Word-like character n-gram embedding Geewook Kim and Kazuki Fukui and Hidetoshi Shimodaira Department of Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Mathematical Statistics Team, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project fgeewook,
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract Table 1: Top-10 2-grams in Sina Weibo and 4-grams in We propose a new word embedding method Japanese Twitter (Experiment 1). Words are indicated called word-like character n-gram embed- by boldface and space characters are marked by . ding, which learns distributed representations FNE WNE (Proposed) Chinese Japanese Chinese Japanese of words by embedding word-like character n- 1 ][ wwww 自己 フォロー grams. Our method is an extension of recently 2 。␣ !!!! 。␣ ありがと proposed segmentation-free word embedding, 3 !␣ ありがと ][ wwww 4 .. りがとう 一个 !!!! which directly embeds frequent character n- 5 ]␣ ございま 微博 めっちゃ grams from a raw corpus. However, its n-gram 6 。。 うござい 什么 んだけど vocabulary tends to contain too many non- 7 ,我 とうござ 可以 うござい 8 !! ざいます 没有 line word n-grams. We solved this problem by in- 9 ␣我 がとうご 吗? 2018 troducing an idea of expected word frequency. 10 了, ください 哈哈 じゃない Compared to the previously proposed meth- ods, our method can embed more words, along tion tools are used to determine word boundaries with the words that are not included in a given in the raw corpus. However, these segmenters re- basic word dictionary. Since our method does quire rich dictionaries for accurate segmentation, not rely on word segmentation with rich word which are expensive to prepare and not always dictionaries, it is especially effective when the available.