The Bible Vision
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Taylor University Pillars at Taylor University TUFW Alumni Publications Publications for TUFW and Predecessors 5-1-1952 The Bible Vision Fort Wayne Bible College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Fort Wayne Bible College, "The Bible Vision" (1952). TUFW Alumni Publications. 99. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications for TUFW and Predecessors at Pillars at Taylor University. It has been accepted for inclusion in TUFW Alumni Publications by an authorized administrator of Pillars at Taylor University. For more information, please contact Bible NUMBER FELLOWSHIP CIRCLE 45 Seniors to Graduate June 4th Forty-five seniors will receive degrees and diplomas at the annual commencement on June 4. Officers of the class are as follows: Fred Kirk- patrick, president; Harvey Ache, vice-president; Rose Marie Hudson, sec- retary; Dorothy Read, treasurer; Roger Read, chaplain. Those who will receive the Bachelor of Arts in Bible degree are: Har- vey E. Ache, Jr.. Allentown, Pa.; Harold Basehore, Hummelstown, PLACEMENT DIRECTOR Pa.; Charles Crockett, McClure, O.; Emily Figuly, Cleveland, O.; Shir- IS APPOINTED ley Force, Altoona, Pa.; Dale Gerig, Professor Cyril Eicher was ap- Auburn, Ind.; John Hill, Oakwood, pointed by the College Governing O.; Rose Marie Hudson, Indianapolis, Board on March 5 to fill the newly Ind.; Fred Kirkpatrick, Dodge City, created office of Director of Place- ment. Heretofore requests for the Ks.; Virginia Miller, Huntertown, services of graduates were handled Ind.; Roger Read, Hillsdale, Mich.; by various departments, but the Robert Smith, Peoria, 111.; Harold Board concurred in the conviction Sutherland, Metamora, Mich.; Gar- that the time had come to conso'i- eth Wiederkehr, Fort Wayne, Ind.; date placement in a single office. Not only can attention be given to and Milton Wong, Koloa, Kauai, requests that come in, but a catalog Hawaii. can be kept of available personnel steps to Bachelor of Theology. DeWitte and some can be taken make known their availability to Hall, Rocky Mount, N. C; and Wel- employing organizations. burn Smith, Fort Wayne, Ind. Mr. Eicher will welcome inquir- ies from both Bachelor of Religious Educa- alumni and Christian organizations seeking help. tion: Norman Bachand, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Adriana Boender, Hospers, Mich.; Daisy Davis, Foxworth, Miss.; Iowa; Charles Kauffman, Bethlehem, Joy Gerig, Auburn, Ind.; Lois Held. Pa.; and Everett Lee Webb, Judson, Syracuse, Ind.; Edna Heller, Cleve- Ind. land, O.; Shirley Kamberg, Oaklawn, 111.; Esther Lehman, Fort Wayne, Bachelor of Sacred Music: Mary Ind.; Dale Lewis, Venedocia, O.; Howard, Peoria, 111.; Marceil Sum- Elizabeth Mainhood, Coleman, Mich.; ney, Grabill, Ind.; and Roy Tobin, Clarence Nantz, Salem, Ind.; Doro- Three Rivers, Mich. thy Read, Hillsdale, Mich.; Zuma Roberts. Swanton. O.; Abraham Standard Bible: Carol Beerbow- Schierling, Van Nuys, Calif.; Nancy er, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Ernest Bel- Shell. Mechanicsburg, Pa.; Robert ella, Mahaffey. Pa.; Robert Burloy, Skinner, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Mary Berne, Ind.; Eula Compton, Shelby- Carolyn Steiner, Fort Wayne. Ind.; ville. 111.; Donelda Coy. Reading, and Doris Zurfluh, Ridgeway, Pa. Originator of fellowship Circle Remembers His Alma Mater A very useful piece of equipment for the new food service department, a water cooler and dispenser in the dining room, uas contributed by Rev. and Mrs. S. S. Gerig of Turlock. California. Mr. Gerig is an alumnus by virtue of having been a member of the Board, while Mrs. Gerig, nee Sadie: Garman. was a student in the school and a 1913 graduate. Rev. S. S. Gerig has the dis- DON ROHRS ON tinction of having conceived the idea of an alumni organization for what FLYING TRIP HOME was then known as the Fort Wayne Rev. Don Rohrs. 1948. literally Bible Training School. On April 13, made a flying trip from Koloa, 1916, twelve years after the school Hawaii, in the latter part of April. was founded and seven years after As an auxiliary Air Force Chaplain the first class graduated, the idea with the Civil Air Patrol, he was was born. At a regular meeting of sent on an unexpected trip to Wash- the Board on that date with Rev. ington and was able to spend sev- J. E. Ramseyer presiding as Chair- eral days in Fort Wayne and at his man. Mr. Gerig, then a Board mem- home at Hicksville, Ohio. As a for- ber, presented the proposal of an mer member of College vocal groups, alumni association. As an alumnus he had the thrill of attending the of Ohio Northern University (Ada), home concert of the A Cappella he spoke of the benefits of such an Choir on April 20. He and Mrs. organization to both graduates and Rohrs (Faythe Ringenberg) have the institution. After some discus- been in the Islands since 1948 serv- sion, according to the minutes taken ing with the Missionary Church As- by Secretary H. C. Thiessen, Mr. Ger- sociation. ig made a motion that such an or- . (Continued in Col. 1) ganization be formed for graduates and former students of the Bible Training School. The motion was seconded by Pastor A. W. Roffe of Toronto. Canada, and pfter further discussion was passed. At the next session of the Board steps were taken to implement this --'Ction. A committee composed of Rev. J. E. Lauby of Woodburn, Ind., Rev. H. C. Thiessen of Pandora, O., and Rev. B. F. Leightner of Fort Wayne v\ as appointed 1o form an alumni association. Such an organi- zation was "to be brought into being as speedily as possible, full powers (Continued on page 4) Alumni Project flooring F.M. Basement Correlating its efforts with plans recently approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, the Fellowship Circle has adopted as its 1952 project the re-flooring of the basement of Founders' Memorial. It is proposed to lay asphalt tile in the dining room and the room A CAPPELLA CHOIR that adjoins it to the east. The lat- RETURNS FROM ter area serves as a recreation room generally, but is made a part of the SUCCESSFUL TOUR dining room by removing the tem- porary partition on such occasions as The 1952 spring concert tour of the Fellowship Circle banquet. the Fort Wayne Bible College A The present floor is concrete. Cappella Choir was climaxed on Sun- Its hard surface will not hold paint sat- day night, April 20, at a home con- isfactorily, and it makes for consid- cert given before a near-capacity erable noise when chairs are moved. audience in Founders' auditorium. Asphalt tile surfacing will add great- Several missionary churches dis- ly to the appearance and the atmos- missed their services for the event. phere of the dining room. And, from The choir, under Professor Oli- a practical point of view, it will fac- ver Steiner's capable direction, pre- ilitate cleaning the floor. sented 20 full concerts and 2 radio broadcasts in their 1979-mile trek of A drive is being made by mail five states through the East, singing among all the F. C. members, and it in both churches and schools during is hoped that by the time of the ban- the 16-day mission. quet enough funds will be in hand They sang to capacity crowds in to pay for the entire project. presenting the gospel through sac- red classics, spirituals, hymns, solos, Originator of Fellowship and testimonies. Some 15 souls were Remembers Alma Mater known to have accepted Christ eith- (Continued from page er at the close of the concerts or 3) through personal work after the con- being given the Committee to take certs. Other conversions as a result such steps as may be found necessary of the choir are still being reported, to effect its purpose." besides the spiritual uplift and re- Of interest is the fact that Mr. newed vision that was brought to Gerig is the only survivor among Christians. those mentioned as having had a part The tour extended to points in in founding the Fellowship Circle, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, but each one was a distinguished and Maryland. The choir sang in Christian leader whose memory the Y.F.C. meetings and churches of the Fellowship Circle cherishes. following denominations: Congrega- tional Christian, Methodist, Mission- morning was started with an extend- ary, Evangelical United Brethren, ed period of devotions. Prayer meet- Presbyterian, Christian Baptist, and ings were held while traveling on the Christian Missionary Alliance. bus and before each concert. All Prayer meetings keynoted the agreed that it was one of the finest spiritual success of the tour, Each spiritual experiences of their lives. : tt Haoe We Visitors from Space?** A Postscript In a recent issue of Life an ar- 3. They are not a Russian do- ticle v\as published by H. B. Dar- xclopment. rack, Jr.. and Robert Ginna on what 4. They are not distortions of was claimed to be the first authentic the atmosphere resulting from atom- disclosure on the strange phenomena ic activity. known as "flying saucers." The article was entitled "Have We Vis- 5. They are not all Skyhook baloons. itors from Space?" According to the authors, the U. S. Air Force made With these explanations rejected, known the fact that it maintains there appears to be only one hy- constant intelligence investigation pothesis to explain the phenomena, and study of unidentified aerial ob- and the authors of the article cite jects. The case was reviewed in the startling conclusion of two lead- more than a year of sifting and ing scientists to substantiate the weighing of all reports of unex- theory. The objects are not of earth plained aerial phenomena—from the ly origin and they are directed by so-called flying saucers to the mys- superhuman intelligences.