Competition Brief 3

Table of Contents Page Table of Contents 3

Introduction 4

Competition Introduction 5

Competition Goals 7

Competition Procedure 8

Competition Elements 8

Participation Conditions and Enrollment in the Competition 9

Station Introduction 10

Competition Subject 11

Timetable 15

Jury 16

Awards 23

Documents 24

Questions and answers 29

After holding the competition 30

Competition Brief 4


During the past century, networks have been transformed in terms of technology, concept, space and function. Today, metro network is one of the important elements of urban life the role of which is not limited only to facilitation and acceleration of accesses, but it is tied with a wide range of social, cultural, environmental, economic and political issues. Therefore, establishment and development of metro networks require deep and comprehensive consideration more than ever. Having been aware of spatial and structural importance of metro stations and in order to enjoy creative and pioneer comments in solving the problems and challenges of stations, Urban Railway Organization has organized a competition for interior & entrance design of stations in Tabriz Metro, . The present guidebook has been prepared for orientation with the first competition. In order to participate in the competition, the respected participants should carefully read this brief and its attachments and should observe the contents.

Competition Brief 5

Competition Introduction

Metro networks have been used over one century in the large cities of the world. During he said period, operation of these networks experienced several technological and transformations. In modern urban life, use of metro network is a necessity which is beyond a mere displacement means; it changes the lifestyle and has several social, cultural, political and economic functions. This has changed conventional approaches to metro stations from an underground space and a passageway to a social and human institution and an important urban space that faces several challenges including security, safety, sanitary and environmental challenges, the problems of feeble and disabled people in using the stations and the problems for operation, maintenance and service supply to the citizens. These challenges make it important to address spatial organization and structural system of stations both in the concept of structure on the ground (entries and access ways) and in the concept of underground space (main section of the station).They also high light the issues of “architectural design” and “interior design” in such buildings.

Competition Brief 6

Establishment and launching of Tabriz urban train has been included in the program of urban management since the last decade and now it has reached the construction phase of quadruple lines upon preparation of necessary infrastructures. Tabriz Urban Railway Organization which is in charge of design, implementation and operation of Tabriz metro network, seeks to enjoy new ideas and international experiences aiming at improving the spatial quality of stations. Holding competitions is one of the policies of this organization to achieve the said goal. The competition of interior and entrance design of station No. 7 (Tabriz University) is going to be held in parallel with this policy and as the first competition of the series of competitions. The holder of competition believes in creative thinking, design-based ideation and professional responsibilities. It holds this competition within the framework of the following values:

- Holding a Transparent, ethical and competitive contest; - Addressing new ideas and international and professional experiences; - Addressing human and social aspects of public buildings; - Addressing the conditions of feeble, disabled and old citizens.

Competition Brief 7

Competition Goals

To achieve ideas and plans and to improve the quality of metro stations, Tabriz Urban Railway Organization holds the present competition. The competition is a suitable ground to provide strategies for qualitative promotion and facing with obvious and hidden challenges and needs of station No. 7 through participation of specialized and professional community in the structure of projects. To achieve this goal, the followings should be addressed:

- An effective connection between the station and city and its association with urban space; - Formation of spatial character of station; - Realization of design strategies and ideas; - A design based on accurate and inclusive review of social, human and technical aspect of the station

Competition Brief 8

Competition Procedure

Competition of interior and entrance design of station No. 7 is a free and single- stage competition which is held on an intenational basis.

Competition Elements

Tabriz Urban Railway Organization is the client and holds the competition. The competition has been organized by Emarat-e-Khorshid Consultant Engineers Company. Mr. Kamran Dehghan is the manager of competition. Competition secretariat in collaboration with the jury and a group of advisors attempts to hold a transparent, ethical and effective competition.

Competition Brief 9

Participation Conditions and Enrollment in the Competition

Interested individuals, experts and designers (architects, interior designers, industrial designers, graphic designers, etc.) can take part in the competition. Participation in the competition in terms of individual, team and legal companies will be free. Competition secretariat recommends interested people to participate in the competition in terms of professional groups consisting of experts in the fields of architecture, interior design, urban planning, landscape design and environmental graphics. In individual enrollment, the participant will complete his/her information as the leader. In team enrollment, it is necessary to introduce one person in each group as leader and to record his/her personal particulars together with other team members. As for legal companies, managing director will be recognized as leader. After enrollment and accepting the conditions, tracking code will be issued as the participant's identification code. All communications with secretariat will be made by that number. To enroll, please visit competition website at After enrollment and obtaining a tracking code, enrollment applications of participating groups will be reviewed by the competition secretariat and upon confirmation, an enrollment confirmation email will be sent to the declared email. If due to any reason you did not receive such email, please notify the competition secretariat.

Competition Brief 10

Station Introduction

The first competition of the series of competitions of interior and entrance design of Tabriz metro stations will be held for station No.7 (Tabriz University), line 1. Tabriz is the most populated city in the northwest of . This historical city is the capital of east province and a major heavy industry hub for automobile, machine tools, refineries and petrochemical, textile, and cement production industries. For more information on Tabriz visit its wiki page: Line 1 of Tabriz urban railway begins from Elgoli terminal in the southeast part of the city and arrives at Laleh terminal in the southwest of Tabriz after passing through 18 stations. Tabriz University station which is the 7th station of the said line is one of the important entries to the central texture and important complexes of the city. It is highly important in the metro network (map of Tabriz metro lines). This station is located in the northeast of an intersection known as Daneshgah Square between 29th of Bahman Blvd. and Mehranrood (Ajichai). There are important elements around it such as health centers, universities, hotels and different trading complexes (aerial photo No. 1). Tabriz University on the south, Bolour trading – administrative tower on the west and Javaher bridge- market on the east are among important elements within the station (aerial photo No. 2).

Competition Brief 11

Competition Subject

Competition subject of includes offering a proposal for station 7, line 1 of Tabriz urban train (Tabriz University) which covers the following two axial subjects: 1. Design of station entrances 2. Design and interior architecture of the station

Architectural structure of metro stations is based on the four main spaces:

- Entrance: All elements and mechanisms defining the entrance and connection joints which cover landscape through interior space of station. - Connecting corridors: Series of horizontal and vertical galleries for displacing the passengers from urban space to the train. - Ticket hall: Ticket sale and control space, administrative and equipment sections. - Platform: Movement and waiting space of passengers, rail and equipment sections.

Competition Brief 12

Spatial organization and function of these spaces together with geometry of metro lines, physical conditions of the site and operation policies define pattern and structure of station. The existing design of station No. 7 including plans, sections and general specifications of entrances indicate that this station has been organized in two main levels, namely ticket hall and platform. Access to this station is possible through north and south entrances. North entrance connects urban space in the northeast of Daneshgah Square and south entrances connect the urban space between the enclosure of Tabriz University and 29th of Bahman Blvd. through underground galleries to the ticket hall. Three elevators and two staircases are predicted for entry and exit. Construction operation of station is under progress based on these maps. Levels of platform, ticket hall, north entrance, southeast entrance, southwest entrance and structure of complex are considered as fix points. As it is reflected in height levels and sections, this station is not considered as deep stations and a connection to the city and enjoying environmental potentials (light, natural ventilation, etc.) is possible; however, operation of such conditions and capabilities have not been realized in the project. On the other hand, fulfillment of urban, public, social and human functions of station require special structural and spatial features that form the station character resulting in establishment of a sense of place and improvement of quality. Therefore, the competition has included in its program two axes, namely design of entrances and interior design of station.

Competition Brief 13

1. Design of station entrances

Subject matter of competition in this section is the appearance of station in the city, its connection to the city and its association to the urban space and includes the followings: - Design of a connection between urban space and interior space of station. - Design of landscape (boundaries specified in the south and north parts of station). - Design of all visible elements of station on the ground level (entrances, elevators, staircases and air ducts).

State and limits of intervention: North entrance

In the series of maps for the existing project, the condition of north entrance and its connection gallery to ticket hall is clear. Participants are free to change entrance location and to define the connection of urban space and interior space of station and its design within the specified boundaries (drawing No. 8) with due observance of levels, technical requirements and standards of urban space. It is expressed that it is free to interfere in the entire ceiling of ticket hall and to change its height level by observance of non-increase of structural loads (dead and live). The participants can enjoy this possibility to define north entrance, connection to the city and use of environmental capabilities. Moreover, participants can design the gallery of this section based on their proposed plan.

South entrances

In the series of drawings of the existing plan, location of southeast and southwest entrances and their connection gallery to the ticket hall is specified. Participants will be free to change entrance location and to define the connection of urban space and interior space of station and its design within the limits of the wall of Tabriz University and 29th of Bahman Boulevard with due observance of levels, technical requirements and standards of urban space (map No. 8). Scope of intervention in the east and west limits depends on the proposed plan.

Competition Brief 14

2. Interior design and architecture of station

Subject matter of competition in this section is conceptualization in order to form spatial character of station and a design proportional to it and includes the followings: Interior architecture and interior design of main spaces of station (ticket hall, platform, and galleries) Spatial details of space, materials and proposed technology Design of lighting, environmental graphic, etc.

State and limits of intervention:

Any intervention that considers fix points and their technical requirements will be free. The proposed plans should provide an attitude to the main issues of station quite clearly.

Competition Brief 15


Competition Timetable

Date Subject

Nov 14, 2015 Competition Announcement

Nov 16, 2015 Registration

Nov 16, 2015 Start of Question and answer

Jan 05, 2016 End of Question and answer

Feb 04, 2016 Registration deadline

Feb 04, 2016 Submission Deadline

Feb 09, 2016 Document’s Technical Evaluation

Feb 10 to 14, 2016 Jury

Feb 20, 2016 Results Simultaneously with Announcement of ceremony 2nd & 3rd competitions results

Competition Brief 16


1. Farhad Ahmadi 2. Reza Daneshmir 3. MohammadReza Ghorbani Aghdam 4. Seyyed Reza Hashemi 5. Ali Mozaffari

Alternate Jury

1.Kaveh Bazrafkan

Competition Brief 17

Farhad Ahmadi, born in 1951, Ahmadi graduated with honors from Tehran University in 1977. In addition to various professional achievements, since 1981 he has been a lecturer and syllabus designer for the architecture program at Beheshti University. Ahmadi has participated in various international biennials and was selected Architect from Asia at the Roros biennial in Norway. He has also been a lecturer at Trondheim and Bergen schools of Architecture. Two of his projects have been nominated for the Agha Khan Award, and he has received first prize in the National Award for four other projects. Many of Ahmadi`s designs and projects have been presented in Iranian and foreign architectural journals, such as Memar, Abadi, Architectural plus (Emirates), Japan Architect, and Landscape Design (UK).

Competition Brief 18

Reza Daneshmir, born in 1965, architect and founder of Fluid Motion Architects with Catherine Spiridonoff. While studying architecture, Daneshmir also actively pursued painting and music, and had several individual and group shows in some of Tehran’s established galleries, such as Seyhoon Gallery, Aria, Vanak No. 13, Iran’s First Biennale, and Niavaran Cultural Center among others. He began his professional career as an architect in 2000, with a project for Ave Gallery that included the transformation of an abandoned swimming pool into an art gallery. Today he has more than fifty architecture and urban design projects in his resume, including the Mellat Park Cineplex, which has been internationally recognized. Daneshmir has received multiple awards, including the Middle East Architect Award, golden award from the World Quality Commitment in 2012, nomination as a finalist in the cultural section of WAF (World Architectural Festival) in 2009, and first prize of Memar Award in 2008. Over the past ten years he has taught architecture at different universities, written multiple articles, and has held various talks in different venues.

Competition Brief 19

MohammadReza Ghorbani, 1964 Tabriz, graduated from Mirak Fine Arts High School in Tabriz and obtained his BA from Tehran University and MA from Tarbiat Modarres University both in fine arts, painting. For the last 17 years, he taught in the fields of architecture and art in different Iranian universities. He served as board member of the Iranian Painting Artists Association for one term and jury member of the competition for Teheran's murals for 3 terms. He is the member of Divar-e-Sefid Art Group and Tehran Second Mural Biennale policy and planning council. Since 5 years, he served in artistic and technical councils of Tehran Beautification Organization. During the past 20 years, Mohammad Reza Ghorbani has designed and implemented more than 40 murals and environmental artworks using Industrial and building materials. He attended in more than 20 individual and group exhibitions. In his opinion convergence of artwork and architecture and their structural association in city scale is highly important because in contextual art, imagination and the creator’s thoughts are rooted in his life experience and will transform the same context and life.

Competition Brief 20

Seyyed Reza Hashemi, 1951 Hamedan, obtained his Master Degree in architecture from Fine Arts Faculty of Tehran University. He was the professional consultant engineer in the first “Tabriz Master Plan” in 1968 and the first “Hamedan Detailed Plan” in 1972. He served as deputy for urban development in Hamedan Municipality from 1972 to 1975 and Tehran Municipality in 2000. He was the deputy for urban planning and architecture in Ministry of Housing and Urban Development from 1984 to 1997. Seyyed Reza Hashemi established and launched the Iranian Center for Architectural and Urban Studies and Research (CAUSAR). From 1991 to 2003, he was the license holder and editor in chief of Abadi and Memar quarterly publications. He Organized and developed the first “Iranian National Physical Plan,” “Iranian National Building Code,” and “Designing Codes for Iranian Urban Roads.” Hashemi also managed studies and design of the first “Science and Technology Towns and Parks in Iran.” He was in charge of formulating “Iranian Comprehensive Urban Planning and Architectural Regulations.”

Competition Brief 21

Ali Mozaffari obtained his Master Degree in Architecture from Tehran University and completed his PhD between architecture and anthropology at the University of Western Australia. As an architect he has collaborated with Iranian and Australian firms on the design of high profile projects in different countries including Iran, Australia and China. His architectural experience ranges from urban design to the design residential units and his architectural works have been recognized and appeared in prestigious professional journals in Iran and Australia. His architectural achievements include the winning design for the Great Park of Tabriz national competition on which he was the lead designer. Dr Mozaffari has taught architectural design and theory in Iranian and Australian universities. Currently, he is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Australia-Asia-Pacific Institute, Curtin University. His current research projects focus on the relationship between identity and place through the prism of cultural heritage and the politics of architecture in late twentieth century Iran. His articles and books on these topics have been published in prestigious journals and international publishing houses and include: The Idea of Homeland Derived from Ancient Persian and Islamic Imaginations of Place (IB Tauris 2014) and World Heritage in Iran; Perspectives on Pasargadae (Ashgate 2014). Dr Mozaffari is also the founding co-editor of Berghahn series Explorations in Heritage Studies.

Competition Brief 22

Kaveh Bazrafkan, 1976, is an architect, critic, assistant professor at Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, and council member of Iranian Architects Society. Derived from his PhD dissertation, Bazrafkan’s theoretical studies focus on design research and design methodologies. He published several articles on this issue in scientific journals. The books “Basics Design Methods” and “Expressive Form: A Conceptual Approach to Computational Design” are translated in Persian and published by him. He is the manager of architecture department at Hamkar Pars Boom Consulting Engineers Company.

Competition Brief 23


st 1 Prize: 300`000`000 Iranian Rial, Contract & Certificate of Appreciation 2nd Prize: 200`000`000 Iranian Rial & Certificate of Appreciation 3rd Prize: 100`000`000 Iranian Rial & Certificate of Appreciation 4th to 10th Prize: Certificate of Appreciation

Client’s Special Prize (by Jury)

The competition organizer reserves all rights of the selected works (1st to the 3rd prize and the client’s special prize).

Competition Brief 24


Legal documents supervising the competition

This competition is held under the supervision of the Secretariat of Architecture and Urban Competitions and within the framework of the comprehensive bylaw for holding architecture and urban planning competitions approved in the 513th session dated May 10, 2002 of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution. For more information about the said bylaw, please visit the website of secretariat.

Documents to be delivered

Participants should receive the following documents from the competition website and should design and provide their own proposals by carefully reading the documents. These documents include the followings:

- Competition announcement (poster). - Enrollment applications of leader and team members. - Agreement for participation in the competition. - Checklist for delivery of documents to the competition secretariat. - Competition brief. - Station pictorial introduction. - Basic drawings of station (22 pages) consisting of: • Site plan, plans of main levels, sections and entrances of station. • Aerial photos of station location & neighborhood. • Map of Tabriz metro lines.

Competition Brief 25

Requested documents, guideline for preparation of documents and sending the works

It is required that participants submit to the competition secretariat all documents requested for the competition according to the schedule. It is evident that those works the documents of which are incomplete or have not been prepared according to the specifications specified in this section, will not be reviewed by the technical committee and will not be judged.

Competition Brief 26

Requested documents

- Completion of the checklist for submission of documents. - Full particulars of design team (leader and team members). - Agreement form which was confirmed upon electronic enrollment. - Project explanations in maximum 500 words in 4 A4 pages including: • Explaining the fundamentals and concepts of design and the attitude to subject matter of competition • Explaining the proposed materials and technologies - Maps and visual documents • Charts, diagrams, etc. that indicate design ideas and the process of their transformation. • Drawings of proposed plans in different sections (entrances, landscape and interior design) including site plan, plans, sections, elevations and spatial details of project which should be provided in a suitable scale and sufficient quantity. It is required to provide a cross section, a profile section and the scheme of interior design in a 1/100 scale in one of the sheets. The provided maps should be clear and accurate and should enjoy a suitable scale to introduce intervention type and proposed plan. • Perspectives of entrances, landscape and interior space from different views in the manner that they clearly present and indicate project character.

All maps and visual documents of the proposed plan should be provided in maximum 4 A0 sheets (120x84 cm). The state of graphic expression (project presentation) should be clear and indicative. Ambiguous and irrelevant photos should be avoided. - CD or DVD including: • Visual documents with JPG format. • All drawings with DWG format. • Project description with PDF and Word formats. • Original sheets with JPG format and with 150 dpi quality.

Competition Brief 27

Back of the Sheet Front of the Sheet

A0 A0

4 Sheets Tracking Code Attachment Place Sample of Sheet Numbering: 1/4

Guideline for preparation of documents

Participants should consider the following points in preparation and presentation of sheets: - Page number and No. of sheets should be inserted on the bottom left side of each sheet (i.e. Sheet 2 /4). - Insertion of any symbol, logo and similar items on the sheets which indicate the identity of participants is not authorized. In case of any writing or symbol causing the identification of participants' identity will result in omission of the work from judgment process. - Identity of the provided works may be identified only through tracking code and its insertion at the back of the sheets. For this purpose, the participants should install enrollment tracking code at the back of sheets (on the bottom left side of the sheet) appropriately. - Sheets should be stuck on foam-boards with a thickness of 5mm.

Competition Brief 28

Sending the works

Participants should deliver their works to the competition secretariat according to the time schedule and should obtain a receipt. Dispatch of documents will be possible by mail as well; however, when sending the works by mail, participants should consider the followings: - The dispatched works should be delivered to the secretariat within the specified deadline. Participants should send the documents in due time. Those works which are delivered to the secretariat after the specified time limit will not be judged. Secretariat will not have any responsibility against any delay by post in delivering the documents. - When packing the works, care should be taken so that the documents are delivered to the secretariat in a perfect condition. Damaged works and similar cases will not be received. - The package sent by mail should include all the requested documents. Incomplete documents will not be judged.

Competition Brief 29

Questions and answers

In case of any ambiguity or question after reading competition documents and visiting the question and answer section, please send your questions. Your questions will be answered within maximum 72 hours. All questions and answers will be collected at the end of the period specified in the schedule and will be made available to the participants as a part of competition documents.

Competition Brief 30

After holding the competition

Publication and display of works

In the framework of values of competition, secretariat believes that competition in a partnership-based process provides an opportunity for collective thinking and offering creative answers. Effectiveness of competition is not limited to selected works, but all plans and proposals should be addressed and criticized. For this purpose, the received works will be displayed in the competition website and the opportunity to discuss, exchange of ideas and to criticize the works will be provided. Moreover, secretariat attempts to display the series of works of the triple competitions of interior and entrance design of metro stations of Tabriz. The date of holding the exhibition will be announced through competition website. Competition secretariat and holder of competition reserve the right to publish the received works unlimitedly and in different forms by mentioning the names of their owners.

Receiving the works from secretariat

After judgment and announcing the results, those groups whose works have not been selected, should take back their works from competition secretariat according to the schedule to be notified in the competition website. Secretariat will have no responsibility for returning the documents by mail or for maintaining them after the announced deadline. T.U.R.O