Sadat Moves to Tighten Reins on Newixovernment

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Sadat Moves to Tighten Reins on Newixovernment i ... ■ . ‘i :7 r:- ■ A y n a g e Daily Net Presa Ron For The Week Bnded The Wedther AprU 4 ,19W Sunny, pleaAant today. Highs In the low 70s. Clear and not so cold tonight. Sunday, sunny, 15,695 mUd. Manchester-—A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXX, NO. 192 (TWENTY FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—INCLUDING TV) MANCHESTER, CONN.^ SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1971 (Ciassifled Advertuing on Pago zii PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Debate Continues M ail Rates Pickets To Counter Among Senators Increase Armed Forces Day Tonight WASHINGTON (AP) — The Parades, Speeches On Troop Cut Bid new Postal Service's flret rate increase will go into effect to­ By CARL P. LEUBSDORF By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS night unless the Supreme Court Active duty serviceen, veterans and civilian war dis; Associated Press Writer, ___ intervenes'. WASHINGTON (AP) — Two Foreifirn Relations senters planned counter-demonstrations at military-in­ The U.S. Court of Appeals stallations across the nation today to mark Armed Committee members considered undecided on a Senate un^m cusly upheld Friday a move to halve the U.S. troop commitment in Europe ruling by Dist. Court Judge Wil­ Forces Day. -----------------------------------:— have lashed out at White House refusal to discuss a liam B. Bryant denying a tem­ Planners, who were operating gate. An attempt to block the compromise. ---------------------------------------- porary injunction against the mostly on the local level, said base's five gates was scheduled they were protesting “ the glorif- (or Monday. Sena. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., —those of us who are skeptl* raise. Newspaper and mag^ine and Oalbome Pell, D-R.I., reg- gaj .. publishers and three other About 25 combat veterans Istered their complaints Friday Rhode Island Democrat groups of mall users sought to ed with the day. would enter the U.S. block the rate hike. Demonstrations would ^ gen- Academy at West Point \«iien Secretary of State William added: “ There Is always an er^ly peaceful, wito plcketi^, distribute thousands of leaf- P. Rogers testified before the area of compromise." There has been no indication rallying and leafletlng, said the gg^j„ committee. >rj,e Rogers appearance, dur- the Supreme Court will be asked v\laviviA«*ci *■' planners. they are prepared “ to engage in And Sen. John Sherman Ooc^- ing ^diich he opposed as uncon- to Intervene. Protest si^nsors included the g ^ g atrocities in which er, R-Ky., an <^)ponent of Demo- st'tuUonal and dangerous pro- The rate boost, effective at American Servicemn’s Union, these veterans were forced to cratic Leader ItOke Man^ield’s posals to curb presidential war- midnight tonight, comes under Vietnam Veterans Against the narUcinate ” troop-cut proposal scheduled for making powers, turned Into a what the Postal Service claims War, People’s Coalition for ^ „ a Wednesday vote, told Rogers: broad-ranging session on Fu- is its authority to make tempo­ Peace and JusUce, Southern At Ft. Bragg, N.C., a major “ The administration has to real- rope and Indochina, too. rary increases pending a recom­ Christian Leadership Confer- Planned. Last year, the Ize that we have to make some Sen. J.W. Fulbrig^t, D-Ark., mendation by the Postal Rate ence and National Welfare which has many return- judgments of our own." committee chairman, said the Commission. Rlghts Organization. Vietnam veterans as well as The mailers sought the injunc­ , Ai Ti soldiers used during Washing- The White House Is conduct­ (See Page Twelve) tion to halt the increases until P«“ ® actions-had ing one of the most strenuous K, the biggest Armed Forces Day the rate commissiain, which be­ scheduled their usual parades, protest ^ lobbying efforts of the Nixon ad­ gins hearings next Monday on a ministration In Its bid to defeat air and weapons demonstra- Authoritles at Wright-Patter- permanent, $1.45-blUlon-a-year tlons, speeches, base tours and g„„ ^Ir Force Base near Day- the Mansfield amendment. revenue proposal, has time to “ Everybody In the adminis­ Bonn Sees act. throughout the country. tration is calling everybody up The Postal Service Eilready enlng security for a rally ex- here," one Democrat said. has printed billions of eight-cent Leaders of a protest rally ex- pected to draw 1,500. Although The outcome is considered Cut Affecting Eisenhower stamps to replace pected to draw 2,000 persons to protest leaders said the rally close—with a large block of the slx-cent version, a record a park across from Ft. Dix, would be peaceful, a base infor- N.J., said they would go ahead matlon officer said: undecided senators apparently best-seller, and of eight-cent as planned, despite a U.S. Dis- “ We will have people on alert bedding the balance. Moscow Bid American flag stamps, also pop­ trict court Judge’s decision Fri- and on call above and beyond Case, adio favors the thrust ular at six cents. day not to interfere with the normal. If there is an attempt but possibly not the specifics of BONN, Germany (AP)— ■Power to set postage rates Army’s refusal to allow the at penetraUon, there are re­ Mansfield’s amendment, loosed Chancellor Willy Brandt’s gov- was taken from Congress in demonstration. sources we will have to call.” hls attack on comments made a emment fears that a unilateral postal reform legislation. Now, President Sadat of Egypt, right, meets President Gaafar al-Nimeiry of the day earlier by White House withdrawal of American troops Two hundred rio( trained Rallies were also scheduled the postal’) Board of Governors, Sudan after the latter came to Cairo to show support of Sadat. (AP Photo) press secretary Ronald L. Zle- from Europe would threaten which takes full control of the troops from the 6th Armored for Dt. Devens , Mass.; naval gler, who said the President W*®! Germany’s efforts to im- system July 1, is supposed to set Cavalry at Port Meade, Md., and marine facilities at San Die- would not settle for a compro- P«>ve its ties with Communist its own costs and bring in have been sent to Ft. Dix as a go, Callf.; San Antonio Ft mlse in the figiit. Eastern Europe. enough revenue to break even. In Egypt precaution, according to Maj. Hood and Ft. Bliss, Tex.; Mc- “This is inbderable,” the The West Germans feel that The temporary increases, the Gen. Howard H. Cooksey, the chord AFB, Bremerton NavaJ base commander. usually mild-mannered Case United States Postal Service said, are neces­ Base, and the Army’s Ft. Lewis, said. “ I think it was also moat "lalntalns a heavy military sary to begin putting the mall At Griffis Air FV)rce Base in wash.; Ft. Benning, Ga.; Ports- undlplomaUc of Mr. Ziegler" presence in Europe, the Soviet on a sound financial basis. st^ngjH>lnt for mouth. N.H., Navy Base and B52 bombers departing for nearby Pease AF’B. unless it was part of a plan un- interested in Sadat Moves to Tighten Postmaster Edward H. Sauter Southeast .Asia, organizers others Include Ft. Carson, the der which “ it was intended that ^ ^ agreement reminds townspeople that the Congress be humiliated." wlth^Bonn. j . If the more than 200,000 U.S. Pell, aa advMate of compro- troops in Germany were cut to (See 'Page Twelve) Reins on Newixovernment noon rally outside the main (See Page Ten) mlse, e t c h e d former Secre- haifthat numbtr, as proposed in tary of S ^ Dean Acheson’s haw that number, as proposed in President Anwar Sadat Investigate alleged irregulari­ Sadat replaced Gomaa with ties and' civil rights violations comrnent that it was asinine to giderably ontnumbered by Corn- o f Egypt moved to Mahmoud Salem, former gover­ by some of the former govern­ cut U A trw ^ strength without torcaa in Eastern Eu- Chances Dim strengthen control over his nor of Alexandria. a reciprocal Soviet cut. new government today af­ ment offical . Observers specu­ Ih addition to the six Cabinet lated that further changes In the members who resigned, five Gain Seen A'cheson was one of a group of U.S. intelligence reports say ter winning a fierce power Argum ents government were Imminent. other members of the previous former U.S. diplomats and gen- the Soviets maintain a total of For Averting struggle with a clique of Sadat formed a new 35-mem- government were not included erals who met with President divisions in Eastern Europe 26 ministers who he said con­ ber cabinet on FMday and in the new cabinet. Near End Moderate Nixon TTiursday to map strate- — 20 in Blast Germany and two spired to overthrow him. promised in a national radio gy against the Mansfield each in Czechoslovakia, Hun- Rail Strike Thousands of Egyptians took Egyptians received the news broadcast that the leadership of of the purge with obvious de­ amendment. gary and Poland. A Soviet divi- to the streets of Cairo chanting the ASU also would be replaced On Seale In Econmy Acheson’s use of "asinine,” sion contains 10,000 .men. WASHINGTON (AP) — A fed­ full support for Sadat’s purge of light, many taking to the streets eral mediator is attempting to through "completely free elec­ In several districts in Cairo to Pell told Rogers, “ turns i|s <^f As a result, the Geomans feel political foes and shouting slo­ tions.” By PETER OOWEN By BILL NEIKIRK schedule formal contract nego­ demonstrate support. _________________________ _ Moscow would lose interest in gans denouncing the six ousted Associated Press Writer Associated Press Writer tiations this weekend in an ef­ In accusing his political foes In Beirut, Lebanon, hundreds ~ ~ coming to terms with Bonn. ministers. of trying to overthrow him, sad- fort to avert a nationwide rail­ Trucks loaded with workers of demonstrators converged on NEW HAVEN (AP) — The WASHINGTON (AP) — The This is what Brandt's govern­ at said they wanted to plunge road strike by the signalmen's and students converged on the the Egyptian Embassy to ex­ defense and prosecution in the nation’s economy is expanding ment meant when it said in a the nation into chaos with the union.
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