Website: May-Oct: 0194-2310523 (f) 2312631-(S) Email:
[email protected] Nov-April: 0191-2566541 (f) 2566530-(J) JAMMU & KASHMIR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Resham Ghar Colony, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu Subject: Screening test for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Electric) in Power Development Department notified vide Notification No 15-PSC (DR-P) OF 2 0 1 3 Dt: 12.08.2013. N O T I C E DATED: 18-12-2015 The candidates appearing in the Screening Test for the post of Assistant Engineer (Electric) in Power Development Department scheduled to be held on 03.01.2016 (Sunday) at 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM, are hereby informed through the medium of this notice to download their Admit Cards from 20.12.2015 onwards on the website of the Commission i.e. . For the facility of candidates, the details with regard to Name of candidates along with Roll No, Barcode and Venue wise schedule in respect of both Jammu and Kashmir based candidates are given in Annexures A & B to this Notice respectively. If the candidate fails to get his/her Admit Card through any of the above mentioned sources but his/her name figures in any of the lists annexed herewith, he/she may directly reach the respective venue with an identity proof. Further, in case, there is any such candidate who has applied for the said post but his/her name does not figure in any of the provisional lists annexed, he/she may also immediately contact the Commission’s Office at Resham Ghar Colony Bakshi Nagar, Jammu or Camp Office Solina Rambagh, Srinagar with a proof of submission of application form.