The A9 and A86 Trunk Roads (Crubenmore to ) (Trunking) Order 201[ ]

SCALE KEY PLAN: ______1:20,000

ORDER PLAN: TR1 & TR2______1:5,000




274000E 268000E 270000E 271000E 272000E 269000E 273000E 275000E 277000E




Allt Laraidh


A86 - Kingussie Trunk Road 802500N

Newtonmore point 2 A9 To Kingussie

River Calder TR2 Railway Line (Perth - Inverness Via Carrbridge)

796500N Allt Eoghainn

River Spey 801500N River Spey Highland Railway Line (Perth - Inverness Via Carrbridge) point 1

M9/A9 - Stirling - Thurso Trunk Road Marshes National Ruthven Nature Reserve Barracks


Burn of Ruthven


795500N TR1

River Truim 800500N

Allt Eoghainn Invernahavon Carvan Park


799500N A9 To Perth

270000E 797500N 798500N

279000E 269000E 276000E 277000E 278000E 280000E

794500N Scale :- 1/20000 796500N The A9 and A86 Trunk Roads 271000E 0 500 1000 2000 Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf (Crubenmore to Kincraig) Key Plan of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, © Crown copyright and database right 2018. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey 795500N Metres (Trunking) Order 201[ ] abcd 272000E 274000E Licence Number: 100046668. 273000E 275000E 797500N River Calder

271000E 270000E

Highland Railway Line (Perth - Inverness Via Carrbridge)

B9150 Ralia - Road

River Spey

River Spey

Invermore Lodge point 1

point D point E point C U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road

Ralia Beg point A point B M9/A9 Edinburgh - Stirling - Thurso Trunk Road A9 To Perth A9 To Inverness

point G point H

point F 270000E 797500N


271000E Scale :- 1/5000 The A9 and A86 Trunk Roads Reproduced by permission of Ordnance 0 125 250 500 Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery (Crubenmore to Kincraig) TR1 Office, © Crown copyright and database right 2018. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Metres (Trunking) Order 201[ ] abcd Licence Number: 100046668. 800500N 801500N

276000E A86 Spean Bridge - Kingussie Trunk Road


point 2 277000E B970 Ruthven Road Kerrow Cottage

point S point N point P

point O point M River Spey point Q point R

point I point K

point J point V M9/A9 Edinburgh - Stirling - Thurso Trunk Road A9 To Perth point T

276000E point U A9 To Inverness point L


Highland Railway Line (Perth - Inverness Via Carrbridge)

Ruthven Barracks

B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road B970 Ruthven Road

Burn of Ruthven

799500N 800500N 801500N

277000E Scale :- 1/5000 The A9 and A86 Trunk Roads Reproduced by permission of Ordnance 0 125 250 500 Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery (Crubenmore to Kincraig) TR2 Office, © Crown copyright and database right 2018. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Metres (Trunking) Order 201[ ] abcd Licence Number: 100046668. Nature reserve PART 2 Kerrow Kingussie Cottage BRIDGES OVER NAVIGABLE RIVERS 276000E 801500N PLAN AND SPECIFICATION OF NEW BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER 277000E

SPEY AT KINGUSSIE A86 Spean Bridge - Kingussie Trunk Road


From point K on the south side of the River Spey in The Highland Council area, 134 metres Highland Railway Line (Perth - Inverness Via Carrbridge) or thereby south of the centre line of the existing A9 Trunk Road at the south abutment of the existing Spey Crossing to point L on the north-east side of the River Spey in The Existing Spey River Spey Highland Council area, 39 metres or thereby north-east of the centre line of the existing A9 Crossing

Trunk Road at the north abutment of the existing Spey Crossing. point L River Spey SPANS Seven in total comprising of one navigational span of 65 to 70 metres or

thereby, four spans each of 35 to 40 metres or thereby and one span of B970 Ruthven Road 40 to 45 metres or thereby at the south end of the bridge and one span of

20 to 25 metres or thereby at the north end of the bridge. M9/A9 Edinburgh - Stirling -point Thurso K Trunk Road

HEADWAY 6.9 metres or thereby above the baseline 1 in 10 year flood level which is approximately 222.8 metres above ordnance datum. 800500N

277000E 276000E WATERWAY as existing. Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Location Plan Stationery Office, © Crown copyright and database right 2018. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number: 100046668. Scale :- 1/10000

Cutting 35 to 40 35 to 40 35 to 40 35 to 40 40 to 45 65 to 70 20 to 25 metres or metres or metres or metres or metres or metres or metres or thereby thereby thereby thereby thereby thereby thereby North abutment of proposed bridge

South abutment of proposed bridge

Baseline 1:10 year Flood Level DATUM=216.000m.

CHAINAGE 49960 49980 50000 50020 50040 50060 50080 50100 50120 50140 50160 50180 50200 50220 50240 50260 50280 50300

Elevation (Diagramatic) Scale :-1/1250

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on The A9 and A86 Trunk Roads behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, © Crown (Crubenmore to Kincraig) Scottish Government copyright and database right 2018. All rights reserved. Riaghaltas na h-Alba Ordnance Survey Licence Number: 100046668. (Trunking) Order 201[ ]