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Nmmm^^Hhih^HMH nmmm^^HHiH^HMH ____* _-B .3—• „^*i4«V-.". fHB OfffO . ....... ^... SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1960 Over 2500 Attend Sentinel's 1960 Home Service Exposition SENTINEL -Story OnvPage 3 SPORTS GLEAMNGS Poindexter Spoils By BILL BELL • Sports Editor TUB OHIO "Poindaxter Center was repre­ THI PEOPLE'S sented by three teams in tha inter-centcr basketball tourna­ • COLUMBUS HAS been a mecca for sport fans tho past CHAMPION ment sponsored by the City Rec­ week. Central Dist. Class AA basketball tournament has been go­ - reation Dept. being run off at ing on in the Ohio Coliseum since Feb. 28. • Thompson Recreation Center. The Big Ten indoor track and field championships were held I in French fieldhouse at Ohio State Friday night and Saturday. Two of the teams fell by the . wayside after their first encoun­ Monday night the annual Ohio State basketball team banquet was ter. The intermediate boys for­ open to the public for the first time. VOL. 11. No. 40 ta feited their game because of ar­ If that was not.enough to keep the most avid sports fan happy, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1960 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO ! riving late. These were boys all hc had to do was to read about the battle which is raging in the , em whoso ages range from 13-15. Big Ten over whether or not any conference athletic team should Senior boys, 16-18, were over­ be allowed to compete in any meets or games after the conference . powered by Pilgrim's senior season ends, - boys, 65-36. Marshall, • WE SHALL attempt to touch upon all of the above topics POINDEXTER's day of bas­ In the short amount of space here. ketball was not all in vain, for We think Grandview and East are the cream of the district their winning way was upheld by teams, but we do not see either of them as a contender for the the juniors who beat Pilgrim's state title. The truth is that the Columbus area Is weaker, now juniors in a very tight game, 22- than it has been in the last decade. 21. These same juniors came Among winners crowned in the Big Ten field and track cham­ OSCAR ROBERTSON, better known to fans as the ••Big 0" back on Wednesday to defeat the pionships were Tom Robinson of Michigan, who won both the 69 of Cincinnati university's crack cage outfit, was named along Thompson juniors in another . yard dash and 300 yard runs. His time of :06.1 equals the Big with Jerry West of W. Virginia as the two top players of 1960 squeaker, 25-24. Tea record set by Jesse Owens in 1935 and matched by Michigan collegiate basketball by the Associated Press, which announced The juniors play in the semi­ In '36 and by Robinson last year. Tom's time for the 300 was Its All-America selections last week. These two stars topped the finals Monday and if they are :03.4. voting of 329 sportswriters and broadcasters from all parts of successful will vie for the cham­ the country. Robertson, pictured above, polled 311 first place pionship on Wednesday. Here's • BENNIE McRAE, sophomore Michigan halfback, last fall votes ln making All-America for the third straight year. wishing them the best of luck. equalled another conference mark in the 70 yard low hurdles when he skipped over the timbers in :07.8 to tie the mark made by Bob Wright of Ohio State in 1942. McRae lost his chances for a double in the high hurdles when Willie Trains Big Stick For Giants' he hit one and broke his stride. He came in fourth in a blanket finish. Another footballer. John Brown of Iowa, successfully defend­ ed his 440 diadem. Brown beat out Reggie Lagoni, of Indiana, with New High Fence, Long Range Ball Park the time of 48.6. PHOENIX, Ariz. — From all dimensions of 330, 410 and 330 in training camp this season is • FOOTBALL COACH Woody Hayes was the MC for the indications, Willie Mays will ft. from the bsUlig point. any indication of what is to basketball banquet and was In such a good humor that we did carry the big stick in Candle­ The distances never bothered come, Willie will carry the big not hear one d. n and only a few h s. He opened by paying stick park when the Giants meet Willie, but it just figures that stick. tribute to the calibre of boys who composed the squad and prais­ opponents in their new field Willie hasn't been hitting them So far he has hit seven home ing their team spirit and classroom ability. He cited the fact which is beautifully tailored for in California like he used to back runs this sprirffe in batting prac­ the only groups who had a higher scholastic average than the power hitters. The walls are 10 east. tice. basketball team were the honorary societies like Phi Beta Kappa. ft. high aU the way around with However, if his performance Coach Fred Taylor later said the lowest mark on tbe squad was ACCORDING to the record, a 2.4 and the highest was 3.75 out ot a possible 4. ;- J'*-'" '• there is no doubt about Willie's batting strength. He has 250 ca­ « DR. NOVICE G. FAWCETT paid tribute-to the squad but reer home runs and holds a .590 used most of his time to express his sentiments on participation in Moore Sues For 5 Million the NCAA championships, which he said he heartily endorsed and slugging percentage which is N. YORK. — Archie Moore, ner is the German contender tops among National leaguers— counted as part of the regular season. light-heavyweight champion of Moore recently said he was seek­ 12 points higher than Roger He also took a swing at the letter writer who attacked the hir­ the world who had his title ing a go with. Hornsby, the highest inactivein g of Coach Fred Taylor a few days ago in a local daily. snatched from him several days player, and 18 points better than Athletic Dir. Dick Larkins paid tribute to the people behind KEARNS SAID, "The NBA ago by Tony Maceroni, NBA Stan Musial, highest among the the scenes who helped make the season a success. president, is filing suit against has just made Moore No. 1 con­ living diamond performers. Freshman Coach Frank Truitt said, in introducing the fresh­ Mr. Maceroni tor $5 million, ac­ tender for the title he already man team, that last year he was constantly bothered with ques­ cording to. Jack Kearns, noted holds. Moore's earning power Willie went to the Giants in tions about the team, but this year no one has asked him anything fight promoter and co-manager has been damaged and th195e 1 and stole the thunder of the about the rookies. However, he said he can "assure you there i» of Moore. NBA's high handed action should old guard and led the Giants to talent on the 'hatcheleors'," which is the nickname the freshmen interest the Kefauver commit­ .Kearns revealed the planned the pennant. earned for the way they injured th_ varsity in practice. Kenny tee investigating boxing.", suit here Tuesday as he visited HIS PRACTICE batting this Lee was named "chief hatcheteer.'* Lee and Jim Dougherty of North High are the only sepia lads on the freshman squad. San­ here to confer with Humbert J. NBA's executive committee spring reminds one of his activ­ Fugazy over a proposed Moore- was scheduled to meet Saturday, ford Davis is on the Jay Vees. ity in 1954 when he hit 41 homers Eirich Schoeppner world light- probably to discuss a defense for • heavyweight title fight. Schoepp­ the boxer's suit. and led his team to the pennant, • COACH TAYLOR introduced the varsity and paid tribute and In 1955, when he blasted out to each man individually. He also warned the audience that while 51 homers to threaten thc record they expected another great team next year, he was losing five of Hack Wilson, who held the seniors who would be hard to replace: Joe Roberts, Dick Furry, Vermount Bowling John Cedargrcn, Howie Nourse and Dave Barker. National League record with 56. In speaking ot Roberts, Taylor said that two of Joe's great- • GARLAND Equipment, 2; Car Wash, 2743. ' est days were tbe opening game, when the younger members ef Reynelds Hardware, 0. James the team were a little stage frightened. Pharmacy, 2; Burger Beer, 1. • STANDINGS—James Phar­ Belmont Jrs. Play Ciney Bonney Floyd, 2; Roscoe's Car macy", won 54\_, lost 30^, 74*i It was Joe who went nut and got the basket which kept them Wash. 1. points. Roscoe's Car Wash, won Jr. Belmont Club basketball In the game, in the last half at Minnesota, he said it'was Joe's 50. lost 34 . 70 points. Garland rebounding which broke Minnesota's back. He also said that High single (individual), Ro- t team defeated Springfield Cen­ Equipment, won 48"_, lost 35%. many people said Joe did not shoot much, but Joe's value to tbe bie Bullard. 255; Russell Em- ter St. YMCA, 42-40, "in an over­ brey, 247. High three (individ­ 66% points. Reynelds Hardware, tram did not show in the statistics because he was a team play­ time game. Cincinnati will play ual), Russell Embrey, 641; Ro- won 42. lost 42, 52 points. Bonney er. Floyd, won. 33%, lost 50%, 44% Belmont here at Masonic Lodge, CAPACITY CROWD PACKED Ohio State Youth Center at fal-grounds Coliseum Tuesday night for The Ohio Sentinel's 196* Home .Service Exposition and AR.
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