The Chronicle

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Bishop Seabury Academy 5 November 2020 Vol. 16 Issue 2

By By Luke Velte

Asher sits down with “The Chronicle” post procedure

By Matthew Petillo

Faculty member Sara Asher is many things. Teacher. TC: What has the support been Sixth grader Sofie del Valle showcases her Genius Hour project. Her project was about Mother. Wife. Cancer survivor. like from the Seabury commu- melting down plastic to reduce pollution in oceans. Unfortunately, cancer wasn’t nity? done with Asher: she learned in August that her cancer had SA: It’s been the most amazing returned. In late October, she support anyone could ever ask had surgery to remove the for. I think about the Seabury cancer, and agreed to sit down community every day, and it with “The Chronicle” to talk keeps my spirits up. When I about her experience. was in the hospital, I kept thinking about [everyone], and TC: Thank you for agreeing to I was never really that lonely, do this! You’ve been at home, because I could feel everyone’s Sixth graders explore their passions having to coordinate every- love in my heart, and it’s been thing with people here. What so great. has that been like, as well as through Genius Hour seeing your kids come to TC: How do you feel now that school while you’ve been stuck your procedure is now done? at home? By Catharine Richards SA: I’m very relieved. I’m still SA: Well, I worked really, in a great deal of discomfort. I really hard before I went into can’t move very much, and I Sixth grade offers the tech class you can’t do The sixth graders have surgery to get everything set up have to sleep in a chair, and it plenty of exciting new op- on an iPad,” she says. “I’ve the freedom to pursue what- -- so all my classes, all my moves around a lot, so it’s very portunities, including being always wanted to do Genius ever piques their interest. resources for [Faculty Member uncomfortable. But, I received at a new school, meeting Hour, and so that’s what From writing books to creat- Tashia Dare]. I worked hours the results of my pathology new friends and taking new we’re doing.” ing sellable goods, they are and hours to get that all set up, [test], because they took out a classes. But this year, the So what is Genius covering all the bases. “It’s so all she had to do was “turn lymph node as well to make sixth graders are taking Hour? “Genius Hour actual- really cool how they’re just the key” and take care of eve- sure that the cancer had not things even further and ly came out of [Google], and taking charge and doing it,” rything. It’s a little weird to see spread to my lymphatic system. learning new things about they call it ‘20Time’ and says Barbour. She adds that my kids go to school, sitting The doctor said that my lymph themselves through “Genius give their employees twenty giving students the ability to here in my lift chair. It’s odd. node was clean, meaning it Hour.” percent of their time to work grow and explore their natu- hadn’t spread to other parts of This year has posed all on a project that they’re ral curiosity is an important TC: What has it been like my body . . . . because they sorts of challenges, and passionate about. It could be part of their development. working with [Dare]? caught it so quickly, so I’m while usually middle school a personal project, perhaps “My favorite part of really relieved about that. students have a technology [something to] eventually the project is that they have SA: She’s been fantastic! I class, that just was not pos- help the company out,” to interview an expert in trusted her fully to take my TC: You had this once before, sible this year. Faculty explains Barbour. “So that’s their field,” says Barbour. classes, and I knew she would in 2013. Can you talk about member Krista Barbour had the idea of it: basically “So once they figure out do a great job. She asked a lot some of the differences be- to get creative for her sixth gifting kids 40 minutes a what their project is they of questions that were really tween that ordeal and this one? graders. “Normally I do this day to pursue something have to find someone who’s good. I worked so hard to get huge project in tech, but we they’re passionate about or an expert and conduct an everything set in order, so SA: It’s always scary when need laptops to do that or that they’re interested in or interview with them and that she would feel comforta- your doctor calls you and says desktop computers, and they want to learn more incorporate what they’ve ble taking over my classes and “Oh, you have cancer.” It was since we can’t use those, about but they don’t have learned from that person teaching and keeping every- scary the first time because I everything I normally do in time to.” thing up. Continued on page 5 Continued on page 2 “The Power of Pink” do was do the treatment that the Continued from page 1 doctors told me. But, I could control things at school, like how I was handling things in the classroom and meant. That first time, I had quite a getting my work done. sizable mass of cancer. I did what they told me - I didn’t know any different. TC: Do you have any words of Evan Ho: One night when I was younger, I dreamed that I got chased This time, I think it was a little more advice for people back here at Sea- scary because I knew what I was bury? around an abandoned amusement park by a T-Rex. When I escaped into stepping into. I think that, sometimes, a building and climbed up the stairs, making it to my moms arms, the T- when you don’t know what’s going to SA: I say that if we all work togeth- happen, it’s a certain amount of safe- Rex ate my mom and then I woke up. er, and we take care of each other, ty. There’s something to be said about and we wear our masks, and we stay being a little ignorant about something distanced from each other, that this Sage McHenry: I had a dream that Isabel Klish and I, while in canoes, - I didn’t know what was going to isn’t going to last forever. The long- happen last time, but I knew what was were climbing a stream running down a mountain made of crystals. One er we can keep this up, the shorter going to happen this time, and it was time that we will be able to be to- of the canoes slid down the mountain of crystals, and a part of it broke pretty serious this time. gether again, like before. If I can off. Sr. Rowe proceeded to get very angry with us. He said “You’ll nev- have cancer during this, and come er make it as rock climbers.” TC: Can you explain what it’s been out on the other side, we can do this like having breast cancer, while know- mask thing. ing that you’re a wife, a mother, and a Catharine Richards: I had a dream that some girl stole my Amazon teacher, and having all these people packages off of my front porch in the middle of the night. I followed her who rely on you? to a house and Obi Wan Kenobi opened the door and I had to try and SA: It’s stressful. At the beginning of persuade him and Anakin Skywalker to give me my mail back. this year, I was dealing with teaching [with] another method, and I’m trying Jonah Kim: I had a dream that Ian Blake brutally beat his uncle and to do almost everything new, and so it was very stressful, as the start of the went to jail. I had to defend him in court but he just kept incriminating year is. I’m also trying to help my kids himself so I gave up. That’s literally it idk if we can use that lol transition into middle school, which is stressful for them, and [so] when I found out I had cancer, I was like, Katie Eckert: One time I dreamed that I was driving my car in a part of “Well, that’s great”, during a pandem- town I’ve never seen before, when I drove my car through the front door ic. So, It’s been very stressful and a of a department store, scared an old lady, said “oops didn’t mean to do lot to deal with, but I needed to keep my vision focused and not think about that, back it up” and did a U-turn out of the building and kept on going. the cancer, because there wasn’t any- thing I could do about that. All I could

By Andrew Lang

Although many Americans healthcare reform and investment. schools may have a more difficult states, “Vote for unheard voices; vote prefer the policies of President Donald Sophomore Gray Werner time following these precautions and for yourselves and your loved ones; Trump, many also want the institu- states: “They need to fix healthcare. keeping up with the students. vote for our future and our rights.” tions he has put in place removed. It probably will not be fixed, but Taking the impact of COVID- Even though it may seem in- Some currently believe he has not they definitely need to come up with 19 to heart, many people also want significant in the long run, every vote taken COVID-19 seriously enough, a better system for it.” to see less fluctuation in our demo- matters. Voting is the one way to help and has prioritized the economy over In similar fashion, many believe that cratic government systems and a change the government for the better. the lives of the American people, Americans should be given better riddance of misinformation in the No matter which side of the spectrum, while others would beg the opposite. welfare and a newer, more reformed media and the government. it is important for Americans to real- The president is not new to having police system. Seabury Dean of Students, ize the significance of voting to make opposition, especially against systems On citizen benefits, seventh Sonja Czarnecki comments on these their voices heard and help make and laws put in place during his term. grader and self-proclaimed political concepts: “I would like to see the changes they want to see. Regardless of personal issues and scientist Xavier Carrasco-Cooper president take a stand in favor of our rancor that dominated the recent elec- says, “I would like to see police democratic institutions, and help tion, students have various opinions reform, a better, more established restore confidence and dispel misin- about what the next president should welfare system and just an overall formation about the democratic do going forward. better healthcare system.” process and it’s systems, but also to With the impending threat of Although already in major take a serious approach based on COVID-19 constantly keeping Ameri- disarray as COVID-19 continues to science, to help control the pandem- cans 6 feet apart, students hope that thrive, the healthcare situation in ic and the pain it has caused for the new president will help fight the America is in trouble, and with the Americans.” virus instead of allowing the spread. reopening of large public schools in Although people will have Seabury freshman and “Politics the later weeks of October the differing beliefs about politics and Genius,” David Klimiuk comments on healthcare system may soon be related issues, it is important for President Trump’s lack of COVID-19 under even greater pressure. citizens to express their right to vote, support: “I want coronavirus relief to Students are also focused on no matter where they are on the be considered more of a priority.” that issue. “They need to figure out political spectrum. Even though The debate over healthcare has the school system… the government most of the Seabury population is also made a resurgence amidst the needs to fix it so it’s not so cookie- currently unable to vote, when the pandemic, leaving many citizens cuttery,” Werner explains. opportunity is provided students confused on the healthcare system’s Although great precautions are should register to make their voice policies. Despite that confusion, stu- being taken to prevent the spread of heard. dents are interested in major COVID-19 at Seabury, some larger Eighth grader Delaney Bayliss 2 Why we should cancel classes on Election Day

By Lyle Griggs

Instead of attending ple are just too busy. class on Tuesday, I spent the Fortunately, this latter day calling Kansas residents problem has a simple solu- Hey Middle Schoolers! to remind them to vote. tion: declaring Election Day Mainly, I did so because I’m a national holiday. Long paid to -- I work for one of and rigid work hours make it Want to write for “The the two major Kansas politi- difficult to make a plan to cal parties. But there’s an- vote, especially for lower- other reason to skip: Sea- income groups. For students, Chronicle”? Here is your bury should not have classes particularly the small and on Election Day in the first often inactive group of place. voters who are still in high chance! We have a problem school, busy schedules have with voter turnout in the the same deterrent effect. United States. Even in high- Giving more workers and Scan the QR code below, follow the profile presidential election students the day off would prompt and submit a sample of your years, fewer than sixty per- certainly reduce work- cram a trip to the polls into a cent of Americans partici- related stress and encourage normal work day, and voting writing to compete. The winners will pate. Diverse factors con- participation in elections. is treated like a chore. Sea- tribute to this problem, Unfortunately, legislative bury cannot, of course, solve get to write editorials for including voter apathy and gridlock may prevent any this national problem. We disillusionment. Still, low holiday declaration from can, however, encourage turnout is mostly a policy being passed for years. In students and teachers to problem: for many, voting is the meantime, private insti- celebrate voting by making far from easy. State and tutions like Seabury should Election Day a school holi- local governments have give students and employees day. Democracy is worth made it intentionally diffi- the day off. celebrating, and Seabury cult to cast a ballot. Voter There’s another key should treat it as such. registration deadlines, for reason to give students the By the next major example, disenfranchise day off: it would give voting election, I will likely be in millions of potential voters. the attention that it deserves. college (if I graduate), so I Some attempts at stifling In places that commemorate have less stake in this than turnout are more obvious: in elections with a holiday, most. Still, I hope that Sea- North Carolina last week, voting is celebrated. In bury will never again have police used pepper spray to Puerto Rico, for example, classes on Election Day. If This contest is open to students in grades force mostly minority voters Election Day features pa- we truly care about civic away from a polling place. rades, parties, and marches engagement and voting, we But one nationally-relevant to polling places. Unfortu- should act like it. 6-8. The winners will be picked by the reason is more simple: peo- nately, most Americans

Who would you vote for as president in the upcoming election? Who would you vote for as senator in the upcoming election?


What are some of your favorite hobbies? Why did you start doing them?

“I play piano and that’s about it. I’ve been doing it for a while.” Cheng ByCadence

What would be your last meal? Why?

“Cereal probably because cereal is good.”

If you had to live in any South American country, which country would you pick and why?

“Probably Brazil.”

If you had to get rid of any month, which one would you choose any why?

“March probably. Nothing happens in March.”

Describe your alter ego

“In France, I’m usually all the time talking and I’m not quite at all. I’m all the time making


Would you rather live at sea, in the woods, on a mountain or in a desert?

“At sea. I like to surf.”

By Darby By Harris What are your opinions on pumpkin spice/fall themed drinks?

“I don’t like it at all. It’s not for me. In France we don’t have things like this for Halloween

like we have nothing, so when I tried it here it was not really good.”

What is your favorite book?

“I like love stories. I don’t really read.”

What is the most interesting thing you have found out about yourself during quarantine?

“I figured out I didn’t read as much as I thought I did, so I started reading a lot more.”

What is your opinion on ghosts? By Darby Harris ByDarby “They exist. Once I was hanging out with my friend and she told me she had just done

the Bloody Mary thing. As soon as she finished saying it we heard something. It

sounded like someone walking on something .”

If you had to be an aquatic animal, what would you be and why?

“An octopus. They're just cool.”

Glitter? Yes or no? Why?

“I had to decorate a box for something... so I covered it in glue and dumped as much glitter as I

could find on it. It was everywhere. So I mean it's fun but afterwards it’s not fun.”


Unnamed Seaburian eviscerated Seabury adds a new holiday tra- in science room dition

By Marie Brockhoff By Edie Patterson

Recently, news of the cold- shady when asked if she was Seabury’s Halloween activities really involved.” blooded murder of Unnamed Seaburi- shocked about the accusation. “I am are never boring, but this year The juniors decided on “The an took the school by storm. Four a very intriguing figure, and I see brings a new addition: Movie Night. Ring.” Calderon says the choice was people were accused, including sever- why someone might think I was Junior Ivan Calderon says, “One of “heavily dependent on the student al illustrious faculty members and one capable of it,” she says. However, my classmates messaged me with body since we had them choose the of our own journalism staff. Thankful- Eicher has an alibi for her whera- the suggestion that we try a socially- selection of movies as well as vote ly, Seabury’s Genetics and Biotech- bouts during the murder. “I was with distanced movie night instead of the for which one they wanted the nology students answered the call of Mrs. Bryan. All the time. Whenever Halloween carnival we do every most.” duty, wading through swamps of it was,” she says. year.” Calderon then “decided to The new Movie Night is popular evidence to unravel this chilling mys- Startlingly, the unassuming propose that idea to Student Senate with students: Hammann says her tery. LaRocca is the villain behind this as soon as [he] could.” grade is “really excited for Movie The killing shocked junior and brutal crime. LaRocca continues to Each grade has picked their own Night!” and that it “could become a DNA expert Ethan Tangpornsin. “It deny the murder despite overwhelm- movie to watch. The eighth grade is tradition if there is a lot of participa- was obviously unexpected, as Bishop ing DNA evidence. “I’m innocent. watching the original tion and good feedback,” which Seabury is this prestigious school, and I’m not sus, you all are sus!” says “Ghostbusters” movie, which they means that for this year and maybe you expect high security,” he says. LaRocca. “The key evidence that chose via a Google Form, and Elyse more, Seabury has another fun “How could someone get in?” Many proves I didn’t do it is that if I did Hammann says, “The people who Halloween festivity! are wondering how a despicable vil- do it, you wouldn’t know I did it . . . weren’t in Student Senate were lain went unnoticed in the tightly knit because I’m that good,” says LaRoc- Seabury community. “I can’t think of ca. anyone who would commit murder,” Perhaps the most surprising says Tangpornsin. aspect of this murder is that it is, “Little Einsteins” [plays] the piano and they can’t bring their piano to school, so we There was significant DNA evi- fortunately, fake. Or perhaps unfor- Continued from page 1 dence at the crime scene, that the tunately for anyone with a grudge didn’t know what we were going to students analyzed. “We found some against Unnamed Seaburian. Re- do so that was really hard.” In her end-of-class presenta- blood and a little bit of hair . . . Mr. gardless, the guise of a murder cer- into their whole process.” The sixth Schrader sanitarily collected some of tainly injects some fun into the tion, Meier addressed how she graders took initiative by contacting, worked to overcome her setbacks. [the suspects’] saliva, and now we’re Genetics classroom experience. emailing and scheduling interviews analyzing it using PCR,” says junior “You get to be hands on,” says “Mine was about the wall of frustra- with experts in various fields. tion you’ve got to break through,” Will Hedges. PCR, which stands for Tangpornsin. “Students really like it “Someone interviewed . . . someone polymerase chain reaction, is a meth- when there’s a story behind what she says. “Some people have a really made a board game, so they inter- thick wall if they’re homeless or od for quickly replicating DNA. In they’re doing . . . something that viewed a person who owns a board addition, the killer left several weap- [they] can get a grip on.” they don’t have anything, but my game store downtown and [another wall was pretty thin. I’m still not all ons, including a candle rack, broken “It’s way more fun than just student] who made dog toys got in glass and a fire poker, at the crime learning on paper,” says Hedges. the way through.” touch with a woman from a charity in “I made a board game be- scene. “It’s fun to be actively engaged.” Kansas City and interviewed her,” The investigators formed a list of Anyways, many members of the cause I am really interested in board says Barbour. games and I love playing them,” suspects based on who was in the Seabury community may sleep “Three girls handmade some building at the time of the murder. sweetly tonight knowing that the says sixth grader Lucien Brockhoff. things like dog toys and stress balls, “I thought it would be really cool to They accused faculty members Jeanne culprit of the fake murder has been and then they went downtown and Averill, James LaRocca and Vanessa found by the intrepid Genetics stu- make my own board game.” It is not sold them in front of Arizona Trading often that students are given oppor- Eicher, as well as sophomore Lear dents. [Company] on Saturday and made like Eicher. Dr. Eicher seemed particularly tunities like this to explore their $100 to donate to a charity,” says personal interests in school. Barbour. Extending learning outside About his favorite part of the of the classroom is one of the bigger project, Brockhoff says, “Honestly it goals of this project. was really interesting to interview The sixth graders then present- and present and all that stuff, but I ed all their hard work to their peers in feel like the most fun thing was just the form of a TED Talk and detailed making a board game. Just being in all the ups and downs of their project. class and creating something really By CadenceBy Cheng “They have to talk about how they cool.” failed, and I tell them ‘If you didn’t “The purpose is more just fail, you’re not trying hard enough,” pursuing what you’re interested in Barbour says. and reflecting on how that whole “I’ve liked singing my whole process is going,” says Barbour. “It life basically,” says sixth grader Lilli- was embedded in their natural curi- an Meier. “I wrote a song, because osity.” when I was little, I found out that I sounded pretty okay and I wanted to be famous [for] writing a song . . . I just wanted to write a song really badly.” While Meier easily found a Juniors Sam Hertzog and Will Hedges assess the crime scene. The genetics class path for her project, it was not com- performed PCR and Electrophoresis on the DNA to determine the culprit. pletely without difficulties. “I had a lot of help, and the person that helped me 5 By Jonah Kim Video Game By Katie Eckert Store

seven touchdowns, and the opposing Probably what I’m most excit- cornerbacks will still pose with him ed about is the workspace in the back after the game as if they are on the of the shop, which is free to use as A staple in every sports fan’s same team. Even the player graphics If you know where to look, long as no classes are going on. It has repertoire, Electronic Arts’ Madden in the menus are reused with pho- Lawrence has plenty of craft stores to lots of clear space and a quiet atmos- franchise has entertained the masses toshop jobs that look like they were provide you with whatever you desire phere. This is probably the shop’s for many decades. That is, until the done in less than ten seconds while for your creative ventures. Some of most unique feature, as most similar year 2020: just when things seemed the artist was blindfolded. them are large chains, such as places in town require a reservation or Michael’s, JoAnn’s or the abhorrent limit their use to programs. That being like they could not get any worse, EA With in-game mechanics bare- H*bby L*bby, so when I first learned said, the shop hours are inconvenient released Madden 21. ly changing, the EA way is to not there was going to be a new store I for anyone attending school or work- change the game modes either. Fran- EA has the sole rights to make was concerned about its viability. ing a 9-5, going from 10-5 most a simulation football game with NFL chise mode, a mainstay of Madden weekdays so that the evenings are licensing. Instead of using that for games in which the player gets a user However, having visited, I am open for classes. good, they have become lazy, pump- controlled team and can make deci- now quite satisfied with the new Law- ing out the same copy-pasted garbage sions from management to every on rence Craft Company and look for- While their options are still game every year. Advertised as a field play, was not changed at all. ward to frequenting their wares. Alt- somewhat limited for more niche SIMULATION game, it is too de- Considered broken, what with its hough the shop is quite small, consist- crafters, I look forward to the future pendent on animations and gimmicks, questionable trades and simulation ing of only two rooms and a toddler of Lawrence Craft Company as a rather than physics-based outcomes, outcomes, Madden 21 players got the playpen, it offers a very nice range of place where us crafters can practice to even be mentioned in that category. hashtag “FixMaddenFranchise” to be supplies, from stones and paint to and learn about what we love. And, It’s not uncommon at all to be cheated the number one trending topic on stickers and scrapbook paper. The while big businesses do have a reputa- out of a big play because, due to an Twitter. place stocks materials primarily from tion for being a crafter’s best friend, Etsy Wholesales, which allows its supporting local businesses is a great unnecessary animation, a receiver From broken mechanics to re- supply to be more unique than most trend to get behind too. drops a ball that they would have used aspects from the previous games, caught in their sleep in real life. chain stores in the area. I even picked Madden 21 is a disappointment. up an elusive elliptical embroidery Cutscenes are reused and inserted way While still fun at times, it’s not some- hoop for a comparable price to out of context. Patrick Mahomes thing that EA should be very proud of could throw for six hundred yards and Michaels Online.

By Campbell Helling Restaurant By Evan McHenry

I ordered the Suiza Chicken These lyrics reflect general themes on Enchiladas, which also came with the album: inadequacy and unrequited rice. Overall I enjoyed the meal. The affection, things present on Miller’s previous album, too. “Pretty Boy” has In 1999, La Parrilla made its enchiladas were covered in cheese, First known for his provoca- and the only ingredient wrapped in the a strong feature from Lil Yachty, with debut in Lawrence KS, but unfortu- tive “Filthy Frank” YouTube persona, the rapper’s trademark auto tuned nately the restaurant closed in 2013. tortilla was the chicken. Personally I George Miller has released his second prefer less meat, but it was good vocals accompanying a catchy syn- Now, the restaurant has been revived studio album, “Nectar,” under his thetic instrumental. “Afterthought” by the previous owners. Situated on nonetheless. Finally, a sauce sur- more serious “” alias. This album rounded the enchiladas; this flavor also has a feature, this time from the Mass St., the outside gives off a wel- follows up on 2018’s “BALLADS 1,” singer BENEE, whose plaintive and coming vibe, with big windows that was foreign to me but I was pleasantly a solid take on soul-felt RnB with trip- surprised. Overall the enchiladas were regret-laden lyrics echo the mood of show off the inside. Because I used hop influence. the album. Some high points on the the carry out service, I did not have simpler than expected, but I would eat them again. “Nectar” builds on Miller's album include “Sanctuary,” “Run,” the chance to go in. To order carry “777” and “Like You Do.” The other out, the website provided a way to previous work; the instrumentals are My only complaint is that the more dynamic and complex, and he tracks, for the most part, are enjoyable order food easily. The menu was menu does not provide item descrip- but forgettable. displayed and I could add items to the shows a slightly more versatile vocal tions. I did not know the ingredients range. The album has a lengthy track- cart with ease. This made the whole or spices in what I ordered, so I felt as With such a large tracklist, process very fast. The items’ prices list at 18 total songs, but the individu- listeners may feel slightly daunted. if I were taking a gamble with them. al tracks tend to be on the shorter side. ranged from relatively inexpensive to Also, for those with allergies or die- The album feels like a strong medita- somewhat expensive, but overall it With this brevity, Miller doesn’t have tion on personal uneasiness and even tary restrictions, the menu did not time to dwell on any one sound for was an affordable meal. provide insight to potential unwanted grief. However, at points Miller’s too long. The album opens with the lyrics can seem cliched and miss their To pick up the meal, I had to ingredients. But altogether, La Parrilla spectacular track, “Ew.” The title is is definitely a good choice for a meal, target. Miller has yet to fully step out call the restaurant’s phone number ironic, as the song is one of the most of his niche as an artist, and he still and request for my food to be brought and the pick-up and carry out were grand and dramatic on the whole especially easy. employs many of the same old tricks out. Then someone carried it to the album. Backed by piano and violin from “BALLADS 1” on this album. car quickly. Because the food was lines, Miller’s chorus is in a falsetto. Luckily for him, these tricks are good already paid for, this whole process “Teach me to love just to let me go,” ones, but some more artistic dynami- was quick. he sings, almost straining his voice. 6



By Isabell By Pro By By Aubrey Nguyen

Freshman Evan Ho quickly makes a pass to one of his teammates. Ho played in The sixth grade food truck display in the commons. Each truck is inspired

the mid-field, helping the team win this season. by a piece of writing the sixth graders have studied this year.

By CadenceBy Cheng By By JohnsonAnna

Sixth grader Wrenner Anderson runs the time trial for middle school cross coun- Senior Aris Grady shows off her pumpkin. The winner of this Pumpkin try on the levee. This was Wrenner’s first year on the team. Contest was faculty member Brian Rios’ advising team.

7 Aquarius (January 20-February 18): “You could not live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Back to me.” -Pumpkin Gru

Pisces (February 19-March 20): From a Utilitarian perspective, GIIIBBAAAAYYYYY!!


Taurus (April 20-May 20): Worst crime I ever committed on Halloween: You know the bowls of candy that people put out that say “Take One Please?” So I robbed a pharmacy

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Would you still love me if I committed tax fraud in your name? -Virgo

Cancer (June 21-July 22): Check your kids’ Halloween candy, someone tried to put an Entire WWII German Regiment in mine

Leo (July 23-August 22): You’ll soon find that heights are one of your greatest fears-- that and being chased down a tight alley by the Southern Ac- cent Catering van. . Virgo (August 23-September 22): ¡Homicidio Vehicular Bob Esponja!

Libra (September 23-October 22): Don’t order the cucumber soup, let the cucumber soup order you.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21): Mr. Gollier dance party on February 32nd, there will be danc- ing Mr. Gollier and there WILL be party. Also, juice boxes ;)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): IT(Your crippling fear of slicing broccoli horizontally)’S ALIVEEE!!! Capricorn (Dec. 22-January 19): According to my calculations, Dr. Schawang’s new office DOES contain a portal to the Hyvee gas station.

Sagicornio (Dec. 34-January 97.5): Colin Farha Editor in Chief “What if the shaving cream companies put hair fer- Lyle Griggs Copy Editor tilizer in the shaving cream so people have to buy more shaving cream” Cameren Green Design Editor Cadence Cheng Photo Editor

Cael Berkland Darby Harris Matthew Petillo Jude Black Sam Hertzog Catharine Richards Ian Blake Anna Johnson Elena Weber Lizzette Borjas Jonah Kim Peter Westbrook Marie Brockhoff Diego Klish Joshua Williams Scott Chieu Evan McHenry Sami Dennon Hannah Motsinger Katie Eckert Audrey Nguyen-Hoang Will Gaudreau Jaxon Patterson 8