THE NEW YORK HERALD. MORNING MAY 1863- WHOLE NO." 7439 EDITION-.THURSDAY, 5> PRICE TWO CENTS. V. BY 8. Senator tor Rhode bUnd. tardy tod inefficient manner in which the mails NEWS TELEGRAPH. AKKITAL OF Tl£ EMPIRE CITY. «m»e hare for LNtnn of Fitktr T A MEETING Or THE EMPLOYES IN THE Or Fm-vriDBiCK, Ihj 4.P. M. tine part been conveyed between Halifax and Ber¬ Samxl on "Th«Ufeui4 or Edward O. Jenkins, tt «u A from muda; and there in no doubt that the Thnciof PIm May 4th, 1863, uainl ooum of n.»nn>- Burn despatch Newport states that Philip, Afl«n «tl for the government will H." SuatAmc Oman, Anotker off Hith ln Cato*. require future from the contractors a bettor ful¬ A lecture on a Ree/lved.That we hereby tender oar thank* to a*d chosen United Seaator in the plaoe ef John H. Clarke to¬ Cugo U."-*- filment of tbe tenon of this abject was delivered to ¦¦ (or thei oourteoof outjm- Wo. 208 BnuiviT. la* their agreement Tlie Merlin arri¬ of .tudienee fcloyer and unconditional manner in whloh without The movement vu sooner 8p.n Views ofMr. Scale's ved here on the and left the same between Ave end six hundred fee has aooeded to the Male adopted by the New York Prln- day opposition. than Appointment, 14th, da* for Bt. Thoma*. persona last night, is Co o^ratlve Union, and the liberal She will be due here again in a day or two. Metropolitan Hull. Father Gtrtal commenced evinced% the spirit wichhehM ftniieipated. 4c»» Ac»i by stat¬ during dlaeueeion of the matter. nrrBEBSTIHO FROM WASHINGTON ing that hi* two laat lectures in this would be of thla meeting be pabllih- Connecticut on city gir«a td in the wlil"*4Tribune tfc®1P'o««*« Interesting from Mexico. Friday and Saturday night; and then **. THE MXSBAOI OF 00T. SEYMOUR, ETC. United State* steamship Empire * proceeded to - J-BROSHAN, Preiideat. City, Captain u . it. ANNA.THE AFFAIR OF GOV. LANE AND THI speak substantially as follows:.The first J. Mott, JM1 NEW YOMPO. HARTVoan, llay Wendle, arrived from New Orleans and ** OF what question is, Fooarty, > Committee. 4,1853. yesterdayHoming, VAl.l a TUK M. KA013SKL BOCLBOB ts l'ius IX.V lie Is a man. J.y»-£-W. The thia Stat* Assembled la this thia Havana. She arrived at Havana to the 28th st 4 ALBONI. take although some people EitiGa, > LegialatUll fit city alt, A. M. AOAIN.I'KKBY him for an angel. U a few ' and left at 1 F. game words, he U a priest an« and shoemakers.we, the men in the Menage of Got. Seymour to the Conneetient morning. It, day. We ha*e received £<.. Cf J®uh*U from Mexico aa late has been a prl<*t. What shall he be? employ of Mr. Bleeeker deem it that The Senate m the We aze Indebted to Mr. R. the A priest. What Boot Preneh, street, just orgttitrM by ippotntifiifft of Hon. Craig, ptarser of the Em¬ aa the new. in Hl5nA, r'. ** telegraph do you mfan when you he is a we make it known to the public that we bare obtained of Legislature. Daniel B of for published yeetet >*'» say prlest-a lUwau Ca¬ Jlr. French an advance or wage* satisfactory to u«. We, Warner, the JHfleteenth district, as presi¬ pire City, late intelligence and papers. from El 10th tholic priest? for that all follow the ex- Baltimore. Unitertal Nothing guod.all for evil. therefore, hope manniaeturera will dent, pro tern., and Julius L. Strong, of Bolton, as clerk. The pasneakers of the Empire City report that the Suota Anna ar- to a Speaking mmple *o nobly set. He baa likewise given the names of all UEW P. 8. April, the day previons to that on whio l" friend, he said to me, In reference to Plus: 11 Bli or much to SENATOR FOB RHODE ISLAND. The Houae was the Choice of W. W. alaving bark had succeeded near My men, with their places objected organized by Eaton, tAAj Suffolk, ln[landing, rived at the of whi«h evt^ W0 kave brother Isa priest, and as he has a little ly other employers. We call on all men working for similar of Hartford, for and Rolaod of the to the arrival of the capital, interesting very mind, so kosoes, to come rorward and make the like demand. Signed, Speaker, Hltchcosk, Win¬ Matanzas, day previous steamer, therefoie do details. you will see a very bad ' and Gilbert a of si* hondred Pontfidato, because, when there on behalf of the . IuMchHH(ti Constitutional chester, of clerks. cargo slaves. It will be recoltarted that shopmen. JAMES Convention, Phillips, Woodateek, El Cniverial ataten thai it has been assured tha* the it not a balance between heart and the XcMATH, President. The appointments, of course, are all democratic. the departure of this vessel from for the eeast of mind, result U Wst. Cam, Secretary. Ac. Ac. &o. Cuba, government bae named Sonor Santa Anna captain-genera' bad." And so we had a very bad Pont/Aeiate? The tree In the afternoon Governor Seymour delivered his an¬ Africa, canned much talk son e time back. She was trail* flARYER WANTED.IN A FIRST CLASS RESTAU at, of the army and navy, with absolute powers in everything sovereign# in the Komaa State is Cardinal Antonelli and mj rant. Must hare a thorough knowledge of the busl- The Latest from Wukiogton. nual message. He represents the financial condition of and sailed from, Baltimore, with aa American captain and the relating thereto1, and it Is naM that his salary for such the Ambassadors of Awttia and liorarts: and now Bess, and understand English language. Address, THE FOREIGN MISSIONS NOT YET DISPOSES OF. the State as in a flourishing with a of crew, on her arrival In were a¦ad vtatlng where he can be seen, C. C. Brown, Herald office. condition, surplus who, Coba, discharged, employment is asttgaed at a thensand detfars per month. we have a fouitli, BarM Rothaciild. It is LAROE NUMBER OF POST OFFICE APPOINTMENTS $50,000 in the treasury, and recommends the reduction of replaced by ¦ Spanish and crew, and after true FOR captain shortly A mepteager had been sent Seior Lombardini twPaebla tlat Pius 12. gained considerable NOTICE..THE MEMBERS OF THE NEW TORE, ETC. the State tax. The income of the school fund sailed for Africa. Some were by refutation by his Private Coachmen's Protective Union are during proceedings taken there to inform Santa Anna- of this political ai.tdetfty, but you Americans know COACHMEN'S Society here¬ sracut ooRJUtsroNDKKCi or the new tobk iikrald. nomination The Cmtenal of the c»n«r of nothing by notified that the first regular meeting will be held this the past year was 9136,000, and the amount of dividend against Capt. Gray, her former commander, who, with his it. lie had protninod this am¬ evening, May 5, at 8 o'clook, at Yauxhall Garden. slates, editorially, that it cannot credit the farcical pro¬ nesty becaui>c he knew it was the of Bowery, Wahuinoton, M»y 4.8 P. M. per scholar was $1 35. He recommends the establish¬ men, was arrested, but they resulted in o»iy means by lot the transaction important business. All private nothing. ject, becauie it appear) too repugnant to the dignity of which be coul4' retain his thrice. It taa a coachmen wishing to become members are respectfully in¬ In consequence of tbe absence of the Secretary of War, ment of bigher public semiuarieB of The IHario dt la Marina devotee three eitMorial <>en. which he to toributo attend. learning, ap¬ articles, Santa Anna. Tbe shrcumstaLCCs in whicb the pub*- paid was not a cited to R. WELSH, President. 6ol. Davis, who U confined to hli no definite action proves tho establishment of the State Reform !n lie is act. The 8rst of a voluntary F. Katahaqh, Secretary. room, and its issues of the 22d, 23d and 24th of April, to the dis¬ placed, it continues, are too scienin to psrmit the poBev- Pope, before he U crowned, la waa had to the cabinet the School, recommends a fuither appropriation inauguration of u new to commence with a to perform some benevolent uct * da/ by upon foreign appoint¬ of 926,000. He the Free law cussion of the appointment of Mr. Soule as United States gevernrnent and he accordingly WANTED TO ENGRAYE ment*. Tbe was says Banking ef furce We ar» tuo much interested in the honor of (Sen. granted the amnosty. iJut us this xras with TjlNGRAYERSto oonitant JEWELRY, subject however freely discussed. With the last session has worked well, and lecommends the Miniiter at Madrid. In its first the Diario statas Kanta Anna to all on their cuiUmary XLi whom employment and good waxes will bo most article, not raise ou.* voice in opposition to what¬ Popes enounce to power, the Romans le- Apply to GEORGE A. HAYNES, room lii Western the exception of three important missions I telegraphed searching Investigation into the affairs of the two its belief that, Mr. Soule's antecedents, ever might degjado him, an! we auk hi* to coi.sii1»r his gaided'it silently. Desiring, however, to the ej**",-Hotel, Cortlandt street. banks which bave failed. He advises some le¬ notwithstanding of the gain ap- you about tot week, nothing has yet been determined recently he will conduct himself to the best position, being as he is the object on which are fixed the ptan-e people, he JM not stop here, he was urged gislation to check the amount of circulation of tbe old according diplomatic ejes of the wlule which will teo the announce¬ to do ntill morn by (ho svu of carpenters upon the President. So as ti nation, jettons Home <>t liUfrienla. wanted-four good definitely by far the other chartered banks, and the passage of a law to pievent the editions, and asks, him to recollect and profit by the ment of hit* destiny in his first public acts. In tt Is, however, ho was not sincere, .V he Bousehands, Immediately, at 44 Rutgers street. are Issue fit fractional thinks the would be Hip secret afterwards, foreign appointments concerned, all tbe statements bills; country be¬ examples of the treatment of Mr. De Salvandy and Sir proclamation of Governor I/ine, of New Mexico, by means, attempted to render It useless. He sue of tbe nefitted by striking out of existence all bills of a donorai- and of Gov. Trias, of Chihuahua, the ot° eeeded l>y th».-» show in all wanted.fifty miners, for the chances of different individuals for missions, na'ion less than Edward Lytton Bulwer. We continues.the respecting valley gaining hearts. *">r the people did Minersmines of the North Carolina Copper Company. Apply and 95, ami sa>s that the property of the Mesilla. aie di.-iusstd by a3 The Mexican papers. not see throuhh the double part.he played. To his de¬ nt the office, No. TO Beaver street. chargeships, consulates, are more guessei or feelers stockholders of banks should be liable for the debts of go\ ernn.ent of the Anglo-American republic too much The Monitor ceit it is to prove the BepuWcttno .We believe, in this case, only necessary show what he did. I was tn thrown out by the interested parties. Certainly no inti¬ institutions. He thinks that many of the accidents not to credit its recent legal and friendly declarations, that, from the t'flluial character o? the person who inikc prii-on once by or oro- thing wax known of me or my fate, but ufter teu days instruction. Small wages will be expeoted. Address a note will continue to do so. Many of the important appoint¬ Soule U European by birth and education, al we believe (jouiicod in favor of Americun invasion, under the advice when ii became known where I wan. my friends procured toO. W., Herald office. MILITARY BALLS IN HONOR OF OOV. SEYMOCB. of one Micanoc Yareia and other all to my xeleose. This was the pontifical the ments so far have been of persons who were not even ap¬ be was sufficiently grown when the political vicissitudes inhabitants, ready laith, iufallioie HAT MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY, ETO. foreswear iheir Mexican nationality, to range themselves promise of l'ius the IX. In ht>i drank, and everything parsed of? finely. The it is no* imposiible to diBCOvor In the speeches and opin¬ Mexicans are planned by rumors of a fresh in¬ temporal monarch. Some of the people abstained ate a at vasion of meditated from not rnO PRINTERS..WANTED, A PRACTICAL PRINTER, the strongest against him, the of send¬ Liyht Guard giving ball, w'ulch tlie Governor is ions of the ex-Senator of Louisiana, and present dlplo Sonoia, by the redoubtable Count voting, knowing Latin, and believing that J. to an interest in an old established job showing necessity alfo in attendance. It in a splendid affair. de Ranusret Boulbon. The of the of 41a- Pius quoted from tbe Council of Tient in what be purchase office, new man Captains and tastes of Captain port doing a good business. Apply between 12 and 1 o'clock, at ing BOme there, who, by living in tbe United Carr and Slocomb, of Washington, Capt Massy and Col. matibt, many vestiges the European democ. zatlan hut. addressed a communication on the subject to (aid relating to the taking of his patrlmooy. Other*, the bookstore, 884 Pearl street. A job compositor wanted. States, has kept up with Amerieanlfeeling and sentiment. Muthewson, of Khodelfland, Major Hartly, of New York lacy, very cifferent, certainly, in form, and even in sub- the Governor and Comumndant Genera) of Sinaloa, stat¬ who knew Latin and taw through the deceptioa did vote. Apply as above, same hour. and other distinguished gentlemen, are present. There stance, fiom those which his Anglo American co religion- ic# that, by the English brig Tresiphina, from San This is another proof of the double of Pias IX. The agony as to the New York Post Offices i* It ha* bt en said the dealing TINSMITHS AND THREE nearly are tone 600 persons at the ball of the Light Guard. istn profess. But be that as it may, the substance still 1'ianci-co, he had received positive information that that prie»ts led tbe ueople in the re- PLUMBERS..WANTED, over, all but seven of the Presidential offices been Mr. the Governor's and are aNo subsists." Count Raoufset dc Boulbon was in that an vilution; but I pay it is a lie; there war© TO or four first-rate workmen in each of the abovo capaci¬ having Irving, Eecietary, lady, raising, city, sc.who vurj few wh* ties. Men of sober and industrious habits, and fully eompe- filled to day, as follows in attendance, and giving, with others, great zest to the Further on it says:.At the first word that the new expedition against the Mate of Sonora. eomponed of 1,600 did sided with the people ia tbeir struggles for at Rea & 48 Cortlandt street. occasion. In this is the of the In to 1.500 n on ttat he had at his two aid slunk away liae tent, may apply Pollock's, POSTMASTERS IX NEW TORE- fact, inauguration greatest af¬ representative United States Madrid may utter already disposal liberty independence, fliey cow- Batavia fair ever seen in Connecticut, and all on account of its respecting negotiations for the purchase of the island of shins, and that he would soon set sail for Guavma. aids, aad refuted to stand by them. Hue aUo accused, mo COACH PAINTERS..WANTED, A FIRST-RATE William Seaver. being the last inauguration of So other Go¬ Cuts. ana the energetic coldness of the rrpulse he will Ihe Universal expresses its fe*rs that this time the the republicans of denying the last sucrmnent to the A mechanic. Good wages and steady employment. Also, LeRoy A. T. Drake. Seymour. Stnora authorities the Kemans at the of his This ^ a trimmer. at coach V7 and Albion vernor can get up ore equal to it. receive, he would acquire the conviction ot how wild and may favor project of Haousset. dying siege city. U a tie, for I good Inquire Coopcr'i factory, H. J. Sickles. visl> a Mad lie had made her the am now in because with own 90. Charles street. A. nary such project is. The unanimity of sentiment Krery delmt at National exile, my bauds I udrai- Lockport Torrance. Alabama State Democratic Convention. in this coun'ry is, in this mutter, amazing and if any theatre, hut wi'thi.ut attracting mucU attention. niateted it to my brave brethren who di'jd fighting ia de¬ "OTAITERS MEMBERS OF THE UNION ARE RE¬ Canandalgua A. O. Cheeseboro. mau ot e«eu had been in train to induce Alboni to fence of their He said that I had; no Geneva 8. 3.1853. public Spain should be wanting in national Negotiations put city authority to- TT quested to attend the regular monthly meeting, at H Parker. Montgomery, May intiUnct.a pure im|iossllilllty.his own self respeet. and go to, but her demauds were considered too ex- give the sacrament to the dving, al'iiough I had been, Grand Street IlalL 02 Thv.r:J&y evening, Any 6. Don't Penn Tan L. G. res. The Democratic State Convention has nominated John f rbitant to the d' blessed Pius AaU to W. S. HAMILTON. Ay tegbrd for his nunie and existence, -would prevent him According Trail Union-, the great can- particulaily by himself, and invested with attend. By order, Seneca Falls J. T. Miller. as to bis weakness Interest and tatrice a of ten thousand dol¬ the nteesi-ary authority to perform that He * Anthony Winston their candidate for Governor of Ala¬ giving publicity honor. required monthly 'alary duty. alao> Danbviile. Mr. Brown. wlilcli weigh still heavier ln the balance.dictate to us lars, travelling expenses' going a*'d returning, for three insulted our heroic women who tended the sio* and THE PHCENIX GOLD COMPANY OF Auburn Elmore Koss. bama. the of ten wounded in the ht In WANTED-BYNorth Carolina..Forty miners and a manager are im- to defend resolutely the integrity ot our territory. rrr.-ons, pajw»»nt tnousand dollars in hand be¬ apitals compllaooe with my requeat, tnediately wanted, the manager to receive tit per month. He Ithaca Arthurs. Johnson. In its third article, the Diario troatB the matter more fore leading tee United States, and the further payment six thousand of these noble women promised to attend Should Lave been bred in early life to underground work la Owego Hiram A. Bt>*be. Wilmington, (Del.), Mayoralty. and that the of of a month in advance on her arrival. them, and they did so, were like acoounts. lightly says:.We suppose nomination They good angels, help¬ Cornish mines, and be capaLlt of keeping Apply Oswego Samuel R. Beardsley. Wilmington, Del, May 4,1853. Mr. Soule Is reduced to the mere concession of a Ihn government of Chihualiu* hug prorogued, for one ing our poor soldiers so meek, no benevolent and Jbefbre the 10th inst. at No. C6 Wall street, te H. gvod mete ihaj Downing. Syracuse Henry J- Sedgwick. Ibe wliigs yesterday elected their candidate, John A. po.-t for a political friend, who is in nted of it. and who ;>ear, the concessions made tc M. flippolyte da Pasquier called by Pius IX. six thousand prostitutes. A-ou«e, ^MILITARY .WANTED, A COMPLETE SET OK HORSE Ogdensburg Luke Bald *in of this by 160 nad worked with ardor in the recent election campaign, de lHinmattin relative :o colonization ana railroads. American lsdtes, shd throw ofl this stain on the fair fame XU equipments, suitable for a staff officer. Address Offi¬ Rome Andrew J. Lowrsy. Allderdice, Mayor city, majority. for which he deserved a rewurd to the [Kri.m the Now Orleans Picayune, April 17.] of vour bisters of Rome. (Tromendrus nppKu^e > Wuen Utica Isaiah according ways IX. fi om Iloc cer, Herald office. Tiffany. From Boston. and custom* of that ecuntiy. Such is the signification The last advices from Yucatan, receivod at the city of l'ius fled e, he himself was accompanied by Little Falls. U. M Johnson. thai we give it, neither more nor less because any other Mtxico, reprei-nnt the war with the Indians on the penin¬ a woman, the wife of the Minister of Kavaria. Why. in¬ REMOVALS. Plattsburg C S. Mooers. DEATH OF ROBERT G. SHAW.CREW OF THE SUIP hv]H>thv*iH oould involve against the government of sula as assujni'tg a very alarming character. Sinta stead ot dying ftom bis people did he not stsv with Whitehall Atherton Dall rather than seek a home with the them, GOLDEN LIU11T.I'HtE IN CHARLESTOWN . MA¬ Washington an accusation of evident infamy in the man¬ Anna's attention vU be iramtdialt'y directed to the hyena of Naples' (Ap- lawrence, importer of station- West Troy Isaac Hitchcock. DAME SONTAU. agement of its affairs. matter. pliiu.-e) ne cursod Belgium, because the BeUiaua it- ery and fancy goods, baa removed from No. 122 William Hudson ..J. S. AnnaDie. * resident Loirbardini. before from or- tempted to break the of the Benjaminrtrwt to 80 Joha street. between William and Gohl 6trust8- Boston, May 4,1853. retiring office, power Jesuits. He owned Pougbkeepsiet A. S. Peai-e Oar Cnban Correspondence. dertd thef all robbers caught shall be tried by a military the Piedmont ne because they tile.' to gam their Irtwuoui. Josiah Jr. Hon. Robert G. Shaw died last evening, at his residence tid if found lie caused a poor woman to be throwa iuto MUTUAL LOAN AND ACCUMULATING Newburg Casteline, 1853. court, guilty, punished summarily. The prison be¬ CITIZEN'SFund Association..The offleo of the above association Buffalo James G. Dickie. in Beacon sheet. He had been ill some weeks. Havana, April 29, roblers are very had in Mexico, but the soldiers in the came she va« found in leva over the grave la removed to No. S Tryon row, corner of Chatham street, in to be filled in New Lewuton. Ro¬ Protest General Metlinilla Seizure a city, at lea:t, appear to he hiul a< the tl.eves. of bcr ton. who rva» killed in the revola- the Harlem Railroad Building. opposite the City Hall. Mem¬ Leaving yet York, Tie ship Sarah, at this port from St. Thomas, brings Municipal Against of tion. T"Hs the that all be at Slaver.New the 'ihe Eco Dd Comercio announces the arrival at Vera (testation) moral chsranfr of bers will please bear in mind dues muaf paid chester, Waterloo, Troy, Albany, Williamsburg, and James Patrick, Thomas Gordon, William Copelard, Alex¬ Policy of Captain General..Morality Cruz, of the first stesmbiat built in the United States fo Hub; but his po'iticiil chiracter is no* the office, as no money will be received on the night, or a* Slave Dealers. b«tt«r. the of the The naxt regular meetizf Brooklyn. ander Fzeem&n, and Albert Lawrence, being part of the among the navigation of tlie lukew and lagoons in f> o \Llley o (App'ame ) He is a bad piiest aud a bad polltidlau. The place public meeting*. wickedne rr of his miud of the association will be held on Thursday evening May t, The following appointments of Postmasters were also crew of the ship Golden before burned at With reference to the communication of y our corres¬ the clt;> of Mexico It i^ ell iron, of a Hat build, and rti earned the unbappine*a of hi* at 132 Hester street, oorner of Light, reported >nt«i iLno } ruV>.',tot«. Ha had uo love of Wn*hingtou Hall, Bowery, made :. pondent, dated the 12th inat., rotatiTC to the departure trausporlatlon ii.v' coantxy to commence at 8 o'clock. Entrance in Hester street. sea. They are th» boat's crew which landed at Antigua the capital. When a chilil lovss iU mother be spe ,ks of her, aud f. F. Et.ftPALi.. S. DRAPER. President. John Todd Fltcbburg, Mass. A of the General for St. de and the on v\UoL a man loic« his he too Secretary. Reichbard Pa. boat is stlU wishing with about ei-ht persons on board Captain Jago Cuba, very Scnor Manuel M«ria Qttlro/. 'ia entered the adrain- country will spc\k of her. Henry Wilkesbarre, serious which is said to exist there the isfia ion of the outti ms at Vera Cru/.. Seoor Manuel Hut how is it with Pins i.V.J When I w»s OF RiMOVAL..DR. ROBERT C. JOHNSTON Ed. P. Perrlne Akron, Ohio A fire occurred in Austin street Carlestown. near the quarrel amongst him i int'oduced to and aocoucheur, wishes to bis pa¬ in of Maria Set: a no wiil shortly be proclaimeii political chie.' ssid, "Holy Pother, all Itx lv talk about CARDsurgeon acquaint F. Johnson Kv. foot of Richard and close the Catholic government offk-ialR, consequence the arrest and you."" tient*, Ac., with bis removal from 304 to 402 Third aveuue, Benjamin Fr»nkfort, street, by church, of that vrt. Gavani," said h«, l,ne\er mention Italv to me 07'ain between and Thirtieth streets. Jacob Walker Lafayetie, lud about two o'clock this morning Several small wooden imprliOL't-ient cf the Hngcn'e, or Chief Justice, Sanor Senor Cofio has beta elected When I preachtd my sermou on liis Twenty-ninth J Peter L. Wevmer Colocaa. California. houses, on the west fide of the HertnemgJoa Vig-- y by coronation, before street, mostly occupied by Arargo, h is now caid that the Royal Attdienaa, or Sa the sUcklolders director or superintendent of the tele- it was published it had to be revised aad wh»revec tW* TOLLY'S STEAM SCOURINO ESTABLISHMENT, X Y. Z. Irish families were rhe total io from tC'.e this before a crowded and enthusiastic au¬ Governor J"go provino*. Cuba ; it, that he t'uis avoid . moved from 181 to 653 Broadway, stair?, between KROM TBE REGULAR NEWrPAlW AQC.NT. ereniig, ai d the aid have (Sen. MJnon and Col Manuel I'eiuela, fr'ends of G«?a. might bletsiag it. When he said BYATET'Sand streets, llond.up dience. tbiit Koyal Tribunals t'einauOrd that from tbe Yalioan. "God Hess Blctcker Amity opposite Washington. 1853. Ceneral Mtdirnlla he to trial for his illegal acts. Aiinfa. have ohtniu-.d their definitive di-ml sui the uiy oountnr." the people ol May 4, brought it vice. Oier friet^s of Geo Arista have cot been so Italy, from Slullv to I ie 'mont. arose ana "G >d will .KENTISH * CO. nAVE REMOVED FROM The a In The lioto.'ioub slaver trig Cora, formerly the packet said, . Cabinet had long session to ai.d made fur¬ Wrccks tho Savannah River. as bir.'"» our cause.'' Bu' he proved traitor to 40 Ttck to 16a West stioet, corner of day, of Charleston, S C was brought into this .e;tipiueui. they have crtwdtd round each succe^sivo hUeountry nnd >'¦>. slip *" Robipfo* of in New Savannah. May 4.1853. Iluyne. port rluuio-ous for »n(^ made wa> upon hi- c untr> men by banding the a^. OffANO for "'«. ther ^raasters York State. for adjudication by the Mixed Court of Justice b» the admi*u, place. Fr< OrovatichJrcotl , tppotm®^ A ronll tneetfp" was held hrre tc dav, at whieh ap- rfhe coiBTuisbioters apjiointt a to draw the tii.-,ns and nch th»m. He never granted a re¬ British »ar stesmer Buzzard, on Sundav. the lTth'inst. boundary ewn free v Have to The President lias appointed Mr. Hudson Collector and of $160 000 for remarks w'teck- in the ilver llj»e .een Mtxico and the territories of tlio United form olh's ill. because he had 8»ora to trans¬ north » ?°- removed no. proI'tia'Ton Owned by the >ane partis to vlioui the Arrogante Kibilio mit all tl e ossessions of the JOwn to his auccessi 98 Chambers "0,"e tiff"?. John G. at was 1 »¦»» re¬ States, fcave ';Ter fince theirorgnnlraliou, In a state 1 l'0|ie ra. Marvin, street, nearly v» Irving l'ickey Pcrtmastcr, Buffalo. agiif^ I0, belorgs, (which ve»«el. jou wi remrmber. very lhn» the t were of I will same under of of extrtnti pfnury. 'ifc; head of the comrulsjion Ims 1 opic deprived liberty. quote 01 . The secretary of the Interior issued orders to for Markets. cently bi tore the Court, suspicion being [ hten acort In tanre of bis cruel l-e-trt. He caused one honored at d "XTOTIOt OF REMOVAL..BILL!ARBS.- LBONAR* day (1 in the slave tra