General Agenda, April 11, 2019 "Planting Seeds: Enhancing Plant Conservation Efforts through Outreach and Education" 8:30-9:00 Registration 9:00-9:10 Welcome: Archbold Expeditions Executive Director and Senior Research Biologist- Hillary Swain

9:10-10:00 Keynote Address: Edwin L. Bridges, Botanical and Ecological Consultant, Gig Harbor, Washington “Multiplying Our Networks – Harnessing Social Media to Develop Citizen Scientists”

10:00-10:15 Tricia Martin, Bok Tower Gardens, “Science and Serendipity: Saving an Ecosystem.”

10:15-10:30 Katherine T. Charton, Archbold Biological Station, “Fighting fire: Trends in perforata survival, cover, and microhabitat preferences in a pyrogenic landscape

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:00 Brian Diaz and Harper Martinez, Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science, “Fortifying Coastal Areas through Volunteer-Based Restoration Activities and Interactive Museum Exhibits.” 11:00-11:15 Carlee Steppe, University of , “Seed Propagation of ssp. chartacea.”

11:15-11:30 Jennifer Possley, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Miami, FL, “FAIRCHILD’S CONNECT TO PROTECT NETWORK – forming connections in the city.”

11:30-11:45 Karen Cole, Gillespie Museum, Stetson University, “Protecting the endemic and rare: Parallel development of natural history programming and site restoration.”

11:45-12:00 Austin Mast, Florida State University, “WeDigFLPlants—Innovative, place-based citizen science engagement to deepen public understanding of biodiversity research data and specimens”

12:00-12:45 Lunch

12:45-1:30 Lunchtime tours

1:30-1:45 Patti J. Anderson, FDACS DPI, “Enhancing Plant Conservation Awareness through Music.”

1:45-2:00 Sally M. Chambers, Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, “Assessment and conservation of the federally listed costal cactus, Harrisia aboriginum.”

2:00-2:15 Jason Downing, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, “A genetic survey reveals that co-occurring epiphytic orchids (Encyclia tampensis) and ferns (Pleopeltis polypodioides) can share the same mycorrhizal

2:15-2:30 Sandy Koi, Florida International University, “Increasing habitat quality for at-risk plant and insect taxa in and near pine rockland natural forest communities in Miami-Dade County public schools using citizen science.”

2:30-2:45 Break

2:45-3:00 Christine E. Edwards, Missouri Botanical Garden, “REU training and its contributions to conservation: the genetic structure and mating system of the federally endangered, amphicarpic species Polygala lewtonii”

3:00-3:15 Anne Cox Ecolog, Inc. “Population Augmentation for the Federal Endangered Four-petal pawpaw, Asimina tetramera”

3:00-3:15 Haydee Borrero, Florida International University, “Habitat and phorophyte comparisons of the mule-ear orchid, Trichcocentrum undulatum between the core and edge distribution: a Cuba and southern Florida story.”

3:15-3:30 Danielle L Green, Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens; Houston Snead, Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens, “Orchid conservation in South Florida & Cuba”

3:30-4:45 Florida Plant Conservation Alliance Meeting: Reviewing species petitioned for federal listing

4:45-6:00 Poster viewing and social networking

6:00-7:00 Dinner

7:00-8:30 Film Festival