SHELVA SCOTT SHARON BUMGARNER JO;.iANNA COLEMAN PATSY BRAKE SANDRA SALYERS SUE EDDY Majors' Club Alph a Psi Omega Phi Mu Gamma Wesle y Foundation Women's Ha ll MENC Voting to Be Held Tomorrow in Student Union Of the six co-eds pictured above, who were JOHANNA COLEMAN, from Parkersburg, is leader. She is sponsored by WAA. nominated by campus organization , one will be a sophomore English social studies studene She This is the tent h consecutive year that the chosen b,- student vote tomorrow as Campus is secretary of Phi Mu Gamma. Miss Coleman was MERCURY has s ponsored the contest for the Cover Girl at the Student Union f rom 9 a.m. to first runner-up in the 1962 W. Va. J unior Miss Pittsburgh Press. Numerous colle:;:es in the area 4 p.m. The six finalists were selected by a panel Contest, a semi-finalist in the 1963 Miss W. Va. of the Pittsburg h Press will enter candidates for composed of two faculty members and three stu­ Pageant, and is presently "Miss Parkersburg." Campus Cover Gir L On March 15, a picture of the dents. The panel consisted of Miss Pearl Pickens, She is sponsored by Phi Mu Gamma. finalist from each college will appear in the ~Ir . Carl A. Kerr, Eliza:beth McLaughlin, Charles SUE EDDY is a sophomore from St. Marys. A "Roto" Magazine. Milhoan and Kenneth Frederick. music student, she is endowment chair man of The judges of the Press will meet the foltow­ PATSY BRAKE is a sophomore horne econom­ Delta Zeta. a member of MENC and participates ing week to choose the f ive finalists from all t he ics student from Canvas. She is secretary of Phi in t he band and choir. Miss Eddy is sponsored by candidates who have appeared in t he "Roto." Delta Phi, a MERCURY reporter and was chosen ME ' C. These five fina lists will a ttend a dinner and Miss Pioneer of Women's Hall in 1963. Miss Brake SANDRA SALYERS is a freshman horne ec­ show on Friday, March 27, and a luncheon on is sponsored by the Wesley Foundation. onomics student f rom Vienna. Mi s Salyers, spon­ Saturday as g uests of t he Press, and at this time SHARON BUMGARNER, sonhornore English sored by Women's Hall, is a graduate of Parkers­ they will meet and talk with the j udges who will and peech student, is from Elizabeth. She had burg High School. choose one of them as the "Roto" Campus Cover the female lead ro1e in "Send Me No Flowers." Tn SHE LV A SCOTT is a senio•· physical educa­ GirL 1963 she was the Wirt County Centennial Queen tion and English student f rom Jackson County. No prizes will be awarded. riorn'nee. Miss Bumgarner i sponsored by Alpha She is president of Maiors' Club, ecretary of Winner of the MERCURY Campus Cover Girl Psi OrneGlenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, F ebruar y 12, 1964 GSC Cast, Crew Chosen GSC Literary Society Hosts For Three-act Production Anderson, Dotson W. Va. Poetry Conclave April 4 Have Lead Roles . From the drama department "Dinny and the Witches," to Wilma Stanley, President, comes news of the forthcom­ be presented March 12, 13, Will Preside at Meeting ing three-act p r o d u c t i o n and 16 in the Auditorium. STUDENT UNION Students will be admitted on On Saturday, April 4, the Ia Rollins, vice president of the their activity cards. All off­ Glenville State College Lite­ organization. Special progra m Sweetheart Ball covers featuring Athena, goddess campus people will be charged WORK CONTINUES rary Society will be host to $1.00. of wisdom, have been designed ' Is February 15 Construction of the extension to the Second Annual West Vir­ by Miss Rollins for the Conclave. This ''frolic on grave matters" the Student Union continues on Hearts and cupids will domi­ bas a cast of eight and a stage ginia Poetry Conclave. Last One of the state's lead ing poet s, nale the sct>ne at the annual schedule. The roof for the build· crew of five. Starring in this pro­ ing is expected to be added next year the poetry meeting was Or. Louise McNeill Pease, has S·veetlleart &all soonsored bv Phi duction will be Peggy Anderson odginated by been asked to participa te in the Mu Gamma Sorority Saturday, week. The actual construction as Amy and Randy Dotson as work will be completed by Sept. Wesleyan College. morning progra m. At this time it Feb 15. in the St11dent Union. Dinny. This will be the first col­ is hoped that Dr. Pease, profes­ Following sorority tradition, the 1. 1964. but the building will not lege role for both Miss Anderson be fully equipped at that time. The nine state universities and sor of Eng lish at Concord Col­ will ~irl-ask-bov. ball bP Admis­ and Mr. Dotson. colleges participating in the '63 lege, w ill read from her own sion is $2.50 for couple. Music The second cafeteria serving line Othe rs in the cast include Jim will also be incomplete at the convention were Alderson-Broad­ poetry a nd d iscuss her c raft as for the event will be provided by Bush as Stonehe nge, Dock Hinkle dus, Davis and E lkins. Glenville, a poet . the Royaltones from 9 to 12. beginning of the school year. a s Jake, Harold Doughe rty as Marshall University, Morris Har­ Crowning of Sweet'-learts of t he Been, M ary Bie l as Luella, Sher­ When the extension is complet­ vcv, P otomac State, Salem, Selected student poets will Year w ill highlight the Ball this ry Crayton as Zenobia, and Car­ ed, the recreation area should Wheeling, West Virginia Universi­ read and discuss their poetry in year. The SwePt~earts will be ole Wa rren a s Ulg a. ty, and the host institution, Wes· the morning session a nd will have include bowling facilities, ping leyan. it e\·aluated. nominated and elected by popular Working behind the scenes will vote. f\l omin,.tions can be made pong and pool tables, and a new be the stage crew comprised of According to Dr. Espy W. Mil­ A luncheon is pla nned for 1:30 for five cents and votes un ballroom. be 'I110mas E. Hodges, stage man­ ler, chairman of the English de­ p.m . at which time Dr. Ruel E. cast at the cost of a penny a ager and lights; Carol Barron, partment, "The purpose of the Foster , p rofessor of English at vote. The colle ge book store will be properties; Tom Isenhart, cos­ located on the street level a nd meeting is to provide opportuni­ West Virginia University, will The election polls, which will tumes; and J ane Leverage and the student council oHice will be ty for student poets in all of the .speak. Or. Foste r is a noted be set up in the Student Union, Loretta Dwelle, make-up. enlarged. Meeting rooms for gen­ colleges and universities of the Willia m Faulkner scholar and is will be open on Thursday, Feb. Cut and crew started rehear· era l a nd organizationa l use, in· state with an opportunity to read cons idered to be one of the out­ 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On sel Monday, Feb. 3. Mr. Rodney eluding stora ge space would be their poetry and to have it evalu­ standing teachers of literature at Friday, the polls will be open Busch, instructor in speech a nd provided. ated by other student poets and the sta te university. from 9 a.m. until U p.m. After dramatics, Is serving u director by college teachers of English." six o'clock on Friday, voting sta­ of this three-act production. Additional st udy booths, an en­ In the afternoon sessions, expli­ tistics will be secret. larged television room, and an Wilma Sta nley, preside nt of the cations of poems in small semi­ (See Phi Mu Gamma picture on FOUR JOIN ALPHA PSI extension of the snack bar are Litera ry Society, V(ill pres ide at naries will be undertaken. Stu­ p. 2) P at Britton, Jack Brown, Helen incorporated into the plans for the opening session of the Con­ dent poets will read their own During the intermission at the Cunningham, and Wayman John­ the building. clave which beg ins at 10 a .m . poetry in small groups. 1 dance, the Sweethearts of the son are the newly initiated mem­ On April 18, 1962, the student ~e d~f!~~:t:y ~~srses~t;,i !/l so All colleges and universities in Year will be crowned by Miss bers of Alpha Psi Omega, national body voted in an all-campus elec- . 1 West Virginia, both public and J ane Leverage, president of Phi dramatic honorary. Conducting the tlon for the expansion of the Stu- . . In o b s e r v a o c e of William private, ar e invited to attend and Mu Gamma Sorority, and the initiation were ~ a rgaret Hofm ann, dent Union. In 1963, bids for the Shakespeare's 4ootb anniver sary, participate in the Poetry Con­ Sweetheart will be presented with president; Karolyn ·Lowther; and work were opened and construe- Ben Jon so n's "Mr. William a rose. clave. The meeting and the Iuneb· Mr. Rodney Busch, adviser. lion begon. Shakespeare'• will be read by Ni- eon will be open to the public.

002_R.jpg Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Poet's Corner TWO POETS REVISITED Carl A. Kerr 1 From something h er e within a sigh Rejects your runic day; It turns aside And will not hear Discourse of ravens at their antic play. A union is required That makes me nonessential To the me ' Of haunted castles And lost cities in the sea. 2 He who comes thinks to impel Our yester mood of love-in-a-mist; But a number of hours are here between, And a blind old moon has set In an old reluctant west. Come to the window, No nearer is best. The long withdrawing roar Is plumbing on an upper floor.

Braxton, Clay, Gilmer, Nicholas, Teacher Exam Ritchie. Pocahontas. Roane . Dodd- -.- ridge, Calhoun, Webster, Wetzel, PLAN FOR SWEETHEART BALL : Phi Mu members make decorations for the ilnnual Sweetheart Ball t• and Wirt. be held in the Student Union Feb. 15. Pictured above are l ~ft to right Nancy Reed, Donna Murphy, Eleanor Is Saturday This meeting was one of seven Martin, Jane Leverage and Judy Hale.- (MER-pt-oto by Frederick) Dean William Oeel, supervisor held throughout the state for this for testing at GSC. has announced purpose. testing dates for the N a tiona I Teacher Examination a nd ACT FILM SERIES 1 Community Church News test. Education Is Mr. Nelson Wells and Mr. Al­ Westminister Group ginia Baptist Student Movement, bert Johnson will assist Dr. Wen­ LACKS SUPPORT The Westminister Group from met with the other state officers dell Hardway, associate supervi­ Family Affair Because of a Jack of interest the Presbyterian Church is begin· and delegates in Parkersburg at sor of testing at GSC, in adminis­ this semester, the Foreign Film ning a study of the Southern Ap· the Baptist Convention Headquar­ Mr. and Mrs. Arden J ones of ters. tering the NTE to graduating sen­ Tanner Route. Glenville, apparent­ Series, sponsored by Alpha Psi palachian Survey made by the iors in the Little Theatre, Satur· Omega national dramatic honor· Ford F!>undation and published Jones is also the N3tional Stu­ ly consider a Glenville State Col­ dent Christian Federation Repre-. day, Feb. 15 beginning at 8:30 a. lege education important, not only ary society, is in danger of be· by the University of Kentucky sentative for West Virginia. m . for themselves but also for tnetr ing suspended. At registration, Press. Students t aking the test must children. fewer than 12 students showed The group meets at the Pres­ The purpose of the meeting bring tickets of admission. The enough interest to join the series. byterian Church each Tuesday at was to plan the spring conference Three of the Jones children 7 p.m. CoUege students are urged to bP. held at the West Virginia 1est serves a dual research pur­ During the past semester , these pose for the W. Va. Board of Edu· are now enrolled here. Lyndall to attend the discussions. Baptist Camp at Cowen. is a ph ~si cal science and mathe­ films were shown ''Cithen Tht Rev. Gerald Maynard ex­ cation and the National Area Sur· Kane,'• " Seven Deadly Sins," Other state officers attending matics senior. Randall is a soph­ plained, "The study will continue vey. "Forbidden Fruit.'' " La Strada," the conference_ were Bill .No):e~­ omore with fields in agriculture until the end of the school year. A1derson - Broaddus, presideiit; The ACI' test will be administer· and biologv, and Wandalene is a and " Virgin Spring." Plans were ed by Dean Deel, Mr. Frank Toth The aim of tbis study is to de· John Campbell, Concord College. freshman English student. A in the making fnr an even b.:.""'r termine in what capacity the and Mr. John White in the College ~eries of films for this semester vice president; and Marjorie d a u g h t e r in law, Jolene Cole Church may serve in heloing to Smith, West Vrrgnia University, r the Newman Club for the (Freeda Woofter) received an SN the change in meeting time f.rom semester were discussed. p.m. GSC students are invited to The meeting was for the purpose in 1928. Thursdays to every first and third attend. The group holds regular of developing a better understand· Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. This time Wuley Foundation A Valentine party will be held meetings each Sundy at 6:30 p.m. ing and relationship and discussing Ray Watson, a 1947 graduate change was made because of a in the church. at the Wesley Foundation from the role of the State Department of Glenville State College and a conflict between members and 7:SO · 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14. of Education, the colleges and former backfield coach at West sponsor~ enrolled or teaching in President Harry B. Hellin at· Games, a valentine box, and re­ counties of Region IV. Virginia University, is the princi­ Principles and Methods class and tended a meeting of the Execu· The counties represented were pal of Wirt County High School. those students doing student freshments will be part of the tive Committee of the West Vir. teaching. evening activity. Linda Mahan is planning the party. ginia Association of College and A new tenhtive program, As Sunday Feb. 16 is " World University Presidents in Charles· ton on Thursday. which will include films, reviews Day of Prayer for Students,'' a of article~ in professional mag•· discussion of international stu· Two women graduating from Campus Calendar zines, and talks by various in­ dents from W. Va. Wesleyan will Glenville State College this past structors concerning teaching in be held at the Foundation. Thursday, Feb. 13 - Informal Sunday, Feb. 1& - Formal Rush the public schools, has been set semester, Brenda Hamric and Rush Party, Louis Bennett Party, Home Economics Din- for the semester. Baptist Student Fellowship Mary Susan Nangle have accept· On Sunday, Feb. 9, Lyndall ed. positions in the public schools Lounge, 7 - 9 p.m., Phi Mu ing Room, 7 · 8 p.m., Phi Mu Gamma Gamma SEA members have been asked Jones, Treasurer of the West Vir· in Charles Town. to <"Ontribute a quarter to help Thursday, Feb. 13 _ Cover Girl Sunday, Feb. 16 - Formal Rush replenish the treasury. THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Election, Student Union, 9 a.m. Party, Louis Bennett Lounge, -4 p.m. 8 · 9 p.m., Delta Zeta A new ruling concerning ab· The Student News ~aper sences was made at the la st Glenville State College Tuesday, Feb. 18 -Dinner and Thursday, Feb. 13 - Campus Or· meeting allowing a member to Telephone Ext. 39 ganizational Meeting, Lou i s Bible Study, Wesley House, 5:15 have not more than two unexcus­ Bennett Lounge, 7:30 ·7 p.m., Wesley Group ed absences a semester. Miss off~g;e~~dGi!n~ill~~'tv~ 1 \f:.. ~~~:~ i1~v~~b~~ ~~/:h293 , a1t8~~~ ru~~ 1 Jewell Matthews, faculty adviser, lished ~very other Wednesday during the academic year except Frid ay, Feb. 14 - Valentine Par- Tu~ :d: ~ m : e:~ , ~o~s P~eed~:~ will determine what constitutes on holidays. 7 10 an excused absence. ~~s~;s~~u~~~~:~ - p.m., Lounge, 6 · 10 p.m., Delta Zeta STAFF Sunday, Feb. 23 - Tea, Louis Any SEA member exceeding Associate Ed.ltors ------Janet Long, Eliz.abeth McWughlin Friday, Feb. 14 - Film, Audi­ Bennett Lounge, 2 . 4 p.m., the absence Umit will be placed Sports Editor ------Robert Smith torium, 8 - 10 p.m., Student Delta Zeta on an inactive-member list. This Photographers ------Kenneth Frederick, Robert Smith Union Board Circulallon Managers -··----- RCisemary McCarty, Carolyn Reip Sunday, Feb. 2J - Meeting, information will, in turn. be placed on the student's college Business Manager ------·------Lewis Wolfe Saturday, Feb. 15 - ACT Tests, Room 305A, 3 p.m., Literary Typist ------·------·--- Martha Hornor Gymnasium Society record. Contributors to this issue: Dave Bingman, Patsy Brake, Margaret Saturday, Feb. 15 - National Monday, Feb. 24 - Foreign Film, Hofmano, Ruth Murphy, Judy Musgrave, Nancy Reed, President Harry B. Heflin will Noreen Reich, Nila RoUms, Francine Vasbinder, Fred Young. Teacher Examination, Little Little Theatre, 3:30 and 8 p.m., attend a meeting of the Studies Adviser ------·------Virginia West Theatre, All Seniors Speech Department Committee of the American As­ -Saturday, Feb. 15 - Dance, Stu· Tuesday, Feb. 2S - Film, Audi- sociation of College Teacher Edu­ Mount~~gS::~vh:t~ ~:::J~:. ~khannon dent Union, 9 - 12, Phi Mu torium, 3:30 and 8 p.m., Sci- cation from Feb. 16 - 2ti in Chi­ Printed by the Republican-Delta, Budi1wmon Gamma ence Club cago.

003_L.jpg Wednesday, F ebruary 12, 1964 THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Page Three Fairmont Squad Dilley Leads Offense Wins Wrestling The Gle nville Wrestling squad In Recent Pioneer Play lost to a strong F airmont team here for the second time th.i& By BOB SMITH year . 21-13. Fairmont had three pins and Since the last basketball games G-men 16-14 in the second quar­ ter, and at the half Glenville held two decisions to account for their were reported in the MERCURY, points. the Pioneers have won two and a slim one-point lead, 33-32. - lost six. One of the biggest wins Clark Dilley and Bob Maxwell Summary of the match: of the year was recorded when led the Glenville oHensive .-ttack 123 II). Stewart, Glen. pinne41 Glenville downed the W.Va. Wes­ In the first half. Yosl, Fair. 2:08 2 period. 130 lb. leyan Bobcats on their floor ; A:; the second half started the Hill, Fair. pinned Chisler, Glen. Wheeling was the other victim of Pioneers could not buy a basket 2:25 2 period. 137 lb. Lustig, Glen. the G-men. and only scored nine points in pinned Marchetta, Fair. 0:11 1 Losses were administered by the first ten minutes of the peri­ period. 147 lb. Busnett, Fair. de­ Alderson-Broaddus, Morris Har­ od. Meanwhile Concord had cisioned Lanh:, Glen. 1S7 lb. Stern­ vey, F airmont, Concord, W.Va. moved out to a commancling 58- er, Fair. decisioned Marshall, Tech and W.Va. Wesleyan. All of 42 lead. Glen. 167 lb. Lent, Glen. decislon-­ these losses, except Alderson­ The Pioneers rallied late in the ed Julian, Fair. 177 lb. Healy. Broaddus, were to some of the Fair. pinned Adams, Glen. 1:41 toughest competition in the con­ game and managed to cut the margin to three points but could 1 period. Unlimited Jackson, ference. Fair. pinned Briscoe, Glen. 0:31 Through these eight games, get no closer. 2 period. Clark Dilley, sophomore from Glenville play~ers in double fi­ Cha rleston High School, has led gures were Dilley 21, Maxwell The Glenville gr applers travel­ the Glenville offense aver aging 17, and Chuck Eddy 13. ed to Morgantown the past week 24.1 points. Jan. 28 Fairmont end to wr estle the WVU F resh­ Feb. 4 Wesleyan Glenville opened the Fairmont men, the results were not avail­ The W.Va. Wesleyan Bobcats game showing a good offense and able at press time. came to town determined to gain led 20·9 early in the first quar· The wrestlers will meet the revenge for the loss earlier in ter. The Pioneers held an eight­ Marshall University team at the season to the Pioneers and pomt 1ead at tne' end of tne 11rst home, Feb. 15. GLENVILLE vs. W ESLEYAN: G lenville's Bob f\\in neweather is triumphed in a thriller 84-83. ten minutes of play. shown going hi!_~h in the a ir to take the tip away from Wesleyan' s Wesleyan committed nume rous The Falcons came back strong Mickey Reeves {33 ). Bob Max well (30) a nd L ~nn Nelson (53 ) are e rrors in the opening m ome nts of in the second ten minutes and W AA Organizes ready to receive the t i!). Glenville is in white uniforms.- ( MER-phot o game capitalized on G-men mistakes. by Young ) the and Glenville's fast break was working well, and it At the half, the game was all looked as though the Pioneers tied up at 39-39. Basketball T earn would upset the Bobcats again. In the first half Clark Dilley A women's basketball team un­ Glenville l'!d 22-20 at the end of led the Glenville offense with l6 der the sponsorship of the WAA Tourney Begins Feb. 19 the first ten minutes of play. points. a nd the direction of Mrs. Chris­ The second quarter was close Both teams started the second tine Bush has been organized. as neither team led by more than half shooting well and the Pio­ Other colleges have been contact­ In Charleston Center two points during this time. Wes­ neers opened up a five-pomt lead ed, and games will be scheduled leyan led 40·44 at the half as the at the end of the first ten if practice sessions can be ar· '37-38 Pioneers Bobcats scored a basket as the minutes. ranged. T hen the Pioneers went four whistle sounded. Women reporting for practice To Be Honored Wesleyan had a three-point minutes scor ing only one point; the F alcons led 73-62 with six are Ann P riester , J ad tie Kafer. The will compete in t he 27th lead after the first ten minutes Bar bara Lengyel, Roberta Downs, of play in the second half: they minutes left to play. Glenville annual WVIAC Tournament to be held in the Charleston pulled to within five points of Kay Strosnider, Patsy Fields. held a seven-point lead with sev­ Joyce Grose, Rebecca Grose. Civic Center Feb. 19, 20, 21, 22. en minutes left to play. Fairmont with a minute and a bali left, but could get no closer P aula Strader, Katie Frazer. Glenville's opponent in the tournament and playing time The Pioneers came back to tie Brenda Hickman, Kay Goff, were not know at press time; these are dependent on the the game, and lead 83-81 with 50 and lost 82-75. Once again the bot shooting Brenda Sbedaker, Sandra Mick. final standings in the confer- seconas remaining. Then Wesley­ Sandra Givens, and Margaret ence. an's Fred Suder drove the length Dilley led all scorers with 32 Rohrbough and the 1937·28 team. points. Other s in double figures Glenn. The tournament this year is of Banquet will be held in the W.Va. of the floor, scored and was foul­ were Mike Reed 13, Bob Minnie· special interest to Glenville stu­ Room of the Civic Center, Sat­ ed. Suder calmly sank the foul dents and alumni as the Glenville urday, Feb. 22. Followers of this shot to ice the game as Glenville weather 12, ~nd Clyde Brewer 11. Conley, Hayes Get State team of GSC team a!' well as guesu &.nd missed the final shot. Jan. 27, Morris Harvy Council Posts 1937·38 is to be honored. friends who wish to attend the Oark Dilley led all scorers with The Pioneers took command That team, couhed by A. F . banquet should make reserva­ 31 points. He was followed by against Morris Harvey as the Patsy Conley replaced Lois ( N a t e ) Rohrbough, won 38 tions with Mr. John V. White, Mike Reed, 13, Clyde Brewer 12, Charleston quintet could not find Friel as Student Council secre­ straight games, the West Virginia Glenville State College. · and Chuck Eddy I I. the range during the early part tary, and Robert Hayes replaced Conference title, the West Vir­ Members of this ' 37 - '38 team Feb. 1, w. Va. Tech of the game; the Golden Eagles J erry Wilson as treasurer at the glnl• Conference Tourname nt and were Louie Romano, Robert Dav­ The Pioneers lost the second did not score their first field goal Jan. 28 Student Council meeting. the Tri-S t • t e (W. Va., Ohio, ies, Fnnk Martino, Hillis Cottle, game of their southern trip to a until 5:54 had passed in tbe Miss Friel and Mr. Wilson are 'enn.) District Title. now doing their directed tea ching~ Harold Noroski, Albert Lilley, strong W.Va. Tech combine, 103- game. The Charleston Chapter of the Ha rold Scott, John Marra, Gil­ 72. Glenville led by one point at The Student . Council will spon­ GSC Alumni Association will have bert Rhoades, Jr., James Me· Glenville fell behind early in the end of the first ten minutes sor a Saint Patrick's dance on • banquet in honor of Coach Millen, Guy Bennett, Earl Wolfe, the game as Mike Reed and Bob of action, but Morris Harvey March 14. Plans for tbe dance Manager Paul Collins and publici­ Maxwell were the only Pioneers came back to tie the game, 33-33 are incomplete. ty director Richard Oyer. to hit consistently in the first at half time. MAA Reports The 1964 Pioneers will be guests half. Meanwhile Tech's Charley In the second half, Clyde Brew· Miss Shirley Conrad, 1962 GSC at a dinner in Charleston on Kelly and Mike Barrett were hot er came off the bench to keep graduate, is currently teaching Tuesday evening, Feb. 18. In­ and led the Golden Bears to a Glenville In the game with his business courses at Ravenswood Basketball Play terested Glenville State people 46·31 margin at half time. shots around the top of the foul High School. who are sponsoring the '64 Pio­ In the second half, Clark Dil­ circle. Once again the Pioneers Kermit Moore, senior"ll· neers at this dinner are Gilbert ley, Bob Mlnnleweather and led by one point at the three­ 'Dr. Donald Cobb, who graduat­ tary education major, is the new Rhoades, J r ., Darrell Morris, Clyde Brewer began to hit for quarter mark. ed from Glenville State College director of the intramural pro· J ohnson Burke, Charles (Boone) Glenville, but Tech was continu­ But Morris Harvey outscored in 1950, is Superintendent of gram as William Kiozer is doing Maxwell. Truman Barnett, Frank Ing its torrid pace and won eo· the G·men 31·24 in the final ten Schools in Wooster, Ohio. his student teaching this term. Vinson, Earl ( Rusty) Stalnaker , ing away 103-72. minutes of action to wrap up the ~''''''''''''''''''''''; The results of games played Denzil Skinner, Marvin Lee. Brewer led the Glenville scor­ victory 82-77. : Modern Dry Cleaners : Feb. 3: Last year the G-Men lost their ing with 21 points. He was follow­ Brewer led the Glenville scor­ Lakers SS-Ramblers 40. Saints opening game in the tourney to ed by Dilley 16, Reed 16, and ing with 25 points. He was aided • N . .Court Street : 104-Magnificent Ten 30. H RC W. Va. Wesleyan 101 - 91. True Minnieweatber 10. by Clark Dilley with 16 and Mike : Fast Efficient Work ! Aces SO-Theta Xi No. One 4&. to tradition, G,lenville State had Reed witb 12. the largest cheering section in Jan. 31 , Concord : Patr ick Reale : Bomb Busters 61-Richwood S9. Jan. 2S, W.Va. Wesleyan Jets 53-Untouchables Sl. the bleachers. The Pioneers lost the first L.• , •• , •• , •••• ,,,,•• ,~,~

;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ game of the annual southern trip After being upset by Alderson­ ~,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,·~ . to the Concord Mountain Lions, Broaddus, the Pioneers came : For haircuts and flattops visit : . back to upset arch rival W.Va. • • 73·70. . . Glenville started the game Weslevan on the Bobcat's home : Bantz's Barber : : Best of Luck Pioneers! : strong and held a three-point floor.· : Shop : •. .• lead, 19·16 at the end of the first Both teams started slowly and • • . . quarter of play. The Mountain Glenville was behind by two : Doc Layfield - Bantz Collins ! • • Lions came back to outscore the (Continued on page 4) . ~.~·~···-··--,,,,.,,.,,~

&,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,_ Kanawha Union Bank : ' ;····~·~'''''~'''~'''''~ ·~~.,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i . .. PARSONS' •' .• : Cards for All' Occas ions. : • CLOTHING •' l GLENVILLE, W.VA. : Cosmetics for the Ladies. : . JEW ELRY • : Quality Fountain Service : .• For the Young and the : • : For AU. Stop and Shop. : ! Glenville and Grantsville Old. Come See. : '• ! All Work Guaranteed Moderate Prices !• OVER FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE .• .• ' • • •: Watch end Jewelry Repairing • ·: To GILMER COUNTY : The : ' .,• • • : Bulova and Elgin Watch" The '• • • • : Letest Recorded Hits •' ~ Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Company lG&DSTOREl : Hallmark Cards Dalton Store •' • . .1 Appliances • ,,,,,_, , ,,,,,,,. • •, .. , .. , ...... ,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • ....• ___ __ • ~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J . . ·---·,~----,··------·

010_R.jpg P~ge Fou r THE GLENVILLE MERCURY W~dnesday, F ebruary 12, 1964 Theta X i House in Camden Flats Teaching Stint Begins For 38 in Local Area Dr. Wr ndall Hardway, chair­ Jones a re te• ching • t Doddridge man of the education department, County High School, West un: :m. announced tbat 38 students are Ronald Lee and Mary Jo No­ participating in student teaching cida are teaching at Cali:lo,.m activities throughout the state. County High SchooL Teaching at Burnsville Ele men· Catherine Mzlls DeBarr J~ t <"l r v School a re N• tha n Arnold teaching hom e economics at and Marlene Juruko. Ca rolyn Buckhannon-Upshur Hig~ So~?'ll Grove, La rry Kitzmiller, Joe Doing student teachin• at Spen­ M ~ y, and Dona ld Morris m.Jke • a cer Hig'1 s.t:"ool ue Jo~mes Etu the teaching team ilt Burnsvilli! and William Kinzer. High Sch ool. Judith Kay Swisher is t'!!!ul,ing Participating in student instruc:· home economics at Roosevelt-Wil­ lion activities at Normr~T!t'>'·' n son High School, Clarksburg High School are Robert Berry, Six students are particip::.tio~ Barbara Parson Kincaid, .tod in various fields on instructll)n t Gracie Metheny. Weston High SchooL They are Betty Jean Gragg and Carolyn J ohn Rjcbard Bickel. Jorrne f_,~t· cher, William Daougherty, Loc; Friel, K
