The Torch

Volume 57, No. 4 April 2014

Holy Week at Tuckahoe

Sunday, April 13 Palm/Passion 11:00 a.m. Worship with Processional of Children and Palms Thursday, April 17 6:00 p.m. Covered Dish Supper 6:45 p.m. Maundy Thursday Worship & Communion Friday, April 18 7:30 p.m. Service Sunday, April 20 Day 11:00 a.m. Celebration of the Resurrection and Flowering the Cross

FLOWERING THE CROSS In spite of its function as a brutal form of execution, the Cross stands at the center of our faith as a symbol of life. There can be no Easter without Good Friday, no Resurrection without the Crucifixion. Indeed, the Cross, rather than the empty tomb, has held the place of honor as the primary symbol of the Christian faith. A modern expression of this idea may be found in the custom of flowering the cross. As we did last year, Tuckahoe will celebrate the flowering of the cross on Easter morning during the Children’s Sermon. You are invited to bring fresh blooms from your gardens to help fill the cross with emblems of “new life”. In preparation for the Easter event, the cross will be placed in the sanctuary on , draped in purple. On Good Friday the cross will be draped in black and a crown of thorns added. Then on Easter morning the cross will be adorned with greenery and flowers and lifted high in celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord.

The monthly Newsletter of Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church 7000 Park Avenue Richmond, VA 23226 804-282-2860;


REVIEWING Each time I review a familiar movie, the foreknowledge of the sto- ry’s end elicits a certain comfort and I am able to pay closer attention to nu- ances in the plot. The tradeoff is that I have lost that heart-pounding excite- ment I had the first time I saw it. In those moments when the fate of the main character hangs in the balance, I find the dramatic effect dampened by knowing the ending. Reviewing the events of Holy Week can sometimes be like review- ing that familiar movie. We often watch the events of Jesus’ life between his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm/Passion Sunday and his crucifix- ion on Good Friday with the comfort of knowing what happens, Jesus dies…but on Easter morning he is alive! In our dramatic reenacting of these events, much like a well scored, emotionally stirring movie, we are moved by Christ’s suffering and rejection, angered and bewildered by the fickleness of the crowd whose sweet “Hosannas!” change to the bitter cry “Crucify Him!” And still, the solemnity of the , the depths of despair in the garden of Gethsemane, the agony of the Cross, and the emptiness of are lightened by the dawn of Easter. And much like your favorite dramatic movie, the ending is always the same. So then what is gained by reenacting the events of this week in Jesus’ life if we know the ending? One possibility is that it keeps the inexhaustible nuances of these events continually chal- lenging our faith and devotion. The events leading to Easter offer us again a way of participating in these saving events through a sequential set of actions, Scriptures, and common prayer. Through these means, we can reflect deeply on our human condition and what it cost God to deliver human- ity from the bondage to sin and death. As we participate together in the services of Holy Week, God grants us a fresh awareness of what it means for our community and Christians around the world to be united in Jesus’ self-emptying death and triumphant resurrection. The promise of Jesus, “…I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20) is then the “to be continued…” of the greatest story ever told. So even though we think we know how the story ends, the full story is yet to be revealed as we are the actors in the continuing story, responding to the events and images of Holy Week in light of the reality of INSIDE THIS ISSUE Easter. From the Pastor 2 This year we are again afforded the opportunity to pay closer attention, beginning with Palm/Passion Youth Ministries 3 Sunday and continuing with Maundy Thursday Children’s Ministries 4-6 Celebration of the Last Supper and the Tenebrae (meaning “shadows”) Service on Good Friday at 7:30pm. Outreach 7 I hope that as we retell the story that together we will experience a joy unlike any we have had before on that Food & Fellowship 8-9 glorious Easter Dawn! Around the Church 10-11

Grace and Peace, Easter Flower Order Form 12 Patrick VBS Registration Form 13 April Calendar 15



April 6 6-8:00 p.m. Regular Program

April 13 6-8:00 p.m. TPC Youth Worship

April 20 Easter Day No Youth Groups

April 26-27 POJ Middle School Retreat @ Camp Hanover

April 27 6-8:00 p.m. Senior High “Fun Night”

SAVE THE DATE! POJ MIDDLE SCHOOL RETREAT Mark your calendars for Sunday, APRIL 26-27, 2014 June 1. This special Sunday will give us “Hello” a chance to recognize our graduating This Middle School Retreat is an annual High School seniors during worship. two day event, hosted by the Presbytery of Plan to be a part of this special day! the James Youth Council, for all Middle School age youth in the POJ and their advisors. The retreat begins at 4 pm on Saturday and continues until 5 pm on Sunday. Our former Director of Youth Ministries, Kate (Fiedler) Boswell, and her husband will be the keynote speakers! Come, enjoy growing in your faith with other PCUSA youth and adults from around our area. Join us for a time of fun, faith and fellowship!


Vacation Bible School 2014 April Update with Wonderful Ways to Serve! Maybe YOU would like to take on just “a piece” of a hallway or one room to decorate as your gift to VBS 2014.... This year’s plan for “help wanted”- ASAP- to plan and carry out transforming our space for VBS is the new plan that was met with much success last year. We are dividing the areas into small, specific-themed spaces that are easy for adult Sunday School classes, families, friends, and even individuals to decorate. There are many simple ideas with instructions just waiting for you to carry this out! The 2014 theme, “Workshop of Wonders – Imagine & Build with God”, is all about experiencing the wonder of God in the midst of the ordinary, everyday world around us. So many ways of creating wonders will be experienced! Imagine being surrounded by and using wood, paint, clay, fabric, metal, paper, Legos, gears, wheels, and more to create unique and wondrous results! The 6 areas that still need decorators, and their themes, are: 1) Duntreath, stairwells, and entry hall ceiling: Combination of several kinds of creating (giant Legos, gears, paint, etc.). There will already be VBS theme ban- ners as a part of the decorations 2) 1st half of preschool hall and portion of entry wall: building toys (Legos, tinker toys, blocks, etc.) 3) Hall to the left of entry hall and portion of entry wall: painting (artistic painting and wall/house painting – brushes, paint splattered hanging canvas, pails, etc.) 4) Front hall (leading to parlor & Duntreath) and portion of entry wall: gears, ma- chinery, robots, wheels, etc.) 5) 2nd floor hall between room between room 210 and 202: drawing, coloring, pa- per-folding. 6) Stairwells and entry hall ceiling: balloons, gear shapes, colorful drapes of fabric (as in pouring paint). The curriculum (book, online site, Pinterest, Facebook page) has many wonderful, easy decorating ideas with detailed instructions. Note: “Entry hall” is the hall between rooms 106 and 108.


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2014 OTHER WAYS YOU CAN HELP NOW 1)Volunteer to put the outdoor signs up after Easter Day AND take them down at the end of VBS week. 2)Volunteer to put up posters on the playground AND take them down after VBS. 3)Volunteers to display or distribute flyers at your child’s preschool (if permit- ted) and/or display in businesses that allow it. 4)Tell your family, friends and neighbors. Take registration forms to them! We would love to reach our maximum of 65 children in attendance! 5)Purchase or donate needed items. There will be a list of items to loan or do- nate on the Children’s Ministries bulletin board in the hall. Items include Lego sets (basic, original size), Play-Doh, foil, boxes and cardboard tubes of all sizes, wheels, Slinkys, oscillating tower type fans (short or tall, to become robots), canvas drop cloth, paint brushes, used dryer ducts, empty paint buckets, blue- print paper (new or used), and other similar items. Be sure your name is on all loaned items. Sign up at the display in Duntreath Hall to help either pre-week with preparations or during VBS as a teacher, activity leader, assistant, youth helper, photographer, puppeteer, sidekick to our puppet, drama person, and lots more. The opportunities are many and of a great variety. There is something for everyone! WHEN: JULY 14-18 AGES: 3 years old – rising 5th grade THEME: Workshop of Wonders – Imagine & Build with God! Registration forms are on page 13 of this newsletter. This event is open to all children in the Richmond area! “You are the God who works wonders.” – Psalm 77:14

Contact Becky Loggins a.s.a.p. if you are willing and able to help! Email Becky @ [email protected] or call her @ 201-0571.


WHAT’S GOING ON WITH CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Sunday, April 6 – Class of the Scripture (3rd-5th grades) will make palm crosses for dis- tribution to the congregation on Palm Sunday.

Sunday, April 13 – Palm Sunday. Godly Play in Class of the Dove (2-3 year olds) with the presentation and work of “Jesus the King”. Lamb’s Basket donation collection in all Sunday School classes. Class of the Scripture will distribute palm lapel crosses to the congregation.

Sunday, April 20- Resurrection of the Lord, Easter Day! Godly Play Children’s Church for age 4 years old through 1st grade. Egg hunts following worship for two groups: tod- dler through 4 years old and 5 years old through 5th grade. Gather in front of Wilson Hall with Becky Loggins to divide into groups and receive instructions.

Sunday, April 27 – During Sunday School time, all children’s Sunday School classes, Easter Term teachers, and parents meet in the sanctuary with Pastor Dennis for a special learning experience, “Children at the Lord’s Table”.

Vacation Bible School, July 14-18, Workshop of Wonders! Mark your calendars now and sign up to help at the display in Duntreath Hall. Please read, elsewhere in this issue, details of help needed now! ALLELUIA! CHRIST IS RISEN! FIFTY DAYS OF JOY Easter is a festival season of fifty days whose first day is Easter Day, the Sunday of the Resurrection, and whose last day is the Day of . Easter is such a huge mystery and celebration that we can’t keep it in just one day. The time to get ready to enter the mystery of Easter, , is greater than the time to get ready to enter the mys- tery of Christmas, Advent. Easter is an even greater mystery and celebration than Christmas! The fortieth day of Easter is Ascension Day, this year on May 29, always on a Thursday and, consequently, easily forgotten! (Read about the event of Christ’s Ascen- sion: Acts 1:6-11.) The word Easter comes from Eostre, a Teutonic goddess whose name is associated with springtime, growth, and fertility. In most languages the name of the day is Pascha, which means “Passover”. The color of this time of the Church Year is, as is Easter Day, white for purity, joy, and celebration. We remember this time especially with the empty cross, a sign of the victory of Easter. Remember that each and every Sunday throughout the year is a “little Easter”, reminding us as Christians of the resurrection, since it was on the first day of the week that Jesus rose from the dead. During this, , help your family continue the great celebration by lighting a candle at your evening meal and saying a prayer of thankful joy! It is also appropriate to have mini egg hunts throughout this time. Make the most of those plastic eggs! Remember that the eggs, chicks, bunnies and butterflies are symbols of new life and reminders of the resurrection of Christ and new life in each of us. Happy Easter! 6 OUTREACH

2014 MISSION TRIP TEAM The Outreach Mission Team, please remember that there is a Division’s prayer meeting on Sunday, April 13th request for April is immediately following worship. We will our current discuss travel details of the trip and review Confirmation Class. "ASP office work" that needs to be completed. The Confirmands It is a busy time and several members may not are Shelley Galt, Bailey Kane, Marin be able to attend this meeting. If you are unable Shade, Polly Sommers, and Ian to attend, please see Shawna Shade to meet with Stephenson. Please pray for these her to review the information. The youth and their leaders, Sherry registration payment can be brought to the Flournoy and Patrick Dennis, as meeting or sent to the church they explore together what it means at this time. to be a member of our church.

2014 YARD SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Keep the second Saturday in September on your radar. Sales from this event will help fund mission trips for our congregation. Also, be thinking about those treasured items in your house which might become treasures for someone else. If possible, hold onto your treasures until September. However, if there is a reason that such treasures must go now, contact Terry Brady (740-1768) and an effort will be made to accommodate you and your treasures.

LAMB’S BASKET Tuckahoe’s non-perishable food collection for LAMB’s Basket for March totaled 33.4 pounds. Remember that the official day for this collection is the second Sunday of each month. However, items may be brought to church and deposited in the boxes in Sunday School rooms or in the hallway between the narthex and Duntreath Hall. If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity, LAMB’s Basket might be the ticket. This food pantry provides food for needy Henrico county residents who qualify for assistance. Volunteers are always needed to stock shelves, sort food as it is brought in, help recipients shop, and carry bags to cars. Tuckahoe is signed up for the 3rd Thursday of each month but volunteers are needed Tues.- Fri. of each week. If you would like to sign up or have questions about the program, contact Terry Brady (740-1768 or [email protected]) or John Flournoy (282-8220 or [email protected]) 7 FOOD & FELLOWSHIP


Join your Tuckahoe Family each Wednesday night for a scrumptious dinner beginning at 6:00 pm with a program from 6:45 to 7:30. Music & Motion and Skittles will continue for chil- dren age 2 and above, and will run concurrent with the adult programming following dinner.

During Holy Week we will share dinner on Thursday night, instead of Wednesday, and then move to the sanctuary for a Maundy Thursday worship service and communion. There will be no M & M Kids or Skittles on Maundy Thursday.


April 2 TPC Cooking Team #3- Lenten Evening Prayers Chicken Tetrazzini, salad with fruit, rolls and dessert; Kids menu: chicken nuggets & fries

April 9 Meatloaf, mac & cheese, green Lenten Evening Prayers beans, rolls and dessert; Kids menu: hamburger sliders

Thursday, Covered Dish Maundy Thursday Worship and April 17 Communion

April 23 BBQ Chicken, 3-bean salad, Sarah Dennis will speak on the purpose and baked potato, rolls and activities of the Presbytery of the James’ dessert; Kids menu: Ham/ Youth Council. Five of TPC’s youth serve on mac & cheese the council this year! April 30 TPC Cooking Team #2-Beef “Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Vio- Stroganoff over noodles, lence”. TPC youth will show excerpts from vegetables, homemade rolls, this PCUSA documentary and lead a discus- and dessert; sion about it. The video frames gun violence Kids menu: pizza as a "disaster" and "public health" issue and examines how shootings impact individuals, families and communities. It also asks what we can do to prevent gun violence.



BIRTHDAY OFFERING Contributions to the PW Birthday Offering will be collected at the May meeting. This year’s donations will go to the Blue Corn Mothers Alliance, an organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which provides services to Native COME JOIN US FOR American women who have experienced domestic violence. Please give as a “FAITH NIGHT” AT THE celebration of our blessings, to help DIAMOND! those in need. The Flying Squirrels and the Fellowship Committee invite you to SPRING SERVICE PROJECT one of two “Faith Nights” at the Hilliard House, an organization that as- Squirrels games. The first one is sists homeless women and their children, Saturday, May 10 at 6:00 p.m. and the needs the following items: second one is Thursday, August 7 at  Twin sheet sets in new or very good 7:00 p.m. We need 20 people to attend used condition. One of their goals is to each game in order to get the $5.00 give each family new sheets when tickets. Please contact Kit Crawford, they leave the program. via phone at 346-0616 or via email at  All-purpose spray cleaners without [email protected], bleach (such as 409 or Spic ‘n Span, if you are interested in attending the available at Dollar Tree) first “Faith Night” on May 10th.  String mops  Paper towels PW SPRING LUNCHEON  Toilet tissue Please leave items in room 106. Please join us for our spring luncheon on Deadline is May 6. Tuesday, May 6. Circles will meet at church at 10:30, followed by a general meeting in John Knox Chapel at 11:00. Rev. Patrick Dennis will conclude this year’s Horizons Bible Study with a lesson entitled “God’s Abiding Presence.” Anne Driscoll, Area VII Leader, will install officers. Lunch will be served at 11:45. Reservations may be made after worship on April 27 or May 4, or by contacting Meg Packard at 754-0602. Cost is $6. All women are welcome. 9 AROUND THE CHURCH

What: Tuckahoe Spring Clean Up Day

Why: Because we need help to clean, fix and freshen up the church for Spring and Easter.

When: Saturday, April 5th . Meet in Wilson Hall at 8:00 am with coffee, juice, muffins and donuts.

How: Many hands make light work, so bring your energy and maybe a pair of gloves.

What else: If you have questions, call or see Tom Lee, Property Division , or call Tom at 740-4907.


We have made available our former blue hymnals to those who dedicated and wanted to reclaim them. With that a new day has arrived, one of comfort from hymns we grew up with and newer hymns with fresh inspiration. Opening our new hymnals, Glory to God, we will find a dedication plate inscribed “In honor of” or “In memory of” someone’s loved one, and you may choose that person. You will find a hymnal dedication envelope in each pew rack, as well as more on the Narthex table and on the counter at the office. Please take one, com- plete it and choose either to honor or memorialize a special person. Then add your donation ($25 check or cash for each hymnal), and place this into the offering plate or bring it to the office. These hymnals that we dedi- cate have inspired words that God uses to speak to each of our hearts, and we say, “Glory to God!”


Jackie Meyers writes: “My family and I truly appreciate all the support we have received from our Tuckahoe family during the past three months. A special thank you goes to Patrick, Ginger and Meg who were with us every step of our journey. All of you have been such a comfort to us during this very sad time.”

To the TPC Endowment Fund: “What a magnificent tribute to my wife, Libby! Your placing a brick with her name in the Heritage Walkway will be there forever in memory of her church—over 50 years a member, where our three children grew up in a wholesome environment; and where she went to Sunday services, even when her long illness made it an effort to do so. Thank you again.” Sincerely, Dick Dawes for the Dawes Family CREATIVE? SOME FREE TIME ON YOUR HANDS? A GOOD COMMUNICATOR? Can you answer “yes” to one or more of these questions? Maybe you are a former or current teacher and know all about the importance of bulletin boards...or someone who loves to cut, paste and create fun images...if so, you might be just the person we need! The staff and several divisions have identified the need to spruce up our outward communications around the church through improved, up-to-date and artistic bulletin boards. We would love to form a group of people who would like to take on the task. It won’t be time just needs persons focused on the task and willing to change things up about once a quarter or so to keep our bulletin boards fresh and informative. If you are interested, please call Mary at the office (282-2860) or email her ([email protected]) and she will be happy to give you more details.

MISSING… PHOTOGRAPHER The Property Division is missing a 1/2 NEEDED! case of Mannington floor Do you see “the picture” in everything? cleaner. The cleaner is in Always have your camera with you? We spray bottles and was in a are seeking one or more “official church box. It’s an expensive photographers” that can be counted on to product and we are sure it take pictures at church events. These is somewhere in the would be used for the bulletin boards church...just in the wrong mentioned above as well as on the web place. If you see it, please site to keep people informed about hap- let the church office know. penings at Tuckahoe. Call the church of- Keep your eyes open! fice if you are interested. Thanks! 11


If you would like to supply a Hydrangea or an Easter Lily to decorate the church for Easter, please place your order by April 11, 2014. Fill in the order form below and mail with your check, payable to Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church, at 7000 Park Avenue, 23226 or leave it at the church office no later than April 11th. Please designate “Easter Flowers” and the number you are ordering in the memo line of your check. (The hydrangeas will be a mix of pink and/or white, but we cannot designate a color and guarantee that you will receive the one you order.) Hydrangeas are $10.00 each and Easter Lilies are $7.50 each. Plants may be removed from the Sanctuary anytime after the Easter Service. ***************************************************************************************************************** Please Print---Please Print Given By:

In loving memory or honor of (circle one): ______

______Easter Lily ______Hydrangea (s) ______Plant(s) will be picked up ______Plant(s) can be delivered ------————————- EASTER FLOWERS If you would like to supply a Hydrangea or an Easter Lily to decorate the church for Easter, please place your order by April 11, 2014. Fill in the order form below and mail with your check, payable to Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church, at 7000 Park Avenue, 23226 or leave it at the church office no later than April 11th. Please designate “Easter Flowers” and the number you are ordering in the memo line of your check. (The hydrangeas will be a mix of pink and/or white, but we cannot designate a color and guarantee that you will receive the one you order.) Hydrangeas are $10.00 each and Easter Lilies are $7.50 each. Plants may be removed from the Sanctuary anytime after the Easter Service. ***************************************************************************************************************** Please Print---Please Print Given By:

In loving memory or honor of (circle one):


______Easter Lily ______Hydrangea (s) ______Plant(s) will be picked up ______Plant(s) can be delivered


Tuckahoe Vacation Presbyterian Bible Church School 2014

Registrants AND volunteers please complete and return! Vacation Bible School will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. the week of July 14th – 18th. VBS is open to all children ages three years (born by 1/1/11) through rising fifth graders. Please note that all participants must be toilet trained. Nursery will be available only for younger children of VBS volunteers. This summer’s program is “WORKSHOP OF WONDERS: IMAGINE AND BUILD WITH GOD!” At WORKSHOP OF WONDERS , children will become Visioneers as they explore how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God and use their hearts, minds, and imaginations to serve God. The wondrous works of God and His living Word will be experienced through: · Daily Wonder Words and Vision Verses · Bible Stories of people who used what they had to make something amazing with God · Wonder Workshop (assembly time) · Song Studio (music) · Crafts Lab (crafts) ·Angel Alcove (outreach) · Game Garage (recreation) · Snack Stop (cooking), and much, much more! . PLEASE consider being a volunteer for Vacation Bible School and complete the information at the bottom of this form. We need many people to make this week a success. Please register each child with the information below and return the registration forms to the church office (mailing address below) or to the VBS mailbox inside the church with a check for $10 per child (a maximum of $25 per family) to Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church as soon as possible. Please contact Becky Loggins, 201-0571 or email [email protected] if you have any questions or need additional forms. "You are the God who works wonders."–Psalm 77:14 *****************************************************************************************************************************************************

Child’s Name ______Sex______Age on 7/14/13 ______Birthdate ______Street Address ______City ______State ______Zip Code ______Parents’ Names ______Email Address ______Home phone ______Work phone ______Cell phone______Child will be entering: ______Preschool 3 yr old_____ Preschool 4 yr old ______Kindergarten or the ______Grade in the fall of 2014. Attends what church? ______How did you hear about Vacation Bible School? ______Other Emergency Contact & Relationship ______Phone ______Allergies or Conditions: ______Pediatrician’s Name ______and phone number ______

------ HOW CAN YOU HELP? VOLUNTEER NOW! Areas include teachers ,assistants, and youth helpers for: classrooms, music, recreation, cooking, arts & crafts, worship, nursery, refreshments, supplies, decorating, and publicity.

*_____ I can help as a teacher, assistant, or youth helper (circle one) and would prefer ______grade.

*_____ I can help with ______. Days, if any, not available:______

*Name______Phone number ______Email______

------Please return this form with a check as soon as possible to: Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church, 7000 Park Ave., Richmond, VA 23226


14 APRIL 2014 calendar


TUCKAHOE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7000 Park Avenue Richmond, VA 23226-3624

TUCKAHOE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tuckahoe Staff Patrick A. Dennis, Pastor Mark O. Cain, Director of Music Ministry Rebecca Loggins, Director of Children’s Ministry OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Mary McGee, Office Administrator Sarah Morgan, Director of Youth Ministry Called by God, to be the heart, Joan Neff, Organist voice, hands and feet Ginger Spence, Director of Visitation of Christ where Telephone: 282-2860 E-mail: [email protected] the Spirit leads us.

The Torch is a monthly newsletter of Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church. Deadline is the 18th of each month. Editor-Mary McGee; email: [email protected]