JewishAnnual Federation of Metropolitan Report 2010

 A Year of Great Challenges and Renewed Resolve

hese are challenging days for nonprofits and Jewish communal institutions, and the Jewish Federation/Jewish TUnited Fund of Metropolitan Chicago has not been immune to effects of the harsh economy. Despite these challenges, we were still able to close our 2009 JUF Annual Campaign at $77.5 million—but this was a 7.4% decrease from the previous year. Few communities in the nation achieved such a modest decline, and we are truly grateful for the steadfast generosity of our donors and for the extraordinary leadership of General Campaign Chairman Doug Cohen. However, every dollar we didn’t raise was a dollar we couldn’t put to work helping those in need in Chicago, in Israel and across the globe. Thus, in fiscal2 010 Federation cut our own budget by 6.5%, and were compelled to also reduce our agency core allocations by 6.5%. At this time of great communal need, we are proud to report that, during the fiscal year ended June 30,2 010, this institution This was the first time in decades that our fundraising totals was able to allocate a total of $139,774,245. This includes have decreased from one year to the next. And at the same $50,539,241 through the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan time, other sources of income for Federation and our agencies Chicago, provided to local agencies and programs that have been impacted by the economy as well. Our endowment benefit 300,000 Chicagoans of all faiths at every stage of life; distributions are down and our United Way funding has $35,740,101 through the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan declined precipitously—by nearly one-third within the past Chicago, devoted to overseas needs that benefit2 million Jews year alone. And as we all know, the State of ’ budget in Israel and 70 countries across the globe; and $53,494,903 has been slashed to the bone, meaning that tens of millions allocated to charitable ventures worldwide in partnership with of dollars in funding remain at risk, while State payments our Donor Advised Continuity Funds, which include Family for already-delivered services are many months overdue. Philanthropic Funds and Support Foundations. Federation is helping to keep our communal agencies solvent by providing them with millions of dollars in bridge loans, but this is not a long-term solution to the funding crisis. J-HELP We thus face the sobering possibility that in the months to come Particularly helpful in responding to this economic crisis has thousands of the most vulnerable people in this community been J-HELP, a special 18-month initiative launched by JUF/ will suffer the consequences of these developments. Seniors Federation in fiscal 2009 to increase our agencies’ capacity on fixed incomes, people with disabilities and impoverished to provide basic human services, particularly to newly- families are among those who may lose the services that have unemployed, financially-stressed middle class individuals helped them survive. We are vividly aware that, now more than and families. Through J-HELP, even at a time of declining ever, the JUF Annual Campaign is the community’s primary resources, 24% more people received food and 20% more bedrock of support. families received emergency cash assistance than prior to the recession. As of June 30, 2010:

• 5,700 families received more than $3.2 million in emergency financial assistance from JUF-funded agencies to pay for food, housing, healthcare and other critical expenses. • 42,000 unduplicated individuals received food from a range of sources, including EZRA and The ARK food pantries, Maot Chitim distributions, the JUF Uptown Café and the CJE SeniorLife home-delivered meals program. • 8,292 unemployed individuals received critical employment assistance.

 • Nearly 2,700 students—66% of enrolled students— received tuition financial assistance at 16 local Jewish day schools. • 676 children received scholarships for JCC camping and early childhood programming—a 25% increase over last year. • 54 local congregational rabbis received grants to augment their rabbinic discretionary funds and allow them to assist more congregants in crisis.

J-HELP was intended as a stopgap measure. However, when it became clear that JUF’s 2009 campaign would not reach the bar raised in 2008, and that 2010 also was proving a challenge, leadership sat down with some of JUF’s very top donors to seek guidance about how to safeguard the community in the coming two years. Earthquake Relief JUF’s principal donors determined that action had to be Chicago’s Jewish community once again harnessed that taken to protect the most vulnerable in the near term. Their collective generosity in January, when a catastrophic solution was to connect J-HELP needs to a supplemental fund earthquake devastated the impoverished island nation of supported by JUF’s top donors. Major donors were asked Haiti. With the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago to match their 2010 JUF Annual Campaign gifts with equal as the vehicle for our impulse to help repair the world, our amounts for J-HELP. To date, we have raised $11 million community came together to raise $756,000 for the Jewish for this effort, which will be devoted to helping us meet the Federation Earthquake Relief Fund. Earthquakes subsequently most urgent community needs in 2010-2011. This brings our rocked Latin America, and earthquake relief efforts were J-HELP initiative’s total to $14.9 million since its inception. broadened to include Chile. The Federation absorbed all administrative costs, so 100% of collected funds were devoted The challenges before us are formidable, but so is our resolve. to earthquake survivors and their communities. Working As our community has done so many times before in our through our overseas partners, primarily the American Jewish history, we will rise to meet them. Joint Distribution Committee and IsraAID, those dollars were quickly put to work on the ground, offering survivors medical care and trauma relief, delivering fresh water and food, and 20th Anniversary of Operation Exodus rebuilding schools. This year marks the 20th anniversary of one of the most remarkable events of our lifetimes, Operation Exodus, when In April, the two of us took a 36-hour fact-finding trip to Haiti, the American Jewish community rescued 1.4 million Jews representing both Chicago’s Federation and The Jewish from lives of persecution and anti-Semitism in the Soviet Federations of . The first official representatives Union. More than 1 million Soviet Jews embraced new lives in of the North American Jewish community to travel to Haiti Israel, helping to launch the technological boom and a vibrant since the earthquake, we met with Haiti’s President and other new economic era in the Jewish State. dignitaries, and we visited some of the humanitarian programs supported through Jewish Federation Earthquake Relief Funds. Operation Exodus was the culmination of two decades of We were profoundly inspired to see young Jewish volunteers intensive advocacy efforts by American Jewry, led in large working effectively and tirelessly. We also experienced measure by Chicago’s JUF/Federation. Through Operation firsthand how the people of Haiti have been deeply moved Exodus, we helped rewrite modern Jewish history. We by this outpouring of Jewish generosity, as were millions leveraged our collective generosity to transform the face of of people around the world of all faiths who watched news Israel, world Jewry and the future of the Jewish people. accounts with the Israeli flag flying above those heroic field hospitals. We can all be very proud of the special contributions Operation Exodus is the ultimate example of the promise and of both the State of Israel and the American Jewish community power of collective action. It shows how the Jewish community in rebuilding Haiti, which shone an international spotlight on is so much more than the sum of our parts, and how all of us Jewish values in action. can have a greater impact working together than each of us would have working alone.

 On behalf of that unified community, JUF/Federation stands tall for Jewish ideals and interests. And it is your support of JUF that enables us to translate that unity into real action through a multi-faceted Israel advocacy program on campuses, in the media, and in the halls of power.

Looking to the Future The cataclysmic economy and turbulent world affairs both underscore the importance of JUF/Federation, which is strong, stable, and poised to quickly mobilize resources and respond to emerging challenges. The JUF Annual Campaign is our lifeblood; at this time of profound community need, it is imperative that this year’s fund raising effort gains momentum, which can happen only if each community member steps to the plate and assumes responsibility for being a part of it. We Global Community, Global Challenges are hopeful that—with the continued commitment of every Even as local needs have escalated and natural disasters one of you in the community—the 2010 JUF Annual Campaign demand our generosity, we remain committed to meeting our will succeed and will enable our community to meet today’s obligations to Israel and our global Jewish community. The severe needs. Federation system continues to be motivated by a sense of purpose that allows us to mobilize whenever and wherever We are committed to continuing to face the challenges of the Jews are in trouble, be it rushing food to Jewish families in moment in a fashion that will ensure the future vitality and Chicago or emergency aid to Sderot when the town was under strength of this Federation and this community. That is our terrorist siege or airlifting Jews in danger out of Yemen last mission and that is our obligation. We thank you for being an year and Kyrgyzstan this summer. essential part of this noble effort.

We also have the common concerns of fighting escalating global anti-Semitism, attempts to de-legitimize the State of Israel and the threat of a nuclear Iran. Chicago’s JUF/ Federation has played a leadership role in advocating on these issues. Though the threat of a nuclear Iran tops JUF/ Federation’s list of global institutional concerns, this focus reflects an American concern; Iran is not a “Jewish issue,” nor should it be seen as such. We continue to sound a clarion call for an across-the-board coalition of people of all faiths and governments of many nationalities coming together in time to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon capacity and from continuing its human rights abuses.

Israel Advocacy It is a painful irony that it is Israel that is continually under attack in the international arena. Though polls indicate that most are able to see through the propaganda David A. Sherman Steven B. Nasatir smoke screens of Hamas and their supporters, we must Chairman of the Board President remain vigilant against increasing efforts to reject Israel’s very right to exist as the homeland of the Jewish people. Though our community is diverse in many ways, when it comes to Israel’s right to exist and to protect itself from those seeking her destruction, we are united.

 Funded Programs, Services and Agencies Across our Community

HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Northwest Suburban Southern Illinois University, National Foundation for Jewish Culture CJE SeniorLife Service Project Carbondale Jewish Education Service Lieberman Center for Health and Shalom Baby/Shalom Chicago Louis & Saerree Fiedler Hillel Center of North America Rehabilitation, The Harry and Shalom Hartman Institute at Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) Jeanette Weinberg Community for Johanna & Herman H. Newberger Jewish Telegraphic Agency Senior Living, Joseph L. and Emily COMMUNITY BUILDING, Hillel Center at the University Jewish Community K. Gidwitz Place for Assisted Living, JEWISH EDUCATION of Chicago Centers Association Berman and Hannah Friend Center AND CULTURE John Marshall Law School Association of Jewish Family for Early Alzheimer’s Care, Robineau Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Rosalind Franklin University and Children’s Agencies Residence, Helen and Norman Asher Serving Synagogue, Community and of Medicine & Science Jewish Community Relations Day Services Program, Levy House, Day Schools, including scholarships Bradley University Council of the JUF Jarvis House, Farwell House, Krasnow to students at: Akiba-Schechter, Knox College American Jewish World Service Residence, Swartzberg House, Arie Crown, Joan Dachs Bais Lake Forest College America-Israel Chamber Village Center Yaakov Elementary School-Yeshivas Chicago Kent School of Law of Commerce Dina & Eli Field EZRA MultiService Tiferes Tzvi, Seymour J. Abrams Harriet & Maurice L. Lewis Family Interns for Peace Center and the JUF Uptown Cafe Cheder Lubavitch Day School, Hillel Summer Intern Programs in Jewish Jewish Labor Committee HIAS-Chicago Torah North Suburban Day School, Communal Service Jewish War Veterans Jewish Child and Family Services Lubavitch Girls High School, Yeshiva Illinois Wesleyan University National Jewish Center for Chicago City (Downtown) Community Shearis Yisroel Day School, Ida Hillels Around Chicago: Learning and Leadership (CLAL) Counseling Center, Chicago City Crown Jewish Academy, P’tach Multi-Campus Center - National Jewish Coalition (North) Community Counseling Center, Program, Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov Columbia College, DePaul University, for Literacy Elaine Kersten Children’s Center, Girls High School, Bais Yaakov Girl’s Illinois Institute of Technology, America-Israel Cultural Foundation Glick Center for Early Childhood High School, Consolidated Hebrew Northeastern Illinois University, Hebrew Union College Services, including Virginia Frank High School, Elan Educational and , Yeshiva University Child Development Center, JCFS Diagnostic Centers, Frankel Teacher , Russian Hillel, Jewish Theological Seminary Therapeutic Day School and Yeshiva Resource Center, Rebecca Esformes School of the Art Institute Reconstructionist at the Joy F. Knapp Children’s Center, Lafer and Rachel Esformes Day School Hebrew Theological College Rabbinical College Joy F. Knapp Children’s Center, North Based Education Program Spertus Institute Suburban Community Counseling Community Foundation of Jewish Studies Center, Northwest Suburban for Jewish Education Community Counseling Center, Roger Serving Synagogue, Community Illinois Holocaust Museum S. Bloch Child & Family Counseling and Day Schools, including Early and Education Center Center (Skokie), South Suburban Childhood Centers, scholarships Synagogue-Federation OVERSEAS RESCUE, RELIEF Community Counseling Center, West to students at Akiba-Schechter, the Commission and RESETTLEMENT Suburban Community Counseling Solomon Schechter Day Schools, Congregational Enrichment Jewish Federations Center, Irene H. Cummings Group Chicagoland Jewish High School; Initiative Program of North America (JFNA) Home, Joan Perlman Rosenberg Group Dawn Schuman Institute, and Chicago Israel Scholarship Programs The Jewish Agency for Israel Home, John Pugh and Matilda Price Jewish Day School Israel Experience Savings Immigration and Absorption Group Home, Migdal Oaz, Holocaust Special Grant Bernard Zell Programs Youth Aliyah Community Services, JCARES, Jewish Anshe Emet Day School Send-A-Kid-To-Israel Partnership (SKIP) Jewish Zionist Education Healing Network Ariella Joy Frankel Keshet Day Bar/Bat Mitzvah-Gift of Israel Renewal and Development, including Jewish Community Council School and Keshet Sunday School JUF Bar/Bat Mitzvah Partnership 2000 of West Rogers Park Programs for Disabled Youth Israel Experience Certificate JUF Grants to the Movements: Jewish Vocational Service (supervised by ATT & CFJE) Walk with Israel Voucher Progressive, Masorti and JVS Employment Center, Sampson- Jewish Federation Camp JUF/JF Teen Programming Modern Orthodox Katz Center, West Suburban Office, Coupons Program Camp TOV Northwest Suburban Office, Career Jewish Community Center Kolot: The Israel-Centered Teen American Jewish Joint Planning Center (Northbrook), Duman of Chicago Giving Circle Distribution Committee Microenterprise Center and Loan Fund Jacob Duman JCC at Woodland TOV Monthly Teen Health, social welfare and education for Maot Chitim Commons, Florence G. Heller JCC, (MTV)  Israel’s disadvantaged and new Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center Bernard Horwich JCC, Hyde Park Voices: The Teen Giving Circle immigrants; improving services for Samuel A. Goldsmith Dispensary, JCC, Lake County Jewish Community Write On For Israel Israel’s aged and disabled Sinai Medical Group Touhy Satellite Campus, Mayer Kaplan JCC, Bernard Chicago Board of Rabbis Relief, rescue, reconstruction and Response Weinger JCC, Anita M. Stone Jewish Residential Camp education for Jews in some SHALVA Community Center Scholarships 70 other countries South Suburban JCC Camps and Vacation Agudah Midwest, Chi, Ramah, Operation Promise: hunger in Community Services Apachi Chicago Day Camp, Apachi Moshava, B’nai B’rith Beber, Olin- the FSU and Ethiopian Task Force on Services for People Chicago Day Camp at Weinger JCC, Sang Ruby Union Institute, Habonim integration in Israel with Disabilities Elaine Frank Apachi Day Camp, JCC Camp Tavor, Young Judaea, Yeshivas Chicago Kiev Kehilla Project JCFS Family Bridges, Socialization Play Villages, “Z” Frank Apachi Day Hakayitz Ma’arava, Negeela Midwest World ORT - Services (JCC & Keshet), Center Camp, Camp Chi Perlstein Resort and OTZMA - Israel Leadership International Program for Enriched Living, Eva Cooper Conference Center Program for Young Adults Israel Emergency Campaign Disabilities Program and Legal JCC Community-Wide Programs JUF Birthright Israel Jerusalem Center for Advocacy Services (JCFS) and Services JCRC/Hillel Israel Initiative Jewish-Christian Relations The ARK Maccabi JCC, Pritzker Center for on Illinois Campuses Jewish People Policy Seymour H. Persky Building Jewish Education, Sidney N. Shure JUF Right Start Planning Institute Kehilla Program, Marvin N. Stone PJ Library SPECIAL GRANTS Centre for Jewish Arts & Letters Shorashim Aliyah Council of Greater Chicago Center for Jewish The Hillels of Illinois COMMUNITY RELATIONS Community Studies Mildred and William Levine Hillel AND OTHER NATIONAL/LOCAL Chicago Center for Jewish Center at the University of Illinois AGENCIES Genetic Disorders at Chicago Jewish Federations of North Government Affairs Offices Margie K. and Louis N. Cohen Center America (JFNA) Springfield, Illinois and Washington, DC for Jewish Life, University of Alliance/Joint Budgeting Council JUF/JF Chicago Israel Office Illinois at Urbana-Champaign National Conference on Soviet Jewry JUF-TOV Volunteer Network Illinois State University Jewish Council for Public Affairs Northern Illinois University Hillel: The Foundation for Western Illinois University Jewish Campus Life

 General Operating Fund Appropriations, Expenses & Income for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010

Social Welfare & Refugee Resettlement...... $21,395,050 Jewish Child & Family Services Center for Enriched Living Services for Persons With Disabilities Jewish Vocational Service Response Center (Inter-Agency) (Inter-Agency) HIAS (Chicago and National) Refugee Social Services - Resettlement Programs Southern Suburban Community Services Holocaust Community Services The ARK West Suburban Services Project Maot Chitim Project EZRA for Economically J-CERT (Jewish Community Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park Disadvantaged Programs (Inter-Agency) Emergency Resilience Team) JF-Protective Services SHALVA J-HELP

Health Care...... $952,560 Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders

Care of the Aged...... $5,782,787 CJE SeniorLife Lieberman Geriatric Health Centre

Jewish Education, Continuity and Community Building...... $17,242,125 Jewish Community Center Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies SKIP (Send-A-Kid-To-Israel Partnership) Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life Chicago Jewish Day School Bar/Bat Mitzvah Certificates The Hillels of Illinois Jewish Resident Camp Scholarships and Vouchers Northwest Community Outreach Associated Talmud Torahs Project OTZMA National Jewish Center Community Foundation for Jewish Education Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School for Learning and Leadership (CLAL) Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov Girls High School Hebrew Theological College Congregational School Funding (Congregational Dawn Schuman Institute School Enrichment Initiative Program) Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School ATT/CFJE/Keshet Jewish Education National Jewish Coalition for Literacy Arie Crown Hebrew Day School Programs for Disabled Youth National Foundation for Jewish Culture Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov Elementary School Telshe Yeshiva Jewish Theological Seminary Seymour Abrams Cheder Lubavitch Jewish Education Service of North America, Inc. Reconstructionist Rabbinical College Akiba-Schechter Day School Bar/Bat Mitzvah — Gift of Israel Hebrew Union College Bais Yaakov Girls High School JUF Birthright Israel Yeshiva University Chicagoland Jewish High School Shorashim Synagogue - Federation Commission Solomon Schechter Day Schools American-Israel Cultural Foundation Preservation of Historic Jewish Cemeteries Yeshivas Shearis Yisrael Chicago Board of Rabbis Aliyah Council of Greater Chicago Lubavitch Girls High School Chicago Community Israel Scholarship Programs JUF Right Start Israel Studies Program Community Outreach and Leadership Development Club Israel in Public/Private Schools Community Relations...... $1,313,763 Jewish Community Centers Association Jewish War Veterans Jewish Television Commission of North America Jewish Council for Public Affairs of the CBR and WJUF National Conference on Soviet Jewry American Jewish World Service Interns for Peace Center for Jewish Community Studies Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) Project Interchange Jewish Labor Committee Government Affairs Offices — Alliance (JFNA-National Agencies) Jewish Telegraphic Agency Springfield and Washington, D.C. Chicago Jewish Population Study Hillel JCRC Israel Initiatives Jewish Folk Arts Festival Overseas Allocations...... $35,740,101 Donor Advised Fund and Support Foundation Distributions...... $53,494,903 Central Offices, Budgeting, Planning, Research, Central Purchasing, Public Relations and Publications...... $3,852,956 Total Appropriations...... $139,774,245 Funds were provided by: Endowment and Allocation from Government Grants...... 6,494,179 Miscellaneous Income...... 11,624,299 the Jewish United Fund...... 65,876,169 Allocation from the United Way ...... 1,280,752 Conference on Material Claims Donor Advised Funds and Against Germany...... 1,003,943 Supporting Foundations ...... 53,494,903 Total Income...... $139,774,245

 Grants & Contracts $80,907,838* Received and/or Spent in Fiscal Year 2009-2010

JEWISH FEDERATION Conference on Jewish Material Claims JCFS - JCARES: Domestic Violence OF METROPOLITAN CHICAGO Against Germany, Inc. Training Initiative...... $15,000 Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed - JCRC - Modern Israel: Holy Land Foundation/Special Grants Programs for Holocaust Survivors...... $20,000 and Jewish State ...... $15,000 1261 Foundation Holocaust Community Services - JF/JUF Priority Grants Program...... $107,500 The ARK - Intensive Day Care Program...... $20,000 Café Europa...... $15,000 Barbara & Larry Field Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Conference on Jewish Material JCRC/Hillel Israel Initiative...... $15,000 Tenant Support Project...... $22,000 Claims Against Germany, Inc. - Dina and Eli Field Family Foundation German Government In-Home Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc. Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC...... $25,000 Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - Service Fund 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $2,500 Holocaust Community Services...... $257,245 Jacob J. Fink Charitable Foundation CJE - NORC Demonstration Project...... $25,000 Agawak Alumnae Foundation Conference on Jewish Material Camp Scholarships...... $4,000 Claims Against Germany, Inc. - The Fogelson Foundation Holocaust Survivor Emergency Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Amicus Therapeutics Assistance Program JUF Uptown Café...... $1,800 Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - Holocaust Community Services...... $55,000 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $1,800 Herbert and Marjorie Fried Field Conference on Jewish Material of Interest Fund Anonymous Claims Against Germany, Inc. - JF/JUF Priority Grants Program...... $59,263 Chicago Center for Jewish Hungarian Gold Train Settlement Genetic Disorders...... $75,000 Holocaust Community Services...... $15,476 Genzyme Therapeutics Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC...... $100,000 Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - Holocaust Community Services...... $20,000 Conference on Jewish Material 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $10,000 Israel Experience Scholarships...... $100,000 Claims Against Germany, Inc. - Israel Studies Program at International Commission on Lawrence E. & Nancy S. Glick University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign...... $75,000 Holocaust Era Insurance Claims Family Foundation JCFS - Disability Services Navigator...... $20,000 Holocaust Community Services...... $170,000 JCFS - Early Childhood Intervention Jewish Community Emergency and Prevention Services...... $100,000 Conference on Jewish Material Resilience Team (JCERT)...... $20,000 Claims Against Germany, Inc. - Max Goldenberg Foundation J-HELP Initiative...... $175,000 Successor Organization Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - J-HELP Day School Initiatives...... $200,000 Holocaust Community Services...... $425,000 JUF Uptown Café...... $17,500 Kehilla Funding Pool & Teen Leadership Award...... $44,400 Conference on Jewish Material Goodman Supporting Foundation PJ Library...... $250,000 Claims Against Germany, Inc. - Modern Israel Program at JCC Camp Chi....$117,500 Teen Volunteer Initiatives...... $26,000 Swiss Looted Assets Emergency The Grandy Foundation Assistance Program JUF TOV Literacy Project...... $6,000 AstraZeneca Holocaust Community Services...... $46,222 Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - Benjamin B. Green-Field Foundation 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $5,000 Eva Cooper Foundation Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - ATT/CFJE - Keshet Day School...... $20,040 JUF Uptown Café...... $1,250 Isaac and Carol Auerbach JCFS - Disabilities Service Program...... $60,120 Family Foundation Maurice R. and Meta G. Gross Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - CordBancUSA Foundation Family Matters...... $10,000 Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - JUF TOV Literacy Project...... $10,000 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $2,500 The AVI CHAI Foundation Hannah and Frank Grossman JCRC/JUF News - Write On For Israel...... $231,000 Crown Family Philanthropies Charitable Trust ATT/JCFS - Mental Health Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Bank of America Charitable Foundation and Special Education Services...... $66,877 Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC...... $25,000 JUF Uptown Café...... $10,000 Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC ...... $175,000 Bellows Family Foundation JCFS - General Operating Support...... $10,000 Harris Family Foundation Associated Talmud Torahs...... $34,360 JCRC/Hillel Israel Initiative...... $80,000 Kiryat Gat Youth Futures Program...... $150,000 J-HELP Initiative...... $360,000 Hebrew Theological College...... $23,000 Harriet and Ernest Karmin Birthright Israel NEXT, Inc. D & R Fund Special Needs Fund Alumni Programming ...... $86,000 JCFS - Residential Group Homes...... $40,000 JCFS - Family Respite Weekend...... $15,400 Blum-Kovler Foundation Charles and Audrey Dann Dr. Saul & Rose Mackoff Field Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Family Charitable Foundation of Interest Fund JUF Uptown Café...... $1,000 Chicagoland Jewish High School...... $15,000 Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Immigrant Services...... $53,089 Martin and Mary L. Boyer Foundation Dor V’Dor Foundation Chicago Center for Jewish Chicagoland Jewish High School...... $20,000 Judd Malkin Family Foundation Genetic Disorders...... $50,000 JCRC/Hillel Israel Initiative...... $20,000 George M. Eisenberg Foundation Chai Unit B’nai B’rith for Charities MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger South Suburban Community Services - CJE - NORC Demonstration Project...... $50,000 Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Chanukah Gifts Program...... $750 Emergency Food Distribution Program Fel-Pro/Mecklenburger Supporting Fund and Social Services...... $8,000 The Chicago Community Trust CJE - Healthy Aging Services for Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC...... $60,000 Subsidized Housing Residents...... $20,000 Mentor Corporation Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - Charities Holiday Fund JUF Uptown Café...... $10,000 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $2,500 (A Fund of the McCormick Foundation) Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Michael Reese Health Trust Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Uptown Social Action...... $18,000 Chicago Center for Jewish Job Readiness Training...... $15,000 JCFS - Integrated Pediatric Genetic Disorders...... $230,000 Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Interventions...... $20,000 JF/SUHI/ATT/JCFS - Tenant Support Project...... $15,000 School-Based Wellness Project...... $160,000

 Grants & Contracts, cont’d.

Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Village of Skokie/ Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - Foundation Community Development Block Grant 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $2,500 CJE - Helping Hand Project...... $50,000 Facility Improvements JCRC - Reach Across Illinois Campuses JCFS - Integrated Pediatric Interventions.....$100,000 at the Goldie Bachmann Luftig Building...... $12,000 for Israel...... $65,000 Weiss Memorial Hospital Supporting TOTAL - JEWISH FEDERATION OF Harvey L. Miller Supporting Foundation Foundation/JF Fund for Innovation in METROPOLITAN CHICAGO GOVERNMENT The ARK - General Operating Support...... $25,000 Health (Supported by the Michael Reese CONTRACTS AND GRANTS...... $7,343,354 JCFS - Counseling...... $25,000 Health Trust) Maot Chitim - General Operating Support...... $15,000 Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Healthy Advantage...... $37,598 THE ARK National Council of Jewish Women South Cook Section Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund Foundation/Special Grants and South Suburban Community Services - JCRC/Hillel Israel Initiative...... $74,500 Government Contracts and Grants Passover Program...... $500 JCRC - Reach Across Illinois Campuses Anonymous for Israel...... $65,000 General Operating Support...... $32,000 Northern Trust Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - The Women’s Group of Northwestern Anonymous 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $1,000 Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - General Operating Support...... $100,000 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $1,800 The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund The Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - “Z” Frank Camp Apachi Supporting Pharmacy...... $15,000 JUF Uptown Café...... $12,000 Foundation Elaine Frank Apachi Day Camp...... $62,452 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Polk Bros. Foundation Medical Clinic...... $15,000 Project Connect: Financial Stability Gene and Dolores Zemsky Services and Comprehensive JCRC/Hillel Israel Initiative...... $5,000 The Braeside Foundation Case Management...... $195,000 General Operating Support...... $3,000 TOTAL - JEWISH FEDERATION REAM Foundation OF METROPOLITAN CHICAGO Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Chicago Center for Jewish FOUNDATION/ Foundation, Inc. Genetic Disorders...... $10,000 SPECIAL GRANTS...... $5,770,480 Food Pantry and Food Specific Assistance...... $2,500 Ring Family Foundation Crown Family Philanthropies The ARK - General Operating Support...... $500 JEWISH FEDERATION General Operating Support...... $75,000 OF METROPOLITAN CHICAGO Samuel and Marie Louise George M. Eisenberg Foundation Rosenthal Field of Interest Fund Government Contracts and Grants for Charities Response - Northwest Teen Clinic...... $40,000 Food Pantry and Food Specific Assistance...... $5,000 Illinois Department of Human Services Brandon Dann Rotstein Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Fraida Foundation Memorial Foundation Tenant Support Project...... $107,467 Sarnoff Levin Residence...... $35,000 J-HELP Initiative - Refugee and Immigrant Citizenship Max Goldenberg Foundation Emergency Financial Assistance...... $10,000 Initiative (RICI)...... $2,180,263 Food Pantry and Food Specific Assistance.....$10,000 Refugee K-12...... $350,000 Seder Family Foundation Refugee Senior Services...... $320,447 Leo S. Guthman Fund General Operating Support for The ARK, Statewide Refugee Food Pantry and Food Specific Assistance.....$25,000 JCFS, JCC, JVS, and CJE SeniorLife...... $1,650 Social Services Program...... $3,643,469 The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Shire Human Genetic Therapies Inc. Illinois Department of Public Health Foundation Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - General Operating Support...... $15,000 10th Anniversary Celebration...... $5,000 DNA Day 2010...... $6,500 Sinai Health System - Harry and Sadie Lasky Foundation Sisyphus Supporting Foundation General Operating Support...... $12,000 Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - Refugee Health Screening...... $323,033 Healthy Advantage...... $18,000 Sinai Health System - The Marvin & Kay Lichtman Foundation Refugee Health Screening Administration....$255,700 Sarnoff Levin Residence...... $15,000 Phillip & Sylvia Spertus Supporting Foundation U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger Spertus Institute - Emergency Food and Shelter Program/ Food Pantry and Food Specific Assistance.....$10,000 General Operating Support...... $10,000 City of Chicago The ARK - Rent, Mortgage Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation The Swartzberg/Zoller Family Foundation and Utility Payments...... $45,000 General Operating Support...... $5,000 Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders - CJE - Food Vouchers, Rent, Community Outreach Coordinator...... $5,000 Niles Township and Mortgage Payments...... $4,000 Food Pantry and Food Specific Assistance...... $1,100 CJE - General Operating Support...... $5,000 Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - CJE - Swartzberg Residence...... $25,000 Food Vouchers, Rent, Mortgage Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc. HIAS Chicago...... $5,000 and Utility Payments...... $37,787 Payless Gives: Shoes 4 Kids...... $1,500 J-HELP Initiative...... $10,000 JCFS - Rent, Mortgage Polk Bros. Foundation and Utility Payments...... $13,000 Temple Anshe Sholom A Beth Torah Medical Clinic...... $75,000 South Suburban Community Services ...... $1,760 U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation Emergency Food and Shelter Program/ United Way of Lake County Food Pantry and Food Specific Assistance...... $3,000 JCFS - Early Intervention Program...... $11,622 Suburban Cook County JVS - youthAbility Program...... $15,000 CJE - Food Vouchers, Rent, Charles & M.R. Shapiro and Mortgage Payments...... $5,000 Foundation, Inc. Voices: The Teen Giving Circle JCFS - Rent, Mortgage Sarnoff Levin Residence...... $42,000 Dina and Eli Field EZRA MSC - and Utility Payments...... $29,688 JUF Uptown Café...... $1,506 South Suburban Community Services - Irvin Stern Foundation Rent and Mortgage Payments...... $10,000 Sarnoff Levin Residence...... $12,000

 Grants & Contracts, cont’d.

The TJX Foundation, Inc. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act/ U.S. Department of Housing Sarnoff Levin Residence...... $5,000 Age Options and Urban Development Home Delivered Meals...... $51,137 Rent Subsidies...... $2,349,000 TOTAL – THE ARK...... $514,100 Home Delivered Meals - Shelf Stable Meals...... $846 Service Coordinator for Jarvis/Farwell Housing...... $59,227 The Bill Bass Foundation Service Coordinator for Swartzberg House.....$67,086 ASSOCIATED TALMUD TORAHS Home Delivered Meals...... $10,000 U.S. Social Security Administration Foundation/Special Grants and Alvin H. Baum Family Fund Medicare...... $8,031,000 Government Contracts and Grants General Operating Support...... $50,000 Village of Skokie/ Crain-Maling Foundation Jack and Eleanor Borden Fund Community Development Block Grant General Operating Support...... $50,000 Home Delivered Meals...... $500 Lieberman Center for Health Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation Charter One Bank and Rehabilitation - Capital Improvements.....$27,000 Healthy Aging...... $10,000 General Operating Support...... $15,000 The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Charles & M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc. The Chicago Community Trust Foundation/Age Options Website Enhancement and Training...... $20,000 Benefits Checkup Program ...... $10,000 Caring Together, Living Better...... $30,000 Assistance to the Physically Handicapped...... $4,000 U.S. Department of Education - Title I TOTAL - CJE SENIORLIFE...... $25,825,886 Academic Counseling...... $180,964 Chicago Housing Authority Catapult-Instructional Services Rent Subsidies/Levy House...... $19,000 for Math and Reading...... $450,000 THE HILLELS OF ILLINOIS Chicago Low Income Housing Trust Fund Parent Involvement Programs...... $11,265 Levy House...... $1,000,000 Foundation/Special Grants and Professional Development...... $277,312 Rent Subsidies...... $73,200 Government Contracts and Grants U.S. Department of Education - Title II-A City of Chicago/ Margie K. and Louis N. Cohen Center Professional Development...... $74,553 Department of Community Development for Jewish Life - University of Illinois Special Leadership Grant...... $2,997 Small Accessible Repairs for Seniors...... $60,000 at Urbana-Champaign Technical Assistance Community...... $25,000 U.S. Department of Education - Title II-D Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation Education Technology...... $10,820 Evanston Hospital Community Program Grant...... $3,575 U.S. Department of Education - Title III Advisory Committee LaBriut! - A Naturally Occurring Retirement First Bank of Highland Park Foundation Language Instruction for Shabbat Dinners and Bagel Brunches...... $15,000 Limited English Proficient Students ...... $3,400 Community for the Orthodox Community...... $1,000 Hillel International Center U.S. Department of Education - Title IV Max Goldenberg Foundation Home Delivered Meals...... $15,000 Alternative Spring Break Student Trip...... $2,675 Safe & Drug Free Schools...... $14,599 General Operating Support...... $22,576 TOTAL - ASSOCIATED TALMUD Leo S. Guthman Fund Healthy Aging...... $30,000 Hillel International Center/MASA TORAHS...... $1,110,910 Israeli Shaliach Program and Israel Week...... $3,125 Healthcare Foundation of Highland Park Gidwitz Plus - Illini Union Board COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Assisted Living with Extra Support...... $15,000 Program Grant...... $1,000 FOR JEWISH EDUCATION Illinois Attorney General’s Office Jewish Agency for Israel Foundation/Special Grants and Crime Victim/Witness Assistance Program....$28,000 Israeli Shaliach Program...... $16,000 Government Contracts and Grants Israel Week...... $3,000 Illinois Department of Healthcare Anonymous and Family Services Orthodox Union Professional Development Medicaid/Lieberman Center for Health and Jewish Learning Initiative...... $75,000 for Youth Workers...... $50,000 Rehabilitation...... $6,259,000 StandWithUs Program Grants and Israel Week...... $1,000 The Nathan Cummings Foundation Illinois Department of Human Services Adult Regional Hebrew Ulpan...... $5,000 Counseling Services...... $53,160 Student Organization Resource Fund The Francis L. Lederer Foundation Transportation...... $93,193 Alternative Spring Break Student Trip...... $3,240 Alternative Spring Break Student Trip...... $3,510 General Operating Support...... $5,000 Illinois Department of Public Health I Dream of Gene Week and Israel Week...... $2,120 Charles & M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc. Building Better Bones...... $26,500 Professional Development Programs Illinois Department on Aging Takiff Family Foundation and Adult Regional Hebrew Ulpan...... $25,000 Adult Day Care Food Program...... $16,000 Shabbat Dinners and Bagel Brunches...... $25,000 TOTAL - COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Community Care Program...... $891,207 The David Project FOR JEWISH EDUCATION...... $85,000 Managed Community Care Program...... $4,122,147 Israel Week and Shabbat Retreat...... $1,250 Illinois Housing Development Authority USD Hagshama Rent Subsidies...... $1,727,414 Israel Week...... $500 CJE SENIORLIFE Anne P. Lederer Research Institute The Louis and Saeree Fiedler Foundation/Special Grants and Care Management Services...... $48,034 Hillel Center - Northwestern University Government Contracts and Grants General Operating Support...... $25,000 Leonard Schanfield Research Institute...... $50,000 Anonymous Age Options Center for Leadership & Engagement...... $25,000 Title IIIB Chore Services...... $117,298 Chicago Tribune Charities Holiday Fund Title IIIB Housekeeping and Transportation ....$11,799 (A Fund of the McCormick Foundation) Center for American Progress Title IIIC-2 Home Delivered Meals - Home Delivered Meals...... $15,000 Schmooze Magazine...... $750 Evanston...... $132,242 Meals On Wheels Association of America The Covenant Foundation Title IIIC-2 Home Delivered Meals - Digital Engagement Initiative...... $50,750 Evanston II...... $202,957 Home Delivered Meals...... $12,431 Hazon, Inc. Charles & M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc. Care Management Services...... $50,000 Supporting Environmental Campus Outreach...... $500

 Grants & Contracts, cont’d.

Hillel International JEWISH CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Group Homes...... $3,256,867 Alternative Spring Break Student Trip...... $5,975 System of Care and Maintaining Adoption Foundation/Special Grants and Alternative Spring Break Student Trip...... $5,150 Connections Programs...... $998,620 Government Contracts and Grants Campus Entrepreneurs Initiative...... $19,475 General Operating Support...... $22,576 Illinois Department of Human Services Angell Family Partners, LLC Respite...... $201,545 Jewish Community Abuse Resources, Hillels Around Chicago Education & Solutions (JCARES)...... $10,000 Illinois Department of Human Services/ Anonymous Division of Human Capital Development General Operating Support...... $20,000 Anonymous Refugee/Entrant Social Services...... $66,286 Advocacy Services...... $5,000 Program Support at Northeastern Illinois Illinois Office of New Americans University, Oakton Community College, Anonymous and Illinois Institute of Technology...... $15,000 Policy and Advocacy General Operating Support...... $4,500 Language and Cultural Competence Anonymous Anonymous Technical Assistance ...... $4,500 Russian Hillel Professional Staff Support...... $25,000 Services to Russian Refugees Illinois State Board of Education and Immigrants...... $29,576 Birthright Israel NEXT Early Childhood Autism Academy...... $336,271 Russian Hillel Programming...... $10,000 Anonymous Integrated Pediatric Interventions...... $200,000 General Operating Support...... $100,000 Therapeutic Day School...... $4,584,890 DePaul University Winter Coats Fund...... $3,600 High Holiday Programming...... $5,000 JF Fund for Innovation in Health Professional Staff Support...... $18,000 Associated Agencies, Inc. (Supported by the Shabbat Rabbi...... $5,000 General Operating Support...... $2,500 Michael Reese Health Trust) Disability Services Navigator...... $30,000 Hillel International Center The Braeside Foundation Jewish Healing Network of Chicago...... $70,000 General Operating Support...... $22,500 General Operating Support...... $2,500 Respite Across the Lifespan...... $60,000 StandWithUs The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation Jewish Women’s Foundation Israel Advocacy Programming...... $4,000 General Operating Support...... $1,000 of Metropolitan Chicago The William and Mildred Levine Hillel Center - Cat In The Hat Trading III, LLC Financial Assistance Services University of Illinois at Chicago General Operating Support...... $4,000 for Jewish Women...... $15,000 Jewish Community Abuse Resources, Anonymous Chicago Tribune Charities Holiday Fund Education & Solutions (JCARES)...... $10,000 Peer Network Engagement (A Fund of the McCormick Foundation) Internship Program...... $25,000 Residential Services - Kaplan Family Foundation Price Parenting Education Program...... $15,000 Respite Across the Lifespan...... $25,000 Hillel International Center/MASA MASA Programming...... $1,000 John C. & Jane B. Colman Fund Kaplan Foundation Fund of The Chicago Peer Network Engagement MASA Intern...... $2,000 Chaver Program...... $5,000 Community Trust General Operating Support...... $5,000 Charles & M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc. Cooper-Meyer Wealth Management Peer Network Engagement Group of Wells Fargo Advisors Selma Breskin Kaplan Foundation Internship Program...... $10,000 General Operating Support...... $2,500 General Operating Support...... $1,000 Loyola University Earl Rubin Chapter Auxiliary Kersten Family Foundation Foster Care ...... $2,400 Elaine Kersten Children’s Center...... $70,000 Birthright Israel NEXT Program Grant...... $700 Estelle Ecker Foundation Helen & Joseph Komarek Foundation General Operating Support...... $3,000 General Operating Support...... $2,000 Hillel International Center Virginia Frank Child Development Center...... $2,000 Israel on Campus Coalition Grant...... $3,000 Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program Program Grant...... $5,000 David & Lisette Eisendrath Foundation General Operating Support...... $6,000 Virginia Frank Child Development Center...... $3,000 Loyola University Diversity Office Sheldon & Pearl R. Leibowitz Program Grant...... $2,000 Joseph & Bessie Feinberg Foundation Foundation General Operating Support...... $2,500 General Operating Support...... $3,000 Loyola University Ministry Program Grant...... $2,000 First Bank of Highland Park Michael Reese Health Trust General Operating Support...... $1,000 General Operating Support...... $1,000 Loyola University Student Activity Fund Jewish Community Abuse Resources, Education & Program Grant...... $3,000 Frankel Family Foundation Solutions - Partnership for Safer Synagogues....$15,000 General Operating Support...... $2,000 StandWithUs Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation Israel Program Grant...... $1,500 Leo S. Guthman Fund Services to Russian Refugees Integrated Pediatric Interventions...... $25,000 and Immigrants...... $3,000 The Johanna and Herman H. Newberger Hillel Center - John R. Halligan Charitable Fund Auxiliary of JCFS Therapeutic Day School - Therapeutic Day School, Respite, Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation Creative Arts Program...... $15,000 Adjunct Educator Program...... $5,000 Highland Park High School Connections Program and Other JCFS Programs...... $256,000 The Irving Harris Foundation Anonymous Virginia Frank Child Development Center - Mentor Project...... $25,000 Edmond and Alice Opler Foundation Consultation and Training...... $66,000 Emergency Financial Assistance...... $20,000 The Covenant Foundation Adjunct Educator Program...... $50,000 HIAS New York Polk Bros. Foundation Marriage Education to Russian Refugees.....$104,600 Counseling...... $1,000 The Walter S. Mander Foundation Refugee Reception and Placement...... $22,100 Capacity Building...... $10,000 Prince Charitable Trusts Illinois Department of Children Virginia Frank Child Development Center - TOTAL - THE HILLELS and Family Services Consultation and Training...... $20,000 OF ILLINOIS...... $578,447 Counseling...... $43,000 Foster Care...... $2,702,435

10 Grants & Contracts, cont’d.

The Rhoades Foundation Estelle Ecker Foundation JCC Association of North America General Operating Support...... $1,000 General Operating Support...... $1,500 Camp Chi - Jewish Educator...... $7,500 Day of Caring and Sharing...... $9,000 Rubens Family Foundation The Epstein Foundation Project Esther: The Chicago Jewish General Operating Support...... $2,500 JCC Women’s Auxiliary Adoption Network...... $3,000 Scholarship Support...... $100,000 Field Packaging Group The Sondheimer Foundation General Operating Support...... $1,000 JCC Endowment Foundation/ General Operating Support...... $5,000 Elaine S. Frank Scholarship Greenberg Traurig, LLP Endowment Fund Jerome H. Stone Family Foundation General Operating Support...... $5,000 Scholarship Support...... $100,000 General Operating Support...... $1,000 Hackberry Endowment Partners U.S. Department of Agriculture Topfer Family Foundation General Operating Support...... $1,000 Child and Adult Care Food Program...... $80,000 Residential Services - Therapeutic Recreation Program...... $20,000 Healthcare Foundation U.S. Department of Agriculture/ of Highland Park Wisconsin Department of Northwest Teen Clinic...... $10,000 United Scrap Metal Public Instruction General Operating Support...... $2,500 Illinois Department of Human Camp Chi - Milk Grant...... $4,500 U.S. Department of Health Services/Division of Community U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/ Health and Prevention and Human Services/ Substance Abuse Prevention...... $127,609 Office of Refugee Resettlement Childcare Network of Evanston Illinois Refugee Family Early Head Start Building Strengthening Project...... $247,785 Loomcraft Textile & Supply Co. General Operating Support...... $1,000 and Service Support...... $150,000 The Wagner Foundation TOTAL - JEWISH COMMUNITY General Operating Support...... $11,550 Mills Family Charitable Foundation General Operating Support...... $5,000 CENTER...... $836,730 Weinger/Spector Foundation General Operating Support ...... $1,000 Mosaic Construction, LLC General Operating Support...... $905 JEWISH VOCATIONAL SERVICE Herbert C. Wenske Foundation Foundation/Special Grants and General Operating Support...... $2,000 Niles Township Corporate Fund Niles West High School Drop-in Center...... $3,000 Government Contracts and Grants Western Union Foundation American Recovery and Reinvestment Financial Literacy Education Prime Property Investors, Ltd. Act/Illinois Department of Family and for New Americans...... $50,000 General Operating Support...... $5,000 Support Services/Community WGN Radio 720 Neediest Kids Sacks Family Foundation Services Block Grant General Operating Support...... $10,000 Fund (A Fund of the Community Service Center...... $200,000 McCormick Foundation) Village of Skokie American Recovery and Reinvestment Investing in Teen Futures...... $10,000 Alternatives to Violence Programming...... $3,000 Act/Illinois Department of Human HIAS Chicago Voices: The Teen Giving Circle Services/Division Teen Clinic...... $2,000 of Rehabilitation Services Anonymous Youth Placement Services/School Store...... $36,490 Services to Russian Refugees Weinger/Spector Foundation Youth Placement Services/youthAbility...... $39,909 and Immigrants...... $20,424 General Operating Support...... $1,000 American Recovery and Reinvestment Illinois Department of Human Services/ TOTAL - JEWISH CHILD Act/U.S. Department of Labor/ Illinois Coalition for Immigrant AND FAMILY SERVICES...... $14,149,961 Senior Service America and Refugee Rights Senior Community Service Employment New Americans Initiative...... $91,700 Program/Senior AIDES Program...... $294,180 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Illinois Department of Human Services/ American Recovery and Reinvestment Refugee and Immigrant Citizenship Foundation/Special Grants and Act/Workforce Board Initiative/Coalition of Limited English Government Contracts and Grants of Northern Cook County Speaking Elderly (CLESE) Ready4Work - Summer Job Program...... $151,243 Bright Ideas - English Literacy/Civics Project...$3,600 Anonymous JCC Programs Scholarships...... $50,000 Anonymous Harry and Sadie Lasky Foundation e-Learning Program...... $40,000 General Operating Support...... $7,500 Charles & M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc. Camp Chi Scholarships...... $50,000 Anonymous Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation Vocational Training Scholarships...... $45,000 Services to Russian Refugees Chicago Public Schools and Immigrants...... $2,000 Bernard Horwich JCC - Preschool for All...... $80,000 Citigroup Foundation Duman Microenterprise Center Response Commonwealth Edison Company - and Loan Fund...... $20,000 Smart Ideas Anonymous Mayer Kaplan JCC - Lighting Project...... $18,220 City of Chicago/Community Teen and Family Counseling...... $36,000 Development Block Grant Foundation for Jewish Camp Homemaker Health Care Aide Appel Family Foundation Camp Chi - Camper-Centric Initiative...... $23,000 General Operating Support...... $10,000 Training Program...... $25,000 Camp Chi - Scholarship Challenge Grant...... $22,000 Special Placement Services...... $84,480 Barnes & Noble Booksellers Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation Response Snowball Fund...... $698 City of Chicago/Department of Family Great Lakes Recruit Training Center - and Support Services Chicago Jewish Funerals Jewish Outreach ...... $34,510 Entrepreneurship Training and Loans General Operating Support...... $1,500 Illinois State Board of Education for Returning Citizens...... $6,250 Design Construction Concepts Mayer Kaplan JCC - Preschool for All...... $108,000 CNA Foundation General Operating Support...... $1,000 General Operating Support...... $5,000

11 Grants & Contracts, cont’d.

Consolidated Appropriations Act/Senior U.S. Department of Health and Human City of Chicago/Assistant Secretary Service America Services/Centers for Disease Control for Preparedness and Response/ Senior Community Service Employment and Prevention Chicago Department of Public Health Program/Senior AIDES Program...... $110,000 Community-Based Services...... $23,200 Emergency Preparedness - Special Populations...... $194,000 Illinois Community College Board U.S. Department of Labor/ English as a Second Language...... $131,383 Senior Service America City of Chicago/ English as a Second Language Senior Community Service Employment Program/ Department of Public Health Bridge Grant...... $25,000 Senior AIDES Program...... $1,569,722 HIV Rapid Testing...... $150,000 HIV Services...... $52,000 Illinois Department U.S. Department of Transportation of Central Management Services Community-Based Services...... $491,673 City of Chicago/Department Community-Based Services...... $170,580 of Public Health/Division of HIV/AIDS U.S. Department of Treasury/ HIV Ambulatory/Outpatient Program...... $105,072 Illinois Department of Commerce Internal Revenue Service HIV Mental Health...... $69,338 and Economic Opportunity Community-Based Services...... $68,903 Bridging the Digital Divide...... $115,000 The Coleman Foundation Duman Microenterprise Center U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cancer Navigators and CT Scanning...... $300,000 and Loan Fund/Illinois Small Business Community-Based Services...... $1,047,371 Development Center...... $72,000 Lloyd A. Fry Foundation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pediatric High Risk Infant Clinic...... $35,000 Community-Based Services...... $839,074 Illinois Department of Human Services/ Division of Mental Health Grant Healthcare Foundation U.S. General Services Administration Adult Psychiatry Nurse Practitioner...... $60,000 Behavioral Mental Health Services...... $1,001,772 Community-Based Services...... $1,115,303 Community-Based Services/ Illinois Attorney General’s Office John J. Madden Mental Health Center...... $135,000 Walgreen Co. Violent Crime Victims Assistance...... $30,000 Community Consumer Support...... $129,778 Strictly Business ...... $25,000 Illinois Department of Human Services/ Special Projects...... $50,000 Western Union Supported Residential Living...... $163,440 Division of Mental Health English as a Second Language...... $50,000 Mental Health Medicaid Purchase Illinois Department of Human Services/ Workforce Investment Act/ of Services...... $1,633,000 Division of Rehabilitation Services Workforce Board Mental Health Non-Medicaid Purchase Community-Based Employment Services.....$458,213 of Northern Cook County of Services...... $667,000 Community-Based Services/Illinois Center Youth Placement Services ...... $216,823 Mental Health Programs...... $1,550,958 for Rehabilitation and Education/Wood Youth Placement Services/ Illinois Department of Public Health Senior Day Program...... $121,218 Wheeling High School...... $36,311 Supported Employment...... $237,883 Evaluation of Stand Against Cancer...... $94,621 TOTAL - JEWISH VOCATIONAL Pediatric Hemoglobinopathy Project...... $10,000 Illinois Department of Human SERVICE...... $10,287,020 Services/Office of Inspector General Susan G. Komen Breast Community-Based Services...... $7,200 Cancer Foundation Breast Cancer Programming...... $75,000 Illinois Department of Human Services/ SINAI HEALTH SYSTEM Title XX The Susan F. Lasky Foundation Foundation/Special Grants and Homemaker Health Care Aide Oncology Patient Navigation Program...... $75,000 Government Contracts and Grants Training Program...... $174,968 Paul & Theo H. Leffmann Sampson-Katz Center/ Access Community Health Network/ Audiology Program Developmental Disabilities Program...... $138,552 Ryan White Title IV Audiology Program...... $28,192 Pediatric HIV/AIDS Patient Care...... $71,091 Illinois Secretary of State’s Office Marvin and Kay Lichtman Foundation Adult Literacy...... $25,000 Access Community Health Network/ Child Protective Services U.S. Department of Health Illinois State Police and High Risk Clinic...... $15,000 Community-Based Services...... $44,019 and Human Services/Health Resources and Services Administration Michael Reese Health Trust Jacobson Foundation Evaluation of West Side Healthy Start...... $94,621 Improving Access to Health General Operating Support...... $25,000 and Mental Health Services AIDS Foundation of Chicago/ for Chicago’s Deaf Community...... $75,000 James H. Stone Trust Pediatric AIDS in Children SUHI - Evaluation Grant...... $204,500 Duman Microenterprise Center Prevention Initiative and Loan Fund...... $5,000 Pediatric HIV/AIDS Case Management...... $104,555 National Institutes of Health Block by Block North Lawndale Diabetes Jewish Women’s Foundation Anonymous Community Action Project...... $500,000 of Metropolitan Chicago Mount Sinai Hospital - Capital Grant...... $198,901 Humboldt Park Block by Block Campaign Entrepreneurship Training to Combat Diabetes...... $115,143 for Jewish Women...... $10,000 Avon Foundation Digital Mammography...... $125,000 National Institutes of Health/International Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Helping Her Live - Gaining Control Material Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical English as a Second Language...... $12,500 of Breast Health...... $650,000 Trials Group/Children’s Memorial Hospital Sinai Navigator Project...... $250,000 HIV/AIDS Research...... $31,903 Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation Vocational Training Scholarships...... $5,000 Centers for Disease Control Polk Bros. Foundation and Prevention/National Center Chicago Housing for Health Partnership...... $50,000 T/S Kully Philanthropic Fund for Environmental Health Duman Microenterprise Center Lawndale Schools Behavioral Chicago Westside Partnership and Mental Health Program...... $90,000 and Loan Fund...... $50,000 for Children’s Asthma Initiative...... $429,445 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation U.S. Army Reserve Corps The Chicago Community Trust Community-Based Services...... $313,572 Expecting Success - Evaluation of The Chicago Community Excellence in Cardiac Care...... $12,271 U.S. Department of Energy Trust-Funded Obesity Projects...... $100,000 Community-Based Services...... $124,010 Pediatric Weight Management Program...... $25,000

12 Grants & Contracts, cont’d.

Rush University Medical Center Illinois Department of Aging Edelstein Foundation Consulting Services Elder Abuse...... $250,000 General Operating Support...... $2,500 to Rush University Medical Center...... $52,351 Illinois Department of Children Joseph & Bessie Feinberg Foundation U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ and Youth Services General Operating Support...... $50,000 Illinois Emergency Management Agency Parenting Institute Program...... $12,000 Physical Security Enhancements...... $62,996 The Fogelson Foundation Physical Security Enhancements...... $23,000 Illinois Department of Human Services/ General Operating Support...... $5,000 Division of Community Health Frankel Family Foundation Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital Chicago Family Case Management...... $994,292 Teen Pregnancy Prevention/ General Operating Support...... $1,000 American Recovery and Reinvestment Subsequent Pregnancy...... $312,400 Act/U.S. Department of Health Harris Family Foundation Women, Infants and Children (WIC)...... $1,742,000 General Operating Support...... $10,000 and Human Services Extended Services...... $150,000 Illinois Department of Human Services/ Illinois Arts Council Bureau of Employment and Training Spertus Museum...... $7,850 The Braeside Foundation Food Stamp Employment and Training...... $55,171 General Operating Support...... $1,000 Israel Education Resource Center Illinois Department of Human Services The Master of Arts in Chicagoland Bicycle Federation - How Healthy is Your Zipcode ...... $2,500 Jewish Professional Studies Program...... $85,000 SRAM Bicycling Mini-Grant Handcycling Program...... $2,000 Illinois Department of Public Health The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Understanding Menopause...... $22,000 City of Chicago/Department Foundation Capacity Building...... $20,000 of Public Health Illinois Department of Public Health/ HIV Disabilities Video...... $52,000 Breast Cancer Awareness Harry and Sadie Lasky Foundation Breast Cancer Awareness...... $15,000 General Operating Support...... $12,500 CVS Caremark Patient Assistance Fund...... $1,500 Illinois Department of Public Health/HIV/ Joseph M. Levine Foundation AIDS Special Event Programs General Operating Support...... $1,000 Dr. Scholl Foundation How Healthy is Your Zipcode...... $5,000 CAMP Schwab...... $5,000 Millard Group, Inc. Illinois Department of Public Health/ General Operating Support...... $1,000 Evan’s Life Foundation Office of Infectious Disease CAMP Schwab...... $5,000 Immunization ...... $86,400 Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation General Operating Support...... $3,600 Evanston Bicycle Club Illinois Poison Center Handcycling Program...... $1,500 Kid Care...... $8,622 Jack Miller Family Foundation General Operating Support...... $1,000 The Field Foundation of Illinois McMaster-Carr Supply Company Education and Vocational Services...... $25,000 General Operating Support...... $3,000 National Endowment for the Arts Spertus Museum Salaries...... $50,000 Grant Healthcare Foundation Rush-Presbyterian - Patient Assistance Fund...... $20,000 St. Luke’s Medical Center Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP General Operating Support...... $2,500 Illinois Attorney General’s Office Perinatal Program...... $35,000 Domestic Violence...... $21,393 The Steans Family Foundation The Perlman Family Foundation Illinois Coalition Against General Operating Support...... $25,000 (Founded by Louis and Anita Perlman) General Operating Support...... $10,000 Domestic Violence Promise Neighborhoods...... $13,000 Domestic Violence...... $14,886 Professional Development...... $17,000 Schmidt, Salzman & Moran, Ltd. General Operating Support...... $1,000 Project Safe Neighborhood TOTAL - SINAI HEALTH In My Shoes...... $55,514 SYSTEM...... $13,966,600 Charles & M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc. In My Shoes...... $55,514 Family Programs...... $15,000

Sisyphus Supporting Foundation SPERTUS INSTITUTE OF JEWISH STUDIES Tawani Foundation Extended Services...... $70,000 General Operating Support...... $1,000 Foundation/Special Grants and Sinai Community Institute Government Contracts and Grants United Israel Appeal Federations Canada The Master of Arts in Bethany Advocate Foundation B & D Foundation Jewish Professional Studies Program...... $40,000 Bound For Glory...... $13,750 General Operating Support...... $10,000 The Chicago Community Trust The Wagner Foundation The Braeside Foundation General Operating Support...... $1,900 Senior Services...... $10,000 General Operating Support...... $2,500 Westwood Management Corporation Chicago Public Schools City of Chicago/ Early Childhood Development...... $237,700 General Operating Support...... $5,000 Department of Cultural Affairs Out of School Youth Program...... $30,000 Spertus Museum...... $3,000 TOTAL - SPERTUS INSTITUTE OF JEWISH STUDIES...... $439,350 City of Chicago/Community Development The Covenant Foundation Block Grant The Master of Arts in Senior Self Neglect Services...... $50,000 Jewish Professional Studies Program...... $66,000 * This does not include an estimated $243,311,000 City of Chicago/Department of Family Crown Family Philanthropies in Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement to Sinai and Support Services General Operating Support...... $25,000 Health System. Juvenile Intervention Support Center...... $670,000 Summer Employment...... $241,500 DLA Piper US LLP Youth Ready Chicago Career General Operating Support...... $5,000 Development Center...... $225,000 Dykema General Operating Support...... $1,000

13 The Centennial Campaign

For over 100 years, the Jewish Federation has provided health and • Campaign Continuity Funds sustain a donor's annual gift to the human services to those in need. In honor of its Centennial anniversary, Jewish United Fund in perpetuity, providing crucial support for the Federation embarked on The Centennial Campaign, a capital and Federation initiatives, at home and abroad, today and for generations endowment campaign that anticipates community needs in the decades to come. to come. • Endowment Funds, the most flexible of the Endowment gifts and Together, the Federation and its affiliated agencies and beneficiaries the only source of emergency resources, enable the JUF/Federation to have selected a wide range of projects that address the evolving needs respond to crises and opportunities whenever and wherever they occur. of a diverse community, offering contributors an opportunity to make a meaningful gift at many levels. • Agency and Day School Endowment Gifts ensure that the network of services that are the lifeblood of our community will be The names of qualifying Centennial Campaign donors will be engraved in available to future generations. stone on a newly constructed Centennial Wall in the Jewish Federation’s new lobby, echoing the beauty, history, and meaning of the walls • Income for Life Continuity Funds provide a donor or his/her loved of Jerusalem. ones with income payments throughout their lifetimes and sustain the Jewish community for future generations. The Centennial Campaign offers a variety of gift-planning opportunities: Federation’s experienced gift-planning professionals will be pleased to • Centennial Continuum Projects provide donors the opportunity discuss the tax-advantaged ways to structure a Centennial Campaign to fund high-priority capital or programmatic initiatives. These include charitable gift with you and your advisers. For more information, please special naming opportunities. call (312) 357-4853.

$10,000,000 and Above The Gidwitz Family Estate of Hortense Friedman Midge Perlman Shafton The Joseph L. and Emily K. Gidwitz The Galter Foundation In Honor of Beatrice Anonymous Memorial Foundation and Estate of Florence Gambino, and Dr. Harry Shanoff Helen S. Asher Genesis Philanthropic Fund Howard Lapin and Susan Estate of Helen E. Shapiro Katherine and Burton and Adrienne Glazov Family Liparota, Trustees Nate H. and Beatrice G. Sherman Dr. Ladislaus L. Braun Lawrence and Lillian Goodman Philip Garoon and Family Karyn and Bill Silverstein Crown and Goodman Family Avrum and Joyce Gray Family Dr. Betsy R. Gidwitz Hortense Singer Lawrence E. and Nancy S. Glick Maurice and Barbara Grosby Anita and Richard Gilford Deborah L. Spitz Memorial Fund Family Foundation Hochberg/Lowenstein Families Ethel and William Gofen Sidney L. Starkman Leonard and Diane Sherman Dr. Herbert S. Kamin Estate of Sara Goldstein Joanie and Alan Stone Foundation Paul H. Leffmann Sylvia and Robert L. Haag Roger and Susan Stone Julie and Harold Lilie Thomas L. and JoAnn K. Harris Family Foundation $5,000,000-$9,999,999 Lillian and Maurie Lipsey Louis S. and Maria Harrison Mrs. Irvin Swartzberg John C. and Jane B. Colman Estate of Norman Metzl In Memory of Dorothy Bobette and Sanford Takiff Louis Duman In Memory of my Grandmother, and Bob Harrison Max Tannenbaum Rabbi Morris I. Esformes Rose Treulich Judy and Mel Hecktman Sarita Warshawsky The Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Estate of Erma M. Robin Jill and Douglas Hirsh Bruce and Jill Weininger Foundation Ralph R. and Minerva Rose Trust Loretta and Allan Kaplan Otto and Hilda Wolf The Frank Family Eric and Gale Rothner Kaplan Foundation Delores and Eugene Zemsky In Honor of Elaine S. Frank Marc and Helen Rubenstein Carol and Ed Kaplan Sherry and Todd Zirlin Irving Harris Sarnoff/Levin Family Foundation The Isaac and Frieda Kipen Maxine and Donna Ziv David Husman Lewis and Alice F. Schimberg Memorial Fund Lois Zoller Elaine and Samuel Kersten, Jr. Susan and David Sherman Estate of Philip M. Klutznick Diane C. and Simon Zunamon Joy Faith Knapp Rose L. Shure Ann and Paul Krouse Estate of Evelyn Popeil Manfred and Fern Steinfeld Harry and Sadie Lasky Foundation $100,000-$999,999 Sigbert Wiener Regina Latzer Trust Michael Reese Health Trust Anonymous (38) Harry and Bessye Rosenberg Trust Rose S. Levenson $1,000,000-$1,999,999 Harriet Gerber Lewis Ora and Maury Aaron The Schrayer Family Shira and Ronald Abrams Mrs. Bernard Weinger Philip J. Lyons and Carol J. Lyons Anonymous (8) Dr. Saul and Rose Mackoff Caryn Rosen Adelman Estate of Mrs. Norman M. Alperin Roslyn and James Marks Gerald S. Adelman $2,000,000-$4,999,999 Steve and Teri Barnett Inez and Frank A. Marshall Steven H. and Pamela B. Adelman Anonymous (8) Joan and Shael Bellows Susan L. and Robert Mednick Altschuler Melvoin and Glasser Margie K. and Louis N. Cohen Marc and Sharen Berman Marsha V. Phillips Susan G. and Joseph D. Ament Estate of Joseph Blum-Kovler Foundation Sylvia M. Radov Harvey J. Angell and Shirley Ehrlich Fred and Lila Bondy Merle Reskin Alan and Gail Anixter Family Estate of Reuben Circle of Service Supporting Charles and Marilynn Rivkin Edward F. Anixter and Sydelle Eisenberg Foundation Victoria and Thomas Rivkin L & R Anixter Foundation David K. and Fern B. Feldman Charles and Audree Dann Family Estate of Evelyne L. Rosen Lester J. Anixter Charitable Eli and Dina Field Charitable Foundation Norma M. and Lester J. Rosenberg Remainder Annuity Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Frank George M. Eisenberg Lizzy and Josh Scheinfeld Judith L. Appelbaum Zollie and Elaine Frank Foundation for Charities Seigle Family Foundation Judith L. and Robert D. Appelbaum Rita and Howard Geller Maury and Nancy Fertig Arkes/Hinda Family

14 The Centennial Campaign, cont’d.

Estate of Irene Arkin Congregation Mishpaha Al and Betty Gitelman in memory Nettie Isenberg Bruce Edward Arnold The Elizabeth and David Copeland of Lynn Gitelman Pradun Estate of Herbert Israelstam and Anita R. Arnold Family Leonard A. Gittelsohn Howard J. Israelstam Memorial Fund Gail W. and Norman Cutler Philip L. and Ellen V. Glass Estate of Rose Israelstam Jeanette and Jack Aronson Michael H. and Martha W. Davidson Ellen V. Glass Ellen and Harvey Jacobson Gladys and Yehuda Azulay Olga Davidson Norman and Barbara Gold Marian W. Jaffe Ann and Bruce Bachmann Abram D. and Esther P. Davis Irving H. and Jane W. Goldberg Eric Joss Seymour and Joyce Bagan Esther Davis (Mrs. Abram) Campaign Continuity Fund Charles E. Kahn Albert H. Barnett Trust Leslie A. Davis Jane W. Goldberg Ernest A. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Barnett Yosef Davis Family Foundation Miriam R. and Edwin H. Moshe and Shoshana Kahn In Memory of Henry Sperling Rosanne Diamond Goldberger, Esq. Robert L. Kahnweiler and Louis and Ann Barnett Linda Dickens In Memory Of Our Parents, Arthur O. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baskes DLA Piper Ruth and David S. Bern, Esq. Esther Steinback Kane Elizabeth Baum Arthur and Sally B. Dordek Batshie and Avi Goldfeder Gerald L. and Rochelle Kanter Mara Beth Baumgarten Deanna Gadiel Drucker Morris and Aurelia Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kaplan Estate of Hortense K. Becker Solis and Danna Dudnick Bruce Goldman Family of Carol K. Kaplan Lindy Bergman Ruth M. Durchslag and Albert Goldstein Doris and Noel Kaplan Family M. Allan and Gita Berk Robert N. Mayer Honoring Jack L. Goldwyn Howard G. and Marlene J. Kaplan George and Edwin Berkowitz Beatrice Cummings Mayer Ann D. Goodman Joel A. and Roberta Kaplan Centennial Gift Evelyn Edidin Molly Goodman and Family Roberta R. Kaplan Sadie Berkson In Memory of Norman Edidin Nancy Donna Gooze Harriet and Ernest Karmin In Loving Memory of my Ruth Ehrlich Bernard Gordon Barbara and Jordon Katz Family Beloved Husband, I. J. Berkson Helene Eicoff Dana Gordon Foundation Judy and Richard Katz Dr. Leonard and Phyllis Berlin Lana and Calvin Eisenberg Phillip Gordon Barbara and Dennis Kessler Debbie and Elliott Berman Philip and Betty Eisenberg Sylvia G. Gordon Barbara and David Kipper Harry and Harriet Bernbaum Gary and Abigail Elkins Estate of Jack G. Gottloeb Batya and Ben Klein Mr. Toby D. Bernstein in honor Rose Emin In Memory of Sam Gottloeb George and Shirley Kline Family of his mother, the late Epstein Wenger Family and Rose Gottloeb Lawrence Klong Miriam D. Bernstein Supporting Foundation Iris and Martin Gradman Barbara Koch Marjorie E. and Martin R. Binder Estate of Amy Falk Estate of Edith D. Graham Estate of Calmina N. Koch Martin and Rae Birnbaum In Memory of Fannie Nathan Greenberg Beth Kopin Ruth Blumenthal and Frank R. Feigen Gail Greenspahn Beth and Jeff Kopin In Memory of the Blumenthal- Alyeene and Glenn L. Felner Henry and Louise Greilsheim Mitchell and Karen Kopin Rosenthal Families Saerree K. Fiedler and Family Roslyn and Sam Grodzin Debra and Ira Korman Harriet B. Brady Donna Field Edith Grosz Estate of Freida Kraines Pooled Income Fund June Finder Marion and Alfred J. Gruen Krasnow Family Willard E. Bransky Jacob J. Fink Charitable HSBC - North America Marvin and Rita Krengel The Brasch Family Foundation Arnie and Nina Harris Adrienne Barbakoff Kriezelman David R. Brief Phyllis R. Fischel JoAnn K. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kriser Joan Brodsky Estate of Anne Flax Estate of Josephine S. Harris Marjorie Horwich Kulp Adrienne and Arnold Brookstone Bruce and Lori Fogelson Family The Robert and Meyer and Sylvia Kwitko David T. Brown and Suzanne Muchin Deanna and Shayle P. Fox Debra Hartman Howard and Maia Labow Jonah and Jo Bruck and Families Edward and Sherry Fox Family Foundation Dr. Gilbert Lanoff Karen and Ethan Budin Sherry Fox Hecktman Family Foundation Diane and Andrew Lappin Joseph Burns Paul and Muriel Francis (Penny, Jeffrey, Candace, Milton Latzer Trust Merle Pinkwater Cahan Patricia and Albert Frank Hillary, and Valerie Hecktman) Harold and Eileen Lederman Estate of Hans Cahen Shila and Dr. Norman Frankel Ruth and Jerry Hecktman Jane Cadden Lederman Joan F. Canel Kim and Stuart Frankenthal Ethel Heller Revocable Trust Family of Karen Kales Lee Estate of Augusta Carlson Terri and Michael Freeman Janet and Robert Helman Estate of Rose Leimberg Susan Spier Chapman Herbert B. Fried Estate of Louis Herbstman Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Lerner Beth and Paul Cherner David and Ronna Friedman Jack Herckis Trust Stanley Leseritz Burton and Evette Chudacoff Shirley and Alvin F. Friedman Laurence E. Herman Norman Lettvin Joan and Mitchell Chukerman In Memory of Scott J. Friedman, Sidney and Jacqueline Hess Eva B. Levi Carol Cohen Belle and Harry Friedman Gwen and Scott Heyman Estate of Diane S. Levin Carol and Douglas Cohen and Louis D. Saichek Robert A. and Margot Hirsch Eleanor Levine Estate of Eleanor Cohen Prudence M. Fuchsmann Estate of Miriam T. Hirtenstein Karen L. Levine Jeffrey L. and Zenia R. Cohen Family Alan J. Garber Andrew and Laurie Hochberg Roberta Levine Joseph and Beverly Cohen Minnie and Irving H. Gassner Barbara and Stuart Hochwert Ruth M. Levine Marilyn Cohen Campaign Continuity Fund Estate of Doris and David Hoffman Ferne Levy Merle Cohen Terri and Stephen L. Geifman Grace E. Hokin Lion of Judah Endowment Merle and Larry Cohen Sheila and Larry Gerber Bernard Hollander In Memory of Elvin A. Levy Samuel T. and Sara Cohen David M. Gerstein Daniel Horwich Eleanor Lewis and Family Susan B. and Avrum I. Cohen Ralph W. Gidwitz Frances Horwich Laurie and Paul Lieberman Zenia R. Cohen Barbara and Howard A. Gilbert Frances and Franklin Horwich Robert B. (Bud) Lifton Estate of Herbert Cohn Gilford/Atkins Family Foundation Theodore and Gertrude Horwich, Dr. Sam and Rita Lipshitz Carol Perel Colby Jim and Linda Ginsburg Thomas and Vicki Horwich Renee Logan Lynn and Jerome K. Coopersmith Leo J. and Gene Ingwer Marion R. Loundy

15 The Centennial Campaign, cont’d.

Carol Horwich Luber Abe W. Paulson Robert A. Schuckman Marianne K. Taussig Estate of Tillie K. Lubin Jane Perlman In Memory of his Parents Marianne K. and Stuart K. Taussig Marilyn and Marvin Lustbader Leo and Virginia Perlow and Family Estate of Howard Schumir Tracy L. Treger Karyn and Michael Lutz Campaign Continuity Fund Eric I. Schwartz Dr. Jack and Dorothy Tresley Marshall G. Lutz Foundation Michael A. Perlstein Estate of Rose L. Schwartz Dr. Richard M. Tresley Mitchell C. Macks Trust Pharmore Drugs LLP Terry and Stephen Schwartz Bernice Trossman Jeanne Randall Malkin Family Estate of Joseph Pick Second Century Endowment Fund Estate of Dr. Louis H. Family of Jennifer Malkin Vicki and Gary Pines Ruth A. Seder and Mary Ann Turek Families of Judd, Randi, Stephen Eve H. Pinkert Edith Seidman Jean Vinokuroff and Barry Malkin Toby and Sherwin Pogrund Naomi and Jerry Senser Isaac and Birdie G. Wagner Marilyn Malkin and Larry Wolf Stanton and Leah Polin Seyfarth Shaw LLP Dr. Yosef Walder Dr. Lee and Bonnie Malmed Polk Bros. Foundation Estate of Henry Shapiro and Shira Malka Walder Fred and Trisha Margulies Serena E. Pollack Jean C. Shapiro Ruthie and Herb Wander Estate of Judge Abraham Dr. Gertrude Pollitt Marci and Keith Shapiro Leah Zell Wanger Lincoln Marovitz Michael and Polsky Wendy Berger Shapiro Ralph and Leah Wanger Estate of Susi T. Marx Sidney L. Port and David C. Shapiro Sandra Cutler Warren Estate of Marian H. Mattenson Neal and Laurie Price Lawrence A. Sherman Michele Sackheim Wein The Matthew Family Pritzker Family Susan P. Sherman Lewis C. Weinberg Beatrice Cummings Mayer Sandra C. and Maurice P. Raizes Samuel R. and Lenore T. Sherwin Ruth and Sol Weiner Claire G. Mazer Judy and Jack Rajchenbach Bert W. Shulimson D’vorah and Avrum Weinfeld Susan L. Mednick Harriet and Barry Ray Kimberly Shwachman Flora Esformes Weiss Hugo and Lois Melvoin Janet Resnick Linda Soreff Siegel Flora and Martin Weiss Estate of Lillian A. Menashe Ressner Charitable Trust Siegel-Bullock Family Jessica and Lennie Weiss Sybil and Lou Mervis Dr. Stuart and Andrea Rich Sophie Silbinger Sara Weiss Mesirow Family Charitable and Family Honoring Their Katy and Josh Silvers Trude and Warren H. Weiss Foundation Loving Mothers, Lillian Marjorie and Enoch Silverstein In Memory of Trude’s Parents, Mesirow Financial Ableman and Sally Rich Thomas and Leslie Silverstein The Koblers Estate of Mae Metzl Susan Rifas Max and Goldie Simon Barbara F. and Victor Weisskopf Diane and Steven N. Miller Nancy and Emery D. Robert, M.D. Family of Ruth Simon Elizabeth and Jeffrey Wellek The Glen and Wendy Miller Albert A. Robin Dennis Sinclair Herbert C. Wenske Foundation Foundation Elliott and Ronni Robinson Rachel Slossy Trust Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wexler Gordon H. and Karen M. Millner Leonard and Eunice Rose Barbara Kaplan Slutsky The Wilkow Family Family Foundation Michael and Jill Rose Andrea Lavin Solow Deborah Winick James C. Mills David S. Rosen and Amy Zisook Andrea Lavin and Alan Solow Linda Winick Newton and Josephine Evelyne L. Rosen Ernest Sommers Vivian Taubman Winick Baskin Minow Melvin Rosen Nora Spak Brenda J. Wolf Estate of Philip H. Mitchel Carolyn H. Rosenberg Susan Spector and Fred H. Siegman Alison and Alan Molotsky Doris and Paul Rosenberg Marc and Melissa Spellman Lilo Wolf Susan L. Morrow Rabbi Gerry and Renee Rosenberg Spertus Family Foundation Tina and Joseph Wolf Barbara and Henry Moss Norma M. Rosenberg Andrea Srulovitz Debby and Shabsai Wolfe Elaine and Allan Muchin Irmgard and Ludwig Rosenberger Pat and Harriet Starr Arnold R. Wolff Steven B. Nasatir Karen Rosenthal Martin R. and Harriet Stein Fran Wollack and Carolyn H. Rosenberg Lorelei Rosenthal Helen and Ben Stern Andrea and Marshall Yablon Helene Diamond and Lion of Judah Endowment Robert and Adele Stern Foundation Maxine Yellen Jorde M. Nathan In Memory of Ben J. Rosenthal Sheldon and Rena Stern Donna and Yigal Yahav Family Foundation Lorelei and Ben J. Rosenthal Suri and Abraham Stern Estate of Betty Younker Sylvia Neil and Dan Fischel Family Ellen J.L. Sternweiler Estate of James L. Zacharias Newberger Family Gilbert and Norma Ruben In Honor of Marvin Judy Tauber Zager Family Charlotte Newberger and Family Lisa B. Rubinstein and Carol Lader Zell Family Foundation Franklin W. Nitikman Estate of Burton Rubloff Dick A. Stoken Zemsky/Greenberg Families Ilene Novack Della and Aaron Russ Trust Family of Barbara Stone Estate of Nathan Zlasney Dr. Oscar and Bernice Novick David C. and Sarajean Ruttenberg The Barbara and Joel Stone Family Gerald I. Zoldan Tobie B. and Edward M. Oher Nathaniel and Ellen Sack Marjorie and Sherwin Stone and Lee Simons Zoldan Philanthropic Fund Sacks Family Foundation Bethia Straus and Paul Quintas Sheri Zuckerman and Family George and Sarah Ohlhausen Andy and Ken Saffir Edith Strauss Diane C. Zunamon Adelle and Hershel Oliff Alyne Salstone Campaign In Loving Memory of Mary G. Oppenheim Continuity Fund my Husband, Walter J. Strauss Under $100,000 Gretel Oppenheimer Stanley Samowitz Irvin and Ruth Swartzberg Merrill B. Oransky Claire and Robert Sampson Family Foundation 3158 Gifts Total Elaine Ordower Suzanne G. Samuels Morton F. Swift As of 08/13/10 PC Nation Myra and Maurice Sanderman Phyllis Tabachnick On Behalf of Maryl Jack Sayre and Robert B. Friedman and Medwin Dayan Barbara Schrayer Michael and Eileen Tarnoff Larry Pachter and Sandy Starkman Lynn Sachse Schrayer Daniel S. Tauman

16 Centennial/Continuum Gifts

The Centennial/Continuum Program provides opportunities for donors to match individual interests with Jewish community needs. It is designed to allow the commemoration, in perpetuity, of individuals or families by underwriting projects of special merit in Chicago, Israel and elsewhere. Centennial/ Continuum commitments are major gifts that are made in addition to one’s annual gift to the Jewish United Fund-Israel Emergency Fund.

The following is a list of gifts received since the last annual meeting:

George M. Eisenberg Foundation Additional gift -George M. Eisenberg Fund for Independent Living – CJE

Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders Isaac and Carol Auerbach Family Foundation Avrum Gray Family Fund Wendy and Gregory Gross Sara and Steve Lovey Harvey L. Miller Foundation Northern Trust Bank REAM Foundation

Margie K. and Louis N. Cohen Center for Jewish Life – UIUC Hillel Ziporah and Paul Riesman - Additional gift

Holocaust Community Services – JCFS Peter Polsky Freedom Fund

Susan and Marc Sacks Fund – Ta’am Yisroel Fund Susan and Moshe Abir Nina and Arnie Harris Karyn and Bill Silverstein Janice and Larry Barr Iris and David Jacobson Stephanie and Michael Smerling Steven, Debbie and Jake Brown Ellen and Tom Kenemore Nancy and Vincent Smith Amy and Joshua Charlson Wendy and Bob Kopka Yevette and David Stone Howard Epstein and Gay Siegel Lauren and Harold Kugelman James Tyree Marcy Horwitz and Steve Erlebacher Mesirow Financial Brenda and Max Wasserman Steve Ferrara Robin Painter Lynn Weisberg Nancy and Maury Fertig Linda and Richard Price Deborah and Adam Winick Ira and Elise Frost Michelle and Bill Rubin Arna and Steve Yastrow Carol and Tom Galuhn Susan and Michael Sacks Barbara and Michael Zaransky Karen and Paul Saharack Ruth Schultz Memorial Scholarship Fund - HIAS

17 Donor-Advised Continuity Funds Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago • Distribution For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010

During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010, Federation Distributions made from donor-advised funds are based Donor-Advised Continuity Funds distributed $53,494,903 upon the recommendations and advice of the donors. to various charities. The monies allocated to these These foundations and funds provide the donors and charities came from more than 875 supporting foundations, their families the opportunity to participate in the philanthropic funds, and special interest Continuity funds distribution of charitable grants in cooperation with the of the Jewish Federation. Jewish Federation. The donors are also ensured that their charitable activities will continue beyond their lifetimes, while enjoying the maximum tax benefits in the current year.

Distributions for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 were: $53,494,903

Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago ...... $10,167,055 Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Affiliated and Beneficiary Agencies and Grant Participants ...... $5,734,910 Other Jewish Charities, Synagogues and Temples ...... $16,847,138 General Community Charities ...... $20,745,800 TOTAL DISTRIBUTIONS ...... $53,494,903


Deciding how to meet charitable obligations can be confusing and overwhelming. The Jewish Federation’s Donor-Advised Funds can help by reducing the complexity and paperwork associated with charitable giving, allowing you to focus on your philanthropic goals and values.

Through these opportunities you can build a lasting testament to your name, your family and the causes you hold most dear. It’s a legacy that will carry on l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation.

Donor-Advised Funds Supporting Foundations

Establish a Donor-Advised Fund in your name or in honor of Individuals, corporations or families who commit a loved one with a $1,000 minimum contribution. The fund substantial resources to philanthropy may establish earns tax-free income while you recommend distributions a Supporting Foundation affiliated with the Jewish to any public charity - secular and religious. Bequests to Federation. Functionally similar to a private family the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago are more foundation but with more attractive benefits,, a Supporting important now than ever before. Foundation operates under a board of directors jointly appointed by the donor and Jewish Federation and enables the donor to engage future generations, fulfilling a philanthropic vision.

18 Donor-Advised Continuity Funds, cont’d.

We are grateful to the following who have established Donor-Advised Continuity Funds and also to those who have requested anonymity.

Sally and Willard Aaron Family Philanthropic Fund Bemoras Family Charitable Trust Jane and Dennis Carlton Philanthropic Fund Annabel Abraham Philanthropic Fund Kalman Michael Benjamin Memorial Foundation Lee and Florence Casty Philanthropic Fund Abrams Family Foundation Susan and Marc Benjamin Philanthropic Fund Cherner Family Philanthropic Fund Isabel S. and Allen M. Abrams Philanthropic Fund Paul & Irene Bennett Charitable Fund Myron and Patricia Cherry Philanthropic Fund Caryn Rosen Adelman Philanthropic Fund Bruce and Debbie Bentcover Donor-Advised Fund Roz and Wayne Chertow Philanthropic Fund Gerald S. Adelman Philanthropic Fund Jason Berg B’nai Tzedek Fund Circle of Service Supporting Foundation Jeff Aeder Philanthropic Fund Marie Krane Bergman and Robert H. Bergman Mark and Shari Coe Philanthropic Fund Aitz Hayim Center for Jewish Living Endowment Fund Philanthropic Fund Bonnie (Bracha) and Martin Cohen Philanthropic Fund Harold C. Allan Fund in Memory of Rita Allan Bergson/Boros Family Fund Douglas Cohen Philanthropic Fund Howard and Frankie Alper Philanthropic Fund Berliant Kahn Supporting Foundation Evan Cohen B’nai Tzedek Fund Jeffrey and Pamela Altman Charitable Fund Berliant Kahn Family Fund Frank & Sherry Cohen Philanthropic Fund Am Shalom 7th and 8th Grade Field of Interest Marvin and Joyce Berman Philanthropic Fund Harriet and Allen Cohen Philanthropic Fund Tzedakah Fund Michael and Angela Berman Philanthropic Fund Joseph J. and Beverly Anne Cohen Philanthropic Fund Susan G. & Joseph Ament Philanthropic Fund Robert Berman Memorial Foundation Marvin R. Cohen and Jane E. Richman Mr. Alan and Mrs. Rose Ander Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Berman Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Marcia Ander Philanthropic Fund Carol and Howard Bernick Supporting Foundation Ray and Marilyn Cohen Charitable Foundation Rose Ander Family Philanthropic Fund Danielle Berns B’nai Tzedek Fund Sara Cohen B’nai Tzedek Fund Genevieve U. Anoff Philanthropic Fund Adele and Sidney R. Bernstein Fund Shari Cohen Philanthropic Fund Arkes Family/Hinda Philanthropic Fund Alan Jay Bernstein Memorial Fund Zenia R. and Jeffrey L. Cohen Family Isadore Arnove Philanthropic Fund Alex Bernstein B’nai Tzedek Fund Philanthropic Fund Asher Family Philanthropic Fund H. Bruce Bernstein Family Fund Karen Manilow Cole Fund Gilbert Asher Fund Paul E. and Pamela M. Bernstein Philanthropic Fund Clarence L. Coleman, Jr. Scholarship Fund Helen S. Asher Philanthropic Fund Allan M. and Nancy Berry Philanthropic Fund Colman Family Fund Norman and Helen Asher Special Interest Continuity Michael and Jean Best Philanthropic Fund Eva Cooper Foundation Fund for the Asher Center for the Study and Henry and Helga Bierig Philanthropic Fund David R. Crawford Philanthropic Fund Treatment of Depressive Disorders at Northwestern Martin, Marjorie and Richard Binder Steven Martin Croft Memorial Fund University School of Medicine Philanthropic Fund Crown Family Foundation Norman and Helen Asher Special Interest Continuity Binter Family Philanthropic Fund Laverne and Samuel J. Cutler Family Fund for the Asher Library at Spertus Institute Martin and Rae Louise Birnbaum Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund of Jewish Studies Barbara and Nathan Birnberg Family Fund Armand L. Dann Philanthropic Fund Norman and Helen Asher Special Interest Continuity Joseph Birnberg Family Fund Charles and Audrey Dann Family Fund for Human Brain Imaging Blitstein Family Fund Charitable Foundation at the Weizman Institute Grace and Mitchell Block Philanthropic Fund Joann and Nathan Dardick Philanthropic Fund Norman and Helen Asher Special Interest Continuity Ronald and Ellen Block Philanthropic Fund Dauber Directed Tzedaka Fund Fund for the Israel Arts and Science Academy BLS Family Foundation Davidson-Goldwyn Family Philanthropic Fund Norman and Helen Asher Special Interest Continuity Darcy Bluestein B’nai Tzedek Fund Michael H. and Martha W. Davidson Charitable Fund Fund for the Norman Asher Rabbinic Chair Bluhm Family Philanthropic Fund Abram D. Davis Philanthropic Fund at Anshe Emet Synagogue David L. and Linda H. Blumberg Philanthropic Fund Max and Sally Davis Memorial Philanthropic Fund Norman and Helen Asher Special Interest Continuity John H. and Barbara L. Blumberg Philanthropic Fund Dejelaja Fund Fund for the Norman and Helen Asher Space Frima H. Blumenthal Philanthropic Fund Paul G. Delman Foundation Research Institute at the Technion-Israel Institute Bondmour Charitable Fund Edith and David A. DeMar Philanthropic Fund of Technology Lila and Fred Bondy Philanthropic Fund Morton and Reva Denlow Philanthropic Fund Robert A. Asher and Maureen Schoenbeck Gail and Brian Boorstein Philanthropic Fund Susan F. and Marvin J. Dickman Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Borenstein Family Philanthropic Fund Dobrusin Family Philanthropic Fund Eve and Gary D. Ashman Philanthropic Fund Bornstein Tzedakah Fund David Dolins B’nai Tzedek Fund Joseph and Carol Atkin Philanthropic Fund Lorry and Jim Borowitz Philanthropic Fund Ronald Z. and Judith G. Domsky Philanthropic Fund Edward M. and Cathy G. Atkins Family Martin Boyer Family Philanthropic Fund Al and Louis Duman Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Judith N. Braman Philanthropic Fund David and Anna Dunietz Fund William and Suzanne Auerbach Philanthropic Fund Brandon’s Fund Isard and Alexandra Dunietz Philanthropic Fund Richard and Sammye Axelrood Philanthropic Fund Suzy and Stanley Braun Philanthropic Fund Durchslag Philanthropic Fund Bakal Family Philanthropic Fund Anita K. and Arnold Brenner Philanthropic Fund Richard and Roberta Edelheit Philanthropic Fund Edward and Ellen Bakal Family Foundation Marc Brenner/Tracy Madansky Philanthropic Fund Nancy Marder & Jeremy Eden Charitable Fund Jeffrey and Debra Bakal Philanthropic Fund Bressman Family Foundation Edson Family Philanthropic Fund Scott and Beth Bakal Philanthropic Fund Renee and Merwyn Brodsky Philanthropic Fund Albert Einstein Endowment Fund Todd & Miriam Bakal Charitable Foundation Brookstone Family Philanthropic Fund Calvin & Lana Eisenberg Philanthropic Fund Leora Balinsky Philanthropic Fund Arthur and Anita Brown Philanthropic Fund Thomas Elden Charitable Gift Philanthropic Fund Stuart & Kathleen Barnett Charitable Fund Jordan Rose Brown Charitable Foundation Eli’s Fund Teri and Steve Barnett Family Foundation Henry and Violet Brown Philanthropic Fund Steve and Denise Emer Philanthropic Fund Dr. and Mrs. S. Steven Barron Philanthropic Fund Steven and Marla Brown Philanthropic Fund William & Corinne Engelhart Tikum Olam Fund Bass Family Fund BRZ Philanthropic Fund Epstein Family Foundation Baum Family Philanthropic Fund Gilda R. and Henry M. Buchbinder Family Epstein Wenger Supporting Foundation Arleene F. Bearak Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Miriam and Gunther Erlebacher Philanthropic Fund David A. Becker Memorial Fund Bucksbaum Family Foundation Robert and Shirley Ettelson Fund Louis and Charmaine Bell Philanthropic Fund Karen and Ethan Budin Philanthropic Fund Mitchell and Merri Ex Family Philanthropic Fund Ralph S. Bell Philanthropic Fund Marvin D. and Florence S. Burack Philanthropic Fund Fajerstein Family Philanthropic Fund Bellows Family Foundation Clement C. Caditz Philanthropic Fund Falkoff Family Philanthropic Fund Moshe Bellows Jewish Continuity Charity Fund Jerry and Peggy Cairo Philanthropic Fund Maurice Fantus and Judith A. Aiello Philanthropic Fund Ruth and Roy Belzer Philanthropic Fund Sam Carl Philanthropic Fund The Farby Family Philanthropic Fund

19 Donor-Advised Continuity Funds, cont’d.

Dr. Harold and Selma Feder Family Philanthropic Fund Bill and Judi Goldman Family Fund Jewish Special Education Fund Harry and Arlene Feiger Fund Bruce and Lisa Goldman Philanthropic Fund JMR Charities II Feinstein Philanthropic Fund Ellen and Scott Goldsher Family Fund Edwin Johnson Family Philanthropic Fund Betsy and James Feld Philanthropic Fund The Goldsmith Family Fund Mark and Karen Jossel Philanthropic Fund Jeffrey and Elissa Feldman Philanthropic Fund Dr. James R. Goldstone and Cynthia C. Goldstone Diane and Jeffrey Kahan Philanthropic Fund Maureen K. and Seth D. Feldman Family Foundation Philanthropic Fund Donna W. Kahan Philanthropic Fund Fel-Pro/Mecklenburger Supporting Fund Goodhart Family Foundation Jeffrey Kahan Fund for Israel Ross Festenstein B’Nai Tzedek Fund Goodman Family Foundation Kahan Philanthropic Fund Louis and Saerree Fiedler Philanthropic Fund Adorea Goodman Philanthropic Fund Richard & Stacy Kahan Continuity Fund Michael W. Fiedler Philanthropic Fund Lawrence Goodman Philanthropic Fund Kahn Family Philanthropic Fund Jon & Maggie Fieldman Philanthropic Fund Mark and Linda Goodman Philanthropic Fund Herta Hess Kahn Philanthropic Fund Patti and Howard Fields Philanthropic Fund Gooze Family Philanthropic Fund Ruth and David V. Kahn Philanthropic Fund Fields Philanthropic Fund Marla S. Gordon Charitable Fund Bernard and Gail Kalish Philanthropic Fund Sophy and Milton Fields Fund Paul and Ilse Gordon Family Foundation Irving and Beverly Kaluzna Philanthropic Fund Frances G. and Herman M. Finch Philanthropic Fund Sylvia G. Gordon Philanthropic Fund Lily and Alan Kanter Philanthropic Fund Finkelstein-Jacobson Philanthropic Fund Melvin I. Gore Memorial Fund Rochelle and Gerald Kanter Philanthropic Fund Phyllis Fischel Fund Martin A. Gradman Philanthropic Fund Howard and Marlene Kaplan Philanthropic Fund Fish and Erlichman Family Philanthropic Fund Beryl and Sander Greenberg Charitable Fund Dr. Joel A. Kaplan and Roberta R. Kaplan Fishbaum Family Philanthropic Fund Jack and Donna Greenberg Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Jewel and Martin Fishkin Philanthropic Fund Philip and Sheri Greenblatt Philanthropic Fund Mark E. and Cheryl Bondy Kaplan Philanthropic Fund Benji Fleischacker’s Philanthropic Fund Philip and Aviva Greenland Philanthropic Fund Marty and Amy Kaplan Foundation Noa Fleischacker Tzedek Fund Gail and Bruce Greenspahn Family Trust Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation Kenneth and Judith Fleischer Philanthropic Fund Sam and Roslyn Grodzin Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Fleischer Philanthropic Fund Merle K. and Barry Gross Philanthropic Fund Morris P. and Sharon Kaplan Philanthropic Fund Flignor Family Philanthropic Fund Guthmann Family Philanthropic Fund Neil I. and Arlene Kaplan Philanthropic Fund Flo and Phil Family Field of Interest Fund Richard and Dorothy Gutstadt Philanthropic Fund Samuel, June and Thelma Kaplan Philanthropic Fund Bruce and Lori Fogelson Family Fund H. H. N. Philanthropic Fund Family of Nathan and Mary Karasik Philanthropic Fund Edward A. and Sherryl A. Fox Philanthropic Fund Jordan Adam Haase Memorial Fund Richard F. Karger and Christine F. Karger Joan and Robert Fragen Philanthropic Fund Hadesman Family Fund Charitable Fund Patricia and Albert Frank Philanthropic Fund Hammes Family Philanthropic Fund Harriet and Ernest Karmin Special Needs Fund “Z” Frank Camp Apachi Supporting Foundation George and Barbara Hanus Endowment Fund Mr. Joseph and Hazzan Shelly Kaszynski Gerald E. Franks Philanthropic Fund Jill Harris Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund David Freidin B’nai Tzedek Fund Irving Harris Philanthropic Fund Roberta L. and Barry S. Katz Philanthropic Fund Marie and Paul Freier Philanthropic Fund Marshall M. Harris Philanthropic Fund Kaufman/Levine Family Fund Sylvia and Ernest Freier Philanthropic Fund Thomas L. and JoAnn K. Harris Philanthropic Fund Gerry & Steve Keen Philanthropic Fund Herbert and Marjorie Fried Philanthropic Fund Ilona Ann Hartman Philanthropic Fund The Cooper-Keitel Fund Alvin F. and Shirley Friedman Philanthropic Fund Ellen Havdala Philanthropic Fund Millie Kellman Philanthropic Fund Austin Friedman B’nai Tzedek Fund Jack, Jean and Greta Heiman Philanthropic Fund Priscilla and Steven Kersten Philanthropic Fund Roselyn L. Friedman Philanthropic Fund Heller Family Continuity Fund Donald L. Kirk Philanthropic Fund Furman Family Tzedakah Fund Diane K. Henry Philanthropic Fund Evelyn and Edmond Klauber Philanthropic Fund Paul Gary and Susan Rollins Philanthropic Fund Sidney J. Hess, Jr. and Jacqueline E. Hess Charles and Gussie Kleiman Philanthropic Fund Arnold and Claire Gassel Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Dr. and Mrs. Jay Kleimen Philanthropic Fund Maureen Gecht and Randy Silver Charitable Fund Caryl and Larry Heyman Charitable Fund Gary P. Kligman Philanthropic Fund Terri and Stephen L. Geifman Philanthropic Fund Gwen and Scott Heyman Family Philanthropic Fund Matthew Klionsky and Susan Rosenberg David J. and Karen Z. Gelfand Philanthropic Fund Michael J. Heyman Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Howard Geller Supporting Foundation Harold and Frida Heyward Philanthropic Fund Frank and Mollie Klotz Philanthropic Fund Rita and Howard D. Geller Philanthropic Fund Joshua Herrendorf Fund Judith S., Lawrence F. and Lauren M. Kohn Barry and Karen Gersowsky Philanthropic Fund Beth Gomberg Hirsch and Austin L. Hirsch Donor-Advised Continuity Fund Joseph Tyler Gertler Special Interest Continuity Fund Philanthropic Fund Krengel Family Philanthropic Fund Barbara and Howard A. Gilbert Philanthropic Fund Howard D. and Judith Hirsch Philanthropic Fund Joshua and Marta Krengel Philanthropic Fund Gail and James Gilbert Philanthropic Fund Robert A. and Margot Hirsch Philanthropic Fund Suzanne Krill Philanthropic Fund Jeffrey T. and Ellen B. Gilbert Family Fund Marlene and Marshall Hirshman Philanthropic Fund Kubert Family Fund Anita and Richard Gilford Family Foundation Hochberg Family Philanthropic Fund Judith K. Kubert Fund Anita and Richard Gilford Philanthropic Fund Laurie C. Hochberg Philanthropic Fund Kudish Family Philanthropic Fund Thomas M. Giller and Jessica P. Radolf Renee and Wayne Hochberg Philanthropic Fund Carolyn and Michael Kulakofsky Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Andria Hoffman Fund T/S Kully Philanthropic Fund Seymour and Sandra Ginsberg Philanthropic Fund Lacey Marie Hoffman Fund Allen Kupfer Philanthropic Fund James and Linda Ginsburg Philanthropic Fund Samuel J. Hoffman Fund Rabbi Vernon and Bryna Kurtz Philanthropic Fund Ellen Glasser Memorial Fund Rona and Seymour Homer Philanthropic Fund Jeffrey and Roberta Kwall Donor-Advised Adrienne and Burton Glazov Philanthropic Fund W.M.K. Homer Fund Continuity Fund Joel Jeffrey Glick Memorial Philanthropic Fund Donald and Judith Horwitz Philanthropic Fund Eric Lachman B’nai Tzedek Fund Lawrence E. and Nancy S. Glick Foundation Alan and Linda Hurst Family Philanthropic Fund Leslie G. Landman and Aaron R. Feigelson Lawrence E. and Nancy S. Glick Israel Linda Kaufman Hurst Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Scholarship Fund Lynn and Lloyd Hurst Philanthropic Fund Lappin Family Donor Advised Fund Rhonda and Dan Glick Philanthropic Fund Michael H. Iser Philanthropic Fund Jules M. Laser Philanthropic Fund Glickman Foundation J & B Altruistic Allocations Fund Laurie & Stephen Laser Charitable Fund Mark and Peggy Goldberg Philanthropic Fund Aubrey and Ruth Jacobs Philanthropic Fund Leonard & Lois Laser Family Foundation Miriam R.S. Goldberger and Edwin H. Goldberger Esq., Jaffe Family Philanthropic Fund Michael Lasky B’nai Tzedek Fund Philanthropic Fund Ariel and Emily Jastromb Philanthropic Fund Marshall & Charlene Lavin Philanthropic Fund Alice and Samuel Goldhaber Philanthropic Fund Pauline and Daniel Jesser Philanthropic Fund Steve and Betsy Lazerow Philanthropic Fund

20 Donor-Advised Continuity Funds, cont’d.

Donald Learner Family Fund Isadore and Emma Meystel Foundation Cameron Poter B’Nai Tzedek Fund David and Joyce Leavitt Family Philanthropic Fund Judith R. Millenson Philanthropic Fund Potter Family Philanthropic Fund Peter C. Lee Personal Philanthropic Fund Leslie Joan Millenson Philanthropic Fund Allan and Carla Price Philanthropic Fund Steven & Ronna Leibach Charitable Trust Eli Epstein Miller B’Nai Tzedek Fund Manny and Saralee Price Philanthropic Fund Leffmann Foundation Philanthropic Fund Harvey L. Miller Supporting Foundation Neal H. and Laurie K. Price Philanthropic Fund Jeffrey & Elise Lennard Philanthropic Fund Sara, Batya and Pamela Miller Philanthropic Fund Richard & Linda Price Family Foundation Simon Lesser and Carol Patinkin Philanthropic Fund James C. Mills Philanthropic Fund Chezi & Susan Rafaeli Philanthropic Fund Mitchell Lev Philanthropic Fund Milstein Family Charitable Fund Jake Ragins B’Nai Tzedek Fund Samantha Lev B’Nai Tzedek Fund Milstein Family Philanthropic Fund Maurice and Sandra Raizes Donor-Advised Milton and Iona Levenfeld Philanthropic Fund Lee Hartley Mitchell Philanthropic Fund Continuity Fund Levin Family Fund Gerald and Liora Mizel Philanthropic Fund Dory Rand Charitable Fund Ruth M. Levine Philanthropic Fund Alison B. and Alan E. Molotsky Philanthropic Fund Daniel E. Ratner Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Levy Philanthropic Fund Louis Morgan Family Philanthropic Fund Mark and Nancy Ratner Philanthropic Fund Joshua Samuel Levy Fund Michael and Constance Moskow Family Shirley D. Raymond Philanthropic Fund Robert M. Levy Family Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Alon and Cindy Redlich Philanthropic Fund Ila Lewis Philanthropic Fund Allan and Elaine Muchin Philanthropic Fund Alan and Irene Redman Philanthropic Fund James and Helen Lewis Philanthropic Fund Adolph Nachman Family Fund REGE Philanthropic Fund Kenneth and Rita Lewis Philanthropic Fund Alyce M. Nasatir Assistance Fund Robert and Sonya Reich Philanthropic Fund Lieberman Family Philanthropic Fund Dr. Steven B. Nasatir Family Philanthropic Fund Reiches Family Philanthropic Fund Rabbi Marshall F. Lifson Library Endowment Fund Harriet B. Nathan Philanthropic Fund Bernard and Elaine Reisin Philanthropic Fund Lipski Philanthropic Fund Helene Diamond and Jorde M. Nathan Marilyn R. Rest in Memory of James and Nelle Rest Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lipsman Donor-Advised Family Foundation Philanthropic Fund Continuity Fund Lionel M. Nathan Family Philanthropic Fund Retsky Family Philanthropic Fund Seymour and Toby A. Lipton Philanthropic Fund Melissa Cher Nathan B’Nai Tzedek Fund Judith and Richard Rhodes Philanthropic Fund Harvey and Dawn Loeb Philanthropic Fund Keren Nechadote I Fund Rich Family Fund Ken and Susan Lorch Charitable Trust Keren Nechadote M Fund Jackson C. Richman Charitable Fund Donna and Richard Loundy Philanthropic Fund Julie and Steven Neff Philanthropic Fund Leah and Lawrence Richman Philanthropic Fund Magid Glove Charitable Trust Harry Nelson Memorial Philanthropic Fund Susan H. Rifas Philanthropic Fund Jeanette and Mason Loundy Philanthropic Fund Jeffrey and Harriet Nemetz Philanthropic Fund Ring Family Foundation Leonard Loventhal Philanthropic Fund Sam and Helen Nerenberg Philanthropic Fund Charles and Marilynn Rivkin Family Philanthropic Fund John and Amy Lowenstein Philanthropic Fund Mrs. George Neumark Philanthropic Fund Michele and Larry Rivkin Philanthropic Fund Michael L. Lowenthal Philanthropic Fund Arnold and Doris Newberger Philanthropic Fund David M. and Marilyn G. Robbin Charitable Fund Madanes Family Foundation Kenneth and Bernice Newberger Philanthropic Fund Marilyn and Larry Robinson Philanthropic Fund Paul and Margaret Lurie Philanthropic Fund Ernest A. & Ruth K. Nogg Charitable Fund Sidney and Lois Robbins Philanthropic Fund Norman and Sylvia Lynn Philanthropic Fund Novack Family Philanthropic Fund Elliott and Ronni Robinson Philanthropic Fund Jeanne Randall Malkin Philanthropic Fund William and Eda Bess Novick Philanthropic Fund Sheldon and Freda Robinson Fund Judd D. Malkin Family Philanthropic Fund Mendel and Dena Nudelman Philanthropic Fund Shabtai Rodin Memorial Fund George and Roberta Mann Philanthropic Fund David and Barbara Ofman Philanthropic Fund Romanoff Family Charitable Fund Sheldon and Nancy Mann Philanthropic Fund Tobie B. and Edward M. Oher Philanthropic Fund Walter and Ilsa Rooz Philanthropic Fund Walter and May March Philanthropic Fund Olswanger Family Fund Jill and Michael Rose Philanthropic Fund Fred and Susan Mardell Philanthropic Fund Elaine Ordower Memorial Fund Leonard Rose Family Foundation Lawrence and Sylvia Margolies Philanthropic Fund Lawrence, Elaine, Mark & Jane Ordower in Memory Pamela Rose Philanthropic Fund Margulies Family Fund of Ben & Rita Ordower Fund Alvin and June Rosen Philanthropic Fund Andrew and Gail Marks Family Foundation Franklin B. and Gloria K. Orwin Philanthropic Fund Meryl and David Rosen Charitable Fund Everett and Elaine Marks Philanthropic Fund William Scott Oscherwitz Fund Mr. and Mrs. Sherman J. Rosen Philanthropic Fund James G. Marks Family Philanthropic Fund P and A Philanthropic Fund Vera D. and Morton W. Rosen Philanthropic Fund Jerrold and Pamela Marks Philanthropic Fund PC Nation Charitable Fund James Rosenberg & Deborah Hamilton Louis and Carol Marks Philanthropic Fund Arthur Palmer and Pamela Gellen Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Pamela Marks Philanthropic Fund Gerald and Karen Pam Charitable Fund Noa Rosenberg Philanthropic Fund Mass Philanthropic Fund Hugh and Sheila Patinkin Philanthropic Fund Norma and Lester Rosenberg Supporting Foundation Shirley Massel Philanthropic Fund NM Philanthropic Fund Rosenberg/Nasatir Family Philanthropic Fund Arnold and Celia Matanky Memorial Robin and Matthew Patinkin Philanthropic Fund Lya and Louis Rosenblum Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Pelts Family Philanthropic Fund Lya and Louis Rosenblum Supporting Foundation The Mattenson Family Philanthropic Fund Peltzman Family Fund Rosenkranz Family Foundation David Maxwell B’nai Tzedek Fund Penta Alpha Philanthropic Fund Richard S. and Susan G. Rosenstein Hillary Maxwell B’Nai Tzedek Fund Ezra and Eve Perkal Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Edward and Diane Mehlman Philanthropic Fund Stuart D. Perlman Brain Cancer Research Fund Bessie and Harry Rosenthal Philanthropic Fund Felice G. and Dr. Jerome S. Mehlman Robert & Karen Perlmuter Philanthropic Fund Lorelei and Ben Rosenthal Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Stephani and Ken Perlmutter Philanthropic Fund Samuel R. and Marie Louis Rosenthal Field Fritz and Irma Meinhardt Philanthropic Fund Carley and Brett Peven Philanthropic Fund of Interest Fund Eleanor Mellick Special Needs Fund Phi Delta Epsilon Scholarship Fund Lawrence A. Rosenzweig and Cynthia A. Wong Lois and Hugo Melvoin Philanthropic Fund The Pico Foundation Philanthropic Fund Charles and Selma Melvoin Jewish Family Myrna Pine Memorial Fund Sylvia and Marvin Rosett Philanthropic Fund Education Fund Eve and Stuart L. Pinkert Family Charitable Foundation Ross Family Charitable Trust Lawrence and Cecelia Menaker Philanthropic Fund Eve and Stuart L. Pinkert Philanthropic Fund Chaya and Walter Roth Philanthropic Fund Sybil and Lou Mervis Donor Advised Fund Robert and Barbara Pinkert Philanthropic Fund Herbert L. and Elsa L. Roth Philanthropic Fund Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Mesirow Philanthropic Fund Sabra and Barry A. Pitler Philanthropic Fund Routman Family Philanthropic Fund Elyce and Mark Metzner Philanthropic FundHarriet Pizer/Weinstein Family Fund Ralph Routman Memorial Philanthropic Fund Meyer and Ulrich E. Meyer Family Nancy and Daniel Pollack Philanthropic Fund Dr. Irving and Betty F. Rozenfeld Donor-Advised Philanthropic Fund Steven and Jo Ann R. Potashnick Philanthropic Fund Continuity Fund

21 Donor-Advised Continuity Funds, cont’d.

Jeffrey and Susan Rubenstein Philanthropic Fund Dorothy, Louis and Richard Sigel Family Fund Bruce M. Wall/Sandra J. Wall Philanthropic Fund Audrey and E. Leonard Rubin Philanthropic Fund Sikevitz Family Philanthropic Fund Ralph and Leah Wanger Philanthropic Fund Arlie Sachs Rubovits Memorial Fund Renee Birnberg Silberman & Joseph B. Silberman S. Warsaw Family Fund Keith Rudman Family Charitable Fund Family Fund Carol and Myron Warshauer Philanthropic Fund Carolyn O. Rusnak Donor-Advised Continuity Fund Robert S. and Sandra G. Silver Philanthropic Fund Sarita and Roy Warshawsky Family Philanthropic Fund Rutkoff Family Fund Too Good To Be True Fund Max Harry Weil Philanthropic Fund Lee and Cheryl Sachnoff Philanthropic Fund Richard & Barbara Silverman Family Philanthropic Fund Weinberg Advised Fund Lowell E. Sachnoff Philanthropic Fund Miriam Spachner Silverstine Philanthropic Fund Nathan Wellek Philanthropic Fund Menahem B. and Hanna Sacks Family Hortense G. Singer Philanthropic Fund Charles and Sharon Weingarten Charitable Trust Philanthropic Fund Family Sircus Philanthropic Fund Jenna L. Weinstein B’Nai Tzedek Fund Saiger Family Fund Joyce and Arnold Sklar Charitable Fund Zachary Weinstein B’Nai Tzedek Fund Eli T. Samet Memorial Philanthropic Fund Robert and Yadelle Sklare Foundation Cary A. Weintraub Memorial Philanthropic Fund Eve Samborn B’Nai Tzedek Fund Burt and Judith Skolnick Philanthropic Fund Harvey P. and Sharon Weintraub Philanthropic Fund Sarah Samborn B’Nai Tzedek Fund Dennis and Susan Sloan Fund Leroy and Sylvia Weis Fund William H. and Suzanne Samuels Philanthropic Fund David and Rae Smerling Philanthropic Fund Scott and Meryl Weis Philanthropic Fund Martin and Lucie Sandler Philanthropic Fund Arnold I. and Bette Sobel Foundation Elaine Weiss Memorial Fund Sanderman Family Charitable Fund Robert S. and Lynn Miller Socol Philanthropic Fund Fred and Gloria Weiss/Kozin Philanthropic Fund Judith and Leonard Sarnat Family Fund A.A. Solovy Fund Mildred and Marvin Weiss Philanthropic Fund Sarnoff Levin Family Supporting Foundation Alan P. and Andrea L. Solow Family Fund Simone Singer and Elliott Weissbluth Bernard Sattinger Internship Field of Interest Fund Chanah Sorah Memorial Fund Philanthropic Fund Esther M. and Allen E. Schechter Fund Michael and Marsha Spak Philanthropic Fund The Weissman Charity Fund Dr. Herman I. and Joan Scheinberg Philanthropic Fund Laurence S. and Susan Spector Family Elizabeth and Jeffrey Wellek Philanthropic Fund Eliot G. Schencker Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Susan and Richard Wellek Philanthropic Fund Schloss Family Fund Marilee Spector Philanthropic Fund Kalman Wenig Family Philanthropic Fund Schmidt Family Fund Rebecca Spector B’Nai Tzedek Fund Barbara and Lou Werner Family Philanthropic Fund Bradley S. Schneider and Julie R. Dann Family Spertus Family Supporting Foundation Wexler Family Limited Partnership Philanthropic Fund Deborah L. Spitz Memorial Philanthropic Fund 2001 Wexner Graduate Fund Schnierow Family Charitable Fund Dr. Albert F. Stein Philanthropic Fund Dr. Alexander B. and Inez White Philanthropic Fund Annie’s Fund Morton and Miriam Steinberg Fund Jason Widen B’Nai Tzedek Fund Max & Lynn R. Schrayer Fund Jerry and Susan Steinberger Philanthropic Fund Jane and Arthur Winter Philanthropic Fund Robert M. and Barbara M. Schrayer Philanthropic Fund Robert and Penelope Steiner Philanthropic Fund Maynard and Elaine Wishner Philanthropic Fund Robert A. Schuckman Philanthropic Fund Manfred and Fern Steinfeld Family Foundation Gertrude and Arthur Witkin Family Foundation Lawrence I. Schulman and Christine Poggianti Jeff Sterne B’Nai Tzedek Fund Alan and Pamela Witt Family Fund Philanthropic Fund Ruth and Sam Stiefel Philanthropic Fund Barbara and Steven Wolf Philanthropic Fund Schwartz Family Fund Jacob Stoehr B’Nai Tzedek Fund Hilda and Otto Wolf Philanthropic Fund Schwartz and Egger Family Fund Jerome Stokols/Oscar Gerber Memorial Fund CC Children’s Scholarship Fund Edward H. Schwartz Philanthropic Fund Alan Stone Philanthropic Fund Nira and Marvin Wolfe Philanthropic Fund Stuart and Bettie Schwartz Philanthropic Fund Barbara and Joel Stone Family Philanthropic Fund Sheldon and Debra Wolfe Philanthropic Fund Seder Family Foundation Joel and Barbara Stone Foundation Mark Wolfson B’Nai Tzedek Fund Seiden Family Foundation Sherwin and Marjorie Stone Philanthropic Fund Harry S. and Doris W. Wolin Philanthropic Fund Septon Family Fund Project Channie Philanthropic Fund Barbara and Howard Wolkoff Philanthropic Fund Sern Charitable Fund Esther Stulberg Memorial Fund World Jewish Philanthropic Fund Harold and Mona Shabelman Philanthropic Fund Sam Stulberg Memorial Fund Yael World Foundation Midge Perlman Shafton Philanthropic Fund Joan Sulzer Philanthropic Fund Andrea R. and Marshall S. Yablon Family Sidney and Phyllis K. Shalowitz Philanthropic Fund Alona Sussman Family Supporting Foundation Philanthropic Fund Alex Shapiro B’Nai Tzedek Fund Jason and Alona Sussman Philanthropic Fund YAD Foundation David W. Shapiro and Helen E. Shapiro Family Lester Sutker Philanthropic Fund David and Andrea B. Yelin Philanthropic Fund Philanthropic Fund Irvin and Ruth Swartzberg Family Foundation Y N T Philanthropic Fund Mickie Shapiro Human Kind Fund Mary and Allan L. Swartzberg Philanthropic Fund Yuzawa-Rubin Family Philanthropic Fund Nathan Woolf Shapiro Endowment Fund T R B P F Philanthropic Fund ZATZ-CATS/Sari and Lauren Philanthropic Fund Erica Shaps B’Nai Tzedek Fund Phyllis Tabachnick and Robert Friedman Dr. Merrill and Debra Zahtz Philanthropic Fund Shayne Family Philanthropic Fund Charitable Fund David Zemsky Memorial Philanthropic Fund Richard & Sheryl Sheiner Philanthropic Fund Bobette Takiff Philanthropic Fund Laurie & Bruce Zessar Fund Daniel Shepard B’Nai Tzedek Fund Tarnoff Family Philanthropic Fund Amy Zisook and David Rosen Donor-Advised Michael and Fran Sher Philanthropic Fund Lynette and Rodger Tauman Philanthropic Fund Continuity Fund David A. Sherman Philanthropic Fund Marianne K. and Stuart K. Taussig Lois and Edmond Zisook Philanthropic Fund Lawrence A. Sherman Family Philanthropic Fund Donor-Advised Continuity Fund Nancy and Jerrold Zisook Family Philanthropic Fund Lawrence A. Sherman Jewish Education Endowment Jessica Teper B’Nai Tzedek Fund Marshall and Myra Zissman Philanthropic Fund Leonard and Diane Sherman Family Foundation Paula and Norman Tepper Philanthropic Fund Zoller Family Philanthropic Fund Leonard H. Sherman Philanthropic Fund The Terry Family Fund Zoller Israel Scholarship Fund Shiff Family Philanthropic Fund Dr. and Mrs. Jack Tresley Philanthropic Fund Zuckerman Family Philanthropic Fund Marilyn P. Shonfeld Philanthropic Fund Richard M. Tresley Philanthropic Fund Lois and Max Zuckerman Philanthropic Fund Ruth and Lynn Shuster Philanthropic Fund Myrna & Neal Tyson Philanthropic Fund Zweig/Berlin Philanthropic Fund Linda S. Siegel Philanthropic Fund Lois & Selwyn Unell Philanthropic Fund Rachel Sier B’Nai Tzedek Fund Deena Schencker Walchirk Philanthropic Fund

22 Continuity Givers

We are deeply grateful to the Continuity Givers who have declared their intention to provide for the future of our Jewish community through their wills or by making deferred lifetime gifts. Continuity Gifts include donor-advised funds, life insurance, charitable trusts and gift annuities.

Anonymous (91) Helen S. Asher Bruce and Debbie Bentcover Bondmour Charitable Fund Maurice and Ora Aaron Mary Jane Asher David B. Berger Fred Bondy Sally and Willard Aaron Robert H. Asher B. L. Bergman Lila Bondy Isaac and MaryAnn Abella Sarah L. Ashley Mrs. Edwin A. Bergman Stacy E. Bookman Lynne Shore Abbott Chani Ashman Marie Krane Bergman Gail and Brian Boorstein Judith C. Abelson Gary D. Ashman Robert H. Bergman Ben Borenstein Family Susan and Moshe Abir Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkin Samuel N. and Nora Bergman Gabriella Boros Annabel Abraham Dr. Edward M. and Cathy G. Atkins Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James L. Borowitz Gershen and Sally Abraham Mr. and Mrs. William G. Auerbach Eric Bergson Natalie A. Boshes Isabel and Allen M. Abrams Nancy Axelrod Gita and Mark Allan Berk Mrs. Martin Boyer Ronald Abrams Robert Axelrod Estella and Vladimir Berkovich Judith N. Braman Seymour J. Abrams Family Richard and Sammye Axelrood George and Edwin Berkowitz Richard Braman Foundation Yossi and Robin Azarat Sidney J. Berkowitz Willard E. Bransky Earl B. Abramson Gladys S. Azulay Irving L. Berkson Dr. Joel and Mary Ann Brasch Francine Abramson Yehuda L. Azulay Madelyne Berkson Katherine and Dr. Ladislaus Robert Abt Ann Bachmann George and Shirley Berliant L. Braun The Acorn Foundation Ann and Bruce Bachmann Phyllis and Leonard Berlin, M.D. Suzy Braun Caryn Rosen Adelman Seymour and Joyce Bagan Elliott and Debbie Berman Anita K. and Arnold Brenner Gerald S. Adelman Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Bakal Marc and Sharon Berman Marc Brenner and Tracy Madansky Pamela and Stephen Adelman Debra A. Bakal Dr. Marvin and Joyce Berman Jeffrey Bressman Mrs. Sidney S. Adler Edward P. Bakal Masako Berman Sherri Bressman Jeffrey Aeder Ellen A. Bakal Michael B. and Angela M. Berman David R. Brief Bonnie Alexander Jeffrey S. Bakal Ronald Berman Richard Brod in Memory Joseph Alfonso Todd A. and Miriam R. Bakal Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Berman of Myron Brod Howard C. Alper Scott Bakal and Beth Solomon Suzanne Berman Joan Brodsky Cindy Alpert Leora Balinsky Harry and Harriet Bernbaum Merwyn and Renee Brodsky Leonore and Ernest Alschuler Rabbi Michael Balinsky Robert E. Berns William and Joan Brodsky Foundation and Dr. Myra Rappaport Ruth B. Berns Philip H. Brody Jessica Alter Michael P. and Bonnie L. Balkin Adele S. Bernstein Stanton W. and Judith Brody Jeffrey S. Altman Arthur Barbakoff Carole Bernstein Robert L. Brooks Marilyn Altman David Bardach H. Bruce Bernstein Family Adrienne Brookstone Pamela Altman Jacqueline and Harvey J. Barnett Henry and Rhoda Bernstein Arnold F. Brookstone Am Shalom Synagogue Steve M. Barnett Kathy E. Bernstein Dr. Philip E. Broun Susan G. and Joseph D. Ament Stuart and Kathleen Barnett Nancy and Alan M. Berry Alan C. Brown Karen Ami Teri D. Barnett Edward and Jane Best David T. Brown Marc Amstadter and Eleanor Wolfe Larry and Janice Barr Michael and Jean Best Helen and Lorin Brown Rose Ander Family Lynn Barron Helga Bierig Janet Brown Philanthropic Fund Dr. and Mrs. William Barrows Marjorie and Richard Binder Jordan Rose Brown Steven Ander Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baskes Mr. and Mrs. David Binter Marla Kell Brown Michael Anisfeld Seymour Baskin Martin H. Birnbaum Richard M. and Andrea J. Brown Gail and Alan Anixter Michael Bauer Joseph N. Birnberg Roger O. and Barbara Brown Genevieve U. Anoff Mrs. Alvin H. Baum Dr. Nathan Norman Birnberg Steven, Debbie and Jake Brown Jeanette Anovitz David Baum Mrs. Morton A. Blitstein Steven Michael Brown Sol Anovitz Priscilla Baum Ellen Block Jo and Jonah Bruck Appelbaum Family Foundation Mara Beth Baumgarten Grace and Mitchell Block Jacqueline M. and George Brumlik Judith L. Appelbaum Michael S. Basofin Philip D. Block III Tsilya Bryson Judith L. and Robert D. Appelbaum Arleene Bearak Robert B. and Nancy Bloom Gilda and Henry Buchbinder Arie Crown Hebrew Day School Adolph Beck Andrew G. Bluhm Karen and Ethan Budin Marie L. Aries David Becker Memorial Fund Leslie N. Bluhm Bryan Bugay Arkes Family/Hinda Fund Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Becker Meredith Bluhm-Wolf Marvin D. Burack Ben Arkes Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Bell Neil G. Bluhm Sharon Lederman Burack Maxine Arkes Rose Bell David L. and Linda H. Blumberg Harriet Burnstein Andrew and Iris Aronson Joan and Shael Bellows John H. and Barbara L. Blumberg Edryce H. Cadden Jeanette Aronson Ruth Belzer Paul and Lisa Blumberg Jerry and Peggy Cairo and Jack Aronson David Bemoras Frima H. Blumenthal Arthur Callistein Dr. Sidney Aronoff Kalman Michael Benjamin Dr. Robert J. Blumenthal Joan F. Canel ARPAC L.P. Memorial Foundation Ruth Blumenthal in Memory of the Pat Cantor Ascher Brothers Co., Inc. Marc A. and Susan J. Benjamin Blumenthal-Rosenthal Families Sanford Cantor Daniel B. and Susan Asher Paul H. and Irene G. Bennett Norman Bobins Sam and Joan Carl Gilbert Asher Sarah C. Bennett Virginia Bobins Dennis Carlin

23 Continuity Givers, cont’d.

Rebekah R. Carlson Crestview Capital Partners, LLC Helene Eicoff Fishbaum Family Prof. and Mrs. Dennis Carlton In Memory of Nathan N. Albert Einstein Endowment Fund Fisher Family Joel Carp Crohn, M.D. Joyce Eisen In Memory of Leonard Fisher Senator Howard W. Joyce Laura Croft Calvin and Lana Eisenberg Sylvia Fisher and Eda S. Carroll Richard Moline and Joni Crounse Marilyn Allswang Eisenberg Mrs. Martin Fishkin Lee Casty Alan and Susan Crown Philip and Betty Eisenberg Gerald L. Fishman Lee A. Chaden Thomas Cusack Gerald and Eileen Eisenstein Lala Fishman Shelby L. Chaden Dr. Irving H. Cutler Seth and Rosalind Eisner Kenneth and Judith Fleischer Gerald H. Chalem Laverne and Samuel J. Cutler Richard Elden Richard S. and Carol Fleisher Franklin A. Chanen Norman and Gail Cutler Thomas Elden Bruce and Lori Fogelson Family Stuart Chanen and Julie Fenton Michael and Judy Daniels Abigal F. and Gary J. Elkins Edward A. and Sherryl A. Fox Marvin S. and Louise N. Chapman Armand L. Dann David F. Ellbogen Shayle and Deanna Fox Susan Spier Chapman Audree Dann Bernice Ellis Sherryl A. Fox Joshua and Amy Charlson Charles Dann Ann J. Emmerman Joan and Robert Fragen Beth Cherner Dann and Schneider Family: Harry Englestein Paul and Muriel Francis Paul J. Cherner Mesirow Financial Epstein Wenger Family Supporting Albert and Patricia Frank Myron M. and Patricia Cherry Dannenberg Foundation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Frank Roz Chertow Joann and Nathan Dardick Gabrielle Sigel and Howard Epstein Elaine S. Frank Wayne Chertow Martha W. Davidson Joan H. Epstein Amy and Harris Frankel Chicago Jewish Funerals Michael H. and Martha W. Nancy Epstein Shila and Dr. Norman Frankel Burton and Evette Chudacoff Davidson Sidney Epstein Stuart and Kim Frankenthal Joan Chukerman Dr. and Mrs. Martin Dauber William J. and Lorraine Epstein Gerald E. Franks Mitchell Chukerman Mrs. Olga R. Davidson Marcy Horwitz Karen Franks Circle of Service Supporting Bernice R. Davis and Steve Erlebacher Leonard Franks Foundation Bernice and Charles Davis Miriam and Gunther Erlebacher Terri and Michael Freeman Mark Coe John D. Davis Rabbi and Mrs. Morris I. Esformes Marie and Paul Freier Shari Coe Leslie A. Davis Merri and Mitchell Ex Sylvia and Ernest Freier Jules G. Cogan Rabbi Yosef Davis F6 Foundation Jeffrey L. Fried Mrs. Roy F. Cogen Maryl and Medwin Dayan Albert and Esther Faber Gerald S. Friedberg Bonnie and Martin Cohen Herbert Decker, Jr. Burt and Marion Fainman Alvin F. and Shirley Friedman Carol B. Cohen Sam Decker Gitta Fajerstein-Walchirk David and Ronna Friedman Douglas E. Cohen Paul G. Delman Maurice H. Fantus Doris M. Friedman Frank and Sherry Cohen Andrea and Steven De Mar and Judith A. Aiello Doris and Harding Friedman Harriet R. and Allen S. Cohen Edith and David A. De Mar Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Feder George M. Friedman Harvey Cohen David Demoras Fannie Feigen Hubert Friedman Jeffrey L. and Zenia Cohen Family Morton and Reva Denlow Frank Feigen Michael Friedman Joseph J. and Beverly Anne Cohen Irwin and Margit Diamond Samuel Feigenbaum Peter B. and Andrea Friedman Larry Cohen Rosanne Diamond Harry and Arlene Feiger Roselyn L. Friedman Marilyn Cohen Terry and Marilyn Diamond Susie and Roger Fein Teri Friedman Martin D. and Linda L. Cohen Linda Dickens Carole Landman Feingold Paul D. Friend Marvin R. Cohen Susan F. and Marvin J. Dickman William C. Feingold Elise and Ira Frost and Jane E. Richman Dobrusin Family Joel I. Feinstein Boris and Mel Furman Dr. Melvin R. Cohen Philanthropic Fund Betsy L. Feld Tom and Carol Galuhn Merle Cohen Laurence Dobkin Dr. James M. Feld Alan Garaber Michael J. Cohen Mrs. Morton Joseph Doblin Marion Feldinger Alan J. Garber Miriam Cohen Wendy and Stewart Dolin Jeffrey and Elissa Feldman Philip Garoon Neal I. and Sally Cohen Bertha Dolton Jessica Feldman Evelyn K. Garron Ray J. Cohen Ronald Z. Domsky Judith Feldman Paul Garry and Susan Rollins Russell Cohen Arthur and Sally B. Dordek Maureen K. and Seth D. Feldman Arnold Gassel Samuel T. and Sara Cohen Mrs. Harold J. Dray Glenn L. Felner Joseph A. Gassner Shari Cohen Deanna Gadiel Drucker Maury and Nancy Fertig Maureen Gecht Sheldon Cohen Mona Dubin Steve Ferrara Stephen L. Geifman Zenia R. Cohen Solis and Danna Dudnick Ross Festenstein Terri Geifman Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohn Susan Duman Michael W. Fiedler Stefi Geisel Lee and Margaret Cohn Barry D. Dunietz Donna Field David J. and Karen Z. Gelfand Sanford Cohn Isard and Alexandra Dunietz Martin Field Howard D. Geller Carol Perel Colby Tamara Dunietz Milton Fields Rita Geller Karen Manilow Cole Jennie Dunn Frances G. Finch Daryl Gerber and Jeffrey M. Jane B. Colman Ruth M. and Stephen P. Durchslag June Finder Stokols John C. and Jane B. Colman Babette Scharff Ecker Mark and Shari Fine Larry Gerber Eric Keitel and Aaron Cooper Rabbi Yehiel Eckstein Leslie and Norman Finkel Meyer and Lilly Gerber Ronald S. and Rose Ann Cope Richard and Roberta Edelheit Finkelstein-Jacobson Sheila Gerber The Elisabeth and David Copeland D.J. Edelman Family Foundation Philanthropic Fund Leo N. Gershanov Family Matthew and Susan Edelstein Phyllis R. Fischel Barry and Karen Gersowsky Sherman P. Corwin Nancy Marder and Jeremy Eden Norma T. Fish David M. Gerstein David R. Crawford Evelyn Edidin Fish Family Joyce Gerstein

24 Continuity Givers, cont’d.

Dr. and Mrs. Melvyn A. Gerstein Dr. Stanley and Charlotte Goldstein Thomas L. Harris Lynn and Lloyd Hurst Edgar M. and Annette Gettleman Adam K. Goodhart Louis S. Harrison Charles and Harry Huzenis Vern Gideon Debbie Goodhart Abraham S. Hart Leo and Gene Ingwer Dr. Betsy R. Gidwitz Adorea S. Goodman Carrye Hart Sheila M. Insley Joyce and Alan K. Gidwitz Ann D. Goodman Ilona Ann Hartman J. Allen Isaacs Julie Gidwitz Charles H. Goodman Robert Hartman Nettie Isenberg Karen and Ralph W. Gidwitz Lawrence Goodman Elliott D. Hartstein Michael H. Iser Steven Gidwitz Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goodman Ellen Havdala Ann S. Jablin Teri Gidwitz Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Goodman Hecktman Family Foundation Ruth Jacobs Barbara Gilbert Gooze Family Jeffrey and Penny Hecktman Celia R. Jacobs Barbara and Howard A. Gilbert Dana Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Hecktman Norman J. Jacobs Beverly Gilbert Ilse Gordon Judy and Melvin Hecktman Robert S. Jacobs Gail and Jim Gilbert Marla S. Gordon Marlene Hecktman Ellen and Harvey Jacobson Howard N. and Jacqueline Gilbert Jane and Norman Gordon Jack C., Jean, and Greta Heiman Harvey Jacobson Jeffrey T. and Ellen B. Gilbert Paul Gordon Wendy Heiman Ted R. Jadwin and Ellen Morris Vera Gilbert Phillip Gordon Heller Family Ezra and Marla Jaffe Anita and Richard I. Gilford Phyllis Gordon Leon Heller Marian W. Jaffe Darlene and Lawrence Gilford Sylvia G. Gordon Janet and Robert Helman Lenore E. Janecek Thomas M. Giller Gloria Gottlieb Diane Kraft Henry Edythe M. Jastram Seymour and Sandra Ginsberg Pamela and Gary Grad Laurence E. Herman Joel Jastromb James S. and Linda Ginsburg Iris and Martin A. Gradman Joshua Herrendorf Carol Jesselson Jerome Ginsburg Miriam Graham Perry S. Herst Pauline Jesser Zelda Ginzburger Betsy G. Grais Sidney J. Hess, Jr. Jewish Lesbian and Gay Fund Leelah and Joseph Gitler Avrum Gray Heyman Philanthropic Fund Susan and Edwin Johnson Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gray Goldyne H. Heyman Eric Joss Nancy Rosenberg Given Neil Greenbaum Gwen and Scott Heyman Karen Jossel Ellen V. Glass Rachel K. Greenbaum Jay S. Heyman Julia Ventures, Inc. Philip L. and Ellen V. Glass Jack and Donna Greenberg Larry Heyman Adelle Kagan Michael Glasser Mr. and Mrs. Sander Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Heyman Diane S. and Jeffrey F. Kahan Roza and George Glauberman Philip and Sheri Greenblatt Harold Heyward Donna W. Kahan Burton E. and Adrienne Glazov Alan and Carol Greene Elizabeth and Andrew Hibel Randall C. and Marcy P. Kahan Family Dr. Philip and Aviva Greenland Ivan Himmel Bette and Lawrence Kahn Albert Glick Benn Greenspan Austin L. Hirsch and Beth David V. and Ruth Kahn Andrew and Michelle Glick Dr. Bruce Greenspahn Gomberg-Hirsch Douglas and Amy Kahn Daniel and Rhonda Glick Gail Greenspahn Edith D. Hirsch Herta Hess Kahn Lawrence E. Glick Mrs. Henry Greilsheim Howard D. Hirsch Moshe and Shoshana Kahn Nancy S. Glick Rochelle Grill Jerome E. Hirsch Sanford Kahn Glickman Foundation Stewart Grill Robert A. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kalish Joseph and Beverly Glickman Roslyn and Sam Grodzin Jerry S. Hirschel Nedra Kalish Mr. and Mrs. William Gofen Barry and Merle Gross Joanne Hirschfield Dr. Herbert S. Kamin Rosaleah Goland Edmund J. Grossberg Marshall and Marlene Hirshman Arthur O. Kane Jack Gold Janet and Phillip Gruenfeld Hochberg/Lowenstein Families Esther Steinback Kane Norman and Barbara G. Gold Susan and Jeffrey Gumbiner Larry J. Hochberg Stuart Kane Alan and Beth Goldberg Sally Guralnick Laurie C. Hochberg Alan and Lily Kanter Annette Goldberg Todd A. Gurvis Renee and Wayne Hochberg Gerald L. Kanter Mr. Ira Goldberg Guthmann Family Sue Neuman Hochberg Gilbert and Elaine Kanter Jane W. Goldberg Richard H. and Dorothy Gutstadt Barbara and Stuart Hochwert Robbi and Craig Kanter Marcy J. Goldberg Sylvia and Robert L. Haag Andria Hoffman Yvette and Arnold Kanter Miriam R.S. and Edwin H. Dr. Sharon J. Perlman-Haase Jessica Hoffman The Kaplan, Katz Goldberger, Esq., In Memory of and David Haase Lacey Marie Hoffman and Spellberg Family Our Parents, Ruth & David S. Hall of Fame Heritage Society Melanie and Brian Hoffman Allan and Loretta Kaplan Bern, Esq. Philip Hamburger Samuel J. Hoffman Amy Kaplan Miriam R. S. Goldberger Holly and Jeffrey Hammes Abraham Holcman Anita Brown Kaplan Elayne M. and George M. Goldeen Joel L. and Sarah R. Handelman Bernard Hollander Dr. Benjamin Kaplan Georgean Goldenberg Sarah R. Wolff and Joel R. Seymour and Rona Homer Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kaplan Avrom H. Goldfeder Handelman Frances G. Horwich Carol and Ed Kaplan and Family Bill and Judi Goldman Robin Handelman Frances Horwich Doris Kaplan Family Bruce and Lisa Goldman Barbara Benjamin Hanus Ruth P. Horwich Howard G. and Marlene J. Kaplan Lawrence Goldman George D. Hanus Theodore Horwich Joel Kaplan Peter D. and Carol Goldman Allan E. Harris Thomas and Vicki Horwich Dr. Joel A. Kaplan Ellen and Scott Goldsher Arnie and Nina Harris Donald Horwitz Mark and Cheryl Bondy Kaplan Abe J. Goldsmith Jerome Harris Judy Horwitz Marty Kaplan Craig Goldsmith Joanne K. Harris G. A. Horwitz Morris A. Kaplan and Delores Kohl Donald F. Goldsmith Norma Brenner Harris David Husman Neil I. and Arlene Kaplan Elissa H. Goldsmith Robert Martin Harris Alan and Linda Hurst Doris (Mrs. Noel) Kaplan Dorothy G. Goldstein Roger B. Harris Linda Kaufman Hurst Sharon Kaplan

25 Continuity Givers, cont’d.

Roberta R. Kaplan Fred Kornick Karen Kales Lee Sandee Linker Samuel and June Kaplan Jack S. Korzon Peter C. Lee S. Barry Lipin Linda Gidwitz Karamitis Ms. Helen Kossoff Milton Lefton Melvin K. Lippe Nathan and Mary Karasik Michael and Judith Kotzin Rena M. Legator Lillian and Maurice Lipsey Gary Karlin David and Renee Kozin Ronna Bows Leibach Dr. Sam and Rita Lipshitz Harriet and Ernest A. Karmin Neil Kozokoff Dr. Steven J. Leibach Mrs. Arthur Lipski Jon and Deborah Karmin Krasnow Family Mary W. Leibman Phyllis and Larry Lipsky Jack L. Karp Joseph Krauss Leibow Family Supporting Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lipsman Arnold J. Karzov Theodore and Joan Krengel Foundation Charles and Susan Bloom Lipson Mr. Joseph and Hazzan Joshua and Marta Krengel Mrs. Shirley G. Leibow Seymour Lipton Shelly Kaszynski Adrienne Barbakoff Kriezelman Joe and Evelyn Leifer Toby and Seymour Lipton Mrs. Frank J. Katlin Jeffrey A. Kriezelman Sheila and Manning Leiter Toby A. Lipton Melvin L. Katten Suzanne Krill Jeffrey and Elise Lennard Judith R. Litt Barbara and Jordon Katz Charles and Geraldine Kriser Cheryl and Bruce Leon Meta Livingston Barry and Roberta Katz Paul C. and Ann Wolk Krouse Frank Lerman Hamilton M. Loeb, Jr. Judy and Richard Katz Charles Kubert Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Lerner Renee Logan Samuel Katz Judith K. Kubert Fritz and Sylvia Lesser Rabbi Scott Looper Laura Kaufman and David Levine Shirley Kudesh Scholarship Fund Kenneth F. and Susan J. Lorch Mildred Schlensky Kaufmann David J. Kudish Simon Lesser and Carol Patinkin Marion R. Loundy Edith Seder Kaye Harold and Lauren Kugelman Mitchell and Karyn Lev Richard and Donna Loundy Kazel Family Carolyn and Michael Kulakofsky Milton Levenfeld Leonard Loventhal Gerry Keen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kully Mrs. Milton Levenfeld John A. and Amy Lowenstein Stephen Keen Marjorie Horwich Kulp (Iona Wishner) Michael L. and Amy Lowenthal Mildred Kellman Peter B. Kupferberg Eva B. Levi Haiman Lowy Priscilla and Steven Kersten and Ellen S. Rakieten Marcus and Theresa Levie Mrs. Walter Lowy Michael and Karen Kesner Allen W. Kupfer Idelle Levin Bernard M. Lubelchek Dennis and Barbara Kessler Peter B. Kupferberg Nathan L. Levin Carol Horwich Luber Earle R. and Dolores Kessler Rabbi Vernon and Bryna Kurtz Norman G. Levin Paul M. and Margaret B. Lurie Barbara and David Kipper Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Kwall William E. and Cynthia A. Levin Robert Luskin Donald L. Kirk Howard and Maia Labow Carl Levine Marvin and Marilyn Lustbader Judith Klarfeld Gabriel and Vivian Ladowski Ernest S. Levine Karen Lutz Edmond and Evelyn Klauber Henry Landan Karen L. Levine Norman and Sylvia Lynn Gussie Kleiman P. Toni and Deborah Landi Leonard and Ricki Levine Shirley Lynn Dr. and Mrs. Jay Kleiman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lansing Ruth M. Levine Philip J. Lyons Batya and Benjamin Klein David Diego Ladowski Florence Levinson-Teuscher Mitch H. and Anne Macknin Gertrude S. Klein Memorial Foundation Louis W. and Ellen Levit Mrs. Saul Mackoff Jordan and Susan Klein Stephen and Elizabeth Landes Charles and Ruth Levy Foundation Amos and Anat Madenes Lisa C. Klein Leslie G. Landman Ethel Levy Rella and Herbert A. Maier Solomon Klein Foundation and Aaron R. Feigelson Fern Levy, Jeanne Randall Malkin Family Paul and Pamela Kleinman Sissi B. Lapides Lion of Judah Endowment Family of Jennifer Malkin Jordan Kleins Diane and Andrew Lappin In Memory of Elvin A. Levy Judd D. Malkin Ann-Louise Kleper Jules M. Laser Francine F. Levy Marilyn Malkin and Larry Wolf Gary P. Kligman Laurie Fantus Fred Levy Ann Chassin Mallow Kenneth S. Klipper and Stephen A. Laser Joshua Samuel Levy Lee A. Malmed, M.D. Dr. Matthew Klionsky Kay Lasney Dr. Julius Levy Bernard Mandel and Susan Rosenberg Dorothy S. Latiak Myron S. Levy H. George Mann Lawrence Klong and David Marshall R. Lavin Robert M. Levy Jerome and Lillian Mann Gerstein Bessie F. Lawrence Stephanie Levy Nancy Mann Lawrence and Melody Klong Zelda Lazar Arlene S. Lewis Roberta Mann Mrs. Irving M. Klotz John Lazar Eleanor Lewis and Family Sheldon and Nancy Mann Judy and Jim Klutznick Estelle S. and Sol C. Lazarus Helen Lewis Lora E. Mantelman Dr. D. P. Knapp Leah A. Lazere Ila Lewis Walter and May March Jules and Gwen Knapp Leah Lazere and Adeline Bersch James and Helen Lewis Fred and Susan Mardell Family Foundation Steve and Betsy Lazerow Kenneth and Rita Lewis Lawrence and Sylvia Margolies Barbara Koch Katherine and James Lazerwitz Helen Lexier Ronald B. Margolin Mrs. Lester H. Koenigsberg Howard Learner Doris Lewy Rabbi Frederic J. Judith S., Lawrence F. Joyce Leavitt Dr. Eva F. Lichtenberg and Trisha Margulies and Lauren M. Kohn Renee Richman Lebed and Dr. Arnold Tobin Richard Marker Nancy Kohn Mrs. James Lebensohn Seymour and Betty Lichter Jennie and Dorothy Markowitz Norman V. Kohn Mrs. Jerry P. Lebow Joel and Cindy Lieberman Elinor and Maynard J. Marks Jonathon W. Kolker Mrs. Carl E. (Myrtle) Lederer Laurie Lieberman Everett and Elaine Marks Beth and Jeffrey Kopin Ronda Lederer Paul D. Lieberman Gail F. and Andrew W. Marks Dr. Jeffrey Kopin William Lederer Mrs. Madeline E. Lifson Roslyn Marks Debra and Ira Korman William and Renda Lederer Harold Lilie Roslyn and James G. Marks Edward F. Kornblith Harold and Eileen Lederman Henry D. Lindauer Jerrold H. Marks Elizabeth F. Kornblith Jane Cadden Lederman Charlotte K. Lindon Pamela Marks

26 Continuity Givers, cont’d.

James B. Marland Michael & Carol Mitchel Mary G. Oppenhein Michael and Maya Polsky Lillian and Fred Marrich Lee H. Mitchell Oded Orbach Sherman B. Pomerantz Rabbi Steven S. Mason Gerald Mizel Pnina Orbach Jack E. Portin Shirley Massel Selma Mizel Jane Ordower Faye Posen (Mrs. Sam) Robert W. Matanky Alan E. and Alison Molotsky Lawrence Ordower Dr. Steven and JoAnn Potashnick Mattenson Family Leona Molotsky Mark Ordower Potter Family Philanthropic Fund Louis A. Morgan Family Mrs. Franklin Orwin Allan S. and Carla H. Price Matthew Family Glenn Morris William S. Oscherwitz Dr. David Nathan L. Price Abe and Nettie Matthew Philip Morris Foundation Otmin Foundation Manny and Saralee Price and Family Elaine Morrison Robin Painter Neal H. and Laurie K. Price Beatrice (Buddy) C. Mayer Susan L. Morrow Irving and Vivian Paley Richard S. and Linda B. Price Larry Mayer and Donna Broder Barbara Mortensen Dr. Arthur Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Pritikin Claire G. Mazer Michael H. and Pamela Gellen James N. Pritzker Robert Mazer and Constance Moskow Gerald and Karen Pam Pritzker Family Robert Mednick Henry S. and Barbara J. Moss Marvin Parsoff Gordon Prussian Susan L. Mednick Aimee Moyer Grace and Daniel Parson Paul Quintas and Bethia Straus Harvey and Sheila Medvin Elaine and Allan B. Muchin Sheila Patinkin Norman Radloff Diane Mehlman Adolph R. Nachman Robin and Matthew Patinkin Joseph Radov Edward Mehlman Mrs. Bobette Naiburg William G. Paullin Sandra C. and Maurice P. Raizes Dorothe Melamed Dr. Steven B. Nasatir PC Nation Rabbi Jack Rajchenbach Dr. and Mrs. Jack L. Melamed Helene Diamond On Behalf of Maryl Dory Rand Dorothy Melamerson and Jorde M. Nathan and Medwin Dayan Daniel E. Ratner Phyllis Mellow Family Foundation Melvin Pearl Dr. Mark and Nancy Ratner Hugo and Lois Melvoin Mrs. Irving H. Nathan (Harriet) Sheldon, William Stacy Ratner Lawrence and Cecelia Menaker Jerome Nathan and Elizabeth Pekin Vera M. Ratner Jean Marmor Mendel Lionel M. Nathan Family Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pelts Barry M. Ray Louis L. and Sybil S. Mervis Hy and Anna Natovich Peltzman Family Fund Shirley D. Raymond Mesirow Family Charitable Sylvia Neil and Dan Fischel Sam Peltzman and Nancy Bradney Alon and Cindy Redlich Foundation Ira S. Neiman Gerald M. Penner Alan Redman Donald Mesirow Kenneth and Myrna Neiman Rabbi H. Goren Perelmuter Irene Redman Dr. Manuel and Mimi Mesirow Mrs. Edward Neisser Eva Perkal Susan and Howard Reese Richard Mesirow Frances Nelson In Memory of Deborah Robert and Sonya Reich Elyce and Mark Metzner Harry Nelson Memorial Perkal-Balinsky Robert and Diane Reichblum Dorothy A. Meyer Philanthropic Fund Eva Perkal Shari and Stephen Reiches Ruth Meyer Harriet Karzen Nemetz In Memory of the Walter Richard L. Reinish Harriet and Ulrich E. Meyer Jeffrey A. Nemetz Loewy Family Jerry M. Reinsdorf Sandra and Stuart Meyer Mr. and Mrs. J. Jordan Nerenberg Claire Perlman Bernard Reisin Meystel Family Ted Netzky Jane Perlman Elaine Reisin Yosef Meystel Jeffrey K. Neubauer Robert and Karen Perlmuter Merle Reskin Michael Reese Service League Stephen and Susan Neumer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perlmutter Helaine M. Resnick Beryl Michaels and John Bach Newberger Family Gerald Perlow Janet and Gary Resnick Terry H. Michaels Charlotte A. Newberger Leo Perlow and Family Marilyn R. Rest Harley Michelson Charlotte and Michael Newberger Michael A. Perlstein Judith Rhodes Helen F. Mijatovic Lois Newberger Sarah Perrin Richard Rhodes Judith R. Millenson Scott Newberger Brett Peven and Carley Nathenson Eugene J. Ribacoff Leslie Joan Millenson Wendy Newberger Pharmore Drugs LLC Vivian E. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. Miller Pauline Newman Marmon Pine Dr. Stuart Rich Byron S. Miller Carrie Newton Vicki and Gary Pines Dr. Stuart and Andrea Rich Beatrice and Harold L. Miller Franklin W. Nitikman Vicki Pines and Family Honoring Their Loving Harvey L. and Janice Miller Franklin W. and Adrienne Nitikman Pink Foundation Endowment Fund Mothers Lillian Ableman Sara, Batya and Pamela Miller Henry J. Nord Robert Pinkert and Sally Rich Family North Sheridan Hebrew Dale R. Pinkert Howard Richard Wendy and Glen Miller Congregation Eve H. Pinkert Jackson C. Richman Gordon H. and Karen M. Millner North Shore Auxiliary of the Eve and Stuart L. Pinkert Lawrence Richman James C. Mills Jewish Children’s Bureau Sabra Pitler Leah K. Richman Mr. and Mrs. Jon Mills Dr. Donald and Judy Norris Pizer/Weinstein Family Marilyn (Toddy) Richman Dr. Edward Millunchick Ilene Novack Bonnie L. Podolsky Susan Rifas Albert Milstein Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Novack Toby and Sherwin Pogrund Alvin and Cynthia Ring and Family Sarah Zitter Milstein Eda Bess Novick Leah and Dr. Stanton Polin Charles T. and Marilynn Rivkin Stuart Milstein Mendel and Dena Nudelman Polk Bros. Foundation Larry and Michele Rivkin Edward Minor Joseph Nunes Daniel R. Pollack Norman Rivkin Newton and Josephine Minow Mike Nussbaum Nancy Pollack Victoria and Thomas Rivkin Albert Miripol David and Barbara Ofman Serena E. Pollack Marilyn and David Robbin Jack Mishel Seymour Okner Dr. Gertrude Pollitt Sidney and Lois Robbins Stuart Mishlove George and Sarah Olhausen Judith K. and Stanley Pollock Albert A. Robin Michael Mitchel Hershel Oliff Michael Polsky Burton H. Robin

27 Continuity Givers, cont’d.

Elliott and Ronni Robinson Susan Rubenstein Annie M. Schrayer Susan P. Sherman Mrs. Frances W. Robinson Pearl Rubenzik Barbara M. Schrayer Shiff Family Philanthropic Fund Larry J. Robinson Audrey and E. Leonard Rubin Lynn Sachse Schrayer Evely Shlensky Marilyn A. Robinson Evelyn Rubin Max R. Schrayer II Dorothy Shrago Sheldon and Freda Robinson Lisa B. Rubinstein Skip and Lynn Schrayer Rose L. Shure Ilsa Rooz Susan B. Rubnitz Mr. And Mrs. Victor Schreim Ruth and Lynn Shuster Rose Family Mr. and Mrs. David S. Rubovits Robert A. Schuckman Kimberly Shwachman Jill Rose Keith Rudman Family Lawrence Schulman Siegel-Bullock Family Leonard Rose Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Rudman and Christine Poggianti Ann Siegel Michael Rose Lorra Rudman Ilene Schur Mrs. George L. Siegel Pamela Rose Carolyn O. Rusnak Shirley Schuster Linda Soreff Siegel Alvin and June Rosen Alan Rutkoff Andre A. Schwartz Sarah and William Siegel Anita Rosen (Mrs. Orville) Mally Rutkoff and Virginia C. Eggar Siegman Family Cheryl Rosen Roger F. Ruttenberg Daniel Schwartz Susan and Richard Sigel David S. Rosen Lee and Cheryl Sachnoff Dorothy Schwartz Mrs. Victor Sikevitz Elaine G. Rosen Lowell E. Sachnoff Edward H. and Trudy Schwartz Renee Birnberg Silberman Harold B. Rosen Theodora Rand Frances and Joseph Schwartz and Joseph B. Silberman Linda B. Rosen Nathaniel and Ellen Sack Terry and Stephen L. Schwartz Ralph Silver Morton W. Rosen Sacks Family Foundation Gordon Schwartz and Dawn Sidney Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Silver Rhoda Rosen (Mrs. Sherman J.) A. Lee Sacks Jacqueline L. Schwartz Jeffrey and Judith Silverman Sherman J. Rosen Susan and Marc E. Sacks Memorial Fund for Marshall Silverman Stanley Rosen Andy and Ken Saffir Mental Health Care Joshua and Katy Silvers David and Margot Rosenbaum Sager Solomon Schechter Mark L. and Judith Schwartz Karyn Silverstein Ann and David Rosenberg Day School The Marvin Schwartz Diabetes Karyn and Bill Silverstein and Family Saiger Family Research Foundation Marcia Silverstein Carolyn H. Rosenberg Charles Salinger Sharyn Schwartz Marjorie and Enoch Silverstein Rabbi David Robert and Frances Salpeter Stephen L. Schwartz Thomas and Leslie Silverstein and Frances Rosenberg Alyne Salstone Stuart and Bettie Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Simkowitz Rabbi Gerry and Renee Rosenberg Natalie Saltiel Mark L. Schwartzman Linda Simon Ilyana Rosenberg Bettylu and Paul Saltzman Second Century Endowment Fund Family of Ruth Simon James Rosenberg Lewis and Noreen Saltzman Seder Family Dennis Sinclair and Deborah Hamilton Suzanne G. Samuels Daniel Seglin Mindy Crandus Lee and Nancy Rosenberg William Samuels Natalie and Melvin Seglin and Gary Mark Sircus Mara Rosenberg Maurice and Myra Sanderman Jerome P. Seiden Marlene Siskel Norma M. Rosenberg Mitchell and Danielle Sandler Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Seigle William J. Siskel Norma M. and Lester J. Rosenberg Judith and Leonard Sarnat Susan G. Seigle Dennis and Susan Sloan Doris Esther and Paul Rosenberg Jack Sayre Rabbi Samuel and Miriam Seleski Marcia Sloan Dr. Louis Rosenblum Sarnoff-Levin Family Dr. Naomi and Jerry Senser Barbara Kaplan Slutsky Dr. Lya Rosenblum Richard M. Sazonoff Sephardic Hebrew Day School Marc H. and Barbara K. Slutsky William Rosenblum Martin Schachter Brian M. and Melissa Z. Septon David Smerling Jeff A. and Lisa K. Rosenkranz Stephen L. and Jessica S. Schar Pamela J. Seubert Stephanie and Michael Smerling Susan G. and Richard S. Allen and Esther Schechter Bernard Sevin Vincent and Nancy Smith Rosenstein Helen and Leonard Schechtman Harold and Mona Shabelman Dr. Paul and Robin Smulson Barry Rosenthal Dr. Herman I. and Midge Perlman Shafton Lynn Miller Socol Bessie and Harry Rosenthal Joan B. Scheinberg Phyllis K. Shalowitz Robert and Lynn Socol Karen Rosenthal George and Georgeann Schlett Harold and Elaine Shames Miriam Sokol Lorelei Rosenthal Eliot G. Schnecker Sidney and Betty Shames Betty C. Solomon Lorelei Rosenthal and Family Alfred M. and Charlotte H. Scherz Charles and M.R. Shapiro Carol Solomon Lawrence A. Rosenzweig The Family of Dr. Joseph H. Schiff Foundation Carole A. Solomon Marvin Rosett Linda Schiffman Dr. Edward S. and Dorothy Shapiro Sam and Ann Solomon Sylvia Rosett Donald C. Schiller Helen E. Shapiro Dolores Solovy David J. Ross Joanne Schloss Keith Shapiro Alan P. Solow Natalie Ross Robert and Julie Schlossberg Louis W. Shapiro Andrea Lavin Solow Morris Rossin Aaron and Judy Schmidt Mickie Shapiro Ernest Sommers Joseph S. and Marilyn Roth David and Jody Schmidt Nathan Shapiro Sylvia Sorkin Walter and Chaya Roth Nancy K. Schmidt Soretta and Henry Shapiro Alice Sostrin Avi and Jennie Rothner Philip Schmidt Foundation Marsha Spak (Mrs. Michael) Elaine M. Rothner Natalie Schmitt Wendy Berger Shapiro Michael Spak Eric and Gale Rothner Brad Schneider and David C. Shapiro Nora Spak Fred H. Rothschild James Schneider Richard and Joan Sharfstein Laurence S. Spector Aron Routman Mrs. Sam Schneider David L. Shaw Susan Spector Dr. Marshall and Helen Rowen Batsheva and David Schnell Richard and Sheryl Sheiner Miss Marilee Spector Dr. Irving H. and Betty Rozenfeld Dovid Schnell Fran and Michael Sher Marc and Melissa Spellman Jeffrey Rubenstein Gary and Wendy Schnierow David A. and Susan P. Sherman Spertus Family Fund Lillian G. Rubenstein Frank B. and Marge Schnierow Lawrence A. Sherman Georgette Grosz Spertus Marc and Helen Rubenstein The Schrayer Family Leonard H. and Diane Sherman Michael Spertus

28 Continuity Givers, cont’d.

Philip and Sylvia Spertus E.B. Tarrson Robert A. Weinberger Pamela Witt (Mrs. Alan) Luis and Fortuna Spitz Carl and Jennifer Tash Carlyle Weiner John and Shari Woldenberg Stuart and Denise Sprague Ralph Tash Shirley Weiner Brenda J. Wolf and Fred Siegman Joel Sprayregen Daniel S. Tauman Mr. Avrum and D’vorah Weinfeld Dorthea J. Wolf Srulovitz Family Lynette and Rodger Tauman Charles and Sharon Weingarten Lucille and Henry Wolf Andi Srulovitz Marianne K. Taussig Helen Weinger Judith D. Wolf Rose and Morris Stal Stuart K. and Marianne K. Taussig Bruce A. Weininger Sheldon Wolf Sandy Starkman and Larry Pachter Jay and Amy Tcath Jill R. Weininger Steven W. and Barbara Wolf Dr. Albert F. Stein Michael and Laura Tepper Jenna L. Weinstein Tina and Joseph Wolf Letty Irene Stein Norman Tepper Lita Weinstein Nira and Marvin Wolfe Martin and Harriet Stein Paula Tepper (Mrs. Norman) Mildred Weinstein Sheldon Wolfe Susan Stein Eugene Terry Weintraub – Ciment Families Sheldon and Debra Wolfe Norman Stein Thomas Family Bess Weintraub Reverend Noah and Marilyn Wolff Michael Steinberg Morris Thikoll Cary A. Weintraub Memorial Fund Harriet Wolfson Morton and Miriam Steinberg Jo Lynn Thomas Harvey P. and Sharon Weintraub Dr. Preston M. Wolin Jerry and Susan Steinberger Katie E. Thomas Martin and Dorothy Weintraub Harry S. and Doris W. Wolin Robert and Penelope Steiner Mrs. Milton Tinsley Lorraine Weinzimmer Barbara and Howard Wolkoff Fern Steinfeld Larry S. and Joanne K. Tobacman LeRoy and Sylvia Weis Fran Wollack Manfred Steinfeld Stanley and Anita Tolin Scott Weis World Jewish Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Steinfeld Joyce Tradburks Lynn Weisberg Yael World Rachel N. Stempel Myra R. Traub Analee and Joel D. Weisman Leonard Worsek Helen and Ben Stern Tracy L. Treger Eva and Zoltan Weiss Andrea R. and Marshall S. Yablon Robert and Adele Stern Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Jack Tresley Flora Esformes Weiss Dr. and Mrs. Yigal Yahov Sheldon M. Stern Dr. -Richard M. Tresley Flora and Martin Weiss Arna and Steve Yastrow Suri and Joey Stern Beth Tross Jerry Weiss Sol and Lee Yates Ellen Lader Sternweiler Donald and Janis Trossman Jessica and Lennie Weiss David and Andrea Yelin Joyce A. Stillman Doris Trossman Mr. Herbert Weiss Maxine Yellen Dick A. Stoken Marvin Trossman Joseph Weiss Patricia Yuzawa-Rubin Florence Stoller Mrs. Norman Trossman Mildred and Marvin Weiss and Jack Rubin The Stone Family James Tyree Rabbi Victor H. Weissberg Bobette Zacharias (Mrs. James) Alan and Joan Stone Myrna R. and Neal R. Tyson Simone A. Singer Mrs. Richard Zacharias Barbara Stone Lois M. and Selwyn S. Unell and Elliot Weissbluth Judy Tauber Zager Howard L. Stone Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Y. Unger Barbara F. Weisskopf Dr. Mayer and Debra Zahtz Jerome H. Stone Dr. Thomas Vargish Philip Weisskopf Deborah Lust Zaluda Joel A. Stone John I. Voltz Phillip B. Weisskopf Jeffrey A. Zaluda Marjorie Stone (Mrs. Sherwin) Helen Voolach and Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf Michael and Barbara Zaransky Patti and Avery J. Stone Nathan Wagner Victor and Barbara F. Weisskopf Daniel A. Zazove Richard Stone Deena Schencker Walchirk Richard Weisz Jack Zeibell Sherwin J. Stone Dr. Yosef Walder Elizabeth and Jeffrey Wellek Theodore Zekman Yvette and David Stone and Shira Malka Walder Nathan Wellek Delores Zemsky (Mrs. Eugene M.) Stratford Advisory Group, Inc. Egon Walis Susan and Richard Wellek Eugene M. Zemsky Stephen Straus Bruce M. and Sandra J. Wall Kalman and Enid P. Wenig Zemsky/Greenberg Families Edith Strauss In Loving Memory Dan Wander and Ruth Freedman Herbert C. Wenske Foundation Lauri K. and Bruce M. Zessar of My Husband, Herbert S. Wander Barbara and Louis Werner Sy Zilberstein Walter J. Strauss Laura and Steve Wander Avers Wexler Amy Zisook Kim M. Strout Ralph and Leah Wanger Gloria Wexler Jill Zisook Steven and Maxine Sukenik Sandra Cutler Warren Richard and Roberta Wexler Lois and Edmond N. Zisook Connie and Howard Sulkin Sherwyn E. Warren, M.D. Dr. Alexander B. White Jerrold Zisook Joan L. Sulzer Irvina Warren Inez K. White Nancy Zisook Levine Supera Family Foundation Phyllis Warsaw Marc and Brenda Wilkow Mr. Nat Zivin Alona Sussman Myron C. and Carol Warshauer Randi and Steve Wine Gerald I. Zoldan Lester Sutker Sarita Warshawsky Adam Winick and Lee Simons Zoldan Ethel K. Sutker Doris Balaban Wayton Al and Linda Winick Lois Zoller Allan L. Swartzberg Sandra Lynn and Bruce Wechsler Linda Winick Lois and Max S. Zuckerman Michael J. Sweig Dr. Max Harry Weil Vivian Winick Sherri Zuckerman Daniel Swett Robert and Nancy Weil Jeanne J. Winston Sherwin and Sherri Zuckerman Joseph L. Tabachnik The Wein Family Foundation Arthur Winter Michael and Jennifer Zukerman Phyllis Tabachnick Michele Sackheim Wein Dorothy Winter and Robert B. Friedman Brian and Elaine Weinberg Elaine Wishner Bobette Takiff Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg Maynard I. Wishner Max Tannenbaum Family Foundation Gertrude Witkin Michael B. and Eileen Tarnoff Richard Weinberg Alan Witt

29 Bequests

The Jewish Federation and Jewish United Fund gratefully recall those — may their memory be a blessing — who have left the posthumous mark of their compassion upon our community through a bequest to the Jewish Federation or Jewish United Fund during the preceding year.

During the year ended June 30, 2010, the Jewish Federation and world. Money received from these bequests is added to the Jewish United Fund were advised of the following bequests. The Federation Endowment Fund. The income produced by the farsighted and dedicated people making these gifts have fulfilled Endowment Fund will provide over $10 million to the support their commitment to ensure the future welfare of the Jewish of our agencies during the coming year. community in Metropolitan Chicago, Israel and throughout the

Jewish Federation Lena Adler Ira O. Glick Morris L. Parker Erma Baer Florence Goodman Rabbi Mordecai Rosen Vivian E. Conner Howard Israelstam Jean C. Shapiro Meyer and Cerna Cornis Bessie Jones Bert Shulimson Alan Dworkin Elizabeth and Edward Kornblith Hilda and Herman Spertus William Elson Marvin and Rita Krengel Angela Teschner Saerree K. Fiedler Gerald I. Mallen Lucille Weinress Mel Frankel Katherine Mayer Maxine and Donna Ziv Ruth Nassau

Jewish United Fund Lena Adler Elaine Hanok Norman Moore Donald Alderman Klaus Hellmann Ruth Nassau Saerree K. Fiedler Grace Hokin Grace Parson Audrey Fishell Howard Israelstam Helene Rose David M. Goldman Freida Kletnick Adele and Marvin Rosenberg Morton I. Goldman Jacob (Jack) Levin Gertrude Shock Rita Goldman Evelyn Levite Joseph Wexler

Suggested Language for Bequests

I give $ ______(or specified property) to the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago as an unrestricted gift.

I give $______(or specified property) to the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago as a Campaign Continuity Fund, the income there-from to be distributed solely on an annual basis to the Jewish United Fund Annual Campaign.

I give $______(or specified property) to the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago as an unrestricted gift.

I give $______(or specified property) to the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago to be held for the benefit of ______, (one of our agencies, programs or describe a special field of interest).

There are many planned giving options available to make gifts to the Jewish Federation and Jewish United Fund.

For information, please contact (312) 357-4853 or [email protected]

30 Past Presidents & General Chairmen

These remarkable leaders have distinguished themselves by the depth and breadth of their commitment to Jewish communal needs. They are the founders of our past and an inspiration for our future.

Jewish Federation Presidents and Chairmen Edwin G. Foreman 900-1903 Joseph L. Block 947-1949 Richard L. Wexler 985-1987 A.G. Becker 1904-1906 A.G. Ballenger 950-1952 Maynard I. Wishner 987-1989 Edwin F. Meyer 906-1908 Mortimer B. Harris 953-1955 John C. Colman 989-1991 Julius Rosenwald 908-1913 Dr. S.S. Hollender 956-1958 Arthur W. Brown, Jr. 991-1993 A.G. Becker 1913-1914 Charles Aaron 959-1961 Edward A. Fox 993-1995 Julius Rosenwald 914-1917 Joseph L. Gidwitz 962-1964 Joel A. Stone 995-1997 B.E. Bensinger 917-1919 Abram D. Davis 965-1967 Barbara Hochberg 997-1998 Samuel Deutsch 920-1922 Sidney L. Robin 968-1969 Robert M. Schrayer 998 Julius Rosenwald 923 Jerome M. Comar 970-1971 Manfred Steinfeld 998-2000 Charles Rubens 924 Hamilton M. Loeb, Jr. 972-1973 Fred Bondy 2000-2002 Samuel Deutsch 925-1928 Sidney J. Hess, Jr. 974-1975 Lester J. Rosenberg 002-2004 Alfred K. Foreman 929-1931 Robert L. Adler 974 Midge Perlman Shafton 004-2006 Sol Kline 1932-1934 Marvin N. Stone 976-1977 Harvey J. Barnett 006-2008 Frank L. Sultzberger 935-1937 David Smerling 978-1979 David A. Sherman 008-2010 Lester N. Selig 938-1940 Robert M. Schrayer 979-1981 Skip Schrayer 010- Harris Perlstein 941-1944 Herbert S. Wander 981-1983 John M. Frank 944-1946 Charles H. Goodman 983-1985

Jewish Welfare Fund Presidents Ulysses S. Schwartz 936-1938 A. Richard Frank 948-1951 Morris Glasser 962-1966 Herbert M. Lautmann 938-1939 Reuben L. Freeman 951-1954 David Silbert 1966-1969 James H. Becker 939-1941 Frederick W. Strauss 954-1957 Raymond Epstein 969-1972 Ulysses S. Schwartz 941-1947 Bernard Nath 957-1960 Robert L. Adler 972-1974 James H. Becker 947-1948 Howard G. Mesirow 960-1962

Combined Jewish Appeal Campaign Chairmen Harris Perlstein 946 Samuel N. Katzin 952 Howard G. Mesirow 960 John Balaban 947 Oscar Getz 1953 David Silbert 1961 Peter Sampson 948 Abram N. Pritzker 954 Leonard Laser 962-1963 Mortimer B. Harris 949 David Borowitz 955-1956 Max Robert Schrayer 964-1965 Reuben L. Freeman 950 Joshua B. Glasser 957-1958 Harry X. Cole 1966 Dr. S.S. Hollender 951 Morris Norian 959 Rabbi Ralph Simon 967

Jewish United Fund Campaign Chairmen Philip M. Klutznick 968 Max Robert Schrayer 979 Barbara Hochberg 990 Lester Rosenberg 001 Abram D. Davis 969 Herman Spertus 980 Howard L. Stone 991 Lawrence E. Glick 002 Morris Glasser 970 Larry J. Hochberg 981 John C. Colman 992 Andrew D. Lappin 003 Robert L. Adler 971 Eli Field 1982 Herbert S. Wander 993 Harvey J. Barnett 004 Sol S. Weiner 972 Charles H. Goodman 983 Carl Levine 1994 Robert M. Schrayer 005 Raymond Epstein 973 Judd D. Malkin 984 Abe J. Matthew 995 Skip Schrayer 006 Alvin W. Cohn 974 Sheldon Mann 985 Howard G. Kaplan 996 David A. Sherman 007 Leonard H. Sherman 975 Theodore H. Krengel 986 Manfred Steinfeld 997 Andrew S. Hochberg 008 Harry Fox 1976 Manfred Steinfeld 987 Irving Wein 1998 Douglas E. Cohen 009 William Levine 977 Harriet Lewis 988 Steve M. Barnett 999 Theodore Perlman 010 Edgar L. Cadden 978 Burton E. Glazov 989 Lois Zoller 2000

31 2009-2010 Committee Chairs

Committee Chairman Executive...... David A. Sherman

Marcus & Theresa Levie Educational Fund Kwitko Stone Cohen Israel Scholarship Fund Charles Aaron & Geraldine S. Aaron Education Fund Sharon Keller Camp Scholarshlp Judith L. and Robert D. Appelbaum Scholarship Fund Sigi Roet-Erlich Israel Scholarship Marvin S. Corwin Scholarship Fund Arthur W. Brown, Jr. Camp Scholarship Fund Marsha Davis Scholarship Fund Marianne K. & Stuart K. Taussig Israel Scholarship Fund Gertrude & Harry G. Fins Scholarship Fund Nellie D. and L. Ben Kudish Israel Scholarship Fund Janet and Samuel A. Goldsmith Scholarship Fund Jack Goldman Israel Scholarship Fund Gillian & Ellis Goodman Scholarship Fund Bernard Nasatir Memorial Scholarship Stanley N. Gore Memorial Scholarship Fund Jerry Shaftal Memorial Scholarship Fund Katherine J. Horwich Memorial Fund Dr. Martin Fishkin Israel Scholarship Fund Adele Kagan Scholarship Fund William P. and Mark Allen Senescu Memorial Scholarship Fund Everett Kovler Scholars Program Joan Perlman Rosenberg Memorial Fund Norman Lettvin Scholarship Fund Jewish Residential Summer Camp Scholarship Fund Michael Reese Women’s Board Scholarship Fund Ben Hirsh Memorial Scholarship Fund Aaron J. and Jennie Millner Scholarship Fund Naftali Steinfeld Memorial Scholarship Fund for Israel Experience Psi Delta Epsilon Scholarship Fund Benjamin Gibons Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund James P. and Paula Rice Scholarship Fund Joseph and Edythe Wolgel Israel Scholarship Fund David C. and Sarajean Ruttenberg Scholarship Carrie L. Newton Israel Scholarship Fund in the Arts Paul S. Friedman, M.D. Sidney L. Starkman Scholarship Fund Israel Experience Scholarship Fund Channie Studnitzer Memorial Scholarship Fund Arthur Avnon Israel Scholarship Maurice Yonover Scholarship Fund Bar-Ner Israel Scholarship Award Harold and David Wexler Scholarship Fund Women’s Board Presidential Merit Scholarship Israel Experience Scholarship Fund Solomon and Ann Kotzin Israel Scholarship Ze’ev Eytan Israel Scholarship Fund Albert Robin Israel Scholarship Agawak Alumnae Foundation Ava Stein Israel Scholarship

Committee Chairman Academic Scholarship...... Wendy Abrams Administration...... Marc L. Berman Annual Meeting...... Rabbi Steven S. Mason Audit...... Harry Seigle Communications & Editorial Board...... Jennifer Levine Community Building & Jewish Continuity Commission...... Dr. Jeffrey Kopin - Co-Chair Kim Levy - Co Chair Community Outreach...... Lisa Rubinstein Contributor Account Relations...... Deanna Drucker Finance...... Ethan Budin Government Affairs...... David T. Brown Health & Human Services Commission...... Francine F. Levy - Co-Chair Jodi Newmark - Co-Chair The Hillels of Illinois...... Peter J. Barack Israel & Overseas Commission...... John A. Lowenstein JFMC Facilities Corporation Steering...... Bill Silverstein Jewish Community Relations Council...... Lee I. Miller Kiev Kehilla Project...... Debbie L. Berman Legacies & Endowments...... Jim Ginsburg Missions...... Nettie Isenberg Nominating...... Harvey J. Barnett Overall Planning & Allocations...... Skip Schrayer Partnership 2000...... David Baum Philanthropic Funds...... Stuart Frankenthal Resource Development Policy...... Adam Winick Security...... Midge Perlman Shafton Synagogue-Federation Commission...... Michael Zaransky, Co-Chair JUF TOV - Volunteer Network...... Jodie Berkman Israel Experience...... Cindy Kaplan

32 2009-2010 Officers & Board of Directors Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Officers & Board of Directors *David A. Sherman, Chairman *Douglas E. Cohen, Vice Chairman *Bill Silverstein, Vice Chairman *Steven B. Nasatir, Ph.D., President *Lawrence E. Glick, Vice Chairman *Harry Seigle, Treasurer *Wendy Abrams, Vice Chairman *Gail Greenspahn, Vice Chairman *Richard C. Goodman, Assistant Treasurer *Debbie L. Berman, Vice Chairman *Scott J. Heyman, Vice Chairman *Ann-Louise Kleper, Secretary *David T. Brown, Vice Chairman *John A. Lowenstein, Vice Chairman *Bruce Goldman, Assistant Secretary *Ethan Budin, Vice Chairman *Theodore Perlman, Vice Chairman Nathaniel Sack, Legal Counsel *Keith J. Shapiro, Vice Chairman

Caryn Rosen Adelman Arnie Harris Hon. Sidney H. Mathias Nina G. Stillman Dr. Edward M. Atkins Ellen Spira Hattenbach Adrienne Meisel David Stone Peter J. Barack Nettie Isenberg Lee I. Miller Phyllis Tabachnick * Harvey J. Barnett Bennett E. Kaplan Steven N. Miller Donald C. Trossman David Baum Cindy Kaplan Scott Newberger Dr. Yosef Walder Jodie Berkman Penny Keeshin Jodi Newmark * Herbert S. Wander Hon. Arthur L. Berman Dr. Jeffrey Kopin Arthur Pancoe Ralph Wanger Marc L. Berman Andrew D. Lappin Sanford E. Perl Dr. Michele Sackheim Wein Dennis Carlin Jane Lederman, Steven Podolsky Avrum Weinfeld Rosanne Diamond Vice President, Women’s Board, * Lester J. Rosenberg Rhonda Wener Deanna Drucker Women’s Division Eric Rothner * Richard L. Wexler * Edward A. Fox Jennifer Levine Lisa Rubinstein Adam Winick Stuart Frankenthal Francine F. Levy Marc Sacks James R. Woldenberg * Dr. Betsy R. Gidwitz Kim R. Levy * Skip Schrayer Rabbi Carl Wolkin Jim Ginsburg Miriam Lichstein Wendy Berger Shapiro Michael Zaransky Dana Gordon Trisha S. Margulies Rabbi Daniel Sherbill Eugene Zemsky Rabbi Steven S. Mason * Alan P. Solow

Ex-officio * Barbara Kaplan Slutsky Helaine Katz-Ratskoff * David Greenbaum Jonathan I. Rutman, President, Women’s Board, President, Young Women’s President, Campaign Vice President Women’s Division Board, Women’s Division Young Leadership Division Young Leadership Division

Staff Cabinet Peter B. Friedman, Ph.D. Jay Tcath Jim Rosenberg Executive Vice President Senior Vice President, Public Affairs Vice President, Financial Resource Michael C. Kotzin, Ph.D. Beth Cherner Development Executive Vice President Vice President, Campaign David S. Rubovits, Ph.D. Michael B. Tarnoff Louis Lazovsky Vice President, Planning & Allocations Executive Vice President Vice President, Human Resources Joseph Salcik Rachel Weiss Jamie Pinkston Vice President, Information Systems Chief of Staff Vice President, Accounting & Services Jeffrey L. Cohen Susan Rifas Reis Kayser Executive Director, JFMC Facilities Corp. Senior Vice President, Vice President, Planning & Allocations/ Financial Resource Development Board Operations David S. Rosen, J.D., L.L.M. Senior Vice President, Endowments

*Members of Executive Committee

33 JF/JUF Executive Staff

Steven B. Nasatir, Ph.D., President Jeffrey L. Cohen, Senior Vice President, Financial Resource Rachel Weiss, Chief of Staff Development/Co-Operating Officer, Centennial Campaign Beth Cherner, Vice President, Campaign Peter B. Friedman, Ph.D., Executive Vice President Merle Cohen, Associate Vice President, Campaign David S. Rubovits, Ph.D., Vice President, Planning & Allocations June Finder, Assistant Vice President, Campaign Deborah Covington, Associate Vice President, Audra Berg, Associate Vice President, Campaign HHS Commission & Government Relations Sandi Kaplan, Director, Dana Rhodes, Assistant Vice President, Congregations & Community Campaign Grants & Community Services Tracy More, Director, Community Outreach Linda Epstein, Associate Vice President, Israel Office Caryn Peretz, Director, Young Leadership Division Elissa Polan, Assistant Vice President, Overseas Programs & Projects Jennifer Smith, Director, Volunteer Services Michelle Lawner, Associate Director, Community Building Melissa Chapman, Assistant Vice President, Campaign & Jewish Continuity Barbara Gold, Senior Development Advisor, Major Gifts Jim Rosenberg, Vice President, Financial Resource Development Michael C. Kotzin, Ph.D., Executive Vice President Stuart Spector, Associate Vice President, Campaign Jay Tcath, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs Mindy Bass, Development Officer, Joe Salcik, Vice President, Information Systems & Services Donor Acquisition & Retention Campaign Avi Janssen, Project Manager, Electronic Applications Elissa Kagan, Director, Special Projects Pamela Seubert, Senior Policy Advisor Jane Tannenbaum, Senior Development Officer Amy York, Assistant Vice President, Government Affairs, David Prystowsky, Assistant Vice President, Campaign Washington, D.C. Rabbi Yehiel Poupko, Judaic Scholar Lisa Klein, Assistant Vice President, JUF/Assoc. Director, JCRC Louis A. Lazovsky, Vice President, Human Resources David Rosen, Senior Vice President, Shirley Dvorin, Associate Vice President, Human Resources Endowments/Co-Operating Officer, Centennial Campaign Linda Haase, Associate Vice President, Marketing Communications Donna Kahan, Associate Vice President, Joel A. Schatz, Assistant Director of Communications Continuum/Centennial Campaign Ronald B. Margolin, Senior Associate Vice President, Robert Schuckman, Associate Vice President, Communications/Director of Design & Production Services Gift Planning & Administration Aaron Cohen, Executive Editor, JUF News/Website Rose Jagust, Assistant Vice President, Center for Jewish Philanthropy Cindy Sher, Managing Editor, JUF News Marvin Cohen, Senior Philanthropy Advisor Paula Harris, Assistant Vice President, Interdepartmental Projects Emily M. Sweet, Executive Director, Jewish Women’s Foundation

Michael B. Tarnoff, Executive Vice President & CFO Susan Rifas, Vice President, Planning & Allocations/Board Operations James Pinkston, Vice President, Accounting Rabbi Paul Z. Saiger, Executive Director, The Hillels of Illinois S. Peter Chiswick, Controller, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Hallie Shapiro Devir, Director, Israel Experience & Youth Initiatives Kevin Greenberg, Controller, JFMC Facilities Corporation Ann Johnson, Controller, Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago Henry Brenghause, Director of Contributor Account Relations David Brief, Chief Investment Officer Reis Kayser, Executive Director, JFMC Facilities Corporation Jerry DeAngelis, Assistant Executive Director, Operations

Staff Milestones 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years 20 Years 30 Years Hannah Trobe Vadim Mikhal Yehiel Poupko Cynthia Sher Barbara Gold Jerry DeAngelis Pamela Seubert Anthony Horner Michelle Maer Steven Dishler Yelena Tokar Alene Rutzky Patrycjusz Cyrulik Kristin Hamilton Pamela Dierking Grazyna Jarkulisz Janina Kolodziej Anne Strubin Kimberly Turner Jodie Bultman Hallie Devir Paul Saiger Michelle Lawner Leah Kahn Tuy Pham Bonnie Eckstein Jennifer Easthope Robyn Gottlieb Carlos Alvarado Gerard Korso Dana Rhodes Allen Gross Lindsay Koltun Miriam Gelman Eric Devir Steven Ori Rick Weaver Joel Schatz Robert Feiger LaTrice Taylor Timothy Dorner Suzanne Storrs James Rosenberg Yael Brunwasser Cherise Haggerty Sarah Follmer Michael Ostrar

34 Corporate Sponsors 2010 Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago (as of July 15, 2010)

$50,000 Partners Associated Agencies, Inc. DLA Piper US LLP Greenberg Traurig, LLP

$25,000 Partners Hyatt Regency Chicago RSM McGladrey, Inc. US Bank

$10,000 Partners Allen Brothers—The Great Steakhouse Steaks Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott LLP Kirkland & Ellis LLP Reed Smith LLP Basic Wire & Cable Kovitz Investment Group, LLC Schiff Hardin LLP Blackman Kallick, LLP KPMG LLP Senior Lifestyle Corporation Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP Seyfarth Shaw LLP Chicago Bulls Madison Dearborn Partners Shaw Gussis Fishman Glantz Wolfson Deloitte & Touche LLP Mayer Brown LLP & Towbin, LLC First Nonprofit Insurance Company Mesirow Financial Sidley Austin Foundation Grosvenor Capital Management, L.P. Much Shelist Denenberg Thompson Coburn LLP Horwood, Marcus & Berk Chtd. Ament & Rubenstein, PC Total Insurance Services Jenner & Block LLP Next Realty, LLC Vedder Price, P.C. JMB Realty Corporation Northern Trust Wildman, Harrold, Allen, & Dixon LLP JP Morgan Chase & Co. Presto Press, Inc. Winston & Strawn LLP

$5,000 Partners AAR Gould & Ratner LLP Proskauer Rose LLP Applied Discovery Grippo & Elden LLC Reliable Fire Equipment Company Aronberg Goldgehn David & Garmisa Hilco Real Estate Sarnoff & Baccash Axium Consulting ICM Properties, Inc., LLC Baker Tilly JRG Capital Partners LLC SF Investments Inc. Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP Kriezelman Burton & Associates LLC Slice of Life/Hy Life Bistro BDO Seidman LLP Krislov & Associates, Ltd. Sterling Partners Blue Cross Blue Shield Landmark Legal Solutions Studley, Inc. Bovis Lend Lease Latham & Watkins LLP Sun Life Financial CB Richard Ellis Levenfeld Pearlstein LLC The Harry Walker Agency Chicago Jewish Funerals Lewis Floor & Home Ulmer & Berne LLP Chuhak & Tecson, P.C. Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Walton Street Capital, L.L.C. District Bar Investment Services Wanger Omni Wealth, LLC Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP McDermott Will & Emery LLP Waveland Investments, LLC Duane Morris LLP Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd. Weiss Memorial Hospital Fifth Third Bank Neal Gerber & Eisenberg LLP & Lakefront Medical Associates Friedman Properties, Ltd. Novack and Macey LLP William Blair & Company, L.L.C. GCG Financial, Inc. The Office Connection Wolverine Execution Services, LLC GEM Realty Capital, Inc. optionsXpress Geneva Investment Management Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP Goldberg Kohn Bell Black Rosenbloom Prime Property Investors, LTD & Moritz, Ltd. The PrivateBank

35 Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago 30 South Wells Street Chicago, Illinois 60606-5056