PRESENT : Councillor Colin Evans (Chair) (Carmarthenshire County Council) presided

Voting Councillors :

Robert Lewis - Pembrokeshire County Council Sandra Miller - Neath County Borough Council Paul Lloyd (Pro - City and County of Swansea tem)

Non -voting Councillors :

David Williams - County Borough Council Ted Latham - Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Officers :

Richard Workman - Carmarthenshire County Council Steve Pilliner - Carmarthenshire County Council Simon Charles - Carmarthenshire County Council John Flower - Neath Port Talbot County Council Brian Biscoe - Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Chris Vinestock - City and County of Swansea Ian Westley - Pembrokeshire County Council Ceri Rees - Pembrokeshire County Council Sue Miles - SWWITCH Co-ordinator Marcus Judd - SWWITCH Jeremy Parkhouse - City and County of Swansea

Partners :

Margaret Everson - Bus Users UK Justin Davies - Buses Ltd John Pockett - CPT and First Great Western Michael Vaughan - Arriva Trains Wales Richard Crawshaw - SWWEF Betsan Caldwell - CTA Cymru

Also present :

Hatti Woakes (observer) - North Pembrokeshire Transport Forum

Minutes of the Meeting of the SWWITCH Joint Committee (06.09.2013) Cont’d


The Chair welcomed all attendees to Neath Civic Centre and thanked those SWWITCH Members who had attended the site visit to view the newly opened Harbour Way at Port Talbot.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor June Burtonshaw (City and County of Swansea), Councillor Paul Meara (City and County of Swansea), Phil Roberts (City and County of Swansea), Ben George (City and County of Swansea), David Beer (Passenger Focus), Tim Peppin (WLGA) and Jane Lorimer (Sustrans).


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the SWWITCH Joint Committee Meeting held on 7 June 2013 be accepted as a correct record.


Item 5 - Compact and Collaboration

The Briefing Note prepared for the SWWITCH Council Leaders on Key Transport Issues prior to their meeting with the Minister on 24 June 2013, was provided at Appendix A to the Matters Arising Report.

Item 9 - Consultations

Joint Committee delegated responsibility to the SWWITCH Management Group to prepare and submit responses to the Regional Urban and Freight Market Studies by 26 July 2013. The two responses submitted were attached at Appendices B and C of the Matters Arising Report.


John Flower provided a detailed and informative update presentation on City Regions. Areas covered included:

• Engagement with the Private Sector. • Productivity/Employment within the Region.

Minutes of the Meeting of the SWWITCH Joint Committee (06.09.2013) Cont’d

• The aims of the City Region. • Feedback from the launch of the City Region. • Timetable for European Funding. • The current position and ability of SWWITCH and future possibilities.

He also made reference to and circulated the leaflet produced in relation to the City Region which outlined the background, what had happened to date and the next steps for the Swansea Bay City Region.


(1) the progress to date be noted;

(2) a further update be circulated to SWWITCH Members following the City Regions Task and Finish Group Meeting on 19 September 2013.


Steve Pilliner provided an update report on progress to date with regards to Bus Services Funding Review and the Regional Network Strategy Development. SWWITCH had received the second tranche of bus funding of £959,378 from the Welsh Government in July which was equivalent to 18.75% of the total annual funding and enabled SWWITCH to meet commitments to bus operators to make second quarter payments by the middle of August.

All operators had claimed quarter one payments and the majority had claimed quarter two payments. While quarter one payments were based on estimated mileage, for quarter two, work within SWWITCH on extensive mapping and measuring of routes had been completed and so payments now reflected the actual mileage with reconciliation up or down for under/overpayments made for quarter one. Community transport organisations had been much slower to claim, some had yet to claim quarter one funding and very few had claimed quarter two. From quarter two onwards, the concessionary fare payments were also going to be managed centrally and the SWWITCH Passenger Transport Manager’s Group were currently finalising arrangements for this change.

Minutes of the Meeting of the SWWITCH Joint Committee (06.09.2013) Cont’d

Details were also provided regarding a new full time, fixed term post in SWWITCH for a Regional Transport Service Grant Officer and the job description was provided at Appendix A to the report.

It was confirmed that the Regional Network Strategy had to be submitted to the Welsh Minister by 17 January 2014. It was explained that the deadline for responses to the Draft Regional Network Strategy which had been circulated to more than fifty organisations was Friday 13 September 2013. The timescale for the completion of the Draft Regional Network Strategy which was recognised as very challenging difficult and allowed little time for extensive changes within the context of securing agreement from all four Councils involved in SWWITCH.

The Welsh Government had established a sub-group to look at a range of outcomes with regard to the Regional Transport Service Grant which could be applied by consortia. The sub-group provided 21 Draft Outcomes for consortia consideration. These were rejected and alternative suggestions were proposed which mostly focused around fewer outcomes and also clarified the need for consortia to wait for the Regional Network Strategy Consultation to complete. It was added that SWWITCH Management Group was clear that consortia should have a range of optional outcomes that were applicable to the specific regional and local market in South West Wales. SWWITCH Management Group also supported incentivising operators to achieve quality outcomes rather than using penalties for non-compliance. The response from SWWITCH to the Welsh Government and quality outcomes was shown at Appendix D to the report. The next step would be to examine responses to the Regional Network Strategy before final proposals could be developed and approved.

Partner organisations expressed concern in relation to future funding of the industry and stated that stability was required in order to plan ahead with confidence. It was suggested that a year’s grace on the current funding would be a good proposal going forward in the longer term. It was proposed that a Special Joint Committee be scheduled for Friday 8 November 2013 in order to discuss the Regional Network Strategy Final Draft.

RESOLVED that a Special Joint Committee Meeting be scheduled for Friday 8 November 2013 at 1.00 p.m. at Neath Civic Centre, Neath.

Minutes of the Meeting of the SWWITCH Joint Committee (06.09.2013) Cont’d


Brian Biscoe provided a progress report on the development of a new Rail Strategy. It was explained that an income stream through the renting of retail units at Swansea Bus Station had arisen. The first receipts for SWWITCH totalled approximately £60,000 and an Officer Working Group put a proposal to the SWWITCH Management Group that the funding be utilised to commission a Rail Strategy for South West Wales. AECOM were appointed in early July to develop the strategy, working with SWWITCH and engaging with a wide range of stakeholders. The completion date for the Rail Strategy is the end of September 2013.

Feedback was also provided from the Stakeholder Workshop held on 1 August 2013 in Carmarthen and the notes of the discussions were provided at Appendix B to the report. SWWITCH provided feedback to AECOM in August 2013 and a further progress meeting was scheduled for 19 September 2013 at which stage a final draft report should be ready for discussion.

Partner organisations noted the aspirations outlined in the report but questioned the timetable outlined due to the electrification timetable being unknown.


(1) the development of a SWWITCH Rail Strategy be approved;

(2) the progress to date in terms of engagement and progress be noted;

(3) a final draft Rail Strategy be reported to the next Joint Committee meeting for approval.


Chris Vinestock provided an update report on the Regional Transport Consortium Grant spend during the first four months of the Financial Year. The report also provided a proposal for an approach to a three year programme.

SWWITCH expenditure up to the end of July 2013 was provided which represented good progress against the profiled spend. However, it was added that with the exception of road safety revenue spend, it was Minutes of the Meeting of the SWWITCH Joint Committee (06.09.2013) Cont’d

a small proportion of the overall allocation. This meant that there was significant projected spend during the last six months of the year when weather disruption was likely to be at its worst.

It was outlined that the SWWITCH Programme Management Group were scrutinising the progress of projects in order to ensure that SWWITCH spends all the available funding in any year on improving access and transport in the region. Details of consortia spending in Wales for the first quarter of the Financial Year were provided.

Key tasks for the Programme Management Group arising from the July All Wales Programme Management Group Meeting included providing three to four case studies of projects delivered which demonstrate how they have contributed to the Welsh Government priorities on the economy and reducing deprivation. The case studies chosen by SWWITCH are:

• Access to Kenfig Industrial Estate.

• Swansea Bus Station.

• Fishguard and Station.

• Cross Hands Economic Link Road Phase 1

Consortia were also being asked to identify projects with potential land and compensation costs. The Welsh Government are concerned about the impact such schemes have on ongoing funding streams and was considering passing the risk for such costs to consortia. Furthermore, consortia were asked to ensure their Programme Management Groups carry out peer group reviews of projects as they progress through the development stages to consider compensation issues.

The report also provided details of the proposed Three Year Programme Development. SWWITCH Management Group proposed that SWWITCH adopted the City Regions Three Year Programme approach. This would mean that the basis for projects to be delivered in the next two years of funding will be:

• Creating access to new job locations thus encouraging inward investment. • Focus on providing access to jobs.

Minutes of the Meeting of the SWWITCH Joint Committee (06.09.2013) Cont’d

• Strategic interchanges to promote multi-modal commuting on bus journeys. • Regional strategic cycling infrastructure.


(1) progress to date on the 2013/14 RTCG delivery be noted;

(2) the four projects proposed as SWWITCH “case studies” be approved;

(3) the principle of developing RTCG programmes for the next two years based on “City Regions” approach be approved.


Sue Miles reported on the proposed NHS Reconfiguration and Access to Transport Issues. It was explained that the Welsh Government wanted to start working with Health Boards, the Ambulance Trust and Regional Transport Consortia to try and prepare for and address the potential access gaps which will result from changes to clinical service delivery in Wales. SWWITCH would have an interest in the and Hywel Dda Working Groups and the Welsh Government were seeking senior level nominations from consortia to the relevant Working Groups. The nominated SWWITCH representatives were Dave Griffiths (Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council) - South Wales Programme Group, Steve Pilliner (Carmarthenshire County Council) - Hywel Dda Group.

Feedback was provided from the first meeting of the South Wales Programme Group which was held on 15 August 2013. Concern was also expressed that this would be an ongoing partnership approach with the Health Boards accepting there were changes they could make which would improve access. It was seen as critical that the problems with access were not transferred to SWWITCH without the appropriate funding and support mechanisms.

Joint Committee commented on the information contained in the report and recognised the importance of the proposals. The importance of the financial considerations were recognised and the need for the matter to be properly discussed and organised.


(1) the setting up of Health and Transport Groups to address access issues post-NHS reconfiguration be noted; Minutes of the Meeting of the SWWITCH Joint Committee (06.09.2013) Cont’d

(2) the Officer nominations to represent SWWITCH be approved; (3) the concerns about expectations that consortia can address all access issues relating to NHS reconfiguration be noted.


Ceri Rees provided a report which set out the requirements and timescales proposed for the SWWITCH Annual Progress Report and proposed delegated responsibility for the final submission to the SWWITCH Management Group.

It was outlined that the main focus of the guidance was to get a concise and informative representation of progress made by each consortium in terms of project delivery and policy development. The Annual Progress Report is intended to be of use to the Welsh Government and other key stakeholders, but also of interest to residents, visitors and businesses in the region. The guidance provided by Welsh Government was provided at Appendix A of the report.

It was proposed that the timetable set out at Appendix B of the report be adopted for the 2012/13 Annual Progress Report Development, that the main Annual Progress Report and not the extensive appendices be translated by the deadline of 18 October 2013, that the main document be a similar size to previous years and the SWWITCH Management Group be given delegated responsibility to approve the final submission of the final document, which will be forwarded to Joint Committee for information.


(1) the requirements of and timescales for the 2012/13 Annual Progress Report submission be noted;

(2) Joint Committee delegates responsibility to approve the Annual Progress Report submission to SWWITCH Management Group;

(3) a copy of the final document be circulated to Joint Committee.


Simon Charles reported on current consultations involving SWWITCH. This included:

• Wales and Borders Franchise Inquiry.

Minutes of the Meeting of the SWWITCH Joint Committee (06.09.2013) Cont’d

The context for the Inquiry was explained in the report and a draft response was provided for consideration.

RESOLVED that the response to the Enterprise and Business Committees Inquiry into the Rail Franchise be approved.


Joint Committee received updates from the following partner organisations:

• Arriva Trains Wales.

• Community Transport Association.

• Bus Users UK.

• Welsh Local Government Association.

• First Great Western.

• Passenger Focus.

• First Cymru Buses.

The Chair, on behalf of SWWITCH, congratulated both Margaret Everson, Bus Users UK for recently receiving an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List for services to bus users and and Hatti Woakes, North Pembrokeshire Transport Forum on receiving a British Empire Medal for services to transport.


The SWWITCH Newsletter for September 2013 was provided for information.


The SWWITCH Chair activities were reported for information.


The Ministerial Statements on Road and Rail Priorities were provided for information.

Minutes of the Meeting of the SWWITCH Joint Committee (06.09.2013) Cont’d


Date, Time and Venue for Next Meeting


(1) a Special Meeting be scheduled for 1.00 p.m. on Friday 8 November 2013 at Neath Civic Centre;

(2) the next scheduled Joint Committee be scheduled for 1.00 p.m. on Friday 6 December 2013 at Carmarthen.

The meeting ended at 3.00 p.m.


S: SWWITCH Joint Committee - 6 September 2013 (JEP/KL)