B2015-13:Basteria-2015 11/20/2015 3:08 PM Page 81 From a ‘domestic commodity ’ to a ‘secret of trade ’: snails and shells of land molluscs in early (mainly 16 th and 17 th century) visual arts Abraham S.H. Breure Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O.Box 9517, NL -2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands ; Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium;
[email protected] Susanne R. de Heer Himalaya 222, 3524 XK Utrecht, The Netherlands ;
[email protected] mussels) and very peculiar ones (e.g., Nautilus shells). Species of land snails and slugs may be found on The remaining ones are mainly tropical sea shells, 81 paintings and other works of visual arts from the late usually species from the Indo-Pacific area. In general, 15 th century onwards. While in the beginning the illus - these are paintings in which shells are combined with trations were often imprecise, this changed in the late a variety of objects; however, some paintings are a 16 th century and most species were realistically illus - still-life of only these shells (e.g. Meijer, 2006: 100– 101, trated. This was especially so during the 17 th century, figs 18 –21; Sch ütz, 2002: 107). An exhibition of visual when still-life painting including one or more snails arts with shells as main topic is a rare exception became well developed in Flanders and the Nether - (Woldbye & von Meyenburg, 1984; Barten, 1985). lands. We have checked 582 works of art, the majority However, with a keen eye one can discover specimens showing European species, of which five related to of land snail species in a number of visual art works, slugs; 45 of these works have one or more species mainly in the still-life genre from the 17 th century.