THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLII (Raff Wrote Something in Approval! PCBLIBHED EVE1T SATURDAY Trade of Speculative Writers
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m m Till Methodist Christian AdvoSt/uietueameius upon thithiss favorite stock in bfour institutions undertake to setting out the olive branch to tbeirltime the proportion of Catholic THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLII (raff wrote something in approval! PCBLIBHED EVE1T SATURDAY trade of speculative writers. When [up a dancing academy, a trainingHseparated brethren, some of whom! school children increases to the ex* AT lof the efforts of Cardinal LttvigefiJ asked as to his own candidature for' ;hool for base ball nines, or to mainfl*re cordially responding. We, there teat of 21 in 1,000, it is obvious C8BHER OF FIFTH AYE. AND GRANT STB EE nod those who co-operate with hittq ithe Pontifical throne, in the event that in a measurable di stance of time •tain a race course and a ground f< wore, hope that Mr. Edmunds will {Entrance on Fifth Avenue.) (in endeavors to suppress the Afri- po much spoken of, the great Cardi Catholicity will once more become the instruction of polo players. All] (withdraw his measure entirely, orj the creed of the majority of the peo- TERMS, IN ADVANCE. gcan slave-trade. This brought outj pal replied that, in the first place |of these, too, are really more need-j •else take away from it the religious ple of Prussia, the same as it ha» 1 eopy. by nail, per year la sharp letter from Rev. W II phe Papal See was not vacant, and! 1 oopy, tor six month» J id than the proposed National TJniJ ¡clause we have criticized. •always been that of the people of Bingto copies : [Morse, finding serious fault witij Khat there was nothing to show that [versify, Tha public money expendJ Bavaria, and Baden. The Prussian Single copies for Bale at the Catholic It he Adiwatr'» remarks. This man| hook «tore«. Ithe present Pope would not live ten' d on them would not be so utterly GERMAN ADVICES. Government are doing all tbey can ]Morse must be one of these narrow years longer, lie hoped indeed tha |to increase the number of Protest- All Honey Order», Drafts, Chocks, pasted as it would be if laid out foJ 4 Communications should be addressed to gminded people who can see no pos-j be would do so. In the second! A coNTJtAGT for thirty-six large®**» teachers, but even this tendency hat purpose. .... Even if a Na-I Ibas not prevented the Catbdtft sible good outside of their own sect. [place Italy, which claimed fifty Car runs, to cost 4,500,000 mark", had CATHOLIC PUBLISHING COMPANY,) 1ioua l University were needed ¡nB^15 concluded with the Krupps byj Iteaehers of Prussia from mustering iinals out of the seventy, whereas his country, and Senator Ed-J he Chinese Government. «now 24 stronger than they did in PITTSBURGH, PA. Sco&Es and scores of times bavej France could only count seven I lund's project could ¡be carried oud Da. JOSEPH PALIS A, a surgeon on] ¡Protestant voices been upraised, would not be likely to renounce the] SATURDAY DEC. 14, 1889. fter the most scholarly and scienti-l the reserve list of the Austrian ar- ind eyes raised heavenward in hol.yj LATEST FROM IRELAND. »repondersnce which this majority J),, pian, it is not the function of the my, and formerly President of the! horror, because in the Catholka CHURCH CALENDAR. had given her for the last three hun Federal Government to undertake Austrian Catholic Society, ha-3 Church, it may have become a pain-! I IT is estimated that there are now »ntered the Jesuit novitiate. DKCKMBKB. red years. "You can understand,' he enterprise." quarter of a million Irish ia LOB- Saturday, 14, Of the Octave, s. d. ful necessity to excommunicate some be added, "that she would not give Sunday, IS, Third of Advent. a. d. Our contemporary proceed A GREAT sensation has been pro-l LOD Monday, 16, St. Eusebius, It. M. ». d unworthy member. Within the las- up this advantage with equanimity '"•duced at Brussels by an article ini THE subscription to the Tuesday, 17, Of the Feria. week, in some Protestant body one oint out that there is no earthly the Frankfort Zeitung to the effect Tenant's Wednesday, IN, Km her 1 lav ; Fasi i Kt J Therefore the next Pope, whoeve eed or demand for such an institu- phat King Leopold must be cautious [Defense Fund has been opened at pectation ot the Delivery of the Blessed) minister was suspended, and anoth- l»e may be; will be an Italian, and! [Longford, and is having very great ThursdayVirgin, 19Mary, Of ,th egr Ferla. d. tion, since there are already four or If he desires to retain his throne. Friday, JO, limber Day. (faM.) Vigil of] er excommunicated, for not living luccess. rcumstances being as they are, it five existing Colleges possessing the St Thomas, Ap. Of the Peri ip to the "standards." And a1 1 THE Belgian Minister of Justice| Saturday, 31, Ember Day. (Ausi.) St I is as absurd to talk of a French has drafted a bill proposing to de IT is proposed to build another Thomas, Apostle, d. 3d ol [Mih\ aukee, in a com enti n of Con [means to develop into secular Uni- Pope [and he might have added, an| prive unworthy parents of the guar-J Rot of laborer's cottages in tbe Naas fregationalists, a majority convict] versities as soon as they are called [Union, under tbe provisions of tbe FORTY HOURS' DEVOTION. American—En.] being the succc Mian-hip of their children, to edu- ted a brother minister of Oshkosh off For. Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, cate depraved children and to abatej [Laborer's Act. The Devotion of the Forty Hours, in hon-| por of Leo XIII., as to dream and Johns Hopkins have respective-! or of the Most Holy Sacrament, in the Di< |heresy ! No comment is needed. crime and prostitution.^ THE publisher of the Munater Ex~ oese of Pittsburgh will be held as follows:- seizing the moon with one's teeth iy property ranging in value fromj IN Austria a great snow-Stornj I/ has been sentenced to two DECEMBER. 14,000,000 to $9,000,000, with inJ pnontbe imprisonment for reporting A MISTAKEN idea prevails to a pail s.-.-!, raging Monday f.-r thirty- Sunday, 18, St. James', Wilkinsburg. meeting at which boycotting was Wednesday, 18* St. , Leicenring. IS ITALY CONTENTED? pomes of $300,000 to $400,000, six hours, seriously impeding rail- greater extent than it should, that tdvocated. Friday, 30, St Keiran's, Pittsburgh. The Catholic New$ of New Yorkj way traffic. Three thousand sweep-) Sunday, 22, St. George's, Allentown. each Catholic newspaper is the or- while their friends are ready to give Wednesday, 25, St. ——, (German) Mc-j :ity gave near two columns, last! |th( ?m more, whenever tbey desire tq ers and twenty-four snow-ploughs! ARCHBISHOP CHOKE has subscrib- Keeaport. fan of the Bishop within whose bave been unable to clear the tracks! Friday, ZJ, Holy Name, West Newton. |week coming from its ow n regular) lake on the robes of Universities.— sd $250 to the Tenant's Defense Sunday, 29, St; John's, Frugality. [diocese it is published. To show In the neighborhood of Vienna. [League and warmly endorses tbe correspondent at Rome, on the con- Three of these institutions maintain jhow erroneous tins is it is only nec- A WARSAW correspondent of thej [new movement Mr. T M llealv, dition of Italy and its people. The Several Universitiy features at great THR Fridays of Advent are ]'"!»/i.<f/ie <,'t>rmt]Mtnti?nz confirm« [M. P., has subscribed $500. [writer gives an abundance of fact.* ¡cost; but even though they actually days of fasting. •in view of this very matter, taken! the report about the fresh massing AT the recent ordinations at the -all going to show that the Italian] pay the students, their present need] Jby the Third Plenary Council oil of Russian cavalry along the Au« [Irish College in Rome, the Rev nvpktioB ¡- In dreadful itntita Is the want of young men willing to trian frontier. Strong bodies "t| SINCE "Ohio men" are practically ¡Baltimore. The prelates there as- (Hugh McGrath, of the Westmeatb The people are a prey to poverty, ievote several years of their lives cavalry, he says have moved forj liocese, was ordained priest On ignored by the occupants of thej sembled decreed that Catholic Bish- ward towards the frontier during pnd, are discontented; and as a con- to the acquirement of knowledge for Ithe same occasion deaconship was- White House, may we not concludi >ps ought not and should not make ihe past few days, and so grouped! sequence, are leaving Italy in thou-j knowledge- sake alone, and without conferred upon the Rev. P Flvnn. that the country is go to—"tb< themselves responsible for anything! ps to considerably increase thd dso of that diocese. sands. A few weeks ago, in on ny practical views as to an after dogs!" published except what they write! Strength of the detachments facing] week, 2,000 people left Genoa fo pareer. * Ihe Austrian frontier towns. MR. MACDOJJALD, the manager of Í >ver their own names and in the South America. (the London Times, is dead, lie BKTWEEN Private Dalzell of the lischarge of the duties of their sa- We dwell upon this feature of the THE highly respected and venera- [was a witness in the Parliamentary ble parish priest of Minoritenkirche, Republican fold, and Allen O.I Icred office. The oppressive load of taxatio&Hcase because a National University (inquiry into the source of the Times' Bonn, who has just died, was a| Myers of the Ohio Democracy, poliJ ns doing this, Under the rule of has been projected as a theory be- bretended documents incriminating brother of the notorious "Old Cath-I ties for the next year or two bids WE have often held and the trutW Ithe Popes, the taxes were light.