Nature Reviews | AOP, published online 20 August 2012; doi:10.1038/nri3280 PERSPECTIVES

survival16,17. Moreover, neuronal survival ESSAY after CNS injury can be improved in wild- type mice by an intra­venous injection Pro-cognitive properties of T cells of exogenous T cells specific for CNS- restricted self proteins, such as myelin basic

1,2 1,2 1 protein (MBP) and myelin oligodendrocyte Jonathan Kipnis , Sachin Gadani and Noël C. Derecki glycoprotein18. By contrast, neuronal sur- Abstract | Interactions between the central and the immune system vival in the injured mice was not affected have been studied primarily in the context of , popularizing the view that by an intravenous injection of T cells specific for non-CNS-restricted self anti- interplay between these two systems is inherently detrimental. However, recent gens (such as heat shock protein-derived experimental data have demonstrated productive neuroimmune interactions that peptides) or non-self proteins (such as oval- occur under normal physiological conditions. In this Essay, we outline our current bumin)18. The beneficial effect of T cells understanding of contemporary , describe a working model of specific for CNS-restricted self antigens T cell function in support of learning and memory, and offer ideas regarding the has been observed in models of optic nerve injury18,19, spinal cord contusion16,20,21 and selective advantages of immune-mediated effects on brain function. stroke22, as well as in other models of acute and chronic neurodegenerative conditions. The discipline of neuroimmunology has cholinergic signalling through the parasym- T cells have been proposed to mediate grown out of the clinical field of neuropa- pathetic nervous system from the brain to their neuroprotective effect via the produc- thology. Thus, its focus has been largely on the spleen10. tion of neurotrophins23,24, the modulation of central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory Immune cell function in the CNS has glutamate release by astrocytes and micro- diseases, such as multiple sclerosis1–6. In con- now been shown to extend beyond patho- glia25,26, the regulation of innate immunity trast to most peripheral organs, the access logical conditions. Indeed, recent data have at the site of injury27 and other, as yet unex- of blood-borne cells to the brain is largely suggested key roles for immune cells in plored, mechanisms. These data suggest that restricted. The blood–brain barrier acts as healthy brain functions, including psycho- there is a link between the neuroprotective a physical obstacle, preventing the entrance logical stress responses11, spatial learning function of T cells and their recognition of leukocytes into the brain parenchyma in and memory12,13, and adult neurogenesis14. of self antigens. However, it is still unclear the steady state7. Accordingly, it was long In this Essay, we summarize current litera- whether neuroprotective T cells that are believed that the detection of peripheral ture suggesting a role for T cells (and other spontaneously induced in vivo in response immune cells within the CNS was a hallmark immune cells) in regulating physiological to injury are indeed autoreactive and, if so, of neuropathology, and that any disrup- aspects of brain function and discuss pos- whether their antigen specificity is restricted tion of the blood–brain barrier would allow sible mechanisms underlying the beneficial to CNS antigens. unwanted immune cells to infiltrate delicate effects mediated by T cells on learning. We brain tissue, resulting in neuroinflamma- speculate on the unique anatomical loca- T cells make mice smart(er) tion and neuronal degeneration. But why tion at which these effects are mediated and As a feature of life in the wild, stress is a would the immune system, which is crucial discuss the antigenic specificity (or lack prominent part of day‑to‑day existence that for defending other tissues in the body, be thereof) of these ‘pro-cognitive’ T cells. can be associated with securing food and restricted from perhaps the most important shelter, finding a mate, or almost any other organ of all? The answer generally given is T cells protect neurons from degeneration evolutionarily driven requirement. As an that the danger of catastrophic inflammation Acutely injured neurons in the CNS inevi- organism that deals appropriately with stress in neural tissue is too great. tably die, triggering the death of neigh- is at an advantage in terms of survival, this In reality there is abundant communica- bouring neurons that were uninjured by feature is likely to be evolutionarily ‘selected’ tion between the immune system and the the initial insult. This spread of damage is for, with the organisms that are most resil- CNS. For example, intraperitoneal injection termed secondary degeneration15. Animals ient to stress being the fittest to survive. of pro-inflammatory cytokines was shown that are devoid of an adaptive immune A role for immune cells in stress resil- to generate CNS-mediated sickness behav- system have accelerated secondary degen- ience has been demonstrated in a mouse iour, which could be blocked by vagus nerve eration compared with wild-type counter­ model of post-traumatic stress disorder transection8. Similarly, direct stimulation parts, resulting in decreased neuronal (PTSD), in which mice are exposed to a of the peripheral vagus nerve was demon- survival after CNS injury. Repopulation predator odour that induces a long-lasting strated to downregulate systemic inflam- of immune-deficient animals with T cells stress response reminiscent of PTSD in mation9 and, most recently, macrophages from wild-type donors reduces secondary humans. In this model, it was shown that and T cells were shown to be relay points in degeneration and thus improves neuronal severe combined immunodeficient (SCID)


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mice and nude (T cell-deficient) mice were Using the Morris water maze — a classic reversed 2 weeks after injection with sple- more likely to develop PTSD than their wild- assay of spatial learning and memory in nocytes from wild-type mice12–14,32. Similar type counterparts11,28,29. Reconstitution of which animals must find an underwater results were obtained following the depletion SCID mice with CD3+ T cells isolated from platform on the basis of extra-maze cues of T cells using CD4‑specific antibodies, wild-type donors ameliorated the overactive (FIG. 1) — initial studies indeed demonstrated but not when CD8‑specific antibodies were stress response. Moreover, when the T cell that SCID mice are severely impaired in used33,34. These results indicate that CD4+ response was boosted in wild-type mice by the acquisition of this task compared with T cells are involved (directly or indirectly) in vaccination with a myelin-derived peptide, wild-type controls12,13. These results were learning behaviour. the long-term pathological response to stress recapitulated using different strains of was further diminished11,28,29. These results immunocompromised mice, as well as using Pro-cognitive T cells: the location suggest that T cells can actively mediate an biological (antibody-mediated) and pharma­ From the time that T cells were first sug- improved response to stress. cological methods to deplete T cells (see gested to have a positive effect on learning Most learning experiences in either below). behaviour12, one of the principal questions experimental settings or in daily life contain Importantly, restoration of the immune has been to determine where their functional a component of stress. Although acute stress compartment of nude or SCID mice through effects occur. T cells are rarely detected in has been suggested by some to improve task the adoptive transfer of splenocytes from the brain parenchyma of naive or trained acquisition if the particular stress is relevant wild-type donors resulted in improved mice. However, it is possible that T cells do to the task, task-irrelevant acute stress and, learning behaviour, whereas splenocyte pop- penetrate the CNS parenchyma, but only in in particular, chronic stress have been largely ulations that were depleted of T cells did not very small numbers and for short time peri- shown to be detrimental, as measured by have this effect12–14,32. Furthermore, chimeric ods, rendering them virtually undetectable assays of both memory and neurogenesis30,31. mice that were generated using bone mar- by available technology. The effect of T cells Therefore, we hypothesized that immune- row from SCID mice (and therefore lacked on the CNS might also be mediated via solu- deficient mice with a maladaptive response functional T cells) were markedly impaired ble cytokines that are released into the circu- to stress would also exhibit learning in the Morris water maze test compared lation. This raises the issue of the variability impairments. with control mice. This learning deficit was of blood–brain barrier permeability and how

Extra-maze cues

Hidden platform

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Acquisition


Day 5 Day 5 Day 6 Probe Reversal Figure 1 | A schematic representation of the Morris water maze. The distance travelled by the mice to reach the hidden platform and the time Morris water maze is a hippocampus-dependent spatial learning task. taken to reach the platform (that is, the latency) are measured with com- Mice are introduced individually into a pool that is 1 m in diameter and puterized equipment. After 4 days of acquisition,Nature Reviews the | platformImmunology is filled with opaque water (non-toxic paint). There is a hidden platform just removed, and the mice are introduced to a single ‘probe’ trial (measuring beneath the surface of the water, and extra-maze cues are spread memory) in which the time spent in the original platform quadrant of the throughout the room to allow the mouse to learn the platform location pool is measured. During the next 2 days (the ‘reversal’ portion of the with respect to visuospatial cues. The ‘acquisition’ portion of the task task), the platform is returned to the pool, but to a location opposite to (that is, the portion in which learning is measured) consists of four trials the original one. Four trials per day are performed to measure the ability per day of 60 second duration (or until the platform is found) with of the mice to relearn the modified task; this ability is an indication of 5 minute intervals. On day 1 (usually after 60 seconds of failure to find the memory plasticity. After 2 days of reversal, a ‘visible’ trial is performed, platform), mice are placed on the platform and are allowed to stay there wherein the platform is clearly visible, to ensure that basic behaviour in for 20 seconds. During subsequent trials and days of acquisition, the the water is comparable between strains (not shown).


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a Normal cognitive function b Impaired cognitive function

Skin Periosteum Skull Dura mater Arachnoid mater

Subarachnoid space T cell containing CSF B cell Macrophage DC Pia mater Mast cell Granulocyte

Brain parenchyma

Figure 2 | T cell-competent and T cell-deficient meningeal spaces (DCs), macrophages, mast cells and granulocytes — are found within and their effects on learning behaviour. a | The meninges are a multi­ the subarachnoid space. Access from bloodNature vessels Reviews to the | Immunology meningeal partite membrane structure composed of the dura mater, which is in spaces requires cells to penetrate through the blood–meningeal barrier contact with the skull, the arachnoid mater and the pia mater, which is (not shown). In the presence of meningeal T cells, the phenotype of in contact with the brain parenchyma. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), within meningeal myeloid cells is kept ‘in check’, and normal cognitive func- which the majority of meningeal immune cells reside, flows between tion is ensured. b | In the absence of T cells, the meningeal myeloid cells the arachnoid mater and the pia mater in the subarachnoid space. acquire a pro-inflammatory phenotype, which interferes with learning Meningeal immune cells — including B cells, T cells, dendritic cells behaviour. this influences the possibility of a peripheral involved in the ability of T cells to patrol the loss of T cells in immunocompromised mice (systemic) T cell effect. healthy brain. would be likely to affect other immune cells So, if the T cell effect is not mediated in We have recently demonstrated that the that are resident in the meninges. Indeed, the parenchyma, what other options exist? performance of cognitive tasks by mice is in the absence of T cells it was recently An alternative location to consider as the accompanied by a sustained increase in shown that meningeal myeloid cells acquire site of a T cell-mediated effect on learn- T cell numbers in the meningeal spaces, a pro-inflammatory phenotype. These ing behaviour is at the ‘boundaries’ of the and that these T cells exhibit an activated pro-inflammatory myeloid cells produce brain, namely the multipartite meningeal phenotype32,45. Treatment of mice with an cytokines such as interleukin‑1β (IL‑1β), structures35. These structures comprise the antibody specific for the integrin VLA4 IL‑12 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF), all leptomeninges, the choroid plexus and the (which blocks T cell transmigration) or with of which have been previously shown to neg- perivascular spaces, all of which are bathed FTY720 (which traps T cells in the lymph atively affect brain function when provided in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (FIG. 2). Human nodes) resulted in a substantial decrease peripherally or intracerebroventricularly49,50. CSF — by some estimates — contains as in the numbers of T cells in the meningeal What leads to this pro-inflammatory skew many as 5 × 105 T cells36,37 and, in mice, spaces and impaired Morris water maze in the phenotype of meningeal myeloid T cells can be routinely retrieved from performance32,45. The localized reduction cells is unknown, but one possibility is that thoroughly perfused meningeal prepar­ in T cell numbers as a result of such treat- endogenous molecules associated with stress ations32,35. Most CSF T cells in humans are ments and concomitant impaired learning underlie this response. CD45RO+ memory T cells, and these cells suggest that T cells mediate their effects on The danger model proposed by are proposed to patrol the brain boundaries learning via the CSF and meningeal spaces Matzinger in 1994 (REF. 51) posits that for pathogens38 while retaining the ability to (FIG. 2); however, further evidence is needed trauma- or pathogen-mediated tissue dam- return to the lymph nodes, as suggested by to substantiate this. age results in the release of innate signals their expression of CC‑chemokine recep- that direct a strong immune response. tor 7 (CCR7) and L‑selectin36,39. Separated Pro-cognitive T cells: mechanism of action Extending this model, we propose that from the parenchyma by the pia mater, these In an attempt to understand the contribution learning-associated stress and brain activ- T cells are uniquely positioned to affect and of T cells to learning behaviour, we asked ity may release mediators that direct the be affected by the brain. whether T cells actively benefit the brain or immune response to assume a ‘protective’ Although it is not well understood how whether their presence is necessary to arrest role. To this end, we propose that there is a T cells migrate into and out of the CSF in processes that are detrimental to brain func- brain-derived set of molecular cues that is the healthy brain, the migration of immune tion. In other words, is the T cell-mediated analogous to the set of damage-associated cells across brain boundaries has been inten- beneficial effect on learning behaviour direct molecular patterns (DAMPs). These cues sively studied in the inflamed CNS35,40–42, or indirect? would be released not as a result of overt for example in experimental autoimmune Numerous types of immune cell — damage, but rather during any condition encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model including B and T cells, granulocytes, wherein the fine physiological balance of of multiple sclerosis35,38,43,44. Several routes macrophages, mast cells and dendritic cells the CNS is altered by salient learning- or have been described for T cell migration — reside within the meningeal structures stress-associated stimuli. Such stimuli could into the CNS38, all of which might also be of the brain32,35,46–48 (FIG. 2), and therefore the be either ‘positive’, as in the case of appetitive


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Cholinergic or Brain-derived catecholaminergic nerve molecular cues Neuropeptide Meninges Neurotransmitter Myelin and neural debris Lymph Deep cervical lymph node Brain parenchyma PRR

Astrocyte Macrophage

Microglial cell ?

T cell Neuron Myelin sheath Pro-cognitive function

Figure 3 | Brain-derived molecular cues and their targets. A brain that neuropeptides can interact with different immuneNature Reviews cells directly | Immunology through is ‘alert’ as a result of performing cognitive tasks or undergoing minor stress their specific receptors expressed on the immune cells. Molecular patterns produces numerous molecular mediators that signal to meningeal immune such as myelin and neuronal debris possibly activate meningeal myeloid cells, the draining lymph nodes and possibly also lymph node-resident cells via pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs), as well as being processed neural cells. These molecular mediators include myelin and neural by antigen-presenting cells (in the meninges or in the draining lymph debris, neuro­transmitters and neuropeptides. Neurotransmitters and nodes), leading to the activation of antigen-specific T cells. or psychological rewards, or ‘negative’, as in in particular, is associated with spikes in the dopamine was also shown to directly induce the case of fear-based conditioning using circulating levels of these catecholamines. the selective secretion of either TNF or IL‑10 aversive stimuli such as foot shocks. The It has been shown that, following injury, by human T cells, depending on the specific cues induced by these stimuli could include vagus nerve activity leads to the release of dopamine receptors that were engaged58. molecular patterns shed by neurons and/ the immunomodulatory neurotransmit- The finding that dopaminergic signalling or glial cells — for example, myelin debris ter acetylcholine in the spleen, thereby through β‑adrenoceptors in dendritic cells — and/or canonical neuron-derived signal- inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory suppresses the production of IL‑12 (REF. 59) ling molecules, such as neurotransmitters cytokines by splenic myeloid cells express- suggests that T cells activated by these and neuropeptides. When released from the ing the appropriate receptors10,52. Although dendritic cells would be skewed towards a brain into CSF or blood, these molecular this phenomenon has been well studied, T helper 2 (TH2)-type phenotype and IL‑4 patterns and neurotransmitters could serve it remained a paradox that the nerves ter- production. as a trigger for meningeal myeloid cells, lym- minating in the spleen did not themselves In addition to the antigen-independent phocytes, mast cells and dendritic cells to produce acetylcholine, but rather the cat- activation of T cells by signalling molecules assume a pro-cognitive agenda (FIG. 3). echolamine adrenaline. Surprisingly, a small such as neurotransmitters and neuro­ Several neurotransmitters — including but significant population of splenic mem- peptides, molecular cues may drain into the acetylcholine and the catecholamine fam- ory T cells was shown to be the key local deep cervical lymph nodes and be processed ily members adrenaline, noradrenaline and producer of the acetylcholine, suggesting by lymph node antigen-presenting cells and dopamine — are well-described players that T cells are the final link in this neuro­ presented to resident T cells (FIG. 4). The phe- in both the propagation and resolution of immune chain, termed the ‘inflammatory notype of the T cells that respond to these immune responses (reviewed in REF. 52). The reflex’ (REFS 10,52). molecular cues will, based on our hypoth- thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow and The neurotransmitter dopamine has also esis, dictate the phenotype of the meningeal spleen are all innervated by cholinergic and received attention for having a substantial innate immune response. catecholaminergic fibres53. Although neuro- immunomodulatory function. Analogous to transmitter signalling is typically thought of the example involving acetylcholine, it was A pro-cognitive cytokine: IL‑4 in terms of the synapses found in the CNS shown that lymphocytes produce dopamine After mice perform learning and memory and peripheral nervous system, it has also themselves, which suggests the possibil- tasks, the activated T cells found in their been established that neurotransmitters ity of dopaminergic autocrine regulation56. meningeal spaces express high levels of released by neurons into the non-synaptic Dopamine signalling through the D1 and IL‑4 (REF. 32). Furthermore, the learning extracellular space propagate signals over D5 receptors in regulatory T cells was shown behaviour of Il4−/− mice is substantially considerable distances via high-affinity to attenuate the suppressive properties of impaired compared with that of wild-type neurotransmitter receptors54,55. Immune cells these cells, and thus possibly functions as mice, and this effect can be reversed by the express a wide range of receptors for adrena- an immune ‘emergency brake release’ in the injection of wild-type T cells but not Il4−/− line, noradrenaline and dopamine. Stress, case of stress or tissue injury57. Intriguingly, T cells32. Both wild-type and Il4−/− T cells


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a Cognitive task performance b Infection

Brain-derived molecular cues PAMP Neuropeptide PRR Neurotransmitter DAMP Myelin and IL-4 neural debris M2 macrophage M1 macrophage

TNF, IL-1β, IL-12

Astrocyte Meninges Microglial cell T cell


Brain parenchyma

IL-4-producing Pro-inflammatory T cell T cell

Lymph node


Figure 4 | A model for the physiological recall of T cells to support anti-inflammatory state. b | In the presence of a pathogen, the draining learning behaviour versus a response to a pathogen. a | We propose lymph nodes receive signals from pathogen-associated molecular patterns that, under physiological conditions, cognitive task performance or minor (PAMPs) and/or damage-associated molecularNature patterns Reviews (DAMPs), | Immunology which stress results in the release of brain-derived molecular cues from the ‘alert’ dominate the T cell response regardless of the presence of the brain- brain that trigger a specific T cell response, predominantly resulting in the derived molecular cues. Consequently, pro-inflammatory T cells are production of interleukin‑4 (IL‑4). IL‑4‑producing T cells are also recalled recalled to the meninges to fight off pathogens, meningeal myeloid cells from the draining deep cervical lymph nodes to the meningeal spaces and adopt an M1, pro-inflammatory state and cognitive function is impaired. maintain meningeal myeloid cells (depicted as macrophages) in an M2, PRR, pattern-recognition receptor; TNF, tumour necrosis factor. that were transferred to SCID mice were behaviour. Indeed, they suggest that, in the Pro-cognitive T cells: antigenic specificity shown to reach and populate meningeal absence of T cells (or IL‑4), meningeal mye- To begin tackling the issue of the antigen spaces within 2–3 weeks. In fact, SCID loid cells respond to molecular cues from specificity of pro-cognitive T cells, T cell mice that received Il4−/− T cells had higher the alerted brain in a pro-inflammatory receptor (TCR)-transgenic mice were numbers of T cells in the meningeal spaces manner and that the resulting meningeal examined for learning and memory defects. after 2–3 weeks compared with SCID mice environment contributes to the impairment Mice bearing CD4+ T cells that express a that received wild-type T cells32. After these of learning. TCR specific for ovalbumin exhibit learning mice performed the Morris water maze task, However, IL‑4 may also have a direct impairments, whereas mice bearing CD4+ meningeal myeloid cells in SCID mice that beneficial effect on learning behaviour, as T cells specific for the CNS autoantigen received Il4−/− T cells exhibited a skewed, IL‑4 has been shown to induce astrocytic MBP exhibit a learning ability equal to or pro-inflammatory phenotype (that is, an M1 expression of brain-derived neurotrophic even superior to that of wild-type controls14. phenotype), whereas a balanced cytokine factor (BDNF)32, which is crucial for cogni- These data could be interpreted to suggest response by meningeal myeloid cells was tive task acquisition60–63. Thus, in addition to that autoreactive T cells similar to those observed in SCID mice injected with wild- maintaining the M2 phenotype of meningeal shown to be protective following CNS injury type T cells32. Furthermore, the injection of myeloid cells, IL‑4 could directly mediate an (see above) are necessary for normal learn- SCID mice with autologous bone marrow- improvement in learning behaviour via the ing and memory. However, this interpreta- derived macro­phages that were skewed upregulation of BDNF expression by neural tion could be an oversimplification, as the towards an M2 phenotype improved learning cells. The contributions of these individual data represent only two transgenic strains behaviour45. pathways to learning, as well as the contribu- of mice. The activation status of the T cells, These results support an indirect mode tions of other possible targets of IL‑4, still rather than their antigenic specificity, might of T cell-mediated support of learning need to be fully addressed. instead be key. Indeed, activated T cells


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are undetectable in mice with ovalbumin- that are recognized by Toll-like receptors or 4. Korn, T. et al. Myelin-specific regulatory T cells accumulate in the CNS but fail to control autoimmune + specific CD4 T cells, as the epitope that they other pattern-recognition receptors (FIG. 4). inflammation. Nature Med. 13, 423–431 (2007). recognize is not present in mice, whereas An infection-associated non-self response 5. Ponomarev, E. D., Veremeyko, T., Barteneva, N., Krichevsky, A. M. & Weiner, H. L. MicroRNA‑124 activated T cells are constantly present in would probably take precedence over a promotes microglia quiescence and suppresses EAE mice with MBP-specific T cells, because ‘benign-self’ response and could offer an by deactivating macrophages via the C/EBP-α–PU.1 pathway. Nature Med. 17, 64–70 (2011). their cognate antigen is constitutively explanation for the cognitive impairment 6. Lanz, T. V. et al. 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