Odonatological Abstracts

stated and 1980 The results are briefly maps are

given for each sp. — This project has been

1980. the (5177) SUZUKI, K. & K. TANAKA, [Repro- continued during the subsequent years;

Muais nawai Yamamoto in Nolul. ductive strategy of 1982-1984 results were published en-

and Muais pruinosa Selys in the Hokuriku lomol. 63 [1983]: 69-80; 64 [1984]: 57-68;

District, central Honshu, Japan. Mating and 65 [1985]: 41-62.

territorial behaviors]. Abslr. 40th A. Meet,

Soc. 26. — 1982. Some interactions of enl. Jap., Kochi-shi, p, (Jap.). (5180) BENCE, J.R., pre-

(Dept. Biol., Coll. Lib. Arts& Educ.,Toyama daceous and mosquitofish (Gambusia

Gofuku of results. Bull. Univ., 3190, Toyama, 930, JA). affinis): a review some recent

the OA 41-44. — Biol. [For full paper cf. 4501]. Soc. Vector Ecologists 7: (Dept

Sei., Univ. California, Santa Barbara, CA

1981 93106, USA).

Recent work in California (mainly in rice

1981. Présence d’un the between (5178) AGUESSE. P„ au Maroc fields) on complex interactions G.

du affinis and various invertebrates that arise be- représentant genre Pseudagrion (Selys)

Inst, scient. the is (, Zygoptera). Bull. Rabat cause of polyphagous habit of the fish,

1981(5): 179-180. — (Lab. Zool., Fac. Sci., reviewed. The results suggest that G. affinis

B.P. 1014, Rabat-Agdal, Morocco). reduces the abundance of predaceous insects

P. torridum is reported from Ffes. Morocco. (inch Odon.) and plankton. The mechanism

for effect insects the on predaceous appears to

1982 be selective removal ofearly instars by the fish,

resulting in an increase of the mosquito sur-

Vuoden the (5179) (Anonymous), 1982. 1981 tulokset2l vival. The reduction in abundance ofzoo-

suomalaisen hyönteislajin levinneisyyskarto- plankton reduces it.

ituksesta. — Resultat av kartering av 21 in-

sektarters utbredningiFinland àr 1981. — Re- (5181) GARCIA, R.. 1982. predators of

sults ofthe mapping in 1981 of the distribution mosquitos. Bull. Soc. Vector Ecologists 7: 45-

of 21 species in Finland. Nolul. enlomol. -47. — (Div, Biol. Control, Univ. California,

62: 25-36. (Finn. & Swed., with Engl, s.) — Berkeley, CA 94706, USA).

(Reprints available from Div. Ent., Mus. Some of the problems related to understan-

Zool., Univ. Helsinki, P. Rautatiekatu 13, SF- ding and manipulating arthropod predators

-00100 Helsinki). for the biological control of mosquitoes are

the The Odon. During May-Sept. 1981. observations on reviewed and discussed. are among

which occurrence of 21 conspicuous insect spp., incl. the taxa to special attention is being

Calopteryx virgo and C. splendens, were car- paid.

ried out throughout Finland by 445 persons. 224 Odonatological Abstracts

(5182) HUGGERT, L., 1982. Descriptionsand redes- (Author. Kirchstr, 25, CH-8887 Mels; — res-

criptions of Trichopriaspecies from Africa and ponsible for Odon.; Dr J. Florin, Haldenstr.

the Oriental & Australian regions (Hymeno- 2a, CH-9302 Kronbilhl).

ptera. Proctotrupoidea: Diapriidae). Enl. Reference is made to 12 odon. spp, (no

the scand. 13: 109-122. — (Dept. Ecol, Zool., names) from Isenriet, Diepoldsau, St.

Univ. Umea, S-901-87 Umea. Sweden). Gallen, Switzerland. Material is in the Florin

6 spp. are ( re)described, incl. T. fumipennissp. collection, Kronbilhl.

n.. reared from puparia of Drosophila libellu-

losa Tsacas & Legrand, Gabon (cf. OA 2580). 1984

The latter is in its of of turn a parasite the eggs

Malgassophlebia aequatoris. (5187) ANDRIES, J.-C. & G. TRAMU, 1984. Étude

ultrastructurale et immunohistochimique des 1983 cellules endocrines et des fibres nerveuses du

mésenteron d’Aeshna cyanea (Insecte, Odo-

(5183) BISTROM. O.. 1983. Exkursionen till Ve- nate). Biol. cell. 51(1): 33a. [Abstract only]. —

derlax. Author: Lab. Biol. Ada enl. fenn. 42: 6-7. (Swed.). — (First Anim„ Univ. Lille,

(Zool. Mus., Univ. Helsinki, P. Rautatiekatu F-59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq).

13, SF-00100 Helsinki). The ultramicroscopic anatomy and immuno-

of the larval Calopteryx virgo is listed from Vederlax (= histochemical endocrinology me-

Virojoki), SE Finland. senteron are briefly outlined.

(5184) FURTH. D.G.. 1983. Aquatic entomofauna (5188) BENKE, A.C., T.C. VAN ARSDALL &

of Dead Sea oasis. D a Hydrohiologia 102: 3-25. M. GILLESPIE, 1984. Invertebrate pro- — (Div. Ent.. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist,, Yale ductivity in a subtropical blackwater river; the

Univ., New Haven CT 06511, USA). importance of habitat and life history. Ecol.

the En The fauna of Gedi oasis, Israel is sur- Monogr. 54(1): 25-63. — (First Author: Dept

veyed and analysed incl. zoogeographical and Biol., Univ. Alabama, P.O. Box 1927, Univer-

of community analyses, comparison summer sity, AL 35486, USA).

and winter seasonality, and a discussion ofthe Invertebrate productivity was studied at 2 sites

effects of agriculture and tourism. The odon. in the Satilla R., Georgia, USA. The sub-

list contains 14 wooden substrates spp. merged (snags) are heavily

colonized by aquatic insects. The productivity

KAUSHAl B.R.4 L.K. the (5185) . VATS. 1983. Popu- on snag habitat is compared with that in

lation dynamics and biomass production of the sandy benthic habitat of the main channel,

with habitat aboveground insects in a tropical grassland. and the muddy of the backwaters.

odon. Proc. hid. Acad. Sci. ( Sei.) 92(6): 447- 13 taxa were recorded; most ofthem

-452. (First Author: Zool., Kumaon obscurus Dept on snag, Progomphus on sand, and

Univ.. Nainilal-263002. India). Dromogomphus sp. and unidentified libellu-

30 orders mud. spp.. referable to 5 insect were stu- lids in

died, incl. 6 odon. spp. (Coenagrionidae, Libel-

lulidac). Maximum population density of (5189) BORISOV, S.N.. 1984. Izmenchivost' poko-

9.0 and strekoz - was m on one stand, leniy u (Insecta, Odonata). [Sea-

: sonal 0.57 m' on another one. Maximum biomass variation in dragonflies (Insecta.

; I:v. Nauk SSR values were 29.94. and 22.78 mg m resp. The Odonata)]. Akad. ladzhik.

2 families were equally dominant in terms of (Biol.) 1984(4): 68-70. (Russ.). — (E.N.

but the in Inst. Zool. & Parasitol., density, libcllulids were dominant Pavlovsky Tad/hik

terms of biomass. Acad. Sci.. Dushanbe. USSR).

Seasonal variation in thoracic pattern is des-

(5186) SIEBER. R . 1983. Torfxlcchen ini Rheinlal. cribed and figured in Ischnura elegans (and

96 No ISBN also between different of I. Biichel. Obcrricl. pp. number. occurs generations Odonatological Abstracts 225

evansi and 1. In forcipata). Selysiothemis mnema desiderata (Platystictidae), trom Vera-

the nigra, wing length is subject to seasonal cruz, Mexico, is described. In C. marina and

variation. P. desiderata the male territory includes the

oviposition site, and the males show non-con-

(5190) CORALLINI SORCETT1, C. & M.V. Dl tact guarding behaviour. The male territory of

GIOVANNI, 1984. Gregarines (Protozoa- H. alienum does not include the oviposition

-Sporozoa) in Italian freshwater . site, and the oviposition takes place in tandem.

A contribution. preliminary Boll. Zool. 51: The adaptive value ofdifferent types ofpostco-

313-327. — (Ist. Zool., Univ. Perugia, Via pulatory guarding behaviour is discussed.

Elce di Sotto, 1-06100 Perugia),

The material examined includes Cercion lin- (5195) HALASY, K. & M, CSOKNYA, 1984. Com-

and In the dem Sympetrum méridionale. diges- parative morphological studies on the alimen-

tive tube of the latter the sporadin and cepha- tary canal of Ischnura elegans Vanderl, and

lont stages of Actinocephalus sieboldi were Lestes viridis Vanderl. (Odonata, Zygoptera)

recorded. The is new for it larvae. Acta gregarine Italy, and biol. szeged. 30(1/4): 143-152. —

is here described and figured. (Dept Zool., Attila Jôzsef Univ., P.O. Box

659. HU-6701 Szeged).

(5191) CSERMELY, D„ 1984. Comparative etho- Macroscopic and microscopic observations

logy of reproductive strategies in . Boll. are reported. The histological layers ofthe tri-

51: — Zodl. 223-241. (1st. Zool., Univ. Parma, chotomous intestinal canal are muscle, epithe-

1-43100 Via Université 12, Parma). lium and intima. The layers vary in thickness in

Review of the subject, with a passing reference the different sections of the intestine. The in-

to J.K. maculata observed the Waage’s work on Calopteryx dentation in gizzard as.well as the

(cf. OA 2498). regenerative and absorptive epithelial cell

of the types midgut are noteworthy.

(5192) DHIMAN, S.C., 1984. New record of Eylais

Arrhenurus sp. and sp. of mites parasitizing the (5196) KUMAR, A., 1984. Studies on the life history

damselfly. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 81(3): of Indian dragonflies. Diplacodes trivialis

726-727. — (Dept Zool., M.S. Coll., Saha- (Rambur, 1842). Rec. zool. Sun\ India

ranpur-247001, U.P., India). 81(3/4): 13-22. — (Environ. Monit. Wing,

Neither the megapodagrionid , nor Zool. Surv. India, III Santhome High Rd.

the mites are further identified. Madras-600 028, India).

Specimens were reared from egg to adult. (5193) DONATH, H., 1984. Die gefährdeten Libellen There are II instars (Dehra Dun), and the

im Bezirk Cottbus. (Stand: November in their 1983). principal changes morphologyare des-

Natur Landsch. Cottbus — 6: 76-79. (Jahnstr. cribed and figured. The seasonal regulation of

6, DDR-7960 Luckau, GDR). the sp. has been studied in the field.

Status evaluation of the odon. fauna and

odon. habitats in the district of Cottbus, GDR. (5197) KUMAR, A., 1984. Studies on the life history

of Indian dragonflies. Acisoma panorpoides GONZALEZ (5194) SORIANO, E. & M. VER- panorpoides Rambur, 1842 (: O-

DUGO GARZA, 1984. Estrategias reproduc- donata). Rec. zool. Sun’. India 81(3/4): 203-

tivas — en algunas especies zigopteros neotropi- -213. (Environ. Monit. Wing, Zool. Surv. cales (Insecta, Odonata). Fol. ent. mex. 61: India. 111 Santhome High Rd. Madras 600

93-103. (With Engl. s.). — (Depto Zool., Inst. 028. India).

Biol., Univ, Auton. Mexico. Apdo Postal 70- were reared from the adult. Specimens egg to

-153, MX-04510 Mexico, D.F.). The principal changes in external morphology

Reproductive behaviour of the in the 12 coexisting instars (Dehra Dun) are described

Cora marina (Polythoridae). Heteragrion and figured. The seasonal distribution has alienum (Megapodagrionidae) and Palae- been studied in the field. 226 Odonatological Abstracts

(5198) PAVLYUK, R.S.&T. KURBANOVA, 1984. chlorocyphids the pronounced sexual competi-

K izucheniyu fauny strekoz (Insecta, Odonata) tion significantly diminishes the number of

Turkmenii. — (Study of Insecta (Odonata) males participating in reproduction. Current

Izv. Nauk odon. is fauna in Turkmenia). Akad. literature pertainingto behaviour ana-

turkmen. SSR (Biol.) 1984(4): 72-74. (Russ., lysed.

with Engl. s.). — (Dept Invert. Zool., Univ.

Lvov, 4 Shcherbakov., USSR-290005 Lvov). (5202) SUZUKI, K„ 1984. [Classification and evolu-

Annotated list of 21 spp. from southern Turk- tion of Japanese Mnais: a proposal of a "4

menia. USSR. independent species” hypothesis]. Konchu

Bunruigaku Wakale Kondankai News 46: 9-

(5199) PRASAD, M. & S.K. GHOSH, 1984. A note -13. (Jap.). — (Dept Biol., Coll. Liberal Arts&

on the Odonata (Insecta) from Khasi Hills, Educ., Toyama Univ., Gofuku 3190, Toyama,

Meghalaya, with description ofa new species. 930, JA).

The 4 Bull. zool. Surv. India 6(1/3): 37-44. —(Zool. spp. are: M. costalis, M. pruinosa, M . sp.

Surv. India. 14 Madan St., Calcutta-700072, (unnamed and undescribed) and M. nawai.


Descriptive notes on 18 spp., with a key to the (5203) SUZUKI, K., 1984. [Geographical distribu-

Indian tion of Anisopleura spp., and description ofA. the homœochromatic hyaline-winged

lieftincki sp. n. Khasi Hills, 26-V- male form of Mnais nawai Yamamoto and its

-1979; deposited in Natn. Coll. Zool. Surv. ethological significance]. Abslr. 44th A. Meet,

The is A. ent. India, Calcutta). new sp. related to Soc. Japan. Tsukuba, p. 6, (Jap.)- — (Dept

comes and A. subplatystyla. Structural fea- Biol., Coll. Liberal Arts & Hduc., Toyama

tures of Calicnemia pulverulans, Philoganga Univ., Gofuku 3190, Toyama, 930, JA).

montana, and A. lieftincki are figured. [Engl, translation not available].

(5200) REUMER, W. & P.ZANDBOER, 1984. Gro- (5204J SUZUKI, K., 1984. Infraspecific forms and

40 their wing old together. pp. Privately published, geographical distribution of the Mnais-

Bilthoven. — (Available from the Authors; Da -damselflies (Odonata, Calopterygidae) inha-

Costalaan 2, 3723 DV Bilthoven, NL). biting the Hokuriku district, central Honshu,

A 18 III. collection of haiku. On p. appears oneon Japan. Occurrence of aberrant males. J.

— Coll. lib. Arts Toyama Univ. dragonfly emergence. (This is the Engl, edi- (nat. Sei.) 17(1):

tion of the original Dutch work. Samen oud 13-31, pi. I (col.) incl. (With Jap. s.). — (Dept

warden, published in 1984 by Callenbach, Nij- Biol.. Coll. Liberal Arts & Educ., Toyama

kerk [ISBN 90-266-2437-9], 40 pp.). Univ., Gofuku 3190, Toyama, 930. JA).

Continuation of the series listed in OA 2917

(5201) RYAZANOVA. G.l. & G.A. MAZOH1N- and 3280, describing6 aberrant males referable

M. and 2 -PORSHNYAKOV, 1984. Povedenie kak me- to nawai, individuals considered to

between hanizm optimizacii reprodukcii u nasekomyh represent hybrids M. nawai and the

(na primere strekoz). — [Behaviour as mecha- "Setouchi group" of M. pruinosa. New names

nism optimizing reproduction in insects (exem- introduced for the homoeochromatic hyaline-

female forms f. plified in dragonflies)]. Uspehi sovrem. Biol. -winged are asahinai (M. cos-

and 98(3): 451-463. (Russ.). — (Dept Em., Fac. talis) f. sieboldi (M. pruinosa). These are

Biol., Lomonosow St. Univ., Moscow V-234, names for convenience, and do not fall under

USSR). the Code.

With reference to territorial and reproductive

the be into behaviour, Odon. can divided 2 (5205) SUZUKI. K„ 1984. Geographical distribution

In the small of Mnais groups. Zygoptera (Coenagri- damselflies (Odonata. Caloptery-

onidae. Lestidae) practically all males in a po- gidae) in [the] Kii peninsula, Kinki district.

pulation have equal chances of mating, while Honshu, Japan. J. Coll. lib. Arts Toyama

in libellulids. in in Univ. 63-76. many calopterygids and (nat. Sci.) 17(2): pi. I (col.) incl. Odonatological Abstracts 227

(With Jap. s.). — (Dept Biol., Coll. Liberal 1985

Arts & Educ., Toyama Univ., Gofuku 3190,

Toyama, 930, JA). (5209) ANDRIES, J.C. & G. TRAMU, 1985. Distri-

The evolutionary, biological and ethological bution patterns of mammalian-like peptide im-

significance of the co-occurrence of M. prui- munoreactive cells in the midgut of Aeshna

nosa Nankai and M. nawai is discussed Group cyanea (Insecta, Odonata). Experientia 41(4):

with reference the to Author’s recently pu- 500-503. — (Lab. Biol. Anim., Univ. Lille, F-

blished theory on the evolution of Mnais in -5%55 Villeneuve d'Ascq),

Japan (1984, Odonatologica 13: 287-300). The distribution of cells reacting with antisera

Some taxonomic and biogeographicproblems to cholecystokinin, substance P. gonadoli-

are pointed out. berin, methionine-enkephalin, and vasoactive

intestinal peptide, demonstrated by the indi-

(5206) TEMBHARE, D.B., 1984. A text book of in- rect immunoperoxidase method, was studied

sect morphology, physiology and endocrino- along the entire midgut of A. cyanea. For each

New Delhi. V1II+304 — of cells in- logy. Chand, pp. antiserum, the number reacting

Price: — RsIC 30.-. (Author Dept Zool., creased from the middle part to the end of the

Amravati reacted Nagpur Univ., Rd. Nagpur-440010, midgut. Only a few cells to somatoli-

— Publishers: M.S., India; S. Chad, Ram berin, leucin-enkephalin and somatostatin an-

Nagar, New Delhi-110002, India). tisera. In the connective sheath surrounding

A well balanced textbook, by a noted odon. the midgut epithelium, nerve fibers were

endocrinologist,with references to the order at stained by antisera to serotonin, cholecystoki-

appropriate places. Some of the information nin, vasoactive intestinal peptide and methio-

has not been the published earlier (e.g. sper- nine-enkephalin.

matophoreorganization and chemistry in Icti-

nogomphus rapax. p. 227). (5210) ASAHINA, S., 1985. A list of the Odonata

recorded from Thailand. Part IX. Synlestidae

(5207) [UTZERI, C], 1984. Aperto in Italia un and Amphipterygidae. Cho Cho 8(9); 2-9.

Ufficio Nazionale della Societas Internationa- (With Jap. s.). — (Takadanobaba 4-4-24,Shin- lis Odonatologica. Boll. Ass. romana Em. juku-ku, Tokyo, 160, JA).

79. 38(1/4) [1983]: — (Dipt. Biol. Anim., Megalestes kurahashii sp. h. is described, fi-

Univ. Roma, Viale dell’U niversità 32, 1-00185 gured and compared with M. distans(holotype

Roma). Q: Doi Inthanon. I7-IX-I975; allotype $ and

A detailed outline of the structure and objec- paratypes from various localities). Redescrip-

tives ofSIO, and of those ofthe SIO National tion and figs of Philoganga loringaeand Deva-

Office in Italy. The semiannual newsletter of datta a. argyoides are also provided.

the latter is Lindenia. Inquiries and orders are

to be directed at the author’s address. (5211) ASAHINA, S., 1985. Additional notes to

"Namie colour plates of Japanese Odonata

(5208) WARD-SMITH, A.J., 1984. Biophysical (1901-1904, a facsimile edition”. Gekkan-

aerodynamics and the natural environment. Mushi 1985(172): 19-22. (Jap., with Eng. title).

Wiley, Chichester-New York-Brisbane-Toron- — (Takadanobaba 4-4-24, Shinjuku-ku,

to-Singapore. X1I+172 pp. [ISBN 0 471 Tokyo, 160, JA).

90436 8], — Price: US $ 22.-, — (Dept Mecha- Supplementary notes to the work listed in OA

nical Eng., Brunei Univ., UK). 4924.

A "Insect 123- chapter, flight" appears on pp.

-142, dealing mostly with odon. flight mecha- (5212) ASAHINA, S., 1985. Illustrated common

nics. dragonflies of Southeast Asia. IV. Cho Cho

8(9): 31-33. (Jap., with Engl, title). — (Takada-

nobaba 4-4-24, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. 160, JA).

6 Neurothemis spp. are treated. 228 Odonatological Abstracts

What (5213) ASAHINA, S., 1985. was Matsumura’s — (Leibnizstr. 12, D-3200 Hildesheim, FRG).

"Catalogue of beneficial insects of Japan, A specimen ofN. speciosa is reported from the

lot 1908" with special reference to a of invalid Hildesheim area, Hannover, FRG.

new dragonfly names. Gekkan-Mushi 1985

(174); 24-31. (Jap., with Engl, title). —(Taka- (5217) BIGOT, L., 1985. Contribution à l’étude des danobaba 4-4-24. Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160, peuplements littoraux et côtiers de la Nouvelle- JA). -Calédonie (Grande Terre, Ile des Pins) et

Comments on 38 spp. d’une des Iles Loyauté (Ouvéa): premierinven-

taire entomologique.Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.) (5214) AZUMA, A„ S. AZUMA, 1. WATANABE & 21 (3): 317-329. (With Engl. s.). —(Lab. Biol.

T. FURUTA, 1985. Flight mechanics of a Anim., Fac. Sei. Saint-Jérôme, rue Henri-

dragonfly. J. Biol. 116: 79-107. — Inst. exp. -Poincaré, F-I3397 Marseille). Res., Fac. Univ. Interdiscip. Engin., Tokyo, 18 the New odon. spp. are listed from Cale- Tokyo, JA). donian littoral, and the fauna is ecologically The slow of steady climbingflight Sympetrum analyzed.

frequens was filmed and analysed. By using the

observed data, the mechanical characteristics (5218) BLOIS, C., 1985. Variations of predatory be-

of the were beating wings carefully analysed by haviour in Anax imperator larvae in relation

method based the momentum a simple on Biol. 10: 183- to different prey types. Behav. theory and the blade element theory, and with -214. (With Fr. s.) — (Lab. Ethol., Univ. Ren- numerical method modified from the local a nes-I, Campus de Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes).

method has been circulation (LCM), which A hypothesis on the mechanisms regulating for the cha- developed analysing aerodynamic larvae prey selection in the ultimate instar is racteristics of The results of cal- rotary wings. proposed. (Cf. also OA 5121-5123).

culations based on the observed datashow that

low with the dragonfly performs speed flight (5219) BRAUCKMANN, C„ L. KOCH & M.

airfoil characteristics, instead of ordinary KEMPER, 1985 [1986]. Spinnentiere(Arach-

an abnormally large lift coefficient. und Insekten adopting nida) aus den Vorhalle- The observed phase advance of the hindwing. -Schichten (Namurium B; Ober-Karbon) von

be the A(5|=80° can fully explained by present Hagen-Vorhalle ( West-Deutschland). Geol.

theoretical calculation. Similarly, thespanwise Palaonlol. West/. 3: 1-132, pis 1-23 incl.(With

variation of the airloadingand the time vari- Engl. s.). — (First Author: Fuhlrott-Mus.,

horizontal vertical force, ations of the force, Auer Schulstr. 20, D-5600 Wuppertal-I, and be pitching moment torque or power can FRG).

estimated definitely within a reasonable range valentini Erasipterella sp. n. (Meganisoptera), of in with the data. accuracy comparison flight from Upper Carboniferous (Namur B) of Vor- fore The distribution of loading between the halle. FRG, is described and figured. Its affini-

and hind of is also clarified by the and pairs wings ties biology are discussed in detail. (Cf.

calculations. also OA 4509).

BARTHEL. P 1985. Die Libellen (Odonata) (5215) . (5220) BRAZDA, J. & J. TEREK, 1985. Makrozoo-

des Landkreises Göttingen. Min. Fauna Flora bentos a deïtrukcija lislia v hydromeliorafnom

S-NieJers. 7: 85-93. (With Engl. s.). — (Leib- kanàli na Vychodnoslovenskej niïine. — The

nizstr. 12, D-3200 Hildesheim, FRG. in macrozoobenthos and foliage destruction a

review of the odon. fauna (42 Annotated spp.) hydromelioration channel [sic!] in the East

of the District, FRG. Göttingen Slovakian Lowland. Biologia. Bratislava

40(10): 1013-1020. (Slovak, with Engl.. &

BARTHEL, P. 1985. Eine (5216) Zwerglibelle (Ne- Russ. s’s). — (Inst. Exp. Biol. & Ecol., Slovak.

halennia bei Hildesheim. Min. speciosa) Acad. Sci.. Kukorelliho 10, CZ-04000 KoSice).

Fauna Flora S-Nietlers. 7; 94. (With Engl. s.). In a table the frequency of various taxa on the Odonatological Abstracts 229

is shown. decomposingfoliage of 4 tree spp. with suggestions for adequate conservation

The odon. indicated of spp. are Platycnemis pen- and management the local faunas.

nipes, Erythromma viridulum, Coenagrionpu-

bimacu- ella, Ischnura elegans and Epitheca (5225) CONESA GARCIA, M.A., 1985. Odonatos

la de ta. las lagunas salobres em la depresion de An-

tequera (Andalucia, Espafia). Aspectos faunis-

BUCHER, 1985. Der Kanion Si. ticos. Adas 2 (5221) S„ [Ed.], Congr. iber. Em., Lisboa, pp.

Heimat. 303-312. Gallen: Landschafl, Gemeinschafl, (With Engls. s.). — (Depto Zool..

3- 480 Rorschach. — Univ. pp. Lôpfe-Benz, [ISBN Fac. Cien., Malaga,Malaga,Spain).

A. -85819-084-5]. — (Odonatol. inquiries to: The odon. fauna associated with the brackish

Hofmattstr. CH-9202 Treagust, 15, Gossau). pools of Antequera, Andalusia, Spain is ana-

4 col. of Odon. 93. Most Out of 14 phot, appear on p. lyzed. spp. recorded 13 are autoch-

Orthetrum brunneum captions contain errors. thonous. Lestes barbants, L. macrostigma and

78. identification erroneous) is recorded Ischnura breed in (fig. graellsi temporary waters.

from the Altstätter Banriet (St. Gallen, Swit-

No data zerland). adequate locality are pro- (5226) CONTA CTBLA D NEDERLANDSE Ll-

for other vided the spp. BELLENONDERZOEKERS — [Newsletter

of the Dutch Dragonfly Workers], No. 10

(5222) CHARLTON, R.E., 1985. A colony of WiUi- (Nov., 1985). (Dutch). — (c/o M. Verdonk,

amsonia fletcheri (Odonata; Corduliidae) dis- Floralialaan47,1402NJ Bussum, NL).

M. covered in Massachusetts. Enl. News 96(5): Verdonk contributed a warm personal obi-

Dr and 201-204. — (Dept Ent., Univ. Massachusetts, tuary for D.C. Geijskes (pp. 2-3), his

Amherst, MA 01003). brief biography and list of publicationspertai-

A population is described from the vicinity of ning to the Netherlands fauna (pp. 3-5). M.

Brooks Pond, central Massachusetts, USA. Kiaula dealswith the dragonflymotifin haiku,

This represents the second record in the state, appending 12 selected haiku of 7 authors (pp.

The and the only colony so far reported from the 6-9). "administrative section" contains re-

the USA; all previous records are referable to iso- ports on First Int. Student Camp for O-

lated Notes and beha- donatol. Res. The 8th individuals. on habitat (K. Verspui. pp. 11-12),

and the known North Int. of viour, a summary of Symp. Odonatol. ( L Beukeboom, pp

American distribution are presented. 13-14), and on The 10th Colloquium of Dutch

Dragonfly Workers ( M. Verdonk. pp, 14-16).

G.P. MORETT1 & Also book (5223) CIANFICCONI, F„ Q. included are reviews of 2 recent

PIRISINU, 1985. Peuplementslotiquesetlen- works of L. Beukeboom (cf. OA 5037, by T.

tiques dans le système hydrographique de la Zeegers. pp. 17-18) and J. d’Aguilar et al. (cf.

Plaine de Rieti ini. Ver. OA 5041, H (Latium, Italie). Verh. by Verhaar. pp. 18-19).

Limnoi 22: 3306-3315. (With Engls.s.).—(1st.

Zool., Fac. Sei., Univ. Perugia, Via Elce di (5227) CORREA. M„ R.A. COLER, C.-M. YIN &

Sotto, 1-06100 Perugia). B.J. VENABLES, 1985. The impact of de-

Coenagrion sp„ Aeshna sp. and Libellula de- pressed pH and elevated aluminium concentra-

in pressa are listed among 123 aquatic inverte- tions on specific dynamic action Somato-

brates from the Rieti Plain, northern Latium, chlora cingulata (de Selys). Comp. Biochem.

Italy. Physiol. (C) 82(1): 199-201. — (First Author

Deplo Biol. Marina, Inst. Oceanogr., Univ.

(5224) CLAUSNITZER, H.J.. 1985. Lebensräume de Oriente. Cumanà, Venezuela; — Second

vieler Arten immer mehr bedroht; wenig Author Dept Environ. Sei., Univ. Massachu-

für Chancen Libellen. Naiurschui: heule 17 setts, Amherst, MA0I003, USA).

32-33. — (Südstr. 6, D-3106 (July/Aug): Differences in oxygen consumption attribu-

Eschede. ERG). table to apparent specific dynamic action

the Notes on status of dragonfliesin Germany, (SDA) were measured in relation to feeding 230 Odonatological Abstracts

in the S. level dragonfly larva cingulata ex- 7DR.UK).

low posed to pH and sublethal aluminium con- The male ’’guarding" ofan ovipositing female

centration plus low pH. The average increases is described.

in the respiration among treatments following

that controls. The feeding were 50-60% of (5231) CROWSON, R.A., 1985. Report on a Russian

treatise about average treatment peak height ratios (post/ Jurassic insects of Siberia and

Em. prefeeding respiration rates) were proporti- Mongolia, gen. 11(1/2): 99-101. —(Dept

onately reduced and not significantly different Zool., Univ. Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ,

the from average controls indicating that the UK).

resting metabolism, rather than SDA, was re- Comprehensive review of the book, the odon.

duced. chapter ofwhich is listed in OA 5056.

(5228) CORREA, M„ R.A. COLER & C.-M. YIN, (5232) DIAKONOFF, A., 1985. In memoriam dr.

1985. in h.c. Maurits Changes oxygen consumption and ni- Anne Lieftinck 18.11.1904-

trogen metabolism in the dragonfly Somato- -13.IV.1985. Em. Ber. Amsl. 45(11): 154-157.

chlora cingulata exposed to aluminium in acid (Dutch). —(Mauritssingel37,2351 EC Leider-

waters. Hydrobiologia 121: 151-156. — (Se- dorp, NL).

Extensive cond Author Dept Environ. Sei., Univ. Mas- biography by a long-standingfriend

sachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA). and colleague.

Oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion and

changes in 0:N ratios were measured in 4 (5233) DUFOUR. C, 1985. Paul-Andre Robert,

larval instars, relative to aluminium concentra- odonatologiste. In: Tier und Pflanze im Werk

tions and low pH. A differential reduction in der Malerfamilie Robert — Les animaux et

des respiration and ammonia excretion rates re- les plantes dans I'oeuvre peintres Robert,

for all in- pp. 52-63. Naturf. sulted in an increase in 0:N ratios Ges., Biel. No editor, no

ISBN stars. The earlier instars, however, were the number. — (Mus. Hist. Nat., 14 rue

most sensitive. The ratios obtained were indi- desTerreaux, CH-2000 Neuchatel).

A cative of a decreased dependence on protein brief appreciation of odonatol. work ofthe

and of artist P.-A. reserves increased utilization carbohy- Swiss Robert (1901-1977), with his

drates Also or lipid reserves. observed was an bibliography and reproductions ofsome ofhis

increase in the haemolymphpH and glutamate (partly unpublished) illustrations. — (The

concomitant booklet is available from the levels with a accumulation of Robert-Museum,

tissue ammonia. Schiisspromenade 26, CH-2502 Biel, where

most ofthe originals areexhibited).

(5229) COTHRAN, M L. & J.H. THORP, 1985.

and F. & 1985. Tests of prey preference switching beha- (5234) DUIJM, G. DUTMER, Tabellen

the voor de viour of dragonfly Celithemis fasciata. Nederlandse libellen en bun larven. —

Oikos 44: 350-355. (With Russ. s.). — (First [Identificationkeys for Dutch dragonfliesand

Author Div. Earth & Physical Sei., Univ. their larvae], Jeugdbondsuitgeverij. Amster-

Texas. San Antonio, TX 78285, USA). dam. (Dutch). — (First Author Wenslauerstr.

2 mechanisms of stabilization of 41 hs. 1053 AW Amsterdam, NL). prey popula-

A revised tions by dragonflieswere investigated, viz. the and significantly improved 2nd edi-

tion ofthe work listed in 1041 and 2591. possibility of an accelerating functional res- OA

ponse to prey density, and the predator switch-

S.W., ing between prey types. (5235) DUNKLE, 1985. The of the

Libellula vibrans Libellu- group (Odonata;

1985. ha- Trans, enl. Soc. (5230) COWAN, C.F., Dragonfly egglaying lidae). am. 111(3): 399-405. —

bits: Aeshna cyanea (Müller). Em. Rec. J. (Dept Ent. & Nematol., Univ. Florida. Gaines-

Var. 97(9/10): 189-190. — (4 Thornfield Ter- ville, Fla 32611, USA).

The race, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria LAM morphologicaldifferences among adult L. Odonatological Abstracts 231

L. L. vibrans, axilena and incesta are discussed (5239) GLOOR, P., 1985. Zunehmendes Ungleichge-

im and a key is presented. wicht Wasserhaushalt. Briickenba'uer,

1985 Gossau (St. Gallen) (39): 1,4.— (c/o Eds:

(5236) DURBE§lC, P.. 1985. Poffeci entomolo?kih "Briickenbauer", Postfach. CH-8023 Zurich).

Contains odon. istrafivanja u Hrvatskoj s bibliografijom (od the statement that 15 spp. are

do osnutka in No prvih pisanih podataka Jugosla- endangered Switzerland, spp. list.

venskog entomolofkog dru?tva 1926 godine).

— Beginnings of entomological researches in (5240) GLOTZHOBER, R., 1985. Collecting Odo-

Croatia with bibliography (from the first nata on Isle Royal. News!. Mich. em. Soc.

printed works till the foundation ofthe Yugo- 30(3/4): 1,3. — (c/o Ohio Historical Soc.,

slav EntomologicalSociety in the year 1926). 1985 Velma Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43211,

Ada enl. jugosl. 20 [1984](Suppl.);7-56.(Cro- USA).

with — Fac. 16 recorded from the Isle Nati- atan, Engl, s.). (Zool. Dept, Sei., spp. are Royale

Univ. Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, YU-41000 onal Park, Michigan, USA. Zagreb).

The development of entomology in Croatia is (5241) GONSET, Y„ S. SCHLAEPPY & F.

traced from 1763; the bibliography contains SCHNEGG, 1985. Contribution k la connais-

672 titles, but is A largely incomplete. para- sance de la faune de la Marniere de Hauterive.

the graph is devoted to monograph on the Bull. Soc. neuchalel. Sci. nal. 108:77-86. (With

Odon. of "Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia", Germ. & Engls. s’s). — (Inst. Zool., Univ. Neu-

by E. Rössler (1900, das. hrval. naravosl. Dr. châtel, 22 chemin de Chantemerle. CH-2000

12: 1-97, figs 1-8 excl.). The author was an Neuchâtel-7).

ornithologist (1876-1933), and this is so farthe 3 odon. listed from this Na- common spp. are odonatol, in largest text Croatian. ture Reserve nr Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

(5237) FRICKHINGER, K.A., 1985. Libelleh. Fossi- (5242) GRACILE [Newsletter of Odonatology], Pu-

lien 2(6): 259-264. — (Author’s address not blished by the Kansai Research Group of O-

stated; — journalissue available from the No. 35 pu- donatology, Osaka. (Nov. I, 1985).

blishers: Goldschneck-Verlag, P.O. Box 1265, (Jap., with Engl, titles). — (c/o K. Tani, 129

D-7054 Korb-2, FRG; — Price: DM II.-). Jizo-cho, Nara, JA).

Brief generaltext, with numerousphotographs Inoue, K.: Letter from Dr. B. Kiauta on "Dra-

of fossil specimens, incl. col. phot, of Aesch- gonflies ofKinki District"(1-3); — Suzuki. K.:

in nogomphus intermedius, Urogomphus gigan- Recent advances the classification and evo-

teus, Anisophlebia helle, Stenophlebialatreilli lution of the Japanese Mnais damselflies (O-

and Libellulium — doris (larva). donata. Calopterygidae) a reply to Dr. S.

Ghana (4-15); — Hirake. T: Sitting copula-

(5238) GALLETTI, P.A. & M. PAVESI, 1985. Ulte- tion of Libellula angelina (15); — Inoue. K.:

rior! considerazioni sui Cordulegaster italiani Finnish odonatologist Dr. P. Valtonen visited

(Odonata Cordulegasteridae). G. it. Em. 2: us (16-18); — Shiraishi. S. Odonate fauna of

307-326, (With Engls. s.). — (First Author Via Momogaike Pond and Nagai Botanical

Monte — Generoso2,1-20155 Milano). Garden with some biological notes (19-23);

Fresh evidence is produced suggesting that C. Nagase. K.: Mnais pruinosa around Lake Na-

trinacriae and C. — (?) pictus boltoni are not katsuna (23-24); Obana, S.: Report of a

conspecific. though the taxonomic status of survey trip for Mnais pruinosa nawai, five

the former remains uncertain. C. bidentatus forms — Durations of (25-26); egg and larval

sicilicus is redescribed, figured and compared stages of Japanese dragonflies(Sequel I) (27);

with the nominate form. The earlier suggestion Nagase, K.: Mnais pruinosa nawai $•{.

ofclose affinities between C.b. sicilicus and C. sahoi found at Shiota. Kagawa Prefecture

bidentatus from Greece is revoked (cf. OA (28); - Tani, K.: Postscript (28).

4412). and all the Italian taxa are keyed. 232 Odonatological Abstracts

GROISSME1ER, M„ 1985. Zerblas ich den and Notes" (5243) Engl, summary, the "Introductory

Lowenzahn. Haiku. 85 Schneekluth. Mün- the 6 pp. are followed by main sections, viz. "Plates

chen [ISBN 3-7951-0964-7], — Price: DM 24.- I-112", general characterisation of the order,

(hard cover). treatment of the Japanese fauna, the "Draw-

Contains 2 "summer" haiku on dragonflies(p, ings of the abdomen", "Distribution maps"

and the "Index". — work all the 38). by The covers

186 and 17 spp. sspp., referableto85 gen. in 14

(5244) GULSKL M„ 1985. Landschaftsökologische fam., which have ever been recorded in Japan,

im Hellbachtal Her- All Untersuchungen (Kreis incl. some overseas immigrants. taxa are

zogtum Lauenburg). Min. ArhGem. Geoboi. described, figured and keyed, the bibliographic

Schleswig-Holstein Hamburg 35: 1-109. — reference ofthe original descriptionis givenfor

address and and (Author’scurrent not known). each sp., the type locality etymology

11 odon. listed and the fauna is the stated. The spp. are briefly of taxdnomic name are speci-

discussed 81-82. shown the on pp. mens on pis (enlarged when neces-

sary, both sexes, homoeo- and heterochro-

(5245) HAMADA, K.. & K. INOUE, 1985. The dra- matic forms where appropriate, immatures

in I and aberrant forms gonfliesofJapan colour. Vols &2:372 pp., incl.) were photographed

Ill textfigs (mostly wing venation), 112 col. soon after capture while their characteristic

colour still pis (photographs of specimens), 30 black-and patterns were vivid. This procedure

facilitates identification white pis (205 drawings of terminalia & geni- even without reference

talia, incl. 2 hybrids). 38 col. pis (204 distribu- to the keys. The quality of reproduction is

tion maps). Kodansha, Tokyo. (Jap., with superb. The drawings of the terminalia and

and all and Engl. s. & chapter titles, with Latin genitalia cover spp. infraspecific taxa,

both for — Dec. in nomenclature). Published on 20, 1985, sexes. Wingphotographs aregiven

in 1000 copies, with luxurious binding, gild most spp., and the reproduction quality of

of these is the inscriptions, in 2 protective cases. Size: 22x31 some the sole slight deficiency

— could in this cm, weight: 3 kg approx. Price: ¥ 45.000.-, abstracter detect work (due tothe

i.e. US $ 225.-approx.,or Hfl. 625.-approx.— typographic techniques adopted, yellow and

"black" in (Outside Japan available from the SIO Sales & orange, etc. wing spots appear text-

Antiquarian Dept, SIO Central Office, P.O. figs. though this is entirely compensated by the

natural the The Box 256,3720 AG Bilthoven, The Netherlands; coloration on pis). distribution

is in on — mesh (a meshed orders from private persons, sent directly to plotted maps rectangle representing 7'30" in in i.e. the publishers in Japan,will not be executed by long, and 5' lat.. an

of in these). area about 10x9 km Hokkaido, and 12x9

km — The book is the definite "va- This is not only the technical treatment of the in Okinawa).

Japanese fauna which has been badly needed demecum” and "gold mine" for the Japanese

fauna, and will certainly remain the for many years, it is also the most splendid standard

book work for to It is unfortunate dragonfly ever published. The graphic many years come.

that the low stock will it execution and the extremely low number of certainly make a pre-

cious before printed copies make it a bibliophilie rather bibliographic rarity long...

Last but not least, the 2 authors, of whom than an ordinary commercial edition. For a

Hamada is for the work of this technical and scientific standard, mainly responsible photo-

and Inoue for the its market price is relatively moderate. — The graphic part, general

classification adopted is that of Davies & To- organisation and the text, should be con-

excellent bin (1984, 1985), and the obsolete "Selysian" gratulated on the work they have

(i.e. Ris-Schmidt) nomenclature (which has produced, for this unique presentation of the

world the universal odona- been so far traditionally still largely used in Japanese dragonfly

is in tological cummunity owes them a great Japan) brought agreement with the Inter- very

deal. national Code. — The "Foreword“, "Preface",

"Acknowledgements", the contents table. Odonatological Abstracts 233

(5246) HÄMÄLÄINEN, M„ 1985. Idionyx thai- The foraging movements of late instar larvae

landica spec. nov.„ a new dragonfly species were monitored in laboratory experiments to

from larval Thailand (Odonata: Corduliidae). Opusc. study the effects of predators on feeding

zool. 2; 1-6. — behaviour. — flumin. (Tullilaboratorio, These are sit-and-wait, or am-

Tekniikantie 13.SF-02I50 Espoo, Finland). bush, foragers, moving occasionally between

1. thailandica sp. n. (holotype

Khao Yai National Park, Nakhon Ratchasima Larval foraging movements, monitored at dif-

is prov., 13/ I4-VI-I984) described, illustrated ferent densities of Daphniaprey, increased sig-

and with I, Sei. when — compared yolanda nificantly prey were absent. In experi-

ments without in- prey, larval movement was

F. hibited the of fish (5247) HARTMANN, G„ KNOLLE & F. by presence predators, as

1985. well invertebrate KNOLLE, Durch Talsperrenbauten ge- as by predators (Notonecta

schaffene ökologische Probleme, dargestellt glauca) but not by closely related, non-preda-

invertebrates am Beispiel des Westharzes, Beilr. Naturk. tory (Corixa punctata) or phy-

sical disturbance of the air Nieders. 38(3): 153-163. (With Engls. s.). — water (intermittent

Author: bubbles). — Further experiments varied (First Zool. Inst., Univ. Hamburg, Isch- Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D-2000 Ham- nura hunger levels (0-8 days without food) and

with burg-13, FRG). illumination (light or dark) and without

Construction notonectid had consis- of 6 storage dams within the predators. Hunger no

tent effect instar Western Harz Mts, FRG lead to considerable onpenultimate behaviour but

for final instar activity was consequences the afflicted ecosystems. foraging significantly

Brief reference is made to the Odon. modified: movements increased after 4 days

starvation and decreased again after 8 days.

(5248) HARVEY, J.F.& P S. CORBET, 1985.Terri- This response was suppressed by the presence

torial larvae enhances of Both larval instars moved behaviour of mating suc- predators. signifi-

of cantly less often in the cess male dragonflies. Anim. Behav. 33(2): light, even when preda- — — absent. These 561-565. (Second Author; Dept Biol. Sei., tors were phenotypically flex-

ible Univ. Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, UK). predator-avoidance responses are likely

Laboratory experiments showed that the to decrease the risk of predation by both visual

larvae of Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Coenagri- and tactile predators. However, predators

clearly have an important onidae) are territorial, defending feeding sites influence on the

feeding niche of Ischnura de- against intruders, and also that body length in larvae, and may

the the final instar is positively correlated with the crease overall feeding efficiency, growth

of 4 rate, and survival of larvae provision food during the last 3 or larval by constraining

instars. Larval length is positively correlated their movement in search of profitable feeding

with larval width sites. head which is likewise corre-

lated with both the weight and head width of

I-day-old adults. Field observations demon- (5250) HILTON, D.F.J., 1985. Dragonflies (O-

strated that male adults of Hills larger win more terri- donata) Cypress Provincial Park, Al-

torial more berta significance. disputes and obtain matings near and their biogeographic

the water. So success of larvae in defending Can. Em. 117(9): 1127-1136. (With Fr. s.)

— I.cnnox- territories enhances short-term mating success (Dept Biol. Sei., Bishop’s Univ..

in adult males. ville. Que. JIM IZ7. CA).

The park is located at the Alberta-Saskat-

P. (5249) HEADS, A., 1985. The effect ofinvertebrate chewan border, Canada. 31 spp. were re-

vertebrate the Alberta. and predators on foraging move- corded, incl. 3 new to The biogeogra-

ments of Ischnura elegans larvae (Odonata: phic composition of the fauna is stated and

Zygoptera). Fresh*. Biol. 15(5): 559-571. — discussed.

(Dept Biol., Univ. York, Heslingtong, York.

YOI SDD, HONG. Y.. 1985. New fossil and UK). (5251) genera spe- 234 Odonatological Abstracts

cies ofShanxi formation inXishanofTaiyuan. (5254) JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH DRAGON-

Enlomotaxonomia 7(2): 83-91. (Chin., with FLY SOCIETY. Vol. 1, No. 6 (Dec., 1985).

Engl. s.). — (Tianjin Inst. Geol. & Miner. Re- — (c/o R.H. Dunn, 4 Peakland View, Darley

sour., Tianjin, P R. China). Dale, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2GF, UK).

? Arctotypus carbonicus gen. n., sp. n. is des- Peers. M.: The dragonflies of mid-Powys (95-

cribed from - A.J.: of and figured the black mudstone -97); Philpott, A large emergence

of the Shanxi formation, Qiligou, Xishan, Anax Imperator (98-99); — Dunn, R.H.:

Shanxi P.R. China Some observations of Aeshna Taiyan, prov., (Meganis- cyanea(Muller)

optera: Meganeuridae, Typinae). The holo- ovipositing in unusual substrates (99-100); —

type is in theTianjin Inst. Geol. collections. On Gabh. R.: Aeshna caerulea (Ström) breeding

the basis of comparison with the Barahon in Bienn Eighe N.N.'R. (101-102); — Marren,

the P.: A fauna of Kuznech Basin, the Shanxi forma- note on the discovery of Coenagrion

is hastulatum tion considered of Upper Carboniferous age. (Charp) in Britain (103-104); —

In the R.: (Abstracter's Note: Engl, summary Merrill. The incidence ofHemianaxephip-

the specific name is spelled "carbonica"). piger (Burmeister) in Britain and Ireland (105-

-106); — Dunn, R.H. & G.S. Vick: Separating

(5252) JÖDICKE, R., 1985. Libellenkundliches im adult Aeshna subarctica (Wlk.) from Aeshna

Werk Albert Steegers. Heimat, Krefeld 56: juncea(L.) ( 106-110).

180-181. — (Happelter 15, D-4054 Nettetal-I,

FRG). (5255) KAISER, H., 1985. Availability of receptive

A the females note on odonatol. work of the well at the mating place and mating

known Rhineland A. chances of males in the Aeschna geographer Steegers dragonfly cy-

(1885-1958), with discussion of his records of5 anea. Behav. Ecol. Sociobioi 18(1): 1-7. —

spp. noteworthy for the Rhineland, FRG. (Lehrstuhl Biol. V, R.W.T.H., Kopernikusstr.

16, D-5100 Aachen, FRG).

J.H., 1985. Diel The females in their (5253) JOHNSON, feeding ecology visiting ponds vary recepti-

the of males there. males of nymphs Aeshna multicolor and venessto waiting Individual

Lestes unguiculatus (Odonata). Freshw. Biol. pay several short visits to a matingplace in the

15(6): 749-755. — (Oregon Dept Fish& Wild- course of a day, searching for receptive fe-

life, P.O. Box 3503 506 S.W. Mill St., Port- males. Non-receptive females prefer to ovi-

97208, the in the land,Oregon USA). posit at pond evening, whereas recep-

Diel feedingperiodicity and diet composition tive females arrive throughout the day. The

h number were examined at 6 intervals in a small pond. highest of receptive females is found

the Feeding intensity of A. multicolor increased on warm days during afternoon at which

from 06.00 h to 18.00h whereas time the of approximately greatest number copulationsoccur.

fodd intake by L. unguiculatus was uniformly However, as the number of males and, there-

high between 12.00 and 18.00 h. Feeding of fore, the competition between males is also

both spp. was reduced during the night. Diel highest during these periods, the mating

variation in diet composition was substantial chances of a particular male are constant

in each sp. Chironomid larvae were the major throughoutthe day.

in diet Of prey (48.9%) the A. multicolor. Zoo-

plankton, mainly cladocerans (42.0%) and (5256) KHORKHORDIN, EG., 1985. Intensivnost’

ostracods the of Aeschna (21.1%), were principal prey hishchnichestva lichinok affinis (O-

L. unguiculatus. Detritus composed a substan- donata, Aeschnidae) raznyh vozrastov v zavisi-

tial mosti stadii i portion of the diets of both spp. Diet ot razvitiya zherlv velichiny eks-

overlap (CX) at each 6 h interval was high perimemal’nogo prostranstva. — The inten-

(0.43-0.72) when detritus was included in the sity of predation of the Aeschna affinis

and low when calculation was (0.08-0.54) de- (Odonata. Aeschnidae) larvae of different in-

with reference trital material was omitted. stars to developmental stage of

and size of Zool. Zh. prey experimental space. Odonatological Abstracts 235

1422-1426. — 64(9): (With Engls. s.). (All- Obituary, with a brief biography and a portrait

Res. -Union Inst. AppL Microbiol.,Obolensk, of the former odon. curator of the Paris Mu-

Moscow Distr., USSR). seum.

The intensity and form of functional reactions

of affmis the A. larvae in laboratory experi- (5259) LEGRAND, J., 1985. Une nouvelle Idoma-

ments dependon relative sizes ofpredator and cromia Karsch de la Forêt de Tal, Côte d'I-

prey. The younger instar larvae react stronger voire (Odonata, Corduliidae). Revue fr. Em.

rise to the in density ofsmall Anopheles sacha- (N.S.) 7(4): 162, (With Engl. s,).-(Ub. Ent.,

rovi reaction larvae. The dragonfly weakens Mus. Natn. Hist. Nat., 45 rue de Buffon, F-

with the prey size increase and its hyperbolic -75005 Paris).

form gradually the rectilinear I. couturieri converts to one. proavita ssp. n. (holotype $: Tai, On the contrary, the large A. affmis larvae C6te d’Ivoire; alcohol in Paris Mus.) is des-

react more intensively to the rise in density of cribed, figured, and comparedwith the nomi-

the A. sacharovi IV instar larvae and pupae. nate form from Gabon and the Cameroons.

reaction The of predator is basically confined Its main distinctive feature is in the shapeofthe

to the water surface where the vulvar layer prey scale.

of their The spend most time. distance at

which the A. affmis larvae begin to react to the (5260) LEGRAND, J„ 1985. Martinia, Bulletin de

presence of prey (2-2.5 cm for small predators) liaison des odonatologues de France. Revue fr.

be might important in predicting the level to Ent. (N.S.) 7(4); 188. (Fr.) — (Lab. Ent., Mus.

which the able to decrease de predators are the Natn. Hist. Nat„ 45 rue Buffon, F-75005

prey density. (Author). Paris).

Editorial the presentation of new periodical.

(5257) KILLIAN, J.C.& P. E. LUTZ. 1985. Photope- (Cf. OA 5268).

riodic and thermal effects on nymphal develop-

in ment Epitheca (= Tetragoneuriacynosura (5261) LEHMANN, G., 1985. Coenagrionlunulatum

und (Odonata: Libellulidae). Environ. Enlomol. (Charpentier, 1840) andere Libellen an

14(2): 142-145. — (First Author: Dept Biol. einem alten Torfslichweiher bei Bad Häring,

Bezirk Kufstein Sei., Mary Washington Coll., Fredericksburg (Tirol, Österreich). Her. nat-

VA 22401, USA). med Ver. Innsbruck 72: 165-172. (With Engl,

5 of ultimate instar — groups larvae, collected s.). (Stimmerfeldstr.17, A-6330 Kufstein).

Oct. 1978-March 1979. were maintained until 4 localities known of this in Only are sp. Au-

at experimental temperatures of stria, and 60 it from emergence years ago was reported

15°, 20°, 25° and 30° C and at natural photo- Kufstein. 2 new occurrences are reported from

the periods plus 15-min increments every 5 days. Kufstein area, and the habitat and the bio-

ofthe Pre-emergentdevelopmentproceeded most ra- logy sp. at these spots are described.

pidly at experimental temperatures of 20° and

25° C. The data, demonstrating that the most (5262) LIBELLULA. Mitteilungsblatt der Gesell-

rapid physiological development of ultimate schaft deutschsprachiger Odonatologen

instar larvae in nature occurred the col- during (GdO), Vol. 4. No. 3/4 (Dec.. 1985). (c/ o Prof.

dest winter months, strongly suggest a synchro- Dr R. Rudolph. Biol. Didaktik, Univ. Mün-

effect nizing on development caused by the ster, Fliednerstr. 21. D-4400 Münster, FRG).

sign of the the changing photoperiodat winter Lehmann. G.: Beitrag zur Kenntnis von

solstice. Aeshna coerulea Ström 1783 und A. subarc-

lica Walk. 1908 in Nordtirol (Austria) (117-

LEGRAND, In (5258) J„ 1985. memoriam: Simone -137); - Anselin, A.: Odonata and their habi-

Kelner-Pillault Em. (1925-1985). Revue fr. tats above 1.000 m in Central Spain (138-

148. — Mus. (N.S.) 7(4): (Fr.) (Lab. Ent.. -147a); — Landmann, A.: Ein Erhebungsfor-

Natn. Hist. Nat,, 45 rue de mular Buffon, F-75005 für Exuvienfunde — Hilfsmittel zur

Paris). Bereicherung unseres Wissens über die Bio- 236 Odonatological Abstracts

incl. logic des Schlüpfens bei Libellen (Insecta; O- graphs, a brief (photogr.) reference to the

Odon. donata (148-157); Beutler, H.:—Beitrag zur

Fotodokumentation heimischer Libellen:

— Gomphus flavipes Charp. (158-159); Jd- (5266) MAK, G„ 1985. 65 jaar Nederlandse Jeugd-

B. & M. der bond of the dicke. Woike: Hrstnachweise voor Natuurstudie — [65 years

Gebänderten Heidelibelle, Sympetrum pede- Netherlands Youth Federation for Nature

montanum Allioni, in Nordrhein-Westfalen Study]. NRC Handelsblad (Zaterdags Bij- — — R.: Ein issue of (160-169); Kull, Überflutungskanal voegsel), June 15, p. 5. (Dutch).

als Lebensraum seltener Libellen (170-172); — (Author’s address not stated).

Frank. bei article Federation, in H.: Farbveränderung Aeshna cy- Retrospective on the a

anea Müll, durch Verletzung (173); — Ru- leading Netherlands daily. It contains various

R.: Libellenals Beute the work. — dolph. von Vögeln ( 175- references to dragonfly (Abstrac-

-180); — Buchwald, R.: Libellenfauna einer ter's Note: The reference to the "visiting

schätzenswerten Kiesgrube am Hochrhein Englishman" refers to A. McGeeney [12 Lin- — (Bad.-Württ.) (181-194); GdO: Kurzproto- colns Field, Epping, Essex CM 16 5DY, UK],

koll who in zur Gründungsversammlung der Gesell- June. 1985 was in the Netherlands,

schaft deutschsprachiger Odonatologen collectingCoenagrion lunulatum,photographs

needed for (GdO) (174). of which were the preparation

of his book. The English Dragonfly).

(5263) LIMONG1, J.S., 1985. Estudio morfo-taxo-

nomico de nayades en algunas especies de (5267) MARTENS, A., 1985. Vorkommen des

Odonata (Insecta) en Venezuela. Mems Soc. Kleinen Granatauges Erythromma viridulum

dene. nai. "La Salle" 43(119) 1983: 95-117. (Charpentier, 1840) (Odonata: Coenagrioni-

in (With Engls. s.). (Reprints available from: J. dae) der Umgebung von Braunschweig.

De Marmels. Depto & Inst. Zool. Agric., Fac. Braunschw. nalurk. Sehr. 2(2): 289-298. (With — Agron.. Univ. Central Venezuela, Apto 4579, Engls. s.). (Zool. Inst., Univ. Braunschweig,

Maracay-2I0I-A. Venezuela). Pockelsstr. 10a, D-3300 Braunschweig, FRG).

The ultimate instar larvae of the Venezuelan E. viridulum is recorded from 16 localities in

Heteragrion chrysops, Argia oculata, Aeshna Brunswick, Lower Saxony, FRG. Its habitats

P. and and its marchali. Progomphus intricatus, phyllo- behaviour are described, distribu-

chromus and P. described, fi- tion in is discussed. pygmaeus are Germany

gured. and compared with the allied taxa.

MARTINIA. de des Odonato- Notes on the habitats are also provided. (5268) Bulletin liaison

loguesde France. Nos 1/2,Sept. 1985. — (Pro-

(5264) CODER BUSCH. W„ 1985. Wasserkäfer und duced by & available from: J.-L. Dommanget,

Wasserwanzen als Besiedler neuangelegter 7 rue Lamartine, F-78390 Bois d'Arcy). An-

Kleingewässer im Raum Sigmaringen. (Mit nual subscription: fFr25.-.

A einem Anhang über Libellen, Wassermol- very attractive national semiannual bulletin.

lusken The first issue has 32 contains the und Amphibien). Verpff. Naturschut: pp.. and

Landschqftspfl. Bad.-Warn. 59/60: 421-456. following titles: Dommanget. J.-L: Editorial — (Zool. Staatssammlung. Maria-Ward Sir. (1-2): Legrand. J.: Le 8ème Symposium

lb. D-8000 Milnchen-19. FRG). dTJdonatologleà Paris 18-25 août 1985 (2-2); —

En Étude Contains a list of 13 odon. spp. from the newly Dommanget.J.-L.: préparation: fau-

in Ba- ■man-made ponds the Sigmaringenarea, nistique et bibliographie des Odonates de - varia, FRG. France (3-4); Inventaire des Odonates de - France (Programme INVOD) (5-22);

(5265) LÜTTGE. U,. 1985. Les plantes carnivores. La France:, A. J.: Atlas "Odonates du Massif

Recherche 16(171): 1302-1313. (Author's Central"(23); — Anselin. A.: Calopteryx virgo

address not stated). meridionalis? Appel de collaboration (24-25);

P.: Nouvelles General review, with numerous col. photo- Machet. philatéliques(30-31). Odonatological Abstracts 237

— In addition, there are 5 book reviews; I Fluid secretion by the Malpighian tubules of

of announcement a meeting, and a subscrip- L. quadrimaculata is unusual in that it is de-

tion registration form. pendent on sodium and entirely independent

of It potassium in the external medium. is sug-

(5269) MILLER, 1985. C., Correlates of habitat fa- gested that this is due to the primitive, sodium-

for benthic macroinvertebrates vourability at -rich haemolymphofthe Odon. Similarities be-

five sites in stream an Appalachian drainage tween these tubules and those of the millipede

U.S.A. Freshw. Biol. 709-733. — Glomeris basin, 15(6): marginata, which has a similar sodi-

(30300 Lone Pine Junction OR Drive, City, um-based haemolymph, support this view.

97448. USA). Fluid secretion by the tubules is also dependent

Reference is made to Calopteryx, and the osmotic of average on pressure the external me-

biomass and annual standing production were dium, decliningconsiderably at higher osmotic

calculated for and Cordule- Lanthus, Boyeria pressures. However, there is no difference in

gaster. the secretory rates of tubules isolated from

larvae adapted to tap water, de-ionized water

(5270) MIYAKAWA, K„ 1985. salt Dragonflies of or water, even though there are large diffe-

Japan. Saisyu to Siiku 47(9): 376-380. in the osmotic (Jap., rences haemolymph pressure

with — 1024, Engl, title). (Imafuku Kawagoe, under these different conditions. This suggests Saitama, 356, JA). some form of adaptation of the tubules in

Brief outline of general the order, mainly based larvae from these different conditions. A factor

from the fauna. onexamples Japanese which causes a 5- to 6-fold increase in the rate

of secretion was present in the thoracic ganglia,

(5271) MOL, 1985. De litaratuur A.W.M., over Ne- and a slightly lower increase in secretion rate

derlandse aquatische macrofauna tot 1983. — was recorded in larvae that had been feeding.

of [Bibliography the Netherlands aquatic ma-

crofauna up to 1983]. RIN-Rapporl 85(21): (5274) NIEHUIS, M., 1985. Erstnachweis der Ge-

1-175. (Dutch). — (Author: Landstrekenlaan meinen Keiljunfer (Gomphus vulgatissimus)

21, 5235 LH Den Bosch, NL; Copiesavailable im Hunsrück. Naiurschuiz Ornilhol. Rheini-

Hfl. at 22.- from: Res. Inst. Nature Manag., -Pfalz 4(1): 184-186. — (Im Vorderen Gross-

P.O. Box46,3956ZR Leersum, NL). thal 5, D-6743 Albersweiler, FRG).

The bibliography contains over 2000 titles The 1915-1985 local records are listed and

the related to Netherlands freshwater macro- briefly discussed.

fauna and the mid of published up to 1983.

Taxonomic group and administrative regions (5275) NIEHUIS, M„ 1985. Libellen im Landkreis

crossreferenced. are The odonatol. bibliogra- Südliche Weinstrasse. Heimai Jb. SlidI. Wein-

is phy appreciable,though not complete. slrasse 8(1986): 60-64. — (Im Vorderen

Grossthal 5, D-6743 Albersweiler. FRG).

NEWSLETTER (5272) [OF THE] BRITISH A talk on the odon. fauna of the Südliche

DRAGONFLY SOCIETY. No. 8 (Winter, Weinstrasse district, Palatinate, FRG, directed

1985). — (c/o R.H. Dunn, 4 Peakland View, at the general reader, and using vernacular

Darley Dale, Matlock, DE4 Derbyshire, 2GF, names only. UK).

22 Contains news items, incl. the 1983/84 and (5276) NOVELO-GUT1 ÉR REZ. R & E. GONZÄ-

1984/85 Balance Sheets of the Society. LES-SORIANO, 1985. Descripcion de la

nayadê de Cora marina Selys, 1868 (Odonata:

(5273) NICHOLLS, S.P., 1985. in the Fluid secretion Polythoridae). Fol. eni. mex. 63: 5-12. (With

tubules ofthe Malphigian dragonfly Libellula Engls. s.). — (First Author Insectario, Div.

J quadrimaculala. exp. Biol. 116: 33-67. — Cien. Biol.. Univ. Autonoma Metropolitana-

C. (B B Nat. Hist. Unit. Broadcasting House, -Xochimilco, Apdo Postal 23-181. MX-04960

Whiteladies Rd. Bristol BS8 2LR, UK). Mexico. D.F.). 238 Odonatological Abstracts

The ultimate instar is described, figured, and (5281) ROWE, R.J., Intraspecific interactions of

compared with C. cyane and C. chirripa. New Zealand damselfly larvae. I. Xantho-

cnemis zealandica, Ischnura aurora, and Au-

(5277) PARR, M.J & R E. GOPANE, 1985. Aspects strolestes colensonis (Zygoptera: Coenagri-

in N. Z. 1-15. — ofterritoriality a southern African popula- onidae: Lestidae). Jl Zool. 12:

tion of Crocothemis erylhraea(Brulle) (Aniso- (Dept. Zool., Univ. Canterbury, Private Bag,

plera: Libellulidae).Stencil circulated attheSth Christchurch-1, NZ).

Int. 4 — of Symp. Odonatol., Paris. pp., figs incl. Ethograms intraspecific agonistic behavi-

for Copies available from the authors and from the ours are presented middle (6-8th) and late

X. SIO Central Office; in the latter case 2 postal (12-I4th) instar larvae of zealandica. Ap-

International should 25 number Reply Coupons accom- proximately acts occur, a compa-

the order the of & rable the pany tocover costs xeroxing to maximum repertoire sizes re-

mailing.—(Dept Biol., Univ. Bophuthatswana, corded for vertebrates and social insects, not-

P.B. X-2046, Mafikeng-8670, Bophuthatswana). withstanding the absence of displays associa-

in southern ted Field observations Africa are com- with reproductive activity in this insect

pared with those in Italy (cf. OA 872) and with larva. The behaviours of the territorial larvae

this the evidence on C. servilia (cf. K. Higashi. of sp. are compared with ethograms pre-

1969. Mem. Fac. Univ. Sci. Kyushu (E)5: 95- pared from less extensive observations on the

larvae I. and A. colen- -113). nonterritorial of aurora

Both sonis. coenagrionid spp. used similar

the (5278) PETERS, H., 1985. Libellenonderzoekers op- motor patterns in their displays; lestid dis-

Na- gelet! — [Attention dragonfly students!]. play involved a different motor pattern.

luurh. Maandbl. 74(9): 159. (Dutch). — (Go-

risstraat 22,6521 CK Nijmegen,NL). (5282) RÜPPELL, G., 1985. Kinematic and behavi-

Appeal to the local dragonfly workers to get in oural aspects of flight of the male Banded

touch with the author in order to set up a Agrion, Calopteryx (Agrion) splendens L. In:

in Lim- M. Gewecke& G. Insect loco- formal dragonfly research group the Wendler, [Eds],

burg Prov.,The Netherlands, motion, pp. 195-204. Parey, Berlin-Hamburg.

— (Zool. Inst., Techn. Univ., Pockelsstr. 10a,

(5279) REDARD, O., 1985. Étudeécofaunistique des D-3300 Braunschweig, ERG).

points d'eau de la région neuchâteloise. Les The flight was fdmed in natural habitat with

de de motion 500 mares pâturage la Chaux-d’Amin. IL La high cameras (up to frames/s).

87- faune. Bull. Soc. neuchatel. Sci. not. 108: There are 2 fundamentally different flight

-101, (With Germ. & Engl. s's). — (Inst. Zool, modes: The dragonflies either beat their wing

22 de in Univ. Neuchâtel, chemin Chantemerle, pairs nearly alternatingly,as courting-flight,

in other beha- cVl-2000 Neuchâtel-7). or synchronously, as all flight

8 odon. from 9 viour, From frontal shots the ofinclina- spp. are reported grassland angles

ponds in the Neuchâtel Jura (alt. 1320 m), tion with respect to the horizontal plane (disre-

the the deter- Switzerland. Noteworthy is the record of garding twisting of wings) were

Coenagrionhastulatum. mined and placed in the lateral projection of

the course of the wingtips. From these data 1985. Insekten- (5280) RETTIG, K„ Neues aus der and from pictures of successive stroke phases

welt Ostfrieslands. Beilr. (4. Ergänzung). of the wings, as well as from measurements of

Inseklenwell 21: 10-12. Vogel- Ostfrieslands body velocities a qualitativeexplanationofthe

— ( D-2970 Emden, Danzigerstr. 11, FRG). basic principles of locomotion can be deduced.

Continuation of series OA with the (cf. 5163), It is mainly the changes in the angle ofinclina-

5 It is worthwile menti- notes on odon. spp. tion and the direction ofwingbeal that result in

that in the period July 2 - Aug. 20, 104 oning different (light manoeuvres. During forward

Aeshna have from cyanea individuals emerged flight the direction of wingbeat is inclined for-

small surface. a pond of 5 sqm wards and downwards, while a more hori- OdonatologicalAbstracts 239

zontal orientation backward prevails during (5285) SADYRIN, V.M., 1985. Yuzhnye i severnye

— The blue banded have a flight. wings signal vidy bespozvonochnyh v vodoemah-ohladite-

function in territorial behaviour of the the lyah. — [Southern and northern invertebrate

different males. During the flight manoeuvres species in cooling reservoirs]. Ekologiya

the blue areas are visible to extents and varying 1985(1); 49-54. (Russ.). — (Siberian Res.

appear to differ in size depending upon the Plann.-Constr. Project [= Inst.] Fish., Ty-

the position of wings duringstriking, the posi- umen, USSR).

tion of the male relative to its and the and partner, In Balahnin Elektrogorsk coolingre-

the whether wings are moved slowly or are servoirs (Moscow Distr., USSR), 7 northern

arrested. The dual function ofthe loco- wings, (incl. Coenagrion concinnum) and 5 southern

motion and communication, is discussed. (incl. C. scitulum, Platycnemis pennipes) inver-

tebrate spp. were found. Their coexistence is

& G.A. (5283) RYAZANOVA, G.l. MAZOKHIN- an interesting phenomenon.The spp. adapted

-PORSHNYAKOV, 1985. Prostranstvennoe to temperature ranges which differ from those

vzaimodeystvie lichinok Calopteryx splendens to which they were accustomed in their natural

(Odonata, Calopterygidae) v laboratornom distribution areas.

eksperimente. - Spatial interaction of the Ca-

lopteryx splendens (Odonata, Calopterygidae) (5286) SAHLEN, G., 1985. Trollsländor i Medelpad.

Zh. — larvae in a laboratory experiment. Zool. Dragonflies found in the province of Me-

64(9): 1360-1367. (With Engls, s.). — (Dept delpad, N. Sweden (Odonata). Em. Tidskr.

Ent., Fac. Biol., Lomonosow St. Univ., Mo- 106(4): 155-156. (Swed., with Engl, title). —

scow V-234, USSR). (Bellmansgatan24, S-754 28 Uppsala).

The distribution of the spatial (older instar) 17 spp. are listed, of which 7 are new to the

larvae is characterized by individual localiza- province,

tion small of in a region an aquarium. The

of is SATO. presence a host considered to be a factor (5287) Y„ 1985. Akaiombo. Seibundô-Shim-

preventing the occupation of its territory by kôsha, Tokyo. 30 pp. — [ISBN-l-f 16-38510-2 — Price; — another larva. The time spent by a larva in C-8740] V 1000.-. (Jap.). (Author

of and different zones its territory frequency of 3-17-16, Narita-nishi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo,

cho 1-5- short-term visits to the centres of foreign terri- 166. JA; — Publishers; Kanda-nishiki

tories in the presence of their hosts correlate to -5, Chiyodoku, Tokyo, 101, JA).

the density of larvae in the aquarium. Peculi- A picture book (26x19 cm), with splendid col.

arities of relative location of adjacent larvae photographs of "Akatombo" (= Sympetrum

are also related to their density. frequens) and 4 other Japanese members ofthe

(darwinianum, eroticum, infuscatum,

(5284) RYDGARD, M„ Y.W. BRODIN. AN. pedemontanum).

NILSSON & T. OLSSON, 1985. Insekts-

faunan i en extremt sursjö i Norrbottens kust- (5288) SIMON, L.. 1985. Neufunde der Gemeinen

land, — The insect fauna of anextremely acid Keiljungfer. Gestreiften Quelljungfer und

coastal lake in northern Sweden. Em. Tidskr. Glänzenden Binsenjungfer (Odonata; Gom-

with biden- 106(4): 133-138. — (Swed., Engl. s.). — phus vulgatissimus (L.), Cordulegaster

(First Author Inst. Zool. Ecol., Umea Univ., tatus Selys und Lestes dryas (Kirby) in Rhein-

S-901 87 Umea. Sweden. land-Pfalz. Naturschutz Omithol. Rhein!.-

The insect fauna of about - 4

was studied using qualitative and quantita- D-6741 Ilbesheim, FRG).

New records from tive methods. The acidification is due to natural Rhineland-Palatinate.

in the soil. FRG. processes sulphide-rich The Odon.

reported are: Coenagrionhastulatum. Aeshna

juncea, Libellula quadrimaculata, Leucor- (5289) SIOJA. [InformationBulletin of the SIO Nati-

rhinia dubia and L. rubicunda. onal Office in Japan],Osaka, 1985. No. 2 ( Dec. 240 Odonatological Abstracts

— 8). (Jap.). — (c/o K. (noue, 5-9, Fuminosato donata)Slovenska. Bibliographyof dragon-

4-chome, Abeno-ku, Osaka, 545, JA). flies (Odonata) of Slovakia. Biologia, Brati-

slava with & In addition to various administrative commu- 40(\0): 1091-1095. (Slovak, Engl.

the contains nications, issue the following Russ. s’s). — (Turïianske muzeum, Engelsova

Abstract the CZ-03601 items; of biannual report on the 2, Martin).

in Annotated 64 the Slovakian SIO National Office Japan, read at the 8th list of papers on

Int. Symp. Odonatol. (Paris, Aug. 1985), notes Qdon., published between 1807-1983.

on the foundation of the SIO International

Odonata 1985. Two ofKokeshia Research Institute in Gainesville, (5293) §TYS, P., new species

from and Florida, USA, and on the opening of a Nati- (Heteroptera, Schizopteridae) Nepal

onal Office in Thailand, and obituary notices appraisal of alleged synapomorphies of Para-

for D.E. Kimmins, D. C. bohemoslov. 187- Geijskes and Mrs P. neoptera. Acta ent. 82(3);

Tobin. -205. (With Russ. s.). — (Dept Syst. Zool.,

Charles Univ., ViniAiâ 7, CZ-128 44 Praha-2).

STANIONYTE. 1985. Izuchennosf The Kokeshia in and (5290) A.P., genus occurs Himalaya

strekoz Litovskoy SSR. — The degreeofstudy Japan, similarly to the Anisozygoptera. Al-

of dragonflies of the Lithuanian SSR. In: V. though the fauna of the interveningterritories

Jonaitis, [Ed.], New and rare insect species of is insufficiently known, in view of several

the Lithuanian SSR; records and descriptions striking autoplesiomorphic structural features

Inst. & of 1985, pp. 99-103. Zool. Parasitol,, of Kokeshia. its geographic distribution,

Acad. Sei. Vilnius. (Russ., with Lithuanian & identic to that of the relict Epiophlebia, is

Engl. s’s). — (Inst. Zool. & Parasitol, Mokslu remarkable.

Vil- Acad,, MTP-I, Lenino pr. 3, USSR-23600

nius). (5294) SUZUKI, K„ 1985. Classification and evolu-

The status of the Lithuanian (USSR) odon. tion of the Japanese Mnais damselflies (Zygo-

fauna (53 spp.) is compared with that of the ptera: Calopterygidae). Seibutsu Kagaku

neighbouring states. It is concluded that the 37(1): 1-13. (Jap., with Engl, title on the

fauna is adequately known, though the disco- reprints). — (Dept Biol, Coll. Liberal Arts

of 3 still & Univ., Gofuku very spp. could be tentatively ex- Educ., Toyama 3190, Toya-

J pected. ma, 930, A).

Systematics, affinities, distribution and evolu-

(5291) STAUT TURK, T., 1985. Naravoslovci ent- tion ofthe 3 (all polymorphic) Japanese mem-

omologi osrednje Slovenije od prvih zacetkov bers ofthe genus are discussed.

do leta 1918. — The natural scientists-entomo-

Evolution of logists of central Slovenia up to the year 1918. (5295) SUZUKI, K„ 1985. the Japanese

Adaeni.jugosl. l9[l983](Suppl): 17-47.(Slo- Mnais damselflies. I. Habitat segregationand

the taxa the venian, with Engl. s.). — (2upanfi&va 7, YU- adult behavior of two inhabiting

-61000 Ljubljana). Hokuriku district, central Japan. Inseclarium

The history ofentomology ofcentral Slovenia, 22(5): 130-147. (Jap., with Engl, title). — (Dept

i.e. onthe territory of the Duchy ofCarniola of Biol, Coll. Liberal Arts & Educ.. Toyama

the Habsburg Empire, is traced from 1584. and U niv., Gofuku 3190, Toyama, 930, JA).

brief biographies and selected bibliographies [Abstract not available; for the Hokuriku

are provided of 47 workers. Without reference Mnais fauna cf. OA 2917],

to their odonatol. work, F.J. Schmidt (1791-

-1878), J. Stussiner(l850-I9l7)and J. Stauda- (5296) SUZUKI, K., 1985. Evolution of the Japanese

2. cher ( 1876-1945)are also included. Their odon. Mnais damselflies. Geographical distribu-

collections in tion of the Inseclarium are the Slovene Mus, Nat. Hist., Japanese taxa. 22(6):

Ljubljana. 164-172. (Jap., with Engl, title). — (Dept Biol..

Coll. Liberal Arts & Educ., Toyama Univ.,

vâKok (5292) STRAKA, V., 1985. Bibliografia (O- Gofuku 3190, Toyama, 930, JA). Odonatological Abstracts 241

[Abstract not available]. Educ., Toyama Univ., Gofuku3l90,Toyama, 930. JA).

(5297) SUZUKI, K„ 1985. Evolution of the Japanese Monographictreatment ofthe fauna (76 spp..

Mnais damselflies. 3. Classification and evolu- incl. Davidius moiwanus taruii and Stylogom-

tion of the Japanese taxa. Insectarium 22(7): phus suzukii, which arenew for the prefecture,

196-207. 13 (Jap., with Engl, title). — (Dept Biol., and excl., for various reasons, previously

Coll. Liberal Arts & Educ., Toyama Univ., reported spp.), with notes and comments on

Gofuku 3190, Toyama,930, JA). taxonomy, ecology, biogeography and beha-

viour. Distributional for [Abstract not available]. maps are provided

each and the sp„ regionalbibliography (more

than 200 titles) is listed. A brief outline ofthe (5298) SUZUKI, K. & N. ITAKURA, 1985. [A com-

is directed future parative morphology ofwings in theOdonata. outstandingproblems at wor-

kers in the area. I. Relations between wing veins and wing

membranes in some zygopteran species].

Absir. 45th A. Meet. enl. Soc. Jap., Nagoya- (5302) SUZUKI, K. & Y. YAMAMOTO. 1985. Geo-

-shi, p. 36. Jap.). — (Dept Biol., Coll. Liberal graphical distribution of Mnais damselflies

Arts & Educ., Toyama Univ., Gofuku 3190, (Odonata, Calopterygidae) in the Island of

Toyama, 930, JA). Shikoku, southwest Japan. J. Coll. lib. Arm

[Brief abstract only; Engl, translation not Toyama Univ. (nat. Sei.) 18(1): 1-25. pis 1-2

available]. (col.) incl. (With Jap. s.). — (Second Author:

Inafune Bldg, 1-2 Inafune-dôri. Chigusa-ku.

(5299) SUZUKI. K. & H. NEGORO, 1985. The odo- Nagoya-shi,464, JA).

nate specimens collected in Toyama prefec- The distribution of M. nawai and M. pruinosa

ture. Honshu. Japan by the late Mr Kenzo isanalysed. Evolutionary and cthological signi-

Sakai in (1878-1943) preserved the Toyama ficance of the occurrence of$-i. kadowakii in

Bull. the of Entomological Society. Toyama Sci. M. nawai populations, and the co-occur-

Mm. 7: 1-4 of 23-34. pis excl. (Jap., with Engl. s.). rence the populations of M. nawai and M.

— Author; (First Dept Biol., Coll. Liberal Arts pruinosa "Nankai group” are discussed, and

& Educ.. 4 Toyama Univ., Gofuku 3190, the hypothesis of independent Mnais spp. in

Toyama, 930, JA). Japan is further elaborated.

The material (17 spp.) collected some 80 years

ago, is described and discussed in detail. (5303) TOMBO. ACTA ODONA TOLOGICA. Pu-

blished by theSociety ofOdonatology.Tokyo.

(5300) SUZUKI, K. & H. NEGORO. 1985. The late Vol. 28, Nos 1,4 (Dec. 28. 1985). (c oDrS.

MrToskika/.u Kaji (1913-1974): his odonato- Asahina. Takadanobaba Shinjuku-ku.

logical work. Bull. Toyama Sci. Mm. 7: 35-49. Tokyo. 160, JA).

(Jap., with Engl. s.). — (Second Author 3-1- Eiia. S.. A mature male of Sympetrum spcci-

-19, Nishi-Nakano-machi, Toyama City, osum speciosum Oguma (p. I. col. frontis-

S A Toyama. 939. JA). piece); Asahina. : list of the Odonata

odonatol. Biography, bibliography, and appre- recorded from Thailand. Part XII. Caloptcry-

ciation of T. odonatol. with refe- Kaji’s work, gidae (2-21); Dragonflies of Tokyo area,

rence to his achievements in the local odon. fifty years ago (22); Sonehara. I.: Observa-

conservation. tions on the life-history of Somalochlora arc-

tica in Nagano Prefecture(23-30); Matsuki.

(5301) SUZUKI, K.. H. NEGORO& N. 1TAKURA, K.: Description of the larva of Ccriagrion

1985. The odonatc fauna of Toyama prefec- fallax fallax Ris fromTaiwan(Odonata,Coen-

ture. Hokuriku district, Honshu. Japan. Bull. agrionidae) (31-32); Etla, S. Number of

Sci. Mm. 8: exd. of Toyama I-149.pis I-I I (Jap., ommatidia of a compound eye Sympetrum

& with Engl, s, Latin nomenclature). (First eroticum eroticum Sclys (33-34); Ixhikau a.

Arts Author Dept Biol.. Coll. Liberal & H.: The so-called female rufmismus of some 242 Odonatological Abstracts

Sympetrum species (35-39); — An abnormal area. Jap. J. Ecol. 35: 365-375. (Jap., with

connection between Indolestes peregrinus and Engl. s.). — (Ishikawa Agric. Coll., Suematsu, — Cercion hieroglyphicum (39); Inoue. K. & Nonoichi-machi, Ishikawa,921, JA).

and from shore T. Murakami- New distribution records of Site suitability distance the are

four dragonfly species in Hokkaido (40-42);— importantfactors affecting the spatial distribu-

Asahina, 5.; Dr. M.A. Lieftinck (1904-1985), tion of receptive females within the reproduc-

1985 Annual in memoriam (42-44); — Eda. S.: tive area.

Meeting ofthe Society ofOdonatology(45).

(5308) VALTONEN, P., 1985. Erään satunnaisesti

(5304) TOWNSEND, C., 1985. Status ofdragonflies kuivuvan metsäallikon sudenkorennoista. —

and damselflies (Odonata) on Southampton [On the dragonfly fauna of an occasionally

Common, Hampshire. Bull. amal. Ent. Soc. drying-up small forest pond]. Luonnon Tutkija

190-193. — address 44(349): (Author’s not 89(4): 136-137. (Finnish). — (Dept Electric

stated). Eng., Tampere Univ. Technol.. P.O. Box 527,

16 listed and annotated. SF-33101 spp. are briefly Tampere-10, Finland).

Observations (1979-1985)at a pond (60x40 m;

G.L. HERGENRA- (5305) TROELSTRUP, N.H., max. depth 1.2 m) in Kangasala, Finland are

DER & K P. PRUESS, 1985. Neurocordulia recorded. Coenagrion hastulatum, Aeshna

A. molesta (Walsh) (Odonata: Corduliidae): a juncea, grandis and Leucorrhinia rubi-

for Nebraska and J. cunda the new record South Dakota. were found drought resistent at

Kansas Soc. 721. — Author larval while Testes eni. 58(4): (Third stage, sponsa, Sympetrum

and the Dept Ent., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska flaveolum S. danae survived dry pe-

at the the 68583-0816, USA). riods egg stage. The effects of

2 larval specimens were collected in dipnet drought on S. flaveolum and S. danae are

samples from the Missouri backwater areas in stated in some detail.

resp. Bon Homme Co. (S. Dakota) and in

Cedar Co. (Nebraska). (5309) VARIS, V., 1985. Sudenkorennot (Odonata).

[Dragonflies (Odonata)]. In: H. Krogerus,

4 (5306) TYAGI, B.K., 1985. Dragonfly conservation [Ed.], Suomen elaimet, Vol. pp. 72-89.

in India; present status and future prospects. Weilin & Gôôs, Espoo. [ISBN 951-35-2733-6],

Rep. Odon. specialist Group Int. Un. Conserv. (Finn.). — (Zool. Mus„ Univ. Helsinki, P.

Nat. 6: 1-5. — (Vector Control Res. Cent., Rautatiekatu 13, SF-00100 Helsinki).

A Medical Complex, Indira Nagar, Pondicherry- chapter on dragonflies in a semipopular 5-

-605006, India). -vol. treatment ofFinnish animals. All Finnish

the The general natureconservation policy of odon. spp. are briefly mentioned, and several — Government of India is outlined, the non- large-size col. photographs are included.

available. governmental activities are stated, and a de- (No reprints The price of the com-

work F1M tailed account of the odon. conservation pro- plete is 1630.-).

of the SIO National Office in India is gramme

The presented. latter includes the setting up of (5310) VICTOR. R. & D.T. DICKSON, 1985 Ma-

of an "Odonata Conservation Board". The pre- crobenthic invertebrates a perturbed stream

sent distribution of all Indian spp. is being in southern Nigeria. Environ Pollui. (A)38:

and — mapped, anattempt is being made to com- 99-107. (Dept Zool., Univ. Benin. Benin

odon. "Red List". PMB pile a national City. 1154, Nigeria).

The corduliid larvae are reported from the 1k-

(5307) UÉDA, T., 1985. The breeding populationof poba R., and it is stated that the Zygoptera are

the damselfly, Cercion calamorum Ris (O- completely lacking.

donata; Zygoptera) II. The spatial distribution

of receptive females within the reproductive (5311) VOGT. T.E. & J.E. McPHERSON. 1985. OdonatologicalAbstracts 243

State records and confirmations of Odonata Univ. Shanxi, Taiyuan, Shanxi, P R. China).

from Illinois and Missouri. Great Lakes in Em. The advance abstract of this paper is listed

7-13. — 18(1): (First Author Zool. Sect., Illi- OA 4653.

nois St. Mus.. Springfield, IL 62706, USA).

The of occurrence several spp. in Illinois and 1986

Missouri is reported for the first time, and the

of several others is confirmed. presence (5315) GOMPHVS. Mededelingenbladvan de belgi-

sche libellenonderzoekers — Feuille de contact

(5312) WATSON, J.A.L. & A.F. O’FARRELL, des odonatologues belges. Vol. 3, No, I (Jan.,

1985, The affinities of & the Australian Gom- 1986). (Dutch Fr.). — (c/o M. Van Mierlo,

phidae (Odonata). Aust. J. Zool. 33: 499-508. Mol B-2300 Steenweg op 52, Turnhout).

— Author Div. P.O. (First Ent., C.S.I.R.O., — Editorial ( N. Michiels)\ report on the state

Box Canberra A.C.T. ofodon. 1700, City, 2601, AU). mapping in Belgium(V. Michiels ); —

2 subfamilies in — occur Australia, the Ictino- reports on 2 field trips (anonymous); Sum-

gomphinae and Gomphinae. All Australian mary of the minutes of the Ninth Meeting of

the the scheme ictinogomphines belong in genus Ictino- mapping workers ( M. van Mierlo);

gomphus Cowley, with other — spp. in Africa announcements of the forthcoming Ger-

and Asia; the include 2 of and gomphines groups man (Höxter) Belgian (Brussels) odona- smaller the tol. — book the gomphids, Hemigomphus group colloquia; review of volume

and 2 (Hemigomphus Selys undescribed ge- listed in OA 5062 (.V. Michiels).

and the nera) Austrogomphus group (Antipo-

dogomphus Fraser, AustroepigomphusFraser (5316) KIAUTA, B. & M. K1AUTA, 1986. The

and Austrogomphus Selys). Structures in the dragonfly fauna of the Flumserberg region,

male terminalia indicate that the Hemigom- canton St Gallen, eastern Switzerland (Odo-

phus group is allied to the 1-14. South and Central nata). Opusc. zool. flumin. 3: — (SIO

American genera Diaphlebia Selys, Neogom- Central Office, P.O. Box 256, 3720 AG

phus Selys, Perigomphus Belle and Zono- Bilthoven,

phora Selys, and that the Austrogomphus NL).

group is allied to the of Agriogomphus complex An annotated checklist is given 33 spp. (42 % of genera, also from southern and centralAme- of the Swiss fauna) from 14 localities (alt. 425-

rica, and. to -2000 perhaps, Lestinogomphus Martin m), and the status of some of these is

from Africa. briefly discussed with reference to the Swiss

Red A (informal) Data List. general note on

ZHU, H. & J. WU, 1985. new the (5313) - A species ofthe local flight season(early May early Nov.)

genus Merogomphus from Hangzhou (O- is appended.

donata: Gomphidae). Entomolaxonontia 7(3);

229-231. (Chin., with Engl. s.). — (Dept Biol., (5317) KRONER, U., 1986. Die Libellen (Odonaten)

Univ. Shanxi, Taiyuan. Shanxi, P R. China). des Naturschutzgebietes Teverener Heide. Be-

M. lingyinensis sp. n. (holotype#: Hangzhou, obachtungen aus den Jahren 1982 bis 1985.

in 3-VI11-I983; deposited Dept Biol., Univ. Heimalkaleniler Heinsberg 1986: 69-75. I pl,

Shanxi) is described, figured, and compared excl. — (Gelderner Str. 39. D-4050 Mönchen-

with M. paviei (Martin) and M. vandykei gladbach-4, FRG).

Needham. The odon. fauna (27 spp.) of this Nature Re-

serve (SW of Köln, FRG) is discussed with

(5314) ZHU. H.-q. & J.-l. WU. 1985, Cytological reference to the local status of the 'Red List"

notes foliacea foliacea taxa, and on Platycnemis Selys some management measures are sug-

from Shanxi. J. Shanxi Univ. (nat. Sei.) 1985: gested.

93-96. (Chin., with Engl. s.). — (Dept Biol.,