Position statement: nonanesthesiologist administration of for GI endoscopy

This statement on the use of nonanesthesiologist- combination or balanced propofol sedation (BPS). Both administered propofol (NAAP) for GI endoscopy is issued methods involve the administration of small, titrated bolus jointly by The American Association for the Study of Liver doses of propofol. Whereas NAPS uses propofol as a single Diseases, American College of Gastroenterology, Ameri- agent and is titrated to deep sedation,3 BPS combines pro- can Gastroenterological Association, and American pofol with a small induction dose of a narcotic, a benzodi- Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. A 4-member com- azepine, or both, and is targeted to moderate sedation.4 mittee, composed of a representative from each society, Both techniques emphasize the importance of appropri- prepared the first draft of this document, which was ate patient selection, education and training of nursing then reviewed and approved by the governing board of personnel, use of an established protocol for drug admin- each organization. This document is designed to provide istration, and careful assessment of a patient’s physiologic an evidence-based assessment of propofol-mediated seda- and clinical parameters throughout the procedure; how- tion by properly trained gastroenterologists and other ever, several important differences between these tech- nonanesthesiologists. The safety, efficacy, cost-effective- niques do exist.5 ness, and training issues involved with nonanesthesiolo- For the purposes of this document, the following defi- gist administration of propofol for GI endoscopy are nitions apply: reviewed, and a series of concluding statements and rec- d Monitored care (MAC) is the service pro- ommendations are provided. Whenever possible, these vided by an anesthesia specialist to a patient undergoing summary conclusions are graded based upon the a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. In many in- strength of the supporting evidence ( Table 1). stances, although not all, MAC results in deep sedation, and the normal airway protective reflexes may be lost. MAC can include general anesthesia with endotracheal BACKGROUND intubation.6 d Standard sedation refers to the administration of intra- Propofol (2,6 diisopropyl phenol) is an ultra-short– venous drugs, usually a benzodiazepine and an , acting agent with no analgesic properties, which under the supervision of an endoscopist. A level of mod- provides sedative and amnestic effects.1 Approved by the erate sedation is usually targeted. Food and Drug Administration for the induction and d Nonanesthesiologist-administered propofol (NAAP) de- maintenance of anesthesia, propofol’s product label indi- scribes the administration of propofol under the direc- cates that it ‘‘should be administered only by persons tion of a physician who has not been trained as an trained in the administration of general anesthesia.’’ Since anesthesiologist. Propofol may be used either alone its introduction in the 1980s, however, its clinical applica- or in combination with 1 or more additional agents. A tions have expanded to include monitored anesthesia care level of moderate-to-deep sedation is targeted with (MAC) and procedural sedation. The worldwide safety ex- NAAP. perience of endoscopist-administered propofol sedation d Nurse-administered propofol sedation (NAPS) describes now exceeds 460,000 patients.2 the administration of propofol as a single agent under Two methods have evolved for the administration of the direction of a physician who has not been trained propofol under the direction of an endoscopist: (1) as an anesthesiologist. A level of deep sedation is tar- nurse-administered propofol sedation (NAPS) and (2) geted with NAPS. d Balanced propofol sedation (BPS) describes the admin- istration of the combination of a benzodiazepine, an Copyright ª 2009 by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, opioid, and propofol under the direction of a physician the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, American College who is not an anesthesiologist. The opioid and benzodi- of Gastroenterology, and AGA Institute azepine are each given as a single dose, which is fol- This article is being published jointly in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, American Journal of Gastroenterology, Gastroenterology, and Hepatology. lowed by small incremental doses of propofol 0016-5107/$36.00 administered to achieve a target level of moderate doi:10.1016/j.gie.2009.07.020 sedation. www.giejournal.org Volume 70, No. 6 : 2009 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY 1053 Administration of propofol

TABLE 1. Grades of recommendation

Grade of Methodological strength/ recommendation Clarity of benefit supporting evidence Implications

1A Clear Randomized trials without Strong recommendations; can be important limitations applied to most clinical settings 1B Clear Randomized trials with important Strong recommendations; likely to limitations (inconsistent results, apply to most practice settings nonfatal methodological flaws)

1Cþ Clear Overwhelming evidence from Strong recommendations; can observational studies apply to most practice settings in most situations 1C Clear Observational studies Intermediate strength recommendation; recommendation may change when stronger evidence is available 2A Unclear Randomized trials without Intermediate strength important limitations recommendation; best action may differ depending upon circumstances or patients’ societal values 2B Unclear Randomized trials with important Weak recommendation; alternative limitations (inconsistent results, approaches likely to be better nonfatal methodological flaws) under some circumstances 2C Unclear Observational studies Very weak recommendation; alternative approaches likely to be better under some circumstances. 3 Unclear Expert opinion only Very weak recommendation; likely to change as data becomes available

Adapted from Guyatt G, Gutterman D, Baumann MH, et al. Grading strength of recommendations and quality of evidence in clinical guidelines: report froman American College of Chest Physicians Task Force. Chest 2006;129:174-81.

SAFETY OF NONANESTHESIOLOGIST- cases for sedation. No other deaths or permanent injuries ADMINISTERED PROPOFOL FOR GI have been described. The need for bag-mask ventilation to ENDOSCOPY treat apnea or airway obstruction was greater during up- per endoscopic procedures than during . A systematic review of the published articles and ab- There were no mortalities in patients undergoing colono- stracts in which propofol was administered by nonanes- scopy, and no mortalities in procedures that involved pa- thesiologists for endoscopic procedures was performed. tients classified as American Society of The methodology for the inclusion of published literature class I or II.2 is outlined in Appendix 1. Forty-six articles were identified Although most of the NAAP experience resides with initially.2,3,7-49 Eighteen articles7-23 were subsequently ex- EGD and colonoscopy, 4 randomized, controlled trials cluded because it was evident from the text or, in cases comparing NAAP to meperidine/midazolam11,24,38 or pen- of uncertainty, from discussions with the authors that tazocine/midazolam48 for elective ERCP and/or EUS found cases were reported in more than 1 publication. Including no differences in the rates of hypoxemia or bradycardia or the single largest report, published thus far only in ab- the need for airway intervention. stract form,2 there are 460,651 cases available for review. The low rate of serious adverse events in these series It is important to emphasize that the majority of the underscores the safety of NAAP for GI procedures, pro- reported cases involve NAPS. These reports include a total vided that it is administrated by a team of individuals of 3 deaths, all of which occurred during or after an who have received training specific to the administration esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).2 One generalized of propofol. The safety of NAAP is comparable to what seizure was described, but there was no permanent injury has been reported for endoscopists administering stan- to the patient. All 3 deaths occurred in patients with signif- dard sedation.50-54 A systematic review and meta-analysis icant comorbidities and would be considered high-risk of randomized, controlled trials of moderate sedation

1054 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY Volume 70, No. 6 : 2009 www.giejournal.org Administration of propofol for routine EGD and colonoscopy compared NAAP to Recommendations standard sedation regimens. In studies comparing propo- 1. For EGD, colonoscopy, ERCP, and EUS, the time for fol to for EGD, no significant difference in sedation induction is shorter with NAAP than with stan- hypoxemia was found between the 2 methods of sedation. dard sedation (grade 1A). In a comparison of propofol versus the combination of 2. Recovery time for EGD, colonoscopy, ERCP, and EUS a narcotic and midazolam for EGD and colonoscopy, no when using NAAP is shorter than for standard sedation significant difference in hypoxemia, bradycardia, or hypo- with a narcotic and a benzodiazepine (grade 1A). tension was detected.55 The results from NAAP series also 3. Patient satisfaction with NAAP is equivalent or slightly exhibit safety comparable to that of general anesthesia56-63 superior to that with standard sedation (grade 1A). and MAC.64 Given the extraordinarily low rate of adverse events with NAAP, it appears very unlikely that MAC would ECONOMICS OF NONANESTHESIOLOGIST- further improve the safety of endoscopic sedation during ADMINISTERED PROPOFOL FOR GI routine upper endoscopy and colonoscopy in low-risk ENDOSCOPY patients.2,65 There are limited data comparing the cost-effectiveness Recommendations of NAAP to that of standard sedation or anesthesiologist- 1. The safety profile of NAAP is equivalent to that of stan- mediated sedation. A cost-effectiveness analysis compar- dard sedation with respect to the risks of hypoxemia, ing gastroenterologist-administered propofol to standard hypotension, and bradycardia for upper endoscopy sedation in patients undergoing ERCP or EUS found that and colonoscopy (grade 1B). propofol administered by a trained registered nurse was 2. The safety profile of NAAP when it is administered dur- the dominant strategy in spite of the additional costs ing ERCP and EUS appears to be equivalent to that of that are associated with its use.24 In another study, the to- standard sedation. However, the worldwide experience tal procedural costs (recovery and medications) of NAPS with NAAP during these procedures is insufficient and standard sedation were similar.11 Economic modeling to draw definitive conclusions about its use in these that used data derived from randomized trials demon- settings (grade 1C). strated that rapid recovery agents, such as propofol, can improve practice throughput and are economically bene- ficial when compared to standard sedation agents.66 It EFFICACY OF NONANESTHESIOLOGIST- should be noted, however, that this conclusion was based ADMINISTERED PROPOFOL FOR GI upon mathematical modeling rather than the results of ENDOSCOPY a prospective trial and, therefore, is only as good as the assumptions used to create the model. There are no For patients undergoing EGD and colonoscopy, the av- cost-effectiveness data comparing NAAP to anesthesiolo- erage time to sedation induction is shorter for propofol gist-administered sedation for GI endoscopy. The cost of than for benzodiazepines. There is no difference in proce- having an anesthesiologist present in the endoscopy suite dure times among colonoscopy patients receiving propo- to administer MAC ranges from $150 to $1500 or more, fol alone or midazolam plus a narcotic. The average 67 however, depending upon local conditions. recovery time after colonoscopy was shorter in patients receiving propofol alone (15.6 min) or propofol plus a nar- Recommendations cotic (14.3 min) than for patients receiving a combination 1. For ERCP and EUS, NAAP is more cost-effective than of benzodiazepine and a narcotic (54.9 min).55,66 Studies standard sedation (grade 1B). comparing patient satisfaction with NAAP and standard se- 2. Nonanesthesiologist-administered propofol sedation dation during EGD and colonoscopy have yielded varying improves practice efficiency when compared to stan- results, with propofol-based sedation being either equiva- dard sedation (grade 2C). lent or superior to a benzodiazepine/opioid combina- 3. The use of anesthesiologist-administered sedation for tion.8,9,55 However, the degree of improvement is small healthy, low-risk patients undergoing routine GI endos- and primarily seen when deep sedation is targeted.55 copy results in higher costs with no proven benefit with During ERCP and EUS, NAAP resulted in faster induc- respect to patient safety or procedural efficacy (grade 2C). tion of sedation and shorter recovery times when com- pared to standard sedation.11,24,38,47 Patient satisfaction with NAAP was superior in 1 study11 and equivalent in 2 TRAINING GUIDELINES FOR other studies.24,38 NONANESTHESIOLOGIST-ADMINISTERED Currently, there are no studies comparing the safety PROPOFOL FOR GI ENDOSCOPY and efficacy of NAAP to standard sedation with a benzodi- azepine/opioid to anesthesiologist-administered sedation Although training guidelines for procedural sedation for GI endoscopy. exist, the optimal educational experience to facilitate the www.giejournal.org Volume 70, No. 6 : 2009 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY 1055 Administration of propofol acquisition of knowledge and the development of appro- tion. Competency with manual techniques for producing priate skill sets remain uncertain.68-70 Experts agree, how- a patent airway (head extension, chin lift, and jaw thrust), ever, that specialized training is required of individuals the use of oral and nasal airway devices, and development planning to administer propofol. There is evidence, based of skills necessary to perform successful bag-mask ventila- upon the experience with advanced cardiac life support tion would be required.70 Successful completion of basic training and several small-scale studies, that a multifaceted life support or advanced cardiac life support training is interdisciplinary program is a more effective training strat- an important prerequisite for individuals participating in egy than either single interventions or unstructured, self- NAAP sedation.68-71 directed learning. All members of the sedation teamd The use of extended physiologic techniques both physicians and nursing personneldshould partici- such as should be reviewed. Capnography is pate in training and have prior training and experience recommended when it is difficult to visually assess respira- in using moderate sedation. tion or during prolonged procedures such as ERCP and The training curriculum for individuals planning to ad- EUS. In these clinical settings, capnography has been shown minister propofol should comprise 4 components. to significantly reduce the incidence of hypoxemia and ap- d Didactic training nea. Currently there are no data to support its use for upper d Airway workshop endoscopy and colonoscopy. At least 1 individual certified d Simulation training in advanced cardiac life support and experienced with 72 d Preceptorship bag-mask ventilation should be present during NAAP. After the completion of a program, trainees should un- dergo periodic retraining in an airway workshop and/or Simulation training human simulation laboratory. High-fidelity patient simulators have gained widespread acceptance in the field of anesthesia as a tool for training Didactic training session and assessment of clinical skills.73,74 Clinical scenarios can The didactic component of a training program should be reproduced in the simulation laboratory in order to provide a comprehensive overview of propofol including provide teams of healthcare providers with a real-life expe- its pharmacology and dosing schema, a discussion of the rience managing critical events. The instructor observes continuum of sedation and its implications related to the scenario and facilitates a discussion once the scenario the use of propofol, and a review of those elements of is completed. Misses and near misses can be discussed, the preprocedure, intraprocedural, and postprocedure and opportunities for improvement and further study/ patient assessment that are specific to the administration practice can be suggested. A debriefing also serves to of propofol. Prereading or background study before the highlight important resuscitation skills, including deci- scheduled training sessions by handbook, interactive sion-making, situational awareness, teamwork, prioritiza- CD-ROM, video learning, or Web-based learning is recom- tion, communication, and leadership. mended as an adjunct to the structured components of this program.72 Upon completion of the didactic session, individuals should be required to obtain a passing score Preceptorship on an examination designed to evaluate their knowledge Physicians and nursing personnel wishing to institute and understanding of the concepts and principles taught. a propofol sedation program within their endoscopy units should adopt one of the published protocols for propofol Airway workshop use that have been shown to be safe and effective in the is the single most important emer- hands of nonanesthesiologists. A formalized set of policies gency skill required of individuals involved with the ad- and procedures pertaining to NAAP should then be formu- ministration of propofol. This module of the curriculum lated, and staff members should be trained thoroughly to is designed to train personnel in the recognition and man- understand and perform their responsibilities according agement of ventilatory complications associated with pro- to the prescribed policies and procedures. Preceptorship pofol sedation. The recommended airway skills include under the direction of an anesthesiologist or a qualified the following. endoscopist is recommended for units that are initiating d Airway assessment a propofol sedation program. The number of mentored d Ability to restore airway patency by using manual, oral, cases necessary to demonstrate competency is currently or nasopharyngeal airway techniques unknown and requires evaluation. d Bag-mask ventilation Upon completion of a training program, individuals The preprocedural airway assessment is designed to working in a hospital or ambulatory care center will re- identify those patients with anatomic findings that predict quire institutional approval in order to administer propo- difficulty with either or bag-mask ven- fol independently. Applicable state medical and nursing tilation. This would include the Mallampati classification board policies may also influence local policies related and knowledge of predictors of difficult bag-mask ventila- to the administration of propofol by registered nurses.

1056 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY Volume 70, No. 6 : 2009 www.giejournal.org Administration of propofol

Performance measures designed to assess patient DISCLOSURE safety and satisfaction should be evaluated periodically. Such measures might include evaluation of performance The following authors disclosed financial relation- in unplanned cardiopulmonary events, unplanned termi- ships relevant to this publication: J. Vargo: Consultant nation of the procedure or hospital transfer, emergency for Ethicon EndoSurgery. L. Cohen: Consultant for Ethi- interventions, and death. Patient satisfaction surveys also con EndoSurgery and Eisai Pharmaceuticals. All other provide useful data on the success of endoscopic authors disclosed no financial relationships relevant to sedation. this publication.

Abbreviations: BPS, balanced propofol sedation; EGD, Recommendations esophagogastroduodenoscopy; MAC, monitored anesthesia care; ERCP, 1. NAAP requires the acquisition of skills and abilities that endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; EUS, endoscopic are distinct and apart from those necessary for standard ultrasonography; NAAP, nonanesthesiologist-administered propofol; sedation. The training program should provide both di- NAPS, nurse-administered propofol sedation. dactic and practical, hands-on learning experiences (grade 1C). REFERENCES 2. Individuals administering propofol should be proficient in the management of upper and lower airway compli- 1. Mackenzie N, Grant IS. Propofol for intravenous sedation. Anaesthesia cations, including manual techniques for re-establish- 1987;42:3-6. ing airway patency, use of oral and nasal airway 2. Deenadayalu VP, Eid EF, Goff JS, et al. Non-anesthesiologist adminis- devices, and proper bag-mask ventilation. 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17. VanNatta ME, Rex DK. Propofol alone titrated to deep sedation versus 39. Chen WX, Lin HJ, Zhang WF, et al. Sedation and safety of propofol for propofol in combination with and/or benzodiazepines and ti- therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Hepa- trated to moderate sedation for colonoscopy. Am J Gastroenterol tobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2005;4:437-40. 2006;101:2209-17. 40. Tohda G, Higashi S, Wakahara S, et al. Propofol sedation during endo- 18. Heuss LT, Drewe J, Schnieper P, et al. Patient-controlled versus nurse- scopic procedures: safe and effective administration by registered administered sedation with propofol during colonoscopy: a prospec- nurses supervised by endoscopists. Endoscopy 2006;38:360-7. tive randomized trial. Am J Gastroenterol 2004;99:511-8. 41. Tohda G, Higashi S, Sakumoto H, et al. Efficacy and safety of nurse-ad- 19. Weston BR, Chadalawada V, Chalasani N, et al. 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1058 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY Volume 70, No. 6 : 2009 www.giejournal.org Administration of propofol

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APPENDIX 1 of uncertainty, by discussion with the authors, that cases from the same center were reported in more than 1 pub- Selection of articles for safety, efficacy, and lication. The included articles2,3,24-49 described cases from cost analysis 8 centers in the United States, 3 in Switzerland, 2 in Ger- Ovid Medline was queried from 1966 to July 2008. The many, 2 in Spain, and 1 each in Sweden, Peru, Japan, following words were used as primary search terms: pro- China, Canada, Australia, and Thailand. A final included ar- pofol, Diprivan, endoscopy, gastrointestinal, esophago- ticle was a summary of both published and previously un- gastroduodenoscopy (EGD), colonoscopy, endoscopic published data from inside and outside the United States, ultrasonography (EUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangio- but the number of centers was not specified. pancreatography (ERCP), anesthesiologist and non-anes- Among included studies, propofol was administered by thesiologist, nursing, nursing care, nursing services, and either trained nurses or technicians under the direct super- specialties/medical. These items were then explored to vision of the endoscopist or directly by the endoscopist, include secondary headings. The search was limited to with the exception of 1 center in Australia, which contrib- the English language and human subjects. All articles uted 22,379 cases. In this center, propofol was given by a were included if it was clear in the text that propofol nonanesthesiologist general practitioner.27 Of the included had been administered by nonanesthesiologists and for studies, only 1 described data from an entirely pediatric GI endoscopic procedures. Reference lists of selected arti- population,23 and it described only 811 patients. The re- cles were screened for additional references. Gastroenter- mainder of the studies was performed entirely or almost ology and anesthesiology peer review journals as well as entirely in adults. In each report, data were collected pro- Google Scholar were used to locate abstracts for review. spectively on safety. Although the type of information var- Forty-six articles met the inclusion criteria.2,3,7-49 To ied, data in each report included the number of cases, avoid double counting of procedures, 18 articles were ex- endotracheal intubations, permanent injuries without cluded7-23 because it was evident from the text or, in cases death, and deaths.

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