IN THIS ISSUE Issue 23, November 2012 - January 2013

 AGBU President Received by Catholicos Karekin II (p. 1) AGBU PRESIDENT BERGE SETRAKIAN RECEIVED BY  AGBU Leadership Attends CATHOLICOS OF ALL ARMENIANS KAREKIN II Special Divine Liturgy (p. 1) On January 24, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians,  AGBU Leadership Received by received Mr. Berge Setrakian, President of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) RA Diaspora Minister (p. 2) at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.  Arpi Vartanian - New Director During the meeting, the of AGBU Armenia (p. 2) Catholicos and Mr. Setra-  AGBU Continues Supporting kian discussed the recent Syrian-Armenians (p. 3) election of the new Patri-  Winners of AVC Through My arch of Jerusalem, noting Eyes Contest Announced (p. 4) with confidence that the newly elected Patriarch,  Chess to be Included in AVC Archbishop Nourhan Ma- Courses (p. 5) nougian, will assume the  AGBU Hye Geen Opens New responsibility of strength- Center in Yerevan (p. 6) ening the historical Holy  7th Republican Interschool Throne of Jerusalem and Chess Tournament (p. 7) protecting the rights of Ar-  AGBU Supports Spe- menians living there, with cial Boarding School #3 (p. 7) enthusiasm and devotion. They discussed the chal- AGBU President Berge Setrakian and His Holiness Karekin II  AGBU Yerevan Scouts’ Winter lenging situation in Syria and the difficult conditions facing the Armenian community. They Events (p. 8, 9) confirmed the decision by both the Armenian Church and AGBU to continue making all ef-  AGBU-AYA Komitas Cham- forts to provide aid and support to meet the needs of the Syrian-Armenian community. They ber Orchestra at NAI (p. 10) also discussed ways of lending assistance to Armenians who had temporarily relocated to  Karabakh Chamber Orchestra’s Armenia, and those who continue to reside in Syria. Christmas Concert (p. 10) During the meeting Mr. Setrakian shared his concerns regarding the challenges of preserving  Series of Concerts by AGBU the Armenian identity in the Diaspora, and the necessity of providing Armenian education to Children’s Centers (p. 11) Armenian children living in the Diaspora. The AGBU President highlighted the role of the Armenian Church in overcoming these difficulties as well as strengthening the relationship  Dikran Abassian Awarded between the Homeland and the Diaspora. (p. 11) The Catholicos of All Armenians and the AGBU President discussed the operations of the  Letter from MAP Alumnus joint programs being undertaken by the Mother See and the AGBU. The Pontiff of All Arme- (p. 12) nians expressed his great appreciation to Mr. Setrakian for the assistance which the AGBU continues to provide to the Armenian Church.


His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, celebrated a special Divine Liturgy at Holy Etchmiadzin on January 27 to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the formation of the Republic of Armenia’s Armed Forces. Pre- sent at the Divine Liturgy were Armenia’s Defense Minister , national army officials, AGBU President Berge Setrakian and Central Board of Directors members Vasken Yacoubian and Yervant Zorian, as well as primates of the Ar- menian Church. An official reception followed at the Gevorgyan Seminary Hall where His Holiness offered his blessings to all those present, and awarded the St. Nerses Shnorhali Medal of Honor to a number of high-ranking army officials for their service and devotion to our homeland and people. By Defense Minister Ohanyan’s decree, 20 clergymen, all vet- erans of the Karabakh War, were awarded the army’s Marshal Baghramyan, Ozanyan, (l-r) Seyran Ohanyan, His Holiness Karekin II, Berge Setrakian, Drastamat Kanayan, Garegin Njdeh, Vazgen Sarg- Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamyan, Major-General Vardan Avetisyan syan or Admiral Hovhaness Isakov medals. Page 1 AGBU ARMENIA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 23, NOVEMBER 2012 - JANUARY 2013


On January 25, Republic of Armenia’s Minister of Dias- pora Hranush Hakobyan met with President of the Arme- nian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Berge Setrakian, Chairman of the Political Council of the Armenian Dio- cese in Damascus, member of the AGBU Central Board Vasken Yacoubian and Director of AGBU Armenia Office Arpi Vartanian. They discussed the current state of affairs in Syria, issues concerning Syrian-Armenians and opportunities for solv- ing the issues facing Syrian-Armenians in Armenia. Minister Hakobyan praised the Union’s efforts to help Syrian-Armenians and thanked AGBU for its continuous support and contributions in helping our compatriots over- come hardships in Syria, Armenia and elsewhere. The parties prepared grounds for the discussion on new AGBU Leadership Received by RA Diaspora Minister approaches to the new vision for the development of Armenia-Diaspora relations. AGBU ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT OF ARPI VARTANIAN AS NEW DIRECTOR OF YEREVAN OFFICE

AGBU is pleased to announce the appointment of Arpi Vartanian as the new Di- rector of its Yerevan Office. She will oversee the organization's extensive opera- tions and its growing programs and initiatives in both Armenia and the surround- ing region.

A Michigan native and alumna of the AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School in Southfield, Ms. Vartanian comes full circle by joining the AGBU Yerevan staff. She obtained her graduate degree at the American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird), and went on to pursue her career in Armenia. She brings to AGBU two decades of experience supporting NGOs on the ground in Armenia and raising public awareness of Armenian issues from Washington, D.C.

Ms. Vartanian has served the Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) exten- sively as Director of its both NGO Training and Resource Center and its Intern- ship Program, as well as acting as the Assembly's Acting Executive Director, Yerevan Office Director and the Country Director for the Armenia and Karabakh Offices. In each role, she has spearheaded countless programs and built the ca- pacity of Armenian NGOs.

AGBU Central Board member Vasken Yacoubian welcomed Ms. Vartanian, stat- ing, "True to AGBU's General Assembly slogan of "Engaging the Future," the Arpi Vartanian organization is expanding the scope of its projects and activities for the betterment and prosperity of the Armenian nation. As such, the role of AGBU Yerevan Office is becoming more important and significant in fulfilling our vision locally, regionally and worldwide. We are confident that Ms. Vartanian's experi- ence, motivation and knowledge of both the Diaspora and Ar- menia will be instrumental in helping the office in meeting these new challenges."

In December, Vartanian visited AGBU's Central Office in New York City. For ten days, she worked with local staff to learn more about the organization’s worldwide operations, met with AGBU President Berge Setrakian and Central Board members, and attended community events, including a town hall meeting with US Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern.

Before departing to US, Ms. Vartanian, accompanied by AGBU Central Board members Vasken Yacoubian, Yervant Zorian, and AGBU Armenia Deputy Director Hovig Eordekian, paid a visit to the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II in Holy (l-r) Dr. Yervant Zorian, His Holiness Karekin II, Arpi Vartanian, Etchmiadzin to receive His Holiness’ blessing in the new post. Vasken Yacoubian AGBU looks forward to watching its Armenia-based programs continue to thrive under Ms. Vartanian's capable leadership. Page 2 AGBU ARMENIA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 23, NOVEMBER 2012 - JANUARY 2013


Syria is at war. Human loss and material damage continues among the Armenians in Aleppo, Damascus, Kamishli and other cities throughout Syria. Thousands of Syrian-Armenians have left their homes for a safer haven in the USA, Lebanon, Armenia and elsewhere. In August 2012, AGBU Central Board of Di- rectors established an emergency fund of $1 million US dol- lars for humanitarian assistance to the Armenian community of Syria. In September, AGBU issued an urgent appeal to Armenians in the Diaspora to raise funds for this cause. Many responded to this appeal and $800,000 US dollars have been raised so far, of which $250,000 US dollars was raised by AGBU delegates and guests during the AGBU 87th General Assembly in Armenia in October 2012. AGBU provides fi- nancial support in three directions: Syria, Lebanon, Armenia.

SYRIA The main portion of this assistance goes directly to Syria. AGBU Centers in Syria and the Syrian-Armenian Emergency Body coordinate their steps to help the Armenian community. The AGBU emergency committees of Aleppo, Damascus, Emergency Boxes Distributed by AGBU to Armenians in Syria Kamishli, Latakia and Kessab have spared no efforts to help the Armenians of Syria survive the hardships. As of January 2013, 2,705 families in Aleppo have received emergency aid pack- ages, which include rice, lentils, wheat, milk, sugar, cooking oil, pasta, tea, lard, tomato paste, washing powder and soap. Distribution of these emergency aid packages have been organized in three phases. AGBU volunteers deliver the boxes to all those who are unable to visit the centers. Emergency packages, which included food and medicine, have been distributed to 250 families in Damascus and 550 families in Kamishli. People in the neighboring regions of Hassakeh, Al-Malikiyah and Ras Al Ain have also received help from the Un- ion. AGBU has covered hospital, medical assistance and funeral expenses. Vil- lages at the Syrian-Turkish border have received support from AGBU. Resi- dents of the village of Yaqubi, an Armenian village on the Syrian-Turkish bor- der, have fled to Latakia, where AGBU helped them rent apartments. The AGBU Chapter of Kamishli received those displaced from border villages. Even during the war, Syrian-Armenian children continue their classes at schools. Thanks to AGBU, not a single child has been denied schooling for lack of tuition. LEBANON The Union’s relief efforts go beyond the borders of Syria. Neighboring Leba- non was among the first to receive Syrian-Armenians forced to leave their homes. Here housing and job needs of the Syrian-Armenian refugees are com- paratively easier to solve, since many of them have moved in with relatives and AGBU Volunteers Distribute Monthly Packages friends. This is one reason why AGBU has been able to cover tuition costs of to Armenians in Syria 100 Syrian-Armenian students, who now continue their studies in Lebanon.

ARMENIA AGBU founded a special committee, which has worked tirelessly for months, to coordinate AGBU support to Syrian-Armenians who have been forced to move to Armenia. About 600 families in Armenia re- ceived a monthly stipend of 40,000-60,000 AMD for apart- ment rent. Supermarket coupons of 10,000 AMD/per person or 20,000 AMD/per family were distributed to 180 Syrian- Armenians. Currently, the Union is focused on providing medicine and warm clothes to those in need. In Armenia alone, AGBU has spent over 58 million AMD (about $145,000 USD) to help Syrian-Armenians overcome the hardships. A new program of clothes distribution will start soon. New programs and initiatives to support the Syrian- Armenian community are being developed. AGBU also continues its assistance to the Syrian-Armenian Relief Co- AGBU-founded Special Committee Discusses Future Steps in Armenia ordination Center NGO, established by RA Diaspora Minis- try, by providing it with space and paying employee salaries.



AGBU Armenian Virtual College (AVC) is more than just “all about being virtual”; AVC is embodied in each AVC student gaining a certain image and soul that can be reflected in reality, with the help of today's technology, sharing our imagery percep- tion of AVC with others.

This was the goal of AVC Through My Eyes photo/video contest - a very successful initiative.

The winners of the 1st Annual AVC Through My Eyes photo/ video contest have been announced. The three winning pho- tos and three winning videos were chosen from more than 130 entries submitted by 83 AVC students from 24 countries. The first prize winner for the photo contest category was Gevorg Arzumanyan (Charentsavan, Armenia), who submit- ted a picture entitled AVC. The picture shows an apricot tree branch and three ripe apricots symbolizing AVC and its graduates. Full of bright and warm colors this photo is totally immersed in Armenian feelings, warmth and creativity.

The first prize winner in the video contest category was AVC Awarded Winners of the Contest Matheus Sobral Bentes (Fortaleza, Brazil), who submitted a video entitled My Story. In his video, Matheus tells his love story with an Armenian girl, who taught Matheus to love Armenia and Armenian culture and who became the main reason he chose to learn the . His emotional video is an open confession about AVC as the best long distance language learning model, especially for those who do not live in Armenia. The second and third prize winners in the photo contest category were respectively Anna Aslikyan (Yerevan, Armenia) and Alex Oganezov (Tbilisi, Georgia). Anna submitted a picture entitled Our Power is in Our Unity. She photographed two papers attached to each other with a needle and thread. Those two papers symbolize Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora. Alex submit- ted an entry entitled Avatar for AVC. He photographed a beautiful girl who's learning at AVC online. Gohar Navasardyan (Yere- van, Armenia) won second prize in the video category, and Anoush Marashlian (Damascus, Syria) was the third prize winner. Gohar tells of her journey with AVC and Anoush tells the story of 1 Armenian schools in general beginning from St. Mesrop Mash- tots, the creator of the Armenian alphabet, up until the present time when learning Armenian became possible online through AVC.

Prizes range from a tuition-free AVC course to handmade Arme- nian art works and certificates of achievement. Photos and videos were selected by both public votes and a panel of professionals, including AVC local committee and staff members. Winners were selected based on three criteria: a) Relevance to the contest, b) Creativity and c) Overall impression.

An exhibition of the best contest photos was held during AVC’s 3rd anniver- sary celebration day (October 17, 2012). 3 AVC congratulates the winners of AVC Through My Eyes 2 photo/video annual contest and wishes them further creative successes! AVC plans to organize similar activities more fre- quently.

For videos, please visit: AVC Through My Eyes: 1st Prize AVC Through My Eyes: 2nd Prize AVC Through My Eyes: 3rd Prize The Three Prize-Winning Photos



AGBU Armenian Virtual College (AVC) continues to expand its programs through new initiatives in an effort to keep up with present-day advancements in technology and e-learning practices. Keeping up with the highest international standards in online learning, the school caters to the educational needs of Armenia as defined by the Republic of Armenia’s Ministry of Education.

The Chess Program has been designed with both jun- ior and adult students in mind. The course has recently been initiated by the Armenian Virtual College in col- laboration with the Armenian Chess Federation, a move that supports the Government’s stance on having mandatory chess classes as part of elementary school curriculum.

From January 18-20, 2013, Armenia hosted the first FIDE (World Chess Federation) Presidential Board (PB) meeting of the year in the resort town of Tsagh- kadzor. President of the Republic of Armenia, , FIDE President, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, and 24 members of the World Chess Federation took part in the three-day conference, discussing chess issues worldwide. Among the topics discussed were Arme- nia’s successes since 2011 after introducing mandatory chess courses in elementary schools. The FIDE Presi- FIDE Presidential Board Meeting in Tsaghkadzor dent emphasized Armenia’s important role in the field of chess, specifically through the inclusion of chess in public school curricula.

Vice-President of the Armenian Chess Federation, Smbat Lputyan, discussed the achievements in the field of chess since its introduction into the country’s school curriculum, citing the joint project with AVC: “To achieve greater results, jointly with AGBU, we started developing online chess courses. Leveraging the online teaching experience of the Armenian Virtual College, we recorded admirable achievements by targeting different age groups, from children to adults, using varying teaching meth- ods.”

The presentation also revealed that the impact of visually impressive means and age specific psychological features had been taken into account in structuring the lessons to achieve maximum learning results.

“AVC’s online experience in multimedia tech- niques has been utilized to make the classes visu- ally attractive to grab the learner’s attention and making the learning process fun and enjoyable,” says AVC Founder and President Dr. Yervant Zo- rian.

The program aims to develop students’ specific characteristics and learning capabilities, including concentration, creativity and strategic thinking. The program has three levels – basic, intermediate and advanced; courses will be offered in 2013.

Through the chess program, the Armenian Virtual College will play a unique role in developing chess-thinking and chess culture in Armenia and worldwide.

______The AVC project was founded in 2004 by Dr. Yervant Zorian, Chairman of AGBU’s Silicon Valley Chapter. He had long noted the need for an educational program that better addressed the current demands of the Armenian nation in the Diaspora and Homeland. Through the use of both synchronous and asynchronous online communications, AVC allows students to learn new material at their own pace, but also to confer face-to-face with their virtual teachers and classmates. With the latest advances in the world of virtual education, AVC’s mission is, in addition, to create a virtual learning community that can foster both the cultural education and social communication otherwise out of the reach of most Armenian students across the globe. See more at:

For videos, please visit: AVC Chess Video and FIDE PB Meeting in Tsaghkadzor


AGBU HYE GEEN UNVEILS NEW PREGNANT WOMEN’S CENTER IN YEREVAN Benefactor Mrs. Arshagouhi Tavitian Makes Fifth Center Possible

New and expectant mothers seeking free, high-quality pre- and post-natal care in Yerevan may now access a full range of ser- vices at AGBU Hye Geen’s brand new Arshagouhi Tavitian Pregnant Women’s Center. The Center, the fifth such facility Hye Geen has established across Armenia in the past ten years, was officially unveiled on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. The occa- sion brought together Hye Geen beneficiaries, friends and supporters who celebrated both a decade of growth and exciting new initiatives that will continue to meet families’ needs in the years ahead.

Like the Hye Geen Pregnant Women’s Centers in Gyumri, Talin, Vanadzor and Yeghvart, the Yerevan location is staffed with a team of pro- fessionals who equip women with the education and training to improve their well-being and that of their children. Counselors, lawyers, medical practitioners, psychologists and social workers conduct regular one-on-one consultations with the women, while group sessions create solidar- ity networks that are key sources of their em- AGBU Hye Geen Founder, Benefactors, Supporters and Beneficiaries powerment. Since first opening its doors this at the Opening of the Yerevan Center past summer, the Arshagouhi Tavitian Pregnant Women’s Center has served dozens of beneficiaries who have been so enthusiastic about their experiences that they requested certificates documenting their participation. The requested certificates were presented at the inaugural event. The positive impact that Hye Geen has had on the lives of those women – and hundreds more – has always inspired the Yerevan facility’s benefactor Mrs. Arshagouhi Tavitian.

For close to 20 years, Mrs. Tavitian has dedicated herself to a broad range of Hye Geen projects. She has organized Hye Geen’s lectures and annual conferences in its Southern California base, while contributing to the production of the Hye Geen magazine and educational television programs, raising awareness of issues affecting both women and the broader Armenian community. When presented with the opportunity to help finance a new Pregnant Women’s Center in Yerevan, she did not hesitate to pledge her support. At the Center’s ribbon cutting ceremony, Hye Geen founder Mrs. Sona Yacoubian applauded Mrs. Tavitian for her generous sponsorship. As she describes, “Mrs. Tavitian’s support is helping Hye Geen realize the vision we first laid out almost two decades ago: to aid and empower women. Year after year, we are witnessing a general decline in Armenia’s population, while persistent poverty compromises children’s physical and mental development. However, every day at our Pregnant Women’s Centers, we see women receiving essential care and information – bright young women who are raising a new genera- tion of strong, young Armenians who might change the world.”

To date, Hye Geen has helped ensure the delivery of over 1,400 healthy babies, a number that will only continue to rise as it expands its work from the Centers to classrooms. At the Yerevan unveiling, Dean of the Sociol- ogy Department of Yerevan State University, Professor Lyudmila Harut- ounyan, who oversees Hye Geen’s Pregnant Women’s projects in Armenia, described the ways Hye Geen’s training materials are currently being in- corporated into the school’s sociology curriculum. It is a natural partner- ship, as many of the Centers’ staff members are also employed at the uni- versity. By bridging theory and practice, Hye Geen is sure to bring more change to the landscape of public health and healthcare in Armenia.

The inauguration of the Arshagouhi Tavitian Pregnant Women’s Center, which coincided with AGBU’s 87th General Assembly, marked a new chapter in Hye Geen’s growth. Clothing donations by Hye Geen committee member Anahid Karahagopian and generous donations by Hye Geen sup- porters Mr. & Mrs. Jacques and Florine Deyirmendjian of France, along with others’ generous donations, are helping to sustain Hye Geen’s efforts.

Yet, there is much to do.

For instance, the AGBU Hye Geen Center in Talin is in need of extensive infrastructure repairs, while a waiting list of women eager to benefit from Hye Geen’s programs runs long at each of its locations.

Benefactor Arshagouhi Tavitian (center) together with To learn how to help these mothers and families, please visit: Beneficiaries at the Yerevan Center


AGBU SUPPORTS THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHESS IN ARMENIA 7th Republican Interschool Chess Championship Underway

Every year, the Armenian Chess Federation and the Republic of Armenia’s Education and Science Ministry, hold the Republi- can Interschool Chess Tournament sponsored by AGBU. Schoolchildren from all regions of Armenia, as well as Artsakh and Javakhk compete to win. Every year, around 5,000 children participate in the tournament. They go through four challen- ging rounds before receiving their titles. The first phase is held within schools; in the second phase, schools from the same community compete; in the third phase, winners of different communities from the same region participate; and, lastly, the finalists arrive at the national level. Each school team consists of four participants (3 boys and 1 girl). On October 1, the 7th annual tournament began. The second round of the tournament took place on October 25 - Novem- ber 25. RA Chess Federation Vice-president Smbat Lputyan, AGBU Armenian Representation Director Arpi Vartanian, munici- pality officials and community heads attended the Yerevan Second Round of the 7th Republican Interschool Chess Tournament matches between November 17-25. The winning teams will continue to the 3rd round, which will take place in March. The finals of the 7th Interschool Chess Tour- nament are scheduled for May. AGBU presented participants of Round 2 with special gift desk sets, while the winners also re- ceived trophy cups. Grand prizes await the winners of the tournament. The growing interest in chess is evident throughout the republic. The 2011-12 academic year saw the introduction of chess into the secondary school curriculum. Since the beginning of the Olympiad, AGBU has donated a large number of chess sets, chess clocks, large-scale demonstration boards, computers and projectors to the schools, thereby creating a solid base for the develop- ment of chess in the republic.

For videos, please visit: 7th Republican Chess Tournament GYUMRI SPECIAL BOARDING SCHOOL #3 RENOVATED THROUGH AGBU’S DONATION

For years, AGBU has supported Gyumri’s Special School #3 for mentally challenged children. In 2012, through the funds raised by AGBU Manoogian-Demirjian School of California and AGBU Friends in Wisconsin, it became possible to fully reconstruct and renovate the adjacent building of the boarding school, which will serve as a bathhouse and boiler-house. The school had de- tached a small space in the bathhouse, where three boilers had been installed through the funds provided by AGBU Marseilles. It was used as a boiler house since 2007 to provide hot water to the bathroom and heat the classrooms in wintertime. In 2012, the school applied to AGBU for financial assistance to renovate the adjacent building and use it as a new and more powerful boiler house. The $23,000 USD raised was used to renovate the adjacent building and place new and more powerful boilers, which will secure hot water not only in the bathroom but throughout the school. The school currently uses gas, which contributes to reduced heating expenses.

Children and Staff of Gyumri School #3 AGBU also provided $1,500 USD to renovate the roof of the school. In the past, rainwater and snow would soak into the children’s bedroom walls, although the holes in the roof were filled with construction garbage. Now, the school has a new thermo-isolated tin roof thanks to AGBU’s financial support. In 2002, AGBU London renovated the corridors and classrooms of the school, and provided it with mattresses and a freezer. Gyumri school #3 was built in 1956. It is home to many men- tally challenged children. The school’s professional pedagogical staff spares no efforts to provide these children with education Thanks to AGBU These Children Will No Longer be Cold in Winter and upbringing. Page 7 AGBU ARMENIA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 23, NOVEMBER 2012 - JANUARY 2013


The annual Christmas Ball of the AGBU Yerevan Scout group took place on December 1, 2012. CHRISTMAS BALL This has become a nice tradition and is one of the most expected ones among various scout events. However, this year’s ball was different from the previous ones, as, besides being a very good occasion to sum up the year and congratulate each other, it also pursued another, much more important and noble goal - to use the opportunity and once again lend a helping hand to the Syrian-Armenian community. For the past months, AGBU has been taking every opportunity to help our Syrian-Armenian compatriots overcome the hardships they face. The Christmas Ball was the perfect occasion for the AGBU Yerevan Scouts to bring their contribution to this global mission of the Union. The event was attended by AGBU Council of Trustees member Karnig Yacoubian, AGBU Central Board members Vasken Yacoubian, Yervant Zorian and Aris Atamian, AGBU Ar- menian Representation Director Arpi Vartanian and Deputy Director Hovig Eordekian, Head of the AGBU Syrian-Ar- menian Relief Committee Aroush Yesayan, other guests. AGBU Yerevan Scouts’ Christmas Ball Raises $10,000 USD Very Reverend Fr. Komitas Hovnanian, Director of the AGBU Youth Centers, opened the charitable banquet-ball with a prayer. The newly formed dance-group of the AGBU Yerevan Scout Movement amazed the guests with its premier performance. The evening was full of pleasant moments, beautiful surprises, generous donations, games, singing and dancing. The dram equivalent of $10,000 USD was raised during the evening. The Scouts donated one half of this amount to the Syrian-Armenian Relief Com- mittee to help Syrian-Armenians. ACHIEVING NEW HEIGHTS Hiking trips are an inseparable part of scouting activities. Decem- ber 9 was another adventur- ous day. The Scouts left the Arabkir Children’s Center early in the morning. This time the destination was the top of Mount Ara (2,577m). Another mountain was add- ed to the previously con- quered mountains of Tegh- enis and Hatis. The tradi- tional flag ceremony took place at the foot of the mountain, after which the scouts began climbing the mountain. The group was not large, but On Top of Mount Ara what made the climbing more complicated was the snow layer reaching over one meter. Four hours later, overcoming all obstacles and hardships, the group reached the peak. Nearby villages, Nor Yerznka, Yeghvard and Dzoravan could be seen from the top of Mount Ara. This day will remain in the memories of the scouts forever. They returned with a new feeling of self-confidence and with a clear intention to achieve new heights.

WINTERFEST 2013 AGBU Yerevan Scout group is always a welcomed guest at different events and celebrations organized in the capital. Winter brought a new series of such events. WinterFest Ar- menia is the initiative of Deem Communications and has been implemented since 2007. Guided by its slogan, Let’s Add Color to Winter, WinterFest Armenia creates a festive mood for people in Yerevan and the regions. The festival is organized jointly with the Yerevan Municipality. WinterFest 2013 was held at Yerevan’s Liberty Square from December 22 - January 13. The Square was full of colors and the Christmas spirit. Hundreds of children, youth and adults par- ticipated in the merry initiatives and competitions of the Fes- tival every day. Among this year’s participants was the AGBU Yerevan Scout group, which added more color to the Scouts in Winter Parade During WinterFest 2013 beautiful events of WinterFest. AGBU Scouts participated in the Winter Parade organized as part of the Festival on December 22. It started from Yerevan City Hall and ended at Liberty Square. Different people and organizations, fairytale clowns and heroes, hundreds of Santa Clauses participated in the Parade. (continued on p. 9) Page 8 AGBU ARMENIA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 23, NOVEMBER 2012 - JANUARY 2013



The official swearing-in ceremony of new members of the AGBU Yerevan Scout movement took place at the AGBU and Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Arabkir Children’s Center on December 23. This is mandatory for all the young scouts, who have joined the movement recently and demonstrated their skills at different scout events and camping trips. Thirty new scouts became full- fledged members of the AGBU Yerevan Scout Move- ment that day. They swore to be faithful to God, nation and family, help others and be brave and noble.

Thirty Cub Scouts Swore-in to Become New Members of the AGBU Yerevan Scout Movement

On that same day, the AGBU Yerevan Scouts had organ- ized their annual Christmas exhibition and sale of hand- made crafts. During the weekly meetings at AGBU Chil- dren’s Centers, the scouts learn different handicrafts, such as sewing, woodwork, drawing, pottery and present their own handmade works during the traditional annual exhibition-sales. ABGU Scouts, youth center children, parents, friends and other guests participate in the exhi- bition. Christmas Exhibition and Sale of AGBU Yerevan Scouts’ Works at AGBU Arabkir Youth Center

VISIT TO THE CHILDREN’S CREATIVE WORKS MUSEUM AGBU Yerevan Scout Council regularly organizes in- teresting and educational events and visits for the younger members of the movement. One such event was the scouts’ visit to the Museum of Children’s Crea- tive Works on November 4. The museum is rich with thousands of handmade items and paintings by children from around the world with a separate exhibit hall for Armenian children’s works. The Museum’s Dream Cor- ner and the Noah’s Ark section were especially interest- ing for the Scouts. Each scout made a wish at the Dream Corner, which, according to the museum staff, will come true. The visit made an inspiring and unforgetta- ble impression on the scouts.

Scouts Visited Museum of Children’s Creative Works

——————————————————————— AGBU Yerevan Scout Movement was established in 2008. Initially comprised of only a few members, today the movement has more than 250 members, who hold weekly meetings at the AGBU and Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Arabkir and Nork Youth Centers. They are active participants and welcomed guests at different events and celebrations in Armenia. Discipline, knowl- edge and willingness to help each other are only few of the characteristic features of the scouts. The peak of the annual activi- ties of the movement is the Andranik Scout Camp at AGBU’s private land in Lori region’s Lermontovo village, where every year AGBU Scouts from all over the world gather for an exciting and adventurous month in our Homeland.

For more information about AGBU Yerevan Scout Movement visit:


PEACE PRAYERS FOR SYRIA AGBU-AYA Komitas Chamber Orchestra of Aleppo Performed at Naregatsi Art Institute

On December 25, AGBU-AYA (Armenian Youth Association) Komitas Chamber Orchestra of Aleppo held a Christmas concert called Peace Prayers for Syria at Naregatsi Art Institute (NAI) in Yerevan. The Orchestra was founded in 2006. Comprised of 24 amateur musicians, the orchestra has performed in Syria, Lebanon and Armenia. Offering musical pieces by Armenian composers, the orchestra has familiarized the Arab audience with Komitas, Khachaturian, Spendiaryan and other compos- ers. Wanes Moubayed, a Syrian-Armenian, is the Founder and Artistic Director of the Orchestra. “This orchestra is a matter of pride for us, as there is neither a conservatory nor an orchestra, nor even a concert hall in Aleppo,” said Moubayed. Due to the current military situation in Syria, the musicians of the Orchestra are scattered in a number of countries - Lebanon, the United States, Armenia and elsewhere. In his remarks prior to the concert, Moubayed said, “Fortunately or unfortunately, AGBU-AYA Komitas Chamber Orchestra of Aleppo at NAI about 8 of the musicians of the orchestra are in Armenia. When Naregatsi Art Institute suggested we organize a Christmas concert, I was delighted with the idea, as back in Aleppo, for many years we had the tradition of performing in our churches on the New Year’s eve. Let's hope these prayers will reach God and have a favorable impact on peace building in Syria.” Wanes (Hovhannes) Moubayed, the Artistic Director of the orchestra, is a graduate of the Aleppo State Music School. He has worked as a teacher in the same school and is now the Director of that school. Six months ago, Hovhannes moved to Armenia with his family. Most of the musicians of the orchestra are also in Armenia and Christmas was a brilliant occasion to bring them together. The evening began with a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the war in Syria and with a prayer by an invited priest. The orchestra performed Christmas songs and musi- cal pieces by Vivaldi, Teleman, Bach and others. A performance by children of Anahit Tsitsikyan Music School of Aleppo concluded the concert. At the end of the concert, Nareg Hartounian, the Founding Director of Naregatsi Art Insti- tute noted that his roots take him to Aleppo, as his grandfather was a survivor of the Arme- nian Genocide reaching an orphanage in Aleppo. “Let us never forget that it was the Syrian people, who opened their doors not only for my grandfather, but for many Armenians, took care of them and hosted them in their homes. We have always been grateful to them and always will be,” said Hartounian expressing his Hovhannes Moubayed gratitude and presenting Naregatsi Art Institute symbolic gifts to the musicians.


Another unforgettable evening of classical music by the Kara- bakh Chamber Orchestra and its Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Maestro Gevork Muradyan took place on Decem- ber 24 at the Stepanakert Youth Palace. Present at the Christ- mas concert were NKR National Assembly Speaker Ashot Ghulyan, NKR Culture Minister Narine Aghabalian, NKR Education Minister Slava Asryan, other officials and guests. The program included pieces by Alexander Spendiarian, Aram Khachatryan, Avet Berberian, Giacomo Puccini, Camille Saint-Saens and others. Guest soloists Nara Farashian, Lilit Petrossian, Lilit Safaryan, Tsovinar Mnatsakanian, Alexander Vardanian, Karen Darbinian, Saribek Sargsyan and Artashes Grigoryan performed with the Orchestra. The Karabakh Chamber Orchestra was established in 2004 by the initiative of then-NKR President Arkady Ghukassian and the financial support of AGBU, which continues to this day. AGBU-Funded Karabakh Chamber Orchestra’s Christmas Concert The orchestra has played an undeniable role in the cultural development of Karabakh by performing monthly concerts in Stepanakert, which bring together thousands of lovers of classical music in the country. Page 10 AGBU ARMENIA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 23, NOVEMBER 2012 - JANUARY 2013


On January 11, AGBU and Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Children’s Centers organized a series of Christmas concerts at the Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall with the participation of more than 360 children of the Centers. The hall was packed to a standing room audience only during all three performances. The concerts were organized with the support of AGBU and His Holiness Karekin II. All three perform- ances ended in standing ovations. About 7,000 chil- dren who attended the concerts received gift sets pre- pared by Holy Etchmiadzin on the day of the concert, and also during different events and visits of the Chil- dren’s Center students to orphanages and rehabilitation centers since December 20.

Children from AGBU and Holy Etchmiadzin Youth Centers Performed Three Christmas Concerts Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin together with the Ar- menian General Benevolent Union and various philan- thropists, standing firmly with the Armenian Church, have ensured that the Children’s Centers remain open The Most Anticipated Moment of the Concert: and functional for 20 years. The Centers, in their turn, Santa Claus Enters the Hall to Give Christmas Presents take every opportunity to contribute to the benevolent projects and global mission of both the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and AGBU. In February 1993, AGBU and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin joined forces to establish three Children's Centers in Yerevan. These Centers provide art, computer, crafts, dance, gymnastics, history, language and music programs to local children after regular school hours and during the summer. All three Centers also house a chapel and host weekly church services and Bible studies. About 4,000 students, ages four to twenty-four, are enrolled in the three AGBU Children's Cen- ters of Yerevan, which are overseen by an administrative staff of over 300. Students of the AGBU Children’s Centers ac- tively and successfully participate in various festivals, exhibitions, award ceremonies, cultural and sport events.


On December 28, the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Greece hosted an award ceremony. Chairman of the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s District Committee of Greece Dik- ran Abassian was awarded with RA Diaspora Ministry's Boghos Nubar medal for his lasting devotion and contribution to the strengthening of Armenia-Diaspora ties. The award was pre- sented to Mr. Abassian by RA Ambassador to Greece Gagik Gha- lajyan.

Dikran Abassian, a key figure in the national-public life of the Armenian community of Greece, is a graduate of the AGBU Mel- konian Educational Institute of Cyprus. He is specialized in infor- mation technologies. For more than 2 decades Abassian has occu- pied the post of the Chairman of the AGBU District Committee of Greece. He has also greatly contributed to the activities of Greece's Ararat sports and cultural union and Nor Ashkhar weekly newspaper. RA Ambassador to Greece Gagik Ghalajyan Presents Boghos Nubar Medal to Dikran Abassian



In 2012, AGBU Armenia added another program to its summer youth programs. In its first year, AGBU Musical Armenia Program (MAP) welcomed 10 participants to Armenia for a summer of cultural enrichment and professional experience. They spent 3 weeks in Armenia and returned to their hometowns with unforgettable im- pressions, new feelings, richer with knowledge and experience. Below is the letter of gratitude from US-based Alene Aroustamian, one of the participants of Musical Ar- menia Program. Dear AGBU office in New York and Yerevan, I first want to apologize for writing so late. When I got back to Los Angeles in mid- August, I went to San Francisco for a singing performance for a little over a week so all my time and energy was invested in learning the music and preparing for that concert. And then immediately after I came back to LA from San Francisco, I had a job interview for which I actually got the job but I have been in orientation and prepping everyday for the last two weeks for my first official day of work this Satur- day. Long story short, this is the first chance I have had to write to you to thank you again for the wonderful experience. I hope that my quote made it over to you a little over a month ago for the press release. Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know how much I thoroughly enjoyed working with Anna Mayilyan as my voice teacher and Elen Kirakosyan as my accompanist. I learned so much from both of them in areas I never even knew existed. They both taught me so much about myself as a person, musician, artist, but most of all as an Armenian. Their love, passion, and Alene Aroustamian absolute command for such music as our treasured Armenian folk music was not only a knowledgeable experience but an inspi- rational and grounding one at that. To be so deeply immersed in the music was a gratifying experience that I would not have changed for the world. Hopefully, one day soon, I will be able to go back to our wonderful Hayastan...I would love to come back to Yerevan as soon as I possibly can - hoping to be back next summer if I can! I just loved it so much. My experiences and the people that I met have left such a positive impact in my mind and heart that my life has not been the same since I came back. I can't really put into words how grateful I am to have been a member of such a fulfilling and one-of-a-kind program this last summer and can't wait to see how far this wonderful idea blossoms. I know that it can only expand and reach new heights and for me to be able to say that I was a part of it in its first year is very special to me. Thank you again for everything you have done for me, dear, dear members of the AGBU committees and organization. Looking forward to more good times to come! Best wishes and many many thanks, Alene Aroustamian, Glendale, CA USA JOIN AGBU ARMENIA ON FACEBOOK AND YOUTUBE Get the most up-to-date news, photos & videos about what's happening! Armenia Office: Young Professionals: Scouts: Armenian Virtual College: American University of Armenia: YouTube Channel: Please be advised that in the event of any full or partial reference or citation of the texts above AGBU Armenia Newsletter must be mentioned. All rights reserved.

Established in 1906, AGBU ( is the world's largest non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City, AGBU preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs, annually touching the lives of some 400,000 Armenians around the world. ARMENIAN GENERAL BENEVOLENT UNION NEW YORK YEREVAN 55 East 59th St. 9 Alex Manoogian St. New York, NY 10022-1112 Yerevan, Armenia Phone: (212) 319 6383 Phone: (374 10) 51-22-51 [email protected] [email protected]