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NORODOM SIHANOUK Y EL HERMANO NÚMERO ZERO La tragedia de Kampuchea Democrática 3 NORODOM SIHANOUK Y EL HERMANO NÚMERO ZERO La tragedia de Kampuchea Democrática GUILLERMO GARCÍA EDI S • TO O R I E D S O Ñ E U Q E P 5 Norodom Sihanouk y el Hermano Número Zero: La tragedia de Kampuchea Democrática [texto impreso] / Guillermo García 1ª edición. Pequeño Dios Editores, 2011. 236 páginas. 16,5 x 21 cm. R.P.I.: 201026 I.S.B.N.: 978-956-8558-06-2 © Guillermo García. R.P.I.: 201026 I.S.B.N.: 978-956-8558-06-2 © Pequeño Dios Editores Nueva de Lyon 19, departamento 21, Metro Los Leones, Providencia, Santiago de Chile 56-2-3356301 info@pequeñ www.pequeñ © Youk Chhang, de la introducción. © Guillermo García, de la fotografía portada. Diseño portada e interior: Antonia Sabatini. Impreso en Chile / Salesianos Impresores S.A. Primera edición 1.000 ejemplares. Santiago de Chile, marzo de 2011. 6 The only way that Cambodians can put their terrible past behind them –the tragedy of Democratic Kampuchea which describes Guillermo García- and begin to build a new future, is by revealing the truth. I was fourteen when the Khmer Rouge came to Phnom Penh in April 1975. At the time, I lived in Toul Kauk, a Phnom Penh suburb. I was home alone when young Khmer Rouge comrades came to chase me out of the house on the morning of 17 April. My mother, who’d been hoping to collect me later, had previously moved with the rest of the family to my uncle’s house for greater safety.
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