


567 - Dictionnaire biographique du Canada. Index onomastique, volumes I à XII. De l'an 1000 à 1900. [Sainte-Foy], Presses de l'Université Laval, 1991. vii-568 p.

VI - INSTRUMENTS DE TRAVAIL VOIR: 57; 123; 145; 149; 155; 200; 221; 234; 371; 401; 415; 435; 442; 454; 511; 549.


568 - BIBEAU, René-O., Famille de Aimé Desmarais et de Marie Lachapelle, St-François-du- Lac. [Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot], R.-O. Bibeau, 1989. [24] p. 569 - CLAVEAU, Jean-Marie, Comme un pont... sur l'eau trouble...: petite histoire de la famille Claveau. Jonquière, Éditions Mathias, 1990. 431 p. 570 - DÉSORMEAUX, Guy, Répertoire des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures de Notre-Dame- de-la-Salette et de Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue de Perkins, 1883-1900. Hull, Société de généalogie de l'Outaouais, 1991. xii-220p. 571 - HUDON, Paul-Henri, «Les descendants de Mathurin Beaulieu et de Marie Guéret- Dumont», L'estuaire généalogique, 10,38 (janvier-février-mars 1991): 873-874. 572 - HUDON, Paul-Henri, «Les origines de Joseph Beaulieu», L'estuaire généalogique, 10,38 (janvier-février-mars 1991): 846-861. 573 - LALANDE, Albert, Angrignon: un patronyme peu connu: histoire, répertoire des mariages. Longueuil, A. Lalande, 1988. 67 p. 574 - POIRIER, Patrice, Une grande famille parmi tant d'autres de 1636 à 1990. [Rimouski], P. Poirier, 1990. 289 p. (Poirier) 575 - PONTBRIAND, Benoît, Saint-Antoine de Bienville, 1896-1989. Sillery, Éditions B. Pontbriand, 1990. 117 p. 576 - Répertoire alphabétique des mariages des Canadiens français, 1760-1935. Longueuil, Services généalogiques Claude Drouin, 1989, 1990. 49 vols. 577 - RONDEAU, Jeanne-Berthe, Les Rognon, Laroche et Rochette: descendants de Michel Rognon et Marguerite Lamain. Saint-Romuald, Rondeau-Rancourt, 1990. 245 p. 578 - VIGNEUX, Réjean, Histoire et généalogie des Vigneux de 1702 à 1988. [Anjou?], R. Vigneux [1988?]. 352 p.


579 - CURTIS, Bruce, «Some Recent Work on the History of Literacy in Canada», History of Education Quarterly, 30,4 (hiver 1990): 613-624. VOIR AUSSI: 244.