Minute subject to approval at the next Community Council Meeting BURRA AND COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES A meeting of the above Community Council was held in the Burra Public Hall on 4th June 2019 at 7pm

Present Mr. N. O’Rourke Mr. B. Adamson Mr. G. Laurenson Mrs. M. Garnier Miss A. Williamson Miss N. Fullerton

Apologies Mr. R. Black Ms G. Hession

In Attendance Mrs. J. Adamson (Clerk)

Miss Narene Fullerton was welcomed to the meeting as our newly elected member.

2. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING The Minutes of 4th March 2019 were approved by Mr. N. O’Rourke and Mr. B. Adamson.

3. MATTERS ARISING (a) Hulsidale Playpark Path/Bridge Mr. O’Rourke reported that the work on the bridge had now been completed. The work has been done to a very high standard and the Clerk will send on the cheque once the invoice is received from Mr. Johnson.

(b) War Memorial – Grant for repairs Mr. Gary Laurenson was to look into getting quotes for repairs to the war memorial but was not present to report back. The Clerk was asked make enquiries about grants. ACTION: Gary L/Clerk

(c) Streetlights – Brough, Rockmount, Highmount, Glenburn & Atlaness It was noted that the streetlights in Hamnavoe have now been replaced with the new LED lights. A petition signed by residents from Brough had been received by the Clerk and this had been forwarded to Neil Hutcheson at SIC Roads and copied to our three Councillors. No direct reply had been received from Mr. Hutcheson, SIC Roads, but Cllr. Burgess had received a response from Mr. Mervyn Smith, SIC Roads. He advised that there is currently a list of around 700 lamp posts scheduled for replacement and that the ones at Brough would be replaced but are not currently high up on the priority list when weighed against area with higher traffic and pedestrian densities or the presence of more vulnerable persons or stepped footpaths. Mr. Burgess had passed on our safety concerns to Mervyn regarding elderly residents nearby. It was agreed that we would continue to put pressure on to have these lights replaced as soon as possible.

(d) Defibrillator The defibrillator has now been put in place outside the Burra Public Hall. The Clerk will contact Lucky2BHere to let them know that it is now located at the hall. ACTION: Clerk

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(e) Picnic Benches for Glen & Hulsidale The picnic bench has been put in the Hulsidale playpark. Mr. Terry McCaffrey is still to come and put in a base at the Glen for the other one.

Miss Fullerton was also asked what the situation is regarding the proposed swings for the Hulsidale playpark. She advised that they have raised approximately £3,000 and are looking at the cost of the rubber surfacing which has to go under the swings. The swings have already been sourced.

(f) Bin at Hamnavoe Shop It was noted that a larger bin has now been put in place opposite the shop.

(g) Trondra Hall The Trondra Hall was looking to source funding to repair the roof and Mr. Black was to contact the Burra Public Hall committee as they had recently received funding to improve the hall. He was not present to give an update so this was carried over.

(h) Burra bridge - surface Mr. Scobie had been contacted about the surface of the Burra bridge and had replied stating that it is their intention to resurface the Burra bridge in the summer time. He pointed out that this would involve taking up the existing surface, sealing the bridge deck and applying new waterproof membrane, before laying a new surface course. It is to be put out to tender as it is a specialist operation and he will keep us informed.

(i) Fly tipping at the Boyne grid The sign is still to be ordered. ACTION: Clerk

(j) Bulky Waste The Clerk had contacted SIC and they advised that six items can be uplifted for £30 but if anyone is on housing or pension credit it will only cost £10 - the number to call is 744891. (It was also noted that the Gremista Waste Management Facility is open from 8am-6pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 4pm on Saturday.)

(k) Funding Applications – letters of thanks Letters of thanks had been received from the Burra Playgroup, Burra & Trondra Minibus Association, Burra Hockey Team, Burra Badminton Club and the Burra Community Park Project. All had recently received grants from the Community Council.

(l) Self Build Loan fund (SBLF) A further letter had been received advising that the above loan fund had been extended to include applications from existing home owners. The fund is open to applicants who have been unable to obtain mainstream self build mortgage finance, and provides finance to cover the construction period. Further details and eligibility criteria in relation to the SBLF can be found on their website: http://www.hscht.co.uk/scotland-self-build-loan-fund.html.

6. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Planning Application Consultations:  Ref: 2019/076/PPF – New house at Easterhoull, East Voe, – Andrew Blackadder  Ref: 2019/092/PPF – Erect dwellinghouse Site 19, Bridge End, Burra – Ms Catherine Gilbertson  Ref: 2018/343/PPF – Erect dwellinghouse , – Tommy & Chloe Hughes All of the above three applications were discussed by the members. There were no objections. Minutes 03/06/19 Page 2 of 4

(b) Marine Planning Application – 2019/004/MAR: To develop new mussel farm comprising 8 x 220m twin-headline longlines (renewal of lapsed planning permission 2014/034/MAR) at Merry Holm, Trondra by Ms Kaye Williamson There were no objections to the above application.

(c) Shetland Local Development Plan 2 – Call for Sites An e-mail had been received advising that the process has been extended and will run until 30th June 2019.

(d) ASCC meeting – 25 June 2019 Papers had been received from Michael Duncan regarding the above and had been circulated. Mr. O’Rourke advised that he will attend the meeting.

(e) Internal transport provision An e-mail had been received from the ASCC advising that a meeting shall take place on Thursday 18th July from 6.30pm-8.15pm in the Voe Public Hall.

(f) Community Development Fund An application for funding had been submitted and a letter had been received back advising that the Community Council had been awarded a grant of £3,000.

(g) Local Government Boundary Commission for – Review of Boundaries for Shetland Islands Area An e-mail had been received from Jan Riise, SIC Governance & Law, together with plans. Community Councils are not yet being formally consulted by the Commission but if there were any comments on the proposed boundaries, Councillors would like to hear any early observations so that they can factor them into any dialogue they have with the Commission. The members did not have any comments to pass on at this stage.

(h) Shetland Community Benefit Fund (SCBF) An e-mail had been received from Jim Anderson advising that the above group had met recently to discuss, with a view to agreeing, the Heads of Terms with Viking Energy Wind Farm. This group was formed after numerous meetings with reps from community councils throughout Shetland back in 2010/11. The group was originally established with 18 members, one rep from each of the 18 community councils. They are looking to learn what the various CC views are and if there are any other concerns or queries. Our community council member, Gary Laurenson, is our rep but advised that he had been unable to attend the last meeting. He pointed out that all community councils would benefit financially, but worst affected areas would receive more funding.

(i) 30mph zone, Brough, Burra An e-mail was received from Miss Rebecca Riley, who lives at Brough, as she had e-mailed SIC Roads stressing her concerns at the speeding traffic at Brough. A number of children play in this area and she had contacted SIC Roads and also the police regarding this. She had sent on the response from SIC Roads who advised that given it is a single track width only there were no appropriate measures available to slow vehicles down further. They pointed out that the only option would be for an elevated level of enforcement by the Police. It was reported that at the moment traffic appear to be adhering to the limit with more care, but if the situation gets worse again the Community Council will get involved.

(j) Our Plan 2016-20: Progress Report Mr. Michael Duncan had sent links to a progress report on the Council’s Corporate Plan for information which had been circulated to the members for information. Minutes 03/06/19 Page 3 of 4

(k) Consultations The following consultations had been received and circulated to the members:  Shetland Outdoor Access Strategy Consultation  Consultation on Draft Revised Guidance for Licensing Boards  Animal Health & Welfare Act Amendment consultation  Scottish Government Island Plan consultations in Shetland  Unconventional Oil & Gas addendum consultation  Short-term lets consultation

(l) Funding information Mr. Michael Duncan had also forwarded a number of e-mails with funding information which had been e-mailed to all members for information.

7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (a) Participatory Budgeting – Investing in Communities Fund Some of our members had attended a meeting in Scalloway on this subject. The question was put to the group at the meeting to see if the three community councils would be interested in doing a joint bid in the hope to allocate more money (Scalloway, Tingwall & Burra). This was briefly discussed but due to the deadline for applications being 14th June it was felt that there was not enough time to get this progressed.

(b) Road matters:  30mph speed limit, Papal The speed limit at the south end of Burra was discussed and a request was made for a 30mph limit to be put in place from the cattle grid at Papil to the end of the road at Minn. There is now more housing in the area and a number of small children playing along this road.  Papal Cattle Grid It was reported that the gate at the Papal cattle grid can’t close and needs attention.  The Point, Hamnavoe A water toby cover is missing outside Brian Leask’s house at the Point.  Pavements The pavements at Hamnavoe and Brough are needing to be treated due to moss developing.

The Clerk will report the above items to SIC Roads. ACTION: Clerk

8. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting was set for 7pm on Monday 12th August 2019 (later changed to 19th August 2019.)

The meeting ended at 8.30pm.

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