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THE WESTFIELD LEADER * THE LEADING AMD MOST CIKOJLATED WEULLY MKWSPAK* IN UNION COUNTY FOETY-SECOND YEAB—No. 44 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1932 FOIMER MAYOR nUTOKNAft CHUMtENEMtOU TAX COLLECTIONS BAND MEMBERS WILL THWTEEN YOUNGSTERS STRESSES HUMAN StVKE SUNDAY M TREASURE HUNT REPORTED NORMAL P1AY FAMOUS SEXTETTE OFF FOR ENDEAVOR JHKUfSMESKN The first open air service in the Public library SWMMT Feat- According to figures given out Aj MEMBER. OF RIGHTS IN TALK series of eight to be held in Mindo- through the office of Addiion H. OtlMr Number* •WM< OH* Thirteen happy children gathered waskin Park on Sunday evenings, is ure) Prewew Escitiaf Te> Clark, tax collector, the collec- Interesting l*r*grme> Far at the office of the District Nursing Association yesterday afternoon to be SCHOOL BOARD scheduled for Sunday, July 10 at 7 Maay tion of taxes this year ia normal. Frietey Night | Declare* It hw Of Dewlara- o'clock. Of the $619,300 due Juae 1, examined by the District Nurse, Mrs. The series is sponsored by the YM $402,000 has been collected and Julia Welton, for a ten-day stay at The Westfield Band will present its CA in co-operation with the churches During the first week of the Treas- this compares very favorably Camp Endeavor. All were passed for July third concert of the current series Of Srsieat Far Year and this meeting will mark the be- ure Seekers' Club at the Westfleld with the results obtained last the holiday and departed amid cheers year. Mr. Clark pointed oat that Friday evening in Mindowaskin Park and waving of farewells to relatives, Jtiat Ckwaa The main idea of the Declaration \ «rfnni^ of *« fourth year of such Public Library more than 185 chil- dren have begun tracing clues to the great majority of taxpayer* under the direction of William N. in a car which one of the camp di- (of Independence and its very spiri occasions. The meetings are desiga- spiritual gold to be found in books, in Westfield pay their taxes be- Bartow and another program of mu- rectors drove down for them. Robert B. Jeatini, a nember ef which held together the thirteen col ed to furnish an evening service dur- according to a preliminary report re- tween June and December, He sical gems has been arranged for the the Board of Education for the past oaies w»« the assertio*. of human ing the months of July and August This if the third year that a group when there are no services in the leased by Miss Mary Barker, chil- is confident that Westfield'g rsc- occasion. of boys und girls, six to twelve yean four years, tendered his rsrignsWea rights, William H. Beard, president o: Protestant Churches at the evening dren's librarian. ord of collecting more than 75 As a feature a group of members of age, has gone to Camp Endeavor at a meeting of the board last mifHt, the Westfield Trust Company and hour. per cent of its annual taxes with- of the band will play the sextette from Westfield, for building up by stating that his work with Mew Tst| former mayor of Westfield, told more When the treasure hunt started on in the tax year will be main- University was siieh that as ft* that Gray, Inc., has very generously fur- from "Lucia" by Donizetti. The an abundance of good food and high | m eQUla nm ^ than 300 persons in an address de June 25 about one hundred children tained. Last year Westfield col- he could nonott dt th nished chairs so that a large audience group includes Messrs. Starch, Far- mountain air They are selected by, tJme u „„„.,, „, WBethe i livered Monday morning at the "Sun came to the library to obtain their lected more than 78 per cent of can be comfortably accommodated. row, Loveland, Norton, Lawler and he social worker of the District Nur«-j Mr Jenkin$, rMifI|itlon 'rise Service" held in Mindowaskin initial directions. The game to stim- its annual tax which was $1,210,- Mr, L«et of the Leet Organ Co., Cran- Grove. The band will also play a ing Association, Miss Dawson, fro*, ed ^ t ^ (Park. Mr Beard's address outlined ulate the children to read widely is 000. march, "Cosmos" composed by H. Fay ford, has loaned a small but powerful progressing with increasing interest, among the poorer families of. the I A tkMMe,"M ta wor4i 0, the status of the colonies during the organ to accompany the singing. Al- Bardwell of Westfield. Two composi- town, and an effort is made to give III J_..-I..-H- • period leading up to the adoption of for the idea appeals to the imagina- tions of Victor Herbert will also be bert E. lleder will have general tion. the opportunity to the little ones who his invaluable services rsnasred. the great document of freedom and charge of the meeting while Merton played, "Sweet Mystery of Life" and are anemic and most in need of the There were 3,711 pasiU aalaj he told some of the underlying causes Glover and Richard Farrow, cornet- The children when they join the SADDLE RIVER TO Excerpts from "Mile. Modiste.' vacation. Before starting, all whose in the public schools duriiff tas for the colonies taking such action, is ts; Earl Guy, soloist, and Donald club select from the treasure chest a Among other outstanding composi- j parents cannot afford to provide th« school year just dosed and an svss> The addrcti was a scholarly discus- Belcher will-assist with the music. R. "jewel" one of twelve colored paper PUWESSEX HERE tions to be played are the "Zampa" necessary outfit are supplied with suit- age enrollment of 3,486, •ceoritaf sion of the history of the times and E. Martin will lead the son*; service novelties. The color of the jewel is overture and the Grand March from able clothing and strong shoes from to figures given oat by guservieiaf it clearly indicated the speaker's fa- a key to the map, made out by Cap- Principal Charlei A. PMIhower to all at the opening of the meeting. Rev. Schedule Pal* Match, Saturday "Tannhauser. the relief fund of the District Nurs- miliarity with history. tain Kidd, which is prominently dis- annual report, The average daily aV Finler Keech of the First Baptist Or Sunday At Armory ing Association. played. On this map are twelve is- The band played its second concert tendance was 3,218. The perceatafi Mr. Beard said that Thomai Jef Church, Rahway, will bring the mes- It is hoped that another camping lands, in different colors. In the FiaM Friday evening with Mrs. Agnes of attendance was M. \ ferson poured the soul of the colonies sage. Stauffer as guest artist. The pro-party from Westfield may be arranged into the Act of Independence. He jewels are found directions which for Inter in the summer, as many There were 263 pupils in tas sa- Each week a different speaker will combined with the name of the is- gram and soloist were warmly re- declared that the American Revolu- attend and all have been carefully more children are in need of the good tire system neither tardy nor akssat lands give definite clues as to the tion was a "people's revolution" and chosen. On Sunday, July 17, Rev. food and care this year owing to the Forty-two pupils were expelled aaf measure of the Essex Troop PQlo 'he park a cool retreat. The concert not one of a minority of leaders. But type of treasure which may be found P Q 0 prevalent unemployment and lack of 48 truancy cases were reported. E. E. Peterson of Scotch Plains will Club at their field ,djoinin g \ ,' Included a few moments before the the" people were prepared for their be the speaker. in the books indicated oa the map. adequate incomes, Mr. Philhower gave some interest. fight for freedom by such leaden ai Thus some children are seeking for ing dsta relative to the l«ngtk «f John Adams, John Hancock, Thomas the fine treasure to be found in books ....nue., this"""»" wee*k «•'«end•. »A nomindefinite schedscneo- |M Mh «Tne B]|lck Hor8e Troop» service of the teachers in the local Jefferson and George Washington, he THEEE BANKS PAY dealing with the history of the Amcr ule of this date has not yet been j aSou NEW POSTAGE RATE system. There are only twelve (each* announced as to whether it will bo era who have had one year or lass [continued. ican Indian, some with the stories of Overture, "Zampa" Herold 1 3:30 Saturday afternoon or 3:30 of teaching experience in the West* The service opened at 7 a. m. with $113,822 IN INTEREST the American Revolution, others with Paraphrase, "Die Loreley" ..Nesvadba IN EFFECT TODAY a concert played by members of the Sunday. Announcement will be made field system; 42 who havs had frwa Depositors of the three Westfleld the stories concerned with Abraham a. "Sweet Mystery of Life" Herbert Those who contemplate writing let- WeBtfield Band under the direction later by the Polo Committee. two to four years; 46, who have hat banks have been further enriched by Lincoln. The subjects are as varied b. March, "Cosmos" H. F. Bardwell ters today should bear in mind that of William N. Bartow. At 7:30 the from five to nine yean; 17, whs the receipt of approximately $113,- as the individual tastes of children The Saddle River team is one of Excerpts from "Mile. Modister" th« new three-cent rate is now In ef- jvarious veteran and patriotic organ- have had from ten to fourteen yeani 822.48, representing six months in- may be.