Sri Sathya Sai Ashtottara

Group II – 55 to 108 Namavali

55. Om Sri Sai Ananta Nuta Kartrune Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the Creator and who is praised endlessly.

Ananta - endless, Nuta - praise, Karta–Creator.

Baba is the Creator. His glory is endless. Words cannot describe it, no matter how much we may try. We sing His praises with bhajans and recite the 108 or 1008 Naamavalis which contain His glory. Many books have been written on Him in many languages of the world. But these are only small attempts. His Love, His wisdom and His Glory are indescribable. No artist has been able to capture His full beauty and glory.

In His childhood, Swami Himself started the Pandhari bhajan group. He used to teach the children bhajans. They used to go around and the surrounding villages singing bhajans, playing cymbals with their little hands and wearing bells on their ankles. The villagers were protected from diseases by the power of the bhajans.

56. Om Sri Sai Aadi Purushaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the ‘Primeval Purusha.’

Aadi - First, Primeval, Purusha - Eternal Supreme Being.

The Bhagavad Gita says that God is the Supreme Person, Origin of all, Lord of all beings, Lord of the Universe.

Baba is that Eternal, Changeless One, the Avataar of the present age. He is the Sanathana Sarathi, the Eternal Charioteer, come to guide us on the path of Truth and Righteousness.

From a young age, Sathya gave visions to people of His Avataarhood. Smt. Vijayakumari describes how young Sathya once told them, “I will show you the Third Eye.” Suddenly Swami could no longer be seen. The entire sky was covered by His head. An eye opened in the centre of His eyebrows. A blinding light emanated from this eye. Some people were unable to bear it and fell unconscious. Others started crying not knowing what had happened to Swami. Suddenly He reappeared in their midst in His usual form.

Others saw young Sathya sitting on a swing one moment and then saw Him transformed into the charming form of Lord Krishna sitting on a flower bedecked swing the next instant.

The Lord revealed that all forms are His and He is the Supreme Being.


57. Om Sri Sai Aadi Shaktaye Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the 'Primeval Cosmic Energy' the 'Shakti' aspect of the Creator.

Aadi - First, Primeval, Shakti - Energy.

Sri is the Aadi Shakti which is perceived as Divine feminine energy. Our Divine Sai Mother guides, fosters and guards mankind with loving care and compassion.

He is like the Maternal Trinity, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. As Goddess Durga, He gives us strength and energy. As Goddess Saraswati, He gives us knowledge and learning and as Goddess Lakshmi, our Mother Sai gives us prosperity in all forms.

He has given visions of Himself as various forms of the Mother Goddess to many people.

The love of the Supreme Mother encompasses us all. He looks after His students like a Mother. He is aware when the students are unwell and personally visits them. He has even been known to personally take a cup of hot coffee for sick students - an expression of His motherly love.

58. Om Sri Sai Aparoopa Shaktine Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who has wonderful powers.

Aparoopa - wonderful, unique, Shakti - power.

Swami has wonderful breathtaking powers. He knows our every thought. He hears every word we speak even though we may be thousands of miles away.

Joel did not believe in Swami although his wife did. One day he surprised his friends by saying he was going to Prasanthi with his wife. Joel said he would believe in Swami only if the 'character' could produce something extraordinary, something like a rainbow. "No magician can ever pull a rainbow out of his sleeve," he said jokingly.

When he reached Puttaparthi, he and his wife were sitting on the hill on a clear day when they were stunned to see a rainbow rising in the sky. The extraordinary thing was that it rose straight up vertically, and was not the usual curved rainbow. They simply could not believe their eyes. The next day, Baba called him for an interview and asked him, “Well, character, how did you like my rainbow?”

Swami revealed His Omniscience.

In June 1961, Baba visited the famous Badrinath Temple. In the presence of devotees, Baba waved His hand and materialized a plate of gold that held a thousand petalled golden lotus. By another movement of His hand He produced the Nethra Lingam that lay concealed underneath the idol of Badrinath, installed there by Adi Shankaracharya 1200 years earlier. Baba placed it in the golden lotus. With another wave of His hand He produced a vessel of silver filled with sacred waters of the Gangotri. Baba touched the bottom of the vessel with His finger and when He withdrew it, water began to fall on the Nethra Lingam. A hole had been made in the vessel with a touch of His finger. When the abhishekam (ceremonial bathing) was over, Baba shook His hand and gold and silver flowers flowed out and covered the Lingam. He also materialized fresh thummi flowers (which Lord Shiva is said to be fond of) and showered those blossoms on the Lingam.


Thus Bhagawan revitalized the Netra Lingam. He then restored it to its original place beneath the idol of Lord Badrinath.

59. Om Sri Sai Avyakta Roopine Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the Form of the Unmanifested Divinity.

Avyakta - Unmanifested, Roopa - form.

Baba is the form of the unmanifested Divinity. He is the Sarva Devata Swaroopa.

The Formless Supreme Being, incarnates in every age for the protection of the virtuous and the reformation of the ignorant and the misguided, and to re-establish Righteousness.

Baba is the Avataar of the Kaliyug. He says, “The Lord has to come in human form in order to be understood by man, in order to speak to people in their own language. Man cannot benefit from an Avataar if He comes down to earth in all His effulgence.”

60. Om Sri Sai Kaama Krodha Dhwamsine Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who destroys desire and anger.

Kaama - desire, Krodha - anger, Dhwamsine – he who destroys.

Unlimited desires and irrational anger are the twin evils that victimize man and make him unhappy. These evils thrive in the darkness of spiritual ignorance. Baba has given mankind the Torch of Self-Knowledge which has resulted in material desires being subsumed by a spiritual desire for Satsang (good company), Sadhana (spiritual efforts), and Seva (service). Anger yields to a feeling of tolerance, for when we recognize that the same Swami exists in all, how can we hate anyone?

61. Om Sri Sai Kanaka Ambara Dhaarine Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who wears a Golden coloured robe.

Kanaka - golden, Ambara - dress, Dhaarine – one who wears.

Here Baba is glorified as the One who wears a ‘golden coloured’ (orange) robe. His robe is full length and full-sleeved and buttoned at the top.


As Shri Kasturi said, “Whatever the material, to the eye of faith, the raiment of God is as bright as gold and as precious. It is the ‘kanaka’ (gold) ‘ambara’ (dress).”

62. Om Sri Sai Adbhuta Charyaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai whose deeds are amazing.

Adbhuta - amazing, Charyaa - activities.

Baba materializes vibhuti, kumkum, amrit and other objects from His empty hands. Many times, showers of these auspicious articles from the portraits of Baba and His manifold forms, announce His arrival into a home. Baba has been ‘seen’ in places across the world although physically He has been in Puttaparthi. He cures ‘incurable’ diseases with just a word. Baba has built schools, colleges and hospitals in record time.

His activities are unprecedented and are proof of His Divinity. In 1968, when Swami went to Africa, He called the servants of His host for an interview. The host told Swami that they did not know English and offered to act as the interpreter. Swami smiled and said “I know their language.” After the interview was over, the host was told by the excited servants that Swami had spoken to them in their native language.

63. Om Sri Sai Aapad Baandhavaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who in our calamities, comes to our help like a close relative.

Aapad - calamity, Baandhava – relative.

Swami comes to the rescue of His devotees in times of calamities. Mr. Isaac Tigrett describes his experience. He says. “I was driving my car very fast in California at a speed of 90 miles an hour. Suddenly the car flew off into the air above a canyon 300 feet deep. I had actually fallen asleep while driving. As the car began to spin in mid air, Sai Baba suddenly appeared next to me in the car. He put His arms around me and held me firmly. The car spun around at least 16 times before it came crashing down. There was nothing left of the car, but I escaped unhurt, even without a bruise.”

64. Om Sri Sai Premaatmane Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai whose inner reality is only Love.

Prema - love, Aatmaa - inner reality.

Bhagawan Baba is the Prema Avataar. He has come for the revival of Dharma through the medium of Love. Whatever miracles He performs are a manifestation of His Love. He says, “Bring Me your burdens and take from Me, Joy and Contentment.”

Kumar was a student in the Sathya Sai College in Puttaparthi. His parents lived in the eastern block. At evening prayer, one day, Kumar sang a bhajan, ‘Sai Pita aur Sai Mata’, as Swami sat on His chair nodding His head in tune with the song. Suddenly, Swami got up and hurried out. He walked into the residence of Kumar's parents. Kumar’s mother had a heart attack and was struggling for life. Baba gave her a glass of water and materialized vibhuti for her. After she recovered, He returned to the bhajan hall and resumed His seat.


After the Bhajans were over, He said to Kumar, “Your mother was on the verge of dying and I went to save her. Here you were singing, “You are the Father and You are the Mother.” How could I sit here enjoying your song when your mother was in agony there? I had to reach her urgently and save her.”

65. Om Sri Sai Prema Moortaye Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the embodiment of love.

Prema - love, Moorti - image.

His love encompasses all. He takes care of our smallest needs.

In Kodaikanal, Swami noticed that a student was not present in the dining hall during tea time and enquired about him. When He was told that the boy was not feeling well, He personally took a cup of coffee for the sick boy in His room upstairs!

66. Om Sri Sai Prema Pradaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who bestows love on all.

Prema - Love, Pradaaya – one who gives.

Swami showers His Grace on all. His hands know only the act of giving.

Once when Swami was in Kodai, He saw a young man selling candy floss at the street corner. Swami purchased almost all his stock and filled the car with it. He told the devotee who was with Him in the car, “That vendor’s parents are sick at home. He can go home to attend to his parents only after he sells his stocks. Moreover he depends on the profits that he makes for purchasing medicines for his parents. That is why I purchased so many candies from him. Today he can go home early and give more time to his parents.” He brought the candies to Sai Shruti where He was staying and distributed them to all.

Such is His love and concern for all.

67. Om Sri Sai Priyaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is dear to all.

Priya - dear to all

Devotees' faces light up with unsullied joy when they catch a glimpse of their beloved Lord. At that moment all worldly concerns are forgotten. The love and devotion on their faces says it all.


Many times people come to Baba to criticize Him and find fault with Him, but they are drawn by His Divine Love. As one person said, “I had heard all kinds of versions of His greatness, and I jumped eagerly at the chance to test these versions. In short, I came to defy. And I am going back deified.” The warmth of Bhagawan’s presence melted down all the person’s misunderstandings.

68. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Priyaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is loved by His devotees.

Bhakta - devotees, Priya - loved.

Swami loves all and is loved by all. He says “I am drawn by Bhakti towards the Bhakta.”

Once when Prof. K. Anil Kumar was traveling with Swami from Puttaparthi to Brindavan, he saw a man with a big moustache holding a sickle in his hand standing in the path of the car to stop it. Prof. Anil Kumar was worried as to what the man was about to do. As the car stopped, the man reached out for a tender coconut and, using his sickle, opened it and offered it to Baba with a beaming smile. Swami accepted the coconut and gave him a Rs.500 note.

Prof. Anil Kumar was amazed at the price paid for the coconut. Baba gave the coconut to Prof. Anil Kumar explaining that He never takes tender coconut. Baba said, “Do you think it was a sale and a purchase? No. No. Whenever I travel on this route, if this person knows, he stands waiting, unmindful of the time to make his offering. I gave him the money as a gift of My love and not as the price of the coconut.”

69. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Mandaaraaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is as Heaven for His devotees.

Mandaara - Heaven.

A glimpse of Baba, a look from Him, a word from Him is enough to give devotees heavenly bliss. He gives lovingly, without us asking, whatever is good for us.

Swami is the heavenly wish-fulfilling tree.

Dr. Deepak Anand, a faculty member of Swami’s college, has this incident to relate: Some faculty members and students were travelling in a bus following Swami’s car in Kodai. A traffic jam slowed them down and they were left miles behind Swami’s car. They felt lost in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, they saw an elderly devotee of Bhagawan approach them in his own car, laden with snacks sent by Swami for them. He told them that Swami refused to eat or retire for the night before seeing His children eat.

When they finally reached Sai Shruti in the night, they saw the Lord standing at the doorstep waiting. He ushered them into the dining hall to welcome them. He personally supervised the serving of dinner to His children. He Himself took only one spoonful of rice to satisfy them.

As Dr. Anand says, “Our fatigue disappeared and our hearts were full of indescribable ecstasy.”


70. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Jana Hridaya Vihaaraaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who sports (plays happily) in the hearts of His devotees.

Hridaya - heart, Vihaara - sport.

Baba plays happily in the hearts of His devotees. How do we become worthy of this? Baba tells us, “Be like the flute, a hollow reed, straight, clear and clean, and the Lord will play with you, the Lord’s breath will blow through you and the world will wake to the Divine music.”

His leelas were witnessed by the early devotees. Sathya used to sometimes challenge some young men to a race with Him on the rocky path to the tamarind tree. They used to run fast, but before one could even blink, Sathya would be calling out to them happily from the top of the hill.

71. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Jana Hridayaalayaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who dwells in the hearts of His devotees.

Bhakta - devotees, Jana - people, Hridaya - heart, Aalaya - residence.

In the Gita, Lord Krishna says that He is seated in the heart of all beings. We have to see God in all.

When Draupadi, the Queen of the Pandavas, was in distress, she called out in anguish to Lord Krishna, “O, Dwarakavasi (dweller at Dwaraka), please come to my rescue.” When the Lord appeared after some time, He told her, “You called Me ‘Dwarakavasi’, so I had to come from there. If you had called Me ‘Hridayavasi’, (dweller in the heart), I would have come sooner from your heart itself.”

Swami says, “If you would like to please Me, you need only to see Me in every living being. Serve all beings as you would serve Me and worship Me. That alone is the holy path that brings you to Me.”

72. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Paraadheenaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is bound by the devotion of His devotees.

Paraadheena - bound.


Baba comes to the rescue of His devotees whenever and wherever they need Him.

Once when going along with a group of cars following Swami’s car from Whitefield to Chennai, one car in the middle broke down. The other cars in the group took the other passengers with them, but the owner who had been driving the car himself had no option but to wait till the car was set right. He requested his friend to send a mechanic back from the first garage he came across. He knew it would be a long wait.

Soon after, he saw a cyclist suddenly appear on the road from the direction from which they had come, He was surprised because he knew they had not passed any cyclist on the way. The cyclist stopped and asked if he could be of any help. “Not unless you know of any mechanic nearby,” said the devotee. The cyclist replied that he himself was a mechanic. He opened the bonnet of the car and after inspecting it, said that the fan belt was broken. Then, to the devotee’s amazement, he took out from his pocket a new fan belt of exactly the type and size required, and fixed it in place. Then he rode off without taking any payment.

When the devotee started his car, hoping to catch up with his benefactor, he found that he had just disappeared. He was not to be seen for miles ahead.

When he reached Chennai, Swami told him, “So your car broke down. I sent someone to help you.”

Swami comes in any form to help his devotees.

73. Om Sri Sai Bhakti Jnaana Pradeepaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who kindles devotion and wisdom in us.

Bhakti - devotion, Jnaana - Knowledge, wisdom, Pradeepaa - to light.

Swami kindles in us devotion and wisdom. He does this by the subtle, gentle power of love.

Baba is the God living in our midst. We witness His Divine Leelas. We experience His Divine Love. We hear His Divine Words and are inspired to worship the Universal One.

Baba is loving, kind and considerate to all. His love inspires us. The Dussera festival in Puttaparthi lasts for nine days. Shri Kasturi writes that on the seventh day, the poor are fed and clothes are distributed to the needy. One year, Baba noticed that the bright festoons which had been put up to decorate the Ashram had faded in the rains. Baba wanted new ones to be put in time for the day of feeding the poor, because, He said, “They are our distinguished guests and the Mandir should be bright and cheerful when they come.” This is His Love that lights our hearts with devotion.

74. Om Sri Sai Bhakti Jnaana Pradaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who confers Devotion and Wisdom in us.

Bhakti - devotion, Jnaana - Knowledge, wisdom, Pradaaya - to confer, give.

Devotion and Wisdom are the treasures that make our life meaningful and happy.


Swami's sweet and simple discourses are easily understood by all. They awaken devotion and wisdom in His audience. His teachings reach all corners of the globe, transcending barriers of race, religion, language and geography.

Digambara Swami was an old ascetic who had lost the use of both his legs. He wore no clothes and had taken the vow of silence. He once visited Puttaparthi, carried by his followers. His admirers were eager to see the reaction of young 16 year old Sathya when pitted against this sage. His reaction was unexpected. He gave the unclothed sage a big towel and told him to cover himself. He told him, “If you have cut off all relationships with Society, as your nakedness indicates you have, then why do you not go to a cave in the forest away from human society? Why are you afraid?”

Digambara Swami looked crestfallen, aware that Baba had seen through his pretence. Then Baba added, “I know your difficulty. You are afraid you may not get food and shelter. I assure you that anyone taking the name of the Lord, wherever he may be, will get food. I will see to that.” He thus indicated to him that there was no need for this outward pretence. He could focus on his tapasya and the Lord would look after him.

Only an Avataar can give such an assurance!

75. Om Sri Sai Sujnaana Maarga Darshakaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who shows the path of wisdom.

Sujnaana - right knowledge, Maarga - path, Darshaka - one who shows.

He is a spiritual beacon of the world. He is the Divine author of innumerable books such as Dharma Vahini, Prema Vahini, Dhyana Vahini, Gita Vahini, Bhagavatha Vahini. His discourses, which appear in the monthly magazine, Sanathana Sarathi, are a source of continuing guidance. This magazine is published in many languages.

Baba explains lofty ideals, with simple parables and light humour, which can be understood and absorbed by all. Shri Kasturi says, “As Supreme Educator of the Age, He leads us through song, drama and discourse, through glance, gesture or gift, through word, wit or rebuke, into the path which leads through Love unto Light.”

Thus He slowly brings about a transformation in us. Baba's greatest miracle is the way in which He changes the hearts, minds and lives of His devotees.

76. Om Sri Sai Jnaana Swaroopaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the embodiment of knowledge.

Jnaana - Knowledge, wisdom, Swaroopaa - form, personified.


When Swami was a young boy, His friends called him Guru. In school He was called brahma jnaani. He sometimes recited long Sanskrit shlokas and spoke the highest Vedanta philosophy although He had no formal training in these subjects. His formal education ended when He was only fourteen years old. Yet His writings and discourses reveal a complete mastery of all the Scriptures. He is truly Jnaanaswaroopa (embodiment of knowledge and wisdom).

Once when Swami was a young boy, a Vedic scholar named Narayana Shastri was explaining the Bhaagvatam in a neighbour’s house. Young Sathya said, “He is explaining the Bhaagvatam all wrong. He has to be corrected. Go and bring him here.”

The Shastri was most offended that an illiterate young boy was criticizing him and at first refused to go and meet Sathya. He eventually agreed to meet Him just to teach Him a lesson in humility. When the Shastri arrived, Sathya pointed out to him where he had erred and explained the complex passage in a simple and lucid manner. The famed Vedic Scholar fell at the feet of Sathya and asked for pardon.

77. Om Sri Sai Gita Bodhakaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the Teacher of the Bhagavad Gita.

Bodhaka - teacher.

This Avataar is the Sanathana Sarathi (Eternal Charioteer) of Mankind steering it on the path of Sathya and Dharma, to Shanti, Prema and Ananda, for the moral and spiritual regenerafion of the world.

He explains to us His words in the Gita in a simple way with the help of little stories so that all can understand.

78. Om Sri Sai Jnaana Siddhi Daaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who grants the attainment of wisdom.

Jnaana - wisdom, Siddhi - attainment, Daaya- giver.

Baba’s discourses are a store house of wisdom. His primary aim is to awaken man from the sleep of ignorance and to make him aware of his real nature which is the lmperishable, lmmortal Divine Self.

Shri Subba Rao was studying the Taithriya Upanishad in Delhi. When he visited , Baba called him and started explaining this Upanishad to him, without Shri Subba Rao even telling Him that he was studying it. He cleared all his doubts.

79. Om Sri Sai Sundara Roopaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who has a beautiful form. SRI SATHYA SAI BALVIKAS, TAMILNADU WWW.SSSBALVIKASTN.ORG

Sundara – beautiful, Roopaa – form.

Swami has an enchanting beauty and divine charm. His eyes are loving and full of compassion. His face is radiant. His voice is sweet and soft. His movements are full of grace. His halo of hair is distinctive. His charm is magnetic.

80. Om Sri Sai Punya Purushaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the embodiment of Purity and Auspiciousness.

Punya – pure, holy, Purusha – Supreme Person.

Swami, the embodiment of purity and auspiciousness, says we should have purity in thought, word and deed. Then only can we have auspiciousness in our lives. He says, ”I do not want from you flowers that fade, fruits that rot, coins that have no currency beyond the boundaries. Give me the lotus that blooms in your ‘Manasarovar’, in the pure pellucid waters of your inner consciousness. Give Me the fruits of your holiness and inner discipline.”

81. Om Sri Sai Phala Pradaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who vouchsafes the fruits of actions.

Phala – fruit (consequence, result), Pradaaya – giver.

The fruits being referred to are the consequences of our karmas. We are really fortunate, for we are able to enjoy the Divine proximity of Sai. It is the fruits of the merits earned by us in our previous lives. It is our good fortune that we are singing, talking and walking with a Living God.

Shri Krishnamurthy, was driving very fast when travelling with his family from Bangalore to Prasanthi. Suddenly his car somersaulted four times and stood upside down in the middle of the road. The car was fully damaged, but all the people inside were safe except for minor bruises.

At the time of the accident, the Omniscient Swami told Shri Krishnamurthy’s friend in Puttaparthi about the accident and described it in detail. Then He said, “I had to stop all the vehicles on the road to avoid a collision.”

Later when Shri Krishnamurthy went to thank Baba for saving them, Baba said, “It was your karma phala, the merit of your good actions that saved you. You have rendered seva selflessly. The results of your good actions flow back to you as My Grace in times of need.”

82. Om Sri Sai Purushottamaaya Namah


Purushottama – Supreme Person.

In the Gita, Lord Krishna says, “As I transcend the perishable and I am even higher than the imperishable, I am declared the Purushottama (Supreme Person).”

Purushottama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in everyone’s heart as the Paramatma. Sri Sathya Sai is the highest and noblest Supreme Personality. His spiritual effulgence encompasses all. He says, “I walk and talk and eat like you but remember always I am all Gods in one.”

83. Om Sri Sai Puraana Purushaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the Ancient Supreme Person.

Puraana – ancient, Purusha – Supreme Person.

God is ‘Ajo nithyah saashwathoyam puranaah’, i.e. He is without birth and death, beginning or end, ever existent, permanent, without phases of growth and decline, perpetual, ancient. He is the Ancient, Timeless One, pervading Space and Time.

In the Gita, Lord Krishna says, “For the protection of the virtuous, for the annihilation of the wicked, for the establishment of righteousness, I incarnate in every Yuga.”

The Supreme Person came as Lord Rama in the Treta Yuga. He came as Lord Krishna in the Dwapar Yuga. In the Kaliyuga, He has come as Lord Sai to lead Mankind onto the path of righteousness.

84. Om Sri Sai Ateetaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai whose glory is limitless.

Ateeta – exceeds, goes beyond limits.

Swami says, “I do not belong to any place. I am not attached to any Name. I have no ‘mine’ or ‘thine’. I answer to whatever name you use. I act and move only for the sake of mankind. No one can comprehend My Glory.”

One evening the students were sitting in front of Swami, who was holding in His hands a bunch of letters which had come by post. Swami selected one envelope and opened it. The boys saw that it contained one rupee coins which had become black. He distributed them among the boys who were in front. One boy got four black coins. Suddenly someone told him that his parents had arrived unexpectedly to meet him. They had come from their native place where they had just completed a Ganapati homam. His mother said she had felt Swami’s presence throughtout. When the boy showed her the coins Swami had given him, she burst into tears. These were the offerings they had made in the Ganapati homam and they had reached Swami!


85. Om Sri Sai Kaala Ateetaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who transcends time.

Kaala ateeta – beyond time.

Baba is not bound by the limits of Time. He is without beginning and without end.

Time is within the control of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He can abridge it and also elongate it at His Divine Will.

One evening, when Swami was sitting with several of His devotees on the banks of the river Chitravati, He suddenly put His hands into the sand and pulled out a twelve inch long, white, exquisite ivory figure of Lord Krishna sitting in a chariot and explaining the Gita to Arjuna.

All those present stared at in wonder. Swami explained, “How many days will ordinary mortals take to carve this beautiful ivory image? How many hands will be required to accomplish this intricate carving? How many artists will be required to make the initial design? But do you see how it has materialized in all its splendour just in a trice, the moment Swami willed it to be?”

Swami does not need time to travel long distances. He can be in many places at the same time. His Divine Sankalp (Will) is enough to transcend Time.

86. Om Sri Sai Siddhi Roopaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the embodiment of superhuman powers.

Siddhi – powers

Swami was born with incredible siddhis (super human powers). He exhibited these frequently even as a child. There have been innumerable incidents which prove that He is Omniscient (All knowing), Omnipresent (All pervading) and Omnipotent (All powerful). He has healed all kinds of illnesses by His Divine Will. He materializes vibhuti, images, sweets, ornaments, surgical instruments and other items by a mere wave of His hand. These Siddhis are used by Baba to create a New World Order based on Truth, Goodness, Peace and Love.

Baba went to Africa in 1968 along with Shri Indulal Shah, Shri Kasturi and others. One day, Shri Indulal Shah asked for vibhuti packets to be given to the African devotees. When the devotees opened their packets they were amazed to find along with the vibhuti, a small locket of Jesus and Mary and other deities whom they worshipped.

The greatest miracle is that each devotee got the locket of the deity, whom he or she worshipped. No one knew how the lockets got into the vibhuti packets. This incident reveals Baba’s omniscience and omnipotence.


87. Om Sri Sai Siddha Sankalpaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai whose will is immediately effective.

Siddha Sankalpa – He whose will is immediately effective.

Whatever Baba wills, must happen. There is no time lag between His willing and its fulfillment. This is true whether He stops the rains, controls floods, cures diseases or reaches out to help someone in distress even though that person may be thousands of miles away.

Swami has said “Sai Sankalp is Vajrasankalp.” (The Will of Sai is like the thunderbolt). It is infallible.

On one occasion, Baba was travelling by car from Aurangabad to Hyderabad. On the way, the fuel in the car ran out and the car came to a halt. At that time, petrol dealers were on strike and there was no way to replenish the tank. Bhagawan just ordered the car, “Run!” And it started to run. Without a single drop of petrol, they covered 150 miles.

The various mighty projects that He has willed, the Super Speciality hospitals in Puttaparthi and Bangalore, the University, schools and colleges have all been built and commissioned in record time as per His Divine Will. As Mr. Keith Critchlow, the Architect of the Super Speciality Hospital in Puttaparthi had said at that time, “Even in the U.K. it would take a year just to get the designs of the building ready, but here in Prasanthi Nilayam, not only was the building fully ready, but even the equipment was installed and the first operation performed exactly one year after the foundation stone was laid,” exactly as willed by Swami.

88. Om Sri Sai Aarogya Pradaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who grants good health.

Aarogya – good health, Pradaaya – giver.

Baba has cured all kinds of illnesses like cancer, T.B., heart ailments, paralysis and others by just a word. He declares, “No cancer” or “No heart problem” and the illness just vanishes.

The Super Speciality Hospitals in Puttaparthi and Bangalore are state of the art and equipped with highly sophisticated medical tools and run by highly qualified doctors. These hospitals render medical assistance to all, free of cost. They do not even have a billing counter, where anyone can make any payment.

A man suffering from many ailments required surgery. The doctors were worried as his was a very complicated case. The patient prayed fervently to Swami. Swami told the doctors to go ahead with the operation, assuring them, “I will oversee it.” The operation was performed successfully much to the disbelief of the doctors.

It is a practice at the Super Speciality Hospitals to take video films of operations performed in complicated cases. Swami asked the doctors to view the film. When they did so, they found around the operation table, Swami in several forms resembling each of them. Then they realized that they were mere tools in His Divine Hands and that Swami alone was looking after the welfare of the patients.


89. Om Sri Sai Anna Vastra Daaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who provides us with food and clothing.

Anna – food, Vastra – clothing.

Baba is the Sustainer of all beings. He provides food and clothing to all who remember the Lord with love and reverence.

Swami had gone with about fifty devotees to a guest house in Kanyakumari. The lady in charge of the kitchen started cooking for fifty people with the help of cooks and assistants in the guest house. Slowly other guests started arriving and she was very worried to find that the number of guests had increased to three hundred.

She was about to start cooking again when Swami told her, “There is no need to cook again.” He removed the lids of all the vessels of food and moved His palm over each vessel and told her to start serving the meal. Miraculously, the food cooked for fifty people was sufficient for all the 300 guests. There was even enough left over to feed another 50 people.

90. Om Sri Sai Samsaara Dukkha Kshaya Karaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who destroys the suffering of this world.

Samsaara – universe, world, Dukkha – suffering, Kshaya – diminish, destroy, Karaa – does.

Baba says, “There is not a single believer abondoned by God, none, none whatsoever!”

Once a Bhajan singer, who was also a Bal Vikas guru, developed a sore throat which would not respond to medicines. Eventually she lost her voice. The diagnosis was cancer of the throat. She went to Puttaparthi and sat in the darshan line. Baba materialised a toffee for her. When she ate it, her cancer was cured. Her throat became normal and she could sing bhajans again.

91. Om Sri Sai Sarvaabheeshta Pradaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who fulfils our good desires and aspirations.

Sarva – all, abheeshta – desires, Pradaaya – grants.

Smt. Sujatha Devi describes the early days when Swami used to take them to the Kalpavriksha, the tamarind tree on the banks of the Chitravati river. He would tell them to hold tamarind leaves in their hands and close their fists and then wish for a sweet of their choice. Then He would tell them to open their palms. To their delight, each one got the type of sweet wished for. The different sweets were not materialized by Him in His hands. The leaves in their palms were transformed into sweets of their choice.

Baba says that He grants us whatever we desire with a pure heart and a sanctified motive, so that we may desire what He wants to give us, namely liberation itself.


92. Om Sri Sai Kalyaana Gunaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who has all the beneficial qualities.

Kalyaana – auspicious, beneficial, Gunaa – attribute.

Swami has all the beneficial qualities. His absolute Love, Sweetness, Beauty and Power draws people to Him and slowly transforms them into good human beings.

He is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent.

An advertisement had been released in the Sanathana Sarathi for the posts of Professors in the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, a new deemed University, which was being set up in Puttaparthi.

Eighteen thousand applications were received from highly qualifies Professors from all over the world for the fourteen faculties which were being started. Among the applicants was Professor Abdul Razak Korbu who had applied for the post of Visiting Professor of Mercantile Law. When he learned of the vast number of applications received, he gave up all hope of getting the job. One month later, he was surprised to get a letter from the Institute informing him that he had been selected for the post! That too, without even being called for an interview!

When he reached Puttaparthi, he asked Dr. V.K. Gokak how he had been selected for the job when so many highly qualified people had applied, and that too, without being called for an interview. Dr. Gokak replied that they had requested Swami to do the selection. Swami told them to spread all the sealed envelopes on the floor. From all the thousands of envelopes, He picked up fourteen envelopes in fourteen seconds and said, “These persons are selected,” and left. When Dr. Gokak and the others opened the envelopes, they found that there was one envelope for each faculty! From that lot, Professor Korbu’s was for Mercantile law. The other thousands of envelopes had not even been opened!

93. Om Sri Sai Karma Dhwamsine Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who destroys the binding force of Karma.

Karma – activity and its consequence, Dhwamsine – destroys.

We are all bound by our karmas, actions of the past which determine our present life and present actions which will determine our future life.

Swami assures us, “Grace acts like an umbrella against sun and rain, so that he who has secured Grace, will be saved from the rigours of karma.”

When we listen to Swami’s words, contemplate upon them and apply them to our daily life, our present karmas are purified. By serving Him in the distressed, our past karmas are atoned for. When we work with love in any aspect of Swami’s divine mission, our life is sanctified.


94. Om Sri Sai Saadhu Maanasa Shobhitaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who shines in the heart of good people.

Saadhu – virtuous, righteous person, Maanasa – mind, Shobhita – illumines.

Baba says, “I read your mind not because of any mind reading power that I have acquired, but because I am there always. No one can exercise his mind anywhere without My being aware of it.”

God is present in all, in every mind. He illumines the mind with the brilliance of Jnaana (knowlwdge). His manifestation is according to the purity of the individual. His reflection is highest in the good and virtuous.

95. Om Sri Sai Sarva Mata Sammataaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who accepts all faiths as equally true.

Mata- religion, Sammata – accepts all.

The Sai family includes people from all religions. Baba says, “There is only one caste, the caste of humanity. There is only one religion, the religion of love. There is only one language, the language of the heart. There is only one God, and He is Omnipresent.”

He says, “Call Me by any Name, picture Me in any form, for all Names and Forms are Mine.”

“I have come not to disturb nor destroy any faith but to construct and confirm each in his own faith so that a Christian becomes a better Christian, a Muslim, a better Muslim and a Hindu, a better Hindu.”

Once, Baba manifested a rosary for an Iranian Muslim lady. A few days later, she told Him, “Please now give me a holy word so that I may use it with.” Baba replied, “God is One. Say Allah.”

Festivals of all religions are celebrated at Prasanthi Nilayam. People of different faiths sit together in a spirit of brotherhood singing the Glory of God.

96. Om Sri Sai Saadhu Maanasa Parishodhakaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the cleanser of the minds of the aspirants.

Saadhu – aspirant, good person, Maanasa – mind, Parishodhaka – cleanser, rectifier.

Swami is the cleanser and corrector of the mind of the aspirant. He recommends Naamsmarana as the simplest way of keeping our minds clear and focussed on the Lord.

Swami guides us in every possible way for our spiritual upliftment, either directly through discourses, books, personal advice, or indirectly, by influencing our character and conduct.


Sometimes aspirants are faced with distress and sorrow, but Swami helps them to face their problems with courage and dedication.

97. Om Sri Sai Saadhaka Anugraha Vata Vriksha Prathishthaapakaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who has planted a banyan as a boon for the aspirant.

Saadhaka – aspirant, Anugraha – boon, Vata Vriksha – banyan tree, Prathishthaapaka – consecrated.

There is a banyan tree on the hilly path leading from Prasanthi Nilayam to the University.

On 29th June 1959, Baba materialized a yantra, a thick copper plate of size 15” x 10”, inscribed with mystic symbols and numbers of great spiritual potencies. (Beeja-Akshara). Yantras keep out negative tendencies,stimulate spiritual impulses and help concentration.

Baba deposited this copper plate into the earth and planted a banyan tree over it. This is the Tree of Meditation (Dhyana Vriksha) and the Tree of Austerities (Tapo Vriksha). Spiritual aspirants get peace and tranquility when they meditate under this tree.

98. Om Sri Sai Sakala Samshaya Haraaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the remover of all doubts.

Sakala – all, Samshaya – doubts, Haraaya – remover.

Baba destroys all doubts and helps build faith. Faith is the basis on which calmness and tranquility rests. Baba says, “Do not believe blindly. Come, stay, experience, believe and endeavour to earn grace.”

Shri K. Anil Kumar writes in one of his articles that when Swami first told him to take up the assignment of the Principal of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, he hesitated. He was not sure that he would be able to meet Swami’s exacting standards at all times. Swami understood his predicament and answered it in His own inimitable way.

During Discourse that evening, He narrated the discussion between Rama and Hanuman after Hanuman had volunteered to go to Lanka, the kingdom of Ravana, to look for Sita.

Swami said, Rama asked Hanuman, “Do you have the experience of crossing the ocean?” Hanuman replied, “No”.

Then Rama asked him, “Have you seen Sita?” Again Hanuman replied, “No.”

So Rama asked him how then he volunteered to do the job. Hanuman replied, “Lord! I have not crossed any ocean, nor do I have any knowledge of Mother Sita. But I am confident that when You assign to Me the task of searching for Mother Sita, You will not only give me the strength to cross the ocean, but also the knowledge to find her. Why should I have any doubts about doing the work?”

As Swami narrated the incident, He looked at Shri Anil Kumar with a mischievous smile. Shri Anil Kumar got the message straight and clear. All his doubts were removed amd he accepted the Divine Mission.


99. Om Sri Sai Sakala Tatva Bodhakaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who gives the essence of all knowledge.

Sakala – all, Tatva – essence, primary principles, Bodhakaaya – teacher.

Baba is the Divine Universal Teacher. He explains in a simple manner the essence of the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Gita. He uses parables and often good hearted humour to explain the most profound scriptures.

Once someone asked Him, “Swami, what are the 6 Shastras?” Baba replied, “Bangaroo, the essence of all scriptures is in two lines only. Paropakaaram punyam. Paapam parapeedanam” i.e. Doing good to others is merit, and hurting others is sin.

He says, “Love All, Serve All. Help Ever, Hurt Never.”

100. Om Sri Sai Yogeeshwaraaya Namah

Salutation to Lord Sai who is the Lord of Yogis.

Yogi – one who can control the agitations of the mind, usually by the practice of spiritual austerities, Eeshwara – Lord.

A Yogi endeavours to gain control over his mind and senses by following any method of Yoga that suits him. Baba guides these sincere aspirants wherever they may be and helps them in their Sadhana.

Baba has a group of eleven Yogis to the Himalayas to practice advanced meditation at the Nar-Narayan Gufa, near Badrinath at Urvashi Kund. Baba has given them an Akshaya Patra or Divine Vessel which provides them with food, milk and fruit juice. They have been there since 1983. Swami often grants them darshan and guides them in their spiritual progress and also tends to their needs.

101. Om Sri Sai Yogindra Vanditaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai whose is revered by the Masters of Yoga.

Yogindra – masters of yoga, Vanditaaya – honoured, revered.

Yogis who have attained a high level of spirituality, acknowledge and honour Baba. Swami has shown innumerable leelas to the Yogis living in the Nar Narayan Gufa. Other Yogis in the Himalayan Region also come to this cave to partake of the Prasad from the Akshaya Patra. Many of them, like Babaji and Devaraha Baba, who are hundreds of years old have said that they are aware that Swami is an Avataar. Devaraha Baba has said, “Bhagawan Baba is Parabrahma Incarnate. The time is not far off when seers, sages and saints from all over the country will assemble in Puttaparthi to receive the blessings of the Lord Incarnate.” 102. Om Sri Sai Sarva Mangala Karaaya Namah


Salutations to Lord Sai who grants all auspiciousness.

Sarva – all, Mangala – auspicious, Karaa – causes.

Baba grants us happiness, good health, good luck, intelligence and bliss. The advent of Sri Sathya Sai Baba in our lives is truly auspicious. Swami’s Divine Love gives continuously and asks for nothing in return. Even a glimpse of Him makes our anxieties, fears and worries melt away. The Aura of Love emanating from Him engulfs us and purifies us. His words enlighten us and awaken in us a yearning for God. Gradually we turn away from negative thoughts and feelings. Love, Peace and Auspiciousness come into our life.

He hears every sincere prayer that goes out to Him and responds. There was a person who, after his prayers were completed, used to fall flat on the ground in front of Baba’s picture, imagining that he was clasping Baba’s feet with both hands. He would keep a gap between his palms where he would imagine the feet would be. When he went to Prasanthi, Baba blessed him with an interview. There He told him, “Just look at My feet as I stand before you. Take note of the width of space I require to place both My feet comfortably on the ground. Your palms do not open wide enough, so I have to keep My feet cramped between them every time. Keep the space a bit wider!”

103. Om Sri Sai Sarva Siddhi Pradaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who grants all accomplishments and skills.

Siddhi – accomplishment, Pradaaya – grants.

Baba grants us all accomplishments and skills. With His grace, even the blind can see and the lame can walk. All the skills that man possesses are His gifts.

In 1967, Shri Indulal Shah was with Baba and a group of devotees in a meeting. Baba spoke in Telugu, a language which Shri Indulal Shah did not know. Shri Ramakrishna Rao offered to translate into English what Baba was saying. Baba then said, “No, there is no time. He understands Telugu.”

Baba then touched Shri Indulal Shah’s head with his fingers. To his great surprise, Shri Indulal Shah clearly understood the entire discussion which went on in Telugu language. This was a manifestation of Baba’s Divine Sankalpa (Will).

When Sunil Gavaskar visited Prasanthi Nilayam in 1982, Baba took him to the boys’ hostel and said, “Today is Bakri-Id. Speak to the boys on the importance of the festival.” Sunil was stunned and pleaded with Baba, “Swami, I do not know anything about Bakri-Id. How will I speak?” Baba replied, “You just go and stand in front of the microphone. Everything will be fine.”

Gavaskar obeyed the command andnspoke on Islam and Bakri-Id to the students. When he finished there was a loud applause. When he went back to his chair, Baba looked at him and said “Didn’t I tell you that you could speak?”

Sunil Gavaskar says, “Even today I don’t know what I spoke on that day. I just stood in front of the microphone as per His command. He Himself spoke through me.”


104. Om Sri Sai Aapannivaarine Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who removes calamities.

Aapa – calamity, misfortune. Nivaar– remover.

Dr. Anantharaman did not believe in Godmen and miracles. Once his mother requested him to take her to Whitefield for Baba’s darshan. He dutifully took her there but remained seated in the car himself. However, he permitted his wife and three year old son to see Swami briefly, from a distance. On the way back he decided to go to the Bangalore Club for a swim. His three year old son played by the pool side. Suddenly the parents realised that the child was missing. After a desperate 15 minutes search, they saw him floating at the deep end of the pool. The child was brought out. He was breathless but alive. When asked how he managed to float on the water for over 15 minutes, the child gave the amazing reply, “That uncle in the red dress, whom we saw in the morning, was holding me!”

This was the turning point in the life of Dr. Anantharaman who has been a part of Swami’s mission for many years.

105. Om Sri Sai Aarthi Haraaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who takes away physical and mental suffering.

Aartha – physical or mental suffering, Hara– destroyer.

Baba says, “Why Fear when I am here? Put your faith in Me. I will guide you and guard you. If I have any vow, it is this: to relieve distress, to make all men happy everywhere, happy in body, mind and spirit.”

He has saved people from accidents, though the vehicles they were travelling in were completely destroyed.

Krishna, a devotee, acquired a rare heart disease and was given up for lost by the doctors. Swami in His Grace said, “Heart disease cancelled.” The boy recovered immediately.

When He tells a handicapped person, “Stand up and walk,” the person does so.

When He says, “It is gone”, the illness just vanishes.

106. Om Sri Sai Shaanta Moortaye Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is the personification of peace.

Shaanta – peace, Moorti – picture.

Baba is the very picture of peaceful calm. He is ever effulgent and ever blissful, unaffected by praise or criticism, joy or sorrow. His countenance depicts His inner calm, happiness and balance, inner grace and mercy.

Just as the depths of the sea are unaffected by tides and whirlpools, so also, Swami, who is the inner core of all beings, is the Realm of Peace.


107. Om Sri Sai Sulabha Prasannaaya Namah

Salutations to Lord Sai who is easy to please.

Sulabh – easily, Prasanna – pleased.

Baba says, “If you take one step towards Me, I will take a hundred steps towards you. If you shed one tear for Me, I will wipe a hundred from your eyes.”

Our small acts of love and service make Him happy. His abundant grace envelopes us and protects us.

One cold, rainy night, Shri Raj Banshi was returning from a weekly bhajan. A couple of tourists halied him, mistaking his car for a taxi. He realized they may be in trouble, so he gave them a lift up to their hotel. They thanked him profusely and shook his hand, he realized that she was trembling with cold.

That night, he got Baba’s darshan in a dream and even got paadnamaskaar. He realized that his small service rendered to the tourists on that cold, rainy night had pleased Bhagawan who immediately rewarded him with darshan and sparshan in a dream.

108. Om Sri Sai Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Babaya Namah

Humble Salutations to Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba who is the repository of all the divine attributes of a Poorna Avataar.

When Divinity descendes in human form, It manifests 6 divine attributes, according to the scriptures. These are:

Aishwaryam (Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience)

Jnaana (Absolute Wisdom)

Dharma (Righteousness)

Sri (Prosperity and Glory)

Yashas (Undiminished fame)

Vairagya (Complete detachment)

Sri Sathya Sai Baba manifests all these attributes of a Poorna Avataar.

Humble Pranams at His Divine Lotus Feet.

[Source: Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Part II – Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust, Maharashtra]