Self Censorship in Hungary

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Self Censorship in Hungary 2 The FreePr Edition:ssSeptember2012 2 3 4 5 Citizens’ initiative: Can journalism Journalism Iceland a safe We demand deter fraud? and Europe: haven for free media love or hate? information European investigative journalism still substandard Despite the fact that the euro crisis has thereishardlyanyinternationalinvestiga- tionoflegislationonopengovernance.In- European investi - now been rumbling on for years, investi- tive journalism covering the implementa- vestigativejournalismthattranscendsna- gative journalism into fraud, misma- tion of European policy or inappropriate tional borders can help to create more gative journalism, nagement and corruption with Europe- allocationsofEUfunds. transparentdecision-making,improvedac- an taxpayers’ money remains low on the cesstodocumentationandincreaseduni- thanks to media’s agenda. This is according to the “Theexcusegivenbythemediaandjourna- formityofEuropeandata. study ‘Deterrence of fraud with EU listsisthattheydon’tseetheseEuropean American money funds through investigative journa- stories.Theydon’thavetheknowledge,the European institutions also need to make lism’, to be presented in the European dataishidden,thereisnomoney,notime greater efforts to protect whistle-blowers “European investigative journalism Parliament in early October. andtheysaytheirreadersjustaren’tinte- and journalistic sources. They need to does exist and many are prepared to rested,”saysSmit.However,shearguesthat guardpressfreedomanddiversitymoreef- invest time and money in compli- DutchinvestigativejournalistMargoSmit this kind of investigative journalism fectively. Europe can also assist by provi- cated investigative projects. But coordinated the study for the European shouldbemuchmoreofapriorityinview ding financial support for international these projects are largely financed Parliamentantifraudcommittee. ofthecurrentEuropeancrisis. cooperation between journalists. Smit: “If by American money,” says Ides Smitandherfellowresearchersarguethat For their part, European institutions and you ensure that there are sufficient fire- Debruyne, director of the Pascal civil-society organizations and the media politiciansshouldfacegreaterpressureto wallstoguaranteeindependentreporting, Decroos Fund for Investigative are essential in order to create a climate provideproperanswerstothecriticalques- theEUcanplayausefulroleinpromoting Journalism (see page 3). thatdiscouragesfraudandcorruptionand tions posed by journalists and citizens. Europeaninvestigativejournalism.” stimulates good governance. Despite this, Thereneedstobemorestringentapplica- (SeetheinterviewwithSmitonpage3.) nomic crisis and the dra- matic erosion of adver- tising revenues. No Hungarian media business can now escape political meddling. And anyway, there are few that weren’t setuptoserveasetofpoli- tical interests in the first place. Today, the Hungari- angovernmentcanenacta newlawsolelytogagara- dio station that it finds irksome.Anditwillstopat nothingtochoketheadver- tisingrevenueofpublicati- onsitdoesn’tlike. Only large, foreign-owned mediabusinessescouldre- sist the pressure. If they wanted to. But of course they did not invest in Hungarybecauseofanal- Greens/EFA MEPs protest against Hungary’s media law in the European Parliament in the presence of Prime Minister Orbán © European Union 2011 PE-EP truisticbeliefinthevalue ofHungarianmediaplura- lism. They came for pro- Márton Gergely, journalist of Népszabadság (for now...) od of perhaps irrevocably fits.However,thisaimbe- entrenchedbitterpolitical comesunacceptablewhen rivalry. these businesses go againstthevaluesoftheir Self censorship in Hungary Then followed the media own,democratichomena- lawwhichwassetinplace tionsandadjustsoreadily When I was asked to write about press freedom in cated. The political elite circulationofrivalpublica- by prime minister Viktor to the way of doing busi- Hungary, I believed the paper I work for was owned by continuestofeelateasein tions. Orbánandhisgovernment. ness in Eastern Europe. a foreign publisher with considerable economic clout a system inherited from Finally, there was the eco- Soontherewillbenomo- and long-term plans for its Hungarian holding. Today Communist times, in Partoftheproblemisthat neyleftforqualityjourna- I know that the paper is for sale. whichthepressworkstoge- the older generation of lism. Investigative journa- ther with those in power, Hungarian journalists, lism is dead, because Afoundationsetupbythe It isn’t only the justly usually in alliance with a thoseinapositionofaut- nobody dares risk the socialist party MSZP could much-criticized new Hun- party. A system where the horitywithintheprofessi- lawsuits.Hungaryhastur- endupasitsmajoritystake- garian press law that gets pressparrotstheparty’spo- on, believe that it is right ned inward. The Hungari- holder.Therearefourpoli- inthewayofmediaplura- litical goals and prepares and desirable that parties an government’s passing tical dailies in Hungary, lism inthecountry.Infact, publicopiniontoberecep- and publications should of the media law, in the and only this one remains journalists work in fear tivetodecisionsalreadyta- cooperate. They believe processsubjectingitselfto in the hands of a genuine regardless of any threat of ken.ThisistypicalofHun- there are things best left much criticism from the mediainvestorandthusco- politicalmeddlingandedi- garian parties. They even unwritten,andthingsthat international community, mes under some form of tors,unbidden,tailortheir believethisisthetruepur- mustremainontheagen- was rather pointless. The- protection from political newscoveragetowhatthey pose of the press. In their dalongaftertheyceaseto re was no need for a interference. Barring a mi- perceive as being the de- viewpressfreedomiswhen be relevant. The Hungari- muzzle. The Hungarian racle, in just a few weeks mandsofthestate. all parties have a mouth- anpresswasalreadydeplo- press is a clever dog and this will no longer be the In recent years Hungary’s piece,andthegoalofcom- rably weakened when it had already learned to case. freepresshasslowlysuffo- petition is to restrict the entered this current peri- Márton Gergely heelwithoutaleash. 2 TheFreePress– September 2012 Make Europe more transparent and citizens will be cam- how much suffering in fa- lists may claim, Brussels paigningtocollectamilli- milies in southern Europe andEuropebelongtousall. onsignatures.Theiraimis couldhavebeenprevented The euro crisis also makes to convince the European iftherehadbeenmorecri- itpainfullyclearhowinter- Commission to promote tical reporting in those dependent we really are. mediapluralism. years? We share common inte- rests with 500 million Theeurocrisishasgivena We will never know the European citizens. One of boosttoreportingonEuro- answer to that, but this theseinterestsisaneedfor peandtheEuropeandeba- example underlines the goodinformation.Abraham te. This is very much nee- need for rigorous repor- Lincoln once said: “I am a ded. The response to the tingonEurope.Fortheac- firmbelieverinthepeople. crisisistakingplaceinthe tive use of transparency Ifgiventhetruth,theycan twilight zone between Eu- laws to dig out informati- bedependedupontomeet ropean and national com- on. For persistent investi- any national crisis. The petences. National govern- gationtoscrutinizedecisi- greatpointistobringthem ments are the key players on-making.Atatimewhen therealfacts.” here and prefer to negoti- thesupervisionofbudgets ate behind closed doors. andbanksisbeingshifted Wehopethattheinforma- This gives them every op- toaEuropeanlevel,inves- tion in this newspaper portunitytoshiftresponsi- tigative journalism also helps to bring out those bilityontoBrusselsorother needs to go beyond natio- facts.Fromnowonweleave member states. But the nalborders.Thisisoneof the making of newspapers goodnewsisthatthereare the key findings from a toyou,thejournalists. alsocriticaljournalistsable study commissioned by Judith Sargentini Bart Staes topenetratethesmokeand the antifraud committee mirrors. of the European Parlia- Bart Staes & Judith Sargentini, The euro crisis is also a crisis of confidence in the concernforpoliticianstoo, ment, initiated by the Eu- Members of the European European Union. Now, more than ever before, there is including European politi- It is tempting to suggest ropeanGreens. Parliament for Groen and a need for good governance and transparent decision- cians. If journalists feel thatthisvigilancefromthe Contrarytowhatthepopu- GroenLinks making. This calls for a watchdog that barks at any compelled to echo the press on European decisi- mismanagement of policy, abuse of power, conflict of words of those in power, on-makinghasbeenalong interest, clientelism or corruption. Europe itself will also suf- timecoming.Wherewasit fer.Thishasalreadyhappe- in 2005, when the Europe- Parliamentarians have a anddownrightliesofpopu- ned in Italy. It was partly anCommission,concerned TheFreePressispublishedby roletoplayinthis,ashave list Europhobes give citi- thanks to his hold on the about the Greeks fiddling GroenenGroenLinksEuropa NGOs,whistle-blowers,om- zenstherealfactsonwhat media,thatPrimeMinister thefigures,calledforincre- RueWiertz60 budsmen and the courts. isactuallyatstakeinBrus- Berlusconi maintained po- asedpowersforitsstatisti- Brussels Butnoneofthesecanope- sels. Strong journalism werforsolong.Meanwhile, cal office Eurostat? Wit- [email protected] rateeffectivelywithoutthe about the EU can achieve he dragged the country to hout any fuss national most important watchdog: that. the edge of the economic governments
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