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Progress on Nonpoint Pollution: Barriers & Opportunities

Adena R. Rissman & Stephen R. Carpenter

Abstract: Nonpoint source pollution is the runoff of pollutants (including soil and nutrients) from agri- cultural, urban, and other lands (as opposed to point source pollution, which comes directly from one outlet). Many efforts have been made to combat both types of pollution, so why are we making so little progress in improving water quality by reducing runoff of soil and nutrients into lakes and rivers? This essay exam- ines the challenges inherent in: 1) producing science to predict and assess nonpoint management and pol- icy effectiveness; and 2) using science for management and policy-making. Barriers to dem onstrating causality include few experimental designs, different spatial scales for behaviors and measured outcomes, and lags between when policies are enacted and when their effects are seen. Primary obstacles to using sci- ence as evidence in nonpoint policy include disagreements about values and preferences, disputes over validi- ty of assumptions, and institutional barriers to reconciling the supply and demand for science. We will illus- trate some of these challenges and present possible solutions using examples from the Yahara Watershed in Wisconsin. Overcoming the barriers to nonpoint-pollution prevention may require policy-makers to gain a better understanding of existing scienti½c knowledge and act to protect public values in the face of remaining scienti½c uncertainty.

Water is an important, dwindling resource. Water and aquatic support industry, agricul- ture, outdoor recreation, aesthetic pleasure, aquatic food sources, and livelihoods. Massive, expensive ADENA R RISSMAN . is an Assis- efforts have been made to improve water quality tant Professor of the Human Di - and “repair what has been impaired.”1 These ef forts mensions of Manage- ment in the Department of Forest have led to some important gains, but water quality and Wildlife at the Uni- is still poor in many rivers, lakes, and coastal oceans. versity of Wisconsin–Madison. Runoff of soil, nutrients, and other chemicals from agricultural, urban, and other lands is called non- STEPHEN R. CARPENTER, a Fel- low of the American Academy since point source pollution. In contrast, point source 2006, is the Stephen Alfred Forbes pollution comes directly from a pipe, such as at an Professor of Zoology and the Di - industrial or municipal facility. Runoff of phospho- rector of the Center for Limnology rus–also called nonpoint phosphorus pollution– at the University of Wisconsin– is a major cause of toxic algae blooms, oxygen de - Madison. pletion, and ½sh kills in streams, lakes, and reser- (*See endnotes for complete contributor voirs.2 Why are we not making progress on nonpoint biographies.) source pollution in water quality? What are the chal -

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Progress on lenges of producing science to predict and tionists, farmers, ur ban homeowners, and Nonpoint assess nonpoint management and policy lake managers. We will illustrate how sci- Pollution: Barriers & effectiveness, and of using this science in enti½c information has been created and Opportu - management and political decisions? used to improve water quality in Wiscon- nities Finally, what changes are needed to im - sin’s Yahara Watershed, fo cusing on wa - prove water quality? tershed nonpoint-pollution reduction and A major scienti½c enterprise is devoted in-lake biomanipulation. to producing scienti½c knowledge to in - Water pollution is typically viewed as form nonpoint policy and management an externality that does not directly sub- through long-term monitoring, statistical tract from the productivity of those re - analysis, and modeling. But is scienti½c sponsible for the pollution, except indi- knowledge actually reducing uncertainty rectly or through social limits. This means about the causes of water-quality impair- that producers of pollution are not inher- ment and the effectiveness of control mea- ently incentivized to remedy it; the issue sures? Researchers are increasingly vocal of assigning responsibility becomes even about the challenges facing nonpoint- more dif½cult with the diffuse nature of pollution science on sediment, phospho- nonpoint source pollution. The dif½cult is- rus, nitrogen, and other pollutants.3 For sue of nonpoint source pollution has led instance, it is well-established that end- to a proliferation of blended regulatory, of-pipe mitigation of phosphorus im proves incentive, and collaborative efforts to en- water quality, but proving the effectiveness gage homeowners, municipal stormwater of actions to control nonpoint-source systems, and farmers in reducing nu tri - phosphorus is challenging. It is ex tremely ent and sediment runoff.7 dif½cult to demonstrate causality when Building scienti½c evidence for nonpoint con necting water-quality conditions to pol - pollution is long, slow, and scale-depend- icies and the behaviors of agricultural and ent. Given the rapid changes taking place urban residents. An increase in knowledge in ecological and social systems, is the base- and data has therefore not always trans- line moving faster than we can learn? We lated to more effective policy. suggest that, in addition to science, po liti - Once scienti½c knowledge is produced, cal will and public val ue should play a great - why is it so dif½cult to use it as evidence in er role in decision-making to improve en- nonpoint pollution–related policy-mak- vironmental outcomes. ing and management? Science does not de termine public interests and values, but There are a number of dif½culties in her - it can serve important purposes in policy- ent in producing knowledge about non- making and resource management.4 It can point- pollution control. First, a growing identify problems, prioritize the location number of studies from around the world or type of interventions, identify the likely show that it is extremely dif½cult to de- effects of actions before they are taken (in- termine the ef½cacy of interventions aim- cluding anticipating unintended effects), ing to reduce nutrient runoff from water - and evaluate the effects of actions after sheds. In many cases, freshwater quality they are taken.5 Science and society affect has not been found to have recovered even each other deeply. 6It is important to under - after decades of nutrient management,8 stand how scienti½c evidence, models, un- and the divergent explanations for lack of certainty, and risk enter into the decisions success reflect the complexity of water- of actors such as the Environmental Pro- sheds as social-ecological systems.9 De - tection Agency (epa), county conserva- spite the urgent need for management in -

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terventions to protect freshwaters, there is ment.11 Time lags ranging from one to Adena R. a high level of uncertainty about the ef½- more than ½fty years have been measured Rissman & Stephen R. cacy of methods; indeed, there may be between the initiation of a management Carpenter fun da men tal limits to our knowledge of intervention and the observation of an this subject. It is not clear whether water- environmental response.12 Projections es - shed man agement is making progress on timate that interventions to cut off phos- uncer tain ty; for now, the success or fail- phorus fertilization of soil will take two ure of policies may be a matter of luck rath- hundred and ½fty years to produce a new, er than knowledge. For this reason, it is low-phosphorus equilibrium in the agricul - im por tant to consider the barriers to the tural lands of a Wisconsin watershed.13 production of knowledge about nutri ent In a diverse set of watersheds, response policy and management and the oppor tu - times for nutrient interventions ranged nities to improve scienti½c understand ing from less than one year to more than one in this area. We will explore the reasons for thousand.14 Such long time lags pose ser- the dif½culty of demonstrating causal ef- ious dif½culties for scienti½c inference and fects of nutrient-management policies in for sustaining the engagement of the pub - large watersheds, including: long time lags lic and policy-makers. between intervention and response, spa- Furthermore, many factors that affect tial hetero geneity (that is, a solution that water quality change simultaneously. For works in one site may not work in an - example, precipitation, land use, agricul- other), simultaneous changes in multiple tural management practices, and ecologi- pollution drivers, and lack of monitoring. cal characteristics of lakes and streams are Nonpoint pollution–management pro- always changing.15 Effects of management grams involve large areas with multiple interventions to improve water quality nutrient sources; many individual land must be discerned against this background managers; spatially heterogeneous topog - of multiple changing drivers, each of raphy, soils, and ecosystems; and diverse which affects water quality. The lengthy streams and lakes. Speci½c practices for response time of the environment com- ameliorating pollution–such as buffer pounds this dif½culty. Ecosystem scientists strips, cover crops, tillage practices, and generally employ an array of ap proaches, wetland restoration–are usually tested on including observing paired reference eco - relatively homogenous sites at scales of a systems, to distinguish between the effect few hectares for a few years. While these of the intervention and that of other methods are effective in short-term, small- changing drivers.16 However, these tools scale ½eld trials, little is known about how of inference are rarely applied to non point they scale up to whole watersheds.10 At pollution–management programs. the watershed scale, new sources or sinks Lack of monitoring is a common defect for phosphorus and new interactions in nonpoint pollution–control programs. along flowpaths could emerge and lead to Without before-and-after observations surprising outcomes. It is plausible that of nutrient loads and water quality, it is spatial interactions (such as movement of impossible to determine an intervention’s soil from one area to another) contribute effectiveness in reducing nutrient runoff. to the observed failures of large-scale non- Because of the previously mentioned long point-pollution management. time lags, monitoring must be sustained Interventions to mitigate nutrient inputs for years or decades. The monitoring of also have delayed effects because of the nonpoint-pollution projects rarely employs slow response of nutrients in the environ - reference watersheds, which are common-

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Progress on ly used in ecosystem experiments. Refer- certainty that sets the stage for disappoint - Nonpoint ence ecosystems help separate the effects ment when freshwater ecosystem respons- Pollution: Barriers & of other simultaneous changes from the es turn out to be slow, variable, and influ- Opportu - effects of the intervention. Two neighbor- enced by multiple changing forces. In - nities ing watersheds, one mitigated and the oth- stead, research is needed on the dynamics er not, may have similar biogeochemical of uncertainty itself. For example, it and hydrological characteristics and ex - would be helpful to observe unmanaged perience the same weather, but only the watersheds over the long term to under- mitigated watershed should show ef fects stand how baselines are moving.18 What of nutrient management. If it becomes is the frequency distribution of extreme clear the actions are working, then the ref - nutrient loads and how is it changing? erence watershed can also be managed. How can we best use landscape heteroge - Nonpoint control programs are some- neity to understand multiple drivers times evaluated by enumerating the num - through comparisons among subwater- ber and size of conservation practices sheds? How can the planning process en - established instead of the nutrient char- gage a broad cross-section of society, make acteristics of lakes and streams. While the the best use of science, and create realistic number of conservation practices is im - expectations about response time, vari- portant, reaching target nutrient loads and ability, and uncertainty? Questions about water quality is the ultimate goal. These the nature and management of uncertain- metrics of water quality must be meas- ty are moving to the foreground as society ured before and after the installation of grapples with the expanding impact of non- the mitigation practices in order to evalu- point pollution on freshwaters. ate the effects of the program. How, then, should nonpoint pollution How do management interventions af - be addressed? Decision-makers and the fect complex systems such as lakes? Our public should expect slow responses and ability to draw conclusions depends in high uncertainty. Nonpoint-pollution part on experimental design and in part man agement plans will be easier to ex - on how immediately the environment re- plain if they include explicit plans for sponds to a given change. During the mea suring and managing uncertainty. 1970s, ecologists demonstrated that phos - Sustained monitoring that includes mea - phorus pollution was the underlying cause surements of nutrient outcomes is essen- of algae blooms in lakes.19 In one key ex - tial. Simultaneous monitoring of multiple periment, a lake was divided in half and subwatersheds (including a reference sub - enriched with carbon, nitrogen, and phos - watershed) can reduce uncertainty by phorus on one side and only carbon and accounting for the effects of changes in nitrogen on the other. Algae bloomed only weather, agricultural production, and de - on the side with phosphorus, clearly dem - velopment. onstrating the importance of managing Policies for nonpoint-pollution manage - phosphorous in lakes.20 ment assume that outcomes will be pre- In cases of point source–nutrient pollu- dictable.17 Models used for nonpoint-pol- tion, regulators can turn off the pollutant lution planning tend to be complex com- flow at the end of the pipe. In the cele- puter programs with large numbers of pa - brated case of Lake Washington, water rameters, often exceeding the number of quality dramatically improved in a short observations from actual watersheds. period of time after nutrient input from Such models support a culture of spurious sewage was diverted.21 The direct and im-

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mediate response of the ecosystem sup- ityscience than to how that science is sub- Adena R. ported the belief that nutrient control was sequently used as evidence in water-qual- Rissman & Stephen R. the cause of water quality improvements. ity management and policy. Science has Carpenter Wisconsin’s Lake Mendota provides an three primary roles in the for mation of opportunity to compare fast and slow water-quality policy: 1) identifying and de- responses to intervention and how they af- scribing problems; 2) predict ing the likely fect subsequent management decisions.22 effects of potential choices; and 3) evalu- The lake’s was manipulated by ating the effects of pri or ac tions.28 We will ½sh stocking and mortality to increase the identify the barriers to using science in abundance of Daphnia pulicaria, a highly each of these three major arenas. First, un - effective grazer. The rise of D. pulicaria sub- derlying disagreements about public val- stantially improved water clarity in less ues and preferences influ ence how science than a year.23 Previously, whole-lake ex - is interpret ed and used. Second, there are periments had compared manipulated and many disputes over the assumptions used unmanipulated lakes and determined to create models and the validity of their that food-web changes could improve wa - results. Institutional barriers such as com- ter clarity.24 Lake Mendota’s sharp re- plex regulatory environments can slow the sponse to food-web manipulation corro- uptake of new information.29 In terms of borated these expectations. solutions, individuals and organizations In contrast, Lake Mendota’s response to can learn and change their behavior or management of nonpoint phosphorus routines and social networks can en- inputs has been quite slow.25 There has hance learn ing and quicken the diffusion been no statistically discernible change in of information. 30 Even if scienti½c infor- lake water quality in more than thirty mation informs individual and organiza- years, despite extensive efforts to mitigate tional learn ing and management choices, nonpoint pollution entering the lake. it may not affect political decisions about Gradual changes in the watershed phos- funding or legal environmental protec- phorus budget have likely contributed to tion.31 Here we identify the roles that sci- the lake’s slow response.26 Decades of ence plays in non point policy and man - man agement have been frustrated by si - agement, describe the barriers and oppor- multaneous increases in manure concen- tunities for use of science in decision- tration, precipitation, the number of large making, and summar ize the reasons it has rainstorms, and impervious surface area.27 been so dif½cult to reduce nonpoint source These changes in phosphorus-pollution pol lu tion. drivers, occurring simultaneously with The nature of nonpoint management it- changes in management practices, have self presents challenges for policy and gov- allowed for conflicting interpretations of ernance, in turn influencing the potential the effects of management on the lake. roles for scienti½c information.32 Nearly These interpretations are equally plausi- all economic development and re source ble, but each has starkly different implica - use–including primary production of tions for policy, complicating the jobs of food, ½ber, and minerals and secondary managers and policy-makers. processing into consumer goods and built infrastructure–produces some water Efforts to use scienti½c information as pollution. Nonpoint-pollution sources evidence to improve water quality face are numerous and often well-organized, many challenges. Greater attention has and each contributes only a small propor- been paid to the production of water qual- tion of the pollution. Agricultural land

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Progress on use has a privileged status in environmen- science influences goal-setting itself, since Nonpoint tal policy-making, which makes regulat- scienti½c information is often used to iden- Pollution: 33 Barriers & ing agriculture dif½cult politically. The tify problems for ac tion. Information about Opportu - ben e½ciaries of clean lakes and rivers for environmental conditions and trends must nities ½shing, swimming, the habitat, and aes- be translated into evidence of a problem if thetic pleasure are less cohesive, organized, it is to in form a policy or management and funded than pollution-producing in- agenda.38 Agenda-setting and problem iden - dustries, although business interests can ti½cation are inherently sociopolitical pro- also be powerful allies for clean water. In cesses that involve the framing and social many ways, producers of pollution have a construction of information. powerful sociopolitical presence, and this De½ning water-quality problems has influences how scienti½c information is been a long-term goal of water-quality used for water-quality management. monitoring and research. Water-quality Use of scienti½c information is one tool laws, such as the Federal Water Pollution for improving decision-making, but sci- Control Act in the United States (the ence does not speak for itself. Scienti½c in - Clean Water Act, or cwa), established pro- formation becomes evidence in the minds cesses for setting water-quality standards and hands of actors with different posi- for water bodies. The de½nition of how tions, incentives, and viewpoints. The so - much pollution constitutes a problem de - cial-psychology theory of motivated rea- pends on the uses of the water body in soning suggests that people interpret in - question; stakeholder-based de½nitions of formation in light of existing beliefs.34 At water-quality problems vary widely. Typ- an organizational level, information that ical indicators of water-quality problems supports agency missions is more likely include poor water clarity levels and high to be used–and also more likely to be concentrations and total loads of sedi- fund ed in the ½rst place–while other po - ment, bacteria, nutrients, and other chem- tential research is left undone.35 Scaling icals in the water. Positive qualitative in - up to whole watersheds, the diversity of dicators such as ½shability and swimma- stakeholder objectives and worldviews bility (absence of algae blooms or ½sh kills) means that disagreements about the mean- are also taken into account. ing of scienti½c information, such as mod- The voluminous data from water-quality eled predictions, are inevitable. monitoring does not by itself meaning- fully inform water-quality management: Disagreements about values and goals these data must be interpreted and linked often underlie disagreements about science with public values in order for the science in decision-making.36 Once a goal has been to be truly useful.39 Monitoring schemes established, scienti½c information can be must be designed with the likely use of used to help reach it. But if political actors the information in mind so that their samp - are unable to agree upon values or goals, ling is statistically relevant to those goals. then the tendency is to shift the debate to Unfortunately, many large-scale moni- technical disagreements over models and toring efforts have not yielded informa- data sources.37 However, it is not simple or tion that ½ts the needs of managers and realistic to wait to reach po litical agree- policy-makers. For instance, the epa’s En - ment before beginning a mod eling process vironmental Monitoring and Assessment to determine how to reach that goal, since Program (emap) struggled because it was both politics and scienti½c development viewed as out of touch with policy needs are iterative, ongoing processes. Further, and exhibited a lack of consideration of

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how values drive information interpreta- els will give accurate predictions: they are Adena R. tion (despite warnings from the National incomplete representations of managed Rissman & 45 Stephen R. Re search Council and the Science Adviso- systems.” Critics suggest that models Carpenter ry Board).40 emphasize quanti½able over dif½cult-to- quantify ob jectives and shift the debate Predicting the likely effects of potential from values to technical terms.46 To this choices is also a challenge due to the limi- end, environ mental policy expert Daniel tations of models and prediction. As man- Sarewitz has written, “The abandonment agers and policy-makers debate op tions, of a political quest for de½nitive, predic- they rely on conceptual and quantitative tive knowledge ought to encourage, or at models to make predictions about the in - least be compat ible with, more modest, tended and unintended results of al terna - iterative, incremental approaches to deci - tive courses of action. Debates over the val- sion making.”47 idity of model predictions are long - stand - ing. In the nonpoint-source arena, models Regardless of these shortcomings, mod - can estimate the sources of pollution, pre- els of nonpoint source pollution can and dict the ef½cacy of different types of solu- do play critical roles predicting the ef fects tions, prioritize spatial locations for man- of incentive and regulatory programs. For agement, and determine compliance with instance, the Soil and Water Assessment regulation.41 Implementation often differs Tool (swat) is a watershed-based mod el from modeled plans in unpredict able ways: that was “de veloped to predict the impact for instance, reliance on voluntary farmer of land management practices on water, participation means that planners typical- sediment and agricultural chemical yields ly cannot predict or control where agri - in large complex watersheds with varying cul tural conservation practices will be ap - soils, [and] land use and management con- plied.42 ditions over long periods of time.” swat is Models are widely misunderstood as a “continuation of thirty years of non- “truth machines” in environmental poli- point source modeling” that simulates the cy.43 Because models are often poorly con - water, sediment, and nutrient balance at strained and sometimes have large and un- the land surface.48 Water-quality regula- clear errors, stakeholders are able to mount tions have necessitated these complex legitimate and signi½cant challenges to models for estimating point and nonpoint- the use and selection of models. Sometimes source contributions to surface water pol - doubt is sown deliberately to discredit un - lution. In this case, the cwa prompted the favorable data or model estimates.44 But Agricultural Research Service to devel op because models are better at estimating the swat model in the early 1970s.49 average conditions in a large area than Under the cwa, jurisdictions must devel - assigning accurate estimates to particular op a Total Maximum Daily Load (tmdl) parcels of land, individuals may be justi- for impaired waters: a calculation of the ½ed in their skepticism of the ½t of models maximum amount of a pollutant that a to their particular farms or residences. Peo- wa ter body can receive and still meet water- ple generally have a tendency to think of quality standards. As of 2014, sixty- eight their own situation as exceptional and to thousand tmdls had been developed in underestimate their risks compared to the the United States. tmdls and their im- average. As Carl Walters, a biologist and plementation plans translate model results quantitative modeler, has concluded, “We into responsibilities split among point cannot assure policy-makers that our mod- sources and urban and rural nonpoint

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Progress on sources. For instance, swat provides the A third major role of science is to assess Nonpoint basis for allocating necessary reductions the effects of actions after they have been Pollution: tmdl Barriers & under the Rock River in Southern taken. Several barriers can impede as sess - Opportu - Wisconsin. In the Yahara Watershed, ment, including limited information, limits nities which flows into the Rock, modeling has of causal inferences, and conflicting inter - contributed to goal setting, prioritization, pretations based on values and political and implementation. preferences. After a course of action has In the Yahara Watershed, however, swat been selected and implemented, long-term did not provide reliable estimates for phos- monitoring can indicate changes in con- phorus loads from agricultural subwater- ditions, but evaluations compared to a ref- sheds when compared with measurements erence site are needed to make caus al in - from U.S. Geological Survey streamga - ferences about the effects of an action. ges.50 swat substantially underpredict ed Fur thermore, information about “what agricultural phosphorus loading from agri- works” often cannot be translated from cultural subwatersheds, in part because it one local context to another.53 was not yet modeling late-winter runoff of One barrier to assessment is the frag- manure and sediment on frozen ground. mentary nature of water-quality data in Farmers are also often skeptical of model the United States. The National Water results; a representative of the Wisconsin Quality Inventory under the Clean Water Farmers Union claimed that “landowner Act requires states to report water quality lack of trust in models” was a repeated is - assessment to the epa. As of 2014, only 43 sue. This mistrust is deepened by discrep - percent of lakes, 37 percent of estuaries, ancies between model estimates averaged 28 percent of rivers, and 1 percent of wet- over space and time and farmer experi- lands had been assessed.54 ences of individual ½elds. In practice, the evaluation of compliance Model limitations are becoming better with new policies for enforcement purpos- recognized; some have suggested that their es is typically based on behavioral changes, failure to predict measured outcomes not on measured water-quality outcomes. makes swat and other similar soil ero- Agencies often evaluate their effectiveness sion–based models “unsuitable for mak- by relying on the same models that were ing management decisions.”51 swat and used to predict the effects of interventions; other models are based on techniques that therefore, if behaviors do not actually have been minimally updated since the result in desired environmental changes, mid-1980s despite advances in under- there would be no data to show this. How- standing of soil phosphorus availability ever, a limited number of policy-makers are and transport, leading to a situation in ex periment ing with performance-based which “the quality of commonly used management, which eval uates measured models may now lag behind the demand environmental outcomes rather than mea- for reliable predictions to make policy surements of technology or behavioral and management decisions.”52 However, changes (for example, edge-of-½eld mon- analysis of model ½ndings continues to re - itoring on farms). veal some of their limitations and lead to Evaluation is also a political process. Even updates. Despite their imperfections, mod- when scientists demonstrate an effect (or els are critical for regulatory policy and lack thereof ), it might not become the will continue to be used and improved in dominant narrative about a policy or pro- the absence of alternatives. gram. Evaluations and performance in for - mation are constructed by actors to ad-

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vance their interests.55 For instance, or - deploy to examine uncertainties and al - Adena R. ganizations may promote their programs ternative future trajectories. Furthermore, Rissman & Stephen R. as successful even without substan tial in - organizations can learn about how to Carpenter formation about their effectiveness. Even learn more effectively and develop new the question of who has access to in for - institutional structures and informal net- mation is dependent on political and per- works to facilitate learning.58 However, sonal values. For instance, conservationists efforts to build learning organizations may may wish to obtain farm- and ½eld-scale be impeded by institutional fragmentation; information on soil phosphorus and land- limited capacity; organizational culture; use practices, but farmers may be reluc- the different timelines and incentives of tant to share those data, since they could be scientists, managers, and policy-makers; used to assign blame or intensify water- and the command-and-control paradigm quality requirements. (top-down management).

Signi½cant barriers face efforts to im- Nonpoint pollution challenges our abil- prove the use of science in decision-mak- ity to measure, predict, and regulate. Sci- ing. These include matching the supply enti½c information is limited by few ex - and demand for science and communicat- perimental designs, complex causality, and ing between the cultures and incentive- the dif½culty of creating solutions to ½t structures of scientists and managers.56 heterogeneous spatial and temporal scales. Deeper issues challenge us to rethink how Barriers to using the scienti½c information we use science. Perhaps we should not con- we do have arise in part from the conflict sider better use of science to be the ulti- over values and goals for water and land mate objective, but rather better deci- use. Yet “thinking practitioners” have suc- sions.57 Asking a question about better cessfully improved water quality and used deci sion-making requires a normative scienti½c knowledge to inform manage- view of what is socially desirable. Although ment, policy, and governance despite these in a broad sense, clean water, agricultural many barriers.59 There is no denying that production, and thriving cities are all so - science plays critical roles in goal-setting, cially desirable, making tough decisions planning, and evaluation. In the conten - about trade-offs between these goals will tious process to extend Clean Water Act require compromise and continual rene- regulation to agricultural and urban non- gotiation. Social scientists examine the point sources, models are cast in starring roles of science through multiple lenses, roles to prioritize implementation and as- including discourse analysis of the social sign responsibility. An examination of the construction of information, psychologi- use of science in management, policy- cal study of evidence and persuasion in making, and governance reveals the copro- decision-making, and systems models that duction of science, modeling, and non- examine the change in both social and point control systems. Overcoming the ecological components of watersheds. barriers to nonpoint-pollution prevention Organizational learning systems have requires that stakeholders and policy- been designed to advance the use of infor - makers renew their commitment to learn - mation in decision-making. Research on ing from scien ti½c information and at times learning organizations examines how act in the face of uncertainty. organizations learn and change their rou- tines based on new information. Scenar- ios are one strategy that organizations can

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Progress on endnotes Nonpoint ADENA R RISSMAN Pollution: * Contributor Biographies: . is an Assistant Professor of the Human Dimen- Barriers & sions of Ecosystem Management in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the Uni- Opportu - versity of Wisconsin–Madison. Her research has appeared in such journals as Conservation Let- nities ters, Journal of Environmental Management, Environmental Science and Policy, and Landscape and Urban Planning. STEPHEN R. CARPENTER, a Fellow of the American Academy since 2006, is the Stephen Alfred Forbes Professor of Zoology and the Director of the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the author of Princeton Guide to Ecology (with S. A. Levin et al., 2009) and Regime Shifts in Lake Ecosystems: Patterns and Variation (2003). His research has ap peared in such journals as Ecology, Sustainability, and Science. Authors’ Note: We thank the Water Sustainability and Climate Team, which is funded by National Science Foundation DEB-1038759. 1 Charles J. Vörösmarty, Michel Meybeck, and Chistopher L. Pastore, “Impair-then-Repair: A Brief History & Global-Scale Hypothesis Regarding Human-Water Interactions in the An- thropocene” Dædalus 144 (3) (2015): 94–109. 2 Stephen R. Carpenter, Nina F. Caraco, David L. Correll, Robert W. Howarth, Andrew N. Sharpley, and Val H. Smith, “Nonpoint Pollution of Surface Waters with Phosphorus and Nitrogen,” Ecological Applications 8 (3) (1998): 559–568. 3 Graham P. Harris and A. Louise Heathwaite, “Why is Achieving Good Ecological Outcomes in Rivers so Dif½cult?” Freshwater Biology 57 (1) (2012): 91–107. 4 Daniel Sarewitz and Roger A. Pielke, Jr., “The Neglected Heart of Science Policy: Reconcil- ing Supply of and Demand for Science,” Environmental Science & Policy 10 (1) (2007): 5–16. 5 Kenneth Prewitt, Thomas A. Schwandt, and Miron L. Straf, Using Science as Evidence in Public Policy (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2012). 6 Sheila Jasanoff, ed., States of Knowledge: The Co-Production of Science and the Social Order (London: Routledge, 2004): 317. 7 Winston Harrington, Alan J. Krupnick, and Henry M. Peskin, “Policies for Nonpoint-Source Water Pollution Control,” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 40 (1) (1985): 27–32; Paul A. Sabatier, Will Focht, Mark Lubell, Zev Trachtenberg, Arnold Vedlitz, and Marty Matlock, eds., Swimming Upstream: Collaborative Approaches to Watershed Management (Cambridge, Mass.: The mit Press, 2005): 327. 8 Donald W. Meals, Steven A. Dressing, and Thomas E. Davenport, “Lag Time in Water Qual- ity Response to Best Management Practices: A Review,” Journal of Environmental Quality 39 (1) (2010): 85–96, doi:10.2134/jeq2009.0108. 9 Harris and Heathwaite, “Why is Achieving Good Ecological Outcomes in Rivers So Dif½cult?”; and Helen P. Jarvie, Andrew N. Sharpley, Paul J. A. Withers, J. Thad Scott, Brian E. Haggard, and Colin Neal, “Phosphorus Mitigation to Control River Eutrophication: Murky Waters, Inconvenient Truths, and ‘Postnormal’ Science,” Journal of Environmental Quality 42 (2) (2013): 295–304, doi:10.2134/jeq2012.0085. 10 Andrew N. Sharpley, Peter J.A. Kleinman, Philip Jordan, Lars Bergström, and Arthur L. Allen, “Evaluating the Success of Phosphorus Management from Field to Watershed,” Journal of Environmental Quality 38 (5) (2009): 1981–1988, doi:10.2134/jeq2008.0056. 11 Meals, Dressing, and Davenport, “Lag Time in Water Quality Response to Best Management Practices: A Review”; Stephen K. Hamilton, “Biogeochemical Time Lags May Delay Responses of Streams to Ecological Restoration,” Freshwater Biology 57 (2012): 43–57, doi:10.1111/ j.1365-2427.2011.02685.x; and Andrew Sharpley, Helen P. Jarvie, Anthony Buda, Linda May, Bryan Spears, and Peter Kleinman, “Phosphorus Legacy: Overcoming the Effects of Past Management Practices to Mitigate Future Water Quality Impairment,” Journal of Environ- mental Quality 42 (5) (2013): 1308–1326, doi:10.2134/jeq2013.03.0098.

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12 Meals, Dressing, and Davenport, “Lag Time in Water Quality Response to Best Management Adena R. Practices: A Review.” Rissman & Stephen R. 13 Stephen R. Carpenter, “Eutrophication of Aquatic Ecosystems: Bistability and Soil Phos- Carpenter phorus,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (29) (2005): 10002–10005, doi: 10.1073/ pnas.0503959102. 14 Hamilton, “Biogeochemical Time Lags May Delay Responses of Streams to Ecological Res - toration.” 15 Anna M. Michalak, Eric J. Anderson, Dmitry Beletsky, Steven Boland, Nathan S. Bosch, Thomas B. Bridgeman, Justin D. Chaf½n, Kyunghwa Cho, Rem Confesor, and Irem Daloglu, “Record-Setting in Lake Erie caused by Agricultural and Meteorological Trends Consistent with Expected Future Conditions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (16) (2013): 6448–6452. 16 Stephen R. Carpenter, “The Need for Large-Scale Experiments to Assess and Predict the Response of Ecosystems to Perturbation,” in Successes, Limitations, and Frontiers in Ecosystem Science, ed. Michael L. Pace and Peter M. Groffman (New York: Springer, 1998): 287–312. 17 Harris and Heathwaite, “Why is Achieving Good Ecological Outcomes in Rivers so Dif½cult?” 18 P. C. D. Milly, Julio Betancourt, Malin Falkenmark, Robert M. Hirsch, Zbigniew W. Kund- zewicz, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, and Ronald J. Stouffer, “Stationarity is Dead: Whither Water Management?” Science 319 (5863) (2008): 573–574, doi:10.1126/science.1151915. 19 Val H. Smith, Samantha B. Joye, and Robert W. Howarth, “Eutrophication of Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems,” Limnology and Oceanography 51 (1) (2006): 351–355; and David W. Schindler, “The Dilemma of Controlling Cultural Eutrophication of Lakes,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1746) (2012), doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.1032. 20 Schindler, “The Dilemma of Controlling Cultural Eutrophication of Lakes.” 21 W. T. Edmondson, The Uses of Ecology: Lake Washington and Beyond (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1991). 22 Stephen R. Carpenter, Richard C. Lathrop, Peter Nowak, Elena M. Bennett, Tara Reed, and Patricia A. Soranno, “The Ongoing Experiment: Restoration of Lake Mendota and its Water - shed,” in Long-Term Dynamics of Lakes in the Landscape, ed. J. J. Magnuson, T. K. Kratz, and B. J. Benson (London: Oxford University Press, 2006). 23 R. C. Lathrop, B. M. Johnson, T. B. Johnson, M. T. Vogelsang, S. R. Carpenter, T. R. Hrabik, J. F. Kitchell, J. J. Magnuson, L. G. Rudstam, and R. S. Stewart, “Stocking Piscivores to Improve Fishing and Water Clarity: A Synthesis of the Lake Mendota Biomanipulation Proj- ect,” Freshwater Biology 47 (12) (2002): 2410–2424, doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.2002.01011.x. 24 Stephen R. Carpenter and James F. Kitchell, eds., The Trophic Cascade in Lakes (Cambridge: Cam- bridge University Press, 1993): 385. 25 R. C. Lathrop and S. R. Carpenter, “Water Quality Implications from Three Decades of Phos- phorus Loads and Trophic Dynamics in the Yahara Chain of Lakes,” Inland Waters 4 (2013): 1–14. 26 Emily Kara, Chad Heimerl, Tess Killpack, Matthew Van de Bogert, Hiroko Yoshida, and Stephen Carpenter, “Assessing a Decade of Phosphorus Management in the Lake Mendota, Wisconsin Watershed and Scenarios for Enhanced Phosphorus Management,” Aquatic Sciences–Research Across Boundaries (2011): 1–13, doi:10.1007/s00027-011-0215-6. 27 Sean Gillon, Eric G. Booth, and Adena R. Rissman, “Shifting Drivers and Static Baselines in Environmental Governance: Challenges for Improving and Proving Water Quality Outcomes,” Regional Environmental Change (2015), doi:10.1007/s10113-015-0787-0. 28 Prewitt, Schwandt, and Straf, Using Science as Evidence in Public Policy, 110.

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Progress on 29 Derek Armitage, “Adaptive Capacity and Community-Based Natural Resource Management,” Nonpoint Environmental Management 35 (6) (2005): 703–715. Pollution: 30 Barriers & Claudia Pahl-Wostl, “A Conceptual Framework for Analysing Adaptive Capacity and Multi- Opportu - Level Learning Processes in Resource Governance Regimes,” Global Environmental Change 19 nities (3) (2009): 354–365; and Kenneth D. Genskow and Danielle M. Wood, “Improving Volun- tary Environmental Management Programs: Facilitating Learning and Adaptation,” Environ- mental Management 47 (5) (2011): 907–916. 31 John H. Lawton, “Ecology, Politics and Policy,” Journal of Applied Ecology 44 (3) (2007): 465– 474, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01315.x. 32 Walter A. Rosenbaum, Environmental Politics and Policy, 8th ed. (Washington, D.C.: cq Press, 2011). 33 Richard N. L. Andrews, Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves: A History of American Environmental Policy (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2006). 34 David P. Redlawsk, “Hot Cognition or Cool Consideration? Testing the Effects of Motivat- ed Reasoning on Political Decision Making,” The Journal of Politics 64 (4) (2002): 1021–1044. 35 Scott Frickel, Sahra Gibbon, Jeff Howard, Joanna Kempner, Gwen Ottinger, and David J. Hess, “Undone Science: Charting Social Movement and Civil Society Challenges to Research Agenda Setting,” Science, Technology & Human Values 35 (4) (2010): 444–473. 36 James J. Kennedy and Jack Ward Thomas, “Managing Natural Resources as Social Value,” in A New Century for Natural Resources Management, ed. Richard L. Knight and Sarah F. Bates (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1995), 311–321. 37 Holly Doremus, “Listing Decisions under the Endangered Species Act: Why Better Science Isn’t Always Better Policy,” Washington University Law Quarterly 75 (1997): 1029–1153. 38 Rosenbaum, Environmental Politics and Policy. 39 Robert C. Ward, Jim C. Loftis, and Graham B. McBride, “The ‘Data-Rich but Information- Poor’ Syndrome in Water Quality Monitoring,” Environmental Management 10 (3) (1986): 291–297. 40 Eric D. Hyatt and Dana L. Hoag, “How Are We Managing? Environmental Condition is Value- Based: A Case Study of the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program,” Ecosystem Health 3 (2) (1997): 120–122. 41 Jeffrey T. Maxted, Matthew W. Diebel, and M. Jake Vander Zanden, “Landscape Planning for Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Reduction. II. Balancing Watershed Size, Num - ber of Watersheds, and Implementation Effort,” Environmental Management 43 (1) (2009): 60–68. 42 Chloe B. Wardropper, Chaoyi Chang, and Adena R. Rissman, “Fragmented Water Quality Governance: Constraints to Spatial Targeting for Nutrient Reduction in a Midwestern usa Watershed,” Landscape and Urban Planning 137 (2015): 64–75. 43 Wendy Wagner, Elizabeth Fisher, and Pasky Pascual, “Misunderstanding Models in Envi- ronmental and Public Health Regulation,” Land Use and Environment Law Review 42 (2011): 509. 44 Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010); and William R. Freudenburg, Robert Gramling, and Debra J. Davidson, “Scienti½c Cer - tainty Argumentation Methods (scams): Science and the Politics of Doubt,” Sociological In - quiry 78 (1) (2008): 2–38. 45 Carl Walters, “Challenges in Adaptive Management of Riparian and Coastal Ecosystems,” Conservation Ecology 1 (2) (1997): 1. 46 Rebecca J. McLain and Robert G. Lee, “Adaptive Management: Promises and Pitfalls,” Environ - mental Management 20 (4) (1996): 437–448.

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47 Daniel Sarewitz, “How Science Makes Environmental Controversies Worse,” Environmental Adena R. Science & Policy 7 (5) (2004): 385–403. Rissman & Stephen R. 48 Texas Water Resources Institute, Soil and Water Assessment Tool: Theoretical Documentation, Carpenter Version 2009 (College Station, Tex.: Texas Water Resources Institute, 2011). 49 Ibid. 50 Lathrop and Carpenter, “Water Quality Implications from Three Decades of Phosphorus Loads and Trophic Dynamics in the Yahara Chain of Lakes.” 51 Kathleen B. Boomer, Donald E. Weller, and Thomas E. Jordan, “Empirical Models Based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation Fail to Predict Sediment Discharges from Chesapeake Bay Catchments,” Journal of Environmental Quality 37 (1) (2008): 79–89. 52 P. A. Vadas, C. H. Bolster, and L. W. Good, “Critical Evaluation of Models Used to Study Agricul - tural Phosphorus and Water Quality,” Soil Use and Management 29 (S1) (2013): 36–44. 53 Katharine Jacobs and Lester Snow, “Adaptation in the Water Sector: Science and Institutions,” Dædalus 144 (3) (2015). 54 Environmental Protection Agency, “Watershed Assessment, Tracking & Environmental Re- sults.” 55 Donald P. Moynihan, The Dynamics of Performance Management: Constructing Information and Reform (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2008). 56 Daniel Sarewitz and Roger A. Pielke, Jr., “The Neglected Heart of Science Policy: Reconcil- ing Supply of and Demand for Science,” Environmental Science & Policy 10 (1) (2007): 5–16; and Elizabeth C. McNie, “Reconciling the Supply of Scienti½c Information with User Demands: An Analysis of the Problem and Review of the Literature,” Environmental Science & Policy 10 (1) (2007): 17–38. 57 Prewitt, Schwandt, and Straf, Using Science as Evidence in Public Policy. 58 Pahl-Wostl, “A Conceptual Framework for Analysing Adaptive Capacity and Multi-Level Learn ing Processes in Resource Governance Regimes,” Global Environmental Change 19 (3) (2009): 354–365. 59 John Briscoe, “Water Security in a Changing World,” Dædalus 144 (3) (2015): 27–34.

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