Improving Unsupervised -by-Word Translation with and Denoising

Yunsu Kim Jiahui Geng Hermann Ney Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition Group RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany {surname}

Abstract Recent work by Artetxe et al.(2018) and Lam- ple et al.(2018) train sequence-to-sequence MT of cross-lingual word models of both translation directions together in an embedding offers elegant matching of unsupervised way. They do back-translation (Sen- across languages, but has fundamental limi- tations in translating sentences. In this pa- nrich et al., 2016a) back and forth for every itera- per, we propose simple yet effective methods tion or batch, which needs an immensely long time to improve word-by-word translation of cross- and careful tuning of hyperparameters for massive lingual embeddings, using only monolingual monolingual data. corpora but without any back-translation. We Here we suggest rather simple methods to build integrate a language model for context-aware an unsupervised MT system quickly, based on search, and use a novel denoising autoencoder word translation using cross-lingual word embed- to handle reordering. Our system surpasses state-of-the-art unsupervised neural transla- dings. The contributions of this paper are: tion systems without costly iterative training. • We formulate a straightforward way to com- We also analyze the effect of vocabulary size bine a language model with cross-lingual and denoising type on the translation perfor- word similarities, effectively considering mance, which provides better understanding of learning the cross-lingual word embedding context in lexical choices. and its usage in translation. • We develop a postprocessing method for word-by-word translation outputs using a de- 1 Introduction noising autoencoder, handling local reorder- Building a (MT) system re- ing and multi-aligned words. quires lots of bilingual data. Neural MT mod- • We analyze the effect of different artificial els (Bahdanau et al., 2015), which become the noises for the denoising model and propose current standard, are even more difficult to train a novel noise type. without huge bilingual supervision (Koehn and • We verify that cross-lingual embedding on Knowles, 2017). However, bilingual resources subword units performs poorly in translation. are still limited to some of the selected language • We empirically show that cross-lingual map- pairs—mostly from or to English. ping can be learned using a small vocabulary A workaround for zero-resource language pairs without losing the translation performance. is translating via an intermediate (pivot) language. To do so, we need to collect parallel data and train The proposed models can be efficiently trained MT models for source-to-pivot and pivot-to-target with off-the-shelf softwares with little or no individually; it takes a double effort and the de- changes in the implementation, using only mono- coding is twice as slow. lingual data. The provided analyses help for bet- Unsupervised learning is another alternative, ter learning of cross-lingual word embeddings for where we can train an MT system with only mono- translation purpose. Altogether, our unsupervised lingual corpora. Decipherment methods (Ravi and MT system outperforms the sequence-to-sequence Knight, 2011; Nuhn et al., 2013) are the first work neural models even without training signals from in this direction, but they often suffer from a huge the opposite translation direction, i.e. via back- latent hypothesis space (Kim et al., 2017). translation.

862 Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 862–868 Brussels, Belgium, October 31 - November 4, 2018. c 2018 Association for Computational 2 Cross-lingual Word Embedding 3.1 Context-aware Beam Search As a basic step for unsupervised MT, we learn a The word translation using nearest neighbor word translation model from monolingual corpora search does not consider context around the cur- of each language. In this work, we exploit cross- rent word. In many cases, the correct translation is lingual word embedding for word-by-word trans- not the nearest target word but other close words lation, which is state-of-the-art in terms of type with morphological variations or synonyms, de- translation quality (Artetxe et al., 2017; Conneau pending on the context. et al., 2018). The reasons are in two-fold: 1) Word embed- Cross-lingual word embedding is a continu- ding is trained to place semantically related words ous representation of words whose nearby, even though they have opposite meanings. is shared across multiple languages. This en- 2) A hubness problem of high-dimensional em- ables distance calculation between word embed- bedding space hinders a correct search, where lots dings across languages, which is actually finding of different words happen to be close to each other translation candidates. (Radovanovic´ et al., 2010). We train cross-lingual word embedding in a In this paper, we integrate context information fully unsupervised manner: into word-by-word translation by combining a lan- guage model (LM) with cross-lingual word em- 1. Learn monolingual source and target embed- bedding. Let f be a source word in the current dings independently. For this, we run skip- position and e a possible target word. Given a his- gram algorithm augmented with character n- tory h of target words before e, the score of e to be gram (Bojanowski et al., 2017). the translation of f would be: 2. Find a linear mapping from source embed- L(e; f, h) = λ log q(f, e) + λ log p(e|h) ding space to target embedding space by emb LM adversarial training (Conneau et al., 2018). Here, q(f, e) is a lexical score defined as: We do not pre-train the discriminator with d(f, e) + 1 a seed dictionary, and consider only the top q(f, e) = 2 Vcross-train words of each language as input to the discriminator. where d(f, e) ∈ [−1, 1] is a cosine similarity be- tween f and e. It is transformed to the range [0, 1] Once we have the cross-lingual mapping, we to make it similar in scale with the LM probability. can transform the embedding of a given source In our experiments, we found that this simple lin- word and find a target word with the closest em- ear scaling is better than sigmoid or softmax func- bedding, i.e. nearest neighbor search. Here, we tions in the final translation performance. apply cross-domain similarity local scaling (Con- Accumulating the scores per position, we per- neau et al., 2018) to penalize the word similarities form a beam search to allow only reasonable trans- in dense areas of the embedding distribution. lation hypotheses. We further refine the mapping obtained from Step 2 as follows (Artetxe et al., 2017): 3.2 Denoising 3. Build a synthetic dictionary by finding mu- Even when we have correctly translated words for tual nearest neighbors for both translation di- each position, the output is still far from an ac- ceptable translation. We adopt sequence denois- rections in vocabularies of Vcross-train words. ing autoencoder (Hill et al., 2016) to improve the 4. Run a Procrustes problem solver with the dic- translation output of Section 3.1. The main idea tionary from Step 3 to re-train the mapping is to train a sequence-to-sequence neural network (Smith et al., 2017). model that takes a noisy sentence as input and pro- 5. Repeat Step 3 and 4 for a fixed number of duces a (denoised) clean sentence as output, both iterations to update the mapping further. of which are of the same (target) language. The model was originally proposed to learn sentence 3 Sentence Translation embeddings, but here we use it directly to actually In translating sentences, cross-lingual word em- remove noise in a sentence. bedding has several drawbacks. We describe each Training label sequences for the denoising net- of them and our corresponding solutions. work would be target monolingual sentences, but

863 we do not have their noisy versions at hand. Given target word should be generated from no source a clean target sentence, the noisy input should words for fluency. For example, a German word be ideally word-by-word translation of the corre- “im” must be “in the” in English, but word transla- sponding source sentence. However, such bilin- tion generates only one of the two English words. gual sentence alignment is not available in our un- Another example is shown in Figure2. supervised setup. Instead, we inject artificial noise into a clean one of the best sentence to simulate the noise of word-by-word Denoising translation. We design different noise types after one the best the following aspects of word-by-word translation. Word-by-word 3.2.1 Insertion eine der besten Word-by-word translation always outputs a target word for every position. However, there are a Figure 2: Example of denoising a deletion noise. plenty of cases that multiple source words should be translated to a single target word, or that some To simulate such situations, we drop some source words are rather not translated to any word words randomly from a clean target sentence (Hill to make a fluent output. For example, a German et al., 2016): sentence “Ich hore¨ zu.” would be translated to “I’m listening to.” by a word-by-word transla- 1. For each position i, sample a probability pi ∼ tor, but “I’m listening.” is more natural in English Uniform(0, 1). (Figure1). 2. If pi < pdel, drop the word in the position i.

I’m listening 3.2.3 Reordering Denoising Also, translations generated word-by-word are not I’m listening to in an order of the target language. In our beam Word-by-word search, LM only assists in choosing the right word Ich höre zu in context but does not modify the word order. A common reordering problem of German→English Figure 1: Example of denoising an insertion noise. is illustrated in Figure3.

We pretend to have extra target words which what I have said might be translation of redundant source words, by Denoising inserting random target words to a clean sentence: what I said have Word-by-word 1. For each position i, sample a probability pi ∼ was ich gesagt habe Uniform(0, 1).

2. If pi < pins, sample a word e from the most Figure 3: Example of denoising the reordering noise. frequent Vins target words and insert it before position i. From a clean target sentence, we corrupt its word order by random permutations. We limit the We limit the inserted words by Vins because tar- maximum distance between an original position get insertion occurs mostly with common words, and its new position like Lample et al.(2018): e.g. prepositions or articles, as the example above. We insert words only before—not after—a posi- 1. For each position i, sample an integer δi from tion, since an extra word after the ending word [0, dper]. (usually a punctuation) is not probable. 2. Add δi to index i and sort the incremented 3.2.2 Deletion indices i + δi in an increasing order. Similarly, word-by-word translation cannot handle 3. Rearrange the words to be in the new po- the contrary case: when a source word should be sitions, to which their original indices have translated into more than one target words, or a moved by Step 2.

864 de-en en-de fr-en en-fr System BLEU [%] BLEU [%] BLEU [%] BLEU [%] Word-by-Word 11.1 6.7 10.6 7.8 + LM 14.5 9.9 13.6 10.9 + Denoising 17.2 11.0 16.5 13.9 (Lample et al., 2018) 13.3 9.6 14.3 15.1 (Artetxe et al., 2018) - - 15.6 15.1

Table 1: Translation results on German↔English newstest2016 and French↔English newstest2014. Beam size is 10 and top 100 words are considered in the nearest neighbor search.

This is a generalized version of swapping two (Step 3-5 in Section2). Other parameters follow neighboring words (Hill et al., 2016). Reordering the values in Conneau et al.(2018). With the same is highly dependent of each language, but we data, we trained 5-gram count-based LMs using found that this noise is generally close to word- KenLM (Heafield, 2011) with its default setting. by-word translation outputs. Denoising were trained using Sockeye (Hieber et al., 2017) on News Crawl Insertion, deletion, and reordering noises were ap- 2016 for German/English and News Crawl 2014 plied to each mini-batch with different random for French. We considered only top 50k frequent seeds, allowing the model to see various noisy ver- words for each language and mapped other words sions of the same clean sentence over the epochs. to . The unknowns in the denoised output Note that the deletion and permutation noises were replaced with missing words from the noisy are integrated in the neural MT training of Artetxe input by a simple line search. et al.(2018) and Lample et al.(2018) as additional We used 6-layer Transformer encoder/decoder training objectives. Whereas we optimize an inde- (Vaswani et al., 2017) for denoisers, with embed- pendent model solely for denoising without archi- ding/hidden layer size 512, feedforward sublayer tecture change. It allows us to easily train a larger size 2048 and 8 attention heads. network with a larger data. Insertion noise is of As a validation set for the denoiser training, we our original design, which we found to be the most used newstest2015 (German ↔ English) or effective (Section 4.1). newstest2013 (French ↔ English), where the input/output sides both have the same clean target 4 Experiments sentences, encouraging a denoiser to keep at least We applied the proposed methods on WMT clean part of word-by-word translations. Here, the 2016 German↔English task and WMT 2014 noisy input showed a slight degradation of per- French↔English task. For German/English, we formance; the model seemed to overfit to specific trained word embeddings with 100M sentences noises in the small validation set. sampled from News Crawl 2014-2017 monolin- Optimization of the denoising models was done gual corpora. For French, we used News Crawl with Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015): initial learn- 2007-2014 (around 42M sentences). The data was ing rate 0.0001, checkpoint frequency 4000, no lowercased and filtered to have a maximum sen- learning rate warmup, multiplying 0.7 to the learn- tence length 100. German words were ing rate when the perplexity on the validation set splitted beforehand. Numbers were replaced with did not improve for 3 checkpoints. We stopped the category labels and recovered back after decoding training if it was not improved for 8 checkpoints. by looking at the source sentence. Also, frequent Table1 shows the results. LM improves word- casing was applied to the translation output. by-word baselines consistently in all four tasks, (Bojanowski et al., 2017) was used to giving at least +3% BLEU. When our denoising learn monolingual embeddings for only the words model is applied on top of it, we have additional with minimum count 10. MUSE (Conneau et al., gain around +3% BLEU. Note that our meth- 2018) was used for cross-lingual mappings with ods do not involve any decoding steps to gener- Vcross-train = 100k and 10 refinement iterations ate pseudo-parallel training data, but still perform

865 better than unsupervised MT systems that rely on Vocabulary BLEU [%] repetitive back-translations (Artetxe et al., 2018; Merges Lample et al., 2018) by up to +3.9% BLEU. The total training time of our method is only 1-2 days 20k 10.4 with a single GPU. BPE 50k 12.5 100k 13.0 4.1 Ablation Study: Denoising Vcross-train 20k 14.4 dper pdel Vins BLEU [%] 50k 14.4 Word 2 14.7 100k 14.5 3 14.9 200k 14.4 5 14.9 0.1 15.7 Table 3: Translation results with different vocabularies 3 0.3 15.1 for German→English. 10 16.8 50 17.2 than word embeddings, especially with smaller 3 0.1 500 16.8 vocabulary size. For small BPE tokens (1-3 char- 5000 16.5 acters), the context they meet during the embed- ding training is much more various than a com- Table 2: Translation results with different values of de- plete word, and a direct translation of such small noising parameters for German→English. token to a BPE token of another language would be very ambiguous. To examine the effect of each noise type in de- For word level embeddings, we compared dif- noising autoencoder, we tuned each parameter of ferent vocabulary sizes used for training the the noise and combined them incrementally (Ta- cross-lingual mapping (the second step in Section ble2). Firstly, for permutations, a significant im- 2). Surprisingly, cross-lingual word embedding provement is achieved from dper = 3, since a local learned only on top 20k words is comparable to reordering usually involves a sequence of 3 to 4 that of 200k words in the translation quality. We words. With dper > 5, it shuffles too many con- also increased the search vocabulary to more than secutive words together, yielding no further im- 200k but the performance only degrades. This provement. This noise cannot handle long-range means that word-by-word translation with cross- reordering, which is usually a swap of words that lingual embedding depends highly on the frequent are far from each other, keeping the words in the word mappings, and learning the mapping be- middle as they are. tween rare words does not have a positive effect. Secondly, we applied the deletion noise with different values of pdel. 0.1 gives +0.8% BLEU, 5 Conclusion but we immediately see a degradation with a larger In this paper, we proposed a simple pipeline value; it is hard to observe one-to-many transla- to greatly improve sentence translation based on tions more than once in each sentence pair. cross-lingual word embedding. We achieved Finally, we optimized Vins for the insertion context-aware lexical choices using beam search noise, fixing pins = 0.1. Increasing Vins is gener- with LM, and solved insertion/deletion/reordering ally not beneficial, since it provides too much vari- problems using denoising autoencoder. Our novel ations in the inserted word; it might not be related insertion noise shows a promising performance to its neighboring words. Overall, we observe the even combined with other noise types. Our meth- best result (+1.5% BLEU) with Vins = 50. ods do not need back-translation steps but still out- 4.2 Ablation Study: Vocabulary performs costly unsupervised neural MT systems. In addition, we proved that for general translation We also examined how the translation perfor- purpose, an effective cross-lingual mapping can be mance varies with different vocabularies of cross- learned using only a small set of frequent words, lingual word embedding in Table3. The first three not on subword units. rows show that BPE embeddings performs worse

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