

Al Ewing,Cullen Bunn,Nathan Edmondson | 528 pages | 14 Jun 2016 | | 9781302901240 | English | New York, United States Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe by Al Ewing

They demanded to know who dared stand before them, and Doom presented Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe. Meanwhile, on EarthNick Fury was making the final arrangements for the upcoming and final incursionand soon after sent all of S. The fleet arrived to the incursion point, the Manhattan of Earth and started firing at it. Numerous heroes tried to fend off the attackers. At the Baxter BuildingMister Fantastic was finishing getting ready the 's Life Raft to be used to save a small portion of humanity. The from Earth deployed the Iron Man Six weapon, but the tide of the battle is turned in favor of the heroes of the Marvel Universe when the Guardians of the Galaxy and ' Sentinels arrived to help. Once the Triskelion fell, the deployed the Children of Tomorrow to attack. After the vessel transporting the Earth's "resurrection team" was destroyed by the Children, Mr. Fantastic was forced to put the life raft in action. The Cabal and the Maker were also able to create their own raft, with stolen designs from the original. As Earth's life raft approached to Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe central point of the Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe, it suffered a hull breach, causing the portion containing the Richards family to drift away. The tried to reconnect it to the rest of the structure, but failed, and it was destroyed. The rest of the life raft teleported away as the two universes collided and were destroyed. Elsewhere, in another world, a gathering of alternate versions of witnessed the ceremony held at Doomgard in which the Thor of Higher Avalon joined their ranks. Old Man Thor and the new Thor set out to do justice. Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Utopolisthe Foundation discovered one of the life rafts, partially buried in the ground. After being found guilty of allying himself with King Hyperionthe Baron of Utopolis, Sinister demanded his right of meeting his accuser in the arena. Before Sinister could deliver the final blow, Doom stopped the fight. Doom confronted Braddock, who apparently had helped the Kingdom of Manhattan in planning to overthrown Doom. Jamie Braddock revealed himself to be the traitor, and he was sent to the to be punished by being exiled to one of the deadliest domains of the world, the Deadlands. After the trial was held, Valeria von Doom informed Sheriff Stephen Strange about the Foundation's discovery, and that the readings from it concluded it would date from before the "beginning of time" when Doom created this world. The Thors investigated the life raft, and from it emerged the Cabal, who immediately killed the Old Thor. When demanded one of the Moloids present in the scene to inform them of their location, the Moloid revealed they were Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe . The routine was interrupted by Doom, who dismissed the reports, and felt something was wrong with Stephen. Strange and Doom started discussing the nature of Battleworld and what was before it, when the Sheriff was interrupted by news from Doomgard. Sheriff Strange traveled to UtopolisSecret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe investigate the life raft and the of the Old Thor. After sending the Thor Corps to scout for the strangers, Strange revealed the existence of another person still inside the life raft, the Spider-Man of Earth At one of the towers of Castle Doom, Sue met with Emperor Doom, where Victor ultimately confessed he felt he was failing his duty as a god, he felt he wasn't capable of properly inspiring his people, Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe even though Battleworld is the perfect world he wanted, he considered himself its only flaw, which included the scars on his face, which he hadn't been able to cure. Sue repudiated Victor's claims and praised him, suggesting him that to create a stronger link with his people he should establish contact with them. Strange revealed he had found a vessel similar to the raft the Cabal had came from three years ago. Once it was opened, the survivors from the side of Earth were revealed. Strange greeted the other inhabitants of his native universe, specially his fellow , Black Panther and Mr. When questioned, Strange revealed eight years had passed since the last incursion, and the creation of Battleworld, a patchwork planet constructed with the remnants of incursion points between collapsing worlds, where nobody remembered their past lives. In Utopolis, night had fallen and the Cabal had made a fire, and a few moments later, they were pinned down by the Thor Corps, [3] and engaged with them in combat. Meanwhile, Sheriff Strange explained to the new-found survivors that when Doom and him confronted the , they were able to kill them, and while Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe didn't, Doom took their power for himself and used it to build Battleworld from the remains of the Multiverse. The hammer of the Thor from Higher Avalon started glowing, meaning he was being called for battle. Shortly after Doom was informed of the conflict against the Cabal, Strange and the heroes from Earth stepped in and turned the tide of the battle in favor of the Thor Corps. Doom remained unwilling to take part of the conflict until he saw Mr. Fantastic in the scene, he immediately teleported to Utopolis, and stopped the fray, demanding the newcomers to recognize his authority. Cyclops tried to best Doom, but was killed with little effort. To prevent Doom from prejudicially acting upon the interlopers, Stephen used his magic to teleport them away. Following the disappearance of the Cabal and the heroes from Earth, Doom confronted Strange for disobeying him, and ultimately killed him after Stephen accused him of being afraid of Richards. The following day, a funeral was held for Stephen Strange in Doomstadtwith the cause of his death kept a secret by Doom himself. Once the dusk had fallen, Doom tasked Valeria to use the resources of the Foundation to find the interlopers who had been scattered across the world, denying to provide any more information than that. Once Valeria left, Doom opened a portal below a statue in his garden, walking down a set of stairs to meet the Molecule Man and informed him of Strange's death. During Doom's mission to thwart the 's plan by killing Molecule Men across the universe, he also captured countless of them. When he confronted the Beyonders, Doom unleashed the Molecule Men's power to kill them, while the Molecule Man acted as a conduit to steal their power and give it to Doom. The Molecule Man finished his chat with Doom by informing him that with Strange's death, he had most likely started an unraveling that could take everyone down. Back on Doomstadt, the Department of Science of the Foundation set out to find the interlopers. Three weeks later, Battleworld was in disarray, with disorder having escalated into open rebellion in several kigdoms, with somebody called "the Prophet" forming an army against Doom, Victor would later order some of his most loyal Barons to deal with the threat of the Prophet. While the Foundation were Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe, they found the of Doom's power, and informed Valeria, who had become suspicious of her father, of this. Somewhere in Battleworld, the two teamed up and started trying to find a way to defeat , with Earth's Reed being unwilling to kill him, unlike his Earth counterpart. The Reeds had also started investigating the source of Doom's power, for which they sent both of the Spider-Men, Peter and Miles, to infiltrate Castle Doom using a device to guide them to said source, located under a statue of the Molecule Man. The Spider-Men encountered Valeria, who chose not to go with them due to her worry that, she would be not be capable of facing what would happen if she found the truth behind her father. In order to make the Spider-Men deserving of Valeria keeping her mouth shut about their presence in the Castle, she demanded to know if any of the people in the raft had killed Strange, and Peter confirmed Valeria's suspicions, that nobody from the raft was responsible. After opening a trapdoor under the statue, the Spider-Men delve into its depths and come across the Molecule Man. Owen questioned them if they had brought him something to eat, and Miles gave him a burger he had had in his pocket. After satisfying his hunger, Owen reveals that he's the battery behind Doom's power, at the arachid hero's request to find the source of Emperor Doom's power. Meanwhile, and Black Panther arrived to Strange's Hidden Isle of Agamotto, using the Key of Agamotto given to them by Strange, they entered, and after identifying themselves as member of the Illuminati to a projection of the deceased Sorcerer Supreme, they were given access to some powerful items Strange had collected over the years, including the Siege Courageous and an Gauntlet that worked only in Doomstadt. Thanos, who Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe been captured by the Hel-Rangers, started talking to the sentient structure that formed the Shield, a giant alternate version of Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe Thing Ben Grimmand convinced him to reject Doom, and rise, causing the Shield to fall down. The Prophet, who was revealed to be none other than Maximusmarched his troops forward to Castle Doom, where some of the most powerful Barons held the line. But betrayal was present during the assault, and Baron Sinister took the chance to turn against his fellow Baroness the Goblin Queen. Sinister was subsequently struck down by Baron Apocalypse. The expected reinforcements in the form of the Thor Corps joined the battle, but fighting against Doom's side, as Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe managed to convince the fellow Thors to fight against their god. Baron Maestro soon joined the battle with his army of Worldbreakers. The two Reed Richards continued to plot from the distance, and they planned to use the fight in the steps of Castle Doom to infiltrate the building and steal "the most valuable thing that's left from the Multiverse" from Doom. Black Panther and Namor traveled to the Deadlands for reinforcements, and Black Panther used his title as the King of the Dead to convince the zombies to join the forces opposing Doom. The Thing from the Shield joined the brawl, and easily destroyed anything in his way. Franklin von Doom opposed him using his Galactusand The Thing decided to surrender after learning the kid he was fighting was the son of Sue Storm. When God Emperor Doom joined the battle against the recently-arrived WaveValeria convinced her mother to run away in order to show her something. As the two Reeds looked for Doom's power source, Star-Lord remained behind repairing their ship, and he was confronted by Black Swan. The ensuing fight, during which Quill was easily overpowered, took the two of them to Doom's throne room, below Yggdrasill. Star-Lord used a splint of on the magical tree, which engulfed it entirely, and turned Yggdrasill into a giant Groot that destroyed the castle from the inside out. Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe and Sue witnessed the fall of their home from the castle gardner's, and they encountered the two Reeds trying to access to the Molecule Man's chamber. Back in the battlefield, Thanos unsuccessfully confronted Doom, and was easily killed. In the Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe right after that, the Siege Courageous opened up and a horde of zombies came out. After the zombies, Namor and Black Panther, who had the Infinity Gauntlet, came out proclaiming this to be the end of Doom's reign. Doom tried to convince T'Challa and Namor to stop fighting by promising them to rebuild and Atlantis, but they refused the offer and struck Doom down. Victor quickly regenerated from his own corpse and after dealing an energy blast at T'Challa and Namor which only killed the latter, continued fighting. Owen once asked his visitors if they had brought him anything to eat, but they hadn't. The Maker quickly betrayed his counterpart and trapped him in a temporal bubble, claiming that he couldn't tolerate the kind of weakness Reed has shown. His plan is cut short as the Molecule Man sliced him and freed Mr. After subduing T'Challa, he realizes the fight had merely been a distraction. Doom Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe teleported to Molecule Man's stuatue and delved into his chamber, and tried to destroy Richards with a snap of his fingers. He was surprised when his power didn't work, and Molecule Man asked him if he had brought him something to eat, to which Doom replied he didn't. Thus, Owen claimed that Reed and Doom were in equal ground. Mister Fantastic and Doom engage in a furious combat, with Reed claiming that even though Victor did good, he could've done better, because he was too afraid of losing Battleworld he held it too tight. Doom accused Richards of believing he could've done better had he had Doom's power, and when Reed conceded he did, so did Doom. On the grounds that both agreed, Molecule Man gave his power to Reed, destroying Battleworld in the process. While the inhabitants were trying to outrun their imminent demise, Black Panther held tight to the Reality Gem of his Infinity Gauntlet as the world went white. When everything came back, T'Challa reappeared in the returned Marvel Universe. Eight months later, appeared to be an inhabitant of the Marvel Universe instead of the destroyed Ultimate Universe. The young hero recalled when he and Peter Parker were leaving Molecule Man's chamber in Battleworld, and Owen had stated he owed Miles one for the burger. In another side of the universe, the returned Future Foundation was created and charting the reborn Multiverse. Reed told Sue that he had learned that the difference between living and dying was managing fear, and not being so afraid of losing the things you loved that you held them too tight. Reed used to believe in entropy, but he now believed in expansion and resilience, in that everything lives. Meanwhile, in , Doctor Doom had returned to his castle. He took off his mask and noticed his scars were gone, and proceeded to laugh. The Marvel Universe is on the verge of destruction! 5 Theory: Secret Wars Writes Spider-Man Out Of The MCU

Fortunately, the two rival studios returned to the negotiating table, and agreed to two more movies Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe Tom Holland's wall-crawler that will be part of the MCU. If this is accurate, then it means the new Spider-Man deal comes with a time limit. Could this be inspired by the "Secret Wars" arc in the comics? It envisioned the collapse of all time and space into a single fused reality, ruled over by Doctor Doom, who was attempting to keep this last fragmented world stable. The Multiverse's last survivors all lived on this so-called "Battleworld," which included zones based on many of the most prominent Marvel alternate timelines. In the end, the successfully broke through Doctor Doom's control, and the tremendously powerful Franklin Richards recreated the Multiverse proper. Some characters, like Miles Moralesjumped from one reality to another; new alternate versions of were left in the mainstream Marvel Universe; and even entire places, such as Weirdworld, made the jump. There hasn't been any official comment from the likes of Kevin Feige, but it certainly sounds as though there have been conversations about the possibility at Marvel Studios. Avengers: Endgame developed the idea further, introducing a range of alternate timelines. 2 director Scott Derickson recently shared a comic book panel on social media that suggests how he interprets the Multiverse. Alternate Earths are essentially just one swim-stroke removed from the center; the further away you go, the more the laws of nature change, Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe there are even pocket universes such as 's Hell or 's . This portrayal corresponds well with the MCU as a whole, and gives a sense of just where Marvel seems to be going. Marvel is well-known for planning ahead, and they typically operate to a detailed five-year plan. As noted, in the comics, the "Secret Wars" event ended with some dramatic changes to the main Marvel Universe timeline, with characters, objects, and even places shuffled from one reality to another. Done rightly - perhaps with Spider-Man emerging as the one who somehow saves the Multiverse - it Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe be a final, triumphant end to Spider-Man's MCU story. This would fit perfectly with Feige's comment that Spider-Man has " the superpower to cross cinematic universes. Surprisingly, there is comic book precedent for Spider-Man being crucial to a Multiversal story. In the comics, spider totems are tied to the Multiversal Web of Life and Destiny, which binds all time and space together. On Battleworld, the various spider-powered heroes all sensed that something was wrong with Doom's reality, and they became natural insurgents, fighting to restore a degree of normality. Madame Web's precognitive powers are based on the ability to sense the various strands of the Web of Life and Destiny. Tom Bacon is one of Screen Rant's staff writers, and he's frankly amused that his childhood is back - and this time it's cool. Tom's focus tends to be on the various superhero franchises, as well as Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Star Trek; he's also an avid comic book reader. Over the years, Tom has built a strong relationship with aspects of the various fan communities, and is a Moderator on some of Facebook's largest MCU and X-Men groups. Previously, he's written entertainment news and articles for Movie Pilot. A graduate of Edge Hill University in the United Kingdom, Tom is still strongly connected with his alma mater; in fact, in his spare time he's Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe voluntary chaplain there. He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will quickly learn that he's interested in British politics as well. By Thomas Bacon Oct 06, Share Share Tweet Email 0. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Related Topics SR Originals spider-man the avengers 5. Thomas Bacon Articles Published Tom Bacon is one of Screen Rant's staff writers, and he's frankly amused that his childhood is back - and this time it's cool. Secret Wars ( Event) | Marvel Database | Fandom

It recalls the original, similarly named — miniseries. The storyline involves the destruction of the Marvel Universe and various other alternate universes including those seen in the Ultimate Marvel and Marvel imprints, the " Age of Apocalypse " storyline, the Marvel universe, and the " House of M " storylinewith each universe's respective Earth combining with each other into Battleworlda planet that exhibits the aspects of the various universes. The planet itself is divided in many territories that are mostly self-contained and where a "pocket universe" composed of a specific storyline or universe reside and evolve. Various versions of individual Marvel characters can be present multiple times on the Battleworld. For example, there is a Tony Stark present in many of the territories where the Kingdom of Manhattan has both the Earth and the Earth versions, and many versions of Thor serve as a peace keeping force. The stories depicted in the miniseries about each domain's characters' powers and personal histories vastly differ from the ones portrayed in the main Marvel universe s. The core limited series was originally to be eight issues long, but was later decided to extend to a ninth, which ran, due to several delays, for nine months. One of the core miniseries is Ultimate End which ends the Ultimate Marvel imprint after 15 years. The series was released to positive reviews, with critics praising the storyline, characters, action, and art styles. The series was introduced with two issues in Maythen ran monthly until December. The basic premise involves the collision of the Marvel Universe with the Ultimate Marvel Universe, which destroys both. Pieces of the two universes are mysteriously saved and combined with other post-collision universes, creating the "Battleworld. Numerous tie-in miniseries and ongoing titles fleshed out the event with many of them revisiting previous Marvel events such as Civil WarAge of ApocalypseDays of Future Past renamed, in this event, to Years of Future Past and Armor Wars. All of the tie-ins were aligned into one of three subtitles during the event consisting of Last DaysBattleworldand Warzones. Marvel to and in their final adventures before the Marvel Universe comes to an end in Secret Wars, "Warzones" would focus on the individual domains, and "Battleworld" would be concerned with the infrastructure of the Battleworld as a whole. Heroes from each universe confront one another. Mister Fantastic and Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe Maker the Mister Fantastic of Earth make plans to survive the cataclysm with a small group of colleagues; Mister Fantastic selects heroes and important scientists, while the Maker intends to save himself and the Cabal. The Maker sends a doomsday weapon and the Children of Tomorrow to Earth Meanwhile, the hosts a viewing party of the incursion for villains. The festivities are interrupted by the arrival of the Punisherwho kills all the villains. Manifold begins teleporting heroes to the lifeboat. Cyclops merges with the and destroys the Children of Tomorrow before being teleported onto the ship. Mister Fantastic and the Black Panther pilot the ship to the center of the Incursion. A hull breach occurs, separating the part of the ship carrying the Invisible Womanthe Thing and most of the young Future Foundation. They are destroyed by the Incursion before Mister Fantastic can rescue them. The world fades to white as the two Earths collide. Doctor Doom's mask appears out of the white void, before the white turns to black. The life raft [10] comes to rest on a mysterious planet. A new Thor is shown joining the Thor Corps, a police force composed of different versions of Thor. Sinister is charged with secretly aligning with Baron Hyperion of Utopolis in opposition to Higher Avalon. Sinister chooses to face his accuser Brian Braddock in battle and defeats him. Before he can deal the killing blow, God Emperor Doom intervenes. In the Kingdom of Utopolis, Minister Alex Power is brought to an object uncovered by an "earthquake": the life raft from Earth Valeria tells Sheriff Strange that the object is much older than the believed age of Earth. Strange tasks the Thor of Higher Avalon and Old Thor to enforce a quarantine around the discovery site. One of the Moloid diggers on site inadvertently opens the craft, and Old Thor is killed by weapons thrown from within. The young Thor flees to tell Strange what has happened. As he leaves, the Cabal and Maker emerge from the lifeboat. Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe is told by a Moloid that they are in Battleworld. Before a statue of the Molecule Man, they reminisce how God Emperor Doom had battled the Beyonders and managed to salvage various fragments of the Earths that were being destroyed. A group of Thors are sent to apprehend the Cabal. Miles reveals he sneaked on to the ship just before the Incursion destroyed his planet. On the Isle of Agamotto, Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe Strange explains Battleworld to Miles, then reveals he has found the other life raft. The young Thor Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe the vessel and the survivors of Earth exit stasis. Sheriff Strange realizes the heroes are from his timeline when he sees his Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe Illuminati the Black Panther and Mister Fantastic. Strange reveals they have been in stasis for eight years and that God Emperor Doom saved them all when he created Battleworld. On the Isle of Agamotto, Sheriff Strange explains to the life rafters that the Beyonders were the ones behind the universes crashing together and that he and Doctor Doom were able to kill them and take their power. A boar version of Thor teleports to Castle Doom to report his findings. Sheriff Strange arrives at the battle with the raft survivors. God Emperor Doom also teleports to the battle and unleashes his power against the Cabal and the surviving members of the life raft. Cyclops, powered by the Phoenix Force, confronts God Emperor Doom and temporarily gains the upper hand. God Emperor Doom recovers, snaps Cyclops' neck, and orders the invaders to surrender. Sheriff Strange teleports the surviving members to safety. It is explained that the Beyonders were the originators of reality, but eventually became harbingers of destruction. The Molecule Man was unique across the multiverse: a being whose presence in each reality represented a sliver of a single inter-dimensional entity. The Beyonders would initiate the end of a particular reality by detonating that reality's Molecule Man. God Emperor Doom, Sheriff Strange and the Earth Molecule Man had gathered Molecule Men from across the multiverse and combined them into a bomb, which they directed towards the unsuspecting Beyonders. The detonation killed the Beyonders and allowed the Earth Molecule Man to absorb their power and channel it to God Emperor Doom, who in turn created Battleworld. At the end of the issue, Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe appears at the base of the Shield. Three weeks later, Battleworld is in disarray, with several kingdoms in open rebellion. Someone called "the Prophet" has formed an army against God Emperor Doom, and has toppled the upper and lower kingdoms of Egyptia. The Foundation find the source of God Emperor Doom's power and inform Valeria, who has become suspicious of her father. The Spider-Men meet Valeria, who chooses not to go with them. Valeria demands to know who killed Sheriff Strange, and Peter confirms Valeria's suspicions that no one from the raft was responsible. Using the Key of Agamotto given to them by Sheriff Strange, they are given access to powerful items Sheriff Strange had collected over the years, including the Siege Courageous and an Infinity Gauntlet that works only in Doomstadt. Thanos, who had been captured by the Hel-Rangers, talks to the sentient structure that forms the Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe a giant alternate version of Ben Grimmand convinces him to reject God Emperor Doom and rise, causing the Shield to fall down. The Prophet, who is revealed to be Maximusmarches his troops to Castle Doom. Baron Sinister takes the chance to turn against Baroness Pryor, but is subsequently struck down by the former Baron Apocalypse. Former Baron Maestro joins the Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe with his army of Worldbreakers. The two Reed Richards use the fight ensuing on the steps of Castle Doom as cover to infiltrate the building and steal "the most valuable thing that's left from the Multiverse" from God Emperor Doom. The Black Panther and Namor travel to the Deadlands for reinforcements and the Black Panther Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe his title as the King of the Dead to convince the zombies to join the forces opposing God Emperor Doom. Chaos continues on the outskirts of Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe Doom. The Maestro calls God Emperor Doom out to face him, but is met instead by the giant , who is destroying everything in his path. Susan, Valeria and one of the Black Swans save Doom. Grimm Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe his rampage until Franklin and arrive. Franklin reveals God Emperor Doom is his father. Ben realizes Franklin is the son of Susan and allows the Franklin-controlled Galactus to destroy him, rather than fight the boy. Susan bursts into tears, until Valeria Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe Susan to come with her. Star-Lord manages to prick his Groot 'toothpick' into the World-Tree, causing the toothpick to merge with the tree to form a giant Groot. God Emperor Doom arrives on the battlefield and gives Thanos a chance to be a Baron. Thanos refuses the offer, as he believes he is already a god. God Emperor Doom rips out Thanos' skeleton. The battle continues until Captain Marvel spots the zombies coming from the remains of the Shield. Susan does not recognize Mister Fantastic, and accuses him of being one of the "murderers" of Sheriff Strange. Mister Fantastic and the Maker meet with the Molecule Man, after which the Maker betrays Mister Fantastic by trapping him in a temporal bubble that devolves him into an ape. God Emperor Doom tries to use his powers to destroy his rival, but he finds that the Molecule Man has taken away most of his abilities so that the confrontation between the two will be fair. Mister Fantastic and God Emperor Doom face off, and God Emperor Doom, exclaiming of how it always comes down to him and Mister Fantastic like this, begins gaining the upper hand by mocking Mister Fantastic for, as the genius that he is, not having been able to find a way to save the entire Multiverse. Mister Fantastic, however, counters by calling God Emperor Doom out for his insecurity, as the first thing Secret Wars: Last Days of the Marvel Universe God Emperor Doom did when he obtained the Beyonders' powers was to steal Mister Fantastic's life and family, making God Emperor Doom confess that Mister Fantastic would have done a better job with the Beyonders' power. In the wake of the destruction, the Black Panther uses the Reality Gem to recreate, and teleport himself to, Wakanda. There, he finds three Wakandan prodigies to whom he tasks with granting wisdom to the stars. Miles Morales awakens on the restored Earth now known as Marvel's Earth Prime, along with his friends and his mother who was brought back to life by the Molecule Man as gratitude for giving him a hamburger. Still shaken by the recent events, Miles goes on patrol with Peter as Spider-Man. In Latveria, Doctor Doom removes his mask, reveals his face is no longer disfigured, and laughs with joy. Following numerous incursions across the multiverse, the remains of various realities have been fused together to create a new Battleworld. Each domain is the incursion point from that reality's destruction, as this is all that remains from each one. All of these realities are known as domains and have the ability to interact with each other, except for three: the Deadlands, Perfection and New Xandar. These domains are separated from the rest by a giant wall called the Shield because they contain threats that, if set loose, would destroy all the others: zombiesUltron drones, creatures that make up the Annihilation Waveand an alternate reality version of Thanos trying to reconstruct the Infinity Gauntlet. Each domain has an appointed called a Baronwho runs their domain with permission from God Emperor Doomthe Lord and Messiah of Battleworld. To ensure all domains remain separate from each other, the Thor Corps have been formed containing all alternate versions of Thor and they act as a police force for Battleworld under the leadership of Sheriff Strange.