*Please note:

This itinerary is current as of January 2020 but is subject to changes and modifications as the year unfolds due to availability, changes in our group schedule, and circumstances that may arise beyond our control.

We will preserve this itinerary to the absolute best of our ability.


Arrive in . Get lunch and settle into your beautiful quarters at Domaine de Castillou. This classic Provence-style lodging is a former bishop’s residence and is surrounded by fields of lavender, sage, roses and olive trees. The property hosts its own tower, a 13th century chapel, and an adjoining park with beautiful footpaths. In the late afternoon, enjoy an expert presentation by Kai and Suse on the mysteries at le Chateau that will prepare us/deepen our experience the following day.


On this first evening, under the luminous light of the harvest full moon, you’ll enjoy a delicious welcome dinner and an opening sisterhood ceremony under the full moon. You will connect with Magdalene’s energy and speak intentions for your pilgrimage.

Rest, relax, settle and get to know your sisters.

You are about to begin a magical journey together!


You’ll enjoy your first of many French, buffet-style breakfasts. Today, we are off to visit our first sacred site, Rennes le Chateau, a truly holy place. Anaiya is our guide and she has much to share about the allure surrounding this enigmatic hill top village. You’ll spend time in the Church of Mary Magdalene, an architectural treasure map of hidden mystical secrets.

The famous Abbe Sauniere was renovating this church when he discovered hidden coded documents, which the church paid him to keep hidden. Ironically, he used the bribe to build the Tour Magdala (The Tower of Magdalene) on this very property, to honor Mary as a grand spiritual master.

THE WORD MAGDALENE MEANS “TOWER.” HAS HER VERY NAME HELD THE TRUE SECRET OF HER RELATIONSHIP WITH YESHUA AND WHO SHE TRULY WAS FOR CENTURIES? The Tower of Magdalene is thought to have been built on top of an ancient Isis temple from 2000 years ago. You’ll have a chance to walk the grounds here tuning into the Magdalene- Isis connection.

You’ll be permitted inside the tower to climb the narrow spiral staircase. When you reach the top you’ll be rewarded with an incredibly wide view of the surrounding countryside. Many of the places that play a part in the Christ family legends are visible from here.

We’ll enjoy an authentic french midday meal at Les Jardins du Marie and have ample time to visit quaint village stores…

which have some of the best Magdalene merchandise and sacred relics found anywhere.

In the afternoon, Anaiya will guide us to a cave within a natural pentagram, or Venus Temple, where legends say the Essenes and the Holy Family once lived.

The Magdalene energy is strong here, as it is believed that she walked and taught in the area.

To accommodate fatigue we will head back early for a simple dinner and restful evening.


After breakfast, we’ll gather for a talking stick circle and Magdalene temple work. Your vibration matters when you visit the sacred sites of Southern . The more in alignment you are to the vortex energy the more you will receive from each experience.

Marin will facilitate an inner journey to meet Magdalene in the multi-dimensional realms. You'll experience your first direct channeling experience with this grand ascended feminine master and will get to ask questions of her. How she comes to you is based on what your soul is most asking for in these holy lands. After the morning circle, it’s off to the lively outdoor Esperaza Market - a true treat for senses! You’ll have a wonderful time weaving through the pop up shops and gourmet food booths deciding upon the perfect french fare to enjoy as we settle down for an outdoor picnic lunch by the river.

In the afternoon, we are guided on a walking tour of the magical medieval village, Alet le Bain, known as the “The Chosen Location.” We’ll explore the town center with our guide Stephanie who will take us to see the mysterious Black Madonna, the Merkabah star window of the Alet cathedral and the Artemis statue in the town square.

One of the intriguing stops along the way will be the exterior of a legendary house, once occupied ’ grandparents. It is thought to be a mystery school, where the great seer spent time as a boy.

Here, you’ll see clearly marked secret symbols that cover the doorframe. Some are similar to the symbology made famous in the Da Vinci Code. What do they mean? Our tour guide will share how these shapes relate to the Cathars, the Templars and the mysteries of the feminine christ…


The myths have the power to both inspire and activate deep remembering for those of us on the ascension path. Before day’s end, you’ll also visit the tiny church of St. Salvayre located on an unmarked Cathar route.

People tell stories of holding their hands above the altar here and feeling warmth, or energy, something so positive they don’t want to leave the church, and something which leaves their hands with strange sensations for the rest of the day.

You’ll also connect with La Pierre Droite, known as “The Druid Stone.” It is unusual in that it disturbs the readings of non-magnetic electronic compasses.

Later that evening, our group will enjoy a 3-course dinner back at Domaine de Castillou.


After breakfast we’ll engage in the first part of a sacred anointing ritual in order to prepare our hearts - for today we travel with Anaiya to the holy mountain and visit the remains of the castle Montségur, the site of the last stand of the Cathars.

We will walk the Camp de Cremet (the burning fields) with holy oil, and engage in the second level of our anointing ritual for the brave Cathars who chose death by fire rather than renouncing their faith to Her Church. This is a place of deep surrender. HERE YOU WILL CEREMONIALLY BE INVITED TO DROP YOUR VEILS SO THAT YOU MAY RECEIVE THE SACRED ENERGIES EMANATING FROM THE EARTH. OPEN, EXPAND, TRUST YOUR DIVINE KNOWING WITHIN. THE MOST DELICATE OF CATHAR SECRETS MIGHT COME THROUGH HERE.

We’ll conquer the hike up the mountain to the castle ruins. At the top you’ll have time to walk among the ruins and explore the cliffs with some of the most sweeping views of the area. Anaiya will share enchanting stories of the Comte de and his sister the High Priestess of the Cathars, Esclamonde de Foix, and how she turned into a white dove as the last of the Cathars were burnt at the Pyre, and how her body was never found.

After our time on the mountain, we will descend to the village of Montsegur for a restaurant lunch and briefly visit the Black Madonna in the small village church there.


We’ll visit Anaiya’s home temple and she will lead us in the most sacred work she offers: her signature “Sacred Body Awakening” experience.

This is an exquisite, deeply intimate experience of womb healing, sister ritual, sacred touch, and sophia-christos transmission. You will commune and connect with the Goddess within and your inner feminine will be held and revered like never before.

What is ready to be awakened within you?

Truly, it is a rare treat to experience Anaiya in her full mastery in her home temple!

How lucky we are!


In the morning, we’ll enjoy a session of primitive expression body temple dance, specifically designed for us as Magdalene pilgrims.

The rhythms of the drums will help you drop in, release stagnation, receive the rose nectar of your heart and open to the downloads that are await you on the journey. The movement might just awaken something wild, primal and powerful that is meant to be born through you in these sacred lands.

We’ll spend a full day in Rennes-les-Bains, a true storybook village, straight out of what you would expect from picturesque southern France.

Rennes-les-Bains is known for its thermal hot springs and natural healing waters, said to cure certain skin conditions and physical ailments. In addition to the abundant holy waters the area is thought to have several inter-dimensional portals and is known for its VENUS energy.

We’ll visit the Magdalene Spring, known as the Fountain des Amours (The Fountain of Love), a place where Mary Magdalene once baptized locals into the Faith. Tune into the energy here as Anaya and Marin lead sacred ritual. Listen to the sweet song of the stream. So many pilgrims have prayed over these waters. They are charged with light and love. Anoint yourself here. Release your fears into love. Purify and bless yourself. Set your sacred intentions.

You’ll have an opportunity to experience your own ceremonial baptism to reaffirm yourself to the Magdalene lineage, if you feel inclined.

We’ll enjoy an authentic mid-day meal in the center of town.

Then, after lunch, the magic continues.

We’ll walk along a winding river and make our way into the forest to find the 5000 year-old stone seat many call the Seat of Isis or Throne of Isis.

LEY LINES PASS THROUGH THE ANCIENT STONE SEAT HERE. Each pilgrim will have her own initiatory experience and time for quiet reflection and writing.

Just a few feet away, another initiation awaits on the lesser known, but still powerful, Chair of Osiris, another seat of stone worthy of knowing about.

What is felt and revealed is unique to each person who sits upon these power spots.

Before leaving the wood, we’ll gather in a silent circle for Isis oracle card readings.

We then return to our hotel for dinner and a sister circle to integrate our experiences, share celebrations, revelations and truths of the heart.

In the evening after dinner, we’ll potentially have our second experience with guided sacred movement, drumming and ecstatic dance if the group is feeling aligned for this.


We drive to the famous walled city of Old Carcassonne where will be transported back several centuries into medieval times. The streets within the citadel are a dreamland of passageways and winding alleys. We’ll visit the Château Comtal where you’ll connect with the spirit of Joan of Arc, as this museum houses a truly impressive statue of her. Just a short walk away is the breathtaking , Eglise Saint-Nazaire. Here you’ll find one of the most stunning pantings of Mother Mary breastfeeding baby Jesus as well as a statue similar to the pieta sculpture, depicting Mary in a position where she is quite possibly transmitting life-giving womb energy to Yeshua after the crucifixion

The stained glass windows will take your breath away and if we are lucky to arrive at the right time, we just might get to experience the haunting live choral music performed at intervals throughout the day. The afternoon here is meant for you to have some down-time. Lunch at one of the authentic french creperies, sip a cafe latte or enjoy the colorful shopping! Old Carcasoone is perfect for finding endless treasures and interesting trinkets to take home as gifts for friends and family.

In the afternoon we visit an organic vineyard for french wine tasting! Salut and cheers to what we have discovered in these lands so far!

On our way back to the hotel, we’ll stop for visit to Notre Dame de in - This pilgrimage stop is a hidden gem of a place with gorgeous surroundings and picturesque views. Inside the large church are stunning golden altars and many statues of female saints - as well as another Black Madonna. It is truly healing for the parts of our wounded feminine soul to experience these relics.

Just a short walk is a holy spring that we can bless ourselves in. In the evening, we gather for a final 3-course dinner at Domaine de Castille.

After dinner, we will erect an energetic heart temple and receive Mother Mary transmissions. Each pilgrim will experience hands on healing as she is cocooned in sister love and saturated with divine mother energy.


We begin the next exciting leg of our journey and depart for Saintes Maries de La Mer.

This is the place on the where Mary Magdalene came ashore, on a lone boat with other members of the holy family following the crucifixion. Saint Marie is also a charming maritime village, known for its connections to gypsy culture, the ancient white Camargue horses, and of course the Camargue cross, which stands for the three cardinal virtues:

THE CROSS FOR FAITH. THE ANCHOR FOR HOPE. THE HEART FOR CHARITY. The overlay of “Mary” energy is strong here. You’ll feel it both as you walk along the sacred shores and also when you visit the 6th century church dedicated to the 3 Marys - Mary Jacobe, Mary Magdalene and Mary Salome.

The church is thought to be built upon an ancient Temple of Ra and is an extremely powerful place.

Downstairs is the crypt of St. Sarah - thought to be the daughter Yeshua and Magdalene, the original carrier of the holy bloodline.

You will stand directly in front of this life- size black madonna-like statue and place your hand on Sarah’s “heart.” Ask her for specific guidance or healing and be prepared to receive it — based on the collection of crutches, offerings and adornments that pilgrims have left here.

Anaiya will lead us in ceremony to remember the frequency of the bloodline, how we are guardians of such a truth, and how this knowledge/gnosis is the foundation of our work here on our pilgrimage. In the afternoon, you’ll have time to roam the cobblestone streets and do some shopping.

The specialty salt store and handmade Provence soap shop are not to be missed!

Our overnite stay here is at the Hôtel Le Dauphin Bleu, just steps away from the beach.

In the evening we’ll enjoy a tasty Tapas dinner and sangria!


In the early hours of morning we’ll quietly gather on the beach to listen to the waves, breathe in the salt air, drop into sister circle and send prayers to the sea. Afterward, a sit down breakfast is served at the hotel.

Our journey continues to St Maximin where we visit the impressive Basilica of Mary Magdalene.


You will be presented with the bones of Mary Magdalene and the stone coffin her body resided in for centuries. Viewing can be a very emotional experience for Magdalene devotees. Her skull is enshrined within a golden reliquary. In the late afternoon, we’ll take a thrilling drive up the mountain to The Hotel Lou Pebre d’ai.

This hotel/restaurant which serves local dishes with fresh produce is located in quiet mountain-peak setting. You’ll enjoy a hearty dinner and a restful evening.

This is a perfect moment for evening reflection, contemplation, meditation and journaling as a way to prepare for the following day at Sainte Baume where we will truly experience the Holy of Holies.


THIS is what we’ve been building to and preparing for.

Sainte Baume, The Grotto of Mary Magdalene, is an astonishing cavern cathedral carved into the top of the mountain where Mary is thought to have lived her last years and ascended from this very spot.

We’ll spend the entire day here. Anaiya, who has been here many times, is our guide for this peak experience.

In approaching this sacred site, she’ll lead us in a three-step purification process.

• The Forest (purifying of animal nature) • The Cave (Stepping into the Unknown) • and The Chapel (saying yes to ascension)

We’ll walk-up to the grotto in silence - through the enchanted forest - a potent fairy dwelling which produces its own phenomena.

The forest walk, known as the Path of Kings (and Popes) is ancient.

Anaiya will share the stories of Mary Magdalene and what it means when she “was taken up and down seven times a day by the angels!”

She’ll speak about Maximin - the Roman soldier who never left Magdalene's side. Who after the crucifixion dropped his allegiance to Caesar and stayed in the background because of the guilt and shame of his actions.

Mary knew this and befriended him, always inviting him to 'let go' of his past, for he is already truly forgiven... it’s a very touching story.

We’ll enter the grotto with reverence and have an opportunity to truly attune to our lady’s frequency. This is also the day we visit the Yoni Cave or what is known as the “cave of eggs.”

Thankfully Anaiya knows the way and will guide us to find this hidden gem of a spot where we will take part in powerful sister ritual.

We’ll cross the yoni threshold, pass through a multi-dimensional sacred gate, and enter into Her cavernous womb where we will descend into utter darkness.

Here, we will hold hands, open a portal, and share tones, chants and a sound ceremony in honor of Our Lady.

Marin will tune in here and channel Magdalene. You will receive her direct messages at this most holy frequency. We’ll attune our wombs. We’ll activate the pineal gland. We’ll merge with the vortex energies and engage in grid work.

Why has she called you to these lands?

What have you quested for and what are you returning with?

Surrender to the silence here.

Merge with with this sacred portal.

BE in the mystery.

Listen for her messages.

What gets activated here will affect future timelines and Her-story within you.

What gets reclaimed here are soul fragments that have been lost for lifetimes.

What is remembered here will stay with you forever. We’ll enjoy a grounding picnic lunch together.

Before our time at St. Baume comes to an end, you’ll have a chance to visit the Pilgrim shop for souvenirs, piety objects, postcards, books, CD’s and well-priced Magdalene medals.

In the evening, we gather for a final celebration dinner.


In the morning before departure, we circle for our closing Sisterhood of the Rose ceremony.

This will be an important ritual which seals the activations, downloads and healing you’ve experienced on the trip. Each pilgrim will have an opportunity to stand in the center of a circle of roses to receive high vibrational blessings and a personal oracle card message.

We’ll exchange sister gifts, tons of hugs and perhaps a few tears as we close our final circle.

Marin will facilitate a short closing workshop which will give an overview about the re- integration process and tips for returning to “regular life” in the most supported way. For those who are departing from Airport, our drop off will happen at 11:30am. You will catch a flight home or spend the night at a hotel near the airport in order to catch your flight the next day.

For those returning to Toulouse, we’ll arrive at approximately 5pm. Perhaps you’ll find an evening flight home. Otherwise, you’ll want to arrange taxi service to an overnight airport hotel in order to catch flights the following day.