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2012 www.neimagazine.com 中国增刊 special issue

中国核反应堆市场:P.20 The Chinese market: p.22

AP1000 反应堆如何应对全厂断电:P.10 How the AP1000 reactor responds to station blackout: p.13

前端燃料循环市场概况:P.30 Front-end fuel cycle market overview: p.34 020_021neiChina2012 chinese reactor dev v2-SC.qxd 24/02/2012 11:05 Page 20



中国在民用核电反应堆发展方面所采取的做法将决定其整个核电计划在今后相当长时间内的发展 方向。本文围绕中国今后十年的部署方案对国产及进口这两种做法进行了分析。撰稿:Jonathan Hinze 和 Yun Zhou

于中国在当今世界占据的 采用了这一压水堆技术。事实上, 技术选择方面存在很大不同。例 重要地位,值得一提的是 CNP-600 反应堆设计(CNP-300 如,中国广东核电集团 (CGNPC) 鉴,从二十世纪八十年代中 反应堆的后续版本)也是借鉴了大 青睐于选择 CPR-1000 反应堆,因 国商用核电计划开始到 2000 年左 亚湾核电站早期所建造机组的各种 为其在本地化进程中已做出了多年 右结束,中国在反应堆技术领域的 技术特性。这种进口设计与当地设 努力。这也是该公司目前正和其法 发展步伐相当缓慢。商用核计划早 计相结合的反应堆技术理念目前仍 国合作伙伴(阿海珐集团和法国电 期的一个重要决定是专注于压水反 在采用。 力公司 (EDF))一起,积极开发第 应堆 (PWR) 技术 - 此决定应归功于 三代先进 CPR-1000(即 ACPR- “中国核计划鼻祖”中国前总理李 现状 1000)反应堆的重要原因。而积极 鹏同志。 中国目前反应堆部署方式的一个重 开发第三代先进也是为了满足福岛 中国很早便掌握了自主研发的小 要情况是:尽管标准化被视为高效 核事故后对核电站运营提出的新的 型压水反应堆设计技术,并在建造 且经济的建造计划的一项重要因 安全要求。中国核工业集团公司 大亚湾核电站期间通过从法马通 素,但目前在建的反应堆采用了 4 (CNNC) 和中国电力投资集团公司 () 公司(现名阿海珐集 种不同的设计技术,而且在 2020 (CPIC) 等核电公司也采取了类似的 团 ())进口首个压水反应堆 年前至少会出现 6 种用于其他建设 做法,侧重于部署 AP1000 反应 积累了宝贵经验。从始于大亚湾核 开工情况的不同技术构想(参见表 堆。这得益于他们的合作伙伴国家 电站的本地化进程,再到最新的岭 1)。因此,简言之,在技术选择 核电技术公司 (SNPTC) 通过与西屋 澳二期工程,预示着中国已首次成 上,中国推崇一定合理程度上的多 电气公司签订技术转让协议、以及 功完成现代核反应堆技术各个方面 样性;但在现实中,特定新项目选 在该反应堆设计的本地化过程中所 的整合。中国二十年的本地化进程 择哪些设计技术取决于众多因素。 付出的巨大努力。 成就了 CPR-1000(M310 +)反应 由于篇幅所限,本文无法对这一 最后,不断增长的能源需求推动 堆设计技术,它是采用157 组燃料 复杂问题进行详尽阐述,只能重点 了在中国加快部署反应堆的需求, 组件的法国压水反应堆系列产品的 介绍一下其中的一些主要因素。首 这就造成了目前全国各地的众多实 高级版本.在法国有 34 个反应堆均 先, 核电公司/项目所有者在反应堆 体采用各种设计技术的局面。然

表 1:中国民用核电反应堆设计及其项目状态

反应堆设计 类型 发展阶段 MWe(总输出)* 设计商/供应商 已运行的机组 在建机组 拟建机组

CNP-300 压水堆 第二代 300 SNERDI/CNNC 1 0 0 CNP-600 压水堆 第二代 650 SNERDI/CNNC 3 3 0 CANDU 6 重水堆 第二代以上 728 AECL 2 0 0 CPR-1000 (M310+) 压水堆 第二代以上1,080 CGNPC (AREVA) 6 18 ~12 ACP-1000 压水堆 第三代 ~1,100 CNNC (NPIC) 0 0 ~20 ACPR-1000 压水堆 第三代 ~1,100 CGNPC 0 0 ~20 VVER-1000 (AES-91) 压水堆 第三代 1,060 Atomstroyexport 2 0 2 AP1000 压水堆 第三代以上 1,200 Westinghouse/SNPTC 0 4 ~20 EPR 压水堆 第三代以上 1,700 AREVA 0 2 ~4 总计 14 27 ~78


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而,国家规划部门显然更希望形成 核事故后新出台的监管制度中的任 市场报告 一种标准化的方法,其类似于法国 何规定来确定。出于地缘政治方面 在二十世纪八十年代和九十年代初 的考虑,最近签约田湾核电站的两 2012 年年初,Ux 咨询公司 期快速扩张过程中所实施的整体核 座新俄罗斯 VVER-1000 反应堆将 (UxC) 发布了一份重要的新报 计划。但要提醒大家的是,中国是 不在此限,也不会成为未来其他核 告,对中国整个核能产业进行了 一个大国,具有不同的政治环境和 电站的首选。在 AP1000 反应堆方 分析,并着重分析了福岛事件对 意识形态,这可能会导致决策过程 面,中国政府明显希望利用国家核 中国商用核能发展前景的影响。 的复杂和不透明。 电技术公司经过本地化的西屋电气 该报告由中国核燃料供应、反应 公司的设计方案来部署更多机组, 堆的建设步伐以及监管框架等多 福岛核事故的影响 但对在三门和海阳核电站首批四个 个部分组成。 显而易见,自二十世纪七十年代末 机组竣工前就开始进行大规模新 做出部署商用反应堆的决策至今, AP1000 反应堆建造也存有顾虑。 中国一直保持着稳步的发展步伐。 广东核电集团似乎也同意再增加两 床模块 (HTR-PM) 反应堆的商业部 尽管该计划过去曾历经潮起潮落, 座或四座阿海珐集团提供的欧洲压 署似乎颇为利好。这一小型高温气 但最近的动态显示了迅速扩张时期 水堆 (EPR),但在台山两个欧洲压 体反应堆设计以在北京清华大学运 的到来,中国将在多个新反应堆设 水堆竣工前也存在同样的顾虑问题。 行的实验用球床反应堆为基础,有 计中投入大量资源。然而,日本福 最终,中国将设法摆脱对于外国 望于今年下半年在山东石岛湾厂址 岛核事故明显改变了这些发展计 反应堆技术的严重依赖,但福岛核 开始首次建造。尽管高温气冷堆球 划。中国政府已表示,自 2011 年 事故所造成的影响也意味着,中国 床模块今后有可能会在更大范围内 3 月起暂停所有新建设项目,为今 对这些国际厂商的依赖不会像在 进行部署,但这一过程所需的时间 后的所有反应堆项目制定全新安全 2011 年 3 月前那样迫切。中国将 可能会超出项目赞助方的预期,该 标准,而且不会再采用福岛核事故 无法像某些国际公司所希望的那样 项目的主要投资方为中国华能集团。 前设想的计划流程。根据中国在福 ,进口尽可能多的反应堆。此外, 福岛核事故导致的新反应堆部署 岛核事故后做出的监管审查,运行 在福岛核事故发生后,从较早的第 项目停滞的确延缓了核能计划的实 中的反应堆和在建中的反应堆似乎 二代加国产设计向较新的第三代国 施,但也为主要的行业利益相关者 无需进行重大重新设计,但是重大 内设计的转变趋势可能更快。因 提供了更多机会,使他们更为关注 设计变化将会在中国新的反应堆技 此,我们可以得出以下观点:福岛 于解决和反应堆设计有关的关键技 术选择过程中体现出来。 核事故将导致中国的国内设计快速 术问题。核安全是确保所有新核电 首先要注意的是,目前中国的核 增长,超出 2011 年 3 月前预计的 站项目顺利实施的重要前提,因此 计划仍然处于不确定时期,等今年 速度。 中国的反应堆选择过程为所有那些 上半年中国政治领导人的换届完成 将要展开的另一过程是各种先进 希望了解这一重要计划未来发展前 后,我们才能知道以下方面的最终 反应堆设计的开发,无论是根据以 景的人们提供了许多真知灼见。在 决定,即近期将批准哪些项目以及 前的国内技术进行设计还是采用进 哪些反应堆设计将成为未来十年的 新的安全法规将对中国反应堆的长 口设计。我们制作了一个比较详细 主导选项方面,仍存在诸多疑问, 期发展前景产生哪些影响。目前已 的列表来专门介绍这些概念,然而 但这些选择将对中国核能计划的所 规划了很长时间的若干 CPR-1000 现在预测每个项目的进展和成果可 有其他方面也会造成涟漪效应。最 (M310+) 反应堆项目似乎仍会获得 能还有点为时过早。最为活跃的活 终,鉴于中国将毋庸置疑地继续扩 批准,特别是在已建造类似机组的 动似乎仍离不开以下设计:ACP- 大其核电装机容量,我们坚信,在 厂址(如红沿河、宁德和阳江) 1000 和 ACPR-1000 反应堆设计以 反应堆技术方面做出的选择将成为 上。中国核工业集团公司 (CNNC) 及 CAP-1400 反应堆设计。前两者 影响中国整个核电计划长期发展方 新的 ACP-1000 反应堆设计似乎也 基本上是目前采用的 CPR-1000 向最关键的因素之一。最后,中国 将获得批准,该公司可能会在未来 (M310+) 反应堆设计的增强版,后 在反应堆技术方面付出的努力将居 几年内凭借这一设计获得更多新项 者则是目前采用的 AP1000 反应堆 于中国核能计划的最前沿,同时我 目,首批工程包括福清核电站的 5 设计的增强版。 们预计,中国将继续与全球反应堆 号和 6 号机组。 我们尚未提及的另一个主题是中 设计和供应链行业保持强有力的互 进口反应堆设计所面临的情况虽 国各种第四代设计方案的开发。在 动,促进核电事业朝着可持续的方 然各不相同,但也不太可能由福岛 此列表的顶部,首个高温气冷堆球 向顺利发展。


Power market developments

China’s commercial reactors

China’s approach to civil reactor development will determine the overall tenor of its nuclear power programme long into the future. Its approach, both domestically and through imports, is analyzed, with a focus on the next decade of deployment. By Jonathan Hinze and Yun Zhou

onsidering China’s place in the world M310+, which is a significantly advanced difference in the reactor technology today, it is worth noting that the version of the 157 fuel assembly PWR series selection. For example, China Guangdong C pace of reactor technology deployed at 34 reactors in France. In fact, the Nuclear Power Company’s (CGNPC) affinity development in China was rather slow from CNP-600 design, which was the successor to for the CPR-1000 is natural given the many the beginning of the commercial nuclear the CNP-300, borrowed numerous technical years of efforts it has placed in the power program in the 1980s through around features from the early units built at Daya localization process. This may also be the 2000. An important early decision was to Bay. This cross-fertilization of reactor reason why it is now aggressively pursuing focus the commercial nuclear program solely technology concepts between the imported development of the Generation III advanced on pressurized water reactor (PWR) designs and local designs is still happening CPR-1000 (i.e. the ACPR-1000) with its technology – a decision that is credited to the today. French partners – Areva and EDF – as a “grandfather of China’s nuclear program,” result of the new post-Fukushima safety former Premier Li Peng. Current status requirements. A similar approach can be Early on, China was able to master its A crucial aspect of China’s current reactor seen with the China National Nuclear own smaller PWR design and also gained deployment approach is the fact that while Corporation (CNNC) and China Power valuable experience through the first PWRs standardization is viewed as an important Investment Corporation (CPIC) utilities, to be imported from Framatome (now Areva) element of an efficient and economic which are focused primarily now on at Daya Bay. The CNP-300 reactor deployed construction program, there are currently deploying additional given the at Qinshan Phase I, which was based on the four different designs under construction and strong efforts made so far by their partner reactor designed by at least six different technologies envisioned State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation China’s military for its submarines, was an for additional construction starts that will (SNPTC) in localizing that design through important first step in Chinese reactor occur before 2020 (see Table 1). Thus, a technology transfers from Westinghouse. development and was led by Shanghai simple conclusion would be that China Ultimately, the need for a rapid pace of Nuclear Engineering Research and Design values a reasonable level of diversity in its deployment of reactors in China to keep up Institute (SNERDI). The localization efforts technology selections, but the reality is that with additional energy demand has meant that began at Daya Bay and which were there are numerous factors at play in that we are currently seeing numerous followed through to the latest Lingao Phase 2 deciding which designs are chosen for designs being built by numerous entities project represents the first successful specific new projects. around the nation. While the intent by the integration of nearly every aspect of modern This complex issue is not easily reviewed national planners was clearly to have a nuclear reactor technology by China. The in this brief article, but there are some key standardization approach similar to the result of this two-decade localization process factors that can be highlighted. First, the monolithic French nuclear program seen was the CPR-1000 design, also known as the utility/owner of the project makes a big during its rapid expansion in the 1980s and

Table 1: Civil nuclear power reactor designs in China, and their project status

Reactor Design Type Generation MWe (gross)* Designer/Supplier Units Units Under Units Operating Construction Planned

CNP-300 PWR Gen II 300 SNERDI/CNNC 1 0 0 CNP-600 PWR Gen II 650 SNERDI/CNNC 3 3 0 CANDU 6 PHWR Gen II+ 728 AECL 2 0 0 CPR-1000 (M310+) PWR Gen II+ 1,080 CGNPC (Areva) 6 18 ~12 ACP-1000 PWR Gen III ~1,100 CNNC (NPIC) 0 0 ~20 ACPR-1000 PWR Gen III ~1,100 CGNPC 0 0 ~20 VVER-1000 (AES-91) PWR Gen III 1,060 Atomstroyexport 2 0 2 AP1000 PWR Gen III+ 1,200 Westinghouse/SNPTC 0 4 ~20 EPR PWR Gen III+ 1,700 Areva 0 2 ~4 Totals 14 27 ~78 *Note that there are slight variations in electric power generating capacity among reactors of the same design depending on specific operating parameters and features at the individual power plants.


Power market developments

early 1990s, it is worth remembering that before the first four at Sanmen and Haiyang Market report China is a much larger country with a are completed. CGNPC is also likely to agree different political environment and ideology, to an addition two or four EPRs from Areva, In early 2012, the Ux Consulting Company which could cause a much more complicated but the same situation in terms of waiting for (UxC) released a major new report analyzing and opaque decision-making process. the first two Taishan EPRs to be completed the entire nuclear energy industry in China, applies. with emphasis on analyzing the impacts of the Fukushima effects Eventually, China will look to wean itself Fukushima accident on China’s commercial China has clearly been on a steady from purely foreign reactor technology, but nuclear prospects. The report includes development pace since it made the decision the Fukushima effects mean that a reliance analysis of China’s supply, reactor to deploy commercial reactors in the late on these international vendors is unlikely to construction pace and regulatory framework, 1970s. While the program has seen ebbs and be as fast as it could have been prior to among other sections. flows over the years, the most recent history March 2011. Still, China will not import as is clearly one of rapid expansion with many reactors as some international significant resources put towards multiple companies may hope, and in the post- conjunction with Russia, it appears that new reactor designs. However, the Fukushima environment, it appears that the commercial-scale FBRs are far from Fukushima accident in Japan has clearly trend to shift from the older Gen II+ domestic becoming a reality. This is reflected in the altered many of these plans. By halting all designs to newer Gen III domestic designs Chinese authorities’ own projections that new construction projects since March 2011 might occur much quicker. Thus, one FBRs are only meant to be used on a large and establishing new safety standards for all argument that can be made is that scale in the post-2040 era. future reactor projects, China’s government Fukushima will cause China’s domestic has indicated that the process envisioned designs to rise faster than what was Conclusion prior to Fukushima can no longer be expected prior to March 2011. There is so much happening in China that it followed. Since operating reactors and those The other process that is still unfolding is is nearly impossible to do justice to all the under construction appear to have been the development of various advanced reactor important aspects of its nuclear power spared from any major re-engineering as a designs based either on previous domestic program. While the post-Fukushima standstill result of the Chinese post-Fukushima technology or imported designs. There is a on new reactor deployment may be seen as regulatory reviews, it is in the new reactor relatively long list of these concepts out having slowed the program, it has also technology selection process where the there, and it is still a bit too early to tell the offered opportunities for the main industry critical shifts are being felt. pace and success of each of these projects. stakeholders to focus their attention on the First and foremost, it is important to note Still, it does appear that the most aggressive critical technology issues associated with that these are still uncertain times in the activity will be on both the ACP-1000 and reactor designs. With nuclear safety as the Chinese nuclear program, and it may not be ACPR-1000 designs, which are basically paramount premise for all new nuclear plant until the new Chinese political leadership enhanced versions of the current CPR-1000 projects, China’s reactor selection process will be installed later this year that we know (M310+) design, as well as the CAP-1400, offers all of those looking to understand the about the final decisions made in terms of which is basically an enhanced version of future of this critical program many valuable which projects will be approved in the near- the current AP1000 design. It would seem insights. term as well as what the impacts of new that any discussion of even more advanced There are still many questions about safety regulations will be on China’s long- reactor designs (e.g. the CAP-1700, CPR- which reactor designs will take hold as the term reactor growth prospects. It appears 1700, etc.) is less connected to the current dominant options for the coming decade, but that a certain number of existing CPR-1000 realities in China and expresses desires for these selections will have ripple effects on all (M310+) projects that have been planned for long-term reactor technology development other aspects of China’s nuclear program. quite some time could still be approved, unlikely to be feasible in the coming decade. The future direction of the country’s nuclear especially at sites where similar units are One topic that we have not addressed is fuel cycle will naturally be influenced, already under construction (e.g. Hongyanhe, the development of various Generation IV especially in terms of the fuel fabrication Ningde, and Yangjiang). It also appears that designs in China. At the top of this list, the sector. The level of involvement of CNNC’s new ACP-1000 design will be given commercial deployment of the first HTR-PM international vendors in the reactor supply the green light, and CNNC is likely to pursue reactors is looking quite positive. This small chain will also be heavily determined by new projects with this design in the coming high temperature, gas reactor design based these design selections. Various aspects of years with the first of these units at Fuqing 5 on an experimental pebble-bed reactor the back-end of the fuel cycle will also be and 6. operating at Tsinghua University in Beijing, influenced. The situation for the imported reactor will likely see its first construction beginning Ultimately, given that there is no doubt designs is varied, but this is less likely to be later this year at the Shidaowan site in about China’s continuing efforts to expand its determined by anything resulting from the Shandong Province. While the HTR-PM may nuclear power capacity, we strongly believe new post-Fukushima regulatory regime. The be deployed on a wider scale in the future, that the choices made in terms of reactor two new Russian VVER-1000s recently this process is likely to take more time than technologies will be one of the most critical contracted for the Tianwan plant will be hoped for by the sponsors of the project, factors in determining the overall direction of grandfathered in due to geopolitical which is financed mainly by China Huaneng China’s nuclear power program long into the considerations and not as a top choice for Group. Finally, the development of fast future. While the Chinese domestic efforts on additional future plants. In terms of the breeder reactors (FBR) in China is important reactor technology will be at the forefront of AP1000, there is obvious intent to deploy to consider when looking at the long-term the nuclear program, we also anticipate that large numbers of additional units with future of the country’s nuclear power there will continue to be strong interaction SNPTC’s localized Westinghouse design, but program. However, beyond the experimental with the global reactor design and supply there are also concerns about beginning CEFR unit currently operating and the chain industry to support a successful and large-scale construction on new AP1000s prototype larger unit to be developed in sustainable growth path.

China Supplement 2012 www.neimagazine.com | NUCLEAR ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL 23