ICSS Newsletter

Salesian Studies Worldwide Number 11 • October-November 2002

CELEBRATIONS OF SFS’ The booklet was warmly received and Pochat, “St. ’ Message ANNIVERSARIES even served as part of the preparation On Poverty;” J.M. LeMaire, “St. for the selection of a new for Francis de Sales and International With the publication of the booklet, the Brooklyn Visitation. The very Justice and Law;” Fr. Michel Tournade, “Leadership In The Salesian attractive color cover as well as the OSFS, “St. Francis de Sales and the Tradition,” the other photographs of the ’s epis- Discovery of A Loving God;” Dr. ICSS kicked copal ordination were taken by Fr. Hélène Bordes, “ According off the dual Robert McGilvray, OSFS. to St. Francis’ Thought.” anniversary celebrations of The booklet’s Preface notes the rele- These celebrations will culminate with St. Francis de vance of the saint’s episcopal ministry a solemn liturgy in the church of the Sales—the as well as his writings for helping to saint’s episcopal consecration, St. 400th anniver- develop for our time the appropriate Maurice, on 8 December with Bishop sary of his relationship of bishops to the Holy Boivineau presiding. To make the saint episcopal Father and to the people they are more visible and to demonstrate admi- ordination called to serve. Along this line, the ration for him, the municipality moved and the 125th Salesian Center for Faith and Culture the bronze statue of the saint which anniversary of at De Sales University, under the lead- was in the church near the baptismal his being ership and guidance of its Director, Fr. font and erected it at the town’s declared a Doctor of the Universal Thomas Dailey, OSFS, is planning a entrance on a 40 ton granite block. bishops’ panel, “On the Role of the Church. The booklet contains an arti- To commemorate the 400th anniver- Bishop in the 21st Century.” Several cle by the Most Rev. Lewis Fiorelli, sary of the saint’s episcopal ordination, neighboring bishops have been invited OSFS, Superior General of the , a new exhibit will take place at the to participate in this panel to be held as well as the two papal decrees monastery of the Visitation at on Monday, 9 December – one day declaring the saint a Doctor of the Dietramszell, south of Munich, after the 400th anniversary date. Church. Bavaria, from December 2002 until The English version was translated Other Provinces and Regions have May 2003. The theme of the exhibit into four languages: French, German, planned or plan to celebrate these will be:”St. Francis de Sales and the Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. All anniversaries in appropriate ways. A French portrait engravings of the 17th of the Oblates, the various communi- special committee appointed by century.” To visit the exhibit, registra- ties of the Sisters, monasteries Bishop Boivineau of Annecy organized tion by phone is required. Contact Fr. of the Visitation, bishops of the dioce- four conferences in Thorens, the town Erich Hehberger, OSFS, Visitation ses in which the Oblates minister, all in which our saint was ordained a Monastery, 83623 Dietramszell, Phone MSFS bishops and the more than 100 bishop. One conference each month is (++49) 08027/801, Fax (++49) Salesian bishops and Cardinals were scheduled with the first one given in 08027/830, Email: [email protected]; sent a copy. September. They include the following Website: www.kloster-dietramszell.de. speakers and topics: Geneviève


John Paul II Pays Tribute to Holy Father continued. her Congregation. She will be awarded Salesian Holiness the Legion of Honor by the French Lastly, he said that what is most attrac- government on John Paul II paid tribute to the of tive about Sister María Romero is “her 21 November, its the Salesian family, a day after beatify- service to the poor, with creativity and highest non-mili- ing three members of the religious efficacy.” tary award. The family. “The works she founded to promote recent canoniza- The new blessed, disciples of St. John the Christian life of the neediest and to tion of Mother Bosco (1815-1888), are Nicaraguan alleviate the situation of need being Aviat, Foundress María Romero Meneses (1902-1977), a experienced by so many inhabitants of of the Oblate Daughter of Mary Help of Christians; San Jose, Costa Rica, and its outskirts Sisters, has drawn Colombian-Italian Luis Variara (1875- exist today and continue to give rea- considerable 1923), priest; and Argentine-Italian sons for well-founded hope through attention not only to her life and works, Artemides Zatti (1880-1951), Salesian gestures of solidarity toward the poor- but also to the various apostolic works coadjutor. est,” the said. so faithfully performed by the Oblate Sisters in many parts of the world to The Holy Father recalled the lives of John Paul II concluded with an exhor- promote the Salesian spirit and the newly honored which “did not tation: “May this service never be lack- charism. The ICSS extends warmest remain hidden within the walls of their ing, which has brought so much honor congratulations to Mother Françoise- religious community,” but reached “so to the Church of Christ!” Isabelle and to all of the Oblate Sisters. many men and women, children and On April 12, when John Paul II youths who knew them and benefited Fr. Jean Gayet, OSFS, has recently received the participants in the general from their apostolic work.” completed a monumental task of put- chapter of the Salesians, and their new ting the first six volumes of the The Pope mentioned Blessed Luigi rector major, Father Pascual Chávez Oeuvres complètes of St.Francis de Sales Variara, founder of the Daughters of Villanueva, the Holy Father reminded on a CD-ROM and plans to scan a the Sacred Hearts of and Mary, as them that holiness is the Salesians’ number of the sermons as recom- “the cloth of the tears of the most seg- main task. mended by Hélène Bordes and Sr. regated and at times the most forgot- “Dear Salesians, if you make the effort Mary Patricia Burns, VHM. Pursuing ten of society.” to imprint on your work a constant his Salesian scholarly interests, Fr. Roger Balducelli, OSFS, has digitized “His life invites us to give a helping measure of evangelical love, you will and put on a CD-ROM a collection of hand to all, to not disdain anyone, to be able to carry out your mission to the texts on spiritual problems—66 arti- be welcoming,” the Pope added. end with joy and efficacy,” the Pope cles in English, French and German “Today, Colombia, where he lived and exclaimed. “Be holy! Holiness, as you totaling 800 pages—by a host of gave the best of himself with the help well know, is your essential task, as it notable spiritual writers and theolo- of God’s grace, can find in the exam- is also for all Christians.” gians as they relate to Oblate-Salesian ples of this witness of Jesus Christ a The Salesian religious family includes spirituality. help to overcome the harsh situation it a total of 21 congregations and official- has been experiencing for years and ly recognized groups. An additional 27 A “Salesian Week” was held in August points toward a society of greater fra- have requested recognition. (Courtesy at the Basilica of Annecy The theme ternity and solidarity.” of Zenit News Service on April 15, was “Everyone is Called to Love.” Fr. Jean-Luc Leroux, OSFS, gave a homily John Paul II then spoke about Zatti, 2002. Its website is at http:// on “All Are Called to Love With St. who, with his incessant and joyful www.zenit.org). Francis de Sales,” and Fr. Gayet gave a activity in favor of the sick, sowed the day of recollection. Many pilgrims mercy that Jesus asked us to practice France from various countries visited the in Argentina: “I was sick and you vis- Basilica during the week. ited me.” At its May Commencement exercises, De Sales University bestowed an hon- In July, the Echanges Salésiens His example, can inspire in “all profes- orary doctoral degree on Mother Conference was held at Annecy Le sionals in the field of health a renewed Françoise-Isabelle Stiegler, OSFS, Vieux. For six days, the 45 participants attitude of service to the sick that will Mother General of the Oblate Sisters, studied in depth Book 10 of the Treatise emphasize his condition as a person, in recognition of her own contribu- on the Love of God with the guiding provided with inalienable rights,” the tions to education and that of theme of “L’amour vivant et agissant” Number 11 • 3

(Living and Active Love). Summaries GERMAN SPEAKING WORLD wants to combine his work as a musi- of the various reflections appear in La cian with a social therapeutic aspect, Lettre RES, no. 8 supplément. In this Austrian-South German Province i.e., he wants to study the therapeutic same issue another section of Fr. The Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Salesianische effect for performers who play in the Michel Tournade’s doctoral thesis on Studien (Task Force for Salesian orchestra or sing in the choir. La nature dans l’oeuvre de François de Studies), founded by one of the For over ten years there has been a soc- Sales has been published. The editor of staunchest promoters of Salesian spiri- cer team with the name FC Francis de this newsletter is Dr. Hélène Bordes tuality, Fr. Franz Reisinger, OSFS, cele- Sales. In its eleventh year the team, on (email: [email protected]). Dr. brated its 40th anniversary. The pri- which Thomas Mühlberger, Bordes writes that the University of mary mission of this task force, which OSFS, plays, won the championship of Metz is planning to put her doctoral has 50 members including bishops, its league. Congratulations! For further thesis on the sermons of St. Francis de priests, religious and lay people, is to information, check out this site: Sales on its website. disseminate the life, teaching, work www.fcfvs.ttn.at and spirituality of St. Francis de Sales ICSS and of the Salesian Family throughout The 27th general chapter at Fockenfeld the German-speaking world. 2000 encouraged the DeSales Oblates Fr. Herbert Winklehner, OSFS, gave the to look for ways to involve lay people annual report of the work of ICSS dur- The anniversary celebration was held more intensively in the work and spir- ing the meeting of the major superiors during the “Community Week” of the ituality of the DeSales Oblates. Under of the DeSales Oblates at Fockenfeld, Secular Institute of St. Francis de Sales the leadership of Bro. Hans Bavaria, from 28 July to 3 August 2003. in Leitershofen near Augsburg, Leidenmühler, OSFS, a group of lay He also informed the superiors from Bavaria on 23 July 2002. The officers of associates has been formed. The first all provinces and regions about the this task force—Frs. Franz Wehrl, meeting took place in September 2001. new grant proposals unanimously rec- OSFS, (Chair), Johannes Haas, OSFS, Since then, the group has been meeting ommended by the members of ICSS. (Vice Chair), Gottfried Prinz, OSFS, about once a month. The members first (Secretary)—celebrated a Eucharistic These were approved by the General studied and discussed different chap- liturgy, followed by an information Council and are as follows: Fr. ters of the Devout Life. They are cur- session, in which they spoke about the Murray: Spanish Translation of rently using for their discussions Fr. history, foundation, current plans and “Salesian Perspectives;” Fr.Jean-Luc Lewis S. Fiorelli’s book on the projects of the Task Force. Leroux: Computerization of the Spiritual Directory for lay people. Craponne Salesian Collection; Fr. Mark Since its foundation, the Arbeitsgemein- The dioceses of designated the Plaushin: Salesian Spirituality schaft has published 34 issues of the year 2002 as the “Year of Vocations”. In Component for DeSales Service Works; Jahrbuch für salesianische Studien keeping with this, there are many dif- Fr. Joseph Chorpenning: Salesian (Yearbook of Salesian Studies) with ferent events to promote vocations. Scholars Seminar; and Fr. Laurentius scholarly and popular articles about The DeSales Oblates of Vienna, van der Raadt: Spanish Translation of Salesian research from all over the Austria, had a very special idea. On 21 Fr. Brisson’s Instructions, originally world. The members were also mainly April 2001 they went to the city mall of published in six volumes by the Dutch involved in the editing and publication the Austrian capital and distributed Province. of the German edition of the works of pamphlets and invited people to an St. Francis de Sales in 12 volumes and The German edition of the ICSS book- “evening of prayer” in the church of St. edited a compendium with articles let “Leadership in Salesian Tradition” Anna, the first residence of the DeSales about the most important topics of was sent to all bishops of those dioce- Oblates in Austria. To attract more Salesian theology. In addition to work- ses in which Oblates are working, as attention, the religious were accompa- ing on the next edition of the Jahrbuch, well as to all communities and monas- nied by a group of dancers, a magician the Arbeitsgemeinschaft is currently teries of the Visitation Sisters, the and a guitar player. “This event translating the French edition of the Oblate Sisters, the Secular Institute of proved to be very worthwhile,” said letters of St. Jane de Chantal into St. Francis de Sales and the Daughters Fr. Thomas Günther, OSFS, the organ- German. of St. Francis de Sales with a cover let- izer of the event, “It was a little unusu- ter from the two provincials, Fr. Last spring the for orches- al for us to present ourselves in this Konrad Haußner, OSFS, (Austrian- tra “Missa brevis in B major - Missa way in public.” South German province) and Fr. Leo Francisci Salesii” had its premiere in About 60 people attended the “evening Vieten, OSFS (German province). the church of St. Anna in Vienna, of prayer,” which was combined with Austria. Its composer, Gerald Spitzer, 4• ICSS Newsletter workshops and roundtable discus- sions. One question discussed was: “Are the DeSales Oblates Credible?” The responses were quite positive. DeSales Oblates are well-liked and are seen as open, intelligent and attentive priests and brothers. On the website www.stephanscom.at and the link “Orden in Wien” (Religious in Vienna), one can find a presentation about the work and spirituality of the DeSales Oblates as well as the Oblate Sisters.

On 26 January 2003 it will be exactly 80 years since Francis de Sales was declared patron of writers and journal- ists by Pope Pius XI. To commemorate this event, the DeSales Oblates of the Province will produce a press packet with a CD-Rom and send it to more than 200 editorial offices in the German-speaking world. The painting of St. Francis de Sales by Gerhard Roth. In addition, there will be a symposium for journalists at the Catholic The calendar should be accessible by 1 Salzburg, gave a lecture on 29 October University of Eichstätt, Bavaria. The January 2003 and can also be installed 2002 on the topic “Vocation to Holiness topic of the symposium will be: “Ethics on computer as a start-up page. from a Salesian Perspective” at Linz an and Spirituality of Journalists.” der Donau, Upper Austria. In his talk On 5 October 2002 the DeSales Oblates Opening statements will be made by the Bishop described how St. Francis from Vienna, Austria, organized a spe- professors Dr. Walter Hömberg from de Sales was a precursor of Vatican II, cial pilgrimage in the spirit of St. Eichstätt and Dr. Thomas Bauer from especially of the decrees Lumen Francis de Sales to the Austrian shrine Vienna as well as the Director of the Gentium and Gaudium et Spes. Franz Sales Verlag, Fr. Herbert of the Blessed Mother, Maria Taferl. An Winklehner, OSFS. These will be fol- interesting feature of this pilgrimage In the grammar school of the DeSales lowed by a discussion, moderated by was the use of texts from the spiritual- Oblates in Dachsberg, Upper Austria, Fr. Johannes Haas, OSFS, Chaplain of ity of St. Francis de Sales. The topic of there is a new painting of St. Francis de the University, on the Salesian ele- the pilgrimage was: “If Your Heart Sales done by the artist Gerhard Roth, ments of ethics and spirituality for Wanders or Suffers, Gently Bring It a teacher at the school. In the center of journalists. The proceedings of this Back in the Presence of the Lord. “ the five panels of the picture stands St. event will be published. (Francis de Sales) Francis de Sales. Under his portrait the basilica of Annecy is depicted. The The German magazine of the Hans Angleitner, teacher at the gram- four panels to the right and left of the Salvatorians Wegbereiter (Pioneer) cele- mar school of the DeSales Oblates in portrait show important topics and brated its 50th year. In its anniversary Dachsberg, Upper Austria, and Fr. tasks in following Christ and in issue, Fr.. Winklehner, OSFS, has writ- Herbert Winklehner, OSFS, are prepar- Salesian spirituality: the search for ten an article on St. Francis de Sales as ing a Salesian calendar for the internet God in life and in the world; concern patron of the journalists with the title, with its own page for every day of the for the poor, sick and the outcast; “The Mass Media and Evangelization.” year. It will contain Church feast days bonding with God in the silence and He encourages the Church to use all and saints of the day, a special picture loneliness of prayer; the concern for modern media and new technologies of Francis de Sales, a quotation from families and Christian values as well of communication to disseminate the the saint and, where possible, histori- as the fulfillment of the human longing Christian faith just as St. Francis de cal information of what occurred on a for eternal happiness. particular day in the life of St. Francis Sales did. The traditional Salesian days of reflec- de Sales. His Excellency, Andreas Laun, OSFS, tion for lay people who are interested auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Number 11 • 5 in Salesian spirituality will take place on 16 October 2002 during the celebra- agreed to take over as Director of the 6-8 December 2002 at the retreat center tion of the jubilee in Oudenbosch. In De Sales Resource Center, which has Maria Hilf at Passau, Bavaria. The spir- addition there will be professionally played a major role under Fr. Joseph itual director will be Fr. Thomas produced video recordings dealing Power’s leadership in promoting Günther, OSFS. For further informa- with the life and work of St. Francis de multi-faceted and creative approaches tion and registration contact: Sales and Fr. Brisson, the life and min- to disseminating Salesian thought. Fr. Provinzialat der Oblaten des hl. Franz istries of the Dutch Oblates as well as Graden’s new Salesian CD, “A Gentle von Sales, Ettingshausengasse 1, A- their missionary endeavors. Further Lift,” is scheduled to appear before the 1190 Wien, Phone (++43) 01/320 66 97, information can be obtained from Fr. end of the year. Fax (++43) 01/320 66 97 22, Email: Dirk Koster, OSFS, Email: d.koster@ The 20th Annual Salesian Conference [email protected] compaqnet.nl. The ICSS extends was held again at St. Mary’s College in warmest congratulations to all of our In the series of the “KIM picture post- Notre Dame, Indiana with about 150 Dutch confreres. cards” created by Bro. Benedict participants. This year’s theme was Schmitz, OSFS, there is now a card “Changing the World from Inside Out,” with a portrait of St. Francis de Sales Swiss Community a fitting one for the saint who insisted and the words, “I wish you a coura- In the Swiss journal Kanisius Stimmen that to change a person we have to geous heart, joy and contentment.” (Voices of Canisius), issue of 4/2002, begin with the heart, the person’s inte- The card is available at: Franz Sales the DeSales Oblates and their work, rior. There were six presenters. Fr. Verlag, Rosental 1, D-85072 Eichstâtt, especially in Switzerland, were treated Joseph Boenzi, SDB, gave the opening Phone (++49) 08421/93489-31, fax. in an article entitled, “Optimistically talk, “Cast Out Into the Deep,” which (++49) 08421/93489-35, Email: info@ Opened to the World,” written by Fr. considered the Salesian Apostolic Spirit franz-sales-verlag.de. Herbert Winklehner, OSFS. and how it provides us with a challenge of New Evangelization for the Third About 70 employees of the office of pas- Millennium. toral care of the Eichstätt diocese came India together at the Salesianum Rosental on Gregory F. Augustine Pierce, co- The region is expanding very rapidly. 7 October 2002 to learn about the publisher and editor for ACTA The newly founded community of DeSales Oblates and Salesian spirituali- Publications, emphasized in his talk, Salespuram in the state of Kerala cele- ty. Formal presentations were given by “If We Get the Dismissal Right, We’ll brated the Eucharist for the first time Fr. Winklehner. In the afternoon there Get the Mission Right – A Spirituality in the main building on the occasion of were small group discussions on how for the Laity Building the Kingdom ‘on the installation of Fr. Baiju Puthussery, one can lead a Christian life in his job as Earth as It Is in Heaven,’” how the laity OSFS, as the first Superior. More than taught by St. Francis de Sales. is called to carry out that mission in the 50 Oblate candidates attended as well world and suggested that the spiritual- as Fr. Sebastian Leitner, OSFS, ity of work is well suited for this mis- German province Regional Superior, and several other sion. Fr. Hans-Werner Guenther, OSFS, gave Oblates from the Samapanaram mis- a retreat to the sion in Bangalore. The formal dedica- Other speakers included Nancy in Junkerath, Germany, 8-14 August tion of this mission took place on 12 Downey, whose topic was “Salesian 2002. His topic was: “Salesian October with Bishop Kannur presiding Spirituality: A Powerful Guide for Community for Today - Brotherly Life and Fr. Lewis Fiorelli, OSFS, Superior Respect and Harmony in our Diverse from the Perspective of St. Francis de General, in attendance. World” and Ruth Cunnings on “Social Justice Through Right Relationships: A Sales.” He spoke on the Salesian image The August, 2002 issue of Samapanaram Salesian Perspective.” Fr. John Graden, of God and of man, respect for the peo- Osai, newsletter of the first Oblate OSFS, and Sr. Marie Therese Ruthman, ple with whom we live, friendship, Indian mission, contains a good sum- VHM, played the roles of Francis and and the vows. mary by Vincent Kumar, OSFS, of the Jane respectively in what was billed as booklet, “Leadership in the Salesian “Conversations with Francis and Jane Dutch province Tradition.” This issue also has an article …Amidst Busyness” The format was on Fr. Brisson by Fr. Alfred Smuda, On the occasion of their 75th anniver- that of a simulated talk show with “lis- OSFS, Superior of the community. sary of the founding of the Province, teners” calling in questions, which the DeSales Oblates published a book were prerecorded. about their history in the Netherlands. Toledo-Detroit Province With substantial financial assistance The book was presented to the public Fr. John Graden, OSFS, has generously 6• ICSS Newsletter from the ICSS, the Salesian Scholars Paul Henry, Michael Donovan, OSFS Education with the former Seminar was held in the latter part of and Konrad Eßer, OSFS were the spiri- Superintendent of Education for the October under the dual leadership of tual directors of these retreats, which Allentown diocese, Dr. James Dr. Wendy Wright and Fr. Joseph were held in the Jesus House near Cusimano, speaking on “The Genius Chorpenning, OSFS. Ten scholarly Wilmington, Delaware. Participants of Catholic Education.” This is papers were presented and discussed were two sisters of the Visitation, an believed to be the only lecture series in in the format previously used, viz., a Oblate sister and two DeSales Oblates. the States dedicated exclusively to person other than the author presented Sr. Loretta Fahy, VHM, of the Catholic education A complete report highlights of the paper as a prepara- Wheeling Visitation found the retreat on the Center’s other activities and tion for discussing it by all of the par- to be a deeply moving spiritual experi- accomplishments for 2001-2002 as well ticipants. ence. All of the five participants are as future plans can be viewed at ready to offer such retreats as spiritual http://www4.desales.edu/SCFC/. The presenters and their topics were as directors for a larger group of partici- follows: Fr. Joseph Boenzi, SDB, “Don The Newman Center at West Chester pants next year. These retreats will Bosco, Prepares for Salesian Sisters;” University devised an online-retreat probably take place 15-22 July 2003. Dr. Roberta Brown, “The Salesian experience which is going quite well. For further information contact: Heart: a Matter of Integrity;” Fr. Joseph Students, faculty, staff, etc. who are Michael Donovan, OSFS, Childs Md. Chorpenning, OSFS, Imitatio Mariae connected with the Newman Center Email: [email protected]. and the Biblical Mystery of the were invited to purchase the book Set Visitation in St. Francis de Sales;” Dr. The De Sales Spirituality Center has Your Heart Free: The Practical Spirituality Patricia Siegel Finley, “The Savoy, moved its offices from Washington, of Francis de Sales by John Kirvan The Fatherland of St. Francis de Sales;” Bro. D.C., to Childs, Md., and continues to people who registered online had a Daniel Wisniewski, OSFS, “Creative offer a whole host of resources and face to face initial meeting. Love: How Salesian Are Contemporary services. With the help of an ICSS At this gathering, Fr. John Hanley, Views of Kenosis in Creation?;” Fr. grant, the Center has had volume 2 of OSFS, Campus Minister at De Sales Thomas Dailey, “As the Salesian/ the “Salesian Perspectives” translated University, gave a talk on “Who is Oblate World Turns;” Dr. Wendy into Spanish. It has also developed Francis de Sales and Why Should I Wright, “Jane de Chantal, Françoise de “Sundays Salesian Cycle B.” The Spend 30 days with Him.” The talk Chaugy and the Visitation Tradition;” Center suggests a variety of ways in included an overview of the historical Sr. Mary Paula, “From Generation to which these can be used to supple- context and the major themes of Generation in Relationship with the ment the materials you already use for Salesian spirituality. Participants Visitation: The Cox/Prince Markoe your RCIA, RCIC, religious education agreed to do the readings and prayers Family;” Fr. Alexander Pocetto, OSFS, and faith formation programs; for lec- and, if so moved, type out their reflec- “Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, tors and other lay ministers, both for tions, prayers, thoughts, etc. and share Apostle of the Salesian Spirit;” personal reflection and for group them with all the other participants. Sr. Mada-Anne Gell, VHM,” Sr. interaction. M. Baptista Klein, VHM, Her At the end of the 30 days, people have You can make single or multiple reflec- Autobiography: A Sampler.” an option to meet again for a dinner tions the basis of a retreat or day recol- with sharing about the experience. The Fr. Chorpenning’s paper was first lection for staff, faculty, coun- number of people sharing has been given as an address at the 53rd Annual cils, advisory boards/boards of somewhat low but of profound depth. Meeting of the Mariological Society of trustees and other groups. These could This online retreat can serve as a good America in New York City and is to be be used in conjunction with such pro- model for those who find the method published in Marian Studies 53 (2002). grams as RENEW or Disciples and attractive. For further detailed infor- Mission. The reflections could serve as mation, contact Fr. Hanley by email: the focus for small church or faith- Wilmington-Philadelphia [email protected]. Province sharing groups.” For further resources, check out the Center’s website at Through the efforts of Fr. Robert www.oblates.org/spirituality. Sisters of the Visitation McGilvray, OSFS, and with financial From 5-7 May 2002 the Franz Sales support from the ICSS, the “Salesian Numerous projects, activities and serv- Verlag invited Catholic publishers to a Accompanied Retreats” developed by ices are also provided by the Salesian meeting at the monastery of the Fr. William Gallagher, OSFS, at Center for Faith and Culture of De Visitation at Zangberg, Bavaria. At the Annecy, France, took place last sum- Sales University. The Center launched first evening the Visitandines together mer in the USA for the first time. Frs. the Aviat Lecture Series in Catholic Number 11 • 7 with the Director of the Franz Sales lecture on the topic “Salesian This service is also available via email. Verlag, Fr. Winklehner, OSFS, took the Pedagogy” for the approximately 25 opportunity to acquaint the directors teachers of their school. In his talk, Fr. The Daughters have a new group - the of the different Catholic German pub- Winklehner presented 12 theses which, Eastern Austria Group – founded on lishing houses with St. Francis de in his opinion, can be valuable for a 22 September 2002 during their annual Sales, St. Jane de Chantal and Salesian pedagogy in the Salesian spirit. His retreat at Admont, Upper Austria. spirituality. work will probably be published in the Furthermore the consecration of a new next issue of the Jahrbuch für candidate occurred on that day as well For 140 years the Visitandines have Salesianische Studien in Fall 2003. as the renewal of the consecration of all been living and working in Zangberg, the members. This renewal must be about 50 kilometers south of the undertaken every seven years. To pre- Secular Institute of St. Francis Bavarian capitol of Munich. The pare for this occasion, the Daughters anniversary was celebrated on 16 June de Sales reflected on essential topics from the 2002 with a Eucharistic liturgy. Fr. The German-speaking group of the Devout Life, viz., the call to holiness, Herbert Winklehner, OSFS, gave a Secular Institute of St. Francis de Sales prayer, vows, virtues, temptations, homily on the meaning of the has a new website at www.saekularin- progress in the interior life. General Visitation of Holy Mary in which he stitut-franz-von-sales.de. It is a very Superior Annemarie Schwab from stressed the appropriateness of the attractive site with a lot of information Paris and the Councilor for the monastery’s mission statement to live about St. Francis de Sales and the goals German-speaking region, Annick a spirituality rooted in this mystery, a of the Secular Institute. Mazevet, were present on this impor- mystery of the graces we receive in our tant day. human encounters and interactions. On 30 November 2002 at Viamâo near Porto Alegre, , the house for chil- Research/Publications Oblate Sisters of St. Francis dren suffering from cancer at Viamâo de Sales near Porto Alegre, Brazil, will open its Gereon Kühr from Munich is working doors and be consecrated. Through the on his doctoral thesis on the topic: On 8 September 2002 the “Association excellent cooperation between the “Religious Experience of St. Francis de des Amis du Père Blanchard et de la Mère DeSales Oblates and the Sisters of the Sales,” an investigation on how Chappuis” (Association of the friends Institute, as well as with the financial Francis de Sales conveyed faith and of Père Blanchard and Mother support of the Kindermissionswerk at spiritual experiences to the people, Chappuis) was formed at Soyhières, a Aachen, Germany and many private particularly union with God. He is town in the Swiss Jura mountains. donations, this building became a real- treating it less from a theological and More than 120 members participated ity. Children suffering from cancer can more from a philosophical perspective. at the assembly of the foundation. The live here with their mothers while they Fr. Jose Kumblolickal, MSFS, has com- Oblate Sisters, the DeSales Oblates as are receiving chemotherapy treatments pleted his doctoral thesis, entitled, well as the Visitation Sisters of Troyes at the hospitals of Porto Alegre and be “Union con Dios en San Juan de la Cruz y are members of this association. The carefully looked after. The administra- San Francisco de Sales: Estudio compara- reason for this foundation was the cel- tion and leadership of the house will tivo de su Propuesta Doctrinal” (Union ebration of the 900th anniversary of be undertaken by the Brazilian sisters with God in St. and the village of Soyhières. of the Secular Institute. St. Francis de Sales: A Comparative Study of Their Doctrinal Position). It The Oblate Sisters wanted to mark this Daughters of St. Francis de will be published by El Monte jubilee in a special way by founding Carmelo in Burgos, Spain. this association to memorialize two Sales AVisitation sister of the monastery of great personalities of the village: the The Daughters of St. Francis de Sales Zagreb, Croatia, translated the Jean-Pierre Blanchard (1762- have launched their own beautiful German Salesian anthology Franz von 1824), who greatly resembled the saint- website with interesting Salesian infor- Sales. Auf heiligen Bergen (Francis de ly pastor of Ars, and the Good Mother. mation at www.franz-von-sales.org. Sales. On Holy Mountains) - a collec- In addition, a book was published, in Viewing this site is very rewarding. In tion of texts of St. Francis de Sales from which these two persons as well as St. addition to information on the society, his letters - into her native language. Léonie Aviat are presented. St. Francis de Sales and his spirituality, The publishing house Verbum at Split, one finds a quotation of the saint for The Oblate Sisters of Linz an der Croatia, will publish this book very every week of the year for personal Donau, Upper Austria, invited Fr. soon. This is an example of the increas- reflection and deepening one’s faith. Herbert Winklehner, OSFS, to give a ing interest in Croatia in the spirituali- ICSS Newsletter 2755 Station Avenue Center Valley, PA 18034-9568 USA

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ty of St. Francis de Sales in the wake of Bachinger, OSFS, “Live Jesus in the civil war. World” in a folder, containing all the twelve pamphlets. ICSS Newsletter Franz Sales Verlag has published Seht, Christus kommt uns suchen Mit Franz Dr. Bordes reports a remarkable article This newsletter can be accessed von Sales durch die Advents- und by Agnès Guiderdoni-Bruslé, of the at: www.desales.edu/salesian/ Weihnachtszeit (Look, Christ Is Coming University of Louvain, “Images et (The last slash is necessary). to Seek Us! Through Advent and emblèmes dans la spiritualité de saint Information for future issues may Christmastime Accompanied by François de Sales” Revue XVIIe siècle, be sent to A. Pocetto via email: Francis de Sales) by Fr. Herbert no. 214, janiver-mars 2002, pp. 35-54. [email protected]., Winklehner, OSFS. The book gives Gregory F.A. Pierce’s Spirituality@ fax:(610)282-2059 or by mail at thoughts for every day of Advent and Work: 10 Ways to Balance your life on-the- DeSales University, 2755 Station Christmastime which are taken from job (Chicago: Loyola Press, 2002), has Ave., Center Valley, PA 18034- St. Francis de Sales. It also contains many practical suggestions for devel- 9568, USA. questions for personal reflection and a oping a realistic spirituality of work short prayer to accompany you The ICSS is very grateful to Tom that is very compatible with Salesian throughout the day. It can be ordered McNamara, director of publica- spirituality. at: Franz Sales Verlag, Rosental 1, D- tions at De Sales University, for his 85072 Eichstâtt, Phone (++49) Fr. Joseph Power, OSFS, “Henry technical assistance and to the 08421/93489-31, fax. (++49) Benedict Mackey, OSB, Nineteenth University for all the other 08421/93489-35, Email: info@franz- Century Interpreter of St. Francis de resources it very generously sales-verlag.de, Internet: www.franz- Sales,” posthumously published in The makes available to continue its sales-verlag.de. Downside Review, July 2002, 215-228. work For the year 2003 the Franz Sales Verlag is planning to publish the Salesian pamphlet series of Fr. Alois